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Salem United Church of Christ MoorestownChurch Office (610) 759-1652 –

Pastor Kaye Lentz, (610)217-0041, email:SalemPastor2218@yahoo.comLisa Abruzzese, Organist/Choir Director, (610) 217-4234Ministers of the Church – Every Member of Salem UCC

Trinity SundayMay 30, 2021

Please note that in order to protect ourselves and each other:- If you are fully vaccinated, masks are not required in the grove.- In the grove, congregational singing is permitted.- If worshiping inside, masks are required and there will be no congregational

singing during hymns or responses. - In the grove, during the passing of the peace, you may move around to pass

the peace, For inside worship, please share the peace of Christ by waving or sharing the peace sign.



CALL TO WORSHIP One: O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.One: The angels sing of your glory.All: Children recognize your power.One: Your enemies do not prevail. The fortress of your love lasts forever.All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.One: When I think of all creation- space, animals, plants,All: People, music, fish, mountains, oceans, and deserts.One: It is more than I can comprehend- that I am born out of the same mind as whales and galaxies.All: Who are we, that you have thought of us, made us, loved us, saved us?One: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.All: You made people- all people, all kinds of peopleOne: You gave people, us, the work of caring for, of stewardship overAll: Flocks and herds, fields and forests, lakes and rivers, the wild and the tamed.One: O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God. 

OPENING PRAYERAll: Triune God, we look at the things you have made, the works of your hands, and we stop to consider them with awe. From the intricate immensity of the universe, to the simplicity of a flower, your works astonish us. We are amazed that in the midst of the vastness and beauty of creation, you created us. We wonder at your love for us and


rejoice in your presence in our lives. We pray in the name of the Creator, the Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

HYMN # 136 “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”

PRAYER OF CONFESSIONAll: Holy, holy, holy God, the words of praise slip easily from our lips.  You are almighty!  You are glorious!  You dwell in holy splendor!  But as we are swept up in those lofty words, we can miss the point.  Because we can describe you, we start to think that we can understand you.  And then we think we can predict your actions, and expect your favor, and control your mercy. Holy God, forgive us for limiting our vision of you:  for only acknowledging your presence some of the time, for refusing to see the complexities of your blessings, and for praying only for the people we think are worthy of our concern.  Close our lips and turn our eyes to gaze on you in awe and wonder, so that we may receive your love and your grace, not as facts to understand but as gifts to treasure. Listen now to our silent confessions. Silence is kept

WORDS OF ASSURANCEOne: Beloved Children of God, our merciful God offers forgiveness to each and every one of us.All: Amazed and relieved, we breathe in the Spirit of Forgiveness.One: God is ever and always healing us, renewing us and preparing us for a deeper understanding through the Holy Spirit. This is the good news that brings new life.All:  We thank God for it. Amen.

PASSING OF THE PEACE! Leader: Peace be with you.People: And also with you!Leader: Share the peace of Christ with one another (stay in place, wave or make the peace sign)

PRAISE RESPONSE:Leader: Praise the Lord! People: The Lord’s name be praised!

HYMN OF PRAISE #658All: Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love. Our God is an awesome God. (2 times)


TODAY’S SCRIPTURE LESSONS Old Testament lesson: Isaiah 6:1-8 Epistle lesson: Romans 8:12-17 Gospel lesson: John 3:1-17RESPONSE:One: This is the word of the Lord.All: Thanks be to God CHILDREN’S MESSAGE

TODAY’S MESSAGE “Three Plus One”

HYMN # 673 “We Believe in God Almighty”

OFFERING At this time, I invite each one of us to consider ways to express our thankfulness for all that God provides by giving of our time and talents in new ways. For those worshipping in-person, we thank you for your offering that you dropped in the offering box this morning. For those worshipping virtually, we ask you to consider how you will offer your tithes and offerings to support the ministry Salem church as well – some options are: on-line giving available through our website or your smartphone, mail check in weekly or set aside your offering each week and mail it in monthly. Thank you.

PRAYER OF DEDICATION. All: Triune God, you model for us what it means to be a community in your self-giving and sacrificial nature. As we bring our offerings before you, we pray that you would use them for your purposes that your glory would be shown in every area of our world.


HYMN # 422 “Amazing Grace”

RESPONSIVE PRAYER FOR MEMORIAL DAYOne: Holy God, we honor today those men and women; our ancestors, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers and friends, who have laid down their life for their country. Whether weary or emboldened, quiet or defiant, vulnerable or ready when they were called home, their sacrifice is too humbling for words, except these uttered in prayer. All: God of love and compassion, bless them forever in your eternal peace. Cherish their spirit, honor their commitment, send them our love, and assure them that we have not forgotten and will never forget the sacrifice that they made. Every military member that has died on duty was also a member of a family. Make your presence known to


those families as they remember with sorrow their loved one who died serving their country. One: We long for the day, O God, when these words, spoken by the prophet Isaiah are a reality, “And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore.” All: In Christ’s name, may it be so. Amen.

HYMN # 614 “Let There Be Peace on Earth”

BENEDICTIONOne: So now we leave this space of worship, while so much of the road ahead is uncertain. The path constantly changing, but we know some things that are as solid and sure as the ground beneath our feet, and the sky above our heads.All: We know God is love. We know Christ’s light endures. We know the Holy Spirit goes with us, closer to us than our next breath, binding us to each other, until we meet again. Amen.


POSTLUDE * Portions of this worship service were adapted from “Seasons of the Spirit”, “ day prayer”, “liturgylink – Rev Julia Seymour, Rev Eric Beene, Rev Martha Spong, UCC Worship Ways - Rev. Kathryn Matthews Huey and the Rev. Susan A. Blain.

PRESENTED TO THE GLORY OF GOD: The FLOWERS in memory of John Heffintrayer by wife, Arlene.

YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR 2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES ON WEDNESDAYS BETWEEM 9 AM AND 3 PM. Bev Repsher and the Ladies Aid will be there to assist you. Call Peggy Troxell at 610-759-2501 if you need to make other arrangements.



We will be gathering for Worship outside in the grove at 10:15 AM. If the weather does not cooperate, we will gather in the sanctuary. Please bring your own lawn chairs for the grove, if you are able. There are a few benches for those who do not have chairs. Masks and social distancing will be required. Virtual Worship will be available, also.

Pastor Kaye will be on vacation from June 6th after worship through June 14th. If you have an urgent pastoral care need in that time, please call Peggy Troxell at 610-759-2501. She will take your information and have the pastor who is covering for Pastor Kaye, Rev. James Gottwald, call you asap. Rev. Richard Guhl will lead worship and preach on June 13th.

We would like to print the names of Salem’s High School and College Graduates (including December 2020 graduates) in the July/August Newsletter. Please submit the names by Sunday, June 20, 2021. We are interested in their plans for college or employment, degree, etc. if you want us to include this information.

The Bath Area Food Bank is in need of Ramen Noodles. If you would like to donate Ramen noodles, please bring them to worship or drop them off at the church. The Ladies Aid is there every Wednesday from 9 AM until 3 PM.

BOY SCOUT TROOP #50 RUMMAGE SALE, June 17, 18 & 19, 8 AM, rain or shine, all outdoors. Something for everyone, clothing, household items, tools, toys and much more. They will also be collecting for a local dog rescue. Bring a donation of food, treats or toys and receive a Crayola product (while supplies last.) Masks are required, social distancing guidelines will be followed. Questions- call or text Megan at 484-239-5763.

Starting June 6, our Sunday Worship Service will begin at 9:30 AM. We will worship in the grove each Sunday this summer. In case of inclement weather, we will gather in the church. For now, masks will be required for worship that will need to be moved inside.

August Flea Market, Saturday, August 21. Call Mitch Thomas at 610-759-5780. $12 to rent a space with a table and $9 for just a space. The refreshment stand will be open.

Summer Festivals – this year we will only have one -the Peach Festival. Saturday, August 14, 3 to 9 PM.Speak to Vicki Troxell or Kathryn VanBlargan if you can help that day and the days before. Speak to Vicki if you would like to donate a prize for the raffle ticket.

Vacation Bible School will be July 26th through the 30th from 5:45 PM to 8:00 PM. We cannot wait to make you all Knights of the North Castle. Registration form is in the June Newsletter.

We are looking for people who would like to help with recording the service or virtual worship. Please speak to Ed Taylor or Vicki Troxell, if you are interested.


SEARCHING FOR A TREASURER: We are looking for someone to be treasurer of Salem. Please speak to Vicki or any Consistory member, if you are interested in the position or if you have questions about the position.

THE ALTAR GUILD HAS THE YELLOW GARBAGE BAGS TO SELL, THE COST IS $10.00/ROLL. If you are interested, please call Donna Schlegel at 610-704-9185. THE ALTAR GUILD IS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS. Please call Donna Schlegel, if you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild.

Donations of canned Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and bottled water are needed for the Basket Raffle. Please speak to Vicki or Kerry, if you are willing to donate.


2021 Basket RaffleJune 4 from 5 – 8 PM

June 5 from 9 AM – 4:00 PMIn-Person Event in Fellowship Hall

We have over 220 theme baskets, prizes, and gift certificates. You can purchase a sheet of tickets at the door for $5.00 (each sheet has 25 tickets). Proceeds from the online and in-person events will benefit the Autism Society of America, Best Buddies Program, Bath Food Bank, and Salem UCC Improvement Fund.

Mega Prize Raffle Online!18 Mega Prizes on display at the 2 day in-person event. However, you can get an early start and purchase your Mega Prize tickets online at or scan the QR code below to enter the raffle website.Each Mega Prize ticket is $2 with ticket packages to choose to purchase. The online raffle is available now and will remain open for anyone to enter until June 5 at 5 PM. Please Note: Anyone participating online needs to be able to pick up winnings, or have someone nearby to get your prize at 2218 Community Dr., Bath, PA 18014. The church will not be offering delivery or shipping and some of the Mega Prizes are large in scale. If you have any difficulties using the online raffle, please email or contact Ed Taylor at 610-657-4247.

Help us spread the word!Invite your family, friends, neighbors & coworkers to the online raffle!

Thank You!