· Web viewTonight QI host Stephen Fry is joined by guest panellists Alan Davies,...

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Index

IndexProgram Highlights......................................................................................................................................................1

Whitlam: The Power And The Passion.....................................................................................................................1

Paper Giants: Magazine Wars..................................................................................................................................2

Croc College.............................................................................................................................................................3

QI: Jungles...............................................................................................................................................................4

Stephen Fry: Gadget Man: Body Beautiful...............................................................................................................5

Wild Life At The Zoo................................................................................................................................................6

Death In Paradise.....................................................................................................................................................7


Watch Out For.............................................................................................................................................................9

Compass: Stumbling In Hillary's Footsteps..............................................................................................................9

The Book Club: June..............................................................................................................................................10



Program Guide...........................................................................................................................................................14

Sunday, 2 June 2013..........................................................................................................................................14

Monday, 3 June 2013.........................................................................................................................................18

Tuesday, 4 June 2013.........................................................................................................................................21

Wednesday, 5 June 2013...................................................................................................................................25

Thursday, 6 June 2013.......................................................................................................................................28

Friday, 7 June 2013............................................................................................................................................31

Saturday, 8 June 2013........................................................................................................................................36

Marketing Contacts...................................................................................................................................................41

ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights

Program HighlightsSunday


Whitlam: The Power And The Passion

Sunday, 2 June 2013 FinalOnce elected Prime Minister, Whitlam implemented changes at breakneck speed, and pressed on with major health and education reforms.

Whitlam appointed a government advisor on women's affairs and introduced a Racial Discrimination Act. He invested in sewerage systems, motorways, childcare centres, housing for low-income families, no-fault divorce laws and supporting mothers' benefits.

But one year in, after an initial rise in popularity, an Arab coalition turned off their oil taps starting a worldwide economic meltdown. Whitlam had assumed Australia's economy was bulletproof, and ignoring advice, he pushed through one of his most prominent - and expensive - reforms: free university education for all.

The conservatives tried to block government legislation, so Whitlam called an election, winning with a similar majority to his win in 1972. Medibank, a free health service the forerunner of Medicare, and the Family Law Act establishing no-fault divorce as a legal principle, were introduced.

But the party axed his trusted deputy Lance Barnard and a scandal erupted around the relationship between his replacement, Jim Cairns, and Cairns's chief-of-staff Junie Morosi. And the decision to engage an offshore loan shark to help buy back Australia's mineral wealth backfired badly.

In 1975 with a new leader Malcolm Fraser, the Opposition blocked supply in the Senate and the Governor-General Sir John Kerr sacked Whitlam, an unprecedented action in Australian political history.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Writer/Director Paul Clarke, Series Producer Penny Robins, Executive Producers Penny Robins and Mark Hamlyn.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



Paper Giants: Magazine Wars

Sunday, 2 June 2013 New Series

Following the success of Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo, Paper Giants: Magazine Wars is the story of the Golden Years of the glossies, of the 'battle' waged by Nene King (Mandy McElhinney) and Dulcie Boling (Rachel Griffiths) from the rival Packer and Murdoch empires to make their publication the number one seller in Australia.

Both women were supremely talented. All stops were pulled out to sell their magazines. 'Camilla-gate', 'Squidgy-gate', the Fergie toe sucking photos - no story was off limits. The boundaries of journalism were stretched like never before.

Filled with humour, tragedy and outrageous tactics, Paper Giants: Magazine Wars charts the rise of cheque-book journalism in Australia from 1987-97; the age of celebrity power and Princess Di; of the paparazzi and AIDS; of media moguls, and two remarkable women who helped make them.

The two-part series shows us the beginnings of where we are today - with an undiminished appetite for salacious stories, and journalistic ethics under the spotlight. Paper Giants: Magazine Wars is also a human story - it reveals the personal toll this 'battle' had on both Nene King and Dulcie Boling.

Paper Giants: Magazine Wars also stars Rob Carlton, Angus Sampson, Khan Chittenden, Caren Pistorius, Lucy Bell, Socratis Otto, William Zappa, Alexander England, John Wood, Steve Rodgers, Sean Taylor, Rodger Corser.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Producer: Mimi Butler. Executive Producer Southern Star: Janeen Faithful. Executive Producers ABC TV: Carole Sklan and David Ogilvy. Writer, Part One: Justin Monjo. Writers, Part Two: Keith Thompson and Justin Monjo. Director: Daina Reid. Production Company: Southern Star.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



Croc College

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

In Episode 3, the crocs get larger and the students learn about life and death on a crocodile farm.

First, John gathers the students to observe baby crocs hatching. These tiny crocodiles cannot draw blood - yet.

Later, John and the women return to the trap the men set up a few days before. In Queensland, trapping crocs in the wild is against the law, so without telling the students, John has put one of his own animals in the trap. The women are instructed to come up with a plan to capture the ensnared croc, in order to transport it. First they must secure the crocodile's jaws so it can't bite them - a challenge in itself. Lyn and Kez manage to restrain it using muscle and good communication, to John's delight. However there is growing tension between Lyn and Renee as Lyn loses faith in petite Renee's capabilities in such a physically tough environment.

John then takes the students on a night tour to observe crocodile behaviour once the sun has gone down. The crocs become more active and are at their most dangerous.

The next test for the students is to catch a medium-sized crocodile. This results in chaos, and John is frustrated and disappointed by their lack of communication and ineffective teamwork. The students know they have to improve if they want to go with him to Kakadu.

Finally, the students confront one of the harsh realities of farming - the harvesting of a crocodile. John's son Adam shows them how to kill the creature humanely, and calls for a volunteer to kill another one. Ryan volunteers, a brave move for the gentle animal lover.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:6 x 30 minutes. Narrated by John Jarratt. Developed and produced in association with the South Australian Film Corporation. Developed and Produced by Travelling Tale Productions in association with Smoking Gun Productions. Executive Producer Kristian Moliere. Producer Steven Geddes. Series Director Colin Thrupp. Series Producer Justine Ford. ABC Commissioning Editor Anita Brown.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



QI: Jungles

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Tonight QI host Stephen Fry is joined by guest panellists Alan Davies, Reginald D Hunter, David O'Doherty and Greg Proops.

This week's discussion is all about the jungle.

Who wrote The Lion Sleeps Tonight? Do lions actually sleep in the night? How did Tarzan get around the jungle? And, how do ants stop themselves from drowning in a downpour?

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Talkback Productions for BBC. Director Ian Lorimer, Producer Piers Fletcher, Producer John Lloyd.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



Stephen Fry: Gadget Man: Body Beautiful

Thursday, 6 June 2013

In the fifth episode, Stephen Fry examines how new technology can help keep us fit and healthy. He road-tests some of the latest gym gadgets and gets a makeover from Amy Childs, from The Only Way is Essex, using some weird and wonderful beauty devices.

Some of the gadgets on the show include an app which predicts how long you will live, the world's most incredible treadmill and a device that claims to make you slimmer in just 30 minutes.

And Stephen attempts to build the ultimate running machine that will enable him to race against double Olympic champion Kelly Holmes.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:6 x 24 mins. North One Television and Sprout Pictures.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



Wild Life At The Zoo

Friday, 7 June 2013

Wild Life at the Zoo is an intimate observational documentary series about the behind-the-scenes lives of animals at Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Filmed for over a year and with unprecedented access to keepers and vets, series two captures some of the most dramatic events in the zoo's history.

From the 'Bold and the Beautiful' sex lives of meerkats, to the courting rituals of white rhinos charging at each other at 35 kilometres an hour, to the antics of Monroe, the Fjordland Crested Penguin as he meets the public for the first time, Wild Life at the Zoo captures some of the most extraordinary events in the lives of some of the most fascinating animals on the planet.

In episode one, a young and vibrant sun bear is on her way to meet her intended mate, a lonely psychologically damaged male sun bear that was rescued from a restaurant trader in Cambodia. 'Mr Hobbs' as he has affectionately been named, was sold by poachers to a restaurant that often makes paw stew and was rescued by a business man. Things don't go as well as planned at first, leading to an injury to one of the bears. On the other side of the zoo, two of the rarest animals in the world - rhinos - are brought together to mate for the first time. If the two don't get along, this could be dangerous to both the rhinos and the staff involved. Will this first date result in a perfect match?

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Imagination Production House. EP is Bettina Hollings

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights



Death In Paradise

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Camille (Sara Martins) is devastated when her best friend, Aimee (Jamelia Davis), a singer on a Caribbean party boat, collapses while on stage during a night of music and cocktails.

Struggling to breathe, Aimee shockingly dies in Camille's arms.

It seems she has been poisoned. But by whom and why?

PRODUCTION DETAILS:A Red Planet Pictures Production in association with BBC Worldwide and Kudos Film and Television for BBC One. Produced with the support of the region of Guadeloupe. Created by Robert Thorogood. Producer: Tim Key. Executive Producers: Tony Jordan and Belinda Campbell.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Program Highlights




Saturday, 8 June 2013 New Series

William Travers (James Purefoy) is a barrister who's given up on big-city law after suffering a mental breakdown upon learning that he successfully represented a criminal responsible for a heinous accident. He lives with his wife Jane (Dervla Kirwan), a teacher at a young offenders' centre, and daughter in the Suffolk countryside. Natalie Chandra, a London solicitor, asks Will to defend Martin Newall (Nathaniel Parker), a past friend of his who is accused of murdering his secretary and lover. Martin is vigorously protesting his innocence. Travers begrudgingly agrees over the objections of Jane who had been reluctant to leave London and her career in the first place.

Another killing, that of reclusive farm worker John Jarrold, takes place near to the Travers' home and the investigation is headed by D.I. Wenborn (Charlie Creed Miles), who developed a loathing for Will after he showed that one of Wenborn's men lied in court to get a false conviction.

Martin tells Will of his affair with Lucy, the victim. They would visit a hotel for sex and Martin found her dead in their room one night after going out to get a takeaway. His computer, with information about his employer Qestrel, an oil trading firm, was stolen and Martin's loyal wife Caroline believes the theft was the reason for the murder. Will is stalked by two men not keen for him to investigate Qestrel and what he eventually uncovers will push him to his psychological limits, forcing him to question what he personally believes in.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:An Injustice Films Ltd. production for ITV

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Watch Out For...

Watch Out For...Sunday, 2 June 2013


Compass: Stumbling In Hillary's Footsteps

On his 60th birthday Australian clown and mime Jean-Paul Bell leads a travelling circus troupe to Nepal to perform for school children in remote villages, only to find he's taken on more than he bargained for...

This pilgrimage is Jean-Paul's dream: a way of honouring his childhood hero - mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary who, after conquering Mt Everest 60 years ago this week, helped establish schools in inaccessible villages in the Himalayan mountains. But the 50-day, high-altitude trek proves far more challenging than Jean-Paul expected.

As does living in close quarters with the rest of the troupe a world away from the comforts of home.

Relationships are tested and forged in this journey full of humour and inspiring cross-cultural encounters.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Watch Out For...

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


The Book Club: June

This month is a special Sydney Writers Festival (SWF) edition of The Book Club. Host Jennifer Byrne and panellists Marieke Hardy and Jason Steger are joined by SWF guests Lauren Beukes and Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

The two books being reviewed are The Sound Of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vasquez and Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.

The Sound of Things Falling is a new release which tackles what became of Colombia in the time of Pablo Escobar. This novel explores the intimately personal consequences of history on those who survived a country entangled in the drug baron's violent web.

Pattern Recognition is a classic book which examines our penchant for detecting patterns or meaning in life and the risk of finding those patterns are meaningless - it also touches on contemporary themes such as methods of interpreting history, cultural familiarity with brand names, and tensions between art and commercialisation.

Lauren Beukes is an award-winning novelist who also writes comics, screenplays, TV shows and occasionally journalism. Her novel, Zoo City, won the Arthur C Clarke Award. Her new novel The Shining Girls about a time-travelling serial killer is due out in spring 2013.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón is the author of six novels, including the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind, and The Angel's Game. His work has been published in more than 40 different languages and honoured with numerous international awards.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Watch Out For...

Thursday, 6 June 2013

8:00pm Series Return


In this series return of Catalyst we look into tornadoes made of fire; whether it's possible to make a meal from fly larvae; and if dogs have empathy.

Fire Tornado

We've all seen footage of out-of-control bushfires sweeping the Australian landscape, burning out hectares of native forest in their wake. But you might not have heard of a fire tornado, let alone seen one. For many years now researchers have theorised that fire tornadoes could be possible. Now, in studying the devastating 2003 Canberra bushfires, researchers have shown that fire tornadoes do indeed exist.

During that tragic event, trees were uprooted, cars tossed, pine plantations flattened, houses destroyed and lives lost. Anja Taylor looks into the formation of fire thunderstorms and how they in turn can give rise to fire tornadoes, not to be confused with fire whirls.

Fly Feed

Maggots...they make you squirm…but what a healthy meal they'd be: fly flesh encased in a shell. Inside the shell there is nothing but pure protein which magically reassembles to make a fly and that is why birds love them, it's why fish love them and it's why we're going to save the future with them. Over the next few decades the world will face a serious challenge...feeding the world in 2050. Waste-food recycling might be the answer. And that brings us back to the maggots. They live off rubbish, turning it into shells of nutritious protein. Of course we wouldn't eat them, but our farm animals could. Graham Phillips meets with Jason Drew who is behind a scheme to supply fly feed to agriculture and aquaculture.

Dog Empathy

Do dogs care? That is, do they truly feel someone's pain and know that it belongs to them. Dogs can quickly come to the aid of their owners if they are showing outward signs of distress, but are they simply mirroring their owner's distress and seeking comfort, or feeling their owner's distress and offering comfort? Jonica Newby conducts an experiment based on a test used to track empathy in humans to see if dogs truly have empathy.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Amendments

AmendmentsTuesday, May 07

Insert episode title:1:00pm Q&A: PM Julia Gillard – High School Special

Amend program start time to read:2:05pm The Da Vinci Shroud

Insert classification:12:20am Media Watch


Wednesday, May 08

Insert classification:11:00am Big Ideas


Monday, May 13

Insert episode title:8:00pm Australian Story: Know Thy Enemy (Part 2)

Insert episode title:9:35pm Q&A: Clive Palmer, Ged Kearney, Tim Nicholls, Katherine Feeney & Bob Katter

Tuesday, May 14

Insert classification:10:00pm Jennifer Byrne Presents: P.D. James


Wednesday, May 15

Insert classification:6:00pm Time Team


Friday, May 17

Insert classification:6:00pm Time Team


Delete program:8:00pm Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? Invercloy

Insert program:8:00pm When Adam Met Parky


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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Amendments

Adam Hills chats with Michael Parkinson in this exclusive interview.

Saturday, May 18 NSW & ACT ONLY

Insert team names:3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 7: Southern Districts v Sydney University

Sunday, May 19

Insert classification:7:30pm Doctor Who


Insert classification:9:30pm Parkinson: Masterclass: Carlos Acosta


Monday, May 20

Insert classification:1:00pm Parkinson: Masterclass


Insert team names:3:30am Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 7: Southern Districts v Sydney University

Friday, May 24

Insert classification:10:20am What I Wrote


Insert classification:12:30pm Last Of The Summer Wine


Saturday, May 25 VIC ONLY

Insert team names:1:00pm Football: VFL: Round 7: Port Melbourne v Coburg

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Sunday 02 June 2013

Program GuideSunday, 2 June 2013

6:00am rage(G)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

6:30am Waybuloo(CC,Repeat,G)

7:00am Jakers!: The Adventures Of Piggley Winks(Repeat,G)

7:25am My Goldfish Is Evil(CC,Repeat,G)Final

7:55am Kid Vs Kat(CC,Repeat,G)

8:10am The Big Knights(CC,Repeat,G)

8:20am Casper's Scare School(CC,Repeat,G)

8:35am Mona The Vampire(CC,Repeat,G)

9:00am Insiders(CC)A not-to-be missed analysis of the week's political news, with interviews, discussion and analysis with Barrie Cassidy and guests.

10:00am Inside Business(CC)Alan Kohler with analysis and comment on the events and issues concerning business, investors and entrepreneurs.

10:30am Offsiders(CC)A show for anyone who's serious about sport. Offsiders provides a challenging, insightful, humorous debate about the topic that dominates weekends - sport. Hosted by Barrie Cassidy.

11:00am Asia Pacific Focus(CC,Repeat)Hosted by Jim Middleton, the program draws on the ABC's regional expertise to provide quality analysis on major issues and interviews with key newsmakers in the Asia Pacific.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Sunday 02 June 2013

11:30am Songs Of Praise: Russell Watson's Salford(CC,G)The international tenor Russell Watson meets people in his home city, explores its thirty miles of waterways, sings Abide With Me and introduces hymns from St Peter's Parish Church in Swinton.

12:00pm Landline(CC)Australia's national rural program, with reports from around the country on rural and urban issues. Presented by Pip Courtney.

1:00pm Gardening Australia(CC,Repeat,G)Costa helps out his local fire station, Sophie visits a fruit enthusiast, Josh details his long connection to Perth's Coastal Plain, Tino meets a gardener who has rehabilitated a local waterway and Jane is in north Melbourne.

1:30pm Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook: Sizzling Beef And Salsa(CC,Repeat,G)Annabel's garlic-growing neighbours are coming for dinner to share great food, wine and conversation. On the menu tonight are zucchini, feta and mint fritters; sizzling beef and salsa; and grilled summer fruit for dessert.

2:00pm The History Of Safari With Richard E. Grant(CC,Repeat,PG,This program contains animal treatment that may concern some viewers)FinalIn the final episode, Richard learns about some of the legendary hunting characters who were central to the safari scene in the 20th century.

3:00pm The Romantics: Eternity(CC,Repeat,PG,Contains surgical scenes.)FinalAs the Romantic period blossomed, there was great progress in medical science. But the scientists treated the human body as a mechanism while the Romantics were interested in the spirit.

4:00pm Metropolis: Bali(CC,Repeat,G)Charlie Luxton uncovers the principles behind distinctive Balinese design and architecture, learning that there's a spiritual context for everything created or built in Bali.

4:30pm Flights of Fancy: Shanghai(CC,Repeat,G)A documentary series looking at the contemporary architecture of four major international airports.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Sunday 02 June 2013

5:00pm Chris Humfrey's Wild Life(CC,Repeat,G,Do not disturb or try to handle wild animals as they can be dangerous.)Chris returns from a short trip to Kangaroo Island to a zoo full of new animal babies - squirrel gliders, rainbow lorikeet chicks and his two prized koala babies - Gumnut and Bruce.

5:30pm Deadly 60: Mexico 1(CC,Repeat,G,Do not disturb or try to handle wild animals as they can be dangerous.)Steve Backshall and his team head to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula where he embarks on a high-octane chase with the fastest fish in the sea, the sailfish, and marvels at the awesome hunting skills of the Mexican Night Snake.

6:00pm Antiques Master: Third Semi-Final(CC,G)A selection of amateur antiques enthusiasts battle it out for the coveted title of Antiques Master.

6:30pm Compass: Stumbling In Hillary's Footsteps(CC)On his 60th birthday Australian clown and mime Jean-Paul Bell leads a travelling circus troupe to Nepal to perform for school children in remote villages, only to find he's taken on more than he bargained for...

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm Whitlam: The Power And The Passion(CC,PG,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and voices of people who have died)FinalOnce elected Prime Minister Gough Whitlam implemented sweeping changes at breakneck speed. He pressed on with major health and education reforms even after the faltering world economy hit home. But then the scandals erupted.

8:30pm Paper Giants: Magazine Wars(CC,M,Coarse Language, Drug Use, Sex Scenes)This two-part series is the story of the Golden Years of the glossies, of the 'battle' between Nene King and Dulcie Boling to make their magazines the top seller in Australia. CAST: Mandy McElhinney, Rachel Griffiths.

10:00pm Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Travel(CC,G)A look at the life and work of the influential fashion editor of Harpers Bazaar, Diana Vreeland.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Sunday 02 June 2013

11:30pm Hidden Treasures With Griff Rhys Jones: Australian Art(CC,Repeat,PG,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program contains images and voices of people who have died)Griff Rhys Jones discovers Australian art in the first of three adventures to find out what treasure is still being created by indigenous people around the world. In this episode he visits the Torres Strait Islands.

12:30am Movie: The Great Gatsby(CC,Repeat,1974,M,Adult Themes, Violence)Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's book this is an opulent story of the idle rich in the 1920s and one man's devotion to a flirtatious waif. CAST: Robert Redford, Mia Farrow DIR: Jack Clayton (1974)

2:50am Order In The House(CC)A weekly review of parliamentary proceedings.

4:00am The New Inventors(CC,Repeat,G)Showcases the art of invention and design in a national competition celebrating Australian ingenuity. Presented by James O'Loghlin.

4:30am Catalyst(CC,Repeat,G)Climbing high into the forests of Malaysian Borneo in search of Orang-Utans; trains, trams and videotape teaching young autistic minds to communicate; engineering excellence at Melbourne's new recital hall.

5:00am Gardening Australia(CC,Repeat,G)Jane Edmanson visits a couple who have built a colourful and productive garden for themselves and their local community; John Patrick visits the National Rhododendron Gardens in Olinda; and more!

5:30am Antiques Master: Third Semi-Final(CC,Repeat,G)A selection of amateur antiques enthusiasts battle it out for the coveted title of Antiques Master.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Monday 03 June 2013

Monday, 3 June 2013

6:00am ABC News Breakfast(CC)

9:30am Business Today(CC)

10:00am Backyard Science(CC,Repeat,G)

10:25am Atoms Alive(CC,Repeat,G)

10:40am Inside Science(CC,Repeat,G)

10:55am I Maths(CC,Repeat,G)

11:00am Landline(CC,Repeat)

12:00pm Midday Report(CC)

12:30pm Travel Oz(CC,Repeat,G)

1:00pm Fire Talker: The Life And Times Of Charlie Perkins(CC,Repeat,PG,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program contains images and voices of people who have died)

2:00pm Parliament Question Time(CC)

3:00pm Play School(CC,Repeat,G)

3:30pm Five Minutes More(CC,Repeat,G)

3:35pm Louie(CC,Repeat,G)

3:40pm Tinga Tinga Tales(CC,Repeat,G)

4:00pm Best Ed(CC,Repeat,G)

4:20pm Eliot Kid(CC,Repeat,G)

4:30pm Summer In Transylvania(CC,Repeat,G)

4:55pm BTN Daily(CC)

5:00pm Eggheads(CC,G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Monday 03 June 2013

5:30pm ABC News: Early Edition(CC)

6:00pm Time Team: A Copper Bottomed Dig, Swansea(CC,Repeat,G)Two hundred years ago, the Welsh port of Swansea was one of the wealthiest cities in the country, if not the world, due to its rich copper. The team tonight investigate the city's very first copper works - White Rock.

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm 7.30(CC)The best analysis of local, national and international events from an Australian perspective. Hosted by Leigh Sales, with political commentary from ABC Political Editor Chris Uhlmann in Canberra.

8:00pm Australian Story(CC)Well-known and not so well-known Australians telling their own remarkable stories in their own words.

8:30pm Four Corners(CC)Australia's leading investigative current affairs program.

9:20pm Media Watch(CC,PG)Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Jonathan Holmes.

9:35pm Q&A(CC)A lively interactive discussion hosted by Tony Jones where the audience at home and in the studio questions political leaders and opinion makers.

10:35pm Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events. Hosted by Tony Jones and Emma Alberici.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Monday 03 June 2013

11:10pm The Business(CC,Repeat)Ticky Fullerton takes a detailed look at the day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:35pm Outcasts(CC,Repeat,M,Violence)Cass's past invades his present when a note is found exposing his true identity and Stella and President Tate must deal with a superior hostile life force on Carpathia. CAST: Liam Cunningham

12:35am Monday Monday(CC,Repeat,M,Coarse Language)FinalEveryone's shocked to learn that Roger's resigning and Alyson assumes she's a shoe-in for the job. CAST: Morven Christie

1:25am Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC,Repeat)Coverage of Question Time from Federal Parliament in Canberra.

2:25am Time Team: A Copper Bottomed Dig, Swansea(CC,Repeat,G)Two hundred years ago, the Welsh port of Swansea was one of the wealthiest cities in the country, if not the world, due to its rich copper. The team tonight investigate the city's very first copper works - White Rock.

3:30am Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 9 (Split Round): Teams TBA(Repeat)Coverage of the 2013 NSW Rugby Union Shute Shield.

5:30am Eggheads(CC,Repeat,G)A new team of challengers take on seven of the greatest quiz show champions for a chance of winning a cash prize. Every time the Eggheads win, that prize increases.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Tuesday 04 June 2013

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

6:00am ABC News Breakfast(CC)

9:30am Business Today(CC)

10:00am Behind The News(CC)

10:25am Get Into Textiles(CC,G)

10:50am Magic Of Making(CC,Repeat,G)

11:00am Big Ideas(CC,PG)

12:00pm Midday Report(CC)

12:30pm Compass(CC,Repeat)

1:00pm Q&A(CC,Repeat)

2:00pm Parliament Question Time(CC)

3:00pm Play School(CC,Repeat,G)

3:30pm Five Minutes More(CC,Repeat,G)Final

3:35pm Louie(CC,Repeat,G)

3:40pm Tinga Tinga Tales(CC,Repeat,G)

4:00pm Best Ed(CC,Repeat,G)

4:20pm Eliot Kid(CC,Repeat,G)

4:30pm Summer In Transylvania(CC,Repeat,G)

4:55pm BTN Daily(CC)

5:00pm Eggheads(CC,G)

5:30pm ABC News: Early Edition(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Tuesday 04 June 2013

6:00pm Time Team: The Only Earl Is Essex, Earls Colne(CC,Repeat,G)The Time Team explore a beautiful stately home and garden in Essex. The site used to be owned by one of the nation's foremost families, the De Veres, who were better known as the Earls of Oxford.

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm 7.30(CC)The best analysis of local, national and international events from an Australian perspective. Hosted by Leigh Sales, with political commentary from ABC Political Editor Chris Uhlmann in Canberra.

8:00pm Croc College(CC,PG)The students learn about life and death on the farm, hatching baby crocs and harvesting an adult. Repeated fumbling in roping practice leaves John disappointed and Lyn's frustration with Renee reaches boiling point.

8:30pm New Tricks: Buried Treasure(CC,Repeat,PG)When Brian's dog Scampi digs up a skeleton during his routine walk, the UCOS team find themselves in a very unusual situation. CAST: Pippa Hayward

9:30pm At The Movies(CC,PG)Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

10:00pm The Book Club: June(CC)Jennifer Byrne and regular panellists Marieke Hardy and Jason Steger are joined by Lauren Beukes and Carlos Ruiz Zafón to discuss The Sound Of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vasquez and Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.

10:30pm Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events. Hosted by Tony Jones and Emma Alberici.

11:05pm The Business(CC,Repeat)Ticky Fullerton takes a detailed look at the day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Tuesday 04 June 2013

can expect in the day ahead.

11:30pm Four Corners(CC,Repeat)Australia's leading investigative current affairs program.

12:20am Media Watch(CC,Repeat,PG)Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Jonathan Holmes.

12:35am Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC,Repeat)Coverage of Question Time from Federal Parliament in Canberra.

1:35am Time Team: The Only Earl Is Essex, Earls Colne(CC,Repeat,G)The Time Team explore a beautiful stately home and garden in Essex. The site used to be owned by one of the nation's foremost families, the De Veres, who were better known as the Earls of Oxford.

2:30am Football: VFL: Round 8: Northern Blues v Collingwood(Repeat)The Northern Blues face Collingwood in Round 8 of the VFL.

5:30am Eggheads(CC,Repeat,G)A new team of challengers take on seven of the greatest quiz show champions for a chance of winning a cash prize. Every time the Eggheads win, that prize increases.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Tuesday 04 June 2013

Other States:Queensland State

7:30pm 7.30 QLD Budget Special(CC)State based current affairs. Matt Wordsworth examines the local issues concerning Queensland.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Wednesday 05 June 2013

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

6:00am ABC News Breakfast(CC)

9:30am Business Today(CC)

10:00am For The Juniors: Human Body(CC,Repeat,G)

10:20am Cyberchase(CC,Repeat,G)

10:40am Behind The News Specials(CC,Repeat)

11:00am Big Ideas(CC,PG)

12:00pm Midday Report(CC)

12:30pm National Press Club Address(CC)

1:30pm At The Movies(CC,Repeat,PG)

2:00pm Parliament Question Time(CC)

3:00pm Play School(CC,Repeat,G)

3:30pm What's The Big Idea

3:35pm Louie(CC,Repeat,G)

3:40pm Tinga Tinga Tales(CC,Repeat,G)

4:00pm Best Ed(CC,Repeat,G)

4:20pm Eliot Kid(CC,Repeat,G)

4:30pm Summer In Transylvania(CC,Repeat,G)

4:55pm BTN Daily(CC)

5:00pm Eggheads(CC,G)

5:30pm ABC News: Early Edition(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Wednesday 05 June 2013

6:00pm Time Team: Secrets Of The Dunes, Kenfig(CC,Repeat,G)Eight hundred years ago the town of Kenfig on the south coast of Wales had been a thriving commercial success. But then it vanished leaving just a few castle walls to mark its existence.

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm 7.30(CC)The best analysis of local, national and international events from an Australian perspective. Hosted by Leigh Sales, with political commentary from ABC Political Editor Chris Uhlmann in Canberra.

8:00pm QI: Jungles(CC,PG)Stephen Fry and his guest panellists Alan Davies, Reginald D Hunter, David O'Doherty and Greg Proops discuss the jungle.

8:30pm Adam Hills Tonight(CC)Fresh from hosting his hit UK talk show, The Last Leg, comedian Adam Hills returns for the new season of Adam Hills Tonight - a one hour chat show filled with celebrity guests, clever comedy and live music.

9:30pm Would I Lie To You?(CC,G)Miranda Hart, Clare Balding, Dale Winton and Richard Bacon join team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell. Which team can best fool the opposition into mistaking fact for fiction and fiction for fact? Hosted by Rob Brydon.

10:00pm The Hollowmen: A Time For Talk(CC,Repeat,PG)Focuses on the workings of an internal think tank set up by the prime minister and charged with developing a 'long-term policy vision'. CAST: Santo Cilauro, Lachy Hulme, Rob Sitch and Merrick Watts

10:30pm Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events. Hosted by Tony Jones and Emma Alberici.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Wednesday 05 June 2013

11:05pm The Business(CC,Repeat)Ticky Fullerton takes a detailed look at the day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:30pm Waking The Dead: Substitute (Part 1)(CC,Repeat,M,Violence)An aid worker, believed to be a people smuggler, is stringing Dr Eve Lockhart along, blinding her to his sinister links to a two-year-old murder case. CAST: Tara Fitzgerald, Trevor Eve

12:25am Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC,Repeat)Coverage of Question Time from Federal Parliament in Canberra.

1:25am Time Team: Secrets Of The Dunes, Kenfig(CC,Repeat,G)Eight hundred years ago the town of Kenfig on the south coast of Wales had been a thriving commercial success. But then it vanished leaving just a few castle walls to mark its existence.

2:30am Football: SANFL: Round 9: Central District v Eagles(Repeat)Central District face the Eagles at Elizabeth Oval in Round 9 of the SANFL.

5:30am Eggheads(CC,Repeat,G)A new team of challengers take on seven of the greatest quiz show champions for a chance of winning a cash prize. Every time the Eggheads win, that prize increases.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Thursday 06 June 2013

Thursday, 6 June 2013

6:00am ABC News Breakfast(CC)

9:30am Business Today(CC)

10:00am Being French(CC,Repeat,G)

10:35am Behind The News(CC,Repeat)

11:00am World's Greenest Homes(CC,Repeat,G)

12:00pm Midday Report(CC)

12:30pm My Family(CC,Repeat,PG)

1:00pm The Genius Of Design(CC,Repeat,G)Final

2:00pm Parliament Question Time(CC)

3:00pm Play School(CC,Repeat,G)

3:30pm What's The Big Idea

3:35pm Louie(CC,Repeat,G)

3:40pm Tinga Tinga Tales(CC,Repeat,G)

4:00pm Best Ed(CC,Repeat,G)

4:20pm Eliot Kid(CC,Repeat,G)

4:30pm Summer In Transylvania(CC,Repeat,G)

4:55pm BTN Daily(CC)

5:00pm Eggheads(CC,G)

5:30pm ABC News: Early Edition(CC)

6:00pm Time Team: Caerleon(CC,Repeat,G)The Time Team join Cardiff University to discover more about one of the most famous

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Thursday 06 June 2013

Roman sites in Britain, the Roman legionary fort of Caerleon in South Wales.

6:55pm Clarke And Dawe(CC,G)Join satirical duo John Clarke and Bryan Dawe for their irreverent take on the week's news headlines.

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm 7.30(CC)The best analysis of local, national and international events from an Australian perspective. Hosted by Leigh Sales, with political commentary from ABC Political Editor Chris Uhlmann in Canberra.

8:00pm Catalyst(CC)This episode looks into tornadoes made of fire; whether it's possible to make a meal from fly larvae; and if dogs have empathy.

8:30pm Kirstie's Vintage Home: Ellie And Nick(CC,G)Kirstie is charged with helping Ellie and Nick Harrington. With toddler Monty starting to investigate every room, they're desperate to revamp their bruised and broken kitchen and dining room.

9:20pm Stephen Fry: Gadget Man: Body Beautiful(CC,PG)Stephen Fry examines how new technology can help keep us fit and healthy.

9:45pm The Grumpy Guide To...: Teenagers(CC,Repeat,M,Drug Use, Sexual References)FinalTeenagers - Our Grumpies say teenagers come very high on the irritating scale. What's not to hate? They're lounging around, often in your house, without proper jobs, eating pizza and drinking all your beer.

10:20pm Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events. Hosted by Tony Jones and Emma Alberici.

10:55pm The Business(CC,Repeat)Ticky Fullerton takes a detailed look at the day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Thursday 06 June 2013

can expect in the day ahead.

11:20pm TBA

12:25am Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC,Repeat)Coverage of Question Time from Federal Parliament in Canberra.

1:25am Time Team: Caerleon(CC,Repeat,G)The Time Team join Cardiff University to discover more about one of the most famous Roman sites in Britain, the Roman legionary fort of Caerleon in South Wales.

2:30am Football: WAFL: Round 11: Perth v Swan Districts(Repeat)Perth play Swan Districts in round eleven of the Western Australian Football League (WAFL).

5:30am Eggheads(CC,Repeat,G)A new team of challengers take on seven of the greatest quiz show champions for a chance of winning a cash prize. Every time the Eggheads win, that prize increases.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Friday 07 June 2013

Friday, 7 June 2013

6:00am ABC News Breakfast(CC)

9:30am Business Today(CC)

10:00am My Place(CC,Repeat,G)

10:20am What I Wrote(CC,G)

10:30am Seeking Refuge(CC,G)

10:35am Writers On Writing(CC,Repeat,G)

11:00am Stephen Fry: Gadget Man(CC,Repeat,PG)

11:30am One Plus One(CC)

12:00pm Midday Report(CC)

12:30pm Last Of The Summer Wine(CC,G)

1:00pm Poirot(CC,Repeat,PG)

2:05pm Bed Of Roses(CC,Repeat,PG)

3:00pm Play School(CC,Repeat,G)

3:30pm What's The Big Idea

3:35pm Louie(CC,Repeat,G)

3:40pm Tinga Tinga Tales(CC,Repeat,G)

4:00pm Best Ed(CC,Repeat,G)

4:20pm Eliot Kid(CC,Repeat,G)

4:30pm Summer In Transylvania(CC,Repeat,G)

4:55pm BTN Daily(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Friday 07 June 2013

5:00pm Eggheads(CC,G)

5:30pm ABC News: Early Edition(CC)

6:00pm Time Team: Castle Hill(CC,Repeat,G)Tony Robinson and the team head to a family farm at Somerset to find out if there was ever actually a castle on top of a hill they call Castle Hill.

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm 7.30 [State Edition]

8:00pm Wild Life At The Zoo(CC)At Taronga Zoo, a young and vibrant sun bear is on her way to meet her intended mate, a lonely psychologically damaged male sun bear that was rescued from a restaurant trader in Cambodia.

8:30pm Silent Witness: Greater Love (Part 1)(CC,M,Adult Themes, Violence)British Army Corporal Scott Lambert requests Leo's expertise in identifying human remains unearthed in Afghanistan, believed to be those of his brother. Leo, Nikki and Jack head for the war-torn country. CAST: Emilia Fox

9:30pm Kidnap And Ransom(CC,Repeat,M,Adult Themes, Coarse Language, Violence)Dominic King tries to negotiate the release of the hostages before anyone discovers that the daughter of the British Foreign Secretary is on board. CAST: Trevor Eve

10:20pm Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events. Hosted by Tony Jones and Emma Alberici.

10:55pm Getting On(CC,Repeat,M,Coarse Language)A new admission brings new problems; Kim's Dave is in trouble and has lost his job; and drilling noises increase with the work on the new wing. CAST: Jo Brand

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Friday 07 June 2013

11:30pm rage(MA,Adult Themes, Coarse Language, Drug Use, Horror, Nudity, Sex References, Violence)Start your weekend with the very best new music releases plus a mix of classic hits and party favourites. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

5:00am rage(PG)Start your weekend with the very best new music releases plus a mix of classic hits and party favourites. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Friday 07 June 2013

Other States:New South Wales State

7:30pm 7.30 NSW(CC)State based current affairs. Quentin Dempster examines the local issues concerning New South Wales.

Australian Capital Territory

7:30pm 7.30 ACT(CC)Territory based current affairs. Chris Kimball examines the local issues concerning the ACT.

Queensland State

7:30pm 7.30 QLD(CC)State based current affairs. Matt Wordsworth examines the local issues concerning Queensland.

Victoria State

7:30pm 7.30 VIC(CC)State based current affairs. Guy Stayner examines the local issues concerning Victoria.

Tasmania State

7:30pm 7.30 TAS(CC)State based current affairs. Airlie Ward examines the local issues concerning Tasmania.

Northern Territory

7:30pm 7.30 NT(CC)Territory based current affairs. Danielle Parry examines the local issues concerning the Northern Territory.

South Australia State

7:30pm 7.30 SA(CC)State based current affairs. Simon Royal examines the local issues concerning South Australia.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Friday 07 June 2013

Western Australia State

7:30pm 7.30 WA(CC)State based current affairs. Andrew O'Connor examines the local issues concerning Western Australia.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Saturday 08 June 2013

Saturday, 8 June 2013

6:00am rage(G)New Release Music Videos. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

10:30am rage Guest Programmer(PG)Every Saturday morning at 10:30am rage previews tonight's show with a special Guest Programmer each week. Visit for more details.

11:30am 7.30 [State Edition](Repeat)

12:00pm Australian Story(CC,Repeat)Well-known and not so well-known Australians telling their own remarkable stories in their own words.

12:30pm Catalyst(CC,Repeat)This episode looks into tornadoes made of fire; whether it's possible to make a meal from fly larvae; and if dogs have empathy.

1:00pm Three Men In More Than One Boat(CC,Repeat,G)After the success of their previous nautical outings Griff Rhys Jones, Dara O'Briain and Rory McGrath are reunited for a boating adventure along the Cornish coast and a mission to make it all the way to the Isles of Scilly.

2:00pm Live: State Football [check local guides]

5:00pm Midsomer Murders: The Dogleg Murders(CC,Repeat)Inspectors Barnaby and Jones are back on the trail of another killer in the Midsomer villages, this time at the prestigious Whiteoaks golf club.

6:30pm Gardening Australia(CC,G)Jerry is watching seasonal change in Brisbane; Tino is giving produce to the people in Tasmania; Josh is with a man on a mission; Angus gets to know plant families and Costa visits a nursery where staff wellbeing is key.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Saturday 08 June 2013

7:00pm ABC News(CC)

7:30pm Death In Paradise(CC,PG)Camille is devastated when her best friend Aimee, a singer on a Caribbean party boat, collapses while on stage during a night of music and cocktails. It seems she has been poisoned. CAST: Sara Martins and Ben Miller.

8:30pm Injustice(CC)This gripping event drama tackles a universal question - How does a defence barrister live with himself if he finds out that his client is guilty? Cast: James Purefoy

10:15pm Adam Hills Tonight(CC,Repeat)Fresh from hosting his hit UK talk show, The Last Leg, comedian Adam Hills returns for the new season of Adam Hills Tonight - a one hour chat show filled with celebrity guests, clever comedy and live music.

11:15pm rage Guest Programmer(MA,Adult Themes, Coarse Language, Drug Use, Horror, Nudity, Sex References, Violence)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

5:00am rage(PG)New Release Music Videos. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Saturday 08 June 2013

Other States:New South Wales State

11:30am 7.30 NSW(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Quentin Dempster examines the local issues concerning New South Wales.

2:00pm Time Team: Castle Hill(CC,Repeat,G)Tony Robinson and the team head to a family farm at Somerset to find out if there was ever actually a castle on top of a hill they call Castle Hill.

3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 9 (Split Round): Easts v GordonCoverage of the 2013 NSW Rugby Union Shute Shield.

Australian Capital Territory

11:30am 7.30 ACT(CC,Repeat)Territory based current affairs. Chris Kimball examines the local issues concerning the ACT.

2:00pm Time Team: Castle Hill(CC,Repeat,G)Tony Robinson and the team head to a family farm at Somerset to find out if there was ever actually a castle on top of a hill they call Castle Hill.

3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 9 (Split Round): Easts v GordonCoverage of the 2013 NSW Rugby Union Shute Shield.

Queensland State

11:30am 7.30 QLD(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Matt Wordsworth examines the local issues concerning Queensland.

2:00pm Time Team: Castle Hill(CC,Repeat,G)Tony Robinson and the team head to a family farm at Somerset to find out if there was ever actually a castle on top of a hill they call Castle Hill.

2:50pm At The Movies(CC,Repeat,PG)Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Saturday 08 June 2013

3:20pm Movie: The Iron Petticoat(CC,Repeat,1956,G)A Russian aviatrix decides to fly into the American section of Berlin during the Cold War, where she meets an American major assigned to convert her to Western ways. CAST: Katharine Hepburn, Bob Hope DIR: Ralph Thomas (1956)

Victoria State

11:30am 7.30 VIC(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Guy Stayner examines the local issues concerning Victoria.

1:00pm Football: VFL: Round 9: Teams TBACoverage of the 2013 Victorian Football League (VFL).

4:00pm Three Men In More Than One Boat(CC,Repeat,G)After the success of their previous nautical outings Griff Rhys Jones, Dara O'Briain and Rory McGrath are reunited for a boating adventure along the Cornish coast and a mission to make it all the way to the Isles of Scilly.

Tasmania State

11:30am 7.30 TAS(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Airlie Ward examines the local issues concerning Tasmania.

2:00pm Time Team: Castle Hill(CC,Repeat,G)Tony Robinson and the team head to a family farm at Somerset to find out if there was ever actually a castle on top of a hill they call Castle Hill.

2:50pm At The Movies(CC,Repeat,PG)Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

3:20pm Movie: The Iron Petticoat(CC,Repeat,1956,G)A Russian aviatrix decides to fly into the American section of Berlin during the Cold War, where she meets an American major assigned to convert her to Western ways. CAST: Katharine Hepburn, Bob Hope DIR: Ralph Thomas (1956)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Saturday 08 June 2013

Northern Territory

11:30am 7.30 NT(CC,Repeat)Territory based current affairs. Danielle Parry examines the local issues concerning the Northern Territory.

2:00pm Football: SANFL: Round 10: West Adelaide v NorwoodWest Adelaide face Norwood at Elizabeth Oval in Round 10 of the SANFL.

South Australia State

11:30am 7.30 SA(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Simon Royal examines the local issues concerning South Australia.

2:00pm Football: SANFL: Round 10: West Adelaide v NorwoodWest Adelaide face Norwood at Elizabeth Oval in Round 10 of the SANFL.

Western Australia State

11:30am 7.30 WA(CC,Repeat)State based current affairs. Andrew O'Connor examines the local issues concerning Western Australia.

2:00pm Football: WAFL: Round 12: West Perth v ClaremontWest Perth play Claremont in round twelve of the Western Australian Football League (WAFL).

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 23Marketing Contacts

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