WCS Journey 2014

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WCS Journey 2014

Transcript of WCS Journey 2014

Committed to

academic excellence

rooted in biblical truth,

WCS seeks to build a

community of


where every mind

is grounded, every

heart is connected and

every hand is serving for

the glory of God.

the JourneyJuly 2014

W elcome to the 3rd issue of “The Journey!” God has each of us on a journey and He has blessed the ministry of Westminster Christian School through the partnership of so many like you. Our desire

is to share with you some of the ways that the Lord worked in and through WCS this past year and also to let you know our remaining financial need as the current year comes to a close. Thank you for joining with us on this journey and for your partnership with WCS.

From the Desk of Steve Hall / WCS Head of School

Westminster Christian School is driven to provide excellent, engaging, and

distinctly Christian learning experiences for every student. As this school year ends, we can look back and see many evidences of the fruit this vision has produced by God’s great grace. The Journey is our opportunity to reflect and praise our Lord for His faithfulness, goodness, and abundant blessing.

Even as we rejoice in God’s goodness and grace seen during this past school year, we eagerly anticipate His mighty work in the next. It is with great joy and gratitude that I enter the 2014/2015 school year as the new Head of School. I am incredibly honored to be called to a school whose faculty, administration, board, and parent community believe fully that Christian education is a life-altering and world-changing endeavor worthy of whole-hearted commitment. There are few endeavors as wondrous as helping young people see the world as God sees it. What can be more valuable and joyous than equipping the next generation to impact the world for Jesus Christ?

It is our prayer that this year’s edition of The Journey is an encouragement to you. God is working at Westminster Christian School! Being confident that there is much, much more that God will do in and through this school, we ask you to read with a heart of thankfulness, faith, and hope. God has used your devotion and generosity to establish a remarkable school community. It will be our joy to build upon such a strong foundation next year and in the years to come.

Your partnership with us carries eternal significance and we are deeply thankful for it. To God be the glory for all He has done and is doing at Westminster Christian School.

In His service and yours,

Steve Hall

5 Pillars ofWestminster Christian School

MAKE Biblical Truth Foundational

PURSUE Academic Excellence

BUILD a Community of Christ Followers

CULTIVATE Individual Growth

STRIVE for Operational Excellence

Matt 19, Mike 21, Steve, Susan, Jeremy 20


ACADEMICS:u Senior Samantha Hoyt was named a National Merit Finalist

u High School Science Olympiad Team qualified for state competition for the 5th year in a row

u Rotary Scholars honored for Straight A’s this year:3x recipient: Emma Kovachevich (11)

2x recipients: Alexis Guttilla (12), Dillon Rejman (10)1x recipients: Elizabeth Atchison (12), Angela Bavaro (11),

Macey Lloyd (11), Nikhil Daniels (10), Hannah Haecker (10), Benjamin Bertsche (9), Nicholas Kleczynski (9),

Annie Lee (9), Wynndelle Woodhouse (9)

u Alexis Gutilla was selected for the Daily Herald Adademic Team and Samantha Hoyt received honorable mention

u Full 5 year accreditation was awarded to WCS by the Association of Christian Schools International

u The Illinois State Board of Education awarded WCS Full Recognition Status

ATHLETICS:u 1st year for WCS Varsity Football

u 1st Varsity Soccer and Football Homecoming games & coronation tradition under the lights

u Connor Rejman placed 10th out of 112 golfers at the IHSA Class 1A State Golf Tournament and was selected to the All-State Team

u Tom Danner advanced to the IHSA Class 1A Cross Country Sectional Meet

u Boys’ Basketball won the Conference Tournament Championship and are the 2014 IHSA Class 1A Regional Champions

u Sam Carani was selected IBCA Special Mention All State Team

u The Girls’ Basketball team won the 2014 Conference Championship and advanced to the IHSA Class 2A Regional Tournament

u Senior McKaila Hays scored her 1,000th career point, was selected to the IBCA State All-Star Team, advanced to State for the 2nd year finishing 9th in the state of Illinois at

the IHSA Country Companies 3-point Showdown

u McKaila Hays, Claire Speweik and Maddie Versluys were voted to the IBCA 2A All State Team/Special Mention

u We welcomed new varsity head baseball coach Brance Riviera who took the team on spring break trip to Texas and led the warriors to the 2014 Conference Championship

u Our Girls’ Softball Team won their first ever Conference Championship

FINE ARTS:u Over 90 students participated in the all school musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Ticket sales reached an all time high.

u The middle school, joined by many elementary students, performed The Wizard of Oz

u Over 40% of the high school participated and performed in a music ensemble this year

u Judson University invited a WCS student ensemble to perform for the Annual Prayer Breakfast.

u The Visual Art Department hosted the ACSI Arts Festival and the Illinois State Student Traveling Show for the second year in a row

u WCS produced its first ever ALL SCHOOL TALENT EXPO in May. The varied talents of our students were displayed in this creative setting.

At Westminster, we embrace the biblical view of Christian generosity as a part of our “DNA”. Each year we grow in what it means to be intentional in encouraging one

another to not just give generously, but to live generously. This year we were challenged by our GIVE BACK 2014 theme verse, “consider how to stir up another to love and good deeds.” – Hebrews 10:24

This year, through a series of events, the Lord tugged on 3rd grader Nathan Sevey’s heart when he heard the song, “Do Something!” during the GIVE BACK 2014 kick-off chapel. After talking with his dad, he decided to find a need of someone less fortunate by looking at The Samaritan’s Purse website, and to “do something about it.”

When you read Hebrews 10:24, you will see Nathan was a “doer of the word.” He put together a Powerpoint presentation about the need for clean water in Africa, and shared his plan to make a difference with the High School Business Club, Mission Advancement Office, and the School Board.

Nathan’s original desire was to raise $400 to dig one well for clean water. The high school Business Club joined in to help the 3rd graders, and one by one, others in the WCS community were inspired to participate in God’s work through Nathan and his classmates to bring clean water to families in Africa. In the midst of our GIVE BACK 2014 event where we were rallying as a community to help provide for WCS students in need, the outpouring from the WCS community was very generous and God provided over $2000 to dig 5 wells!

What a great example that generosity begets generosity! As we teach our kids to live generously and give back as Christ has given to us, we pray it will just become more and more a part of our “DNA” and how we live as believers.

Learning Generosity At WCS

Nathan Sevey, 3rd Grade

WCS 3rd Grade Class & High School Business Club

SCHOOL COMMUNITY:u Every August we launch the year with an all school Family Picnic and Kick-off. It is always a fun and meaningful way to connect old and new friends as we start the year

u For years WCS’s High School Worship Team has prepared and led worship for our weekly chapels. This past year marked the first year for our newly formed Middle School Worship Team. We give thanks to God for the many talents of both our middle and high

school student worship leaders

u The 2013-2014 Phil Sokody Golf Classic was one of our most successful outings to date

u This year we started a new tradition with the first ever WCS Candlelight Christmas. We were blessed by great food, time together, and beautiful music by Ben Calhoun, lead

singer of Citizen Way, Paul Satre, Professor of Music, Trinity International University, & Andy Anderson, Bassist for the Lyric Opera

WARRIORS AT THE NEXT LEVEL :u Clay DeHaan – Trinity Christian (Baseball)

u Claire Speweik – Kentucky Christian University (Volleyball)

u Deshawn Bloom – Lake Forest College (Football)

u Connor Rejman – Western Illinois (Golf)

u William Rathjen – Ripon College (Football)

u Liz Meschewski – Judson University (Basketball)

u Cassidy Finnegan – Carthage College (Volleyball)

“Senior Bible class helped me to discover my own faith.  It made me more secure in who I am in Christ and gave me the confidence to be different than the rest of the world.  I feel prepared to go out into the world and do the best I can to live for Christ daily.” – Mallory Richardson ‘14

“Mrs. Schwartz has been the most impactful person in my WCS experi-ence.  She has poured into my life and has been a great role model for me.  Mrs. Schwartz is very knowledgeable and encouraging.  She is a great teacher, and she always lets me know how precious I am in God’s sight.” – Claire Speweik ‘14

“I have matured a lot, even this last year. WCS has formed a love for learning in my life and an appreciation for what I have here. I became a Christian while at WCS and will not leave here an atheist.” – Austin Lamp, WCS 2014 Valedictorian

“Mr. E. & Dr. Marsh have had the most impact on me because they have helped me gain a greater picture of how my spiritual life interacts with my daily life. They have helped me to know how to understand scripture and how to apply it in my life.”

– David Loske ‘14

Class retreats This year each high school and middle school class took a trip in the fall to get to know each other, build a deeper bond, and be challenged to grow in their walk with the Lord.

Interim 2013-2014Mission Trips to the Dominican Republic – Each year a group of students participate in a mission trip to serve those in other countries that have need. This year, so many students wanted to attend, we hosted 2 separate trips. Students lives were changed as they gave of themselves to serve others in the name of Christ.

Grand Canyon with Dr. Bill Marsh – They enjoyed excellent weather and, as always, spectacular views and scenery. Those who went on the 2014 interim backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon trekked fifty rugged and breath-taking miles through the backcountry of one of America’s most remarkable national parks, soaking in the camaraderie and the many opportunities to dig deeper into their relationship with God.”

Italy with Dr. Bristol - Ten students and seven adults toured Italy during interim 2013-2014. The group visited Florence, Venice, Rome, Pompeii, Sorrento, Bologna, Pisa, and more while experiencing their food, culture, sights, and art. Our wonderful tour guide shared the history and language of the various regions we visited.

GOD IS at work

Lives impacted:The resource department has given hope to concerned parents and self confidence to the many children who learn differently or just need to be understood in a safe, compassionate and positive environment. They see the potential in a child. It is because of their passion that our son C.J. can read with confidence!! — Mary Richardson, mom of C.J. Richardson

“We came to Westminster to really have an impact on our daughter Lizzie, and it has…but I would say that my life has been the one that has been changed the most.” — John Meschewski, father of Liz class of ‘2014, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

Congratulations!The following staff members have graduated with their masters: Layla Schuld Jason Arneson Adam Lee Anne Miller

The 2014 varsity baseball team served by cleaning up for the Washington, Illinois tornado victims.

The fine arts department participated in the Empty Bowls Project to help fund a local food pantry.

Faith in Action A new program called “Faith In Action” was launched in elementary and middle school this past school year.  Class-rooms served designated community partners throughout the year.   Our students were the “hands and feet” of Christ as they packed food, sang to the elderly, made friends at local schools, and much more.”

Jim Tucker (father of Max)

during this time of loss, the football team rallied and persevered. Max represented the

team by receiving the Spirit of Sportsmanship award from the Daily Herald this spring.

Bob Guge (father of Joy, Hannah, Seth,

Josh, Caleb, Gabriel, Jordan & Asher )

Dennis Loske (father of Kyle, David & Nicole)

Westminster is a family and this year our community pays respect to three parents of WCS students who finished well.

We also remember Craig Burdett, Founding WCS School Board Member, who remained active by serving at our school picnics and playing in the Phil Sokody Golf Classics.

Remembering those we’ve lost: God provides peace in our Loss

Nearly $3000 gifted to the resource department to launch Lexia in 1st-4th grades

Facility improvements:

u Sand volleyball courts

u Lettering in Gym

u Middle School office area was updated

u Senior Lounge was built in the mezzanine

u Cafe tables in the high school wing

u Yamaha Upright Piano

A message from the Miller family

Coming back from the mission field with three small children, we knew the importance of making sure they were in the right “place” for

their education.  After two years we realized they were struggling with the overwhelming changes. At just the right time, God brought WCS into our awareness but, still being on missionary support, we had no idea how we could afford it. We have been so blessed to have Westminster partner with us, not only in our children’s education, but in figuring out creative ways to pay for it.  For the past 6 years, we have had the immense privilege of cleaning the school.  This, along with financial assistance, has made it possible for all three of our children to graduate from WCS. I have often thought as I am cleaning, how many people throughout the world would gladly trade scrubbing a toilet for a day of quality education for their children!  We have been so blessed.  And as I look at the three young adults God has given us, I see them prepared to stand strong in the world, largely because of the incredible teachers and staff at WCS who poured their lives into each of them. Now, as we head back to the mission field, I know that God will continue to be faithful in their lives and I pray every day that they will be faithful to Him. – Jim & Lina Miller

Senior gift

The Senior Class of 2014 gave a “Legacy Gift” to WCS at this year’s Senior Dinner. The lettering on the wall of the gym ‘WARRIORS” will

stand as a reminder of God’s provision and an inspiration to those that follow through the halls and play on the courts in future years to come.


One plants, another waters, but it is God who makes it grow.

2014 Theme Verse

Opportunity to partner with God’s work at WCS

GIVE BACK is an annual giving event that encourages our students to LIVE GENEROUSLY. It also gives them a chance to invite others to partner with them financially as they serve organizations in the greater Elgin area in their effort to both serve the organizations and to help provide a WCS education for students in need.

“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” – Hebrews 10:24

The 3D Celebration Breakfast is an annual giving event that enables us to share the amazing work God is doing in and through Westminster and gives partners the unique opportunity to participate in that work.

God has shown His favor this year

You may send your gift in the enclosed envelope or visit our website at www.westminsterchristian.org and select “Give a Gift.”

$238,000 Provided through 2013-20143D Celebration Breakfast, GIVE BACK 2014

$24,700 towards Fine Arts

$59,000 towards Missions

$70,792 towards Athletics


God can do great things through one person or group whose heart is devoted

to Him…2 Chronicles 16:9, “the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”

We invite you to join us in prayer as we trust Him to be our Provider and ask you to consider if the Holy Spirit is leading you to share what God has entrusted to you to participate in His work in and through WCS.

We are trusting God to provide the remaining $143,000 still needed for the Westminster Fund by July 31st to finish providing for the quality, excellence, and programs we offer to our students, including assisting 1 in 4 students to be able to attend WCS.

through these gifts below from you!

Our remaining need by July 31st

still needed

Follow the journey of our WCS Alums Weddings / Births / Updates / Accomplishments:

Julie Gerrish ‘07 received the L’art du Gâteux certificate from The French Pastry School in Chicago and has worked with top bakeries and cake design studios in the city. Now she has the creative freedom to express her designer vision, to execute her level of perfection, and to deliver the glamour of…the Chicago Cake Couturier. (http://www.chicagocakecouturier.com).

Lindsey Gray & Saehena Hong ‘09 graduated Sept. ’13 from the school of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University in Tokyo. They both work in Tokyo. Lindsey is an English teacher at Bertliz.

Hannah Guge ‘09 will be married July 12th to Austin Massey.

Josh Guge ‘97 in December 2013 Josh relocated his art studio, The Guge Institute (www.gugeinstitute.com), from Gilberts to the Elgin Artspace building -51 S. Spring St., Suite C. Josh teaches wood carving, drawing, painting, and airbrush classes from age 6 and up. Josh’s sculptures can be seen at www.joshguge.com.

Rachel Hekman ‘10 graduated with honors in history from Calvin College and has accepted a graduate assistantship to do her Master’s in History this fall at Western Michigan University.

David Lindberg ‘11 participated with the LeTourneau University Engineering students (4/4/14), to beat the Guinness World Record for the most 3D printers running in the same room, at the same time, printing the same design. Out of 100 students, they chose a design that was created by David to use for this event.

Nathan Miller ‘10 married Megan Lorraine “Raine” Sanders on February 17, 2014!

Anna Mitchell ‘10 graduated with Departmental Distinction with a B.A. in Communication from U of I.  She will be attending Elmhurst College to pursue a M.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders to become a Speech-Language Pathologist.

Cailey O’Brien ‘13 (and family) recently relocated to Dallas Texas and is a Delta Zeta Sorority sister attending Illinois State University. 

Bailey Oleskow ‘13 after being very involved in the Elgin Community College community, Bailey is now majoring in actuarial science and planning to attend Illinois State University.

Ben ‘08 & Abby (Hoeflich) ‘07 Palmer married in December 2013 and live in Des Moines, Iowa where Ben has just completed his first year of Medical School. Abby is employed as a neonatal intensive care nurse.

Jessica (Palmer) ‘04 Burris and her husband Thomas are involved in church planting in Indianapolis. They have a daughter Evelyn who is a year and a half old.

Josh Palmer ‘11 resides in Seattle and is beginning his senior year at Seattle Pacific University where he is earning a degree in business.

Alyson Ballo ‘12 is attending the Hair Professionals Academy and engaged to be married August 9, 2014 to Sergio, Youth Pastor for Grace Evangelical Church.

Tyler Beachler ‘08 is Operations Analyst at BSC Private Wealth Management.

Jen Bertsche ‘10 graduated from Taylor University. Jen is working at Matrix Design, LLC.

Ben Carani ‘10 & Ragan Koper ‘10 will be married August 9th, 2014. They both recently graduated from Taylor University. Ben graduated with high honors with a double major in Mathematics and Finance and accepted a position as an actuary. Ragan received a bachelors in Elementary Ed with concentration in Special Education with honors and will be teaching preschool at a private school in Indiana.

Daniel Bryant ‘06 was engaged to Tina in January and graduated from Trinity Christian College in May 2013 with a Bachelors in Communication Arts, English minor. He is looking for full time work.

Eva (Cassidy) Serpico ‘07 opened a salon in her home, Eva’s Hair Salon, www.evashairsalon.com.

Janie (Cassidy) Duffy ‘97just had her 3rd baby, Franncis Anthony Duffy born April 22nd.

Vashti Cassidy ‘13 graduated from the international program at The Greek Bible College. June 10th she travels to Tanzania to work for 1 month in an orphanage.

Rachel Doby ‘10 just graduated as a new Air Force 2nd Lieutenant. She will report to San Angelo, Tx in August for a year of Intelligence Officer Training.

Paul Feitlich‘09 runs his own company (financialnetworksystems.com) to promote product lines in the ecommerce circuit.

Josh Gannon ‘10 graduated from LeTourneau University with a Civil Engineering degree. He will be working with Johnson & Pace in Texas, a civil company that is involved in structural and architectural design as well as land development, surveying, and water management. He just returned from a mission trip to the Philippines with Medair. He and his professor, Dr. Cortes, went there to continue analyzing and designing wooden shelters for the locals that are recovering from the typhoon that devastated the coasts of the country.

Caleb Gannon ‘11 is a Junior and majoring in Engineering Physics at Rose-Hullman Univeristy (IN). This Spring Caleb had a paper accepted, and has been invited by the International Optical Design Conference to make an oral presentation at the 2014 Classical Optics Congress this June in Hawaii. He will be presenting on the applications of a laser he designed. He has also been offered a position this summer to work in the laser technology and applications division of MIT Lincoln Labs.

WCS Alums COntinued...

Save The Date:August 16 ............. WCS Current Family Picnic and Kick-OffSeptember 22 .... 16th Annual Phil Sokody Golf ClassicSeptember 26 .... Homecoming gamesOctober 31 .......... 3D Celebration BreakfastApril 16 ................ GIVE BACK 2015

Please visit our website westminsterchristian.organd Facebook page throughout the year for all current WCS events.

2700 W. Highland Ave. | Elgin, IL 60124 | 847-695-0310 | fax: 847-695-0135 |


Please be sure to “like” our Facebook page, Westminster Christian School, and keep us informed of what God is doing in your life!

Just a few weeks ago, WCS graduated 34 8th graders and 53 seniors. The Lord has led these students, as He has all of our students, families, and staff on an amazing journey.

Our desire is that along the journey, our outstanding faculty and staff prepare our students to display Christ confidently as they live a life that serves Christ in the world - on a college campus, serving in the armed forces, or in a meaningful career.

For our students, the journey is challenging at times, yet it is also very encouraging, and they have finished this leg having gained valuable knowledge spiritually, academically, and socially

– learning along the way what it means to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Parents, your child’s journey at WCS has been a part of your own. I imagine that you have learned many things right alongside your sons and daughters which has played a part in your journey as gift of God’s grace that comes to us through Jesus Christ.

The summer is a great time to pray and meditate on what God has taught you, and how he has changed you through the journey He has taken you on this year. At WCS, we live this out through our mission of discovering, developing and displaying the truths of Jesus Christ as Paul has taught us in Philippians 1:21 – “for me to live is Christ.”

“The Journey”

To share alumni updates, send contact information, or receive WCS updates: http://www.westminsterchristian.org/alumni.asp. Be sure to “like” the Westminster Christian School Alumni Association facebook page.

Pastor Dave Williams, WPC Pastor

Rachel (Russell) ‘06 & Eric Westman work at Mooseheart as family teachers in a girl’s home with 12 girls ranging in ages from 12-18. Their son Charlie is 1 ½ years old.

Tim Sceggel ‘02 graduated from Covenant College in 2006 and received his M.A. from the University of Louisville in 2007. In 2014, Tim received the prestigious Emerging Athletic Administrator Award by the National Association of Division III Athletic Administrators. The award is given to one national honoree who has demonstrated a pattern of excellence and achievement in athletic administration during their first seven years as a full-time athletic administrator at the Division III level. He also added to his list of professional accolades as he was named to Sports Launch magazine’s “Thirty Under 30” list in its May issue. The award recognizes young professionals who epitomize hard work, innovation, creativity, and leadership in the sports industry.

Casey Schuring ‘08 is now the Human Resources Manager at Matrix Design, LLC in South Elgin.

Anais Tabor ‘11 and Frank Oliver ‘11 were married in June 2014.

Kayla Walsh ‘09 moved to NYC in the fall of 2013 for an internship and recently accepted a full time position as an administrative assistant with Mcgarrybowen, a large advertising agency in the city. She has really loved the city life.

Jamie Satre ‘98 is a teacher/coach at Greenwod Indiana. He and his wife Cathy have three children, Parker (9), Finn (5), Evie (3).

Katie (Satre) ‘00 works for Biz Pins Company/EEVAH Designs and is married to Corey Miller

Katie Webster ‘10 graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.