file · Web viewNous allons travailler aujourd’hui et la prochaine classe sur le...

Post on 08-Feb-2018

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Transcript of file · Web viewNous allons travailler aujourd’hui et la prochaine classe sur le...

Coucou mes F4!Voici votre projet pour cette unité : Vous allez faire une vidéo sur un des problèmes du 21ème siècle (les drogues, le tabac, l’alcool, les problèmes comme l’anorexie ou la boulimie, etc.) La vidéo doit durer entre 3 et 5 minutes, mais le style et le but (purpose) de la vidéo est à vous de décider…mais voici quelques idées…

Idées pour la vidéo :• vous avez un ami qui a une dépendance et vous voulez l’aider • vous faites une pub pour les personnes en risques du problème• vous êtes à une fête et vous essayez une drogue• vous faites un mini-film (fall redemption)

Les requêtes : entre 3 et 5 minutes (5 pts) 6+ expressions négatives 10+ mots de vocabulaire (faire des abdos, être

en forme, être crevé, etc.) donnez 3+ conseils à quelqu’un créer une bonne vidéo (écrire des sous-titre, avoir des transitions, de la

musique, etc.) tous on une part égale / tous participent tout mémorisez (ne lisez pas de l’écran)

Nous allons travailler aujourd’hui et la prochaine classe sur le script mais je vais vous donner 2 weekends pour faire cette vidéo. Vous devez me donner 1 copie du sketch avec les mots soulignés le 6 février et je vais le corriger.

la vidéo doit m’être envoyer comme une vidéo YouTube le 10 février et nous allons les regarder ensemble 

Votre rubrique et au dos de cette feuille.

CATEGORIE 5 4 3-2 1-0 Votre Score

Limit de temps

Presentation is more than 3 minutes.

Presentation is in between 2:30-3 mins.

Presentation is in between 2:00-2:30 mins.

Presentation is less than 2 minutes.

Vocabulaire Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Used at least 10 of the vocabulary words appropriately.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Used at least 8 of the vocabulary words appropriately.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Used at least 4 of the vocabulary words appropriately.

Used less than 4 vocabulary words appropriately.

Grammaire – expressions négatives

All of the negative expressions were present (6+) and were used appropriately. They made sense within the plot.

Most of the negative expressions were present (4+) and were used appropriately. They mostly made sense within the plot.

Few of the negative expressions were present (2+) and were used appropriately. They sort of made sense within the plot.

All of the negative expressions were wrong one way or the other. They confused the plot.

Grammaire - conseils

All of the “conseils” were present (3+) and were used accurately. They were appropriate pieces of advice.

2+ of the “conseils” were present and were used accurately. They mostly were appropriate pieces of advice.

1-2 of the “conseils” were present but were used inaccurately. They were inappropriate pieces of advice.

All of the “conseils’ were either used inaccurately or inappropriate for the plot.

Grammaire There were no mistakes in grammar or only a few of things we haven’t studied yet.

There were many simple mistakes that could and should have been avoided. Struggled with verb conjugations.

There were so many mistakes that it made it hard to follow the skit. Really struggled with verb conjugations.

I could hardly understand the skit because of the many mistakes in grammar.

Vidéo en total The overall video was comprehen-sible, creative and entertaining. Students wanted to watch the video. All were involved and all had their lines memorized!

The overall video was mostly comprehensible, creative and entertaining. Students wanted to watch the video. Most were involved and most had their lines memorized!

The overall video was somewhat comprehensible, creative and entertaining. Students were not interested in watching the video. Not everyone was involved and few had their lines memorized!

The video was terrible. Everything went wrong that could. Students watching seemed bored and uninterested. Very effort put into it. Lines were not memorized and it was a one person show.

Collaboration avec les pairs

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people working well together.

Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Does not cause “waves” in the group.

Sometimes listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group but is not a good team member sometimes.

Rarely listens to, shares with, or supports the efforts of others in the group. Not a good team member because others complained about them.