waw city hub promo 10.04

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of waw city hub promo 10.04


Idea market Panstwomiasto Cafebar drinks vouchers

20.00-20.30 SUMMARY

Workshops’ effects Evaluation of the Hub

18.30-20.00 WORKSHOPS– 2 rounds, 30minutes each

Presentation of projects in 3 groups Coffee, group discussion over projects

18.00-18.30 INTRODUCTION

Getting to know each other Why cross-sector partnerships?


Long-term cooperation

Between business, administration, science

and civic sector

In a common aim

With shared responsibility of creation and realisation

of a project


Common, more efective problem solving;

Innovations, added value to projects and cities

Coordunation, maximalisation

of potential usage

Organisational learning and improvement


Problems with urban space

Potential: resourses, knowledge, local CSR

Good practices

Na miejscu Foundation – Project Krochmalna

• Outdoor playground and sportsfield + community activisation

• 2012-2013

• http://namiejscu.org/wola/

Ochota Civil Dialog Model

• Noticeable changes in urban space + community activisation

• 2010-2012

• http://www.pts.org.pl/omdo/

Power of Colour

• 3 outdoor gyms + noble goal (painting an oncology centre)

• 2013

• http://silakoloru.pl/


Getting to know

Common aims

Complementary resources

Idea on common project




Decision-making process, communication

Co-responsibility, interdependence

Formalisation form


Little successes during the project



Circumstances, context, changes

20.30 -22.00 THE INFORMAL PART

Idea market Panstwomiasto Cafebar drinks vouchers

20.00-20.30 SUMMARY

Workshops’ effects Evaluation of the Hub

18.30-20.00 WORKSHOPS– 2 rounds, 30minutes each

Presentation of projects in 3 groups Coffee, group discussion over projects

18.00-18.30 INTRODUCTION

Getting to know each other Why cross-sector partnerships?

Partnership, cooperation

Inspirations, new ideas

Added value to a project

Exchange of knowledge, skills, networks, resources

Network, coordynation and synergy effect

Take a snack and coffee

Choose a workshop

Seek similarities, cooperation field,

advise, inspire

• 150 participants

• 46 people contributed to the „Contact Wall” pointing what they seek and offer

• Most people were connected to public space

32 participants

Topic: painting over racist expressions from buildings

EFFECT: constructive feedback and donation of 300 000 PLN from Batory Foundation

Topic: movable Urban Table that serves for organising meetings with neighbours

EFFECT: cooperation with Social Communication Office in City Hall, usage of the Table for official social consulting

Topic: Architectural workshops for children

EFFECT: Feedback about potential to make a start-up, meeting sociologist Mariola Suszczewicz and creating a project of natural playground by the Vistula River. They accessed a BMW Contest together

41 participants

Topic: idea of new functions for area next to the Palace of Culture, the Defilad Square

EFFECT: constructive feedback from business and administrative points of view

Topic: Outdoor light artistic performance

EFFECT: cooperation with different artists, gaining materials and space to make bigger light festival, constr uctive feedback

Topic: Architectural events: movie festival and workshops

EFFECT: Constructive feedback in terms of making relations with sponsors and customer development

Pilotage in chosen


To cooperation invited partnerships: Administration + 2 NGOs + Business

Illegal advertisements


Better quality design

of signboards

53 participants

Topic: Illegal adertisements audit

EFFECT: cooperation within the City Office - aproval of Building Audit Inspector, finding volunteers among students, constructive feedback, choosing space for pilotage - Stary Mokotów

Topic: Better quality design of signboards

EFFECT: cooperation with a) City Office – including the project into Warsaw Revitalisation Programme, b)Foundation e-Państwo: design a web portal –a prototype is in progress c) Lokalny Certyfikowany -common brand, d) Museum of Modern Art. – special exhibition in may. e) Good Looking Studio – and paint model signboards

Urban Social


Foundation for Civil Society Development

Coordination of Social Economy (Warsaw City Hall, Social Communication Unit)

Cooperative for Novelty- Book readers


51 participants

Topic: Social economy coordination

EFFECT: constructive feedback, not known yet

Topic: Cooperative for novelty-book readers

EFFECT: constructive feedback, not known yet

Topic: Activatorium, an urban start-up mixer

EFFECT: constructive feedback, not known yet

Topic: Zlepszejpolki.pl – An Internet portal to buy and sell social economy products

EFFECT: constructive feedback, not known yet

Business partners:

NGO partners:

Project leaders

45 participants

Topic: How to encourage to cycling? Context of the European Cycling Challenge

EFFECT: Cooperation with a) Decathlon – possible city stands in D. stores, prizes b) 3 NGOs of Bicycle activists – help in networking, events and PR during the campaign c) Cooperation with AkzoNobel – automatic mobile loaders attached to Veturilo, Warsaw city bike system

Topic: Visual identyfication of cycling campaigns

EFFECT: a) a student of Academy of Fine Arts made a project of Warsaw cycling map, possible use to the website, stands and maps b) „Cool art Cooperative” can make a movie to a campaign showing proper interactions on the road between pedestrians and cyclists

Topic: RoweremDoPracy.pl – a business idea to involve emplyees to cycling

EFFECT: Pilotage of the start-up model with cooperation with Responsible Business Forum, Possible also with Decathlon, constructive feedback, Student from the Academy of Fine arts will design a bike stand

20.30 -22.00 THE INFORMAL PART

Idea market Panstwomiasto Cafebar drinks vouchers

20.00-20.30 SUMMARY

Workshops’ effects Evaluation of the Hub

18.30-20.00 WORKSHOPS– 2 rounds, 30minutes each

Presentation of projects in 3 groups Coffee, group discussion over projects

18.00-18.30 INTRODUCTION

Getting to know each other Why cross-sector partnerships?

Prizes and thanks

Discussion: Time limit 20:30

Project leaders

• What have you learned?

• What kind of added value or potential the workshop has brought?


• How today’s discussion may influence the city?

• What have you enjoyed and what not?

• What have you learned/got to know?

• Do you see anoy potential for cooperation?

20.30 -22.00 THE INFORMAL PART

Idea market Panstwomiasto Cafebar drinks vouchers

20.00-20.30 SUMMARY

Workshops’ effects Evaluation of the Hub

18.30-20.00 WORKSHOPS– 2 rounds, 30minutes each

Presentation of projects in 3 groups Coffee, group discussion over projects

18.00-18.30 INTRODUCTION

Getting to know each other Why cross-sector partnerships?

Invitation to the next Hub

– 15.05.14 Call for projects

Continuation of conversations

Wyjście poza tematykę 3 projektów

Evaluation questionnaire

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