Water Scarcity

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Transcript of Water Scarcity

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INTRODUCTIONWater scarcity is a major global challenge for human beings in todays modernised world.It actually involves water stress, water shortage, and water crisis.Water crisis is a situation when available potable water within a region is less than the regions demand.Water stress is another type of situation when difficulty in finding sufficient amount of sources of fresh water results in depletion of available water resources.

NATURAL CAUSES OF WATER SCARCITYNatural reason behind this problem is uneven distribution of fresh water on earth.Major source of fresh water on earth are perennial rivers generally originating from glaciers.Only 30.5% of fresh water is available in Asian continental region.Nearly 60.5% of world population are resident of Asian continental region.Similar type of uneven distribution had become cause of water scarcity in African continental region.

HUMAN BEING AS REASON OF WATER CRISIS ITSELFMajor reason behind water crisis is drastic rate of increasing population.Naturally available resources of fresh water have been failed to fulfill the demand of rising population.In a current report by united nation organisation current rate of population growth in India is 1.2%.Beside the issue of drinking water, problem arises when people for household purpose use fresh river water.INDUSTRIAL REASON BEHIND WATER CRISISWith rising no. of industries continuously fresh water river have become sources of garbage.Although industrial revolution had brought a industrial development throughout the world but in its later stage it is directly affecting the environment adversely.Rivers have been used as a place for discharge of waste products of various industries.The problem is associated with developed and developing countries both.

TYPES OF CAUSES OF WATER CRISISWater scarcity can be a result of two different mechanismsPhysical water scarcity: it is a result of inadequate natural water resources to meet the regions demand.Economic water scarcity: it is a result of poor management of sufficient amount of available water resources.it means that a country has sufficient water for industry, agriculture , drinking, household purpose but lack of means to provide it in accessible manner. According to united nations development programme the latter is found to be the major cause for maximum no. of countries facing water crisis.


SOME PAST AND CURRENT AFFAIRS OF WATER SCARCITYCALIFORNIA WATER WAR: it is a series of conflicts between Los ANGELES and farmers of Owens Valley when rising of Los Angeles city in late 1800 occurred. In order to fulfil its requirement for drinking water Los Angeles started to take water from owns valley through an aqueduct .This causes a reason of scarcity of water in Owens valley.Water supply in china is facing numerous challenges as its population is growing drastically .In addition to this rapid urbanization ,widening of gap between rich and poor people is playing a major role in the favour of problem. Much has been achieved in past decades but according to who and unicef still 100 million of Chinese population lack access to improve drinking water.IMPACTS OF WATER SCARCITY

NGO estimation says that till 2025 nearly 25 countries from African continental region will face severe water stressDATA AND FIGURES ON WATER CRISIS


Since water crisis is a major issue world is facing it today but throughout the developing countries pressure is continuously intensifying on groundwater resources. According to University of Michigan in India, china and some arid regions of united states groundwater is being pumped out at such a drastic rate that it cant be replenished quickly naturally. Global water supply is reducing continuously. Health care and environmental issues are rising. In arid regions of Africa poverty stricken families are forced to drink water unfit for consumption.SOME ADVERSE RESULTS ON WATER CRISISImpure water is like heaven for hydro-transmitted disease. According to UNICEF these water borne diseases kill an estimated of 10000 to 20000 children per day.In Indian sub continental region a much higher fraction of population still uses arsenic polluted water for drinking purpose.Meanwhile environment is also feeling effects of water scarcity as in order to fulfil the rising demand of drinking water enormous no. of dams and reservoirs had been created which affects the ecosystem of a river. Over 20% of freshwater fish species are now threatened or endangered.GENERAL SOLUTION OF WATER SCARCITYThere can be several ways which would be effective in preserving and conserving water. One possible solution is the use of desalinization technology. This system is described as filtering salty water through membranes and removing the salt through electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. Another solution to the problem is to compose new multinational treaties which tackles different aspects of water crisis. There are currently significant no. of treatise in effect regarding water yet most of them dont properly distribute. Watersheds of 261 major rivers are shared by two or more countries and overlapping claims would led to dispute. Instead these new treatise can divide the river water according to aridity of countries on its course.IMPLEMENT OF SOLUTION FOR WATER CRISIS Plainly, more than one solution is necessary in order to reduce or solve the issue of water scarcity that the world faces today. Any action either desalinization technology or new treatise for even share naturally available water resources is important and must be taken into consideration.

Now a days desalinization technique is working properly in 130 countries of north Africa and the middle east. With help of this technique these countries are producing 6 billion gallon of usable water per day. In United States also 1200 desalinization plants are working .FURTHUR CHALLENGES IN WATER SCARCITYAlthough desalinization technique has become much more practical for metropolitan areas and reverse osmosis have made significant improvement. Despite these improvements only 2.3% of wastewater that is generated by municipalities is currently being recycled and reused . Globally implementing simple recycling and filtration systems would be a relatively easy task that would reap outstanding benefits.CONCLUSIONWater crisis is going to be a worldwide problem in next 20 years. Till now all the researches have shown that it is rising at a rate much faster than its solutions are going to be implemented. Already children are dying in large numbers due to waterborne illness. Also in indirect manner it is destructing natural ecosystems leading to the threat for variety of freshwater fish species. The problem can not be controlled until a viable global solution is implemented.REFERENCEShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_scarcityhttp://sitemaker.umich.edu/section9group6/solutions :UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PROJECT WATER SCARCITY:TOMORROWS PROBLEMhttp://www.futurity.org/reduce-water-scarcity-2050-757742/ MACGILL UNIVERSITY-DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING