We can reduce gas prices now!

Post on 07-Feb-2016

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We can reduce gas prices now!. “Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.”  ~ George Carlin. Nettie Cash of Dallas GA has had to cut back on her medication in order to afford to buy gas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of We can reduce gas prices now!

We can reduce gas prices now!

“Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.”  ~ George Carlin

Gas prices affect… Everyone

• Nettie Cash of Dallas GA has had to cut back on her medication in order to afford to buy gas.

• “It’s not easy,” she said. “You do what you have to do.”

• If prices continue to soar, one of your loved ones could be next.

Gas prices don’t affect demand

Sara’s part about elasticity

What are some things you like to do?

Golf Movies


What will YOU need to give up?

Gas has significantly increased

Here are some immediate solutions for this problem:



Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Strategically release some of the 727 million barrels from the United States reserve into the market.

These events all lowered prices for the consumers at the pump

If it worked before, why not now?

1990-91 (Desert Storm) 17 million barrels were released into the market.

1996-97 (Deficit Reduction) 28 million barrels were released into the market.

2005 (hurricane Katrina) 11 million barrels were released into the market.

This would help reduce the impacts of speculative trading.

Taxes on GasolineFederal tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per

gallon.State taxes on gasoline is an average of

27.9 cents per gallon.Total tax on gasoline an average 48.1

cents per gallon

Temporarily reducing or suspending the gasoline taxes would help the consumer and

possibly stimulate the economy.

Limits on Domestic Drilling

Dependence on foreign oil makes us susceptible to price increases caused by other countries.

We have abundant oil resources here in the United States.

Undo and release some of the United States oil resources that is tied up in bureaucracy.

Solution Drill Baby Drill!

Bekkan Reserves holds an estimated 500 billion barrels. (North Dakota, Montana, Canada)

Oil Shale Reserves holds an estimated 2 trillion barrels. (Utah, Colorado, Kentucky, Mississippi)

ANWR alone holds 29 billion barrels. (Alaska’s North Slope)

Off Shore Reserves in Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Environmental Concerns

Today’s drilling technologies have far less impact and leave a small footprint on the environment then years past.

Caribou populations since the Alaskan oil pipeline was completed, increased from roughly 6000 to over 23,000.

It is important that we utilize our resources while expanding and researching others.

We feel these immediate solutions will ultimately contribute to our real goal of becoming independent of oil.