mislevichclass.weebly.com · Web viewPlant cells produce their _____ through a process called...

Post on 24-Apr-2020

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Transcript of mislevichclass.weebly.com · Web viewPlant cells produce their _____ through a process called...

• Vascular Plants can further be classified as __________________– cone bearing plants, e.g. pine trees _______________– flowering plants, e.g. roses

__________________ are classified as – Flowering plants– ______________– FRUIT or FLOWERS

• Regardless of type, flowers are great for reproduction. Flowers attract animals that can help pollinate the plant.

___________________ are classified as– ______________– Open seed– PINECONES

PhotosynthesisPlant cells produce their ___________________ through a process called photosynthesis.• Photosynthesis allows plants to convert light energy into food


THE PLANT KINGDOM(Plant Classification)

Domain: ___________________Kingdom: _________________Cell type: __________________Cell number: _____________

Feeding: _______________________________________Reproduction: _________________

This kingdom has __________________that are multi-cellular, have cell walls

and_________________, produce their own food, and don’t physically move

from one place to another.

• Plants evolved from ______________(protists)

• They are first classified as

______________– short plants with no transport tissue (like veins),

e.g. moss

______________ – taller plants with veins, e.g. trees

• _________ – veins for water

• _________ – veins for food

Vascular Plants

Plants that____________________ to carry water up the plant or tubes to carry food made in the leaves down the plant

• ____________: the reproductive cell of a nonvascular plant


Plants that have ____________to carry water up and food down the plant

Vascular Plants can further be classified as

_____________ __– cone bearing plants, e.g. pine trees

________________– flowering plants, e.g. roses


Non-Vascular Plants