Wb eng rom

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Transcript of Wb eng rom



             1. Introduction Check DOC_W&B

        2. The files  UserName.bil and UserName.grv

        3. Guide Check-DOC_W&B

     3.1. Program GRVFOR.exe

     3.2. START module VBA in Excel

        4. Examples

1.Introduction Check DOC_W&B

Utilitarian Check DOC_W&B for a project modeled in CATIA V5 analyzes 

a) if there is   without

b) if there is without

c) if for any  use of 'n'-times for an  are modeled in a same ‘n’ of                for the


The utilitarian Check DOC_W&B program creates the database tree control project. In some areas 

(aircraft design example) can be calculated gravimetry database Weight & Balance. 

The utilitarian is called from the file: 

Check-Doc_W&B.batthat opens the EXCEL file: 

SABLON.XLSthat the buttons: 

Button calls the module START in VBA 

Butonul apeleaza GRVFOR.exe program FORTRAN under WINDOWS

Below is the file SABLON.XLS and input-output files required: 

The utilitarian Check DOC_W&B has as input and output the following files: 

a) UserName.Catproduct – input file to an assembly in CATIA V5 modeled that apply utilitarian

Check DOC_W&B 

b) UserName.bil1) – text file created in CATIA V5 file as output, outputs 'Bill of Material ... ‘ and

utility input file Check DOC_W&B. It represents properties refering the tree in terms of the

relationship between a or from upper .

c) UserName.grv2)– text file created in CATIA V5 file as output by the command 'Measure Inertia'.

it is gravimetric properties of all   din fisierul UserName.CatProduct

d) UserName.csv –excel file output GRVFOR.exe program created in Visual Fortran under

Windows and input file for START module VBA in SABLON.XLS 

e) UserName.xls – excel file output  for START module in VBA from file SABLON.XLS

1),2) – for cases b) and c) UserName will be identical 





2. The files  UserName.bil and UserName.grv

UserName.bil and UserName.grv files are obtained using UserName.CatProduct of a project as 

file CATIA V5. UserName.bil file is obtained using the command 'Bill of Material ...' and the file

UserName.grv will use the command ‘Measure Inertia’.

2.1.The file UserName.grv

Code sub


Components sub


Components sub


Components main PQRS0000-00000-WP2

Code sub


Code main PQRS0000-00000-WP2

Structura fisier arborescenta (*.bil)












2.2.The file UserName.bil

Below is part of a gravimetric file type (*. GRV), the initial identification data: Product : nameData : date and time when the file was created Author : author's name 

Follow gravimetric information identifying columns: 

Component(Part) | Density | Mass | Center gravity(Gx|Gy|Gz) | Measure Inertia(IXX | IZZ | IZZ | IXY | IXZ| IYZ)

and finally sum the information: 

3.Guide Check-DOC_W&B

The utilitarian Check DOC_W&B is used following steps: 

1. Run Check DOC_W&B.bat file that calls SABLON.EXE file: 

Next we have two options :

Pas 2.1. UserName.bil + UserName.grv -> UserName.csv uses the following button:

leading to activation GRVFOR.exe a Visual Fortran program under WINDOWS

Pas 2.2. UserName.csv -> UserName.xls uses the following button:

leading to activation START a module VBA din SABLON.EXE

3.1. Program GRVFOR.exe

GRVFOR.EXE is a program that is written in Visual Fortran under Windows. GRVFOR.exe is a

dialog box is shown below:

For a more accurate description of the program GRVFOR.exe, dialog box was divided into zones which

are described below

The image appears at the end of processing files UserName.bil si UserName.grv

Maximum number of characters for code or . Implicit 21 caractere

Total records of file UserName.bil Numar si respectiv



In this part of the area are given explicit information about files and UserName.grv and UserName.bil except for the following two:

Total number in fisierul UserName.grv


It is subdivided into two parts:

Button to execute the program GRVFOR which has as input files UserName.bil and UserName.grv


In ComboBox are listed , position in the file UserName.bil and the number of uses in upper

. Below are examples:

In case: a) PQSR-5320-09816-000 is used in two

which is at positions 919 si 951.

In cazul b) PQRS5310-0841-000 is used in two times in at position 1086

The area contains two ComboBox, are enable only when:

a) In the project there which are used in several upper being introduced in ComboBox

shown below

In ComboBox can see each and position in the file UserName.bil.

b) In the project there used one more in a in different positions ComboBox are listed

below :

When you select a line in ComboBox TREE it is listed in ListBox, containing the following information :Assembly – upper

TYPE – or

Number Part – code or

Part Description – name or

Qty_b - number of uses for upper

LVL - order subordination to the upper level 0Cod - coding

PosBil - position in the file UserName.bil

Zone allows the visualization of three types of files TREE, GRAVIMETRY si W&B, which are obtained of the two input files UserName.bil (tree) and UserName.grv (gravimetry). Each file is stored three

ComboBox in the area considered.



Pozitia in ComboBox TREEPozitia in ComboBox TREE

Similarly any selected line of ComboBox GRAVIMETRY is listed inListBoxListBox. Since the length of a line of ComboBox GRAVIMETRY can not be visualized entirely using Scroll Horizontal allowing full visualization entire line . Any line of ComboBox GRAVIMETRY contains the following data:

Part Number code M – mass(kg)

Xcg, Ycg, Zcg center of gravity(m) IXX , IYY , IZZ , IXY , IXZ , IYZ – moments of inertia(kg.m2)

Qty number of PosGrv – position in file UserName.grv

Use – Yes/No there or not in UserName.bil

Case W&B


Position in ComboBox W&B


ComboBox W&B

Each line of ComboBox W&B is a combination between ComboBox TREE and GRAVIMETRY.

The lines of ComboBox TREE are transferred ComboBox W&B, to mention that if each existing


M (X cg, Y cg, Zcg) (IXX , IYY , IZZ , IXY , IXZ , IYZ)

3.2.Modul START

The modules START is created in VBA from SABLON.xls being opened button:

then open the file UserName.csv file output file from the program GRVFOR.exe .

The modules START will genaral file UserName.xls.

The file UserName.xls is composed of three Sheets:

W&B - Weight&Balance database of file UserName.CatProduct

Assy - contains only from Sheets W&B

Part - contains gravimetric data from file UserName.grv


4. Examples

In conclusion utilititarian Check-DOC_W&B for a projects modeled with CATIA V5 saved in a file UserName.CatProduct tree analyzes and gravimetric data base generated Weight&Balance, according to the following scheme:

The file Legende.xls are user guide for file UserName.xls

Below are five files caz1.xls, caz2.xls, caz3.xls, caz4.xls and caz5.xls are obtained with

utilitarian Check-DOC_W&B.

To test the utilitarian Check-DOC_W&B be used archive selfextract:

DV_PROC.exeto address:


archive contains the following files:



1. Date generale Check-DOC_W&B

2. Fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv

3. Ghid utilitar Check-DOC_W&B

3.1. Program GRVFOR.exe in

3.2. Modul START in VBA din SABLON.EXE

4. Exemple


1.Date generale Check-DOC_W&B

Utilitarul Check-DOC_W&B pentru un proiect modelat in CATIA V5 analizeaza:

a) daca exista fara

b) daca exista fara

c) daca pentru orice folosit de 'n'-ori intr-un sunt modelate acelas numar de

pentru -ul considerat

Programul Check-DOC_W&B creeaza baza de date pentru controlul arborescentei proiectului. In

unele domenii (proiectare aeronave ca exemplu) se genereaza baza de date grametrica.


Utilitarul este apelat de fisierul:

Check-Doc_W&B.batcare deschide fisierul EXCEL:

SABLON.x;scare prin butoanele:

Mai jos se prezinta fisierul SABLON.XLS si fisierele intrare-iesire folosite:

Prezentare fisierele intrare-iesire urmatoarele fisiere:

a) UserName.Catproduct – fisier intrare a unui ansamblu modedelat in CATIA V5

Apeleaza GRVFOR.exe, program Visual Fortran sub WINDOWS

Apeleaza START modulul sub VBA din SABLON.xls

b) UserName.bil1) – fisier intare de tip text generat in CATIA V5 ca fisier iesire, obtinut prin comanda ‘Bill of Material…’ si fisier de intrare pentru utilitarul Check-DOC_W&B. Fisierul reprezinta propie- tatile referitoare la arborescenta in sensul raportului dintre un sau fata de su- perior

c) UserName.grv2)– fisier intrare de tip text generat in CATIA V5 ca fisier iesire prin comanda ‘Mea- sure Inertia’. Fisierul reprezinta propietatile gravimetrice ale tuturor din fisierul UserName.CatProduct

d) UserName.csv – fisier tip Excel, de iesire pentru programul GRVFOR.exe creat in Visual Fortran sub

Windows si intrare pentru modulul START in VBA din fisierul SABLON.xls

e) UserName.xls – fisier tip Excel, de iesire pentru START modulul VBA din fisierul SABLON.xls

1),2) – Pentru cazurile b) si c) UserName vor fi identice





2.Fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv Fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv se obtin folosind comenzile din CATIA V5 folosind fisierul UserName.CatProduct al unui proiect. Fisierului UserName.bil se obtine folosind comanda ‘Bill of Material…’ iar pentru fisierul UserName.grv se va folosi comanda: ‘Measure Inertia’.

2.1.Fisier UserName.grv

Structura fisier arborescenta (*.bil)

Cod subansamblu PQRS5700-20030-001

Componente subansambluPQRS5700-20030-001

Cod subansamblu PQRS5700-20000-001

Componente subansambluPQRS5700-20030-001

Componente ansamblu principal PQRS0000-00000-WP2

Componente subansambluPQRS5700-20030-001

Componente subansambluPQRS5700-20000-001

Cod subansamblu PQRS5700-20000-001

Cod subansamblu PQRS5700-20030-001

Cod ansamblu principal PQRS0000-00000-WP2

Cod subansamblu PQRS5700-20000-001












2.2.Fisier UserName.bil

Mai jos este prezentat trunchiat a unui fisier de tip gravimetric (*.grv) , in care initial sunt date de identificare:Product : nume ansambluData : data si ora creierii fisieruluiAuthor : nume autorului

Urmeaza identificarea coloanelor de informatii gravimetrice:

Component(Part) | Density | Mass | Center gravity(Gx|Gy|Gz) | Measure Inertia(IXX | IZZ | IZZ | IXY | IXZ| IYZ)

iar in final sumarea informatiilor:

3.Ghid utilitar Check-DOC_W&B

Utilitar Check-DOC_W&B este folosit urmatorii pasi:

1. Deschidere fisier Check-DOC_W&B.BAT, care deschide fisierul SABLON.EXE:

Functie de situatie apar doua variante:

Pas 2.1. Cunoscand fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv rezulta fisierul UserName.csv, caz in

care se activeaza butonul

Caz in care se intra in modulul START in VBA din SABLON.xls

care duce la activarea programului GRVFOR.exe, un program Visual Fortran sub WINDOWS

Pas 2.2. Cunoscand fisierul UserName.csv sa rezulta fisierul UserName.xls, caz in care se activeaza


3.1.Program GRVFOR.exe

Programul GRVFOR.exe este scris in Visual Fortran sub WINDOWS, fiind o caseta dialog

prezentata mai jos

Pentru o descriere mai precisa a programului GRVFOR.exe, caseta dialog a fost impartita in zone

care sunt explicate in continuare:

Imaginea apare la finalizarea prelucrarii fisierelor UserName.bil si UserName.grv Imaginea apare la finalizarea prelucrarii fisierelor UserName.bil si UserName.grv Imaginea apare la finalizarea prelucrarii fisierelor UserName.bil si UserName.grv

Numar total linii in fisierul UserName.bil Numar si respectiv

Numarul maxim de caractere pentru cod sau . Implicit 21 caractere



In aceasta parte a zonei sunt prezentate informatii despre fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv care sunt generale cu exceptia urmatoarelor doua:

Numar total in fisierul UserName.grv


Este subdivizata in doua parti:

Buton pentru executia programului GRVFOR care are ca intrare fisierele UserName.bil si UserName.grv


In ComboBox contine, pozitia in fisierul UserName.bil si numarul de utilizari in ansamblu superior. Mai jos se prezina o zona :

In cazul a) PQSR-5320-09816-000 se foloseste in doua

care se afla la pozitiile 919 si 951. In cazul b) spre exemplu

PQRS5310-0841-000 se foloseste de 2 ori in de la pozitia 1086

Zona contine doua ComboBox, care sunt enable numai in cazurile urmatoare:

a) In proiect exista care sunt folosite in mai multe superioare, care sunt introduse in ComboBox, prezentat mai jos

In ComboBox apar respective si pozitia in fisierul UserName.bil.

b) In proiect exista care sunt folosite in mai multe ori in acelas , evident in pozitii diferi-

te superioare, care sunt introduse in ComboBox, prezentat mai jos:


Pozitia in ComboBox TREEPozitia in ComboBox TREE

Zona permite vizualizarea celor trei tipuri de fisiere TREE, GRAVIMIMETRY si W&B, care sunt

obtinu-te din cele doua fisiere de intrare UserName.bil(arborescenta) si

UserName.grv(gravimetrie). Fiecare fisier este memorat in trei ComboBox din zona considerata.

Cazul TREE

Cand se selecteaza o linie din ComboBox TREE aceasta este listata in ListBox, care contine urmatoarele informatii :

Assembl y – super i or Part Descri pt i on – nume / cur ent TYPE – / Qt y_b – numar ul de ut i l i zar i i n super i orNumber Part – cod / cur ent PosBi l – pozi t i a i n f i s i er ul UserName. bi l

LVL – ni vel ul / f at a de pr i nci pal car e ni vel ul 0


In mod similar orice linie selectata din ComboBox GRAVIMETRY este afisata in ListBoxListBox. Deoarece lungi-mea unei linii din ComboBox GRAVIMETRY nu poate fi vizualizata in intregime sa folosit Scroll Horizontal care permite vizualizarea seqventiala a intregii linii. Orice linie din ComboBox GRAVIM contine urmatoarele date:Part Number cod reper M – masa in kgXcg, Ycg, Zcg centru de greutate(m) IXX , IYY , IZZ , IXY , IXZ , IYZ – momente de inertie(kg.m2)

Qty numar de Instance PosGrv – pozitie reper in fisierul UserName.grvUse – Yes/No exista sau nu in UserName.bil

Cazul W&B

Cazul GRAVIM Pozitia in ComboBox GRAVIM

Pozitia in ComboBox W&B


ComboBox W&B

Fiecare linie din ComboBox W&B este o combinatie intre ComboBox TREE si GRAVIM. Liniile din

ComboBox TREE sunt transferate in ComboBox W&B, cu mentiune ca in cazul fiecarui care exista

in ComboBox GRAVIMETRY sunt atasate informatiile gravimetrice, adica:

M (X cg, Y cg, Zcg) (IXX , IYY , IZZ , IXY , IXZ , IYZ)

3.2.Modul START

Modul START este creeat in VBA sub EXCEL si este deschis de butonul:

dupa care se va deschid un fisier UserName.csv care este fisier de iesire din programul

GRVFOR.exe .

Modul START va avea ca fisier de iesire fisierul UserName.xls.

Fisierul UserName.xls este compus din trei Sheets:

W&B - fisier Weight&Balance al fisierului UserName.CatProduct

Assy - contine numai linii care sunt din Sheets W&B

Part -


4. Exemple

In concluzie utilitarul Check-DOC_W&B avand un proiect modelat in CATIA V5 salvat intr-un fisier UserName.CatProduct poate fi analizat din punct de vedere al arborescentei si ii poate fi atasata baza de date gravimetrica Weight&Balance, conform schemei prezentata mai jos:

Fisierul UserName.XLS

UserName.XLS reprezinta fisierul final al utilitarului Check-DOC_W&B, care are 3 sheets:

- W&B care contine arborescenta si baza de date gravimetrica Weight&Balance a proiectului nodelat in


- ASSY cuprinde numai liniile care sunt din sheets W&B

-Part este generat de continutul fisierului UserName.grv

In fisierul Legende.xls sunt date informatii necesare utilizari unui fisier UserName.xls

In continuare sunt prezentate cinci fisiere caz1.xls, caz2.xls, caz3.xls, caz4.xls si caz5.xls

obtinute cu utilitarul Check-DOC_W&B.

In cazul in se doreste testarea utilitarul Check-DOC_W&B se va folosi arhiva selfextract:

DV_PROC.exede la adresa:


arhiva contine urmatoarele fisiere: