Wau newsletter june 2016

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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This is the quarterly newsletter for the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan Diocese of Wau, including Tonj and Gogrial Area Dioceses.

Transcript of Wau newsletter june 2016

One in Service, Faith and Fellowship

A Word from the Diocesan Bishop of Wau

By Rt, Rev, Moses Deng Bol.

Just A Glass of Water

I want to start by asking you a question and I am

sure that the answer will tell you something

about yourself. If you have a glass of water and

you drink exactly half of it, is the glass now half

empty or half full? What is your response? What

can you say to this. Are you feeling sad because

half of it is gone or are you glad because there

is still half left to drink?

Really, how you answer this question is

important because it reveals how you think and

your attitude to life. It is especially important if

you live in a country like South Sudan, where

you may not easily be able to fill the glass again.

Take a moment to think about how you

answered the question, what does it say about


Using the same example of the glass some

people may say that in Africa and South Sudan

too many people cry out “my glass is empty,

please will you refill it?” There is much need in

South Sudan and I am truly grateful for all the

people that give their time and money to meet

these needs, may God richly bless them. Really,

some people are now only alive because of it.

But if you listen to us, the message we cry is

actually, “show us how to make glasses and fill

them for everyone”.

So many of the things needed to make our lives

here secure, safe and well for everyone are

missing that really we need to rethink and begin

again. I chose the example of a glass of water

because when we think of Jesus sometimes we

can think of the lessons he taught us as living

water. The difference here I mean is that if you

drink water you will soon become thirsty again, it

answers your need but not fully. If you listen to

Jesus and accept the living water you will never

thirst again. In the Gospel of John Chapter 4

verses 13 and 14 Jesus explains this to a


A Word From The Bishop ....................................2

Two New Assistant Bishops..................................5

Nyieth Becomes a Town on its own......................8

Plans for St John’s College...................................10

St John’s College Mission Statement Updated...11

Ayien Parish Church Project................................12

Introducing the New Bishops..............................14

Working For Peace in the Community................16

Nyieth Primary School Dedication......................19

Food Distribution in Partnership with HART.......21

A Peace Agreement for Dinka communities.......23

A Letter of Appeal...............................................27

Contact Us ........................................................28

Please Pray with us ...........................................29

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Samaritan woman that has come to a well for

water. “13Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks

this water will be thirsty again. 14But whoever

drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed,

the water I give him will become in him a fount of

water springing up to eternal life.” Jesus is the

total answer. Even the Prophet Isaiah knew this,

we can read in the book of Isaiah Chapter 58

verse 11: "And the LORD will continually guide

you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And

give strength to your bones; And you will be like a

watered garden, and like a spring of water whose

waters do not fail.”

So that is what we really seek, the total answer,

sustainability and I truly believe that we can get


In the Old Testament times the laws of Moses

required that farmers left part of their crop in the

field so that poor people could have it and they

would not starve. You can see this plainly in the

book of Leviticus Chapter 23 verse 22 “When

you reap the harvest of your land, moreover, you

shall not reap to the very corners of your field nor

gather the gleaning of your harvest; you are to

leave them for the needy and the alien. I am the

LORD your God.'"

Boaz the farmer in the story of the book of Ruth

made sure this was done and really sets a good

example for us. If you do not know this story you

can read about it in the book of Ruth in the Old

Testament. It is after the book of Judges and

before the first book of Samuel. I recommend

that you do because there are many lessons to

learn from it. But the horrible truth is, if there is

not enough food it does not matter how

generous a person is there will not be enough

and some will starve. I have seen starvation

here in South Sudan. Our land is fertile and

many people are willing to work hard so what

really makes a good harvest? The answer is

education. By learning better techniques and

methods a farmer can produce more food and

there can be enough. So just from this simple

example we can see that education is a vital

part to any peaceful future for South Sudan. It

makes a glass half empty, half full.

Education can be used in many more areas than

farming to help find the development we need.

In so many areas of South Sudan and even here

in Wau Diocese there are groups of people who

understand life in tribal disputes and solving

them through fighting and violence. So having

people trained in settling disputes and working

in the community to promote peace is a truly

good thing. Also many of my pastors and church

workers need better education to make more

use of the skills that God gives them. We need

also leaders in business and commerce to help

develop our society. All these people need

training and all of them need good numeracy

and literacy skills. But how can we do this?

Especially, how can we ensure women get as

much chance to be educated as men? In South

Sudan this is a real issue with many girls not

even finishing School. I am reminded of this

bible passage from the book of Genesis chapter

1 verse 27 that so many people forget, “So God

created man in his own image, in the image of God

he created him; male and female he created them.”

The challenges are great and the resources

small, it may be easy to think that our glass here

is half empty again.

Recently we were very blessed to have

Archbishop Daniel Deng come to consecrate

two new bishops, the Rt Rev Abraham Ngor of

Gogrial Area Diocese and Rt Rev Peter Yuol

Gur of Tonj Area Diocese. It was truly a special

day filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. Both Tonj

and Gogrial are new area dioceses under Wau

at the moment but that will not be forever. Soon

once the proper criteria is met they will be full

dioceses just like Aweil Diocese, that was once

part of Wau. Then both bishops will face the

challenge of getting the trained people they

need to promote the word of God and carry their

mission forward.

I mentioned the Holy Spirit and at this time of

the year we remember the Holy Spirit through

Pentecost and the great story of Peter preaching

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when the Holy Spirit came. If you do not know

this story you can find it in the book of Acts,

simply read chapter 2. Through this story you

will see the great power of the Holy Spirit as a

motivator and provider, transforming scared

followers of Jesus who were in hiding into

powerful preachers. So really we pray for the

Holy Spirit often because when we do then

things start to happen.

We have a college that we founded in Wau

which was originally just for theological training

of pastors. It is called St John’s College of

Theology and Development. But now it has

grown and it is able to provide training on many

subjects that benefit development in our society.

We have prayed for this and this year after

much struggle we have had help from our good

friends in Poole in Salisbury diocese UK,

assistance from a kind American woman called

Dr Susan Mead and much support from Bishop

Barham University College in Uganda. Dr Susan

works in a college in Virginia and so has many

important things to tell us and our friends from

BBUC have been able to help show us better

organisation and lead with teaching. So perhaps

with help from the Holy Spirit our glass is now

half full again.

Truly there is a long way to go but I believe that

we will be able to make a big difference to our

community by providing leaders and educated

professionals locally here in Bahr el Ghazel.

But things do not end here, I started with a

question that revealed something about you and

so I ask again, how do you see things? Are you

hopeful for the future or do you dread what may

go wrong next? In South Sudan politically there

is a real chance for peace and an opportunity to

turn away from violence. Reconciliation and

forgiveness will be important things for the future

we need to live in, but if we have no hope then

the glass will remain always half empty. But

where can we get hope? The answer for

Christians is easy, you can simply ask for it. If

you pray to God then your prayers are heard

and things can happen. The Holy Spirit that we

remember and celebrate at this time of year is

always with us and despite what you may want

to ask for, always willing to listen. So it does not

matter to the God who brings you the living

water in Jesus whether you think that your glass

is half empty or half full, it will always be filled up

until it overflows, just as is mentioned in Psalm

23 verse 5 “You serve me a six-course dinner right

in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping

head; my cup brims with blessing”.

So I ask you to drink deeply of the living waters

of Jesus, pray for us here in Wau, pray for our

needs for peace and your own needs too.

Perhaps also say a prayer of thanks giving too

whenever you drink a glass of water for the

blessings that God brings you.

I would like to share with you the prayer for the

Ephesians which you can see in the book of

Ephesians chapter 3 verses 14 to 28

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from

whom every family in heaven and on earth derives

its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he

may strengthen you with power through his Spirit

in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in

your hearts through faith. And I pray that you,

being rooted and established in love, 18 may have

power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to

grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the

love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that

surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the

measure of all the fullness of God.

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably

more than all we ask or imagine, according to his

power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory

in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all

generations, forever and ever! Amen.

Every blessing +Moses

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Consecration of Two New Assistant Bishops

in Wau Diocese

By Rev John Bol

Dear all colleagues, friends,

partners and all worldwide

Anglican communion, we are

publically announcing to you

the new promotion and

upgrading of two Area

Dioceses, Gogrial and Tonj

once again after the past

creation of Aweil and Abyei

Dioceses of the Episcopal

Church of South Sudan and

Sudan from Wau the mother

Diocese that they were once

part of a few years ago.

Wau Diocese in terms of

P a g e | 6 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal geographical measurement,

has an area which is wide and a

long distance to cover. It is the

largest diocese in South Sudan,

which currently still covers two

older states of Warrap and

Western Bahr el Ghazal state.

These need the creation of more

administrative areas to help make

the Christian ministry work easier

in the Diocese.

We have celebrated the

consecration of two new assistant

Bishops in Wau Diocese today.

Both will help Bishop Moses to run

Christian ministry in their given

administrative areas. They will

also be working hard to fulfil the

provincial requirements of getting

independent Dioceses from the mother

Diocese in the near future.

The celebration was attended by a large

crowd of people from different areas such as

a team of Bishops from Juba who

accompanied Archbishop Dr. Daniel Deng

Bul Yak, congregations from different

denominations, community leaders, State

Government representatives and all ECSS


Everyone here today in Wau Diocese after

the consecration service has a joyful feeling

that one can immediately smile when you

fixed your eyes direct to someone’s face in

order to notify whether you are in the same

good mood. All Sunday school and youth

choirs beat the local drums in a motivated

style which has captured the attention of

everyone and caused unknowingly nodding

of the heads. It was a very nice and colorful

event that we actually wish you could be

present at.

But unfortunately the geographical distances

and other circumstances made your

presence impossible, however you are all

part of our programs and initiatives by

developmental progresses, advice and

successful ideas in leadership styles

wherever you live, as many of you have

already contributed. Therefore we don’t want

to ignore both you and your productive

comments on such important events. We

convey it to you through news so that you

may also feel like you were present

(attending) it.

P a g e | 7 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal The primate and metropolitan of

the Episcopal Church of South

Sudan and Sudan his grace,

Archbishop Dr. Daniel Deng Bul

Yak was very privileged and very

much appreciated Wau Diocesan

Bishop, Moses Deng Bol Akoon

for his sufficiency and effective

hard work that he has done in the

Diocese by providing educational

opportunities that allow his pastors

to get quality education which

enables them to lead the Church

successfully with equivalent


The Archbishop also appreciated the Wau

Diocese educational partners for scholarships

that they have provided to help Bishop Moses

succeed with his vision that has made a great

impact to the Church and the community as

well. He further added that “your efficient

support and effective effort which you

contributed toward our evangelistic programs

which we have successfully achieved as we

have done with the consecration of two new

Bishops in Wau Diocese today is also


The consecration of two new assistant

bishops is done for the expansion of ECSS

administrative areas in order to help run

some administrative issues in a given area

where each of the new assistant bishops has

been assigned in accordance to the

Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan

constitutional description. There are some

requirements that need to be met before

consecration of the new Bishop, which some

of them had been done and the rest must to

be done soon. This expansion has happened

through your tireless support in many kinds

such as prayers, financial or energetic

support that you have used to visit us in order

to teach and make fellowship with us.

Archbishop Daniel assured the congregation

that “the expansion of these administrative

areas will not bring any different changes

from elsewhere and enforce them into the

Anglican traditional systems but will empower

and protect Anglican traditional values”

The Archbishop commanded the

congregation to remain faithful in the

community, do their tasks and also welcome

all Wau Diocesan partners to remain united in

cooperative fellowships and walk hand in

hand with us. He added to the partners

that “since the Gospel approaching our

area was through your tireless support we

appreciated both your energetic and

financial support that you offered for the

Gospel spreading in these areas”.

Thank you for your time you used to read

our news, we are very happy for that and

May God bless you.

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Nyieth at last has become a Town on its Own

By Rev Peter Angui Akook

It was on December 27th, 2015

when two very important occasions

were conducted at Nyieth village,

namely the dedication of Nyieth

Primary School and declaration of its

upgrading into Boma status under

Akon South Payam.

Nyieth village was believed by the

ancestors that it would never be a

government seat at all. But all in all

God does his wonders to cut short

that sounded curse from the

ancestors. It was through an

Evangelist called Wilson Garang

Chan who in the 1990’s came back

from military struggle in Ethiopia and

begun church planting at Adoor in Aweil East

County. It then moved to Maker, a village under

Nyieth and he planted one church there where

almost everyone was baptized. The whole of

Gogrial including people from Twic came there

in search of baptism. Nyieth has Maker, Majok

Deng Akeen, Wun-Yiik and Jarbil sections.

Elders of Nyieth village saw this massive

baptism of their off springs and women as a

destruction of the family. They refused to marry

a baptized girl and un-baptized girls refused if a

baptized man wanted to marry her.

The great grandfather, Wol Ajolnok (estimated to

be around 1500-1600 AD); the father of Dhal

Maker married four wives. Marriage in Dinka is

exogamic up to several generations, meaning

that people marry outside their family or tribal

groups. Traditionally, marriage is everyone’s

goal and having a family is regarded as the

ultimate fulfillment in life. The Dinka

are patrilineal, which means that

ancestry is traced through the

father rather than the mother. The

term dhieth, in its most general

sense, refers to all kinds of

relationships that can be

established through bloodlines.

People establish blood relation by

reference to clan names. Those

who share the clan are considered

relatives no matter how distant

from each other. Members of a clan

share a totem and believe in their

common descent from that totem.

This is the basis on which strong

P a g e | 9 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal prohibition against marriage between people of

the same clan is enforced. But individuals are

considered to be related equally to other kin

through both the mother's and the father's sides.

Wol Ajolnok was married to the following


1) Adut Pakak who born him Akeen

2) Akuc Goc who born him Tong

3) Athok Mayen who born him Wol

4) Adhuor Yel who born him Dhal.

But despite Dhal Wol (estimated. 1600-1700

AD) the last son of the last wife unlike the first

three sons of the first three wives, had managed

to get married to ten (10) wives.

1) Aluel Yor

2) Adhel Akoon

3) Abuk Akot

4) Atong Aguot

5) Mariam Lual

6) Awien Biar

7) Amel Deng

8) Ayar Luil

9) Abuk Abik

10) Adhel Deng Tong.

Dhal Wol when he was a chief of Awan all was

with four sub chiefs. and Chan Nyal was

personal assistant to Dhal Wol.

1) Akot Majok Akot- Pajokdit

2) Adhil Kuot- Agaaldit

3) Lual Agany- Rup

4) Dut Dau- Ayien

Dinka society is generally organized around sub-

sections (wut), clans (dhieth), family, or

patrilineage (mac thok). While the clan is used to

recognize blood relatives throughout Dinkaland,

the patrilineage dictates village structure.

Although people who belong to different clans

may share a village, the most common structure

is for people of a lineage to occupy their own

village. Every clan has a headman known as

nhomgol. These men are expected to exercise

leadership roles in support of the sub-chief who

sees over a section of Dinka. The traditional

Dinka political system is structured around the

concept of clan headmen. A collection of clans

headed by clan leaders form a higher political

body known as the sub-chief, and several sub-

chiefs fall under the position of the executive

chief, who serves as the liaison between the

government and the people. Throughout Dinka

history, the position of highest "tribal"

administrator has changed from "paramount"

chief to court president to executive chief.

Ideally, the paramount chief presides over

regional courts, which stand above the executive

chiefs, the sub-chiefs, and clan leaders. The son

of the first wife of Dhal Wol, Aluel Yor by name

Tong Dhal assumed the leadership from around

(1800-1900 AD).

Out of favor, the elder son of Dhal Wol by name

Akoondit had requested the British government

to instal Chan Nyal as a chief and the name

was written as “Chan Dhal”. This was also

around the 1990s. So many sons of Dhal Wol try

to reclaim their father’s chieftaincy but with no

success until recently in 2012 when a member

of the church council managed to win the

election and he was installed as a chief at Mabil

Pajok in Akon North Payam. But he was moved

from Mabil Pajok to Nyieth with his seat as chief

in Akon South Payam. Nyieth became a Boma

in December 2015 and the Payam Headquarters

of Ayien is now also located at Nyieth.

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Plans for St John’s

By Rev PeterAngui Akook

St John’s College was

established in 2011 by the

Episcopal Church of South

Sudan and Sudan, Diocese of Wau. It is situated

in Wau the Capital of Wau State. It is the only

Theological College in the whole of Bahr El

Ghazal Region, an area of 896606 Skm2 with

population of 3,156, 184 people.

The college is currently offering Diplomas in

Theology and is planning to start offering

Diplomas in Education, Business Administration,

Social work, Development Studies,

Environmental Studies, Guidance and

Counselling and Community Health from 2016


The College serves the following Dioceses and

Area Dioceses in the Bahr El Ghazal Region ;

Rumbek, Wau, Yirol, Chueibet, Pacong, Akot,

Aweil, Awerial, Malek Ruup, Abyei, Gogrial,

Tonj, Wulu, Nyang, Maper and Aluakluak.

It is also planning to serve the neighbouring

Dioceses of El Obeid (North Kordufan and

Darfur Region of Sudan), Bentiu (Unity State

Upper Nile Region of South Sudan) and Nzara

(Equatoria Region of South Sudan).

The college is also open to other denominations

in the region and has given special

consideration to women from any denomination

who want to study Theology and other courses

in order to promote women’s participation in

leadership in the Church and the wider society.

The college takes one student from each of the

dioceses and area dioceses mentioned above

and one from the sister churches (other

denominations) in the region each year, offering

free tuition and accommodation. It has also

given special places for five women each year

with free tuition and accommodation charges as

well. The College has an annual intake of 30


We believe that bringing pastors from different

communities across the three main regions of

South Sudan will be become a part of peace

building. These pastors will build relationships

among themselves during their time in the

college which they can extend to their

communities when they return to their home

Churches. We also believe that having students

from the North Kordofan and Darfur regions is

an opportunity for us to reach out to the North

with the Gospel and support our sister Churches

there as well.

In addition to theological courses pastors take

other courses aimed at equipping them with

skills and knowledge that will enable them to

contribute to the development activities in their

own communities. These courses include

community development, peace building and

conflict transformation, management,

communications, sociology, psychology and


Needs and priorities of the College.

1) Sponsorship for Theological students at

the College cost $1500 per a year. The local

church pays for feeding, transport, books,

personal expenses and medical treatment for

students which cost $500 per a year. The

partners pay tuition and accommodation which

cost $1000 a year or $85 a Month. We are

therefore looking for 75 friends to sponsor the 75

students for three years beginning from 2016.

2) Sponsorship of four students to do a

Bachelors Degree and one student to do a

Master’s Degree at Bishop Barham University

College, Uganda cost $2000 each for the

P a g e | 11 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal Bachelors and $2500 for Masters Students

annually for everything including tuition, feeding,

accommodation and transport. Total for the five

students is $ 10,500 annually and $31500 in

three years. These students will come back to

teach at St John’s College upon completion of

their studies at BBUC.

3) Transport of Tutors from BBUC to Wau

(return tickets) is $700 by air and $500 by road.

The College needs Tutors to come from BBUC

for at least three years until those sent to study

there comes back to St John’s College.

4) Infrastructure development-Construction

of Classrooms and Dormitories, Installation of

Solar Panels, Digging of Boreholes and water

connections, Purchase of a pickup Land cruiser

are just some of the projects the College wants

to embark on in the next five years 2016-2020

The Mission Statement of St John’s College of

Theology and Development


Holistic and high quality education for

empowering church growth and community



To encourage personal growth through

education and Christian spiritual formation,

producing servant leaders for Church and

community service.


To train Clergy who were ordained

without Theological Training during the


To build peace among communities

through understanding of the word of


To reach out to unreached communities

through training of Evangelists.

To equip Church leaders and other

professionals with knowledge and skills

for spiritual and social transformation.

To seek to meet the needs of the local

community in general education,

business and development studies.

Core Values


Care for people's spiritual, social and

physical needs.

Respect for human dignity and rights.

A holistic approach to tuition.

Equal opportunities for men and women. Agape (Unconditional love).

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Ayien Parish Church Project

By Rev Philip Ajing Manyuat

St.Paul’s Church at Ayien Amuol it is one of the parishes that makes up Twic Archdeaconry in the Diocese of Wau. Ayien Amuol area is bordering Unity State from the North East and Abyei from the North West, which is part of Warrap State in South Sudan. Ayien Amuol area has been affected mostly by the civil war and political conflict that was fought out in Sudan for more than 21 years and involved Christian South and Muslim North. It is currently embroiled in another internal political conflict between the government and the rebels of former vice president Riek Machar. The Episcopal Church of South Sudan is growing in Twic Archdeaconry and the need for accommodating new members calls for developing the existing church infrastructure.

The priest of St.Paul Church at Ayien Amuol area is in line with the Archdeacon seeking for help to fix the windows, doors and cement for making the floor. The Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Moses Deng has already approved the request. Twic Archdeaconry is located in Turalei town, the proposed project location is St.Paul’ s Church at Ayien Amuol area in Twic Archdeaconry.

II.Background Information and Justification

St.Paul’s Church at Ayien Amuol area in Twic Archdeaconry was established in 1996 after many years of evangelism and hard work, and is summarized as follows:

4 Churches, 2 priests, 1900 Members within 204,905 Total Population and an area of 3,922.65(sq.kms)

Ayien Amuol has around 2500 households. The main livelihood activities are cattle keeping, fishing and farming. Around 100 families attend the church in Ayien regularly. This church was constructed with permanent materials but is missing windows, doors and cement for the floor.

This location is ideal for the church construction because of the ongoing spiritual, social, moral, economic and poverty crisis. With dominance of traditional beliefs in which the condition now reaches into alarming stage and highly threatens peoples life and community development. By having fixed windows, doors and cemented the floor of church, it will prevent thieves entering the church to steal chairs and other property that are kept there in the Church. It will also help Rev. Philip Ajing to be effective in the ministry and dedicate more of his life and time in prayer, counselling, door to door follow up to the people and by conducting social researches in the area, improve the local situation.

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The Church services are now conducted in a church with open windows, doors and un cemented floor. According to the research/survey conducted in the area, it revealed that majority of people around this area lack basic education, they do have severe and poor economic conditions, consisting of robbery, dirty businesses, family problems which cause street children, young drug addicts and prostitution.

The Area is dominated by the Dinka tribe, who are practicing traditional beliefs , but they only believe in spirits and gods. They are normally playing traditional dance, praying with evil spirits, calling evil spirits into their dances, drinking a lot of local beer/alcohol and sustaining laziness. This culture affects a lot of the spiritual welfare of these people and their perceptions at large. Moreover it affects even the social and economical wellbeing of other residents. Securing the Church in this locality is essential for the aim of preventing rain, winds and animals passing through.

Many crusades and door to door evangelism has taken place since the establishment of

St. Paul’s Church in the Ayien Amuol area in Twic Archdeaconry since 1995. The result is tremendous and to date many souls have been converted to Jesus due to this ongoing evangelism. But the big obstacle/challenge to our church growth to date is a church building. People who are saved from our crusades and our evangelism are moving away to other churches seeking for the church and leaving us stagnated in terms of numerical growth. Lack of a secure building restricts us from serving many born again

Christians effectively and efficiently.

The church as it is has allowed wind to go through the building which will cause damage the church. Fixing in windows, doors and a cemented floor in the church are very

important, instead of glorifying our God, we are having wind and rain passing through the place of praise and worship. The completion of St. Paul’s Church at Ayien Amuol will give glory to God. It is our prayer that you also can feel the same burden and have compassion to the perishing.

See the whole project proposal on the Wau Diocese website


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Good Leadership Introducing the New Area Bishops

By Rev John Bol

It has come as good news

that The Episcopal church

of South Sudan and Sudan

Diocese of Wau

administration Is publically

announcing the expansion

arrangements of the

leadership in Wau Diocese.

The Diocesan Bishop of

Wau Diocese, Bishop

Moses Deng Bol Akoon has

created two administrative

area Dioceses from Wau

Diocese in which each area

diocese can be lead by one

of these two assistant

Bishops to help him run part

of his administrative area

before the requirements

have to be fulfilled to qualify

as independent Dioceses from Wau, the

mother Diocese, in the future.

It was in his visionary plan to create some

more area dioceses which will later become full

dioceses when the requirements of new area

diocese are met according to ECSS/S

constitutional guidelines. The administrative

areas which he created are Gogrial and Tonj

Area Diocese. We believe that Bishop Moses

Deng’s administration in Wau Diocese will

quickly improve because of good governance

and a productive administration system which

he has introduced since leading the

administration in the Diocese.

We therefore appreciated Bishop Moses and

these current incoming leaderships,

and especially, the provision of these

two opportunities. We also appreciate

the successful administration which we

all expect will be initiated by these two

qualified assistant bishops, who were

recently consecrated in accordance to

the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

and Sudan (ECSS/S). They will

backup Bishop Moses, his

administration in the given areas

where each of the two assistant

bishops has been assigned.

P a g e | 15 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

Bishop Moses accompanied his

two assistant Bishops to their

respective administrative areas

where they are based. He

prioritized a second trip to Tonj

Area Diocese (Tonj) to meet both

the congregation and state

government officials. This was to

officially introduce the Assistant

Bishop of Tonj Area Diocese,

Bishop Peter Yuol Gur and Bishop

Abraham Ngor Mangong of Gogrial

area Diocese to them. On his

arrival to Tonj state capital, he met

on the way with a very large crowd

of people in the distance about 15

minutes away from St Peter’s

Cathedral in Tonj waiting to welcome him with

his two assistant Bishops. Three Bishops and

Dr. Susan joined the crowd from that end and

started walking with the crowd back to the

Cathedral. This was where Bishop Moses

Introduced his two assistant bishops and

addressed the public very nicely as well.

He then shifted from St Peter Cathedral there

and went to the state Governor’s office where

he met the deputy Governor and the state

ministers of different departments in the office.

He introduced the two new assistant Bishops

and further encouraged the implementation of

the recent peace deal between the

Government of the Republic of South Sudan

and the SPLA-IO. Bishop Moses strongly told

them, “let us educate our young people with

the knowledge of peace to avoid such

concepts of tribalism, hatred and violence in

our community but learn how to live in unity

and peaceful interaction in our community as

well as to our new nation as a whole.

Then finally they went to the radio station

together, Bishop Moses the new bishops and

Dr. Susan in order to publicly announce the

same message to those who listen to radio

because he is unable to reach all areas.

After all Bishop Moses briefly instructed his

new assistant Bishops to start their

Christian ministry with a peaceful heart

that can endure any difficulties in their

leadership. He also added “I believe that

the Lord has raised us up for His own

purposes so that we may fulfil the role He

called us to play for this period of time.

We trust that the Lord will bless the efforts

given in the past and much more fruit will

come through the ways we are serving”.

Thank you very much for your time you

used to read our news, we are very happy

for that and wish to receive your

productive comments as usual. God May

bless you.

P a g e | 16 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

Working for Peace & Unity Among the Community

By Rev John Bol

The first public meeting called by

the newly consecrated Bishop of

Tonj Area Diocese of the

Episcopal Church of South Sudan

and Sudan, Bishop Peter Yuol Gur

has shown us a sign of peace and

willingness of the community

leaders to maintain peace in the

community when the Bishop asked

them for this.

Bishop Peter told the crowd that

“the peace is very important to all

of us in which we need to have

very committed people from all the

community leaders, church leaders

and government representatives who have a

gift of natural ability in the process of peace

dissemination in the community, to make a

successful lasting peace, so that the

community may get rest from tribalism,

hatred and violence among themselves”.

He further told the crowd, especially the

Church leaders and the government of the

state to remain in cooperation and join hands

together on the peace processes so that the

community will get advantages from it and

will take note about being in a peaceful

community. “The rest of the people always

get suffering from non-valuable things which

brings no credit at the end, like fighting with

each other in the same community rather

than discussing their small cases peacefully

at the community level”.

“And that attitude will not allow our

developmental progresses and other

social activities in the community if we

continue to keep on doing such things

among ourselves”. He strongly stated

that “the good fighting which remains

in active practice with other

communities elsewhere around the

world is dialogue. Two people or a

group of people can sit to discuss the

matter until they have come to an end

in a peaceful manner, which I wish you

all to adopt as your successful

systems in the community”.

P a g e | 17 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal After Bishop Peter finished

addressing the crowd then the head

of the church council explain the

requirements needed to be met

before getting full diocese status for

Tonj area Diocese. The four

requirements needing to be met are

as follow:-

1. Diocesan car for Bishop’s


2. Diocesan account with 50,000

SSP and above.

3. Diocesan house of Bishop.

4. Cathedral

He had concluded his speeches with a public

announcement of fundraising which

welcomed every individual and the

community with any contribution on the

mentioned requirements to give as well as


The meeting was very well organized by the

Church development committee which makes

us so pleased for the great job they have

done and also appreciated the active

participations from the state government

officials who accompanied the Governor to

the meeting. It came to our great expectation

that the Church will work hand in hand with

the state government through the fruitful and

productive words they have delivered in the

meeting. They really acknowledged all the

efforts which the Church had offered since

we were in the war with the Khartoum

government which oppressed Southerners.

The church were the ones keeping on

expressing our voices until it had been heard

by international communities when they keep

on saying that “let our people choose

between unity and separation” the process

will be based of free, they choose what will

meet their expectations according to their


The Deputy Governor mentioned what had

been put by someone who spoke before him

that “the South Sudan Council of Churches

(SSCC) has played a great role, that they had

put our right to be seen by the world analysts.

And it is very true that we are one in the

community. Church can do it’s part to help

the government with some challenges

P a g e | 18 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal because South Sudan is ours, we don’t want

any failure to happen. Our side as

government will work close with the church

leaders to make them our special

ambassadors because they have always

contributed to positive advice more than

anyone else”.

The meeting had come almost to the end

when in a little moment, the Governor of the

state stood up to address the crowd in the

closing minutes before the final blessing by

Bishop Peter, he possibly stated that “we

should be doing everything we can to save

lives and spare the community and families

from unpleasant experiences, the pain and

unimaginable loss too many South Sudanese

have endured since we fought with the

Khartoum government and restlessly, fighting

rose up again among ourselves within a few


“We don't want anything that will affect us

while you are not part of us, we will take you

as our right advisors so that you may show

us the weakness part that we cannot see,

the only thing I comment is that South

Sudan is ours, each of us must contribute

his/her last effort to bring peace back to the

community so that our civilians may move

freely as usual”.

He has put across the blame on the seat

lover especially those who create a war in

the community when they missed a

government position but don’t realize that

one position does not accommodate more

people in the same time. He has explained

that “what killed many people every time in

our community is lack of education, some of

our young people (youth) are usual ready to

join any person who attempted to use the

division advices (tribalism motivators who

used to encourage the community to fight

against other communities of the same area)

or to take a position by force from national

government or from any leadership in any

administration level which is so painful to

other innocent community (people) when

his/her expectation result has come out”. He

stated that he is ready to join any groups who

want to do the best thing in the community.

“We want to help our civilians to be well

educated with their roles so that they can be

able to know what will be better to choose

from many choices” Governor stated.

With regard to the ECSS provincial

requirements needing to be met before

enthronement of a full Diocesan Bishop in a

P a g e | 19 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal full Diocese, “I will just choose one from

those requirements recently announced by

the church council and work on it with my

team as well as possible.

Therefore we have a further announcement

on these requirements to all our individuals,

colleagues, friends, partners and all non -

governmental organizations who feel

interested to contribute what so ever they can

to help as part of support toward this project.

We will be grateful and thankful for any

contact about fundraising or any update

about progress in church development.

Nyieth Primary School Official Dedication

By Rev Peter Angui Akook

The ECSS/S Wau Diocese

administration is very excited to

publically announce to all our

colleagues, friends, partners and

communities, the dedication

ceremony of the complete building of

Nyieth Primary School’s six classes.

It marks the successful progresses

of this achievement through financial

support from the Humanitarian Aid

Relief Trust (HART) which is led by

Baroness Caroline Cox, whose is

more commonly known name as

“Lady Cox” all over South Sudan

and other disaster experienced

countries which she has visited for

her humanitarian aims in recent


Baroness Caroline Cox had

provided a lot of humanitarian

aid to the people of South

Sudan especially returnees,

orphans, street children and

those whose property has been

captured or destroyed by the

enemy armed forces or by

other natural disasters across

the country, since the

Sudanese civil war.

P a g e | 20 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal Nyieth primary school is a Christian

community school which has been

serving the local area of three

counties, Aweil East, Aweil South

and Gogrial West county of Warrap

state which is the host. Nyieth

primary school according to

geographical situation. It is at the

South West of Gogrial West County

in between the border near Aweil

East and Aweil South County. It

has been serving these three

communities areas for some years.

The occasion was attended by

large numbers of people from these

communities because they were

happy for this achievement and they also

wanted to publically display their happiness

before the Diocesan Bishop of Wau Diocese,

Bishop Moses Deng Bol as well. One

representative the Chief from Aweil East

appreciated Bishop Moses Deng and blessed

him to continue with such visionary thoughts

and heart for development as usual. “We

have many Degrees and Diploma holders,

successful students in different fields

graduated from different universities who

have attended this school which is a great

achievement towards the community” the

chief stated.

The community very much appreciated

Bishop Moses for his good plan and

important decision to provide them with an

available education centre which allows the

young children and adult learners (who

delayed their schooling due to other

circumstances) to get involved in an

educational system and learning progress.

Therefore Bishop Moses concluded his

speeches when he addressed

the community saying that “the

complete building of Nyieth

Primary School is still in our

work plan to mobilize some

funds from ourselves, colleagues

and partners so that we may

continue with the construction

progresses until we will have

achieved our goal which is the

final construction of an additional

two classes, Head Teacher’s

office, staff kitchen, dining room

and a fence built around the

school compound.

P a g e | 21 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

Food Distribution in Wau State for Farijila

Community (IDPs)

By Rev John Bol Angui

We are very pleased to inform you

that the ECSS Diocese of Wau

has once again successfully

distributed food items to the IDPs

living in Wau town. The IDPs very

much appreciated the Wau

Diocese administration for such

support. This was achieved

through a strong partnership, by

the donation of funds from

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust

(HART) through (ECSS-CARD)

Christian Agency for Relief and

Development which is the

development wing of Wau

Diocese. The people who have

given this opportunity of food

distribution were actually exited to participate

in this kind of humanitarian assistance.

This is not the first time that the ECSS

Diocese of Wau has distributed food to the

needy community as it has happened now.

We are trusted partners and it was a usual

duty which had occurred through several

years of fighting. Humanitarian Aid Relief

Trust (HART) kindly provide the funds for

purchasing the food and non-food stuff items,

which are bought locally through the ECSS

Diocese of Wau administration and then

given out by CARD as required to ensure the

needy are supplied correctly.

This camp is comprised of different age

groups of men, women, children orphaned of

one or both parents, who were killed in the

recent fighting that has just ended. This food

assistance has happened just as the lives

need support and automatically turned as a

credit and special blessing of both HART who

donated the funds and ECSS Wau Diocese

which implement the project. The

IDPs have established a new system

that is based on the value of all tribal

tradition norms and human rights

that gives a voice and role to all the

people in the camp to exercises their

ideas in any meeting and contribute

their feelings on how to address

social harmony and interaction in the


P a g e | 22 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal It is a very organized camp which is

headed by a good old man who made the

camp become well organized and has had

very strong leadership, better than any

other camps in the area as well. They have

organized themselves and choose some

people who led them in the camp and take

a responsibility in solving any disputes that

happen in the camp. As an example they

organize the people in lines during the

distribution of food.

They have chosen very influential leaders

who have some leadership experiences in

the past. One of them was very much

appreciated the ECSS/S Diocese of Wau

administration for their willingness to support

any emergency need as it is certainly

happened now through the partnership with

HART. He also added that “if there has not

been the ECSS/S Diocese of Wau here our

suffering would not have been heard by other

merciful people who can help as it has

certainly happened now. He further stated

P a g e | 23 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal that “Your support from ECSS/S Diocese of

Wau has actually paved the way forward to

the restoration of social relationships and

good interaction considering human rights,

dignity and well-being for all of us here within

this camp. It also strengthen our hearts to

feel courage with the words of God and apply

the relationship needed by our Lord and

saviour Jesus Christ”.

Thank you all for your time you used to read

our news, we are very happy for that and

God bless you.

Work for Peace and Unity in the Community of

South Sudan

By Rev John Bol Angui

Wau Diocese has news about the

recent community peace conference

held in Pan-Nyuom/Abuokdit between

two communities the Apuk and Aguok.

We had successfully made a peace

conference between the two sections

of Dinka community as mentioned and

the conference has been facilitated by

the RT Rev Bishop Moses Deng Bol

Akoon, the Diocesan Bishop of Wau

Diocese of the Episcopal Church of

South Sudan and Sudan (ECSS/S).

Bishop Moses told the community to

equip and train themselves in order to

inherit successful systems that will help to

achieve a future self-confidence than

practicing non productive issues which drive

them back to older levels. Such as some

grow up now and are unprepared to handle

issues by themselves.

The conference was attended by a large

crowd of people from both sides of the two

conflicting areas as well as being attended

by National and State Members of

Parliament from the two communities

complete with neighbouring communities

such as Awan Chan, Twic Bol, Kuac

Ayook, Aguok Mou and Apuk Giir

community. The conference was also

attend by the Presidential Advisor on

Decentralization Hon Tor Deng Mawien,

Governor of Gogrial State Hon Abraham

Gum Makuach, Governor of Twic State

Hon Bona Panak Biar and Governor of

Wau State Hon Elias Waya Nyipoc and

P a g e | 24 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal State Speakers of both Twic and

Gogrial States, women’s group,

youth, business groups led Makiir

Gai Thiep from Aguok community as

well several State Ministers. This

was a very important gathering.

Bishop Moses stood before the

crowd for the opening prayer of the

peace conference and words of God

as part of our evangelism and further

told the two communities to accept

reform and be faithful in any

community issues and

circumstances, like conducting this

peace conference. Let’s train ourselves in

order to inherit successful systems that will

help to achieve a future self-confidence that

will not allow you to be involved such

practices which drive you backward to

the older levels. Such as still growing and

unprepared to handle the pressure of

issues like we have now.

The communities themselves had

become more exited through the way

Bishop Moses instructed them and

delivered the words of God before the

conference speeches. He has done this

to keep them going on well with the

peace conference because they were all

given a clue which controls them to talk in

the points.

The conference had actually led through

reconciliation processes between two

sections. A former SPLA General who

has now been appointed a National

MP, Hon Salva Mathok Geng and a

business man Makiir Gai Thiep

confessed to being behind the deadly

conflict between Apuk-Aguok

communities which has been active

almost 14 years now.

The youth who were involved in the

fighting were also reconciled and

requested funds from Bishop Moses to

work for peace as soon as possible so

that they spend them for transport and

food in order to convey a message of

peace in all the 8 counties of the Apuk

and Aguok communities preaching the

P a g e | 25 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal message of peace to those who did

not attend the peace conference.

The conference has gone well but we

had actually experienced some

needs from both communities such

as humanitarian assistance because

the fighting had erupted in these

areas every year during the rainy

season which is also the cultivation

period when the cattle riders return to

dry land for grazing. In fact, it is a

sad truth there is a need of

Humanitarian assistance because

these communities depend on their

cultivation and they failed to cultivate

due to continued insecurity. What happens

to these communities? Ii is really serious,

unless they are lucky enough to find

humanitarian assistance that will

enable them to eat in cultivate periods

they will have no food.

The communities explained their need

for peace because they were

thoroughly educated by Bishop Moses’

speeches about God’s need and

expectation that he deserved from

them and all mankind. They were

speedily encouraged and felt sorry for

their sins about fighting with each other

in the same community and losing

great faith in the sight of God.

As there had been several peace agreements

between the two communities but there has

been nullification of resolutions and the

fighting has restarted again, but for sure at

this time we expect a lasting peace.

Everyone who attended the conference

believed that a true reconciliation has

taken place and so there will be no conflict

between the two communities again.

One of the evident factors for this was

really brought up by Salva Mathok and

Makiir Gai when they had explained the

root cause of the conflict problem which

we had seen was really a political

motivation issue and it has been

completely addressed now. The other

evident factor was that, the conference

was facilitated by the Church leader which

P a g e | 26 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal was seen by all parties of the conflict

as a neutral person and was really


The peace agreement between

Aguok and Apuk has given the

Church huge credibility among the

people of Gogrial and others States

which attended the conference.

Many prominent community leaders

include a former Chief Justice Riing

Thiik Madut from Apuk community

had openly confessed that they did

not believe in the ability of the

Church when they had heard that

Bishop Moses will facilitate this

conference, until they had attended the

Conference. Everyone who attended and

those who did not attend all glorified God for

this great achievement.

This was great for them to challenge and

overcome without any assistance from

Government and all organizational staff

which are providing emergency assistance.

It is also the reason behind that they were

happy when the conference was facilitated

by Church leaders (Bishop Moses) they felt

trust in the Church leaders for their usual

neutral position in any community cases

and quick intervention for a solution. It is

actually falling to the year which everyone

desired to get help for the causes of the

recently ended war between the Government

of South Sudan and SPLM-IO.

In regard to personal financial problems and

economic crisis all over South Sudan,

communities cannot find the whole sellers

who can and will give commodities for the

least price now in these days. The market is

levelling out and returning to the days of civil

war due to the high exchange rate of Dollars.

The communities registered their appeal to

Bishop Moses so that he may convey their

voice and feelings. It is an opportunity for

them to seek humanitarian support as well if


Thank you all for your time you uses to share

with us and get for reading Wau Diocese

news, God bless you.

P a g e | 27 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

A letter of Appeal from Bishop Abraham Ngor

P a g e | 28 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

Contacting Us: www.wau.anglican.org

By E-mail

Diocesan Bishop

Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol : bishop@wau.anglican.org

Gogrial Area Bishop

Rt Rev Abraham Ngor : gogrialareabishop@wau.anglican.org

Tonj Area Bishop

Rt Rev Peter Yuol Gur : tonjareabishop@wau.anglican.org

Diocesan Secretary

Rev Samuel Mabith : dio.secretary@wau.anglican.org

General Enquiries

Rev Samuel Madut : communications@wau.anglican.org

Mother’s Union

Mrs Mary John Garang : mucoordinator@wau.anglican.org

A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website.

By Post:

Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital,

C/o ECS Provincial Office,

P O BOX 110,


South Sudan

By Telephone:

Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

+254 716641233

Lord we give you praise for your Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost and

empowered your followers with courage and skill. We pray that courage and skill

from your Holy Spirit may be with all that work for you in Wau Diocese. Amen.

- Amen

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser

Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

+211 914191558


P a g e | 29 www.wau.anglican.org Renewal

Please Pray With Us

Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in

difficult conditions.

Give thanks to God for people and agencies that regularly work with us such as the HART

organisation, helping us to reach out with aid to the starving.

Pray for the Archbishop of the ECSSS and all in South Sudan so that all violence may be stopped

and all peace initiatives be followed with vigour.

Pray for lasting peace and strong development in South Sudan through the new Government.

Pray for the recognition and removal of all corruption in South Sudan.

Pray for all refugees, that they may one day be able to go home in peace.

Give thanks to God for the generosity of BBUC and their staff working with us now.

Pray for St John’s College of Theology and Development and its Principal Rev Peter Angui Akook.

Pray for all farmers in our community in need of education particularly people new to farming.

Pray for the children in Wau Diocese and the schooling projects set to help them.

Give Thanks for the partners working with us in the development of our society through CARD.

Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat.

Pray for the many South Sudanese recovering from fighting and violence at this time.

Church prayers needs

Pray for our Bishop the Rt. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God

will help him to do what needs to be done.

Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the new Bishop of Gogrial Area Diocese that God will guide him.

Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the newly consecrated Bishop of Tonj Area Diocese.

Pray for Captain Rev Paul Lueth the first Church Army Africa Officer in South Sudan.

Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants working hard in Wau Diocese.

Pray for the Mothers Union in Wau Diocese and the good work that they do.

Pray for all schools and teachers in Wau Diocese and all those trying hard to learn.

Pray for the development of the Area Dioceses of Gogrial and Tonj becoming full dioceses.

Pray for Rev Peter Angui Akook the new Acting Principal of St John’s College.

Pray for Rev Angok Achuil Angok the coordinator of Tonj Area Diocese.

Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful development in faith..

Give thanks to God for the valuable work of CARD in our community and the development it brings

to make life better for the future.