10entertaining.weebly.com10entertaining.weebly.com/.../7/1/2/47129551/winter_war…  · Web...

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Transcript of 10entertaining.weebly.com10entertaining.weebly.com/.../7/1/2/47129551/winter_war…  · Web...

DESIGN TASKYou have invited friends over for dinner on a cold winter’s night. Recently your uncle from the country brought you a basket of fresh, organic vegetables from his farm. To make good use of the vegetables, you decide to make soup with homemade stock and freshly baked bread rolls. Your task is to do an investigation to learn more about bread, stock and soup. The next step will be to generate ideas and plan for the dinner. Afterwards you will evaluate your efforts so that you can modify your recipes and planning.

CONSTRAINTS Recipe must serve 2 Must be cooked in a double lesson

ASSIGNMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWINGTask 1 - Investigation (individual)Task 2 - Planning (in a pair)Task 3 - Production (in a pair)Task 4 - Evaluation (individual)

ASSESSING THE ASSIGNMENT The design process will be marked using a rubric and an individual grade will be awarded.

Soup, a meal by itself or served at the beginning of dinner, can provide contrast in flavour, colour and texture to the other dishes of the meal. Soups are generally served hot but some varieties may be served chilled.

The word soup comes from French soupe ("soup", "broth"), which comes through Vulgar Latin suppa ("bread soaked in broth") from a Germanic source, from which also comes the word "sop", a piece of bread used to soak up soup or a thick stew.

Task 1 - Investigation – individual, hand up to DayMap

1. Investigate yeast https://youtu.be/ZXYZYKfjNBg and answer the following questions:

a. What is yeast, and what does it require to work?b. Explain how gluten works in flour and how the strands are made stronger. c. Where should the bread dough be placed while proofing (rest period for dough to rise)?

2. Click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayU-UZqpZ-U and answer the questions:

a. What should the weight of an individual bread roll be?b. Name 5 different ways to shape bread rolls. c. What is used to glaze bread rolls?

Winter Warmer Soup, stock & Bread

3. Homemade stock contributes to sustainable living because food scraps can be used. Follow the link and explain how stock is made by using dot points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kecU9qHaWic

4. The following link describes 10 different soups https://youtu.be/Lfqv-0Xxn20. Complete the table below. Also include a description of the soup.

Name of Soup Description

5. Write a 200-word paragraph to describe the current occurrence of gluten intolerance. Include a

definition of gluten intolerance, how it affects people who has this condition and mention how the

diet must be altered to eat gluten-free. Links below can be used to answer this question:



Task 2 - Planning - in a pair, hand up to teacher1. Brainstorm with your partner, possible soup ideas. Research ideas on this link

http://www.healthyfoodguide.com.au/meals-and-occasions/soups . Make a final decision and

discuss your choice with the teacher.

2. Write a good copy of your recipe to serve 2 people. Remember to include a garnish for the soup.

The recipe must be edited to include the 4 main elements – title, photo, ingredient list and method.

3. Complete a food order form.

4. Print the recipe as well as the food order form and hand up to the teacher.

Task 3 - Production - in a pair1. Produce your soup. 2. Present the soup with a bread roll (frozen from the previous week’s practical). Remember to

garnish the soup. 3. Take a photo for the evaluation.

Task 4 - Evaluation – individual, hand up to DayMap Complete the evaluation. Upload all work to the Submissions folder. $