v~&*rtr***'*£ »* *-wA» JP COURIER-JOURNAL Page 4...

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COURIER-JOURNAL ??sr.jaar * W e d n e s d a y r O c l o b w ^ O / l 97§

^ • ^ ^ r j v * — r w t r J^~#^v~&"*rtr***'*£ "»* * - w A » JP


"Since I sent i t ai l to the Propagation of the Faith, i t lon' t have a care in the world!'

p rob lems w e c a n n o t handle so we make light of them ,

s o m e A m e r i c a n stat ist ics' p rov ided b y t h e t h e - P r o p a g a t i o n o f t h e Faith

School Ripoff Deplored Editor:

In Detroit^qn Oct 2i-23, there is to be.a conference on Justice for All , "A the National Catholic Bishops synopsis of the

Under Education

I am sending a to Mr John Erb,

JDeveiopment HJjWevef-, since this ..matter was -first attention of the

of the NCCB. in the Courier-Journal (C-J) for Sept IB *ives five "planks'

Liberty and Calf~to Action" by Conference "of

fNCCB) The recon mendations

copy' >f this1 letter Office of Human

Editorial [

The Opportunity! ---"- To 0 p Your Bit;

As t h e ca r toon above exempl i f i es , r r fuch r i f n o t al l h u m o r has its roots in t ragedy , pa thos , ca lam i t y and m is fo r tune The m a n w h o sl ips o n t h e banana pee l , t he " f u n n y " d r u n k , t he f a t person a l l person i fy t h e u n w i e l d y

But~there is a n o t h e r possib le subt le message m the s imp le d r a w i n g J h e b u m is sayifng essent ia l ly t h e ' s a m e t h i n g t h a t w e - h e a r d f r o m Christ in a recent Gospel reading,.— t h a t i t is very d i f f i c u l t for a r ich person, o n e l oaded w i t h mate r ia l th ings , t o m a k e i t , i n t o God 's k i n g d o m The m is f i t above., w h o w e m a y f i n d laughab le , may rea l ly be compa rab le to^some o f ou r greatest saints w h o d i d p rec ise ly w h a t has became a m occas ion fo r h u m o r here T h e y d u m p e d the i r w o r l d l y goods t o f o l i q w Chr is t In His c o m p a n y i t h'elps t o t rave l l i gh t l y

Speaking h u m a n l y and rea l is t ica l ly , n o t ve ry m a n y o f us app roach t h a t k i n d o f saint lmess Stifl j mos t o f u s s

shou ld be ab le t o unders tand t he lesson t o t he "point t h a t w e c a n le t loose o f just a b i t mo re In th i s regard (

Soc ie ty f o r

* T h e re ta i l v a l u e of t h e l i q u o r business, n o t in ­c l u d i n g w i n e , comes t o $13 b i l l i o n annua l l y a n d thet next t w o m o n t h s , Novembe r and December , a c c o u n t f o r more than 20 ' per cen t o f t ha t f i gu re I

* A n n u a l l y , o u r ch i l d ren efat a b o u t 17 8 p o u n d s o f -cartdy" e*ach,.,totar sales a p p r o x i m a t i n g 2.77 b i l l i o n .

f * M o r e t han 100 m i l l i o n Amer icans d i e t and spend - a b o u t S700 m i l l i o n year ly o n d i e t f o o d . (Thie W m o r in

th is one \s obv ious" a n d g r im. ) ' \ < „

* Sales o f t o b a c c o p roduc ts w i l l p r o b a b f y J i i t a b o u t $5 4 b i l l i o n th is year

Contrast these i a c t s w i t h t h i s : | \

Ten dol lars t o t h e missions w i l l -pay i a m o n t h ' s "salary f o r a re l i g ion teacher , supp ly a leprosar ium w i t h six months- ' dosage o f med i c i ne fo r f i v e patiejnts-in A s i a t

p rov fde 10 days o f " d a i l y , b r e a d " f o r „ a nu rs ing Sister, f u r m s h beds fo r an o rphanage i n Tndia. In shor t , i t w i l l go a l o n g w a y t o w a r d sp read ing t h e sp i r i tua l h o p e «aod c o r p o r a r b a l m o f Chr is t in t h e w o r l d ' t o d a y

* * i t

Th ink o f i t Ten.doUars The cos t o f an ffj-track t a p e ; a f a s t o rder supper for" t h e f a m i l y , ,a pocke t j ca lcu la to r . N o t t o m e n t i o n t h e smalt percen tage o f t h e cos t o f a te lev is ion set, or a m i c r o w a v e o v e n , o r a [set o f go l f c lubs „ - j

s I _

For tunate ly w e d o n o t have t o take-our m o n e y a n d g o s h o p p i n g t o f i n d s o m e t h i n g t h e miss ion^ need. The channe ls are p r o v i d e d b y t h e thousands of miss ionar ies w h o s p e n d the i r l ives self lessly a l l over th;e w o r l d in Christ 's n a m e •— a n d ours . They w i l l p u t t h e m o n e y t o w o r k e f f i c i en t l y w h e r e i t is m o s t needed a n d w e . c a n go back t o o u r pursu i ts k n o w i n g t h a t w e , t o o , are a pa r t o f t he i r w o r k . T h a f s reward ing . - " "

T h e o p p o r t u n i t y comes o n M iss ion Sunday next weekemfe? - - , - . * - . . * . * • . .

brought to the-Dioce;ap Pastoral^

Council (DPQ-alt its meeting on" Sept- 1&, and since the C-J. in its report (Sept 22) did not. mention my reniarks, I shcujd appreciate an opportuni ty to * r tach your audience What follows is based on the discussion guide. Liberty and justice for Alt," and the five planks

* At the DPC meeting I pointed out 1 That the discussion guide was "loaded" ; gainst parochial schools 2 That it is] simply in­credible that a guide entitled "Liberty and Justi ce foi A l l " should pay no j ieedj io the ripoff being suffered by parents who prefer Cod-centere'd schooli, and by teachers who teach mtljiem 3 That_ i t was unbelievable^ that MCCB, which professes to supp ort Catholic

12 people, To the best of my knowledge,'not one of ihese^has. been connected with the effort to secure-justice for parents in the-use of their own education taxes

The absence of any official of the New York State federation of Catholic School Parents (NYSFCSP) is very strange Sr Roberta Tierriey, diocesan Supertendant'of Schools,' recently stated 'that efforts are being made tq .strengthen .the Rochester branch of NYSFCSP Is i t goingjo be necessary for groups of parents to picket some diocesan offices to arouse, some interest in their plight?

-I hope to be able to expand on some of these points at the Nov 20 meeting of the DPC at Canandaigua in a~fafk entitled, "Do the NCCB and the Bishops of N Y, State really believe in Parochial Schools?"

- . - J * Kenneth" CLoane, DPC <

331 Seneca Hcwy, t Rochester, N,Y. 14613

Page 4

Morte Letters On Page 26

schools, should al document auspices

to -appear ow such a biased

The nature o f the ripoff can Jbe seen as follows. There are about 486,000 students in grades K-12 in parochial schools in N Y State (C-J, Sept 29) With the^savjings to the State o f 'New York estimated as $1500 per child, this r ipi f f amounts to about $730,000,000 annually

For the Diocese of Rochester,' with about 23,200 elementary and 77OO secondary ktudents, a more accurate estimate can be made Taking $1400 for each elementary student, and $2000 f o r each secondary, the ripoff comes to about $48 M annually It is this continuing- drain which is the primary cause of the,clpsmg of the Catholic Inner Cityschools, depriv­ing many non-Catholic blacks of

under its

their only alternative

feasible educational'

The f ive, planks concerning education are valuable, and represent a considerable advance over the loaded discussion guide However, the continuedj lack of any recognition of the injustice suffered not only by Catholic parents, but also those Protestant jand Jewish parents who prefer Cpd-centered schools, is unbelievable

I The official group| going to Detroit from the diocese comprises"

School Story Is Misleading Editor;

The headline, -"Consolidated School Plan Presented to DSC", fn thaCouner-Journal of Oct 13,1976, was misinformation * and misleading The following points may help to clarify the presentation made to the DSC on Oct 9, -1976

A Tne purpose of the Urban Catholic School Ministry Task Force /s to conduct an^m-depth study \of the Catholic School Ministry in the City of Rochester and to recommend a plan or pjans for the future continuance and availability of this ministry-

i B At this~time, there is NO

PLAN' The. Task Force is- compiling results of the study and preparing written reports which wil l lead to recommendations

C Informational reports on the current status of the study were given to the Priests' Council,

"Diocesan Sisters''Council, Clergy and principals of the City to relate the preliminary work of the Task Force A copy of this report is being sent to parish councils:

The intent of this study is t o , provide comprehensive and long-range planning assistance ' t o Catholic schoojs, rather than respond to "crisis situations" Jt has taken its initiative f rom J Bishop Hogan's pastoral, "You Are Living Stones'^ Which states: "As a community we must arrive at a method of continuing the schools that offer their services to the poor" v

"i M r William Brown, Consultant

for Educational Planning, is ' available to discuss the work of the Task Force with anyone interested in-further, clarification *

Once again, We wish to assure

those dedicated to Catholic

keepers I 'do not know how many children—if any-j-starved to death" in our country, rx t the condition is rampant in the T )ird World where Our nation promotes abortion

Regarding my]interpretation of John 10.10,("l came thaUhey might have life, and .have it more abundantly"). Yes, I applied this Verse to life herefon earth Vyhere else? HOWJ canjme phrase "more abundantly" possibly descnbesthe beatific vision which is totally beyond the cqmprehension of mortal man—theologians tell us that he could not! endure the sight Surely the'phrase) can only refer to temporal heeds of which our Lord was ever imindfuL'True, op oc­casion He( recommended poverty when self-impojsed, but never condoned! its imposition by a corrupt 'arid irresponsible society He taught us how to feast as well as how to fast — each in its proper season He was a proponent of freedom Hence {'the persecutions

• of the early church" as well as the

Elunder of the lower income rackets ofjtoday could hardly have

been His ideas „As for ''jimmie Carter and the

Democratic partwi I agree; and the same goes for Ford and the Republicans Th4 money changers hav4 Ibngf since? returned to ihg temple caijrywgJ&oth parties along on their coattaijs An organized minority ojf our Ination is derhah-ding largess which does not eMSt— presumably to keep' abreast- of inflation It is promised by both candidates;, andvj/iil be supplied by the -peoplje's choice with more in f la t ions-more bankers' coun­terfeit money—legalized by the Federal Reserve Wet of 1913

Ironical!^ our government must borrow this bogus money from the legalized counterfeiters, and validate it with {he wealth of the United Stales and the taxing power of Congress I

' Unless the people—through their elected representatives—demand a halt to this preposterous and un­constitutional situation, the *only alternative, for its bankrupt victims js dictatorship^ £ o d forbid, but if "this happens, ̂ the i';more than a million children who died m these United States abortion" is only

asti year through a token o f things

to come Deplorable as abortion is, there are! other issues which followers of Christ may not ignore with impunity.

Edward A. Veith 2952 Atlantic Ave.

PenfiehLN.Y. 14526

Pro-Life Deserves Vote Editor: {• I

^ M i k e Macaluso, ' i b i '•'" jnservative Congress^ deserves our votes

i He Ts staunchly 'of the lives of would support « ment * ]

Dernocrat-cahdidate for

forthe protection the Unborn and pro-life amend-


B i s h o p J o s e p h L ; H o g a n

P r e s i d e n t

i J - Anthony J. Costello

^ General Manager

Education that no plan' has been , Last yean he fought to defeat the formed and that communication anti-farnily^ so cabled, Equal Rights and consultation will take place* Amendment j

> Mary Margaret Hober i ' lOl iaphamSt. 7 Rochester, N.Y. 14615-

before any decisions are

recommendations 'or made


C a r m e n J , V i g

E d i t o r


Sister Roberta Tierney,SSND Superintendent of Schools

'Abortion Not Only Issue

Editor: *

', In his letter (9/22/76), the Rev G Stuart' Hogan - c r i t i c ized as "erroneous and misleading" the letter^of Edward A Veitb (8/11/76)

have printed as many as! possible conoerning

We letters . . . . . . the upcoming elections. Since next ̂ week is ojur last edition before thje election we wiH not print any, letters jmaldng charges since there wil l not be op­portunity* for reliuttal. '

R e v . LOUIS J. H O i l m a n on a statement Veith made in r v _ * i • « ^ . i i _ i _ r - ^ i i * E p i s c o p a l A d v i s o r

Vol 91 No 25 October20 1976

FuMuhcdwcctlVfay K^ Rochester Catholic frtu Allocation Subscription rates, Sinfla copy 20" \ y i a r subscription m 0 S $750 Canad* and ftrettn, i lZOOOtf lets/ IHcWdrt} Huildrn^ W Chestnut S t , HochMUr; N Y 14604 (7161 4J4-70M Second clao potta^t paid a l R o d t e r ^ .

CoUneHjoumal 1

regard to pro-life, and his in­terpretation of John 10 10 v ^

First my statement' "Rt#it to life*« in- a motiier'S womb is not fulfi l led -:

if her Child must later starve to« death m her arms*" Does ibis suggest, taborbonj* B^.rjo*means. J*.i merely stresses 4 K obvtoi* ' that ̂ r i ^ t to life d o e s j K * ^ . ^ ^ , birth? * a t c h i f i i r e r P i ^ i ^ ^ .Christ, and that w* aye meir"

Letters i publicatipn.tnust

smsr 14«MI:


ntended for be addressed

CouHer-loornal, 67 Rochester, NX.

be.M> longer

H 1 J J '" >""i