…  · Web viewThis Charter demonstrates the ... including the demonstration of core NHS...

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Welcome PackWest 0-19 Health Visiting & School Nursing

Team Walkden Clinic

Bridgewater Road



M28 3JE

Tel: 0161 206 2085 (Health Visitors)

0161 206 2128 (School Nurses)

An Introduction to Salford

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Salford is a city constantly changing and moving into an exciting future as a

thriving cultural, economic and residential location. From urban buzz to greenbelt

tranquility, Salford is building on the mixture of its waterfront, urban and

countryside environments to create places where people want to live, work,

invest and visit.

Salford is about 200 miles North West of London. With excellent road and public

transport links to all parts of the UK, the city is well placed as a visitor and

commercial centre. And Manchester International Airport, gateway to over 200

international destinations, is just a few miles away too. The city of Salford covers

37 square miles and the five districts of Salford, Eccles, Worsley, Irlam and

Cadishead, and Swinton and Pendlebury. Some 220,000 people are proud to call

Salford their home!

Salford's closeness to Manchester city centre makes it an important part of the

economy and culture that is driving England's North West forward. Salford and

Manchester enjoy a unique situation: their connection creates a wealth of

opportunities ranging from the potential for business relocation and development

to establishing Salford's waterways and watersides as key regional and national

visitor attractions and turning the city into a residential area of choice within

Greater Manchester.

Our Philosophy

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Children’s Services: Empowered to Enable

Mission Statement

By placing children, young people and families first, we will safely deliver high quality services that will empower and enable them to achieve their full potential.

The 0-19 Service aims to respect and recognise each infant, child and young

person as unique individuals whose best interests must be paramount, whilst

considering their physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs, as

well as those of the family.

The aim of this orientation pack is to provide relevant information so that each

student can make full use of the appropriate learning opportunities available

within Central health visiting team locality and the surrounding areas, and enjoy a

positive learning experience.

‘As a team we believe we offer students a safe and welcoming environment. We

encourage individual and collaborative working, and the team endeavor to

enhance the students learning experience by sharing their extensive skills,

knowledge and expertise.

We believe each student is an individual and will treat them as such. We will

negotiate action plans and strive to ensure they meet the students learning

outcomes, enabling them to be in control of their own learning.

We aim to motivate students and give them a feeling of belonging.

As a team, we recognise that students will come with different life experiences

and different levels of knowledge, and during your placement we will endeavor to

facilitate relevant learning opportunities as identified by your action plans.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Learning is a two way process however, you are ultimately responsible for your

own educational and professional development.

You have been allocated a named mentor and co-mentor for your time with us

and will remain supernumerary during your placement. If you have any specific

learning needs, they should be discussed at the earliest opportunity.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Achieving excellence in learning and care...Placement CharterThis Charter demonstrates the Placement’s commitment to provide a safe and high quality learning environment for all learners to prepare them for their future roles working collaboratively in multi-professional teams. The ‘Placement Pledges’ and the ‘Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of learners’ instill the values embedded within the NHS Constitution (DH 2013) and Health Education England’s NHS Education Outcomes Framework (DH 2012).

Placement Pledges Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of learners

Ensure all learners are welcomed, valued and provided with an inclusive, safe, stimulating and supportive learning experience.

Prepare adequately for the placement, including contact with the placement in advance. Disclose any health or learning needs that may impact on the placement, or the achievement of learning outcomes.

Promote a healthy and ‘just’ workplace culture built on openness and accountability, encouraging all learners to raise any concerns they may have about poor practice or ‘risk’, including unacceptable behaviours and attitudes they observe at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Respond appropriately when concerns are raised.

Raise any serious concerns about poor practice or ‘risk’, including unacceptable behaviours and attitudes observed at the earliest opportunity. Be clear who to report any concerns to in order to ensure that high quality, safe care to patients /service users and careers is delivered by all staff.

Provide all learners with a named and appropriately qualified / suitably prepared mentor / placement educator to supervise support and assess all learners during their placement experience.

Actively engage as an independent learner, discuss learning outcomes with an identified named mentor / placement educator, and maximize all available learning opportunities.

Provide role modelling and leadership in learning and working, including the demonstration of core NHS ‘values and behaviours’ of care and compassion, equality, respect and dignity, promoting and fostering those values in others.

Observe effective leadership behaviour of healthcare workers, and learn the required NHS ‘values and behaviours’ of care and compassion, equality, respect and dignity, promoting and fostering those values in others.

Facilitate a learner’s development, including respect for diversity of culture and values around collaborative planning, prioritisation and delivery of care, with the learner as an integral part of the multi-disciplinary team.

Be proactive and willing to learn with, from and about other professions, other learners and with service users and carers in the placement. Demonstrate respect for diversity of culture and values, learning and working as part of the multi-disciplinary team.

Facilitate breadth of experience and inter- Maximise the opportunity to experience the

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

professional learning in placements, structured with the patient, service user and carer at the centre of care delivery, e.g. patient care pathways and commissioning frameworks.

delivery of care in a variety of practice settings, and seek opportunities to learn with and from patients, service users and carers.

Adopt a flexible approach, utilising generic models of learner support, information, guidance, feedback and assessment across the placement circuit in order to support the achievement of placement learning outcomes for all learners.

Ensure effective use of available support, information and guidance, reflect on all learning experiences, including feedback given, and be open and willing to change and develop on a personal and professional level.

Offer a learning infrastructure and resources to meet the needs of all learners, ensuring that all staff who supervise learners undertake their responsibilities with the due care and diligence expected by their respective professional and regulatory body and organisation

Comply with placement policies, guidelines and procedures, and uphold the standards of conduct, performance and ethics expected by respective professional and regulatory bodies and organisations.

Respond to feedback from all learners on the quality of the placement experience to make improvements for all learners.

Evaluate the placement to inform realistic improvements, ensuring that informal and formal feedback is provided in an open and constructive manner.

• ‘Learner’ refers to all health, education and social care students, trainees, hosted learners.

• ‘Placement’ relates to all learning environments / work based learning experiences.

• ‘Mentor’/ ‘placement educator’ relates to all trainers / supervisors / coordinators appropriately qualified / suitably prepared to support learners.

• ‘Professional and regulatory body and organisation’ relates to standards required to ensure patient and public safety, and professional behaviours.

Developed in the North West by healthcare learners, service users, carers, and health and social care staff from all professions in the North West region.

Health Education North West

Mentoring arrangements

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

In line with the NMC requirements that students must be supervised, directly or indirectly, by their named mentor for at least 40% of the time, and mentors must be allocated to students at least one week in advance.  The student’s first day on placement must be planned to coincide with the named mentor’s off duty.

Mentor:“The term mentor is used to denote the role of the Nurse, Midwife or Health Visitor who facilitates learning and supervises and assesses students in the practice setting”ENB, DOH 2001

West Health Visiting Team aim to “Maintain an environment which is conducive to learning and reflects research based practice”

If you have any difficulties in practice, which you feel you cannot discuss with your mentor you can contact

Your Practice Education Lead Hayley Burgess, Faye Williams or Sarah Boulter on 0161 206 2085/2128 or email Hayley.burgess@srft.nhs.uk/faye.williams@srft.nhs.uk/sarah.boulter@srft.nhs.uk

Your personal tutor The University Link Lecturer Helen Franks on 0161 295 6420 SRFT Practice Education Facilitator Andrea Mansfield 0161 206

3201/8223 or 07818077092 or email andrea.mansfield@srft.nhs.uk

The Role of the 0-19 Health Visitor and School Nursing Team

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Within the community, the 0-19 Service has access to all children from 0-19

years (0-25 SEND) and therefore has an important role in fulfilling the health

needs of these children and their families.

The Salford 0-19 Service offers a universal service following the Healthy Child

Programme (HCP) to these families using standard operating Procedures

(SOP’s) and the 4-5-6 model. This will ensure that information is given to

families in a timely manner in accordance with the latest evidenced based

research in core contacts and public health issues.

https://www.gov.uk/.../healthy-child-programme-0-to-19-health-visitor-and- school-nurse-commissioning


All Health Visitors, school nurses and community Staff Nurses are qualified

nurses from a variety of backgrounds holding Adult, Mental Health, Child or

Midwifery registration. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

The Health Visitors and School Nurses have undertaken additional training at

degree level or above in child health, health promotion and specialist public

health nursing and have a major role in safeguarding children. Having also

undertaken the non-medical prescribing qualification, they are able to diagnose

and prescribe relevant treatments for identified health needs.

The Community Staff Nurses are able to support the 0-19 Service with the

delivery of the HCP by providing home visits for the health, weight and

development monitoring of infants, national child measurement programme, and

health assessments within schools. They are also able to provide additional

support to families with complex/medical needs, and have experience with the 0-

19 age range. The Staff Nurses work alongside the Health Visitor in healthy child

clinics to support growth and measurements, and the School Nurses to deliver

the immunisation programme, drop ins, sexual health, healthier lifestyles and

Emotional health and well-being.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

The Community Nursery Nurses hold recognised Child Care qualifications. They

are able to support the Health Visitor in providing addition support for identified

families. They attend clinic sessions for weight monitoring and advice, and

facilitate the running of groups such as first foods and breast feeding support.

The Nursery Nurses will arrange and perform developmental reviews of infants

aged 24 months, and are able to provide advice on issues such as behavior,

sleep, eating and toilet training, making any necessary referrals. Each Nursery

nurse is a link to an identified nursey to support transition for school readiness.

School Health Assistants support the School nurses and Community Staff

Nurses with the delivery of the HCP. They support with the immunisation

programme and coordinate the sessions at each school. They are Key to

delivering the National Child Measurement Programme for reception and year 6


The Health Visitor Assistant provides the administrational support of the team.

They will make up records for new infants allocated to the cluster, and arrange

for records to be sent onto relevant bodies upon request. They have a vast

experience of the databases used within the community setting and will

undertake the ordering and distribution of requisitions.

The West 0-19 Team comprises of:

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Michelle Jones Cluster Lead Health Visitor

Faye Williams Health Visitor CPT/PEL

Sarah Boulter School Nurse CPT/PEL

Hayley Burgess Health Visitor

Nicola Jones Health Visitor

Dorothy (Doe) Owens Health Visitor

Lyndsay Briody Health Visitor

Josie Hughes Health Visitor

Kerry Wilson Health Visitor

Karen Wilkinson Health Visitor

Tina Grannell Health Visitor

Emily Palmer Health Visitor

Natalie Casson School Nurse

Danielle Harrison School Nurse

Calli de Souza Community Staff Nurse

Faye Wheeler Community Staff Nurse

Debbie Harrison Community Staff Nurse

Alexia Taylor Nursery Nurse

Faye Ormes Nursery Nurse

Julie Hood School Nurse Assistant

Jackie Capstick School Nurse Assistant

Debs O’Halloran Health Visitor Administrator

Sue Jones Health Visitor Administrator

Josie Taylor Health Visitor Administrator

Meet The Team

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer



My name is Michelle Jones and I am the Cluster Lead Health Visitor for West team.

I qualified as a Health Visitor in 1996 and have worked in numerous areas throughout Salford as a Health Visitor, Sure Start Health Visitor

and Cluster Lead.Prior to commencing my Health Visitor training I worked as a Midwife

at Bolton General Hospital and also at Blackpool Victoria Hospital.The role of Cluster Lead can be quite stressful and challenging, but working with a motivated, hardworking team means that together we provide best practice for our clients and provide a supportive working

environment for all team members.This supportive environment is hopefully recognised and valued by

students on placement with the West HV team.

Faye WilliamsHealth Visitor & Practice Teacher

Practice Education Lead

At the age of sixteen I became a Cadet Nurse with the frilly hat and cloak. I completed this training for two years, whilst undertaking my A- levels part time. There was nothing more fun than cleaning metal

bed pans, wiping down patient’s lockers and working in the laboratories. By the time I started my Nurse training I had already

watched a patient die and undertaken ‘last-offices’.I felt well prepared for my General Nurse Training , all the exams I took were unseen papers with a Pre State final exam and a State Final Exam, both were three hour unseen papers. This gave no

opportunity for cheating of help from my friends Ha! Ha! I was so excited when I qualified as a registered Nurse and got the thick navy

stripe on my nurse’s hat. I had a job waiting for me on the Medical ward where I was currently a student. I felt so proud as I knew they

had handpicked me.I spent a year working on the Medical Ward then moved to a Surgical

Ward. I moved from there to specialise in Coronary Care and

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Intensive Care. It was this that made my decision to apply for secondment to complete the ENB course in Intensive care. I moved

to a Cardio Thoracic Unit and spent a year there. From this I gained a Sisters post in charge of a very busy unit completing Dialysis and

dealing with Major Trauma Patients including many fatalities.Watching the lives of many young people pass away altered my career direction. Following the birth of my son who was born with significant health problems, it steered my direction towards Health

Visiting. I did complete the course by the grace of god. I never thought I would see the light at the other end of the tunnel, or any

book so hard to read.I have worked in most clinics within the Salford area.

I have undertaken lots of valuable extended Roles such as Examination of the New-born at Masters Level which I have carried out as part of the Child Health Surveillance Programme carried out

normally by G.P’s. My Enthusiasm lies with Learning and Development therefore I have successfully completed the Practice Teacher Training at Masters. I support the specialist Community

Practitioners in Health Visiting to complete their training and facilitate the learning needs and mentorship of training Practice Teachers

coming into the role. I have completed Research projects and many Audits. I hold the V300 qualification and love prescribing new

products for my families.


Hi, my name is Nicola Jones and I have been a health visitor for 3 yrs here at Walkden. Prior to this I worked with Little Hulton health

visiting team as a staff nurse for 8yrs. I trained as an adult nurse when I was 19yrs and did further training at Pendlebury Children’s

Hospital to become a childrens nurse (RSCN). For 10yrs I worked as a staff nurse on an orthopaedic and ENT ward which specialised in spinal surgery, this lead me to becoming a scoliosis specialist nurse

for approx 2yrs. I have always had an interest in working with students and enjoy being a mentor. I completed my 998 mentorship course many years ago and then did ‘prep for mentorship’ module at

Bolton Uni more recently as a refresher.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

I am married with 2 boys (Ben and Oliver).

Lyndsay Briody

I am a qualified Paediatric Nurse having qualified in 2008 with a degree from Salford University.

I began a career in Neonatal Intensive Care upon qualifying, working at Salford Royal Hospital. I did this for 10months full time, during

which talks were under way regarding the impending closure of the unit and reallocation of staff to several other units across Greater Manchester. An opportunity presented itself within the community, which I applied for and was successful in gaining employment as a staff nurse for Trafford working alongside the health visiting team. I

reduced my contract on Neonates to one day a week (at a weekend) and commenced work as a full time community staff nurse within

health visiting. Following on 12months from this, I was encouraged by management to apply and again was successful in securing a place

on the Specialist Community Practice Health Visiting course at Manchester Metropolitan Community. Due to study, I reluctantly resigned from my career in neonates and spent the proceeding

12months in fulltime education, qualifying as Health Visitor in 2011. I have worked in this role ever since, covering very diverse areas such as the affluent areas of Hale during my time at Trafford, to the very

deprived area of Little Hulton in Salford.


I began my nursing career in 1984 training as an Enrolled Nurse. On completion of training I worked at Ladywell Hospital for 15 years

working with the elderly. I worked for 10 years specialising in stroke rehabilitation and 5 years in orthopaedic rehabilitation before going to day services. During this time I also completed my RGN conversion

course and completed a Diploma in Adult nursing. After leaving Ladywell Hospital I then went to work as a Community district nurse

for 5 years gaining a varied amount of skills. Following this I then worked as a staff nurse in health visiting for 4 years before going on

to complete my SPCHV course in January 2014.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer


Hi, I am known to the team as Doe Owens. I started my nursing career as a home carer for the elderly. When my children had started

school full time, I took up a role as a support assistant on the renal dialysis unit at Salford Royal. After a year on the unit, I was fortunate

enough to be seconded to undertake my nurse training at Salford University. It was diploma back then, but I graduated with a Diploma with Advanced Standing: Adult Nursing: basically half way toward a

degree qualification.Whilst on mother and baby placement, I accessed a spoke placement

for a day on the neonatal unit and submitted my CV to them at the Trust’s open day. I secured a job with them and worked on the unit for three years. A vacancy then came up for a neonatal outreach

nurse; basically seeing the babies when they are discharged home from the unit, being a source of support to the midwifery service for

poor feeding issues or obtaining blood samples from infants with jaundice problems. I regularly monitored the health and well-being of infants on home tube-feeding programmes, home oxygen pathways

or end of life care; I spent a further three years in this role.

Due to changes within the maternity services at Salford Royal and the impending closure of the neonatal service, I took the decision to join the Health Visiting service as a staff nurse. The opportunity arose to undertake Health Visitor training and I qualified in September 2012. I

am the Newborn Screening Coordinator for Salford, the trainer for non-patient manual handing and ANTT for the West cluster health visiting team, and have undertaken the Safeguarding Supervision

course at University of Bolton.


Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Hi my name is Hayley Burgess. I am a mum of 2 – Katie and Tom - and live in Bolton. My background is in Midwifery. I started my

Midwifery training in 1998 as a direct entrant (no nursing training). I completed my training at Hope Hospital in 2001 and proceeded to

work there for a further 10 years. In 2010I left Midwifery to further a career in Health Visiting. I qualified as a Health Visitor in September 2011 and have always been based at

Walkden Clinic.


My name is Emily Palmer I have been a Health Visitor since October 2012, I am an adult trained nurse and completed my health visiting degree following completion of my adult nursing degree. I initially began working at Little Hulton clinic then I completed an internal

rotation onto an adult trauma unit for three months. I have been a Health Visitor at Walkden clinic since May 2013.


My name is a Karen Wilkinson. I qualified as a children’s nurse in March 2006. I worked at St Mary’s neonatal unit for 2 ½ years until I

took up a post as a staff nurse working with Health Visitors in Oldham. I went on to do my specialist public health degree in health

visiting qualifying in September 2011 and have worked in Salford as a health visitor since.


My name is Kerry Wilson and I have been part of the West Health Visiting Team since September 2015. My Nurse training commenced

in 2003 where I attended The University of Manchester for 3 years and qualified with a Diploma in Professional Studies in Adult Nursing. My first job as a trained nurse was on a medical oncology ward where

I lasted a whole 4 months! I realised Medical Oncology was not for

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

me and was successful at applying to work on a gynaecology rotation at Saint Marys Hospital in Manchester. Here my first rotation

placement was reproductive medicine and In Vitro Fertilisation and I liked it so much I asked for a permanent position. I remained there

until 2010 when I had my little boy and due to the commute into central Manchester I realised I needed to re look at my options. I applied for position of Evening District Nurse and fortunately was

successful. I worked as a District Nurse for 5 years and when my little boy was old enough to attend school I applied to The University of Bolton to become a Health Visitor. My training was a LONG HARD

12 months and I was lucky to finally qualify with a Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing/ Health

Visiting. I was successful at interview to work on the West Health Visiting Team and I qualified from University on the 12th September

2015 and started work as a qualified Health Visitor on 14th September 2015. The rest is History


My name is Tina Grannell. I qualified as a Paediatric Nurse in March 2006; prior to my nurse training I was a qualified Nursery Nurse

working within a special needs school.

I worked as a Staff Nurse on a Paediatric Ward from March 2006, and then took a position as a Staff Nurse within the School Health Team. I did this for 3 years then became a Team leader within this


I left School Health in 2012 to commence on the Health Visiting course; I qualified in September 2013 and have been based within

the Walkden area since this date.

An interest within my current role is Sexual Health and I am currently accessing further education within this field.


Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer


My name is Calli De Souza I am a Registered Adult Nurse I started studying for my BSC Hons Adult nursing degree in September 2011 and Qualified in September 2014.I initially began working at Salford royal hospital in September 2014 on an acute gastroenterology ward

to gain some hospital experience before I gained a post within the community which was my aim since I qualified. My main

responsibilities within the health visiting team are to ensure that all 3-4 month reviews and 9-12 month reviews are completed. On a

weekly basis I also hold one baby clinic a week, and I support any families who may need additional intervention.

Deborah Harrison

Rgn . Completed 1984I worked on male elderly care immediately following qualifying. I then

worked on a female Orthopedic ward for a short time.Following this I moved to St Annes Hospice where I worked for

almost 18 years.I changed to community following this and worked as a district nurse

in Salford for a number of years until I took advantage of a redeployment opportunity and moved over to Health Visiting.

I firstly worked in Eccles until coming to the Walkden team in approx. 2010 -2011.



My name is Faye Ormes I have been a Community Nursery Nurse since 2002, I am Btec Nursery Nurse Trained, but also have a HDN in

Early Years and a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies with a 2.1 classification. I initially began working at Little Hulton clinic then

moved to Walkden clinic in 2008.  My main responsibilities are to ensure that all the 2 year development checks are completed, liaise

with the local nurseries with regard the integrated 2 year checks and I support families with children who have addition needs. I also advise

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

and support families with behaviour, feeding and sleep difficulties. My specialist interest is sleep management.



My name is Sarah Jane Boulter, I have a diploma in Children’s Nursing which I received in 2003, a BSc degree in Acute Child Care (2009) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public

Health Nursing (School Nursing pathway) (2012). I completed my Preparation for Mentorship as part of my modular degree.

I have worked at Walkden Clinic as a School Health Advisor / Team leader since October 2012. Prior to this I worked as a Staff Nurse within the school Health Team based in Ordsall. I was in this role

from March 2010 – October 2011 when I started my Specialist Practitioner course. My previous Nursing background is 5 years in

Paediatric High Dependency Nursing at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and 2 years in Surgical and Orthopaedic Paediatric Nursing at Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital which is also where I initially


I have been a Practice Teacher within School Health since October 2013, supporting post-graduate students to complete the Specialist

Practitioner pathway in Public Health (School Nursing pathway).

I live locally and am married with 3 children; Khloe, Kieran, Eva-Rose


Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Debbie O’HalloranSue jones

Travel Directions to Walkden Health Centre (M28 3JE)



Please use the above links to get directions


Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

To ring placement prior to commencement for information and name of


Arrive on time. The core hours worked are 8.00 to 18.00 however this can

be discussed with your mentor.

You will need to provide a copy of your CRB/DBS certificate.

Uniforms should be worn and should be worn in a clean and tidy manner

as per university uniform policy.

University ID must be worn at all times.

Student placement paperwork should be available at all times.

Mobile phones should be on silent or turned off (particularly when in a

client’s home).

Always act in a professional manner and maintain confidentiality at all


No Private calls to be made on the office phones.

Ensure your mentor is given an up to date contact number for yourself and

details of an emergency contact.

If sick or otherwise unable to attend your placement, please contact the

office on 0161 206 6081 and speak to your mentor at the earliest


You are also responsible for informing the university and an absence

notification will be forwarded by your mentor to NursMid-


If you have any issues about your placement, please speak to your mentor

/co-mentor, PEL or Cluster Lead as soon as possible. If this is not possible

then contact the PEF team PEFTeam@srft.nhs.uk or your personal tutor.

There is a kitchen with a fridge, microwave and tea making facilities.

You will be entitled to a 30 minute lunch break.

There are car parking facilities at the rear of the Health Centre

Health and Safety

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

It is the responsibility of all employees to work with mangers to achieve a healthy

and safe environment, and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.

Equality and Diversity

It is the responsibility of all employees to support the trust’s vision of promoting a

positive approach to diversity and equality of opportunity, to eliminate

discrimination and disadvantage in service delivery and employment, and to

manage, support or comply through the implementation of Equality and Diversity

Strategies and Policies utilized through SRFT.

Smoke Fee Policy

The trust operates an Smoke-Free Policy. Smoking is not permitted anywhere.

In the interests of promoting responsible health care, all staff and students are to

refrain from smoking when off site in uniform in any public place

Freedom to Act

You are accountable for your own actions, recognising your professional

boundaries and seeking advice and support as necessary.

Mentoring arrangements

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

In line with the NMC requirements that students must be supervised, directly or indirectly, by their named mentor for at least 40% of the time, and mentors must be allocated to students at least one week in advance.  The student’s first day on placement must be planned to coincide with the named mentor’s off duty.

During your placement with the Central 0-19 team

Your mentor/CPT is: …………………………………………………..

Your Co-Mentor is:……………………………………………….

Accordiong to the NMC SLAiP (2008) the responsibility of the mentor includes:

Organising and coordinating student learning activities in practice Supervising students in learning situations Setting and monitoring objectives Providing constructive feedback. Assessing Students skills, attitudes and behaviours Providing evidenc of student achievement Liaising with others qabout student performance Identifying concerns Agreeing actions about concerns

Mentor:“The term mentor is used to denote the role of the Nurse, Midwife or Health Visitor who facilitates learning and supervises and assesses students in the practice setting”ENB, DOH 2001

If you have any difficulties in practice, which you feel you cannot discuss with your mentor you can contact

Your Practice Education Lead Andrea Mansfield, Karen Wray 206 6081 Your personal tutor The University Link Lecturer Lyn Rosen 0161 295 2767 SRFT practice placement facilitator PEFTeam@srft.nhs.uk

S tudent Weekly Diary Sheet

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Team: …………………………………………… Nominated Mentor Name:…………………………….

Pre-Registration Student Nurse: ………………………………… Year:……………………


Week Starting Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Designated Mentor/NurseFor this session

Spoke Visit(please put the contact name and phone number for spoke)pm

Designated Mentor/NurseFor this session

Spoke Visit(please put the contact name and phone number for spoke)

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Placement Exposure

During your placement with the 0-19 service, you will be given the opportunity to

spend time with each of the team’s disciplines in order to gain an understanding

of their role. This will enable you to experience:

New birth home visits.

Follow up home visits.

Healthy Child clinics.

Health Promotion

Baby massage group.

First foods information sessions.

Breast feeding support groups and home visits.

School nurse drop in sessions

School Immunisation sessions

National Child Measurement programme


Multidisciplinary meetings.

Referral Processes

Administrative support.

You will also be assisted in finding spoke placement opportunities outside of the

immediate team which will aid you in fulfilling your learning needs. If you have

any particular interests, please speak to a member of the team for guidance.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Commonly used abbreviations:

SCPHN SN Specialist community public health nurse School Nurse

SCPHN HV Specialist community public health nurse Health Visitor

CSN Community Staff Nurse CNN Community Nursery Nurse SHA School Health AssistantHVA Health Visitor Assistant CPT Community Practice Teacher AN AntenatalPBV Primary Birth Visit 6-8 6-8 week development review 9mth 9-12 month development review MI Movement in visit LV Listening Visit GP General PractitionerSW Social WorkerRIAT Referral and Initial Assessment teamEWO Educational Welfare OfficerCAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health ServicesYOS Youth Offending ServiceDNA Did not attendCNA Could not attendDtp Diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated PoliovirusHPV Human Papilloma VirusMMR Measles, mumps and RubellaMen ACWY Meningitis ACWYPCSO Police Community Support OfficersFAF Family Assessment FrameworkLAC Looked after childCP Child ProtectionTAF Team around the Family CIN Child in needCG Core Group ICS Integrated Children’s ServicesMASH Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub CSC Children’s Social CareCSE Child Sexual ExploitationSEN Special Educational NeedsSW Social WorkerLADO Local Authority Designated OfficerMAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection ArrangementsMARAC Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferencing

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

LSCB Local Safeguarding Children’s BoardWHO World Health OrganisationEP Educational PsychologistPGD Patient Group DirectionNMP Non-Medical PrescribingNCMP National Childhood Measurement ProgrammeCQC Care Quality CommissionCCG Clinical commissioning Group CIN – Child/Ren in need DV/A Domestic Violence/abuse EOTAS Education Other Than At School

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Spoke Placements

Spoke Learning opportunities it provides

Specific to which year of the programme

Placement contact details

Suitable length of time to spend in spoke

Audiology An insight into the neonatal hearing programme and the effects of loss of hearing on overall development.

All 0161 206 0239 One clinic

Asthma Specialist Health Visitor

Awareness of physiology and anatomy of lung function. Awareness of the disease management of asthma and the treatments available. Viewing the education and teaching of clients /parents /carers.

Year 2 & year 3

0161 206 2366 One – two clinics

Community Dental team – Pendleton Gateway

An insight into the overall oral health and stages of teeth production in relation to first and second teeth

Year 1, 2 & 3

0161 211 7386 One – two clinics

Community Drug and alcohol team (Achieve)

An insight into the effects of drug and alcohol and the consequences on the family life – Socially and medically.

Year 2 & 3 0161 358 1530 One Day

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Viewing the education and teaching of clients / parents /carers.

Bridge/RIAT An insight into the role of the Social Worker in Child Protection

All 0161 603 4222

Childrens Centre

An awareness and understanding of the process of play and the effects on development. An understanding of multi agency working and the healthy child programme

Year 1, 2 & 3

As per Locality placement

One – two days

Speech and Language Service

An awareness of normal speech development in conjunction with the developmental milestones that children obtain within the pre-school years

Year 1, 2 & 3

0161 206 4253 One Day

Immunisation team

An awareness of the national immunisation programme and an understanding of the constraints and barriers that prevent children receiving

Year 2 & 3 0161 793 3774 One – two days

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

adequate protection against infectious diseases. An awareness of the public health programme.

Starting life well An awareness of the implications of disease on the child’s development

both socially and developmentally

All Years 0161 778 0384 One – two days

Orthoptist Service

An awareness and understanding of the normal physiology of the eye and detecting abnormalities

All Years 0161 206 6217 One clinic Pendleton Gateway

Sexual health and family planning clinic

An insight into family planning methods and sexually transmitted diseases

All Years Goodman Centre Lance Burn Health Centre

One-two daysLance burn health centre

Community Paediatrician

An insight into the role of the Peadiatrician

All years 0161 206 0469 One-two days

Looked After Children’s Team /VYPT/Learning disabilities

Youth offending Service/Looked after children/learning disabilities

2 and above 0161 206 2215

Locality Team/family support worker

0161 686 5260

Family Liaison Nurse/Bridge

0161 206 2198

Epilepsy 0161 206 6040

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Specialist Nurse Diabetes Specialist Nurse

0161 206 8802

Children’s Community Nursing Team

2 and above with specific learning outcomes

0161 206 2285

Health Improvement team Teenage Pregnancy Team/young fathers

0161 603 6874

Enurisis Clinic 0161 206 1083

Safeguarding Children

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Safeguarding children encompasses a vast amount of the 0-19 service’s daily caseload. All members of the 0-19 team identify vulnerability in infants, children, young people and families as part of their role and offer appropriate targeted interventions to improve health outcomes.

The 0-19 Service is responsible for monitoring the physical and emotional health and well-being of children who are subject to a Child Protection Plan, Child in Need plan and those in the Team around the Family arena, these are reviewed on a regular basis, dependant on level of need.

The 0-19 service attend child protection case conferences and are part of the multi-disciplinary core group; a group of professionals identified at the initial case conference and along with parents and children / young people, who will work together and meet every 4-6 weeks to ensure the recommendations from case conference are abided too.

Children will move up or down the levels, when situations change. As the children and family’s needs increase supplemental services will be required and in some instances delivered within a legal framework.

Transition from one level to another should happen seamlessly to ensure that information is shared appropriately.

Safeguarding Children Threshold of Need

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

Level 1. (Community) All children accessing mainstream services with no

identified additional needs.

Level 2. (Universal) Children with additional needs that can be met by targeted

support from a single practitioner or agency, or multi agency support. Consider a

FAF (Family Assessment Framework).

Level 3. (Universal Plus)Children with significant additional needs that have not

been met by multi agency support and TAC, and where significant concern

remains. This is met by CIN (Child in Need)

Level 4. (Universal Partnership Plus) Children with acute needs requiring a

specialist or statutory response. Child Protection Plan (CPP). Children that are

Looked After also meet this threshold.

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer

We hope your placement with us will be an informative and valuable experience. During your placement the team will endeavor to facilitate the relevant learning opportunities identified in your action plan, however, learning is a two way process and you are ultimately responsible for your educational and professional development. Students can also register at the library at Eccles Gateway during their placement with us, for research purposes.

Placement EvaluationTo enable us to ensure that the placement provides students with the relevant learning opportunities and help us improve the experience students are offered, once your placement has finished please could you complete the online survey (link below). The feedback is collated by the PEF team and feedback is provided to us on a quarterly basis so please be honest.

Student Evaluations: Please log on to P@RE

Updated August 2017 Andrea Mansfield, Joanne Bint, Faye Williams and Alison Hamer