Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013

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Transcript of Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013

Hands on Web Performance Workshop

Andy Davies@andydavies

Tobias Baldauf@tbaldauf

#VelocityConf London 2013

We’re planning to cover

● Tools● Techniques● Live Analysis


…this session is about

YOUso feel free to jump in with questions

What sites should we test?


Do you use WebPageTest?

PhantomJS http://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/


{ "url":"http://tobias.is", "metrics":{




All together now!#!/usr/bin/env bashURL_to_measure="$1"

Metrics_to_analyze=('timeToFirstByte' 'requests' 'cssSize')

Phantomas_JSON_output=$(phantomas --format=json --url "${URL_to_measure}")

for((i=0;i<${#Metrics_to_analyze[@]};i++)) ; do eval ${Metrics_to_analyze[$i]}=$(echo "$Phantomas_JSON_output" | jq ".metrics."${Metrics_to_analyze[$i]}) export ${Metrics_to_analyze[$i]}done

bats --tap performance-tests.bats

#!/usr/bin/env bats

@test "Time to first byte" { [ "$timeToFirstByte" -lt 200 ]}

@test "Number of HTTP requests" { [ "$requests" -lt 30 ]}

@test "CSS size" { [ "$cssSize" -lt 15360 ]}

#1..3ok 1 Time to first byteok 2 Number of HTTP requestsnot ok 3 CSS size# (in test file /test/webperf/performance-tests.bats, line 23)


WebPagetest API


Run WPT Run!webpagetest test http://velocityconf.com --server wpt.yourdomain.tld --location Local-SGS2 --wait

{ "statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok", "data": {

"testId": "131019_VF_1","ownerKey": "b5cf1cb86be59d94f3ee714f15da3efe5cf05b7z","jsonUrl": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/jsonResult.php?test=131019_VF_1","xmlUrl": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/xmlResult.php?test=131019_VF_1","userUrl": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/results.php?test=131019_VF_1","summaryCSV": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/csv.php?test=131019_VF_1","detailCSV": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/csv.php?test=131019_VF_1&amp;req=1"


SwissArmyKnife Results"response": {

"statusCode": 200,"statusText": "Ok","data": {

"testId": "131019_VF_1", "summary": "http://wpt.yourdomain.tld/results.php?test=131019_VF_1", "from": "Samsung Galaxy SII - Native", "runs": 1, "successfulFVRuns": 1, "successfulRVRuns": 1, "average": { "firstView": { "loadTime": 6285, "TTFB": 2852, [...]

TAP & Jenkins Integration

What if we want to test more

than one page?

./sitespeed.io -u http://news.bbc.co.uk

Setup your own HTTP Archive…

Barbara Bermes - http://man.gl/1eHoyqB

Lots of data!

hist(results$reqTotal, xlim=c(0,200), ylim=c(0,375),breaks=seq(0,200,by=5), main="", xlab="Number of Requests",col="steelblue", border="white", axes=FALSE)

axis(1, at = seq(0, 225, by = 25))axis(2, at = seq(0, 400, by = 25))

library(RMySQL)drv = dbDriver('MySQL')con = dbConnect(drv, user='user', password='password', dbname='dbname', host='')

results = dbGetQuery(con,statement='select * from pages;')

Import data into R

Plot histogram of requests / page

Sometimes bi-modal distributions

Commercial tools available too…

Let’s look at some live sites

Performance isn’t just about load time


Painting every 20ms!

Logo is actually made of four images that fade from one to another.

CPU load varies between 7 - 20%

Has detrimental impact on mobile battery life

A Tale of CSS Checkbox Hacks<input type="checkbox" id="toggle" /><label for="toggle" class="toggle" onclick></label><ul class="menu"> <li><a href="#">Sictransit</a></li> <li><a href="#">Gloriamundi</a></li> </ul>

#toggle:checked ~ .menu {display: block;





body { -webkit-animation: bugfix infinite 1s; /* here be dragons */}@-webkit-keyframes bugfix { from { white-space: default; } to { white-space: normal; }}

Be neighborlyAdjacent sibling selector trumps general sibling selector

<input type="checkbox" id="toggle" /><nav>

<label for="toggle" class="toggle" onclick></label><ul class="menu">

<li><a href="#">Sictransit</a></li> <li><a href="#">Gloriamundi</a></li>


#toggle:checked + nav .menu { display: block;}

Lessons learnedWorking in web performance is as much about educating as optimizing.

Choose your battles



Thank You (we’re around all week)

Office Hours: 12:30 Thursday

Andy: @andydavieshello@andydavies.me

Tobias: @tbaldaufkontakt@tobias-baldauf.de