Web Design: How to change the clients mind

Post on 13-Dec-2014

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http://robcubbon.com Because it’s a new industry and because of the freedoms, web designing has unique challenges. And one of these challenges is to decide when the client is right and when the client is wrong.

Transcript of Web Design: How to change the clients mind

How To Change The

Client’s Mind

How To Change The Client’s MindVertical menus

“Nowadays people expect to find a horizontal menu across the top of the website header. Doing something else is likely to result in higher bounce rates, less pages per visit and less conversions.”

Too many items in navigation

“Seven is the magic number when it comes to short term memory. Remember you’re competing against all the distractions of the modern day. It’s great to keep things simple.”

“Use this color, my wife/son/aunt likes it”

“That color won’t show up against the background and will make it hard for the visitors to differentiate and therefore this would make the website harder to use.”

Background music

“Background music, to me, seems unprofessional. Streaming music can cause the website to load slowly which is bad for visitors and looked on unkindly by Google. The antidote to this is to loop a shorter music sample but this gets repetitive and is annoying for the visitor. You want visitors staying on your site for hours not a few seconds.”

“Plus there’s a problem with people already listening to music before visiting your site as well as people visiting your site from public places where they won’t appreciate the sound.”

Flash intros

“You want your visitors to perform a desired action on your site (typically, leave their email address, buy a product, contact you, etc.) You should do everything you can to remove barriers from the path towards this and facilitate this desired action. A flash intro or splash page is one more barrier. We should work towards removing these barriers not putting them up.”