Web Usability for the Rest of Us

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Web developers, designers and community managers have a more challenging role than ever before. They are designing for and facilitating important online activities like communication, collaboration, sharing and socializing. However, it’s hard to know how users are really interacting with websites. They can’t easily observe users in their natural environments interacting with these systems. How many web developers actually get a focus group of target users in a room and watch them navigate their websites? We’re obsessed with helping developers build better user experiences on the web, and we knew there had to be a better, cheaper and faster way than traditional usability testing.

Transcript of Web Usability for the Rest of Us

Usability Testing in the Wild




Free Beer 2.0*

Usability is important.

Usability testing is essential.

Getting testers in the same place, at the same time, with same interests is…

Web audiences are diverse and far reaching--that's why it works

Obsessed with helping developers build better user experiences

“The Journey is the Reward”

Test "everyone" in their natural environment.

1,200,000,000 Data Sessions

We built a Robot

Easy and Cheap

<script src="http://www.robotreplay.com/javascripts/nitobi.replay.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Jack is watching



Demo clip

Stop all other forms of testing!

What have we learned already?

What’s around the corner?


Free For You

André Charlandandre@nitobi.com
