Web viewUvas is the Spanish word ... Esperanza is picking roses ... This meant that they would have...

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Transcript of Web viewUvas is the Spanish word ... Esperanza is picking roses ... This meant that they would have...

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Esperanza Rising – Comprehension Questions

1924 & Uvas (pgs. 1-22)1. What is the setting of the story?

The setting of the story is 1930 in Aguascalientas, Mexico. The Ortega family lives on El ranchos de las rosas.

2. What did Esperanza’s papa teach her about the earth?

Esperanza’s father taught her that the earth lives. You can hear it breathe and its the heart beating. He is very passionate about the land.

3. What are “Uvas”?

Uvas is the Spanish word for “grapes”. Esperanza and her family were preparing to harvest the grapes.

4. Why is the harvest Esperanza’s favorite time of year?

The harvest is Esperanza’s favorite time of year because as soon as it is complete it is her birthday.

5. What foreshadowing does the author use to indicate something bad might happen?

Preparing for her party, Esperanza is picking roses to put out on the tables. She pricks her finger on a rose thorn which is bad luck. Her finger does not stop bleeding and she has a premonition that something bad will happen because her father was supposed to meet her but he never showed.

6. How does Esperanza celebrate her birthday each year?

First when she wakes up, Papa and the other men would serenade her with the birthday song. Then she would open gifts and she knew there would be a porcelain doll from Papa and Mama would give her something she had made. Esperanza’s family would throw a big fiesta (party) where her friends and family would come and celebrate her.7. Why are there problems between the landowners and campesinos?

The wealthy people still own most of the land which doesn’t give the poor workers an opportunity to own land. The poor have very little to eat and are angry watching the cattle live better on the ranches.

8. How did Esperanza know her father had died?

First, Esperanza’s Uncle Luis and Uncle Marco showed up at the house with Papa’s belt buckle. It had to be his because it was one-of-a-kind. Then Alfonso and Miguel returned with a wagon that carried a body in back that was completely covered. Esperanza knew it was her father because Alfonso said nothing but was crying.

Las Almendras (pgs. 121-138)

1. Alfonso and Miguel had a surprise for Esperanza and Mama. What was it?

Alfonso and Miguel surprised Esperanza and Mama with roses from El Rancho de Las Rosas. They were able to save a plant after the fire. They brought it from Mexico and planted it near the statue of our Lady of Guadalope. The rose clipping was what Alfonso and Miguel kept watering on their journey to California.

2. Why didn’t Esperanza want to go to the jamaica at first? What made her decide to go?

Esperanza did not want to go to the jamaica at first because she feared that the girls, especially Marta, would make fun of how she does not know how to sweep or do other tasks. Esperanza changed her mind when she heard that Josefina was making almond flan for the fiesta.

3. Why doesn’t Hortensia bathe Esperanza?

Hortensia doesn’t bathe Esperanza because she no longer works for the Ortega family. Also, Esperanza is old enough to bathe herself. Hortensia is kind and helps Esperanza undress.

4. Explain why Marta is encouraging workers to strike?

Marta is encouraging workers to strike so that they can have better working conditions, better housing and to make more money. They were earning 7 cents and she was demanding 10 cents per pound. She suggested striking when the cotton needed to be picked.

5. What did the workers do after Marta tried to get them to strike?

The workers do not listen to Marta and told her to get out of their camp.

6. What does Esperanza learn about Marta? Do you think Esperanza understood Marta better?

Esperanza learns that Marta and her mother are migrant workers which means that they are constantly moving to get work. Marta and her mother are very poor and have horrible living conditions. Esperanza understands Marta’s attitude better once she has learned that she has had a very tough life.

Las Papayas (pgs. 23-38)

1. What are “Las Papayas”?

“Las Papayas” is the Spanish word for Papayas.

2. How did Senor Rodriguez react when Esperanza told him her father was dead?

Senor Rodriguez had not heard the news when he delivered the papayas for Esperanza’s fiesta. He was shocked to hear that papa was dead.

3. Who owned the land after Esperanza’s father died?

Esperanza’s uncle, Tio Luis, is the owner of the land. Esperanza’s mother was only left ownership to the house because it was not customary for women to own land.

4. When Tio Luis and Tio Marco “took care of family business,” what were they really doing?

Tio Luis and Tio Marco were basically living at the ranch as if it was theirs.

5. Why does Tio Luis want to marry Mama? How does she answer?

Tio Luis asked Mama to marry him so that they could live in the house. He also thought that she would influence people to elect him to governor. Mama said that she would never marry him!

6. How did Esperanza feel about Miguel when he touched her hand?

Esperanza recognized that Miguel’s touch made her feel warm and heart skipped a beat. She even blushed. However, she quickly pulled away from him and made him upset. He agreed that there would always be a river between them and they were on different sides.

Los Higos (pgs. 39-57)

1. What are “Los Higos”?

Los Higos are figs.

2. How do you think the first started?

I think that Tio Luis started the fire because he wanted Ramona (mama) to marry him but she said no.

3. What is the one item that Esperanza manages to save from being burned in the house fire? Why did this mean so much to her?

Esperanza manages to save the porcelain doll that Papa gave her for her birthday. This means so much to her because it is the last present she will ever receive from him.

4. Why did Mama say that she would think about Tio Luis’s proposal?

Mama told Tio Luis that she would consider his proposal because he threatened to burn the servant’s quarters next. The workers would not have anywhere to live or work. Mama was concerned for their well being. 5. Why does Mama decide to go to the United states with Alfonso and his family?

Mama decides to go to the United States with Alfonso and his family because she will never marry Tio Luis. She also wants to protect Esperanza because Tio Luis threatened to send her to boarding school.

6. How does Mama trick Tio Luis?

Mama tricked Tio Luis by agreeing to marry him. She says she will marry him in due time but he must first rebuild the house and replant the grapes. She also asked for a wagon to be able to visit Abuelita, who was staying at the convent while her ankle healed.

Las Guayabas (pgs. 58-80)

1. What are “Las Guayabas”?

Las Guayabas are guavas.

2. How did Esperanza and her mother leave Mexico?

Esperanza, her mother and Miguel’s family left the ranch in the middle of the night. They used the new wagon to hide during their escape. Esperanza, her mother and Hortensia were hidden in a secret compartment and covered with Las Guayabas. They eventually boarded a train headed to California.

3. How does Esperanza react when they board the train?

Esperanza was very uncomfortable on the train. She was upset because they were in the lower class car that was meant for peasants. When she confronted Mama about it, Mama explained that they were now peasants. Esperanza was not acting appropriately for her age (12yrs). 4. What does the girl on the train want Esperanza to share?

The little girl on the train wants Esperanza to share the doll that Papa had given to her for her birthday. Esperanza was not nice and would not let her touch her doll. Mama was embarrassed by her behavior and made the little girl a “yarn” doll.

5. Why was Esperanza glad when the little girl got off the train?

Esperanza was glad when the little girl got off the train because she would have been reminded of her own selfishness and Mama’s disapproval for miles.

6. What does Esperanza learn when the family meets Carmen on the train?

Esperanza learns that poor people can be rich without money. Carmen explains that she doesn’t have a lot but she has her family, a beautiful garden, her faith and wonderful memories which she feels makes her wealthy. Carmen even demonstrates this buy giving money to an old crippled woman when all the rich people ignored the woman’s pleas to help.

Los Melones (pgs. 81-99)

1. What are “Los Melones”?

Los Melones are cantaloupes.

2. Who greets the family when they arrive in Los Angeles?

Miguel’s Uncle Juan and Aunt Josefina greet them in Los Angeles. They also brought their daughter Isabella and their twins, Lupe and Pepe.

3. Esperanza thought about the heartbeat of the earth. What happened after she tried to hear it?

Esperanza was unable to hear the heartbeat of the new land in California. This made her very upset and she was crying. At some point she felt as if the world went dark which was when Miguel shook her to consciousness. She had felt sick and fainted.

4. Why does Miguel apologize to Esperanza for Isabel’s comments?

Miguel apologized to Esperanza for Isabel’s comments because Isabel insulted Esperanza making her sound spoiled. He knew that Esperanza assumed Isabell was told she was spoiled directly from the information Miguel wrote her in his letters. He told Esperanza he meant nothing by it.

5. How did Marta treat Esperanza? Be specific; give an examples from the text to support your answer.

Marta treated Esperanza rudely. She was mean and unfriendly. She was very quick to assume that Esperanza’s family were not fair to the peasants (field workers). Marta said her father died in the revolution because of men like Esperanza’s Dad. She also laughed when telling Esperanza that she didn’t live in Mexico anymore.

Las Cebollas (pgs. 105-124)

1. What are “Las Cebollas”?

Las Cebollas are onions.

2. Why did the cabins remind Esperanza of the horse stalls on Papa’s ranch?

The cabin was very small considering that Esperanza and Mama had to live with Alfonso’s family. They were living on top of each other just like the horses in stalls back on Papa’s ranch.

3. Why do Esperanza and Mama have to share a cabin with Hortensia and Alfonso?

Esperanza and Mama had to share a cabin with Hortensia and Alfonso because cabins were only given to each man with a family. There was no housing for single women. Alfonso told the people in charge that Esperanza and Mama were his counsins.

4. What are Mama’s and Esperanza’s jobs at the camp?

Mama’s job was to pack the grapes in the sheds. Esperanza’s job was to stay with Isabel and watch the babies. She was also expected to sweep the wooden platform every afternoon.

5. What did Esperanza tell Isabel? Why would she do this?

Esperanza told Isabel that they would not be staying long at the camp. As soon as Abuelita was well enough to travel, she would come with money and they will buy a big house. Esperanza said they would even buy two houses, one for Miguel’s family so that they could work for her again. She said this to Isabel because she was miserable with her new living conditions and did not want to believe that this was a permanent situation.

6. How did Mama change her hair? Why?

Mama’s hair was no longer in the beautiful plaited bun. She wore a long braid down her back so that she would be able to wear a hat while she worked. Wearing her hair in a braid rather than up in a bun is more common with peasant workers, which Mama now was.

7. Esperanza was nice to Silvia. Why?

Esperanza was nice to Silvia because she remembered how Mama was kind to the peasant girl on the train and how disappointed she was with how Esperanza had treated her. She didn’t want Silvia to start crying so she held her hands even though they were very dirty.

8. What does Miguel teach Esperanza to do?

Miguel teaches Esperanza how to sweep. He said that she shouldn’t feel bad because no one had ever taught her; the only thing she was taught was how to give a command.

Las Almendras (pgs. 121-138)

1. Alfonso and Miguel had a surprise for Esperanza and Mama. What was it?

Alfonso and Miguel surprised Esperanza and Mama with roses from El Rancho de Las Rosas. They were able to save a plant after the fire. They brought it from Mexico and planted it near the statue of our Lady of Guadalope. The rose clipping was what Alfonso and Miguel kept watering on their journey to California.

2. Why didn’t Esperanza want to go to the jamaica at first? What made her decide to go?

Esperanza did not want to go to the jamaica at first because she feared that the girls, especially Marta, would make fun of how she does not know how to sweep or do other tasks. Esperanza changed her mind when she heard that Josefina was making almond flan for the fiesta.

3. Why doesn’t Hortensia bathe Esperanza?

Hortensia doesn’t bathe Esperanza because she no longer works for the Ortega family. Also, Esperanza is old enough to bathe herself. Hortensia is kind and helps Esperanza undress.

4. Explain why Marta is encouraging workers to strike?

Marta is encouraging workers to strike so that they can have better working conditions, better housing and to make more money. They were earning 7 cents and she was demanding 10 cents per pound. She suggested striking when the cotton needed to be picked.

5. What did the workers do after Marta tried to get them to strike?

The workers do not listen to Marta and told her to get out of their camp.

6. What does Esperanza learn about Marta? Do you think Esperanza understood Marta better?

Esperanza learns that Marta and her mother are migrant workers which means that they are constantly moving to get work. Marta and her mother are very poor and have horrible living conditions. Esperanza understands Marta’s attitude better once she has learned that she has had a very tough life.

Las Ciruelas (pgs. 139-157)

1. What are Las Ciruelas?

Las Ciruelas are plums.

2. What happens to the two babies under Esperanza’s care?

Esperanza fed the babies uncooked plums which caused them to have upset stomachs. This required many diaper changes.

3. Why doesn’t the strike take place?

The strike doesn’t take place because of the dust storm. The cotton was covered in dust and was no longer worth harvesting. Therefore, the strike was cancelled due to nature.

4. How does the dust storm affect Mama?

The dust storm made Mama very sick. She developed a cough that she couldn’t get rid of.

5. Why did Mama keep coughing?

Mama kept coughing because the dust storm caused her to get Valley Fever.

6. How did the doctor describe Valley Fever?

The doctor described Valley Fever as a disease of the lungs that is caused by dust spores. It is not contagious. Mama got it because she is new to the area and wasn’t used to the air in the valley. People who live there inhale the dust spores at one time or another and their bodies can overcome the infection. Some get over Valley Fever in a few days but others cannot fight the infection and get very sick.

Las Papas (pgs. 158-178)

1. What are Las Papas?

Las Papas are potatoes.

2. Esperanza began to crochet the blanket. What else had she promised Abuelita she would do?

Esperanza promised Abuelita that she would finish crocheting the blanket. She also promised her that she would take care of Mama.

3. Why did Hortensia tell Esperanza not to send a letter to Abuelita?

Hortensia told Esperanza not to send a letter to Abuelita because Tio Luis were watching the convent and the post office. They did not want the uncles to know where they were or what was happening with Mama.

4. Why did Esperanza start working? What was the job?

Esperanza started working because she needed money to bring Abuelita to them in California. She thought that Mama would get better if Abuelita was with her. She got a job with Josefina and Hortensia cutting potato eyes.

5. Why did Marta’s aunt say that Marta could not live with her family?

Marta’s aunt said that Marta could not live with her family because she feared that Marta would make trouble for them. She was worried that they would be asked to leave the camp. She was worried that they could lose their jobs.

6. Isabel tells Esperanza that she wants “anything” for Christmas. Why did Esperanza want what Isabel had (she had nothing, but she also had everything)? (pg. 176)

Isabel wants “anything” for Christmas because she doesn’t usually get gifts. Esperanza is envious of Isabel because she feels Isabel has everything. She has both her parents. Her father is alive and her mother is well.

7. How does Esperanza spend Christmas?

Esperanza spends Christmas with Mama visiting her in the hospital. Mama is not conscious and probably doesn’t even realize that Esperanza is there.

8. Why did Esperanza call herself la patrona, or the head of the family?

Esperanza called herself la patrona, or the head of the family because papa was dead and Mama was sick. Esperanza had to be in charge of the Ortega family.

Los Aguacates (pgs. 179-198)

1. What are Los Aguacates?

Los Aguacates are avocados.

2. Why does the doctor prohibit Esperanza from visiting her mother in the hospital?

The doctor prohibited Esperanza from visiting Mama in the hospital because she cannot be exposed to any harmful germs for at least one month. Mama now has pneumonia and needs to be in a special ward with people who have long term illnesses.

3. What does Mama mean when she says to Esperanza “No matter what happens”? (pg. 184)

When Mama says that “no matter what happens” she knows that Esperanza will be alright. Mama fears that she might die but realizes that Esperanza has changed her attitude about working hard.

4. What did some Americans think about Mexicans?

Some Americans think Mexicans are uneducated, dirty, poor, and unskilled. Miguel explains to Esperanza that Americans see them as one big, brown group who are good for only manual labor. They are biased and don’t realize that many Mexicans are educated and had professional possessions before immigrating to America.

5. What are the living conditions at the strikers’ camp?

The living conditions at the strikers’ camp are very poor. They have outside plumbing, people lived in tents and some even lived in their cars. Mattresses were on the ground. Esperanza was amazed at the squalor of the living conditions.

6. Compare the way Marta acted to Esperanza now compared to when she first met her?

After Esperanza gave the children her Piñata, Marta treated her kindly and with respect. She recognized how hard Esperanza had been working and that she was no longer the princess from when she first arrived. Marta had been very cruel and rude to Esperanza in the beginning.

7. Why did Marta warn Esperanza and Miguel to be careful if they did not join the strike?

Marta warned Esperanza and Miguel to be careful if they did not join the strike because they might physically be harmed by the people organizing the strike.

8. How does the strike become a time of opportunity for Miguel?

The strike becomes a time of opportunity for Miguel because he was able to get a job at the machine shop at the railroad. Miguel knows it might not be for long but he hopes they’ll keep him if he does a good job.

Los Esparrogos (pgs. 199-213)

1. What are “Los Esparragos”?

Los Esparragos are asparagus.

2. Why do the strikers frighten Esperanza and the other women?

The strikers frighten Esperanza and the other women because they yell and threaten them when they are going to the shed to do their jobs.

3. What do the strikers do to stop the work in the packing shed?

The strikers place “presents” in the crates for the women to find as they are packing the asparagus. They left snakes, glass shards, blades and rats which make the women afraid to complete their tasks.

4. What did the strikers believe would happen if people did not strike?

The strikers believed that people would starve eventually because they would be paid less money for working the same jobs.

5. Why was Marta hiding?

Marta was hiding in the shed because a “sweep” was occurring. She was afraid that she would get caught and be deported to Mexico even though she is an American citizen. She also did not want to be separated from her mother.

6. How does Esperanza help Marta?

Esperanza helps Marta first, by not reporting her. She then gives her an apron and asparagus so that she can leave with the other workers without getting caught. 7. What happened to the people that were caught by the immigration officers?

The people that were caught by the immigration officers were first sent to Texas where they would board trains back to Mexico even if they were American citizens.

8. What did Miguel and Esperanza find when they went to the strikers’ camp the second time?

Miguel and Esperanza found that the strikers’ camp was deserted the second time they were there. There were no people; only a goat tied to a tree and

clothes on lines. Esperanza also saw the piñata that she gave the children. It had been torn and only strips of paper were left.

Los Duraznos (pgs. 214-233)

1. What are “Los Duraznos”?

Los Duraznos are peaches.

2. Why was Isabel praying so frequently?

Isabel is praying frequently because she wants to be chosen Queen of the May for the May Day festivities at her school.

3. How is the “Queen of the May” chosen? Why does Esperanza think Isabel won’t be chosen Queen of the May?

The Queen of the May is selected by the girl who has the best grades. Even though Isabel has straight A’s, Esperanza doesn’t think she will be selected because she is Mexican.

4. How will the camp for the people from Oklahoma be different than Esperanza’s camp? Be specific.

The camp for the people from Oklahoma will be different than Esperanza’s camp because it will have hot water and inside toilets. They will also have a swimming pool. The owner had purchased an old army barracks for the people from Oklahoma.

5. What happened to Miguel at work? Why was he muddy?

Miguel was told that he could no longer work on the motors at the railroad because the men from Oklahoma were going to take his position. He was offered to either lay tracks or dig ditches. He was very muddy because he chose to dig ditches rather than have no job at all.

6. Why do Miguel and Esperanza argue?

Miguel and Esperanza argue because she is very frustrated over their living and working conditions. She feels as if they are being taken advantage of and things will never get better. Miguel explains that at least in America there is hope that he will have more opportunities eventually because in Mexico he would always be a servant. Esperanza told Miguel that he is still a servant and he replied that she still thinks she is a queen.

7. What happened after Miguel and Esperanza argue?

Miguel leaves for Northern California hoping to look for work on the railroad.

8. What did Esperanza do to comfort Isabel for not being chosen the Queen of the May?

Esperanza gave Isabel her porcelain doll that Papa had given her on her last birthday. She wanted Isabel to not be sad because she wasn’t chosen the Queen of the May. She explained to Isabel that Queen of the May was only one short day and the doll would last more than a day and that Papa would be upset that the doll wasn’t being played with.

9. What good news did Esperanza receive?

The doctor told Esperanza and Hortensia that Mama was improving and that she would be able to come home.

10. Who do you think took the money orders? Give two reasons to support your answers.

Answers will vary!

Los Uvas (pgs. 234-253)

1. Why did Miguel bring Abuelita to Esperanza?

Miguel brought Abuelita to Esperanza to show her she should still have hope that life can get better. He also wanted to make amends after their argument.

2. What happened when Mama recognized Abuelita? How did Esperanza and Isabel feel?

When Mama recognized Abuelita she could not talk because she was so emotional. She didn’t believe that Abuelita was really there. Esperanza and Isabel both felt like their hearts were dancing; they also were very emotional and happy.

3. What happened to Abuelita in the year before she came to California?

Abuelita was followed everywhere by Tio Luis’ men. He was very angry when Mama and Esperanza fled. He thought they were still in Mexico and would eventually reach out to Abuelita.

4. Why did the author include a description of the zigzag stiches during Abuelita’s story.

The author included the description of the zigzag stiches during Abuelita’s story because it reminded the reader of her message in the beginning of the novel that life has many ups and downs. Abuelita told Esperanza that she would have lived many mountains and valleys by the time they saw each other again. Abuelita also kept her promise.

5. Instead of the months of the years to help her remember when things happened, what did Esperanza use?

Instead of the months of the years to help her remember when things happened, Esperanza referred to the fruits and vegetables they harvested.

6. A few days before Esperanza’s birthday, she begs Miguel to drive her to the foothills before sunrise. Why?

Esperanza begs Miguel to drive her to the foothills before sunrise so that she could try to hear the Earth’s heartbeat once again. It was important because although Papa was dead, he would always be a part of her. She also wanted to share this with Miguel.

7. How does Esperanza celebrate her birthday?

Esperanza celebrates her birthday with a party; NOT a lavish fiesta but she is surrounded by her family and friends and that makes her happy. There were no gifts but she was serenaded like in the past.

8. Esperanza did not get fancy gifts for her birthday, but she was happy. How do you know?

Esperanza was happy even though she didn’t get fancy gifts for her birthday because she realized all she needed were her family, a garden full of roses, her faith, and the memories of those who had gone before her. Her birthday was a celebration different from years past but there was hope for years to come.

9. Describe two things that Esperanza saw when she was listening to the Earth’s heartbeat. What do you think they meant?

One thing that Esperanza saw when she was rising above the earth was Mama sitting on a blanket covered in the zigzag blanket. This means that Mama will recover and be well. Another thing Esperanza saw was Marta holding hands with her Mother. Esperanza wanted to believe that Marta and her mother were settled somewhere new but alright. She also saw Isabel and Abuelita walking barefoot in the vineyards. This meant that they would have their own land someday that they would harvest and make wine. Most importantly, Esperanza saw a girl and a boy sitting together on the same side of the river, enjoying the fruits of the earth.

10. Why is this book called “Esperanza Rising”?

This book is called “Esperanza Rising” because she was able to rise and overcome the difficulties of life. She is a dynamic character who evolved throughout the story. Also, Esperanza’s name means hope in Spanish which shows the reader that you must never lose hope.

Esperanza means “hope” in Spanish.