Vol 4 Providence Reform School Reports 1861-1866 ... · Web viewRhode Island Historical...

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Transcript of Vol 4 Providence Reform School Reports 1861-1866 ... · Web viewRhode Island Historical...

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Rhode Island Historical SocietyMss 214, Series 1 Vol 4 Providence Reform School Reports 1861-1866 (Unpaginated)

[Abstracted July 2005: Extracting matching names with numbers in Bi-Weekly reports and Journal]gordonJuly 2, 1861The 8 received are:#830 Geo W. Cady age 10 yrs. Magistrate; minority; theft#831 Mary Falvey age 13 yrs. Magistrates; minority; theft#832 Leonard Black age 14 yrs. Magistrates; minority; theft#833 Mary E. Fall age 13 yrs. Magistrates; minority; theft#834 Bridget McGowan age 16 yrs; Police court; minority; vagrancy.#604 David W. Peters age 14 yrs. Justice court, Newport; minority; theft. David has been here previously for destruction of property, but was returned to his friends the 29 of march last.#678 Francis Conley age 13 yrs. Justice court North Providence; sentence two yrs; breaking and entering with intent to steal. Francis has been here previously sentence had expired in November last before its expiration he was permitted to return to his home in Pawtucket.#509 Mary Mulharen returned. Oct 15/60 she was placed with Gordon Hall esq of Willimantic CT to work in the linen Co.s Mill & remained till last spring doing well. Then she visited this city, and returned to her place [meant] to stay for only a few days when she left and was next found at Cynthia Fletchers a home of ill fame in the Hollow & brought back.

The two discharged are:#679 Henry Willette. Discharged upon expiration of sentence and taken by his sister#642 Thomas Lake. [19yrs., b. 1841 1850 census] Discharged as reformed He returns to his Friends at Tiverton.[Loose inserted letter]“To the Trustees of the Providence reform schoolWe the undersigned Citizens of Central Falls in the town of Smithfield are acquainted with Patrick Cavanaugh who is also a Citizen of said Village of Central Falls and knowing of his having a son in the above named institution by the name of Michael Cavanaugh the crime for which he was sentenced and committed was taking a few apples from a Barrell belonging to Mrs Celinda Jenckes said Micheal has been at said institution one year and two weeks which we think is a sufficient punishment for said crime and the Justice that sentenced him after due consideration has come to the conclusion that he ought to have his discharge and will sign with us for the same to take effect as soon as may be in conformity with this request you will do a great favor to his Parents especially his Mother and oblige those whose signatures are hereto affixed as in duty bound &etc.Smithfield Decm 13th 1865 Alvin F Jenks

Wm H. Godding Albert SpencerJustice of the Peace Chas Moses

Frederick N. Goff Robert RobertsonDaniel PearceHorace Daniels John L Clark of Valley FallsBenjamin F. Greene

David G. FalesThomas MosesJohn R. FalesM. P. Wihmarth

July 16, 1861The eleven received are:#381 John McGovern age 15; Magistrates; theft; bound over for trial at the supreme court to be holden on the fourth Monday of sept. next Bonds $300. John is an old inmate com [etc] Feby 23/56 returned to his friends June 23/58. [d. 1864 Civil War]#835 Felix Hamlin age 14 was in company of 381 and sent here in default of $300 in which sum he is bound over as above.#836 John W. Conklin age 16 (colored) from Newport Court of Justices; minority; assault.#837 James McQuiggin age 13; Providence Police Court; minority; vagrancy.#838 Ellen McQuiggin age 10 from Prov Police Court; minority; vagrancy.#839 Mary A Arnold age 16. A boarder by order of Trustee…for 1.75 per week#749 Lydia Macomber age 15 from Court of Justice Portsmouth; two years; prostitution. This is one of the old inmates and was returned to her Parents last spring.#840 Hannah Macomber age 13 Justice Court Portsmouth; 3 years; wantonness and vagrancy.#745 Danl [James]Whitman age 18 yrs. [b.. PA] Returned voluntarily. He was discharged May 27th/61 to ship in the whaling service from New Bedford. Owing to the state of the country the crew were discharged & he returned June 23th but hoping to find him employ elsewhere his name was not entered upon the books till the 12th Inst.#623 Patrick McVicar age 17. He was placed with W. E. [Imlay] Esq. Promfret Ct the 13th of Feby last. & was reported as doing well there till quite recently. He came back the 6th Inst. And though I wrote Mr. I. At once have not as yet heard from him. Pat says he did not like one of the “Hired Men”#733 Margaraet Dolan age 16. Returned from Mr Morrison of Westboro Mass. Owing to the death of a child Mrs M leaves home for a time & fears to leave Margaret without her personal care, therefore returns her here.

None have left us since the 4th Inst. #762 Julia Danforth. Recd Aug 16/60 has gone to Hebronville to spend a little time with her mother (Mrs Newton Baker) & friends there she has been a very good girl here and we hope will do so well away that it will not prove necessary to have her return.#509 Mary Mulharon. Having left her place at Willimantic Connt was found June 26th at “Fletchers” in the “Hollow” and returned Dr. Collins certifies her to be [encient]. She has not been permitted to be with the other girls since her return.

Aug. 6 1861The number received (eleven) are:#841 Lewis C. [Cass] Welden age 10 yrs; Prov Police Court; minority; vagrancy.#842 Thomas Morrisey age 13 Magistrates; stealing pigeons; minority.#843 Albert Cook age 11yrs. Magistrates; stealing pigeons; minority.#844 Thomas Masterson age 8 yrs. Court of Justices North Providence; theft; minority.#845 Susan Haskens age 16 yrs; Warwick Justice Court; assault & battery; minority & cost.#846 Jane Falvey age 16. Prov. Police Court; vagrancy; minority.#847 Isabella Salisbury age 17. Prov. Police Court; vagrancy; minority.#848 John T. Sykes age 13; (colored); magistrates; theft; minority.

#849 Peter Riley age 16; sentence 3yrs, 6mths.#850 Timothy Sullivan age 16; sentence 4 yrs.#851 Michael Roake/Roarke age 15; sentence 2 yrs.All three from Fall River Court of Justice for theft.

Three discharged:#509 Mary Mulharen age 19. Delivered by order of the overseer of the poor to the master of the Dexter Assylum [(enceint)]#724 Wm Sampson age 17. Enlisted in the First Reg. US Chasseurs. Encamped at Willetts Point NY. Term of enlistment 3 yrs.#745 Danl. Whitman age 20 yrs enlisted with #724.#821 Sarah A. Maine left us Thursday the 1st Inst.. to make a trial with Mr. Thos W. Noyes of South Kingston and should the trial prove satisfactory we hope will find a good home there. She is 15 yrs and the circumstances of her commitment were known to Mr. N—#759 Francis Smith age 16 yrs has also gone to try his hand at Mr. Wm E. Inlays of Pomfret Ct. He is a good boy & we think will find a good home..Parents of #717 James F. Gifford 17 yrs and #718 David H. Gifford 12 yrs request release. Petition from residents of Fall River. [Supt checks house…poor condition, needs work; ] “Parents and grandparents live together. Father blind—mother one side useless from shock of Palsey. Grandfather 81 yrs, quite infirm; grandmother 80 a smart old lady. [Discussion of possibilities] “The father has formerly been intemperate but is spoken of as reformed, and with the boys to assist him in getting around thinks he will be able to guide and restrain them. I have some doubt as to this, still think it may be best to give them a trial…”“Mrs Thorpe asks to have her daughter #621 Mary P. Thorpe age 17 who has been here nearly three years returned to her home at Chepachet.[recommended]

Aug. 20 1861

Of 180, nine (4 boys and 5 girls) still counted although placed out on trial.

#782 Ann F. Phillips with Sylvester E. Kelly of Smithfield; placed Nov. 7 1860#685 Mary E. Blacklock with Mrs Chas H. Bassett of Elmwood; placed May 3rd.#762 Julia Danforth with her mother; Mrs Newton Baker of Hebronville, Mass. Placed July 4th

# [809] Mary Stieb with her grand mother Mrs. Davis at 300 Pine Street; placed 10th Inst.#840 Hannah Macomber with Marshall Wood Esq.; Vernon, Ct.; placed 13th Inst.#721 Perez Hopkins with Z. Chase 88 South Water St. Bds with his mother; since middle of April, last.#757 James Crowley with his aunt Mrs. John Kennedy, rear of 129 Canal Street. Placed April 19th.#752 Elisha Davol with his parents. May 13th. Little Compton.#759 Francis Smith with Wm. E. Inlay of Pomfret Ct; July 26th.

The six received:#852 John H. Stone age 15; Justice Court N. Prov.; theft; minority.#853 Joseph Askins (colored) age 8 yrs; Magistrates; theft; minority. [Actually belongs in Greenwich, CT. may have been sent by mother and grandparents, by design, to get committed.]#854 Danl. F. Ryder age 13 Justice Crt. N. Prov; theft; minority.#855 Sarah Boyle age 17; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority.#856 Bridget McQueeny age 16; Prov Police Court; vagrancy; minority.

#707 May Ann O’Rourk who was kidnapped at Wakefield Jany 12th was discovered at Warwich Neck the 7th Inst. & returned under an assumed name she was thought beyond discovery there.

Two discharged:#717 James F. Gifford and # 718 David H. Gifford as per action at meeting 6th Inst.

Mother of #833 Mary F. Fell, recd 30 June asks for return promising restraint or placement in care of sister at South Boston. Mary is an only child therefore her mother is more earnest on her account.

She is but 13 years old & from all circumstances seems to be the victim of an older girl now here. Her crime was theft of a Bonnet from one of the Public School Houses which this older girl now admits to have taken herself. The Bonnet belongs to a daughter of Mayor Knight and under the circumstances he advises her discharge conditionally.

Sept. 3 1861[of 176, only 165 in residence; eleven are away with families same as reported Aug 20]#833 Mary Fell placed with mother, Mrs. Patrick Gorman 83 Plain St.#576 Jane Moore placed with Thos W. Noys of Kingston. Her term expires next month.

Five received:#857 Elijah Wallace (colored) age 12; Court of Justices Newport; theft, minority.#858 Annette F. Anthony age 17; Police court; vagrancy; minority.#859 John Mahar age 11; Magistrates; assault; comd for “safe keeping’#860 Ann Collins age 17; Justice Court N. Prov.; vagrancy & prostitution; minority.#861 Wm E. Mott age 16 from Supreme Court, Newport; theft; two years.

Nine discharged:#422 Wm N. Brown, #513 Michael Fitzgibbons, # 521 John Mehan, #715 Michael Byron; enlisted in the 11th regiment US Infantry.#503 Catherine Fannon; term expired#602 Chas O. Smith; term expired [16, b. 1845, MA]#696 Michael Carey; term expired [13, b. 1848, RI]#859 John Maker; delivered to court.#774 Frank Berry [col’d] (boarder, returned to his mother; has been at Inst. Since Oct 1960)

Sept. 17th 1861[of 181, 169 in home since 12 are placed out as per 3rd Inst.]

6 Received:#862 Daniel McCarty age 15#863 John Johnson age 14#864 Daniel Donovan age 12All from Prov. Magistrates, theft, minority.#865 John M. B. Bosworth age 14; Justice Court Bristol; theft; minority.#866 Ada Williams age 16 Prov Police; vagrancy; minority.#867 John Robinson age ___ yrs; Justice Crt. E. Greenwich; theft; two years; prob 11 or 12.


#795 James Montgomery age 17; resident since Dec. last; home Philadelphia; “he came here in a packet last winter & in company with some of his companions visited a drinking house where he became intoxicated for which he was arrested & sentenced to his Institution during minority. His name is James Farron, son of Henry Farron. His father having sent for him, by advice of Mr. Carpenter he was sent to him on board the Packet John Farnum Capt Hall, and I recommend that he be discharged as reformed.

Aug. 31st 1861[Reviews and reports statistics as of May 31st.] Go back for stats unless these are printed in the Providence Annual Reports.

Oct. 1st 1861[of 183 inmates, 14 are away]#804 Winnie Hughes placed with Mr. Jeremiah Smith of Lime Rock, farmer.#618 Jas. A. Foster with parents

Two received;#868 Ellen Morrison age 17; Prov Police; prostitution; minority.#617 James Falvey age 13; magistrates; theft minority. He has been in the Institution from Oct. 1858 till July 1860 on a similar charge & sentence but was upon application of his parents returned to them. Mr Whitney represents him as formerly “a good little fellow” He has now grown to a good sized boy for one his age.#673 Bridget E. McLaughlin [father asks for discharge]; admitted June 22 1859.

Oct. 15 1861[of 180, 15 are away]#593 Julius A. Scott away with mother visiting friends in New York.

Four received:#869 Alfaretta F. Monroe age 16; Justice court Warren; assault & battery; three yrs.#870 Sylvester Sargent age 12; magistrates; theft; minority.#463 John Delley age 17; Justice court Cranston; theft; minority.#871 George Bassett age 16; Justice court Smithfield; theft; minority.

Seven discharged:

#711 James Cullen age 11; expiration of sentence’#712 Loren Brown age 12; expiration#673 Bridget E. McLaughlin age 20; as reformed.#683 John Hall age 14 (colored); mother resides Philadelphia but has for a few years been at Newport…two years since she brought John with her when he was arrested for theft & committed; minority; “On her return to Philadelphia this fall she wished to take him with her having provided a home for him with her Brother a farmer in Pennsylvania. He has for considerable time been a member of the class of “Truth & Honor” and with the the [sic] advice of Trustee 1 W. F. Grinnell Esq. He was permitted to leave with her. I recommend that he be discharged as reformed.#832 Leonard Black age 14 delivered to his friends who have gone to Hayti & expect to make that Island their future home. Do you approve?

#458 Pricilla Baker age 20 sent to her mother last Thursday who resides at Hyannis Mass. Sent to her by the Cape Packet “Florida”, Capt. Howes. Recommend she be discharged as reformed.#816 Wm. Brownell age 13 a boarder delivered to his father on the expiration of six months.

Nov. 5th 1861[Of 181, 18 are away with families same as before reported and…]#812 Chas H. Dunbar home with his father at Newport.#768 Elizabeth J. Clark to home in Freetown Mass with her mother.#780 Mary Sullivan placed with Mrs J. H. Brown of Wakefield in place of #624 returned & #805 Patrick Dolan placed with Caleb Williams of Rehoboth Mass.#516 Jane Moore is discharged upon expiration of sentence.

9 Received:#872 Mary Riley age 17; magistrates; theft; minority.#873 Jane Stalken age 16 Police Court; prostitution; minority.#874 Newton H. Briggs age 15; boarder by request of father; #875 Alice Jane Card age 16 Warwick; prostitution; 2 yrs.#876 Henry Longfield age 13; magistrates; theft minority.#877 William Simmons age 14; safe keeping by city marshall.#879 Wm H. Whitt[man] age 16 Justice Crt Fall River; theft; two yrs.# 624 Susanna T. Cornell age 16 returned by J. H. Brown could not control her.

8 discharged:#516 Jane Moore age 21; expired#875 Alice Jane Card; alternative sentence being as per physicians certificate “pregnant”#878 Hellen Simmons age 14 taken by city marshall [1850]#729 John McKanna age 18#730 Michael Morrison age 16enlisted in 2 reg, RIV Company F.#727 Wm Wishard age 18#732 Thos H. Peck age 18#744 Lyman D, Leach 18enlisted in 2d Batt RI Cav.now in camp at Camp Hallett Cranston.

Nov. 15, 1861[Of 181, 24 away with families of friends, same as reported before, and…]#177 Patrick Foley left with Ezra Ailsworth of East Greenwich, farmer#313 W. H. Addison at Camp Hallett#487 Robt Freeman at Camp Hallett

7 received are:#880 Patsey [Marks] age 10 from Crt of Justices, Newport; theft; minority#881 Mary F. Hazard age 16 Justice Crt Warwick; prostitution; 2 yrs.#882 Dennis Sullivan age 13 magistrates; theft; minority#883 Patrick Carrigan age 12 magistrates; theft; minority#476 John Cokely age 17 magistrates; theft; minority#705 [Parson] Brown age 12 boarder; #611 Mary Riley age 15; returned for leaving her place and theft

None discharged but #313 W. H. Addison and #487 Robt Freeman who are at camp Hallett as waiters & servants. They went on trial. Capt. Treat has informed me that he accepts the former (Addison) should you see fit to grant his discharge. The other is not yet acceptable. Both are colored boys.

On Friday the 8th officer Billings brought Emma Lewis adopted daughter of James Lewis of Pawtucket & left her for safekeeping.

Approval in cases No. 727, 729, 730, 732, & 744.

Dec. 3 1861[Of 187, 20 away being the same as before excepting #313 W. H. Addison discharged as of meeting Nov. 19th]

Two received are:#594 Eliza Brown age 14 comt Aug 5 1858 and taken by her parents July 19 1860. They now return her as beyond their control.#884 Mary Ann Kinney age 17 yrs., 8 months 22 days; Police Crt; prostitution. She is a badly diseased girl & it would seem a very unfit subject for this Institution…[on consultation] “…to be sent at once to the “Dexter Assylum”…”

Three discharged:#313 W. H. Addison age 18 enlisted #626 Barney Brannon age 12; expiration of sentence#823 Frederick Wilson age 9; boarder 6 months; returned to his father.

Dec. 17 1861[Of 188 19 away same as 3d Inst. Except…] #177 Patrick Foley & #606 Dennis Murray gone with Mr. Stephen Randall a farmer of Cranston

Two received:#885 Charles Campbell age 13; Justice Crt Smithfield; theft; minority#886 Geo H. Humphrey age 11; JC Smithfield; theft; minority

One discharge:#884 Mary Ann Kinney; delivered to overseer of poor for action viz. cons 3d Inst.

#487 Robt Freeman being accepted as servant in the 2 Batt, RI Cavaly I recommend that he be discharged. Also #721 Perez Hopkins being now favorably situated with F. P. Merriman Esq. I recommend to be discharged.

Jan. 7 1862[Of 195, sixteen away…]#782 Ann F. Phillips w/I.E. Kelley, Smithfield#685 Mary E. Blacklock w/C. H. Bassett, Elmwood#809 Mary Steib w. J. W. Davis, 300 Pine St.#833 Mary E. Fell w/her mother; 83 Plain St.#621 Mary E. Thorp w/her mother, Chapachet

#804 Winnie Hughes w/Mr Jeremiah Smith, Lime Rock#780 Mary Sullivan w/ J. H. Brown, Wakefield#768 Elizabeth J. Clark w/parents, Freetown, MA#762 Julia Danforth s/mother Mrs Newton Baker, Hebronville#757 James Crowley w/Mrs. John Kennedy, 129 Canal St.#751 Elisha Davoll w/parents, Little Compton#759 Francis Smith w/Mr W. E. Imlay, Pomfret, CT#618 James A. Foster w/parents, 277 High St.#593 Julius A. Scott w/uncle, New York City#812 Charles H. Dunbar w/parents, Newport#606 Daniel Murray w/Mr. Stephen Randall, Cranston

12 received are:#887 Lewis Forbes (colored) age 12; JC Warren; assault & battery; two yrs.#888 Wm H. Harris age 17; JC Smithfield; getting goods under false pretenses; minority#889 Julia Ide age 17; Prov. Police Crt; vagrancy; 3 yrs.#890 Wm McConley age 9; boarder#891 Charles Devlin age 14; magistrates; theft; minority#892 Mary McEnnally age 16; JC N. Prov; theft; 2 yrs.#893 Catherine Durfee age 17; JC N. Prov.; vagrancy; 2 yrs#894 Margaret Durfee age 16; JC N. Prov.; vagrancy; 2 yrs#895 Mortimer Sullivan age 16; magistrates; theft; minority#896 John Donohue age 14 (same)#897 John Leary age 16 (same)#898 Daniel Leary age 13 (same)

5 discharged:#671 John Ralph, 14; expiration#721 Perez Hopkins, 16; w/J. P. Messian 6 West Water St.#487 Robert Freeman, 17; 2 Batt. RI Cav. As a servant.#541 Sarah Pringle, 19; expiration#877 Louisa Beechner, boarder three months, age 10 returned to parents.

Jan. 21st 1862[of 198, 18 away in placements and…]#805 Pat Dolan with Mr. Williams of Rehoboth to learn wheelwrights trade on 19th Oct. last…returned and allowed to return to his friends to be employed by C. K. Richmond cotton & waste dealer, Union St.#828 Maria Wigfall committed June 17 1861 charged with stealing a dress & skirt from her mother…but [allowed to go with her family since father employed in Ballardvale, Mass]

4 received:#899 James A. Maguire age 10; magistrates; theft; minority#900 Geo. H. Thompson age 13;#901 Geo. Anderson age 12; JC N. Prov.; safekeeping#902 Charles H. Young age 9; magistrates; theft; minority

One discharged:

#839 Mary A. Arnold, boarder; 6 mths from expiration.

Mr. Andrew J. Bryer of Newport makes application for the boy No 777 Wm R. Babcock & promises to take good care of him watch over him &c. He has been in the Inst. 15 months and for the most part has been a pretty good boy. Now 17 yrs old Mr. Bryer married his sister & if you deem best to place him in the care of his Brother in law I would suggest that it be by indenture—Mayor Cranston of Newport speaks well of Mr. B—Mr. Rodman also gives him a good name.

Feby 4 1862[Of 199, 18 away on trial being the same except…]#757 James Crowley whose term expires July next…indentured with uncle John Kennedy of this city and…#728 Luke Kelley gone to try his hand at work on Jewelry for [Messrs] Hubbard & Newhall on Friendship St …

Two received:#903 Frank A. Glidden, 13; boarder#904 John McNalley age 13; JC N. Prov.; theft; minority.

One discharged:#757 James Crowley, 12, as above.

Before arrangements were made with Mr. Bryer of Newport relative to No 777 Wm R. Babcock he was guilty of a misdemeanor which seemed to render it best to postpone the arrangements; the time to be determined by his future conduct.

Feby 18 1862[Of 200, 21 away…]#640 Andrew Havey gone to brother, Pat. Havey, Cranston; been here 3 yrs.#818 Thomas D. Weaver with mother at Newport.#801 Elizabeth Muldoon w/father.

3 received:#452 Timothy Breslan, 14; returned by his master Mr. Hinson Dodge, New Shoreham where he had been since March 1860. Mr. D. represents him as a thief and a liar.#878 Hellen Simmons, 15; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority. She was here a few weeks last Fall but not committed her friends promising to take care of her.#905 Mary Landgraf, 13: magistrates; safekeeping.

Two discharged:#785 Edwin Westgate, 19#814 Samuel Fiske, 17 enlisted in the 9th Battery & gone to Port Royal.

March 4 1862[Of 201, 22 are away…except…]#818 Thomas D. Weaver then on a visit to Newport#748 Charles Pitman visiting his grandmother Mrs. Eliza Pitman 91 Wickenden ST.#802 Wm Wilcox on trial w/Col. H. S. Olney, Scituate.

One received:#906 John Lake, alias John J. Hill, 13; JC Cranston; kept for trial in superior Court in March on charge of “stealing from the parson.”

March 18 1862[Of 204, twenty six are away…]#818 Thomas D. Weaver returned from visit, Newport; placed w/Mr. Oliva Sherman, farmer, (Allerton) North Kingston.#777 Wm R. Babcock w/Brother in law, Newport.#799 Caroline Weaver w/Mrs Alex Roberts, 247 Broad St.#838 Ellen McQuiggin w/Childrens Friend Society on Broad St.

Three received:#907 Frances Parker, 15; Prov. Police; vagrancy; not sentenced#908 Sarah Briggs, 17, Prov. Police; prostitution; minority.#909 Sarah Lopez, 17; Prov. Police; prostitution. Minority.

#645 Mary A. Johnson (colored) has been in the Institution more than three years. She knows nothing of her age & appears to be at least beyond her minority. She is too unwell to be able to do any thing for herself & has been for the two years past a great part of the time I suggest the propriety of discharging her on expiration of sentence & giving notice to the overseer of the poor.

April 1 1862[Of 189, 22 are away…same with changes…]#782 Ann E. Phillips, #685 Mary E. Blacklock; #751 Elisha Davoll; #759 Francis Smith; #618 James A. Foster; #593 Julius A. Scott & #812 Charles H. Dunbar discharged.Placed out: #641 Mary E. McCarty w/Mrs Horace Cole; Valley Falls.#569 Mary Nichols w. Mr. James Brownell, N. Stonington Ct.#654 Charles Riley w/Messrs Rich & Haywood No. 366 Braod St.Two received: #634 Stephen Altey age 15; JC Johnston; theft; 2 years.#910 Joseph H. Mathews age 14; (boarder without pay) from overseer of poor.17 discharged: #563 Thomas Crosby age 13; expiration; returned to Newport#645 Mary Ann Johnson, 21; expiration; sent to Dexter Asylum#613 John Holland, 15; w. B. B. Mitchell, New Shoreham; farmer#638 John Gilpin, 13; w/ Hiram Dodge New Shoreham; farmer#399 John E. Brown, 16; w/ Phineas Littlefield, New Shoreham; farmer#865 John M. B. Bosworth, 15; w/ Nicholas Littlefield, New Shoreham; farmer.#837 James McQuiggin, 15 w/E. R. Littlefield New Shoreham; farmer#788 John McQuiggin, 13w/Benjamin F. Dunn New Shoreham; farmer#841 Lewis C. Weldon,, 11 w/Otis P. Mott. New Shoreham; farmer.#907 Francis Parker, 16; committed for safe keeping delivered to court#782 Ann E. Phillips, 15; w/Mrs S. E. Kelley at Smithfield.#685 Mary E. Blacklock, 15; w/C. H. Bassett at Elmwood.#751 Elisha Davoll, 12; w/parents at Little Compton.

#759 Francis Smith, 16; w. Wm E. Imlay at Pomfret, CT.#618 James A. Foster, 16; w/ his parents No. 277 High Street.#593 Julius A. Scott, 19; w. Rufus Corliss, No. 863 Third Ave., NY#812 Charles H. Dunbar, 11; w/parents at Newport.

Placed with families on trial: #641; #596; #654 and at New Shoreham, #613, #638, #399, #865, #837, #788 & #841.

April 15th 1862[of 194, 28 placed out…additions]#824 Augusta Potter, w/sister Mrs. Edward J. Pond, N. Scituate#810 Amy Corey; w/parentsw at Dodgeville (East Attleboro) Mass.#335 John Canty; w/F. H. Carpenter, farmer, Rehoboth.#800 Joseph Beltram; w/Howard Upham, farmer at Belchertown, Mass.#559 Susan Nichols; w/ Mrs. Ira D. Goff at No. 22 James St.#661 Edward Jordan; in care of Albert C. Green to live with mother in Exeter.

5 received:#911 Edwin Luther, 11; supreme court; shop breaking & larceny; minority.#912 James McSoley, 14; magistrates; theft; minority.#913 Patrick Hyde, 11; magistrates; theft; minority#914 Dominick Barrett, 13; boarder at request of father; for six mths @1.75.#915 Henry Cady, 12; supreme court; shop breaking & larceny; minority.

Rec. placed on discharges: #621 Mary E. Thorp w/mother Sept 14 1861; #768 Elizabeth J. Clark, w/parents Nov. 2 1861; #828 Maria Wigfall, w/parents Jan 21 1862.

May 6, 1862[Of 194, 27 are away…following exceptions…]#621 Mary P. Thorp, #768 Elizabeth J. Clark & #828 Maria Wigfall previously placed with friends entered as “delivered to friends” upon record of Discharges.#707 Mary Ann O’Rourk w/ H. W. Talcott at [xxmon] Depot Ct#743 Rosanna Smith w/Mrs Charles Clark 14 Wheaton St.#747 Charles H. Kane w/S. O. Barrows, Mansfield, Ct#641 Mary E. McCarty w/Mr. Horace Cole at Valley Falls, returned health not sufficient for her duties there.

5 received:#916 George Hall, 14, JC Cranston; theft; 2 yrs.#917 Patrick McNulty, 13; JC Cranston, theft, 2 yrs.#918 Deborah A. Gibson, 11; JC Smithfield; assault & battery; minority.#919 John Murry, 13; JC Newport; theft; minority.#920 Charles Hull, 10; magistrates; assault & battery; minority.

5 discharged: #621 Mary P./ Thorp; placed Sept 14 1861 w/mother at Chepachet.#768 Elizabeth J. Clark; placed Nov. 2 1861 w. parents @ Freetown Mass.#828 Maria Wigfall; placed Jan 21 1862 w/parents @ Balladvale, Mass.

#874 Newton Briggs; boarder 6 mths; term expired; delivered to mother.#869 Alfanetta F. Monroe; to parents with sister to Columbia Twolurnne County, California…on steam ship North Star at New York Thursday last.#713 Andrew Collins: 14 yrs; resident 30 months; mother asks to place him with her brother in law who “…will be able to restrain him.”

May 20 1862[of 204, 29 away…exceptions]#802 Wm Wilcox; March 1 w/Col. H. S. Olney; Richmond Mills; returned. Wm thinks he has too many masters.#918 Deborah A. Gibson w/James Thornton, Cranston.#620 Milton N. Perry w/ John Holden, Warwick Neck#713 Andrew J. Collins w. his mother , Allendale.[Have in house, 175…not counting…] #373 John Arnold…away from May 27 1858 when delivered to his father till the evening of the 12th Inst. When he was found in a house of ill fame in this city & returned. He had previously been reported as doing badly—since his return he does not deny the truth of the reports against him but thinks he is not altogether in the fault as his home is of the same character as the home he was found at. His home at Woonsocket was visited last Saturday & found as he represents and evidence that he has for considerable time been in [no] business & kept company with vicious & abandoned persons; often using intoxicating drinks & gambling were not wanting. His name has not been entered on the books as returned & is referred for your action to day.

10 received:#921 Catherine Brennan, 14 police crt; vagrancy. Minority.#922 Michael Whitney, 9; police crt; vagrancy; minority.#923 Clara Jordan, 17; boarder from Dexter.#924 Celia Hale, 14; boarder @1.75 per week#925 Ellen Kelly, 17; police crt; prostitute; 3 yrs.#926 Josephine Clark, 16; Police crt; com. Prostitute; minority.#823 Fredk P. Wilson, 10; boarder#565 Geo. Peopal/Pepall, 12; boarder#525 Hugh O’Brien, 15; police crt; vagrancy; minority.#681 Eliza Briggs, 18; placed with uncle Dr. G. W. Briggs. Returned for prostitution.

June 3 1862[Of 212, 33 away in placements with additions…]#807 Betsey Newburg w/Leopold Schneer; 71 Pine St.#641 Mary McCarty w/Mrs. Horace Cole Valley Falls#831 Mary Ann Falvey w/C. Allen Chadsey of Wickford#754Charles S. Fullman w/ mother at Newport

9 received are:#927 John Rale [Rall], 14; boarder; Pawtucket#373 John Arnold, 17#928 Ellen Sisson, 12; JC Portsmouth; theft; minority#929 Cordelia V. Cook, 17; boarder

#563 Thos Crosby, 13 JC Newport; theft; minority#930 John alias Wm. Little, 11; magistrates; theft; minority#931 Wm. Fox, 17 JC Pawtucket; theft; two yrs#932 Harriet Hardy (colored), 13; magistrates; theft; minority#933 James Connelly. 9; JC Pawtucket; theft 2 yrs.#585 James McCabe delivered to his father to go to New York where he has two brothers & learn the trunk, saddle & harness business of Charles Water of that city.

June 17th 1862[Of 216, 33 away same excepting…]#754 Charles S. Fullman returned mother finding no employment for him#928 Ellen Sisson placed w/Mrs. Aleg Angel, Centerdale; she is a small girl & has been here but a few days…

6 received are:#934 Eliza Coyle, 9; magistrates; taking a bonnet & cape from one of the city school houses; minority. The perfect specimen of neglect I have yet seen committed to this institution.#935 Elizabeth Collins, 12; magistrates; also for taking bonnet & cape from school house; minority Not quite so ragged & filthy as #934 but bad enough.#936 Mary Brannigan, 11; magistrates; also taking bonnet with the girls #934 & # 935#937 James McGowen, 13; JC N. Prov,; theft; 2 yrs#938 Patrick Newman, 15; Prov. Police; vagrancy; minority#939 Mary E. Ormsbee, 11; magistrates; safekeeping; charged with shop breaking & theft.

2 discharged:#373 John Arnold & #829 enlisted as recruits for the 4th Reg. RI Volunteers.

Father of #750 Michael Powers asked for release…recommend grantingMother of #889 Julia Ide now at Olneyville requests return. “Her husband is in the army & she has two small children & says she greatly needs Julia’s help. She was committed for vagrancy Dec. 22 1861 & has been here nearly 6 mths is a pretty good girl here—still requires a strong guiding hand Robt Wilson Esq of Olneyville speaks well of the mother (or rather stepmother) says she is well in own at Olneyville & is a very smart woman for one of her class.

Mother of #733 Margaret Dolan asks for her….has been here nearly 2 and ½ years.

Father of #863 John Johnson asks for him…He is one of our best boys.

Quarterly Report dated “Ending May 31st 1862[Must be meeting of June 24th which is referenced with same names later]

Names on books but out on placements or trials:#606 Daniel Murray w/F. I. Abbott#805 Patrick Dolan C. K. Richmond#728 Luke Kelley w/Hubbard & Newhall#640 Andrew Harvey; w/brother in Cranston#818 Thomas D. Weaver w/Oliver Sherman at Allenton#654 Charles Riley w/Rice & Haywood

#335 John Carty w/ F. H. Carpenter Rehoboth#800 Joseph Belton w/ Howard Upham, Belchertown MA#611 Edward Jordan w. A. C. Green, Exeter#747 Charles H. Keane w. S.O. Barrows, Mansfield CT#620 Milton N. Perry w. John Holden, Warwick Neck#713 Andrew Collins w. mother#777 Wm R. Babcock w. Andrew Bryer, Newport#748 Charles Pitman w. grandmother#762 Julia Danforth w/mother Hebronville MA#809 Mary Stieb w/grandmother J. W. Davis 300 Pine St.#833 Mary E. Fell w/mother#804 Winnie Hughes w/Jeremiah Smith Lime Rock#780 Mary Sullivan w/J. H. Brown Wakefield#801 Elizabeth Muldoon w/parents#799 Caroline Weaver w/Mrs. Alexander Robertson#838 Ellen McQuiggin at Children’s Home#569 Mary Nichols w/James Brownell N. Stonington#824 Augusta Potter w/sister N. Scituate#810 Amy Cory w/parents E. Attleboro#559 Susan Nichols w. Mrs. Ira Goff#707 Mary Ann O’Rourke w. Mrs H. J. Talcott Vernon Depot CT#918 Deborah Ann Gibson w/ Mrs James A. Thornton Cranston#807 Betsey Newberg w/uncle Leopold Schneer#641 Mary McCarty w/ Mrs. H. Cole Valley Falls#831 Mary A. Falvey w. Mrs C. Allen Chadsey Wickford

July 1 1862[of 214, 28 away, excepting…]#529 Mary Hatfield w/ Mrs. James A. Angel Cumberland#889 Julia Ide w/ mother Olneyville#733 Margaret Dolan w/mother 71 Plane St.

listed as discharged:#606 Daniel Murray as reformed#805 Pat Dolan#654 Chas Riley#818 Thos D. Weaver#833 Mary E. Fell#707 Mary A. O’Rourke#838 Ellen McQuiggin

1 returned#743 Rosana Smith at Charles Clark, left by direction of her father; arrested on Plane St 17th of June

9 received are:#940 Patrick Golden, 15; Crt Woonwocket, theft; minority#941 Joseph Ward, 15; Crt Woonsocket; theft; minority

#942 James Pryor, 15; Crt Woonsocket; theft; minority;#943 Charles H. Gardner, 14; magistrate; theft; minority#944 Hannah Thornton, 16; JC Smithfield; theft; minority#945 John Fitzgerald, 10; Police; vagrancy; minority#457 Wm Trainor, 15 from Edward Dodge, New Shoreham for attempting to run away.#296 Pat. Ryan, 16 JC N. Prov; theft; 2 yrs; “He was sentenced for the same term in 1855 for similar offence & discharged upon expiration of sentence.#487 Robt. Freeman, 17; returned; placed with 1st Cavalry & left soon after.

11 discharged:#750 Michael Powers, 12; father Milford, Ma#504 Margaret Cruise, 20 w/ brother Southhampton, MA#792 James H. Clark, 14 w/ Joseph T. Rass of Charlestown. Not sentenced to Inst.#606 Daniel Murray#805 Patrick Dolan#833 Mary E. Fell#707 Nary O’Rourke#654 Charles Riley#818 Thos D. Weaver#838 Ellen McQuiggin per quarterly meeting June 24th

#753 Luther R. Barker, 13; expirationMrs. Albert Spink of N. Kingstown asks for #698 Catherine [Kinnie], 18

July 15 1862 [Of 215, 32 away, excepting…]#831 Mary Ann Falvey returned#830 Geo. W. Cady, 12 delivered to father.#357 Thos Dady, 18 w.Danl Rounds E. Prov.#177 Patrick Foley, 15 left without permission from the garden; not yet found.#698 Catherine Kenney w/Albert Spink N. Kingston#847 Isabella Salisbury, 18 w/Rev. Chas. D. Lothrop Norton.#798 Geo R. Anthony w/brother in law Uriah Card, Newport. Mother says he will be 21 next month.

2 received are:#946 Wm J. Holden, 12; Woonsocket magistrates; obtaining money under false pretenses; minority.#947 Bridget Fox, 13; JC N. Providence; theft#791 Thos Bullock, 17 to mother “One of the boys not sentenced. Two of them are still here viz. #793 & 794.

Aug. 5th 1862[Of 223, 35 away excepting…]#881 Mary F. Hazard, 16; w/Mrs Schuyler L. Carroll 158 N. Main#905 Mary Landsgraff diseased both physically & mentally; delivered to her parents 125 Atwells Ave.

#947 Bridget Fox, 13 w/Mrs. Saml Cathey Wakefield

12 received are:#712 Loren Brown, 13 CJ Bristol; theft 2 yrr. Once before sent for same offence for same term.#750 Michael Powers, 12 came to visit us & his story of himself not being satisfactory he was detained. His father since informs us that he ran away from the home he provided for him & he wishes to have the Inst take him in charge again.#948 John Hurst, 10; JC Smithfield; theft; 2 yrs.#949 Mrs. Ann E. Sweet, 17; JC Warwick; threatening to kill; 3 yrs.#950 John O’Rourk, 9; magistrates; safekeeping.#951 Chas. W. Phillips, 13; magistrates; safekeeping#952 James McManus, 16; magistrates Woonsocket; Mal-mischief & theft; minority#953 Frederick Brooks, 16; brought in by mother.#954 Eliza A. Crosby, 14; JC Smithfield; theft; minority [1850 census]#955 Charles Wilson, 13; Police crt; vagrancy; minority#956 James Condry, [Conroy] 13; Police crt; drunkenness; minority#957 Edward C. Cole, 13; magistrates; theft; minority.

4 discharged:#798 Geo R. Anthony, 19; w/Mr. Enoch Card, Newport#890 Wm McCanley, 10; boarder to his father#903 Frank H. Glidden, 13; boarder to his parents#951 Charles W. Phillips, to officer who committed him; case settled.

Quite a number of the boys express a wish to enlist in the army and I have invited an office who is recruiting for the 4th Reg. To be here at 4 o’clock this afternoon.

Last week #763 Ann McKay otherwise Jane Kegan had leave of absence to attend as was represented a sisters wedding. Which the result proves to be a deception as not sister was to be married, and instead she is represented as married. As I do not understand this to constitute a legal discharge from her sentence here. She was returned & is still detained here.

Aug. 19 1862[Of 214, away with exceptions…]#948 John Hurst, 10 visited parents 35 Mill St Pawtucket#801 Elizabeth Muldoon, 18 at home entered as delivered to friends”

2 received:#394 George H. Stone, 15; magistates; stealing cotton#617 John Ralph, 15; magistrates; stealing cotton

11 discharged;#871 George E./K. Bassett, 18#822 Reynolds H. C. Gavitt, 18#772 Michael E. Stacy, 19#784 Malachi Kelly, 18#785 John Leddy, 18#849 Peter Riley, 18

#850 Timothy Sullivan, 18All recruited into 4th Regt. RI Vols

#671 John Ralph, 15#950 John O’Rourke, 9 All delivered to court & not returned.#801 Elizabeth Muldoon, 18 delivered to friends.

[Entry concerning #606 Daniel Murry]

Sept. 2, 1862[Of 217, 35 away …]

3 received are:#958 Matthew Whalon, 11; JC Warwick; theft; 3yrs#959 Elisha Peck, 12; JC Cumberland; malmishchief; 3 yrs#960 Wm. Chace, 14; magistrates Woonsocket; theft; minority

[recommends that prior placed inmates have no chance of return, be recorded as placed—repeats information previously available]

Sept 16 1862[Of 210, 28 away except…]Those mentioned the meeting before…and#754 Charles S. Fullman, 14 w/A. W. Tripp at Nayatt#796 Thos Gardner, 10 w. Albert Spink N. Kingston#868 Ellen Morrison, 18 w/Mrs Horace Cole of Valley Falls

5 received are:#394 Geo H. Stone, 15; magistrates; awaiting trial before Supreme Court for housebreaking & theft#961 Leonard Fish, 16 with #394 and for same—#962 Edward McSoley, 11; do, do, do,#963 Cordelia Mitchel, 8; JC Scituate; assault & battery; 2 yrs#964 Murtagh Sullivan, 15; JC Cranston; theft; 3 yrs.

Discharged are:#762, #809, #804, #780, #810, #918, #728, #800, #747, & #620.#880 Patsey Marks placed with father Middletown.#962 Edward McSoley discharged by surety.[Another boy having been severely injured by the machine for splitting leather…I have forbidden that any boy should be put to work upon the machine again till the matter could be lad before you (Trustees)

Sept 23 1862[Of 215…]

Names on books, placed out but not permanently arranged for:#728 Luke Kelly#640 Andrew Harvey#748 Charles Pitman#777 Wm R. Babcock#335 John Canty#800 Joseph Behtram#661 Edward Jordan#747 Charles H. Kane#620 Milton N. Perry#713 Andrew Collins#830 Geo W. Cady#357 Thos Dady#177 Patrick Foley#948 John Hurst

[girls as before named: 762, 809, 804, 780, 799, 569, 824, 810, 559, 918, 807, 641, 928, 889, 733, 698, 847, 881, 905, 947, 529]Permanently disposed: 728, 747, 800, 620, 762, 809, 804, 780, 810, 918]

Oct. 7, 1862[Away at time of tally, following returned]#335 John Canty Sept 20 from F. H. Carpenter of Rehoboth#754 Chas. Fullman Sept 22 from A. W. Tripp of Nayatt Ligh

[Since placed out]#963 Cordelia Mitchel age 8 yrs with her parents in Scituate.#699 Margaret McLaughlin age 14 with Nathaniel G. Guild No. 21 Congden St.#872 Mary Riley age 18 her parents 195 South Main St.#902 Charles H. Young age 11 with Geo. H. Halt at Hampton Conn#876 Henry Longfield age14 with Jonathan T. Cummings at Mansfield Conn#852 John H. Stone age 16 with A. W. Tripp at Nayatt Light #457 Wm Trainor age 16 Warren Wallen at Burrillville The 9 received are:#685 Mary E. Blacklock 15 years old placed with C. H. Bassett at Elmwood May 3 1861. Left her placement and was arrested…returned.#801 Elizabeth Muldoon age 17 placed with her parents at Prov. Feb 15th 1862. Left home & was leading a vicious life—arrested & returned.#965 James Eustice age 11 from court Newport—theft—minority.#966 Mary Coleman age 13 from court Magistrates for theft—sentence 6 years.#967 Wm A. Engels age 10 a boarder…thinks he can pay 1.00 per week paid first two weeks.#968 Geo. E. Haldson age 13—Warwick for theft—sentence 3 yrs.#969 Charles E. Armstrong age 16 from East Providence for theft—sentence 2 yrs#970 Leander Dalley age 16 from Police Court—vagrancy—sentence 3 yrs#971 John J. Brown age 11 a boarder—mother thinks she can pay 1.00 per week but nothing after first three weeks The 3 discharged:

#914 Dominick Barrett age 13 (Boarder) Term expired. Returned to father.#725 Wm N. Taylor age 17 (boarder 2 yrs & 9 mos nearly) returned to mother.#692 Michael Connors age 17 placed with Almanzer Littlefield, New Shoreham.

#674 Margaret Casey (brother asks for discharge) she has been in inst. 3 ¼ years; she is now in her 20th year.

#866 Ada Williams in inst. Since sept 13 1861; in her 18th year

Report Oct. 21 1862#831 Mary Foley age 14 with Mrs. C. S. Gardner of Exeter#846 Jane Falvey age 15 with father at rear of New York store on Brook St.#794 John Welch age 13 with Mr. G. W. Lewis at Barrington#862 Daniel McCarty age 16 with Mr. E. G. Loomis at Vernon Conn. The two received:#972 Sarah A. Kenyon age 16 for assault & battery—sentence minority.#973 Julia McNaff age 12 for safe keeping. The 6 discharged are:#335 John Canty age 17#411 John Keefe age 17#813 Thos. Tyrell age 17 enlisted in the Navy#761 Mary McCann age 21#674 Margaret Casey age 19 to her brother Wm. Casey at No1 Spring St Boston.#973 Julia McNaff age 12 delivered to court and not returned. Discharged:#640 Andrew Harvey with brother Patrick Harvey Feb 2#748 Charles Pitman with grandmother Eliza Pitman 91 Wickendon St.#777 Wm A. Babcock with his brother in law Andrew Bryer at Newport#661 Edward Jordan with Albert C. Green at Exeter#713 Andrew Collins with his mother at Allendale#799 Caroline C. Weaver with Mrs. Alexander Robertson#569 Mary Nichols with James Brownell at North Stonington Conn.#824 Augusta Potter with her sister E. D. Pond at N. Scituate.#559 Susan Nichols with Mrs. Jon. Goff #928 Ellen Sisson with Nathaniel Angell at Centerdale#529 Mary Hatfield with Mrs. James A. Angell at Cumberland#889 Julie Ide with her stepmother at Olneyville#698 Catherine Kissey (Kinney) with Mrs Albert Spank at Exeter#847 Isabelle Salisbury with Mr. Chas. D. Lothrop at Norton#905 Mary Landgraff with her parents at Atwells Ave.

Report Nov. 4 1862#641 Mary E. McCarty returned from placement with Calvin Topliff: he died. The 7 received:#459 Lewis Barton age 17 from Woonsocket Court—theft—sentence minority.#974 Alexander McScan/Mclean age 13—court Pawtucket—theft—sentence two yrs#975 James Goff age 13 court N. Providence—safe keeping.#976 Michael Lynch age 11 from Do for Do.

#977 John James or Robert Sullivan age 14#978 John or James Donley or John McDonald age 14#979 John or Patrick or James Quigley age 14—these three from Smithfield for malicious mischief—sentence minority. These referred to later (Nov. 18) by these aliases. The 15 discharged are those who were before away with families or friends on trial and entered on books as discharged as per action at meeting Oct. 21st.Parents ask for #893 and #894 Catherine and Margaret Duffee place under their care in Pawtucket. I am not aware of the character of their home or its surroundings. They have been good girls here and are among the five who stand in the highest grade. They have improved greatly in all respects.

Nov 18 1862[Of 211, 22 away, except…]#881 Mary F. Hazard was placed and not counted & returned#946 Wm J. Holden with guardian L. W. Ballou of Woonsocket.

8 received:#980 Julia Armstrong, 10; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority#981 Mary Ann Coyle, 13; same#982 John Smith, 6; magistrates; theft; minority#983 Thos Henry Francis, 7, B, b. CT; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority#984 George Pine, 14; magistrates; theft; minority#985 Jane Bridgehouse, 12; Prov Police; vagrancy; 5 yrs#986 Wm Quinn, 11; magistrates; safekeeping#987 John O’Brien, 10; do, do.

1 discharged:#924 Celia Hale, 15; boarder; expiration.

Nov. 30 Quarterly Meeting (Preparation)Trial:733 Margaret Dolan, mother 71 Plain St. [Bridget, widow]866 Ada Williams, parents 41 N. Main [William H., confectioner]846 Jane Falvey, father Brook St. [977 Robert Sullivan, mother Blackstone978 John McDonnell, parents Blackstone

Report Dec. 2 1862[Of 219, 28 away, excepting…]#685 Elizabeth Blacklock w/I. Q. A Roberts, 36 Worcester Place Boston#858 Annett F.[J.] Anthony w/sister Mrs. Chas J. Hicks 56 Thorndike St., E. Cambridge#944 Hannah F.[J.] Thornton w/C. A. Chaplin 838 N. Main Hartford, CT#941 Joseph Ward w/parents in Woonsocket#977 Robert Sullivan w/parents Blackstone, Ma#978 John McDonald w/parents Blackstone, Ma

13 received are:#988 Mary [Esther] Whitford, 9; JC W. Greenwich; theft; minority#989 Thos O. Donnell, 10; Prov Pol; vagrancy; minority

#990 Lucy M. Halley/Holley, 14; Prov Police; prostitution; minority.#991 Albert Spooner, 10, boarder#992 Margaret McCue, 16; magistrates; theft; minority#993 Burrill G. Moore, 16 boarder#994 John Evans, 14; magistrates; theft; minority#995 Joseph Kent, 13; JC Cranston;safekeeping;#762 Julia Danforth, 19 found in a house of ill fame & returned.#841 Lewis C. Wilson, 11 returned by Otis P. Mott, New Shorham#839 Mary A. Arnold, 17 boarder#739 James Hughes, 13;magistrates; theft; minority#438 Geo. Waterman, 15; magistrates; safekeeping5 discharged are:#986 Wm Quinn, 10; delivered to court#987 John O’Brien, 8; same#863 John Johnson, 15; w/parents#755 Robt Lynch, 15; w. parents Jersey City, NJ#641 Mary McCarty, 17 sent to Ellen Williams at Holmesburgh, Penn

“The Society of Shakers at Albany New York make application to take 4 boys of 11 years of age or older to bring up in their families. Should you approve of their doing so I would suggest that #663 John Doyle born April 1st/49 committed for vagrancy May 19th/59 Father with 5th Reg R. I. V. mother in the city, both intemperate #664 James Briggs Born October 28th/50 committed May 22d/59 for defacing building. Parents separated don’t know of whereabouts of Father. Mother in Jail, Brother in State Prison. #694 Robt. McCool. Born March 15th/47 committed Aug 21st/59 for vagrancy. Father at Dexter Assylum. Mother Dead.#793 Albert Matthews. Born Dec 22d/48 committed Dec 1 1860 for theft an orphan be the four Boys. They are to go first on trial and should they prove satisfactory to be indentured.”

[Recommends names to be entered as discharged: #947, 699, 872, 858, 830, 357, 948, 902, 876, 852, 457]

Dec. 16 1862[of 205, 18 away…]#515 Harriet Green w/A. J. Tripp, Nayatt Light [B, b. 1845]#881 Mary Hazard w/I. D. Bigelow, 146 Pine St.

3 received:#987 John O’Brien, 11; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority#996 Dewit L. Boyd, 14; JC Pawtucket; obtaining money under false pretenses; minority#903 Frank A. Glidden, 14 boarder.

17 discharged:#995 Joseph Kent, 13#438 Geo. G. Waterman, 15

#663 John Doyle, 13

#664 James Briggs, 12#694 Robert McCool, 15#793 Albert Matten, 13 These four placed with the Shaker Family, Jesse Harwood Trustee at Watervliet Albany NY. Another family Chauncey Miller (Trustee) will take 6 boys of about the same age or a part of them younger; These families will also take some 4 or 6 girls.

The friends of Ellen Dexter took her last Friday evening from a house of ill fame & left her with us for safekeeping till they can arrange to commit her. The city marshall not entertaining this complaint they propose to see you this afternoon in relation to boarding her here. She has a husband in the army & is very nearly (she says quite) 18 years old & thinks herself diseased. It would seem from either & especially all these causes that she is not a proper subject for this Institution, but you will be able to judge better from their own statement.

Jan 6 1863[Of 208, 17 away…]

5 received are:#997 Edward Lawler, 14; crt of common pleas; theft; 3 yrs#998 Thomas Payton, 10; same; theft; 3 yrs#999 Clarence E. Booth, 12; boarder#1000 Lydia M. Coggshall, 12; JC Tiverton; theft; 3 yrs, 3mos#1001 Hugh McNulty, 12; JC N. Providence; theft; 2yrs. 1 discharged:#823 Fredk Wilson, 10 boarder for 10 mthsDr. Collins reports that #698 Cate Kinney to be pregnant.

The 10 children I propose to place with the Shakers at Watervliet near Albany are: #452 Timothy Breslan, 14, an orphan; #565 Geo Peopall, 13 an orphan; #899 James A. Maguire, 11 an orphan; #779 John Cuddy, 13 no father mother a poor and apparently drinking woman; #982 John Smith 7 yrs parents living but profess inability to restrain him; #987 John O’Brien, 8 father with the army step mother very destitute—6 boys#566 Rose Morrison, 12 yrs. Mother living (a bad woman); #981 Mary Ann Coyle & #934 Eliza Coyle sister, age 11 and 13. Parents intemperate and very low and #988 Mary Whitford, 6 yrs perhaps 7 yrs orphan.

Jan 20 1863

8 admitted are:#1002 Joseph Day, 12 JC Westerly; theft; 3 yrs [alias, Watson]#1003 Isaac Henry Moon, 10; JC W. Greenwich; theft minority#1004 Geo. E. Millner, 14; JC S. Kingston; theft; minority#1005 Amelia I.[Isadora] Barney, 14; JC E. Greenwich; theft; 2yrs#1006 Edw. J. [I.] Thurber, 14; boarder#1007 Thos Carroll, 11; Prov Police; vagrancy; minority.#769 James Rodman (colored), 12 returned for theft; he has a sentence for his minority, but was sent June 12 1861 to the Dexter Asylum as an unfit subject as per certificate of Dr. Collins.#799 Caroline Weaver, 14 returned by Mrs. Robinson. Not a good girl.

14 discharged”#435 Frank Fox with Capt James F. Raymond on board “Bargne Laboramms”…Yarmouth Nova Scotia the home of Catp R. Frank goes as cabin boy, age 15.#604 David W. Peters, to go with Capt Raymond as above. David goes before the mast age 15 years A large colored boy.#789 Moses Hall, 19 (colored) enlisted in U. S. Navy by Capt Thos H. Ferry.#303 Wm H. Hiscox, 17 enlisted as above.#698 Cate Kinney sent to Dexter Asylum.

Feb. 3 1863[Of 203, 23 except…]#891 Chas Devline with his uncle Bernard Devlin of 41 Kenyon St

2 received:#696 Michael Cary, 12; magistrate; await trial for disturbing a public school.#1008 Theodore Martin, 12;magistate; await trial; horse stealing.

1 discharge:#563 Thos Crosby, 13 enlisted US Navy; Capt F. H. Ferry

Feb. 17 1863[Of 205, 22 away]

4 received:#1009 John McKanna, 11; supreme crt; theft; minority#1010 Patrick Murphy, 12 JC Newport; theft; minority (stole $20 gold pieces from mother)# 1011 George W. Melville, 13 JC Newport; theft; minority (stole money from Mr Joseph Taylor)#833 Mary Elizabeth Fell returned by her mother she having left her home & taken up her abode in homes of Ill Fame—she was taken when returned from the noted den kept by “Bill Prentice”

2 discharged:#846 Jane w/ father. Jane died at her aunts corner of Benefit & Wickenden Sts the 5th Inst. Had been sick some 4 weeks bur not reported here till after her death. #803 Gersham E. Sherman; expiration.

March 3 1863[Of 213, 29 additions….]#820 Sarah Gibson with Geo H. Dean at AssonettWith Shakers:#985 Jane Bridgehouse#935 Elizabeth Collins#936 Mary Brannigan#979 James Quigley#989 Thos O.Donnell#572 Geo H. [?W] Grinnell w/Cathrell F. Hoxsie Pawtucket.

8 received:Returned from Shakers#863 John Doyle, 13; #694 Robt McCool, 14; #987 John O’Brien, 8 & #566 Rosa Morrison, 14.#928 Ellen Sisson from Nathaniel Angel(Doyle & McCool were returned for running away—O’Brien for being quarrelsome. Rosa for being lewd in word and deed, and Ellen for being at times, insane.)#1012 Thos. H. Andrews, 14; JC Glocester; theft; 3 yrs#1013 Amelia S.[M] Halley, 12; magistrates; theft; minority#1014 Amanda Dorrell (colored), 15; magistrates; await trial defacing a building.

March 17, 1863

[Beginning to extract only #s and names of new inmates]

#1015 James McGoorty, 16; magistrate; assault & battery#1016 Patrick Coyle, 16; same [1850 census]#1017 Geo. E. Hubbard, 16; JC Johnston; await trial theft.#1018 Edwina Davis, 15; JC N. Prov; theft; 2 yrs#1019 Bridget Creed, 15 JC Cranston; theft 2 yrs. [1850 census]

3 discharged:#1014, 1015, & 1017 delivered to court and not returned.#1004 Geo E. Millner while wheeling out ashes yesterday left without notice and to this time has not been heard from…

April 7 1863

#1025 Jerry Brown, 13#1020 Catherine M. Gillick, 13#1021 Thos Hickey, 15#1022 Wm. James Whitford, 10#1023 Benjm W. Reed, 10#1024 Joseph Smith 3rd, 14#1026 Bridget Collins, 17#1027 David Ingraham, 17; supreme court for burglary; minority alternative sentence 5 yrs state prison.699 Margaret McLaughlin, 14; too much interference on part of sisters and friends.

Trial:515 Harriet Green (colored) returned for lewd conduct from Nayatt Light476 John Cokely, 19, parents India St.901 Geo Anderson, 13, parents Pawtucket904 John McNally, parents, Pawtucket

April 21st 1863

#1028 Wm Connolly, 15#1029 Michael Geary, 12#1030 Joseph McGuire, 9#1031 James Moran, 13#1032 Joseph Orsfield, 13#1033 Mary Simmons, 16 (1850)

Trial:909 Sarah Lopez, parents North Attleboro

May 5th 1863

The four received:#457 Wm Trainor aged 16 yrs eloped from his home with Warren Wallen of Burrillville and was arrested by the supt. & returned.#1034 Wm H. J. Woodyear age 11 years from Prov. Court of Magistrates for theft sentenced during his minority. It appears that the theft was committed in Cincinnati, Ohio and he being brought by his Father before the Court as above and pleading guilty was committed the Court supposing the crime to have been committed here. The city Marshall has the matter in hand. #1035 Charles Hewitt; 14; Prov; theft; min#1036 Henry [A] Gardner; 12; Prov; safe keeping; charged with theft of books.

Trial:617 James Falvey, 14, parents 44 Codding891 Charles Devlin, 16, Bernard Devlin 27 Kenyon St

The father of No 920 Charles Hull asks that he be discharged to live with his step mother. He being captain of a vessel & mostly away from home.[only abstracting the new inmates]

May 19th 1863

#1037 Frank Aldrich; 14; Prov.; await trial; setting fire to barn#1038 Charles McCarran; 13; await trial; b & e#1039 Thomas Donnelly; 12; “#1040 Willard H. Hall; 14; [B, b. 1847, CT] mal mis; min#1041 Wallace Pierce; 14;#1042 Edwin Coggshall; 12; (1850)#1043 John Fleming; 12; #1044 Daniel Phillips; 15All from E. Greenwich, b & e night theft; 5 yrs.

June 2 1863

#1045 Henry McCarty; 13#1046 Robert Boyd; 12 [B, E. Greenwich]#1047 James Curry; 12#1048 Francis Hall; 12#1049 John Affleck; 10

Trial:911 Edwin Luther, 11, parents 234 Pine St.691 Jane Corliss, mother rear 16 Worcester St. [Amelia, widow]

June 16 1863

#1050 Thomas McCabe#1051 Mary Jane King; 15#1052 William H. Matthewson; 16#1053 Henry Coyle; 9#1054 Joseph A. Braman; 14; theft; min#1055 William H. Sullivan; 10; theft; min#1056 James H. Wright; 16#1057 Albert Smith; 11; theft

Quarterly Report dated May 31 inserted here;Trial:864 Daniel Donovan, parents Gaspee St [Thomas, laborer]

July 7 1863

#1058 George Burns; 9; vag#1059 John Bouzan; 13; horse stealing#1060 Thomas Nelligan; 10; with above [brother, Henry P. Nelligan]#1061 Frank Creamer; 13; [siblings: Ellen (1207) & Owen (1582)#1062 Barney Degnan; 14#1063 John Lane; 15#1064 George E. Smith; 15#1065 Dennis B. Southwick; 16 [b. 1847, CT; 1850]Trial:916 Geo. Hall, 15, mother at Fiskville917 Pat McNulty, 14, parents, Fiskville719 Francis H. Calef, 17, cousin Ira Calef 48 N. Main St.1032 Joseph Orsfield, parents Pawtucket

July 21 1963#1066 John M. Williams; 12#1067 Charles F. Fry; 11#1068 Emma E. Young; 13#1069 Lyman M. Chafee; 13 [also, Chaffee]

Aug 4th 1963#1070 Susan McCahey; 15#1071 Thomas J. Thompkins; 8#1072 John McDonald; 13#1073 John McGoakin or John Gookin; 13#1074 Geo. Dawley; 15#1075 James Ridgeway; 14Trial:734 Edward Lyons, 17, mother 8 Pike St. [Mary, widow & John W. bds.]

Aug. 18th 1863#1076 George A. Salisbury; 13#1077 Leander Dickinson; 11#1078 Herbert Knight; 12#1079 Thomas W. Artist; 16#1080 Albert Tanner; 13#1081 George Horton; 13#1082 Frank Horton; 11#1083 Charles Morgan; 14#1084 Charles T. L. Stewart; 16#1085 Emma F. Gladding; 16

Returned:847 Isabella Salisbury, 19, ran away and was found at her sister on the Douglas Pike.

Sept. 1st 1863#1086 Elsie B. Wolfhart; 15#1087 Peter Butler; 8#1088 James Kelly; 9#1089 Thomas Robinson; 6#1090 Michael McCanley/McCauley; 13#1091 Dennis Spellman/Spellane; 8#1092 Frederick Sargent; 12#1093 Thomas Cleary; 12#1094 Thomas Mahan; 11#1095 Jeremiah Fleming; 9#1096 Mary Ann Childs; 16#1097 Emily Childs; 13

Trial:854 David F. Ryder, 15, parents Pawtucket856 Bridget McQueeny, 18, mother 16 Winslow Place [Bridget, widow at Plane St.]915 Henry Cady, 13, parents 197 N. Main St. [Christopher A, jeweler]920 Chas Hull, 11, parents 55 John St. [Thomas, captain]972 Sarah Kenyon, 16, mother 148 Carpenter St. [John A., carpenter at 137]1046 Robt Boyd (colored), 12, with Ichabod Northup (colored, shoemaker) Thompson CT

No. 621 Mary P. Thorpe being reported as living improperly at Mohegan, near Nasonville, was visited yesterday by the supt and finding evidence that the report was correct returned her to the institution…

Sept. 15th 1863#1098 William T. Hackett; 6#1099 Frank E. Corbett; 10#1100 William E. Perry; 11#1101 Alexander McCoyd; 12#1102 James Garthan/Gartland; 14#1103 Joseph Simmons (col’d); 11#1104 Geo B. Sherman; 15Trial:525 John O’Brien, 17, mother rear 66 John St. 802 Wm Wilcox, 17, to Mystic Ct

Oct. 6th 1863#1105 William A. Thomas; 15#1106 Francis A. Haynes; 14#1107 William H. Greenwood; 16#1108 Margaret Hanna; 16#1109 John T. Russell; 15#1110 Charles McCarty; 7#1111 Mary Anna Bohanna; 17#1112 Isabella Wright; 17#1113 Benoni Mann; 11

Trial:797 Geo. E Townsend, 19, uncle John A. Townsend 27 Sheldon St1077 Leander Dickerson, 11, parents 4 Lester St [George C., painter] Has fits daily.No 870 Sylvester Sargent age 14 yrs & No 811 Francis P. Dunbar age 15 yrs Placed on Board the ship “Jession” of Hamburg for a voyage to return about the first of April next each to receive $3.00 per month & found & to be daily instructed by Capt L. Zwanch in mathematics navigation &c.

Oct. 20th 1863#1114 Eliza Ann Hanna; 15#1115 James Gibbon; 12#1116 Bridget Armstrong; 17#1117 Jeannie Johnson; 16#1118 Thomas W. Comstock; 14#1119 George W. Leonard; 14#1120 Samuel Brown (col’d); 14

Nov 3rd 1863#1121 Hannah [M] Wheeler; 15/13 [b. 1851, MA]#1122 William Clark; 14#1123 Jeremiah Fiske; 12

#1124 William A. Harris; 10#1125 Francis Brady; [Frank: step-father, James M. Harrington]#1126 Edward E. Phillips; 12

Nov 17th 1863#1127 Ira John Pearson; 14#1128 Frank A. Hunt; 13#1129 Frank Allen; 14

Dec. 1st 1863#1130 Mary Donahue; 14#1131 John Quinn; 11#1132 Lizzie Reho/Keho; 13

Dec. 15th 1863#1133 Camelia Surdam; 17#1134 David Barry; 12

Trial:925 Ellen Kelly, 19, mother 88 Spruce St. [William, laborer: James & John w/3rd Reg. Bd.]771 Mary Ann Larvin, 17, parents, Ann St. 1009 John McKenna, 12, parents 3 Bowen St.Three boys viz. No 682 Albert H. Cole No 836 John W. Conklin & No 457 Wm Trainer left us this morning in company of D. P. Gardner to ship for a voyage at whaling on board the Bark Joseph Maxfield from Fairhaven.

Jan. 5th 1864#1135 Frederick Dumas; 16#1136 William Dumas; 10#1137 Benjamin B. Irving; 14Trial:972 Sarah A. Kenyon, 17, uncle Abraham Kenyon 28 Knight St.897 John Leary, 17, parents 65 Shamrock St. [James, laborer]912 James McSoley, 15, parents 1 Blakes Row [poss. Patrick & Alice, 10 B]1057 Alberto Smith, 11, parents 11 Mumford St. [Chas. Sidney, jeweler]

Mr. D. P. Gardner of New Bedford makes application for No 888 Wm H. Harris, No 1016 Pat. Coyle & No 1106 Francis A Haynes to place them on Board a whaler--Being boys who promise to do as well upon the sea as in almost any place I think well of placing the Boys in his care to ship as above.

Jan. 19th 1864#1138 William Sullivan; 15#1139 Mary Stewart; 16Returned:493 Catherine Bradley, 18, not smart enough

Trial:807 Betsey Newbahr, 19, uncle R. Frank 102 Dwane St., NY

Feb. 2nd 1864#1140 Michael Torrey; 12#1141 Susan Francis (col’d); 13#1142 Esek B. Tallman; 17#1143 James Haley; 9#1144 James Flynn; 14

Feb. 16th 1864#1145 Edward Kearn; 14#1146 Cynthia Amidon; 14

March 1st 1864#1147 Brayton Vallette; 17#1148 Julia Ann Tift; 12#1149 John Looby; 10

March 15th 1864#1150 Leonard H. Ballou;14#1151 Edward Cronan; 9#1152 Isabella McArthur; #1153 Susan Rice#1154 Thomas Keome or Gaines; 16

April 5th 1864#1155 Elizabeth McLaughlin; 17#1156 Owen Donnelly; 17#1157 Maria Flynn; 16#1158 Edward McEvoy; 15#1159 James Carrigan; 17#1160 Jeremiah McCann; 17#1161 Mary Ann Quinn; 16#1162 John H. Church; 17#1163 Margaret Dolan; 16

April 18th 1864#1164 Fannie Spear; 16#1165 Henrietta D. Faisneau; 16#1166 William Johnson; 10#1167 Mary Gray; 11 [b. 1853]#1168 George C. Goodwin; 16#1169 Robert Glenwright; 11#1170 John Holland; 16 #1171 Duty Holland; 14 [b. 1850]

#1172 Frank Ferguson; 8#1173 John Hodge; 9#1174 Adam A. Wolfhart; 11Trial:381 John McGovern, 3rd RI Cav., Conn.1127 David Ingraham, 3rd RI Cav., Conn

May 3rd 1864#1175 Partick Sullivan; 11#1176 Frederick L. Murphy; 12#1177 William Stewart; 17#1178 Mary Conly; 16#1179 Sarah Conly; 13

May 17th 1864#1180 George McCaughy; 12#1181 William O’Keefe; 12#1182 James Graham; 11#1183 Amelia Batchelor; 16#1184 Walter Baxter; 13#1185 William H. Wardell/Bardwell(col’d); 12

June 7th 1864#1186 Charles Morris; 9 [RS in 1870: B, b. 1855; and in home s/o Charles W. &]#1187 Bridget Brook/Bank/Burk; 17#1188 Mary Ann Murphy; 16#1189 Catherine King; 13#1190 William A. Wright; 11 [b. 1853, Hopkinton]#1191 Henry A. Chase; 10#1192 Mary Ann Carey; 16#1193 James McCune; 15#1194 Anthony Scanlon; 10#1195 John O’Neil; 9 [Too many possible on census]#1196 Stephen Tidball; 11

Discharged:681 Eliza Briggs, 21, expiration of sentence

June 21st 1864#1197 Charles L. Hacket; 13#1198 Michael Dugan; 10#1199 Frank M. Foster; 14#1200 Charles A. Knight; 14 [b. 1850 Pawtucket] #1201 Abijah R. Gay; 14#1202 LeWeller R. Burrows; 10#1203 Michael Bohan; 15#1204 Thomas Kearns; 14

#1205 William Wissen; 11Trial:970 Leander Dawley, 17, with mother Mrs. Mary Millard, East Providence1047 James Curry, 13, parents Broad St.1129 Frank Allen, 14, parents Cranston

The father of No. 1169 Robt Glenwright…has just return from three years service in the army with our 2nd Reg. And is recommended…a proper person to have charge of his son. Robt is 11 years old small for his age and was sent from East Greenwich…with three older & much larger boys than himself. I recommend that he be discharged…

No 1001 Hugh McNulty has reached our highest grade of honor…is entitled to be discharged…

Trial:594 Eliza Brown, parents B St. [Henry, carver, house rear 12 B]1086 Elsie B. Wolfhart parents 106 [sic, 190] Broad St. [Augustus A., bootmaker, 190 Broad]

July 5th 18641206 Thomas Degnan; 11; theft1207 Ellen Creamer; 11; theft [siblings: Frank (1061) & Owen (1582)

July 19th 18641208 Benjamin G/P Grant; 12; boarder1209 Wm H. Francis; 11; boarder1210 James or Michael Sullivan; 16; vag1211 Robert Atkinson; 15; vag1212 James Corcoran; 12; vag1213 Frederick Northup; 10; vag [b. 1853/4 B, MD; RS 1870]1214 John Brannan; 12; b & e1215 John Larwin; 12; b & e’ theft

The parents of 961 Leonard Fish have removed to Canada (Toronto) and ask to have him discharged that he may join them there.

Aug 2nd 18641216 Catherine Wright; 11; Newport; boarder1217 Margaret McLinn; 15; vag1218 Albert Hawkins; 15; boarder1219 Margaret Dolan;12; theft1220 Geo B. Lawton; 11; Newport; theft

Aug 16th 18641222 John Vanscoit (col’d); [B, b. 1848, NY] 17; firing pistol in street; 1223 James F. Murphy; 16; theft1224 Frederick Ardolph; 12; Portsmout; theft1225 John A. Cappell; 12; theft [named Philip in v. 8, p. 108 at discharge 1866]

1226 James Kennedy; 14; theft1227 Louisa Stevens [Stephens]; 17; vag [1850 census, Scituate]1228 Harriet E. Adams; 15; vag

1229 Alice E. Murphy; 10; theft1230 William Oman; 14; theft [Newport; 1231 Nicholas J. Remington; 14; boarder

No 1167 Mary Gray has very defective sight caused by disease of the eye. Dr. Collins says she might be healed successfully at some eye infirmary but that there is very little prospect of her recovering here.No. 922 Michael Whitney is also a poor, lame, diseased boy who I think would be better off at the asylum than here.

Sept 6 18641232 Chas R. Gardner; 12; theft1233 James R. Gardner; 10; theft (both Cranston)1234 Nelson L. Humes; 10; embezzle1235 Laughlin Clifford; 14; ass & batt1236 Jeremiah Butler; 16; b & e shop1237 Wm Culligan; 10; theft1238 Wm Murphy; 12; theft1239 Patrick Dillon; 15; ass & batt; theft1240 Susannah Bracewell; 9; Newport; theft1241 Franklin J. Read; 11; Cranston; theft1242 Chas N. Durfey; 15;1243 Jeremiah Lynch; 10; theft

Trial:1167 Mary Gray at the Mass Charitable Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston1128 Frank A. Hunt, parents 35 Lester St. [Stephen, laborer]

Sept 20th 18641244 Owen McSoley; 13; theft [1860 census, Patrick McLoley]1245 James A Mowry; 15; horse stealing1246 Shubel K/H. Crowell; 12; 1247 Almira Peopall/Pepall; 15; vag [Jennie; sister 565 George Pepall]1248 Walter Whitford; 14; theft1249 Henry F. Smith; 6; vag

Trial:990 Lucy M Holley, parents 11 B St. [Albert J., bds.]1102 James Gartland, parents Cranston [John & Mary]

Oct. 4th 18641250 Smith Humphrey; 15; theft1251 Mary Heffron; 8; theft1252 Ellen Buckly; 9; theft

1253 Mark Speakman; 14; mal mis1254 Elizabeth Bucklin; 16 [b. 1848]1255 Ralph Hunt; 14; theft1256 Emma Ross; 10; Newport; boarder1257 James McNulty; 13; vag1258 John McFarrell; 11; taking horse & carriage1259 John Carroll; 12; “Trial:493 Catherine Bradley, parents 119 India St. [Michael, house]

Oct 18 18641260 George W. Irons; 15; horse stealing [1850]1261 Nathaniel L. Bowen; 13; theft1262 Joseph Morgan; 15; theft [b. 1850, RI]1263 John Johnson; 16; theft1264 Wm F. Sweet; 8; theft1265 Frank H. Chase; 12; b & e

Nov 1st 18641266 Wm L. Gardner; 8; 1267 John McCanna; 111268 Harriet F. Staniels; 15; fornication1269 Josephine Fay; 16; theftTrial:998 Thos Payton, parents 61 Back St. [Michael, laborer]1138 Wm Sullivan, mother Canal St. [1171 Duty J. Holland, parents New London CT1125 Francis Brady, parents Plainfield, CT833 Mary E. Fell, parents Plain St.

Nov. 15th 1864626 Barney Brannan, 141270 James Ryan; 15; vag1271 Daniel Sullivan, 101272 Wm W. Godfrey, 11, theft of pigeons [father=Uriah]1273 Nelson Godfrey; 8; mal mis1274 Thos Doherty; 16 theft1275 Mary Ann Dady/Cady; 17; vag1276 Wm Connery; 12; theft1277 Thos A. Gallagher, 11

Mr. Clarence R. Holmes who married the sister of No 1063 John Lane asks to have him placed in his care to learn the machinist trade at Roxbury. His home is No 1 Winslow Place…

Trial:1047 James Curry, parents, corner Broad & Clinton [

Dec 6th 1864

1278 Wm H. Morgan; 10; 1279 Ew’d Hannon/Harmon; 111280 Ellen Hughes; 13 vag1281 John T. Baxter; 10; theft1282 Eugene Fuller; 14; stealing apples 1283 James O’Riley; 13; stealing apples1284 Michael Murphy; 13; Newport theft734 Edward Lyons, 18, mother, 8 Pike St [Mary, widow]

Dec 20th 18641285 John Commo/Conno/Como; 16; theft1286 Michael Cavanaugh; 131287 Michael Cassidy [Cassady, v. 8, p. 110]; 81288 James Forbes; 131289 John Creors; 14;

Jan 3 1865Received:1289 John Crevis, 14, theft of sled1290 Geo. E. Sherman; 9; boarder

Dis:883 Patrick Carrigan, 16…to parents, 97 India St. [Daniel, coalheaver]

Trial:1013 Amelia S. Holley, 14, parents East Attleboro.922 Michael Whitney, 12: 4th class; reformed; parents both dead and he has no one to care for him but an unmarried sister, who at present is employed as housekeeper for the children’s step-father John Winterbottom No. 21 Martin St.

Jan 17 1865Rec:981 Mary Ann Coyle, 151291 Christopher A. Lee, 14; Westerly1292 Wm Anthony, 121293 Phillip A. Williams, 10, embezzlement

Dis:4632 John Kelly, 21778 Elizabeth McPherson, 211005 Amelia T. Barney, 161267 William Connery, 12

Trial:686 Edward Killion, 141170 John B. Holland, 17 with parents, E. Greenwich.

922 Michael Whitney, 12, reached 4th class entitled to honorable discharge...a cripple, hard to find a home for him “In place of a full discharge might he not be permitted to visit his friends & still find a home with us till some better arrangements can be made for him if found necessary.992 Margaret McCune, 18, 4th class“Mr. Uriah Godfrey of Central Falls asks to have his boys discharged or placed in his care. They are small boys 10 & 12 years old and were sent here…Smithfield for theft of pigeons—I think it may be well to try the youngest one still am not sufficiently acquainted with their home to recommend in the case.

Feb. 7 1865Received:1025 Jeremiah Brown, 151294 Caroline J. McKnight, 161295 Emma A. Harvey, 171296 Mary Fleming, 13, Cranston, Theft Trial:1120 Hannah Wheeler, parents, Warren1166 Wm Johnson (col’d) very scrofulous and health evidently suffering form confinement sent to his parents with letter stating the cause…Woonsocket1175 Patrick Sullivan, parents 25 Atwells Ave.1185 Wm H. Bardwell/Wardell (colored)…scrofulous…he has no home his mother being a widow & employed as a domestic.A few of the boys are desirous of enlisting in the Army: #572 Geo. Grinnell, 18 (1st grade); 1065 Dennison B. Southwick, 17 (2nd class); 752 Michael McCarney, 19 (1st grade); 692 Michael Conners, 18 (1st grade). One or two others of about the same age also wish to go but are not far enough advanced in their grades. Two colored Boys #848 John T. Sykes, 16 & # 1045 Henry McCarty (McCasty), 15 also wish to go.

Feb. 21 1865Received:559 Susan Nichols, 18, returned, not a good girl.1224 Frederick Asdolph (Ardolph, 13; placed with Shakers at New Lebanon, runaway and returned from Portsmouth1297 Geo. Bryant, 121298 Annie McCormick, 171299 Alexander Willis, 11 [b. 1853, RI]1300 Wm K. Mowry, 131301 Edwin A.[Archer] Hutchins, 15 [b. 1850, FL]Dis: 878 Helen Simmons, 18Allowed to enlist:394, 692, 1064, 572, 752, 1079, 607, 811, 1107, 652, 848, 1236.

Trial: (partial)The uncle of No 1073 John Gookin (Michael Cavanaugh)…a certificate from Bishop McFarland…

March 7 1865Received: 770 Frank Rourke, 17; left without permission; arrested at parents on Plain St.1302 Mary Ann Sullivan, 11, Woonsocket1303 Almira Fitzgerald, 16 for prostitution1304 Ellen O’Connors [O’Connell], 16Trial:1049 John Afflick, 12, father 9 R R Place [John (Aflick), blacksmith]

March 21 Quarterly ReportTrial:1021 Thos Hickey, parents 76 Back St. [John, laborer]1175 Pat Sullivan, parents 25 Atwells Ave. [poss. 125 Atwells, Dennis, shoemaker]817 Nathl Fales on ship “Golden Fleece” bound for San Francisco Cal.

April 4 1865Rec:1305 James W. Costine, 141306 Sarah Ann Brennan, 151307 Mary Ann Day, 14; prostitution; Warwick1308 Susan M. Maxfield, 16; prostitution775 Catherine McCaha, 20525 John O’Brien, 18No 1105 Wm A. Thomas & No 987 John O’Brien are anxious to enlist in the Army. The former has a Father already in the Army and no mother, 17 4/12 years. The latter has a mother who gives full consent, 18 9/12 years.Trial:1076 Geo. A. Salisbury, parents at Pawtucket.

April 18 1865Rec: 913 Patrick Hyde1309 John Coyle (paid fine; discharged)1310 John Moran (paid fine; discharged)1311 John Miller, Cumberland [15, b. 1850, US]1312 John Wallace, Cumberland [13, b. 1852, RI]930 Wm Little, left his placement; cannot be a farmer.987 John O’Brien957 Edward A. Cole, runaway; came to see sister living with Mr. Jackson in the city.1000 Lydia M. Coggshall; not prove a good girl.

No 857 Elijah Wallace is quite feeble & seems running down. Dr. Collins…permitted him to visit his uncle (Mr. John Fisher) at Newport for a short time. He is a colored boy 17 years old.

May 2 1865Rec:966 Mary A. Coleman943 Chas H. Gardner

1108 Margaret Hanna, 161313 Wm Dalton, 121314 Margaret McCarron, 17 [father=George, V. 8, p. 105]1315 Walter Tucker, 151316 Wm Sherman, 12Trial:1204 Thos Kearns with brother Michael at Oil City Penn.843 Albert Cook, parents 126 Sherriff St, NY

Mrs. Edwards of Fall River, sister of 1140 Michael Farney…

May 16 1865Rec:1122 Wm H. Clark, runaway1317 James O. Hollis, 12 [B, b. 1853, MD]1318 John McGuire, 81319 Edgar Barker, 11, Newport1320 Wm Henry Cady, 10 &1321 Geo Washingon Cady 8, N. Prov.; mal misch.1322 Erastus Mattison, 131323 Wm Johnson, 13, [B. b. 1852, CT] mal misch.1324 Ellen Mathewson, 17; prostitution; Burrillville

The father in law of No 949 Ann E. Sweet…Benjamin Sweet of Phenix.

June 6 1865Rec:844 Thos Mastison, 131325 Franklin M Newhall, 12 [b. 1853]1326 Wm H. Caezer, colored, 8; taking horse and carriage1327 John O’Neil, 8 with 1326 [Too many possible on census]1328 Wm Ormsbee, 7 [b. 1858, Seekonk MA]1329 Mary Reynolds, 17; prostitution1330 James Knowlton, 8 &1331 Thos Carnes, 9; taking horse and carriage1121 Hannah Wheeler, 15, placed with her parents Warren; Parents separated leaving her without a home, a very simple girl with hardly mental capacity to render her a fit subject for this institution.

(In margin): No 1224 Ardolph & 1002 Day desirous to go to Shakers…Dr. Collins certifies that No 1294 Caroline J. McKnight is pregnant.

June 20 1865Rec:1332 Clark C. Brown1083 Charles Morgan…became so disobedient and headstrong that it became necessary to have him return1333 Lewis Pfeiff [12, b. 1853, RI; parents German]

1334 James Connelly1335 Charles H. Burgess1336 Mary A Henesy, Newport594 Eliza Brown & No 1068 Emma E. Young returned: Both in care of parents…and were so disobedient & determined in wrong doing that it became necessary to have them returned.No 1294 Caroline J. McKnight sent to the Wheelwright, agent of state charities for Mass at Boston with a letter from the overseer of the poor, that she my be sent to the Alms House at Douglass from which place she ran away about one year since & to which town she belongs.Nos. 1272 & 1273 Wm W & Nelson Godfrey with parents at Valley FallsThe case of Nos 1096 & 1097 the Childs girls not yet disposed of…

June 27 1865[A letter to the board of trustees]…“Mrs Hodgson wife of Capt. Francis Hodgson of North Boothbay Maine and aunt of No 1051 Mary Jane King asks to have her placed in her care thinking that by removing her so far from this city & her associations here she may be able to preserve her from evils to which she would here be exposed & bring her to a useful womanhood. She has not been one of our best girls still I think well of trying her as soon as she shall reach the 1st grade and of taking her to Boston to meet her friends from Maine there. …The payment of Board for No 1231 Nicholas J. Remington has not been made since last December. The Father is in the Army & it has been represented that he would soon be home & see to it…

I have a communication of No763 Anna McKay alias Jennie Kegan (Mrs. Wicks) from her husband asking to have her returned here which please find herewith. She was sentenced as a prostitute for the term of her minority and by our record will not be 21 till Dec 1st 1866. Please direct in this case.

July 4th 1865Rec:1337 Joseph W. Laughlin1338 Isiah F. Arnold &1339 Francis Eckels, N. Prov.1340 Edward Casey1341 Nelson J. Arnold &933 James Connelly N. Prov. Theft

Dis:1282 Eugene Fuller1208 Benjm G. Grant1340 Edward Cary1153 Susan Rice1103 Joseph Simmons [B, b. 1852, RI]1065 Dennis B. Southwick

July 18 1865

Rec:515 Harriet Green; returned a bad girl918 Deborah Ann Gibson. She had a tumor in her breast when placed there & it has increased so much as to require immediate attention. It was very successfully removed by Dr. Collins yesterday afternoon.950 John C. Rourk; ran away from his home with the Shakers last spring & has been kept from us by his friends till last week when he was arrested at his home on Langly St 1342 Chas Sadlin1334 Edwin Searls &1344 Frank Calligan1345 Chas [H] Ellsbree [Elsbree]

Dis:515 Harriet Green; alternative sentence857 Elijah Wallace with aunt Mrs. John Fisher, Newport…died the 14th Inst.

No 953 Fredk Brooks with his parents at Boston

Dr. Collins certifies that in his opinion No 1324 Ellen Mathewson is pregnant. Her mother asks that she be placed in her care.

Aug. 1 1865Rec:1346 Ida A Trumble [Trimble, v. 8, p. 147]1347 W. E. F. V. Pierce; Richmond [B]1348 Catherine Feeley1349 Thos Duff, Cranston1350 John H. Slatcher1351 Esau Lee [B]

The father of No 1288 James Forbes asks that his son be placed in his care Central Falls. He has returned from the army & thinks he can control his boy. James is 14 years old, has been here since the 4th of Dec last & has just reached the 1st grade…The mother of No 1255 Ralph Hurst renews her petition for his release…He needs the opportunity for school which he must loose if he leaves now. While there can be little doubt but he will be able to do considerable for his mother.

Aug. 15 1865Rec:1352 Susan A. Tucker, Scituate1353 Bridget Burk, prostitution1354 Margaret Garrick, Newport1355 Sarah Hamlin, Prov.; theft1356 John Hopwood, 9, Warwick, idle & dissolute1344 Frank Culligan1114 Eliza J. Hanna; returned, not a good girl1179 Sarah Conley; returned, influence over daughter not good

Dis:1097 Emily Childs with parents at Elmwood1300 Wm K. Mowrey with parents at Georgiaville1168 Geo C. Goodwin with parents at Apponaug.1224 Fredk Ardolph with Shakers 1204 Thos Kearns with his brother Michael Kearns at Oil City PA.

Sept 5 1865Rec:1233 James B. Gardner &1266 Wm L Gardner a second time for theft1310 John Moran a second time for vagrancy1357 Sylvester Upham [12, b. 1853, RI]1358 Geo B.Brown1359 Kate Moran; Prov.; prostitution1360 Robert O’Rourk1361 John Blount [9, b. 1856, Eng.]1362 Jenny L. Austen; [uncle A. Bennet at Phenix]1363 Samuel W. Arnold1364 Ella Roberts; Prov.; prostitution1365 John Harris (?) N. Prov1366 Charles Bass/Boss, Newport

Dis:775 Cate McCaha1096 Mary Ann Childs1097 Emily Child1164 Fannie Spear (?) as reformed having reached the 4th class of honor. She left on Wednesday the 16th…the day following her discharge & proved herself not reformed by leaving her home & going to a “house of ill fame” the Monday following.Girls of this class give fearful evidence that our discipline does not reform them and I recommend that the rule by which they for a little time past have been discharged as reformed, be annulled.The father of No 1277 Thos A. Gallagher has removed to Washington D. C. and asks to have his son discharged that he may join his family there. Thos is one of the best boys & might be as discharged.

Sept. 19 1865Rec:1367 Geo H. Cushman, Smithfield1368 Patrick Gainor, Cranston1369 John McFalls, Johnston1370 Lawrence Low, Johnston

Trial:1201 Abjiah R. Gay with parents Worcester St. [Walter, blacksmith, 16 Worcester St.]

Oct 3 1865

Rec:750 Michael Powers; theft of clothing1371 Stephen McDonald, theft of fruit1035 Chas Hewett820 Sarah Gibson1371 Stephen McDonald, second time for theft of money1372 Robert Ash, Newport [b. ca 1854]

The brother of No 140 Michael Tomey residing at Manchester NH asks that he be placed in his care.

Oct. 17 1865Rec:1373 Charles Kegan &1374 Wm Weston, Westerly1375 Lillian C. Lovell1376 Francis Dillon, N. Prov., assault

Trial: 1234 Nelson J/L Humes, parents E. Providence

Nov. 7 1865Rec:1377 August Pfief, N. Prov1378 John Kearns, Pawtucket1379 Otis P. Aldrich1380 Frank Jordan1381 Walter Chase1382 Mary Ann Scherhold, Bristol1383 James Smith, Woonsocket; assault & bat1343 Edwin [H.] Searls &1384 James Caslin1039 Thos Donnelly &1385 Joseph Lynch for taking & driving a horse not their own1386 Eugene A. Darling; mal misch

Parents of No 1320 Wm Henry Cady & No 1321 Geo Washington Cady ask to have their children placed in their care. When committed their father was a prisoner in the hands of the Rebels. He is now at home & wants his boys & thinks he can take care of them. Their ages are 8 & 10 years.

Nov. 21 1865Rec:1194 Anthony Scanlon; b & e and theft1387 Robert McClatchie, Warren826 Wm B. Wilbur &1388 Leonard Wilbur, Prov. Theft [14, b. 1850, RI]1389 Chas W. Braxton a runaway from Charlestown SC

Trial:1255 Ralph Hunt parents Natick1200 Chas A. Knight mother Pawtucket1320 Wm H. Cady & 1321 Geo W. Cady, Valley Falls1221 Barney McElroy mother West River St.1337 Joseph W. Loughlin1319 Edgar Barker

Dec. 5 1865Rec:1390 John O’Neil1391 Nathan Miller, [15, b. 1850, RI]1392 Bradford Stout alias Johnson, Warren, assault987 John O’Brien

Trial1250 Smith Humphrey with father 92 Broad St. [George W., harnessmaker; also from V. 8, p. 139 parents at 35 Ashburton, also George, but clerk]1237 Wm Coligan uncle Michael Dority N. Prov.1329 Mary Reynolds with mother 18 Randall St. [William H. carpenter]The father of No 1293 Phillip A. Williams who has been with the army has returned & is now living with his family this city and asks to have his son placed in his care.

Jan. 2 1866Rec:1234 Nelson L. Hines, Pawtucket1058 Geo Burns returned from Shakers; was not a good boy…was placed on cars to return, but left the cars on their arrival at Pawtucket & went to his parents where he has been for several months past. Last week he was reported by officer Gladding as idle & not attending school, keeping company with the street boys &c & was therefore sent for & brought back.

1293 Phillip A. Williams parents 103 Atwells Ave. [sic, 105 Atwells Ave: Philip R., machinist]

Jan 16 1866Rec:1394 Frank Connors1395 Mark Morris1396 Geo B. Capwell1397 Chas Gifford or Beckerman

The arithmetics & reading books now used have been so long the text books as to become as [soom], & to those who have been long in school so familiar that a change is desireable. I recommend that Eatons arithmetic & Sargents or Hilliards readers be substituted.

Feb. 6 1866Rec:

1076 Geo A. Salisbury returned by his father for stubbornness & disobedience.1398 Walter F. Cezar/Caesar/Caeser, [m=Charlotte, b. 1856, B, RI]1399 Patk Gahegan

Feb. 20 1866Rec:1400 Mary J Brown1000 Lydia M. Coggshall, returned not honest

March 6 1866Rec:1401 Geo. H Drown, PawtucketTrial:1357 Sylvester G. Upham with parents 33 Olney St [sic, Lyman Upham, constable]1383 James Smith, parents Woonsocket. James is a feeble boy & subject to “fits” making it seem that his home, which is a good one of its class was the best place for him.

March 20 1866Rec:1022 Wm J. Whitford1272 Wm Godfrey1273 Nelson Godfrey; the former by master as filthy boy; the latter by the supt being disobedient, truant & dishonest.1402 Frank E Robins, Pawtucket1403 Chas H. Williams [1860, 3x]1404 John J. Lewis1411 Chas Handy, Cranston (all), b & e and theft1405 Thos Helm [Helme], Kingston [13/16, B, b. 1850/1853, RI]1406 James Callahan1407 Michael Ryan1408 Michael Donnelly1409 Wm H Bridges [15/16, b. 1859, NY]1410 Clarissa Andrews1412 Joseph H. Brewster

Trial:1307 Mary Ann Day, parents, Natick1301 E. A. Hutchins, mother, 117 Point St. [Cynthia A.]1255 Ralph Hunt, parents, Natick1200 Chas. A. Knight, mother, Pawtucket1221 Barney McElroy, mother West River St. 1250 Smith Humphrey, father 92 Broad St. [George W., harnessmaker]1163 Margaret Dolan, parents 15 Pond St. [Thomas, laborer]

March 27 1866(summary)

April 3 1866Rec:1413 John Coyle, 13

April 17 1866Rec:1120 Saml Brown, unmanageable1414 Wm R. Stevens [13, b. 1853, RI]1175 Patrick Sullivan &1415 Chas Larvin

May 1 1866Rec:1416 Adolphus Edwards, 13; defacing a tombstone.1417 Olive Delloss/Demass, 161418 Sarah Sherman or Millington, 151419 Ann E. Brayman/Braman, 141420 Michael Haskins, 151082 Frank Horton; returned from Shakers…reported a very good boy till quite recently when he became dissatisfied & they paid his fair & sent him back. 886 Geo. H Humphrey, Pawtucket, a second time for theft of money1407 Michael Ryan &1408 Michael Donnelly1115 James Gibson/Gibbon returned from uncle John Sheridan Barney St. Last Saturday evening he came to us in a very neglected condition without shoes dirty & covered with rags & vermin & asked to be received. He was taken in and subjected to a thorough cleansing process and now seems a very cheerful lad among the boys. [John Sheridan, Barney St., peddler]

Dis:1261 Nathaniel L. Bowen, as reformed.

The sister of No 566 Rosanna Morrison asks to have her placed in the care at Hopedale Mass. She is not a good girl & there is little prospect that she will do well still she has been here so long, it may be well to give her a trial. Her sister is Mrs Margaret B. Thayer.

May 15 1866Rec: 1421 Patk Gallagher, assault1422 Wm [H] Blair, theft1423 Josephine Andrews, Warwick, theft Dis: 1369 John McFalls; mother; 11 Howard St. 1121 Hannah M Wheeler; Dexter AssylumTrial:

1059 John Bouzan; father, 7 R. R. Place [Richard, vol.]1082 Frank W. Horton, 14; 1382 Mary Ann Scherhold, 10; both Wakefield1054 Joseph A. Braman; mother Mrs. Almira B. Fuller, Seekonk988 [Mary] Esther Whitford, Nayatt Light.664 James Briggs, mother Central Falls1318 John McGuire, mother, Stonington CT1132 Elizabeth Kehoe, parents Olneyville1357 Sylvester Upham, parents, 33 Olney St. [63 Olney, Lyman, US Marshall & city constable]1356 John Haywood, parents; Crompton1383 James Smith, parents, Woonsocket1288 James Forbes, parents, Pawtucket.

The case of No 566 Rosanna Morrison has been brought to the notice of Dr. Ray & described as fully as possible. He expresses no doubt of partial insanity and says there is no doubt but that her representation of having company in her room is as real to her as thought actually so. He does not think she would be benefited by a change from the Inst to a Hospital for the Insane.

June 5 1866Rec:1212 James Corcoran1424 Charles Benton (col’d)1200 Charles A Knight; returned not a good boy1425 Peter Hacket [b. 1852]1252 Ellen Buckley; returned—came—interference of friends1009 John McKenna1271 Danl Sullivan1426 Wm F. King &1427 John O’Brien1428 Lydia A Cobb

Trial:1176 Fredk L. Murphy, parents, South Main St.[James, Boilermaker; John, Laborer; Michael, laborer; Robert, laborer]

The case of No 566 Rosa Morrison was represented to Dr. Rockwell of Brattleboro Vt as recommended. Please find his reply herewith.

June 19 18661429 Elbert Butterfield [Ferns]1430 Mary Simmons1431 Wm H Dixon [RS, 1870: B, b. 1856, NJ]1226 Jas Kennedy; returned, runaway from his place1432 Wm F./T. Briggs, Little Compton [b. 1855]1433 Chas Phinny [poss., b. 1852]1434 Thos Mahoney

1435 Albert E. Gifford

Trial:1122 Wm H. Clarke; Henry T. Luther, No 2 “A” St (stepfather) [@ 22 Exchange place]1199 Frank M Foster, parents No High St. [Avery B. Foster, physician 129 High]1075 Jonas Ridgeway with his brother at Olneyville to be employed by Wm Patstone at High St. 1298 Annie McCormick, parents, Front & Ives St. employ Union Oil Co.[Michael, watchman, 31 Ives St.]1058 Geo. Burnes, Jr., parents, Pawtucket. [George Burn, jeweler, 23 School St.]627 Stephen A. Northup, Wm L. Williams, a blacksmith at West Medway, Mass.1286 Michael Cavanaugh, parents Central Falls, employed Fales & Jenkes1239 Patrick Dillon, parents, Pawtucket, employed in their cloth factory.1287 Michael Cassidy, parents, Central Falls; empl. Green & Daniels1041 Wallace Pierce, mother, New Bedford1080 Albert Tanner, parents 105 Broad St. 525 John O’Brien, mother 66 John St. [Mary, h. rear]1371 Stephen McDonough/McDonald, parents 28 Back St. [Thomas, laborer]

Rhode Island Historical SocietyMss 214, sg 3, series 2. Vol. 5Reform School Reports 1866-1872

[Abstracted July 2005: supplemental to Journals]

July 3 18661436 John Stratton; theft; Newport1437 Francis M. Pike1438 Bridget Eagan; vag1439 John Cook; ass.1440 Charles E. Bryer1441 Henry P. Butler [Newport]1442 Hiram A. Drake; theft1165 Henrietta D. Farnum [Faisneau, v. 8, p. 134], returned; licentious

Trial: 1397 Chas Gifford or Beckerman, parents; New Bedford1219 Margaret Dolan, parents Allen St.1333 Lewis Pfieff, uncle, jeweler, Boston

July 17th 18661443 James Franklin; theft [9 yrs.]1444 Catherine Finety; idle & dissolute1445 Thomas Burns; [brother Garrett Burnes]1446 Joseph Thomas; theft1057 Albert Smith; returned by father for truancy from school

Trial: 1314 Margaret McCann/McCarron, parents, Spruce St. [bro?=Patrick, 65 Spruce, fr. depot]1397 Chas Gifford, with parents at Pocasset Mass to go on a voyage whaling for some 3 years on a ship owned in part by his father.

Aug 7 18661447 Hiram L. Jaques; 17; theft; Smithfield1448 John F. Messill [Merrill]; 11; theft1449 Lizzie Jones; 17; theft1369 John McFalls returned by his parents a truant from home & schoolTrial:1299 Alexander Willis, parents, S. Providence1374 Wm Westen, uncle Chas Fay, Westerly to be sent to parents reside in Penn.1268 Harriet Staniels parents, N. Providence1310 John Moran &1359 Cate Moran, parents ask for them

Aug 21 18661450 Celia Demass or Dumas; prostitution1451 Prudence Hughes; theft; Bristol1452 John McCarty; theftTrial:# Albert Tanner, parents 105 Broad St.

Sept 4 18661453 Elizabeth Miller; 1454 William Buckley; vag (2x)1455 Catharine O’Rourke; vag1456 Joseph T. Simmons; theft; Cranston [14, B; parents = Joseph B. & Abby]1457 William H. Simmons; theft; Cranston [9, B; parents = Joseph B. & Abby]1458 Thomas Robinson; bur & theft [11]1459 John Green; bur & theft1460 Timothy Ryan; theft; CranstonTrial:913 Patrick Hyde, mother, Spruce & Acorn (his father is dead). [Margaret, widow]1312 John Wallace, parents, Dodgeville committed while his father was in the army form which he was mustered out on Saturday last & now is to be at home with his family and wished to try to care for his boy…

Sept 18 18661461 Patrick Lynch; theft; Pawtucket1462 Clarence H. Thurber1463 Melissa Harvey; ass; Westerly1464 Hasty Harken; Cranston1465 Harriet E. Stafford; prostitution; Gloucester [mother poss. Harriet S.]

1466 Charles McDonald; theft; Westerly799 Caroline Weaver, returned headstrong & disobedient.

Mrs. M. B. Thayer sister of No 566 Rosa Morrison makes request concerning her by letter which please find herewith.

Sept. 25 1866Trial:1325 Frank M. Newhall, parents 72 Wickenden St. [William P., Nailer]1395 Mark Morris, parents, 50 Benevolent St. [Charles W, shoemaker]

Oct 2 18661467 Albert E. Vose; theft; Pawtucket1468 Mary Halliday/Halladay vag [b. 1856]1469 Annie Halliday; vag1470 Warren Randall; theft1471 James F. H. Brown [Bowen?]; theft; Scituate1472 Edwin McDonald; theft1473 Patrick Hacket [b. 1856, brother #1624, Daniel Hacket]Trial:1025 Jerry Brown, aunt 38 Walker St. [Nancy Brown]1370 Lawrence Low, parents Olneyville1119 Geo. W. Leonard, (stepfather) Gilbert D. McCormick 245 Washington

Oct 16 18661474 Isabella Sullivan; prostitution [1850 census]1475 Bernard Farren [1850 census]1476 James Sullivan1478 Henry Harrington; theft1479 Hiram Kenneday; b&e1480 John Curran; “1481 James Gainor; “1482 John Jones; “

Nov. 6 18661483 Patrick Galliger1484 James Tift; mal mis; Smithfield1485 Daniel Golden; vag1486 Mary Hines; prostitution

1275 Mary Dady escaped on the evening of Oct. 19th with No 559 Susan Nichols who has since been returned. Mary is still at large—escaped in the absence of the Supt & Matron.Trial:1395 Mark Morris, parents 50 Benevolent St. [

Nov. 20 1866

1487 Elenor Leach; prostitution; Cranston1488 Wm A. S. Ellis; theft1489 Louisa B. Caswell; theft; Newport [1850 census]1490 Anna King; theft “1491 Charles H. H. Sprague [b. 1854]1492 Albert Wilcox; theft; Newport [15, B, b. 1851, RI]1493 Oliva P Johnson; theft; “

Nov 30 Quarterly ReportTrial:1083 Charles Morgan, mother Groton CT1469 Ann M. Halliday with Children’s Friends Society since Nov 7.1355 Sarah Hamlin with parents at Pawtucket.1417 Olive DeMass1450 Celia DeMass, both with mother Canada

Dec. 4th 18661494 Oscar W. Eddy; b &e1495 James Doolan1496 John Doolan

The 3 escaped:678 Francis Conley864 Danl Donovan1275 Mary Dady

The one who died:1477 James Chambers; committed the 10th of October last. Disease. Putrid sore throat.

Trial:1308 Susan Maxfield, parents, 136 Cranston St. [George W. h Parade near Cranston]566 Rosannah Morrison with her sister Mrs. M. B. Thayer at Blackstone1067 Chas Fry, parents 4 Sexton St. [Thomas W.]1335 Chas H. Burgess, patents 3 Hammond St. [Benjamin M., painter]

Dec. 18th 18661497 Phillip Keirnan; theft1498 David O’Brien; vag1499 James Neugent; theft1500 William Hackett; theft1418 Sarah Sherman placed with R. G. Lewis at Pawtucket sept 11th Returned for strong indications of being a determined Prostitute.1501 John Flood; theft1502 Patrick Butler; theft; Cranston1503 Martin Ford; mal mis; “

1504 Hugh Murrey; mal mis; “

Trial: 1279 Edward Hannon/Harmon, mother Brook St. 1343 Edwin Searls, parents 48 Belknap St. [Solomon, mason; Frank, bds. 48 Belknap]

Jan. 1 18671505 Nathaniel Fowler; b&e1506 Smith Humphrey

Jan 15 18671507 Adolphus Melvill, alias Theodolphus Melville Dwight; b&e1508 Barney Ryan; theft

Trial:1378 John Kearns, parents 50 Martin St. [Barney, laborer]

Feb 5th 18671509 Geo H. Liscomb; theft; Bristol [11, b. 1856, RI]1510 M. Henry Galvin; forgeryThe father of No. 1329 Mary Reynolds asks to have her again placed in his care. She is a simple girl easily led astray. Would probably for a time do pretty well though the strong probability is that she would not withstand any strong temptation.

Feb 19th 18671511 Wm. M. Goldrick; 1512 John B. Millard; 1513 Topsey Johnson; theft; [B] Warren

March 5th 18671514 Catherine Dorsy; stubborn & disobedient; Coventry1515 James Jones1516 Michael Payton1517 Thos Dean1518 Saml H. Read1519 Timothy Ivers, b.

March 19th 18671520 Alexander Luther1370 Lawrence Low; theftTrial:1181 William O. Keefe, parents 71 Plane St.[William, mason]1443 James Franklin, parents 70 Teft St. [7 Teft: John B., gasfitter]

April 2nd 18671521 Walter F. Tobey; Newport

April 16th 18671522 Ellen R.[Ruth] Champlain; theft; second time1523 Edward T. [Neoin ; Nevins]; vagrancy; Cranston1542 [sic, transposition] 1524 George W. Mathison; 1525 Martin Mullen; theft1526 Edward Kerwin; mal mis

Discharge: 559 Susan Nichols; expiration149 Charles H. Sprague; boarder; term expired

Trial:1352 Susan A. Tucker with parents at Scituate1482 John Jones with Parents at Elmwood

Father of 1036 Henry Gardner asks to have him permitted to return home represents his mother as sick and that they need him to assist in the “Homework”

May 7 18671412 Brewster, mother; East Providence1022 Wlm J. Whitford, mother; Bristol1440 Chas H. Bryer, parents; Newport

May 21 18671527 Viola Foster; theft; Pawtucket1528 Crawford A. Cornell; 1529 Lewis N. Jenks1530 John Coghan; theft1531 Richard Coghan; theft1532 Wm Barney; theft1533 Alexander Johnson; theft1534 John Feeley; theft1535 Andrew T. Tourgee;[ also, Thomas A. Tourgee] breaking; N Kingston1536 William Bender; throwing stones1340 Edward Carey; throwing stones

Trial:1406 Michael Callahan, mother; Blackstone, Mass.1155 Elizabeth McLaughlin, parents; No. 15 A Street [Bernard (NE Butt Co.), James (stucco worker), or John(laborer)]1283 James O’Riley, parents; Butten Yard North Main Street [Charles, hairdresser, boards 282]

June 4th 18671537 Henry Coon or Cahoon [b. 1857, CT: F=Asa]1538 Edward Galvin [father, Thomas]1539 Edward F. Schock [b. 1856, also, Schoch]1540 Annie Caswell [Crowell]; Bristol

1541 Emanual Souza; b & lar; Newport1542 Howard Mattison/Matteson; Pawtucket [F=Johnson]

Trial:1376 Frank Dillon, parents; Pawtucket

June 18th 18671543 Arthur [G] Slocum [b. 1854]1544 John Fitzpatrick1545 Edward McCann1546 Richard J. Summerville/Sommerville/Somerville [1860, Orphanage]1547 Herman Pierce; from children’s home; arranged for them to take 1469 Anna Halliday a very small girl & we to take Peirce a boy unmanageable by them in her place…1548 Joseph D. Whitaker

Trial:1145 Edw Kearns, mother; Woonsocket [b. ca 1850; m = Mrs. Patrick Burke]1361 John Blount, mother; Bristol

June 25 1867Trial:1365 Sarah Hamlin, parents; Pawtucket1272 Wm Godfrey, parents; Valley Falls1273 Nelson Godfrey, parents; Valley Falls566 Rosanna Morrison, sister; Blackstone1279 Edw Hammon, mother; Brook Street [can’t find]1353 Bridget Burk, mother; Dyerville1039 Thos Donley, mother; corner of Republic & Adams St [Mary Donelly, widow]1378 Thos Kearns, parents; 50 Martin St [Barney, laborer]1258 John M. Farrell [or McFarrell], mother; Georgiaville933 James Connelly, parents; Pawtucket1181 Wlm O. Keefe, parents; Plain St [Wlm, mason Plane St]1443 James Franklin, parents; America St [not listed]1394 Frank Cramer, mother; Plain St [Mrs. 73 Plane St]1111 Mary Ann Bohanna, mother; Newport594 Eliza Brown, parents; 10 A St [not listed]1452 John McCarty, father; S. Providence1352 Susan A. Tucker, parents; Scituate1482 John Jones, parents; Elmwood1412 John Brewster, mother; East Providence1022 Wlm J. Whitford, mother; Bristol1440 Chas E. Bryer, parents; Newport1406 Mike Callahan, mother; Blackstone1155 Elizabeth McLaughlin, parents; 15 A Street [see previous]1283 James O Riley, parents; North Providence1376 Frank Dillon, parents; Pawtucket

July 2nd 18671549 Joseph Neelon/Kneeland1550 John Carroll1551 Hugh Pryor/Prior [m=Alice]1552 Catherine Smith

July 16th 18671553 Jerry Kenneday/Kennedy [b. 1859, MA]1554 Michael McCaffrey [by age of other possibles in 1872 when placed with Ball, they would be too old—by elimination, b. 1858]1555 Frank Hall [b. CT, 1851]

Aug 6th 18671556 Myra G. Almy [m. 1879, Walter H. Fisk]1557 Catherine M. Fanning1558 Thomas Jackman [b. 1852, England: 1881, Canada]1559 James Savage1560 Maria Long1561 Martin Pollard1562 Noah A. Newman [Nooman/Noonan]1563 John Garvin; burglary1564 James Garvin; burglary

Aug 20th 18671565 Sarah E. Weeden [b. 1861, B]1566 Wm H. Fish; theft; E. Greenwich1567 James E. Fish; theft; E. Greenwich1568 John Ryder1569 Michael Kiernan1570 Geo H. Armstrong1571 John Cooney774 Frank Berry—a little more than 3 years ago He was placed with W. H. Lavalley a farmer at Sturbridge Mass. Where he staid without complaint till the 4th of July last when he visited his mother in this city. since complaints have been made that he was not suitably clothed. Had no opportunity for schooling &c. The morning of the 19th Inst he came again with his mother & renewed the complaints. When it was decided to retain him till we can hear from Mr. L to whom a letter was immediately mailed He is therefore here & entered upon the books as returned.

Sept. 3rd 18671572 Ellen Greeley

Sept 17th 18671573 Patk Agers1574 Thomas Brady

Sept 24th 18671329 Mary Reynolds, parents; corner of Wright and Sipper St [should be William H.]

1338 [Isaiah F.] Arnold, parents; Pawtucket1322 Mattison, parents; Central Falls1040 Wm H. Hall, parents; North End1067 Geo A Salisbury, parents; Olneyville 1036 H. J. Gardner, parents; Martin St [not listed]1377 August Pfieff, parents; Bath St N.P. [none listed]1254 Hepzibah/Elizabeth Bucklin, parents Pawtucket1411 Chas Handy, parents; Arkcoright [?]1354 Maggie Garrick, parents; Newport1447 HLR Jagnes, parents; Woonsocket1244 Owen McSoley, mother; rear 93 Aborn St [Bella, widow]627 Stephen Northup, mother; Newport1226 James Kenneday, parents; 17 Warren St [John Kennedy, melter]1431 Wlm H Dixon, parents; North End1489 Louisa B Caswell, father; Newport911 Edw Luther, parents 84 Carpenter St [not listed]1443 James Franklin, parents; 7 Tift St [John B, gasfitter]1442 Hiram Drake, mother; So Providence1235 Laughlin Clifford, mother; 15 Gapee St [Bridget, widow]1425 Peter Hackett, mother; 8 Acorn St [not listed]

Oct 1st 18671575 John F. Brown1576 Wm Spooner1577 Charles Minckle [Minkley]; Newport1578 Michael Waters [brother, John Waters, Newport]1579 Arnold Tift, jun; Woonsocket1580 Hugh Drumm, [11 (b. 1856)]1581 Frank Cramer [RS, 1870]1582 Owen Creamer; all from Prov.; all mal mis. [siblings: Frank (1061) & Ellen (1207)]1583 James A. Thomas1584 Thos O. Brien1585 Charles L. Robinson, [8 (b. 1859)]

Oct 22nd 18671586 Geo. A Bullock [check initial: found Geo H. Nyatt @4 in 1860; and no initial @ 12 1860]1587 Geo. A. Brown1589 Terrance Donnelly; theft; Pawtucket1590 Chas A. Hudson; Newport; theft of copper &c.753 Luther R. Barker; returned . not a good boy1591 Ann Cusich; vag [b. 1848; State Farm, 1870]

Nov. 5th 1867Trial:1429 Elbert Butterfield (or Fern), parents; Dodgeville1367 George [H] Cushman, mother; Saterville1276 Wlm Connery, parents; 103 So Main St [James Connery 121 So Main, coachman]

Nov 19th 1867988 Mary E. [Esther] Whitford; returned for theft1592 Geo Slatcher1593 Edward Slatcher1594 Archie McLochlin; Johnston; theft of money1595 James Kiely1596 Augustus Wolfhorst1597 Chas H. Allen; horse stealing1598 Thos Kern; horse stealing

Trial: recommended for discharge:566 Rosanna Morrison with sister Mrs. M.B. Thayer at Blackstone626 Stephen Northup, mother; Newport1425 Peter Hackett, mother; 8 Acorn St [not listed]1332 Clark C Brown, mother; near the Institution1235 Laughlin Clifford, mother; 15 Gaspee St [Bridget, widow]1009 John McKenna, parents; Pawtucket1194 Anthony Scanlon, parents; 13 Cedar St [Anthony Scanlan, laborer]1200 Chas A Knight, mother; Pawtucket1407 Michael Ryan, brother Thomas; 38 Eagle St [laborer]1506 Smith Humphrey, parents; 35 Ashburton St [George W., harness maker]1029 Michael Geary, mother; Atwells Ave [not listed]1524 Geo W Mattison, father; Johnston

November 30th 1867 (Quarterly Report)Trial:1431 Wm H Dixon, parents; Potten Avenue [not listed]1372 Robt Ash, parents; Hospital St [not listed]1420 Michael Haskins, parents; Rail Road Place [not listed]1480 John Curran, parents; Elmwood1441 Henry P Butter, mother; Newport1422 Wm H Blair, mother; Wickenden St [Mrs. William]1534 John Feeley, parents; Jersey City, NJ1175 Patrick Sullivan, parents, 96 Dean St [Dennis]886 Geo. H Humphrey, parents; Pawtucket

Dec. 3rd 18671599 Ashley Burrows; vag1600 Lucius Mead1601 William Bell1602 Albert E. Arnold

Dec. 17th 18671603 Patrick Galligan1604 Richard Speddy

Jan. 7th 18681605 John Ellis1606 Charles E. Passmore1607 Theodore E. Hall1608 Charles James1609 Daniel Hall

Jan 21st 18681610 Frank Sloan [16; 1870, RS]1611 Joseph Mulligan1612 Wm O’Brien1613 Joseph McLyman1614 John Hill1615 Delila Williams

Feb 4th 18681616 Daniel Keenan1617 John Dyer1618 Isabella Jones; vag [11, Col; b. 1857; 1870 RS]

Feb. 18th 18681619 Francis H Sisson; Smithfield; theft1620 Bradford NilesNo. 1131 John Quinn Returned; He was placed with the Shakers at Mt. Lebanon N. Y. Aug 30th 1864. About a year ago he ran away & came to Pawtucket where he has been with his uncle James Barney till a little time since he left him & leading a vagrant life was returned to us by officer Rex. Of Pawtucket.No. 1114 Eliza Hanna Returned. She was placed August 15th 1867 with Webster Edgcomb at Mystic Bridge Conn. Where she remained as domestic at $2 per week till a short time since when she left & returned to the Inst. Dr. Collins gives it as his opinion that she is pregnant. Please find his certificate herewith. 1621 John Hughes

Feb 29th, 1868 (Quarterly Report0Trial:1175 Patrick Sullivan, parents; 96 Dean St [Dennis]1257 James McNulty, father; Attleboro Mass1474 Isabella Sullivan, parents; Groton CT1221 Barney McElroy, mother; Pawtucket1574 Thos Brady, parents; Brooklyn, CT1485 Daneil Golden, parents; Fall River, MA1436 John Stratton, parents; Newport1303 Almira Fitzgerald, mother; 38 High St [Eliza, widow 33 High St]1437 Francis [M.] Pike, parents; Newport1471 James Bowen, parents; N Scituate

April 7th 18681622 Joseph Mott1623 Frank B. Gilmore [b. 1857; placed in CT 1870 with Talcott]1624 Daniel Hackett1625 John McNally1626 Ezra Humes1627 Catherine Gerson or Mc Gavin1628 Jennie Ray [or Jeanette Watson, brother Thomas Watson, Norwell MA]1629 Ellen Phetteplace1630 Ellen Corcoran1631 Edwin F. Adams1632 Michael King; all from Newport; all for theft [brother, Martin]1633 Daniel Sullivan1634 Timothy Garvey1635 Saml Pease1636 James Manning1637 Timothy Sullivan1638 William Sullivan1639 Andrew Kerwin “ “No 965 James Eustice Returned; withough trial. A companion of the above named Newport boysNo 1417 Olive Dumas and No 1450 Celia Dumas returned. Arrested in a Home of Ill Fame.No 1108 Margaret Hanna Returned from J. K. Bucklyn’s at Mystic Bridge Conn. Thought herself unable to do the work.

Trial:1233 James B. Gardner, parents; Hardenburg St [James B, switchman]1580 Hugh Drum, parents; Dorance St [not listed]

April 21st 18681641 Gilbert Landrass1642 Wm West; Pawtucket; theft1643 John Tully “

May 5th 18681644 Geo W. Williams1645 Frank FergusonNo. 864 Danl Donovan escaped some two years since; arrested & returned 1646 John Dillon1647 Adolphus DeWitt [Dwight]

May 18 18671649 Fredk Rothwell1648 Emma J. Borden

On trial, recommended to be discharged:1221 Barney McElroy, parents; Pawtucket1437 Francis Pike, parents; Newport1303 Almira Fitzgerald, mother; 38 High St [Eliza, widow 33 High St]1471 James Bowen, parents; North Scituate

June 2nd 1868

June 16th 18681650 John Walsh1651 John DeanNo 1106 Francis Haynes Returned; being reported an idle & evil disposed boy beyond the control of his Parents with whom he was staying. He was sent for & brought back his term of sentence not having expired.1652 Ella T. Wilson1653 Herbert J. Campbell

June 22nd 1868Trial:1345 Chas H. Elsbree, parents; Dyerville1233 James B. Gardner; North Providence1580 Hugh Drumm, parents; Dorance St1461 Patrick Lynch, parents; Pawtucket1573 Patrick Agers, parents; 251 Eddy St [not listed]1493 Olive P Johnson, parents; So Kingstown1494 Oscar W. Eddy, parents; 8 Ring St [Charles, fireman]1502 Patrick Butler, mother; Fall River, MA1226 James Kenneday, parents; 17 Warren St.[John Kennedy, melter]1473 Patrick Hackett, parents; Smiths Rde [not listed]1581 Frank Cramer, parents; 119 Dorance St [John, laborer]509 Ann Carrick, parents; Readville MA1348 Catherine Feeley, parents; Cranston

July 7th 18681654 Danl Connery1655 Thos W. Owens1656 Nathan Pront1657 Jacob Lewis [b. 1855]1658 James Crane

July 21st 18681659 Maryetta Cruse; Warwick1660 Alice N. [M.] Gurnsey; prostitution; PawtucketNo 1146 Cynthia Amidon Returned; Had run away from her place & was conducting very improperly1661 John Wilcox; mal mis1662 Harriet C. Higgins [brother, Ambrose M. Higgins]

Aug 4th 18681663 Elijah Humphrey; Pawtucket; setting firesNo 1524 Geo W. Mattison for profanity; sentence 5 years

Aug 18th 18681664 Ida M. Buffum; prostitution; Burrillvill1665 Danl L Burziel, jr.

Sept 1st 18681666 Hugh Burnes1667 James Brennan1668 Thos Keenan

Sept. 15th 18681669 Joseph Neilan1670 Emor Salisbury; theft of watch; 4 yrs1671 Fredk Northup1672 Charles Boss; theft of money; 2 yrs1673 Robert Higgins; theft; Smithfield Sept 22nd 1868Trial:1345 Chas H Ellsbree, parents; Dyerville1233 James Gardner, parents; N Providence1580 Hugh Drum, parents; Providence1581 Frank Cramer, parents; Providence1582 Owen Cramer, parents; Providence1348 Catherine Feeley, parents; Cranston950 John O’Rourke, parents; Langley St [not listed]1472 Edw McDonald, mother; Washington Village1525 Martin Mullen, parents; Providence1358 Geo B Brown, mother; New Shoreham1526 Edw Kerwin, parents; Apponaug, Warwick1092 Thos Cleary, mother; Central Falls1505 Nathnl C. Fowler, parents; Providence1410 Clarissa Andrews, mother; Moosup1343 Edwin H Searls, father; Providence1399 Patrick Gahegan, mother; Northbridge MA1490 Anna King, parents; Newport1570 Michael Galvin, parents; Providence

Oct 6th 18681674 Marcus Egan1675 James Lundy1678 Richard BarryNo 853 Joseph Askins Returned—ran away from his place1676 Michael Sullivan

1677 Frank Creed1679 Henry E. Thomas

Oct 20th 18681680 James Berrigan [confirmed from V. 8, p. 199]

Nov. 3rd 18681681 Alonzo Alby [Alba, spelling in v. 8, p. 198]1682 Joseph Evans1683 John F. Evans

Nov. 17th 18681684 John Bender1686 Geo W. Kimball1685 Benjamin F. Tillinghast; E. Greenwich1687 Martin Connelly1688 Martin Lowry1689 Daniel Lynch1690 Timothy Sullivan

Nov 30th 1868Trial:1581 Frank Cramer, parents; 119 Dorrance St [John, laborer]1423 Josephine Andrews, mother; Moosup CT1527 Viola Foster, parents; Pawtucket1340 Edw Carey, mother; 44 Robertson St [not listed]1453 Elizabeth Miller, parents; Pawtucket

Dec. 1st 18681691 Thos N. Albro; Newport1692 Mary Ann GaheganNo 893 Thos H. Francis Returned; He ran away from his place, & did not conduct properly.1693 Mary Jordan1694 Geo. Cleveland

Dec. 15th 18681695 Emma Johnson1696 Martha J. Johnson; both vag.

1698 Patrick Connors1697 John W. Freeman1699 Abner O. Wilbur [14, b. 1854, RI]]

Jan. 5th 18691700 Mary Ann Dority1653 Herbert Campbell a Boarder at $2 per week returned by his mother till a place can be provided for him

1289 John Crevis returned was out of employ & came back asking admission to his old Home.1136 Wm Demass from Court of Common Pleas for horse stealing. Sentence, two years.1701 James [A] McGee1702 Charls [A] Liscomb [6, b. 1863, RI]1703 Saml [F] Liscomb; both Bristol [10, b. 1860, PA]Trial:1576 Wm Spooner with parents at Newport1550 John Carroll with Parents at No__ India St.1527 Viola Foster with Parents at Pawtucket

The mother of No 1355 Sarah Hamlin asks to have her allowed to come home as she is quite feeble. Our experience with her does not favor such a course. She is frequently of so uncontrollable a temper & so abusive in her language as to give reason to fear that she could be a detriment rather than a benefit to her mother who is so weak, in both mind & body, as to render her an unsuitable advisor or director for one like Sarah. She had been doing very well for a few weeks and our hopes were that the change for the better would be permanent. And upon receiving a visit from her mother yesterday, became quite exciteable and indulged, as heretofore, in language both improper & untrue, causing quite an unpleasant state of feeling among the girls generally. She seems to wish to do better but is so exciteable as to become, for very little cause, beyond other than positive control.

The parents & Grandfather of No 1673 Robert Higginbottom ask to have him indentured to his grand Father, Joseph Goodwin of Saco Maine a well appearing old Gentleman. Joseph M. Ross esq. Of Smithfield, the Trial Justice by whom he was committed recommends that the request be granted, and being quite young, though but about 4 months here, I think it well to grant the request as removal to a farm under such circumstances would give fair promise of improving his condition.

Jan 19th 18691704 Wm G. Weaver1705 Charles Briggs [14, b. 1856]No 753 Luther R. Barker. Returned for cause by Christopher Sherman of Portsmouth.

Feb. 2 18691706 James McCahey1707 Charles McCahey; both theft1708 James McNiff [16, b. 1853, RI; brother, Thomas McNiff]1709 Nelson Malborne [12, M, b. 1857 CT]

Feb. 16th 18691710 Wm F. Chitty11711[sic, 1711] Joseph Ellis [12, b. 1857, RI]1712 Joseph Keenan

Feb 28th 1869Trial:1255 Ralph Hunt, parents; Manton1576 Wm G Spooner, parents; Newport

1661 John S Wilcox, grandfather; East Greenwich1234 Nelson Humes, father; Sterling [not listed]1578 Michael Waters, parents; Tiverton1438 Bridget Eagan, mother; Dunkirk, NY1457 Wm H Simmons, father; 11 Robertson St [Robinson St? James]

March 2nd 18691713 Eva Wilcox [b. 1858]1714 John [Geo. H.] Leonard1715 George [E.] Miller [17, b. 1852, mother Sarah A. W.]1716 Sarah [L./E.] King [17, b. 1852]

March 16th 18691717 Phebe [A] Lathrop [15, M, b. 1854, RI]

Mrs Ann E. Johnson of Warren is anxious to have a colored girl, No 1513 Topsey Johnson (so called) who has formerly lived with her and was sentenced Feby 1867 to his institution for 2 years returned to her. The 13th of August last, being in poor health, she was placed with E. W. Browning at Tower Hill—hoping the changes would be a benefit to her. She was there when her term of sentence expired and is reported as unwilling to return to Mrs J….

April 6th 18691718 Stephen O.Hearns1719 Henry Donaldson [12, b. 1857]1720 Frank W. Tennent1721 Mary E. Burk1722 Geo. [H.] Jones [b. 1852, B, Boston; brother, Lewis Jones]1723 Ella [M.] Potter; prostitution1724 Edwin A. Sanford

April 20th 18691725 Edward E. Hawkins1726 Edward Rogers

May 4th 18691727 John Hall [middle initial H.—Journal 1875-1880]1728 James Johnson1729 Lawrence O. Briggs [b. 1851, Coventry]1730 Geo. M. Boss; vag

May 18th 18691731 Charles Hudson; Pawtucket1732 Rosabella Williams

On trial:1661 John S Wilcox, grandfather; E Greenwich1234 Nelson Humes, father; Sterling, Ct

1438 Bridget Eagan, mother; Dunkirk NY

June 1st 1869

June 15th 18691733 Esther Ann Roberts 1734 John Costello1735 Frank Sherholdt1736 Cara Atkinson [17, b. 1852, Newport]

June 22nd

On trial:864 Daniel Donovan, parents; Gaspee St [Daniel laborer, Mrs. Ellen (wife of Daniel), Thomas, laborer]1355 Sarah Hamlin, mother Mrs. Cutting; corner W Clifford & Pearl St [not listed]1054 Joseph A [Albert] Braman, mother; East Providence1588 Wm Craven, grandparents; John St [William, laborer]1657 Jacob Lewis, parents; 23 Washington St [George W Cutting, Pearl St, machinist]1536 Wm Bender, parents; corner of Spruce & Crout [William, blacksmith]1575 John Brown, parents; Rockport, MA1508 Barney Ryan; aunt, 68 Charles St1626 Ezra Humes, parents; Sterling Conn.1617 John H Dyer, mother, Bark St [Mrs. Patrick]1551 Hugh Prior, brother Andrew Prior; 121 Charles St [listed]1466 Charles McDonald, parents; Westerly1606 Charles E Passmore, parents; Lime Rock Smithfield1461 Patricke Lynch, parents; Pawtucket1558 Thos Jackman, parents; 138 Fountain St [Christopher, tailor]1613 Joseph McLyman, mother; Newport1277 Thos A Gallagher, mother; South Scituate1042 Edwin Coggshall, parents; Pawtucket1586 Geo A Bullock, mother; East Greenwich

July 6th 18691737 Wm H. Field1738 Sarah E. Lake1739 Joseph Gilbert1740 Phillip O’ Riley1741 James Carney1742 James Ormsbee [b. 1859, Prov.]1743 Edward Lewis1744 Charles Finney1745 James Keegan1746 Phoebe Brownell1747 Charles H. Phillips1748 James Coyle [11, b. 1858]1749 John Coyle [9, b. 1861]

1750 Thos Daugherty1751 Peter Tierney

July 20th 18691752 Alexander Simmons1753 Patsy Burk/Burke [b. 1861, Woonsocket]No 780 Mary Sullivan Returned for running away-says “Mother told me to”1755 Wm [M] Fowler [14, b. 1855; RS in 1870]1756 Charles A. Crowell [12, b. 1857; RS in 1870]1757 [Frank Hazzard] Omitted from transcription and not numbered in v.2 but next inmate received after 1756 is this name; is in RS 1870. AND at home [b. 1858]

Aug 3rd 18691758 Phillip McNulty [12, b. 1851759 Isabella Reader

Aug. 17th 18691760 John H. Sherman [b. 1860, MA, stepfather John Parmenter, N. Providence]1761 Richard Gorham or Durham1762 James Medbury

August 31st 1869 Quarterly reportOn trial:1539 Edward F. Schock, parents; Low St [Charles, varnisher]1638 William Sullivan, parents; Newport1612 Wm O’Brien, parents; Lilly St near Atwells [Frank, operative]1637 Timothy Sullivan, parents; Newport1436 John Stratton, parents; Newport1642 Wm West, mother; “South Wood Lawn” Pawtucket1106 Francis Haynes, James Kirk (step-father); High ST Pawtucket [James M, spinner]1632 Michael King, parents; Lee Ave near gas works, Newport [John, laborer]

Sept. 7th 18691762 [sic, 1763] Michael Byron [11, b. 1858] 1764 Michael Creed [15, b. 1855]1765 Alexander Degnan1458 Thomas Robinson, returned, theft1766 Bartholomew J. McCarty1767 Francis Murphy1768 James Ganing or Thomas Ganion1769 Eliza Jane Watson

Sept 20th 18691769 Ellen J. Wilson[sic, b. 1858, placed New Shoreham 1870]]1770 Isabella G. Peavey [Mary S., cf. reference in v.2]No 988 Mary E. [Esther] Whitford Returned by D. B. Rodman for theft &c.

Oct 5th 1869No 957 Edward O’Cole returned out of employ, no home1771 Michael Falvey1772 Charles Morris [#1186: first arrested in 1864; ?reassigned a new number? spent one day in RS in 1864 and not returned from trial.]

Oct 18th 18691773 John Connors1774 James Kenneday; both Pawtucket; theft1775 James McDermot1776 Frank Britton [1777 Henry E. Allen

Nov. 2nd 18691778 Elizabeth A. Thomas1779 Lydia Clayton

Nov. 11th 18691780 John Adams1781 Elizabeth Price [Pierce]

Dec. 7th 18691782 Isaiah Christy; theft; S. Kingston1783 Walter Kelley1784 Howard Burton [b. 1856, B]1785 Geo E Williams; all theft; all Newport [B, b. 1855, NY]1786 John Sheehan [Newport: 2x]

Dec. 21st 18691787 Geo Blair [RS. 1870] & No 788 [sic, 1788] Geo L. Shepard; b & e & theft; 1789 Wells [B.] Miller [b. 18 July 1854]

On trial:1624 James McNally, parents; N Providence1636 James Manning, parents; Newport1641 Gilbert Landrass, parents; Canada1579 Arnold Tift, parents; Woonsocket1540 Annie Crowell, parents; N Providence1714 Geo H Leonard, parents; Warren1634 Timothy Garvie, parents; Newport1171 Duty J B Holland, parents; Newport1369 John McFalls, parents; Olneyville1646 John Dillon, parents; Pawtucket1654 Daniel Connery, parents; 121 So Main St [James, coachman]

Jan 4 1870998 Thos Payton

1598 Thos Keirn1437 Francis M. Pike, returned, not honest1431 Wm H. Dixon, theft1790 Geo Blandenburg [father, N. V. Blandenburg]1791 Walter R. Tucker; N. Prov [b. 1855]1792 Napoleon Cullom [Steven, operative, h. Mill St bet. Central and Charles]1793 James Tierney1794 Peter Monahan; all Pawtucket [b. 1855]1795 Michael Lively/Bailey1585 Henry Miller or Charles L. Robinson

Jan 18 18701796 James McNulty1797 Sarah E. Johnson, overseer of the poor, her aunt agreeing to pay in partTrial:1540 Annie L. Crowell with Joseph Lawton at Phenix[From v. 8, p. 176 same date][1633 Daniel Sullivan, parents Newport1625 James McNally, parents N. Providence1636 James Manning, parents Newport1641 Gilbert Landers, parents St. Michels, Canada1349 Thos Duff, aunt Bridget Hughs 38 Robertson St.565 Geo Pepall shipped on Whale ship Adelacet for 3 ½ years voyage in South Pacific Ocean.1171 Duty J. B. Holland with John Rafter, step father, Newport.

Feb. 1st 18701181 Wm O’Keefe, returned, idle & intemperate1798 John McGirl [b. 1856]1799 Wm H. Leonard1800 Thos Monahan1801 Wm H. Hunnewell; Newport [14, b. 1856, RI]1802 Allen West1803 Thos H. Leonard1804 James H. Furlong1805 Melville W. Smith1806 Wm [H] Hickey1807 Emilus/Emilas W. Darling [14, b. 1856, RI]

Feb 15th 18701141 Susan Francis, left her place does not give a good account of herself1808 Patrick Keefe; Woonsocket1809 Michael Dolan1810 Fredrick [C/S.] Briggs [17 b. 1853, RI; brother, Lawrence/Orlando Briggs]1811 Rebecca Lewis [sic, Lewry or Lewey, 14] & 1700 Mary Dorrity for vagrancy

Feb 28th 1870

On trial:1687 Martin Connelly, father; Warren1445 Thomas Burnes, parents; Waterford1669 Joseph Nelson, parents; North Providence1733 Esther A [Ann] Roberts, mother; Dodgeville1255 Ralph Hunt, parents; Balckstone, MA1150 Leonard H Ballou, parents; Smithfield1647 Aldolphus Dwight [DeWitt], parents; 211 Richmond St [not listed]1501 John Flood, parents; Olneyville1288 James Forbes, parents; Central Falls1589 Terrance Donnelly, mother; Pawtucket1266 Wm [L] Gardner, parents; So Providence

March 1st 18701812 James Kelly [12, b. 1858, RI]

March 15th 18701813 Frank Latham [12, b. 1858, RI; father, Benoni Latham, Woonsocket]

April 5th 1870 998 Thos Payton, once &…1814 Thos Armstrong, [15, b. 1855, RI]…twice…the latter a third time for store breaking1815 Geo Jackson [17, b. 1853, NY]1817 James Mathewson [12, b. 1858, RI]1816 Wm H[enry] Howland [b. 1861, MA]1818 Mathew Hackett [17, b, 1853, RI]

April 19th 18701398 Walter F. Cezer, returned owing to a disease in his head which seemed to be aggravated by the atmosphere at New Shoreham1819 John Gorman [13, b. 1857, RI]1820 Charles B. Sweet [14, b. 1856, RI1646 John Dillon, returned, not being honest or well situated to be so

May 3rd 18701821 Wm Andrews [15, b. 1855, RI]1822 Thomas Frackelton [15, 1855, NY]1823 George Higgins [13, b. 1857, RI]1524 George W. Mattison, returned. Ran away from his home with H. G. York at Westerly. Has not for some time been a good boy.

May 17th 18701539 Edward F. Shoch, returned voluntarily1561 Martin Pollard, returned. Left his place & was arrested at the Depot where he was spending his time with Boot Blacks &c.

June 7th 1870

1824 Geo. F. Coombs [11, b. 1859, MA]1825 Cassius Gordon [15, B, b. 1855, CT]1826 Charles Allen, Warren for setting fire to building1827 Otis A. Smith1828 Mary E. Cotton1540 Annie Crowell, returned. Used her tongue so freely & carelessly as to make such a course necessary to secure quiet in the neighborhood where she has lived. Her stories are so condtradictory it would almost seem that she is insane.1829 Edward Flannigan

June 21st 18701830 Charles Keegan, Woonsocket1831 Lewis L/S. Brown, Johnston1832 Thomas Collins; b & e & theft; Pawtucket1833 James Connors: “1835 Wm McGowen; “1834 John Wilson1836 Geo Davenport [b. 1858]

On trial:1608 Chas James, parents; Westerly1499 James Nugent, parents; North Providence1644 Geo H Williams, parents; 2 Thayer St [Thomas D., oysters]1544 John FitzPatrick, father; Arctic1715 Geo Miller, mother; Thompson St [Mrs Sarah A.W.]1678 Richard Barry, mother; Cranston1718 Stephen O’Hearn, parents; Woonsocket1582 Owen Cramer, father; Eddy St [John Creamer, laborer]1675 James Lundy, father; Woonsocket

July 5th 18701501 John Flood, returned, dishonest1837 James Rogers, Portsmouth1838 Michael Donohue1839 Richard Esmond, [father Thomas v. 8, p. 196]1840 Wm Baker

July 19th 18701240 Susannah Bracewell, returned, not honest & truthful1841 Thomas Hathaway1842 Wm Johnson, Newport1589 Terrence Donnelly, returned by his mother. Was getting beyond her control.

Aug 2 18701843 Joseph Davis [12, B, b. 1858]1617 John Dyer, theft1845 Wm Regers/Rogers/Rugers1846 Henry Sampson, E. Greenwich

1847 Morris Breslin

Aug 16th 18701607 Theodore Hall, theft[From v. 8, p. 186 same datePlaced out #983 Thomas H. Francis]

Sept 6th 1870 1332 Clark [E] Brown, returned, malicious mischief1848 Elsworth Peck, Bristol1849 John Cushing, Newport1850 Albert Holmes1851 Wm Bullas, malicious mischief1616 Daniel Keenan, malicious mischief1852 Albert J. Bates, Smithfield1853 Emma A Slocum; Pawtucket1854 Olive Baxton/Baxter

Sept 20th 1870 No. 982 John Smith Returned; not a good boy [father James; v8 p. 203]1855 Emma Cummings1856 Julia McGinnis1857 Rachel Cook1858 John Green1859 John Dorsey 1860 Charles Sissons

On trial:1648 John Tully, grandparents; Central Falls1704 Wm S Weaver, parents; Newport1739 Joseph Gilbert, parents; Woonsocket1730 Geo M Boss, parents; Lonsdale1775 James McDermot, parents; Olneyville1754 James Raney [Jr.], parents; Apponaug1711 Joseph Ellis, parents; Hope Village

Oct 4th 18701861 Castenia Thomspon, Newport1862 David Donaldson1863 Thomas Wright1864 Arnold C. Gardner

Oct 18th 18701865 Arthur Keenan1866 Edward Graham1867 John E. Collins, Westerly1868 John Henderson1869 Timothy Horan

1522 Ella Champlin, theft1633 Daniel Sullivan, returned for cause

Oct 31 18701870 Lawrence Gorman

Nov. 15th 18701871 John McGinn1872 George W. Harrison

Nov 30th 1870 Quarterly ReportOn trial:1645 Francis Furgeson [Ferguson], parents; So Providence 1756 Charles A Crowell, mother; Newport1755 Wm [M] Fowler, parents; Newport [father George, v. 8, p. 189]1751 Peter Tierney, parents; Lebanon Ct1728 James H Johnson, Jr. parents; Newport1722 Geo Jones, parents; 134 Rice St [not listed]1680 James Berrigan, grandmother; England1584 Thos O’Brien, parents; Lippet St [William, laborer]

Dec. 6th 18701873 John Falvey1874 Edward Kenney1875 Allie Capron1876 Amelia Stanfield [Stansfield]; Smithfield; prostitution [sister, Eliza, Mrs. John Worth]1877 Albert Miller1878 [Thomas] Andrew Galligher [17]1879 Joseph M. Smith, [b.

Dec. 20th 18701880 Edgar J. Crandall1881 John Aspell1882 Emma Johnson [B, b. 1858, NY]1883 Henrietta Johnson; both theft [B, b. 1855, NY]1884 James G. Wood

Jan 15 18711885 John Hutchinson [B]1886 Walter SpencerNo 918 Deborah A Gibson Returned. Not well, she says, or able to work. Her Mistress says Naughty & unwilling to do as told.

Feb. 7 18711888 Mary Atkinson1889 Wm Kaull [grandparents, Newport]

1890 Walter G. Totten [father, Nathaniel G.; h. Mary, corner Crary; 1st engineer, steamer No. 7; ?fireman?]1891 Edward Grimbly, contempt of court1892 James Devine

Feb. 21 18711893 Danl O’Neil, Pawtucket1894 John Pryor/Prior, Pawtucket1895 John Kenneday, Cumberland1896 Adian/Adin [W.] Ray, Cumberland [twin, Addison S.]1897 Thomas Curran, Woonsocket1898 John T. Smith, Providence1899 Joseph Williams, “1900 Timothy Lynch, [2x] “1901 John Monahan, “1902 Frank Leonard, “

March 7th 1871 1903 Martin F/A. Boyle [Check initial]1904 Hattie Robbins [16, B, b. 1855, RI]

March 21st 18711905 Nellie E. Brown

On Trial:1487 Eleanor Leach, mother; Warwick950 John O’Rourk, parents; New Haven, CT1371 Stephen McDonough, parents; 21 Jefferson St [not listed]1842 Wm Johnson, parents; Philadelphia, PA1667 James Brennan, parents; 38 Back St [John, miller]1645 Frank Ferguson, So Providence

April 4th 18711906 Patrick Verdon1907 Henry Quinn1908 Ervin/Irvin Streeter1909 Herbert F. Brown1910 John McCarron

April 18th 18711911 George Washington Kendar [11, b. 1860, RI]

May 2nd 18711912 Wm S. Green1913 Thos Lannagan

May 16th 18711914 Nancy M Hopkins, prostitution [14, b. 1857, RI; brother, Daniel S. Hopkins]

1915 Cornelius Cox1916 Otis [S] Capen [father, George O., 43 Colfax St., agent]1917 Frank Packard1918 John Taylor1919 Thos McFarland [b. 1861, Ireland]

May 31st 1871 Quarterly ReportOn trial:1578 Michael Waters, brother John Waters, Newport [carpenter, 368 Prairie Ave]1867 John E Collins, parents; Westerly1762 James Medbury, grandfather Joseph Mebury; Harmony1181 Wm O’Keefe, parents; Plane St [William Keefe, mason]1764 Michael Creed, parents; rear of Randall St [no Creeds listed]1780 John L Adams, parents; Stafford Springs, CT1761 Richard Gorham or Derham, father; 121 Charles St [none listed under either name]1830 Chas Keegan, parents; New Haven. CT 44 Morocco St1732 Rosabella Williams, mother (care of F. Burgess); 13 Market Sq [Fredk Burgess]1800 Thos Monahan, mother; 6 Trainor St [Margaret, widow]1729 Orlando E. Briggs, parents; Rehoboth, MA1717 Phoebe Lathrop, mother; Charlestown 1784 Howard Burton, parents; 35 Levin St Newport [colored, Benjamin carman]1819 John Gorman, parents; Dyer Nursery Rd near Silver Lake1788 Geo L. Shepard, mother; 88 Sheldon St [Mrs. Asenath]1771 Michael Falvey, parents; Olneyville1622 Joseph Mott, parents; Pond St [Isaac, hostler]1853 Emma Slocum, parents; Pawtucket1785 Geo E Williams, parents; Newport1354 Maggie Garrick, mother; Newport1417 Olive Dumass, mother; Pawtucket 7 Cottage St [Miss Olive Demar, tailoress]

June 6th 18711920 Wm Tillinghast1921 Peter Mahony1922 Nellie Coyle

June 27th 1871 1923 Josephine Mitchell

July 11th 18711924 Mary Sullivan1925 Thomas Rawley1926 Wm Barker1927 John Barker1928 James Eldridge; Newport1929 James A. Marsh1930 Emily H. Smith

Aug 1 18711931 Sarah Gardner1932 Margaret Mahoney

Aug 15 18711933 John Cox1934 Wm P. Talbot1935 James McKelvy1936 Patrick Welch1937 Saml P. Warden1938 James H. Hampton1939 Joseph Skees

August 31st 1871On trial:1264 Wm F Sweet, parents; Central Falls1819 John Gorman, parents; Johnston1741 James Carney, parents; 4 Riley St [James, laborer at 1 Riley]1818 Matw Hackett, parents; Woonsocket1763 Michael Byron, parents; 315 Eddy St [not listed]1624 Daniel Hackett, parents; No Providence1897 Thos Curran, parents; to go to California1801 Wm H Hunnewell, parents; Newport1814 Thos Armstrong, grandparents; Woonsocket1817 James W Mathewson, parents, So scituate1769 Eliza J Wilson, parents; 663 N Main St [Alexander, machinist at 613 N Main]1791 Walter Tucker, parents; No Providence

Sept 5th 18711940 Edward T. Rogers1941 James Otis1942 Anna McCanna1943 Edward Wheeler

Sept 26th 18711944 Thos N. Kelly1945 Cora B. Cameron1946 Joseph J. Elcked [v. 8, p. 228: 1946 Joseph Eldridge or Eldred]

Oct 3rd 18711947 Nancy Eser

Oct 17th 18711948 Geo Smith1949 John Smith1950 Geo Manning1951 John Powers

Nov. 7th 18711952 Lewis Simpson1953 Samuel Simpson1954 John McDonald1955 Joseph McNally 1956 Francis Sheehan

Nov. 21 18711957 John F. Bresman/Braman/Brennan [v. 8, p. 243 lists him clearly as Brennan]1958 James Halden1959 James Gillan

Dec. 5th 18711960 Edward Fair, jrDec. 26th 18711961 Jessie Davis1962 Jeremiah Doyle [colored, from Barbados]1963 Arthur Jolls [Joels]

Dec 26th Quarterly ReportOn Trial:1451 Prudence Hughes, mother; Smith’s Hill1821 Edw Flanagan, mother; to go to Colorado1565 Sarah E Weeden, parents; Westerly1806 Wm Hickey, mother; No Providence1879 Joseph M Smith, grandmother; Pawtucket1398 Walter F. Cegan, parents; Kane St [none listed]922 Michael Whitney, sister; No Providence1330 James Knowlton, parents; Burgess St [no listing]1774 James Kenneday, parents; Central Falls1794 Peter Minsham [?], parents; Central Falls1812 James Kelly, parents; So Kingstown1660 Alice Grimsey, mother; Chelsea MA1731 Charles E Hudson, parents; Central Falls1947 Nancy Esser, parents; Pawtucket

Jan 2nd 1871[sic, 1872]1964 Geo A. Walker1965 Benjamin Jackson

Jan 16th 1872 1966 James McDermot

Feb. 6th 18721967 James Doonan [parents at 75 Swan Street: John, laborer, h. 75 Swan]1968 James Brown1969 John Garrity

Feb. 20th 18721970 John McCanna1971 Thos Conley1972 Charles H. Gibbs1973 [George A. McMahon] do do do

March 5th 18721974 Thomas Mullen1975 Jas Fielding [12, b. 1860, RI]1976 Frank Smith1977 Wm H. Baton, Hopkinton, theft.

March 26th 18721978 Michael J. Burnes1979 James Alderson [15, b. 1857, RI]1980 Benjamin Green [b. 1859, B, Prov.]1981 James E, Sherman [9, b. 1863, RI]1982 Samuel G. West [16, b. 1856, RI]1983 Dennis Sullivan1984 John J. Janson [10, b. 1862, RI]

On Trial:1715 Geo Miller, mother; William St [not listed]1794 Peter Monahan, parents; corner of Woodbine & Pine St [none listed]1632 Michael King, brother Martin; 5 Tippecanoe [engineer]1060 Thos Nelligan, brother HPN; Gaspee St [not listed]1834 John Wilson, parents; Power St [not listed]982 John Smith, parents; Acorn St [ John S., tailor on Aborn]1787 George Blair, mother; 39 Wickenden St [Mrs. Wm.]1915 Cornelius Cox, parents; 199 Atwells Ave1799 Wm Leonard, parents; Gaspee St

April 2 1872 1985 Walter Morgan

April 16th 1872 1986 Frank Smith1987 Thomas Stevens1988 Patrick M. Early [b. 1864: RS in 1880]. May 7th 18721989 James Johnson1990 John Parkenson [check spelling in all documents: Parkerson?]1991 Charles Simms[Simmons]1992 Bruce Hicks [b. 1856, B, NY]1993 Charles Cady 1994 Edward Minton

1995 John Smith1996 Francis Welch

Rhode Island Historical SocietyMss 214, sg3, Series 2, Vol 6Providence Reform School Reports 1872-1878

[Abstracted July 2005: supplemental to Journals]

May 21 18721997 Simeon [A] Newman; [9, b. 1863, RI]

June 4th 18721998 Mary Wilson1999 George Dewick [16, b. 1856, Newport]2000 John Flarity2001 Francis Carney2002 Alice Duncan2003 Mary Ann Larkin; theft; Lincoln2004 Cornelius Haley; 2005 Archie McLain/McLane [16, b. 1856, RI]2006 James Batson2007 John Maloney2008 Wm Maloney

June 25th 1872 2009 Charles Cavanaugh2010 Martin Galvin [12. b. 1860. RI]2011 Daniel Ivers [14, b. 1858, RI]2012 James Cullen2013 Wm Milliken2014 Michael Leddy [14, b. 1858, RI]

July 16 18722015 Thomas Gleason; Woonsocket [2016 David C. Chuck/Kruck [v. 8, p. 246 lists name as Kruch]2017 Terrence McHugh2018 Robert Mulvey [17, b. 1855, RI]2019 Mary Whalen

Aug. 6th 18722020 Irving M. Martin [2021 James Cavanaugh; theft; Woonsocket2022 Charles Rourke; “

2023 Thomas Collins; “

Aug 20th 18722024 Katy M. Briggs [16, b. 1856, RI]2025 John Tilford; Newport2026 John McCasker2027 Lannetta/Larretta/Lenoretta Clark2028 Wm. H. Watson, Jr.; theft; Newport [father William H.]2029 Edward McClarrens2030 Frank Wicks2031 James Draper

Sept 3rd 18722032 Peter Wickoff

Sept. 24th 1872 2033 John Rooke or Roope; vag; Pawtucket2034 Irving E. Batty/Battey2035 Edward Sweeney [brother, John Sweeney jr.]2036 Cynthia M. Ward [10, B, b. 1862, NY]

Oct 15th 18722037 Joseph Potter; theft; s Kingston2038 Geo. E. Williams2039 Hiram [C.] Sunderland [b. 1862, RI]2040 Jerry Falvey; theft

Nov. 19 18722041 Christopher Ward2042 Frances/Terrance Smith2043 Geo. Henry [Jr.]2044 Charles Cassidy2045 John Conley2046 Edward Gangion; Woonsocket2047 Mary Siegmious

Dec. 10th 18722048 Catherine Millett; theft2049 Wm. Johnson2050 Geo. Fielding [9, b. 1863, England/RI]

Dec. 24th 18722051 Henry Watson2052 Thomas Burnes

Jan 7th 18732053 Thomas P. Waters

Jan 21st 18732054 Patrick Sweeney

2055 John Valvey; theft; N. Prov2056 Michael Toomey; theft; Newport2057 Frank Cram; theft2058 Clarence Winslow; theft

Feb. 18th 18732059 Emma Thompson

March 4th 18732060 John Henry Devine

March 25th 18732061 Mary Thornton2062 Leonard Angell2063 Edward Smith2064 Joseph Conway2065 Lorenzo Reed

April 1st 18732066 Charles L. Carson2067 Wm L. Bates; larceny; Newport

April 15th 18732068 Timothy Hanley

May 20th 18732069 John Drape(r) [brother, Joseph W. Drape]2070 Catherine Brannan2071 Catherine McCarthy2072 Frederick A. Cahoon [b. 1867]2073 Almon/Elmer F. Cahoon [b. 1866]2074 Thomas Mason

June 3rd 18732075 Henry Lautenberger2076 Albert Fleckhamer2077 Joseph Kennay2078 John Vinal

June 24th 18732079 Burnside Warner [b. 1862, father, Chester; half brother, Edwin S. Jepherson] 2080 Wheaton Sherman2081 Albert H. Johnson [B, b.1858 MD]2082 James McCarthy

July 1st 18732083 John Finn2084 James Murry

2085 Thomas McMahon2086 Henry Collins2087 William Lee2088 Charles J. Mallon

July 15th 18732089 Wm Riley2090 Edward Sterns2091 Matilda Cooney2092 Wm Hurley2093 Cordelia T. Lines

Aug 5th 18732094 Maggie Dugan2095 Thomas Dorsey2096 Geo. Roderick2097 Dennis McGirl2098 Edward Murry2099 Charles Ledoux2100 James M. Hathaway2101 Patrick Gillany

Aug. 19th 18732102 Patrick Riley2103 John Ashton [b. 1863, ME]2104 Thomas Riley2105 Frederick Bethel [b. 1861]2106 Daniel McCarty

Sept 2nd 18732107 Rosey Goff2108 Ellen Patt2109 Jennie Bly; theft; Pawtucket2110 Wm Tew

Sept 23rd 18732111 Harry J. Melville2112 Thos E. Tripp2113 James Murphy; vag; N. Prov2114 Wm Murphy; vag; N. Prov. [brothers]2115 John Smith2116 John J Gillan2117 Patrick Boran2118 Daniel Cline2119 Thomas Connors2120 Edward DenganOct 7th 18732121 Wm Richie

2122 James Cosgrove2123 John Cooney2124 James Cooney2125 Joseph Sheekey [father John, or mother Ann with another father]2126 Patrick Martin2127 Thomas Gilroy2128 Matthew Brooks2129 James McKenna2130 John Goff

Oct 21 18732131 Frank Toman2132 William A. Bly; Pawtucket; vag

Nov. 4th 18732133 Walter R. Tucker2134 Walter [S] Johnson [B, b. VA; Journal 1875-1880]2135 William Carter2136 Francis Hannon

Nov. 18th 18732135 Wm Carter2137 James Quinn2138 Mary J. Farrell [b. 1858, RI]2139 Albert Johnson [15, b. 1858, B, MD]2140 Wm Shay2141 Charles Luther

Dec. 2nd 18732142 Daniel Carr [Daniel Carr?]2143 Charles M. [H.] Church2144 Edward S. Lillibridge [b. 1862]

Dec. 23rd 18732145 George McGee2146 John McElroy2147 Felix Galloghy2148 John [F.] Green2149 Wm Gromley2150 John Keogh2151 Thomas Briggs2152 George Battine [Newport]2153 Mary J McGinn2154 George Cote

Jan 6 1874

2155 Ella P. Baker; stubbornness; Cov.2156 Julia Lynch or Emma Brown; vag2157 Michael Y. Doran; vag; N Prov2158 Charles Clark; Newport; assault his mother2159 James Leach

Jan 20 18742160 Peter [H.] Dyer [father, John Dyer, Blackstone]2161 Simon Hindle

Feb. 3 18742162 Fredk Ulton2163 Geo W. Geer2164 Wm H. Deecon2165 Priscilla Pernell [b. 1859, d. March 1874 Scarlet Fever, Col’d: parents, John & Patience]2166 George E. Lapham

Feb. 17th 18742167 Lyman W. ChaceNo 1863 Thomas Wright

March 3rd 18742168 Samuel Buffum2169 Geo Tanner

March 24 18742170 Frank Congdon2171 Mary E. Lake; vag; Bristol2172 Edward Brian2173 Frank H. Lapham2174 Maggie Sullivan [b. 1852, Prov.]2175 Sarah McGinn; N Prov; prostitution [with St. Vitus Dance—Journal 1875-1880]2176 Frank McCramm

April 7th 18742177 Wm Reed2178 John H. Roddy [Reddy]

April 21st 18742179 Burt Gorton

May 5th 18742181 Edward Duffy2182 Henry Brailey [grandfather, Jeremiah Brailey]2168 Frank [Samuel] Buffum died at 2 /12 o’clock

May 19th 18742183 Phebe Smith

June 2nd 18742184 Thomas Wilbur2185 Alvah H. Rogers2186 James Martin2187 Ida Eldridge; Newport;

June 16th 18742188 Edward Toman2189 Thomas Gleason2190 Ida W. Lake; Pawtucket; vag

July 7th 18742191 Thomas McGuire2192 Wm M. Rounds

July 21 18742193 Michael Dolan2194 Albert D. Park2195 Judd/Judson [Weeden] James [10, B, b. 1864, NY]2196 James H. Glancey2197 James A. Bennet

July 21st 18742198 Geo B. Burdick2199 Robert Welsh; Newport2200 Clara Schofield2201 Charles L. Butler [b. 1857, Newport]

Aug 5th 18742202 Albert F. Spencer [b. 1861, B, NY]2203 Edward Andrews2204 John Fitz2205 John J. Denahy2206 John McEvey

Sept 1st 1874220 [sic, 2208] Frank [L] Baxter [Journal 1875-1880, Providence City Hall, #22082209 Peter Cassady2210 Vernilla Crumb; Westerly; theft [10/13, b. 1863/1859, RI]2211 James Carroll2212 Wm H. Baker [13, b. 1861, RI]

Sept 22 18742213 James Shaw [14, b. 1860]2214 Wm Weeden [2x: solve for sister’s death, Feb. 1874]

2207 Wm Dobson [from Chicago: mystery]2215 Peter Dougherty2218 John Murty2216 Edward Cramer2217 Edward Gormly/Gormley [2x]

Oct 5th 18742219 Alice B. Haskins; vag2220 Theodore D. Leach

Oct 20th 18742221 Thomas Angell [12, b. 1863, RI: mystery names: Thomas H. Jordan]

Nov. 3rd 18742222 Wm A/H. Barker2223 Charles Bender2224 Wm J. Cower [alias Martin, mother Newport: Journal 1875-1880]2225 Charles H. Hopkins; Scituate

Nov. 17th 18742226 Frank Figurado; also as Isiah; a common drunkard

Dec. 1st 18742227 Patrick Short

Dec. 22nd 18742228 Patrick McLaughlin2229 Wm F. Murray2230 John Doyle2031[sic, 2231] James Morrisey/Morrissey [7, b. 1869, RI]2232 Edward Shannon2233 Charles Higgins2234 Walter Frances; [B, b. 1860, RI]2235 William Francis [B, b. 1858, NY]2236 Harriet Dixon [B, b. 1859, MD]

Jan 5 18752237 Michael H. Hunt [13, b. 1862, RI]

Jan 26th 18752238 Charles Lamphire2239 James E. Lewin [b. ~1865]

Feb. 2nd 18752240 Angus R. Patten [b. 1858; orphanage 1870]

Feb 16 18752241 Frank/Francis Inglesby; Cranston

March 2nd 18752242 Mary J. Taft

March 23rd 18752243 Brian/Byron Rockwood; Coventry; profanity [13, b. 1862]2244 Charles Richards

April 6th 18752245 Arthur H. Gears [7, M, b. 1868, RI]2246 Frank Bisbee

April 21 18752247 Edward McMillan [B, b. 1861, Georgia]2248 Charles Brown [B, b. 1861, DC]

May 4th 18752250 Ida E. McKenna2251 Frank Carpenter

May 18th 18752252 Willie Cornan2253 Percival Terry2254 Georgianna Benson; vag [B, b. 1860, RI]2255 Hattie D. Smith [m. Wilbur: 14, b. 1861, RI]

June 1st 18752256 Joseph Hackett2257 Catherine McMann [McManus]

June 22 18752258 Rachel J. Rollins; Newport2259 John Barey2260 Frank L. Miller [b. 1862]2261Wayne Tucker2262 Albert Leoffler2263 Thos McCabeJuly 6 18752264 Timothy Lynch2265 Frank Hurtado, [stepfather]

July 20th 18752266 Mary Mealy, Newport2267 Joseph Smith2268 James May

Aug. 3rd 18752269 Fannie Johnson [B]

2270 Joseph Grimley [16, b. 1859, RI]2271 Richard McGlinn

Aug 17th 18752272 Anne M. Siebel; Tiverton; vag [17, b. 1858, MA]2273 Geo H. Sherman [8, b. 1867. RI]2274 Olney B. Tanner; Scituate [18, b. 1857, RI]2275 John McKenna2276 John Clark2277 Margaret McGinn2278 Daniel Sullivan2279 Charles [E.] Frawley [9, b. 1866, RI]2280 James Shea

Sept. 7th 18752281 Joseph Cabase2282 John Harrington2283 Rufus Carpenter [6, b. 1868, RI]2284 James Quirk [2x]2285 Lucy A. Munroe; E. Prov. Prostitution [16, b. 1859, RI]2286 Joseph Parson2287 James Dailey/Daily [7, b. 1868, RI]2288 Wm Kinsley2289 Charles Gale [10, b. 1865, RI]2290 Sarah Ann Joynes [12, b. 1863, NY]

Sept 21st 18752291 Joseph Fitzpatrick2292 Augusta Goodspeed2293 Margaret Splain; Warren

Oct 5th 18752294 Rolland G. Park2295 Michael Mahen

Oct 19th 18752296 John G. Geraghty2297 Daniel H. Weaver [8, b. 1867, RI]2298 Patrick Benson, Jr; all Newport

Nov. 2 18752299 Augustus Simpson; Woonsocket2300 Frank Roderick [9, b. 1866, RI: brother, #2098 George Roderick, Newport]2301 Peter Carter

Nov. 16th 18752302 [William Kelley]2303 Charles R. Gibbs [17, b. 1858, RI]

2304 Frank Eddy [15, b. 1860, CA]

Dec. 7th 18752305 James Callahan2306 Wm [Willie O.] Hackett/Hacket [8, b. 1867, RI]2307 John [A] Church [15, b. 1860, RI]2308 Wm Freeman [Too many]2309 Thos Madden [Too many]2310 Everett L. Cranston [15, b. 1860, MN]2311 Addison Gardner [15, b. 1860, CT]2312 Henry Mitchel [Too many]

Dec. 21st 1875None

Jan 4th 18762313 Walter Champlin [16, b. 1860, RI]2282 John Harrington, picking pockets

Jan 25th 18762314 Michael O’Tool, [Westerly]2315 Dennis Dayler [15, b. 1861, RI]2316 John Elouthel, [Elonthel; Woonsocket]2317 Thomas Frank, [Woonsocket]1655 Thomas Owens, [mother, Harwood St]

Feb. 1 18762318 James H. Williams, Pawtucket1915 Cornelious Cox &1902 Frank Leonard arrested and to be returned[From Journal 1875-1880, p. 14: “They have been so long in the way of evil there seems little hope for their reformation.”]2194 Albert D. Park received for theft

Feb. 15th 18762319 Frank Rose2320 Annie Dennis2321 Irving Babcock; Westerly2322 Ida Ambler, boarder [Journal 1875-1880: “She seems a very strange girl of some 12 or 14 years. Either partially Non Compos or Insane. Etc] 1731 Charles E. Hudson, returned, Pawtucket, doing badly

March 7th 18762323 John Ferguson, Pawtucket2324 Maggie J. Cleary; S. Kingston vagrancy or [prostitution]2325 Charles Brown; E. Prov.2326 Malvina Thomas

2327 Jennie Devendoff [13, M, b. 1863, NY]2328 Joseph Deprey, malicious mischief2329 Henry W. WillardNo. 2272 Ann M Seibel returned from state alms house [Journal 1875-1880

March 21st 18762330 Charles Bates; Coventry; stubbornness & disobedience2331 Emma Truesdell, boarder2332 Thomas Dewine, malicious mischief2333 William Patten, Pawtucket, theft2334 Geo Baker2335 Florence McCarty &2336 Timothy Quinn; received from Court of Common Pleas for assault with intent to ravish [Journal 1875-1880 links them in the ravishing?][From Journal 1875-1880: “1731 [Charles E.] Hudson…pleaded guilty to being with boys who set fire to a switch house in Pawtucket was sentenced to the Newport Jail for ten (10) months…”][From Journal 1875-1880: “No 2132 Wm Bly returned …He has been arrested twice this week for Revelling the first time fined and now returned. He is a bad boy says “You can do me no good” and the prospect is not good that we shall. We will try to prevent his Revelling at Pawtucket.”]

April 4th 18762337 Thomas Campbell, burning a building2338 Charles G. Sieler [Seeler]2339 John George2187 Ira Eldridge, parents Newport1984 Daniel Sullivan, [parents 145 Martin St.]

April 18th 18762283 Rufus Carpenter returned by mother; truant & troubles her2228 Patk McLaughlin returned by marshall, Woonsocket cause trouble at home1728 James Johnson placed with father, Newport2140 William Shay, parents Newport

May 2nd 18762340 Wm Lyons, So. Kingston [Klenk; father Gottlieb Journal 1875-1880]2209 Peter Cassidy, parents 56 Martin St.

May 16th 18762341 Patrick Burns or Byrne2342 Aaron W. Rosenthal, boarder from NY2265 Frank Hurtado, returned by stepfather, Jenkins Jones.

June 6th 1876

June 20th 1876

2343 Hattie Craig, theft [B, b. DC, 1862]2344 Amos[L.] Jackson, Warwick, attempt to burn a building [B.—Journal 1875-1880]3445 [sic,2345] Timothy J. Sullivan2346 James Murphy2347 Joseph Mullen2348 Edward A Oppen, boarder1809 Michael Dolan, returned, stolen from parents & run away.2112 Thomas E. Tripp, returned, stole money2022 Charles Rourke, placed with mother, Woonsocket2152 Geo Battien, returned from Newport, drunkenness & assault

July 4th 18762349 James Fizz, Newport, theft2350 Fredk O. H. Bowen, Jr &2351 Napoleon Fisher; E Greenwich2352 Hugh Wiley &2353 John Edgers, E. Greenwich, vagrancy2354 Elizabeth Falvey; Woonsocket2206 John McEvey, breaking & entering at night2355 Lawrence McKenna, ditto, companion of McEvey2356 Patrick Sullivan2275 McKenna placed [aunt Mrs J. H. Parker, 135 Atwells Ave.]

July 18th 18762357 Frank O’Neil [too many possible]2358 Martin Shea2080 Wheaton Sherman, parents Pontiac St near Greenwich St.1998 Mary Wilson, parents Centerdale

Aug 1st 18762359 Herbert L Wright; Scituate2360 Hannah C. Perkins2361 Mary L. Butts2362 Chas. W. H. Jones (col’d)

Aug. 15th 18762363 Jno Kelly2364 Michael Harrigan2365 Michael Doyle2366 Michael Ryan2367 Henry M. Brown

Sept. 5th 18762368 Owen Goff; Pawtucket2369 Patrick Moran2370 Etta L. Crumb [14, b. 1862, RI]

2371 William [H.] Barrows

Sept. 26th 1876

Oct. 3rd 18762372 William Kelly2373 John Flynn

Oct 17th 18762374 Michael Rafferty2375 [Charles] Archibald Holden [17, B, b. 1861]

Nov. 7th 18762376 David Sliney2377 Joseph Hull2378 William Griffin2379 Robt. B. C. Blackburn2380 Henrietta Bucklin

Nov. 21 18762381 Henry Kirby2382 Patrick Harty2383 George Harris

Dec. 5th 18762384 Mary Mahany2385 Bridget McMahon2386 John Sullivan2387 Michael Martin

Dec. 26th 18762388 Thomas Murphy2389 William Alger2390 Morey Alger2391 William Ray2392 Andrew Donnelly, Jr2393 Edward Coyle2394 Michael O’Brien2395 J. Lionel Wells; Bristol

Jan 2 18772396 James/Joseph McAloon; vag2397 Henry Carney; vag2398 Adelia Briggs; theft2399 Bernard Garney; theft2400 Thomas McGourty; theft

Jan 16 18772401 Henry Smith; shop brk2402 William McLane; rec stolen good2403 Bernard McAloon; theft [17, b. 1860, RI]2404 Edward Norris; theft2405 James Welch; theft

Jan 23rd 18772406 John Roach; theft2407 John Coyle; vag2408 William Hughes; disord

Feb. 6 1877[none]

Feb. 20 1877 2409 Nicholas K. Card; theft2410 Frederick Thompson; disord2411 Carolina Williston; disord2412 Susan Parker; lewdness2413 John Riley; theft; Woonsocket;2414 Patrick Riley; theft; “2415 Patrick McManus; theft; “2416 William Camp

March 6 18772417 Daniel N. Watson; theft2418 James Arundel; theft; warren2419 Walter E. Cooper; vag [B, deaf-mute]

March 20 18772420 Stephen Haney; theft2421 Terrance Hanaway; theft2422 Frank Lahue; theft2423 William Keyes; theft

April 3rd 18772424 Richard McDonald; theft2425 Patrick Murta; theft; warren

April 17 18772426 Ethelbert S. Brown; theft2427 James Barry; 2428 William Walsh;

May 1 18772429 William Burke; theft2430 James O’Gara; theft

2431 John O’Brien; theft2432 Martin O’Brien; theft2433 Robert F. Fenner; theft; Johnston2434 Charles C. Fenner; ass; “2435 Joseph H. Fenner; theft “2436 Edward Burke; theft May 15 18772437 Joseph Pollitt; theft; Lincoln2438 Michael O’Neil/O’Neal; theft; “2439 James O’Neil/O’Neal; theft; “2440 James Slocum; theft, Johnston2441 Leonard Francis; theft

June 5th 18772442 Peter Martin; theft2443 Henry Grimley; vag [7, b. 1870, Ireland]2444 Rowland Hazard; theft2445 John T. Maloney; theft; Lincoln2446 Herbert Angell; Lincoln2447 John West;

June 19th 18772448 Antonio Joseph2449 William V. Gilmore; vag [9, b. 1868, MA]2450 Stephen E. Harvey; theft, Lincoln2451 Charles A. Wilson; theft, Warwick2452 George [H.] Sweetland; 2453 Charles E. Wilson; embezz

July 3rd 18772452 Richard F. Crosley

July 17 18772455 William James, Jr.; theft; Newport2456 Michael Donahue, Jr; theft; Warren [17, b. 1860, RI]2457 Lewis E. Budlong; theft [14. b. 1863, RI]2458 Daniel J. Howland; theft2459 John Short; theft/vagrancy; Lincoln

Aug 7th 18772460 Jesse Burrows; theft2461 Sarah Short; vag2462 Alferetta Wallace; vag; Pawtucket [15, b. 1862, MA]2463 John Duffy; abetting forgery

Aug 21 18772464 James O’Neil; theft

2465 Arthur Bryant; [10, b., B 1867, MA]2466 Thomas Nance; vag2467 Walter Champlin; vag [17, b. 1860, RI]2468 George W. Braley; theft2469 Ephraim Miller; mal mis; [12, b. 1865, RI: mother, Lucinda]

Sept. 4th 18772470 Charles Jordan; theft2471 Annie Reynolds; [14] from children’s home [1870 census]2472 George H. Smith; 2473 William Oatley; theft [9, b. 1868, RI]

Sept. 18 18772474 Edward Mehan; theft2475 John O’Donald; theft2476 Charles Ballou; theft2477 John Ballou; theft2478 Joseph Hennesbery; vag2479 Daniel Mahanney;

Oct. 2nd 18772480 Ella Goodspeed; vag2481 Edward E. Dawley; theft2482 Simeon Crowell; vag [16, b. 1864, MA]

Oct 16th 18772483 John Pendergast; theft [11, b. 1866, CT]2484 Rebecca J. Potter; disobt; Coventry [10, b. 1867, RI]2485 Jeremiah Sullivan; theft2486 John Hopkins; 2487 Edward Wafer [11, b. 1866, RI]

Nov. 6 1877[none]

Nov 20 18772488 Mary Kelly; vag [17, b. 1860, RI]

Dec. 4th 18772489 Thomas Casey; theft2490 Thomas Fitzgerald; vag2491 Charles H. Batty; vag [initial confirmed V. 1875-1880]2492 Lizzie C. Darling; vag; N. Smithfield [14, b. 1863, MA]2493 William Holmes; vag

Jan 1 18782494 James E. Friery; theft

2495 John McMaugh; theft [check McWaugh]2496 John Conners [10, b. 18676, UKN]2497 Fayette B. Crandell1498 William Jencks2499 Frank Hyde [12, b. 1866, RI]2500 Salsbury Hall2501 Charles Talbot2502 Edward Hawkins2503 Charles J. Budlong [11, b. 1867, RI]2504 Julia [M.] Scanlon [15, b. 1863, RI]2505 Martin Murphy [9, b. 1871, RI]2506 John Tehan [10, b. 1868, RI]2507 William Riley2508 Patrick Harris [Journal 1875-1880, Dec. 29, 1878]

Jan 15 1878[none]

Feb. 5th 1878[none]

Feb. 19th 18782509 Mary E. Weeden [14, b. 1864, RI]2510 George Dean

March 5th 18782511 William Hamilton [11, b. 1867]2512 Josephine Smith [16, B, b. 1862, RI]2513 Mary Brooks

March 19th 18782514 Cornelius Hoar;

April 2nd 18782515 Mary J. Casey2516 Josiah/Jonah Richardson [13, b. 1865, RI]2517 William P. Hudson2518 Frank H. Childs

April 16th 18782519 Benjamin Franklin; [16, b. 1862, RI]2520 Thomas O’Brien2521 William O’Brien2522 Elwin E. Smith2523 Alfred Gaspere2524 Frank Darner2525 George Wilcox2526 Francis O’Connors

2527 John Flynn

May 7 18782528 Edwin O’Cady2529 Louis Schoch2530 George Walbourn2531 John Redington2532 John Fanning2533 Christie Cavanagh2534 Erastus Durgin; Pawtucket [10, b. 1868, NY]2535 John Durgin; “ [8, b. 1870, RI]2536 Eugene Ide2537 John F. Sweeney [13, b. 1865, MA]

May 21st 18782538 John Tynan2539 Michael Sullivan [13, b. 1865, RI]2540 William Kennedy 2541 John Whalen [12, b. 1866, Newfoundland]2542 Thomas Gordon

June 4th 18782543 James Millett2544 John Titus [b. 1866, NY; Orphan home, 1870]2545 James McCann

June 18th 18782546 Elizabeth Smith [13, b. 1865, RI]2547 Thomas Malarkey2548 John McCarthy2549 John Roderick

July 2 18782550 Dora Irons [B, b. 1869]2551 William Johnson2552 Michael McGuinn2553 John Wright2554 Nathan Volker [14, b. 1865, RI: Frederick Nathan]2555 Jacob Volker [15, b. 1864, MA]2556 Helen D. White [10, B, b. 1868, RI]

[end vol. 6]

Rhode Island Historical SocietyMss 214, sg 3, Series 2, Vol. 7Providence Reform School Reports 1878-1880

[Abstracted July 2005: supplemental information to Journals]

July 16 1878

Number on books July 2 194 41 235Since received 4 0 4Whole number 198 41 239Since discharged 2 0 2No. on books today 196 41 237Away on trial 40 4 44Remaining in house 156 37 193

Received:#2557 Lewis Clitrey JC Prov., theft; minority#2363 John Kelly returned#2558 Thomas McMahon JC Prov.; vagrancy; minority#2559 William Carney JC Prov.; theft; minority

On Trial:2195 Judd James, mother; Peacedale [14, B, b. 1864, NY]2300 Frank Roderick [9, b. 1866, RI: brother, #2098 George Roderick, Newport]2423 Wm Keyes, parents; Baltimore, MD

Aug. 6/78

On books today 198 41 239In house 160 34 194

Recd:#2519 Benjamin Franklin JC Prov. Theft; minority#2560 John Slavin E. Prov vag; “ [9, b. 1869, RI]#2561 William Slavin “ [11, b. 1867, RI]#2415 Lawrence McManus returned voluntarily#2286 Joseph Peirson returned from place#2173 Frank H. Lapham returned from step-father#2562 Patrick Brady JC Woonsocket; theft; minority#2563 Daniel Banks JC Newport; theft; “ [14, B, b. 1864, PA]#2564 John J. Sullivan “ “ “ [16, b. 1862, RI]#1983 Daniel J. Sullivan returned by police

On Trial:2491 Chas Battey, mother; Coventry2385 Bridget McMahon, parents; Newport2487 Edw Wafer, mother; Acorn St [Margaret, widow]2376 David Sliney, father; Point St [James, laborer]2369 Patrick Moran, father; City

Aug 20 1878

On books today 186 38 224In house 159 34 193

Recd [starting here, only new admits abstracted]#2565 Sylvester Rice JC Woonsocket; theft; minority#2566 John P. Cahill JC Prov. Vag. 3yrs.#2567 Valaire Garceau JC Warren; theft; min.

On Trial: [only new trials abstracted]2267 Joseph Smith, parents; Pawtucket2464 James O’Neil, parents; Pawtucket2161 Simon Hindle, parents; 633 Atwells Ave [Robert, machinist]2375 Archibald [Charles] Holden, mother; Washington Village

Sept. 3/78

On books 190 38 229In house 157 33 190

New:#2568 Edmund G. Cady Lincoln; theft; 2 yrs#2569 Frederick Frazier Exeter; theft; 2 yrs#2570 Michael Roach Newport; theft; min [13, b. 1865, RI]#2571 Charles Wilson Lincoln; vagrancy [1875-1880]On trial:2560 John Slavin, parents; E Providence [Frank Slaven 73 Clinton or John, hairdresser 248 India] [9, b. 1869, RI]2561 Wm Slavin, parents; E Providence [see above] [11, b. 1867, RI]2474 Edw Mehan, parents; Pawtucket2194 Albert D Park, father; City2552 Michael McGinn, Aunt Ann McGinn; City [Ann, widow at Branch Ave or Mrs. Ann at 851 N Main]

Sept. 17/78

On books 196 39 235In house 161 33 194

New:#2572 Thomas Handy Prov; theft 2yrs [10, b. 1868, RI]#2573 Margaret Butler Pawt.; dis. Con.min [16, b. 1862, RI]#2574 Harry Robinson Prov.; theft; min#2575 Leroy V. Gammons E. Prov; theft; min#2576 William Broughton “ “ “ [8, b. 1870, RI]#2577 Dennis Brown Bristol; “ “ [10, b. 1868, RI]

On Trial:

2495 John McMaugh, grandmother; City [Mrs. Bridget, 44 America]2513 Mary Brooks, mother; Newport [Catherine, widow at West St near Perry?]

Oct 1/78

On books 203 39 242In house 167 33 200

New:#2578 Walter Lane Prov; theft; 2 yrs [10, b. 1868, RI]#2579 James Reynolds Com Pleas; Prov; bk & ent.; min#2580 David Sheehan Westerly; dis; com. 3 yrs#2581 Frank P. White Newport; theft; min [11, b. 1867, RI]

Oct 15/ 78

On books 198 37 235In house 174 32 206

New:#2582 Thomas Gibbons Pawt; vag; min [9, b. 1869, RI]#2583 John Williams Newport; vag; min#2584 Edward Clarke Lincoln; b&e; await trial#2586 George Gore Cranston; mal mis; min#2587 George McNulty Prov; theft; 2 yrs

On trial:2475 John O’Donald, parents; Pawtucket2486 John Hopkins, mother; Acorn St [not listed]

Nov. 5/78

On books 194 37 231In house 169 32 201

New:#2588 Charles McCabe Prov; vag; min

On Trial:2456 Michael Donahue, parents; Warren2445 John T. Maloney, parents; Dodgeville2416 Wm Camp, father; City [Arthur, picture frame maker or Samuel H., market]2217 Edw Gormley, parents; Richmond St [non listed]

Nov. 19/78

On books 201 37 238In house 173 32 205

New:#2589 Henry Ledoux Woonsocket; theft;;min#2590 William McCormick Prov; vag; min#2591 Edgar Reid Prov. Mal mis; 2 yrs#2592 John Roach Newport; theft; min#2593 Michael Bergen “ [prison, 1900]#2594 Timothy Gilroy “

On trial:2490 Thos Fitzgerald, parents; 84 Blackstone St [John, teamster]

Dec. 3/78

On books 201 37 238In house 172 32 204

On trial:2493 Wm Holmes, parents; Pawtucket2478 Joseph Hennesbery, parents; Connecticut

Dec 17/ 78

On books 206 38 244In house 175 32 207

New:#2595 Joshua Noka Washington Co.; Lar; 2 yrs [Mulatto, 1880 census]#2596 Charles Saunders “#2597 Nathaniel Hopkins, Jr “#2598 Amelia E. Brown Prov. “

On Trial:2403 Bernard McAloon, sister; Fall River

Jan 7 18792599 Thomas Cleary; theft2600 James Gormley; vag [10, b. 1869, RI]2601 Thomas McNamara; theft2602 Robert H. Proctor; [12, B, b.1868, RI]2603 John Gorman; theft [14, b. 1865, RI]2604 Patrick McGrail; ass & bat

On trial:2298 Patrick Benson, brother; James Benson Newport [laborer, house on Heath Court]2438 Michael O’Neil, mother; Valley Falls2503 Charles Budlong, Aunt; Archaway

Jan 21 18792605 Joseph Chace; vag [12, b. 1867, RI]2606 Thomas Marsh; vag 2607 Thomas Sweeney; theft [12, b. 1867, RI]

On trial:2496 John Conners, parents; Ives St [John Connors, shoemaker]2415 Lawrence McManus, parents; Woonsocket2407 John Coyle, brother in law; 25 McKenna St

Feb 4th 18792608 Charles Armstrong; theft [7, b. 1870, RI]2609 Owen Rowley2610 Charles Riley; vag [b. 1869, MA]

On trial:2159 Jeremiah Sullivan, mother; Newport1681 Alonzo Alby, mother; 1 N Davis St [no Alby listed]

Feb 18th 18792611 Charles Murry; mal mis2612 John Cummings; theft2613 John Keegan; theft2614 Albert Gilmore; theft2615 George Montgomery; vag2616 Joseph T. W. Johnson; theft [16, B, b. 1863, RI]

On trial:1956 Frank Sheehan, parents; Hope St [not listed]2246 Frank S Bisbee, parents; 29 Howard St [Ezra, mason]2479 Daniel Mahoney, parents; Newport

March 4 18792617 James W. Winsor; vag2618 John Coffey; theft

On trial:1749 John Coyle, parents; Bower St [John, laborer]2559 Wm Carney, mother; Grand View St [James, laborer]2096 Geo Roderick, mother; Newport

March 18th 18792619 Charles F. Hopkins; disturbing school; 2 yrs2620 James Reagan; disorderly [14, b. 1865, RI]2621 Etta Coffee; Cranston; vag2622 George Schofield; vag2623 Edward Couners; driving off horse2624 Frank County; same

On trial:2526 Francis O’Connors, parents; Webster St [Jeremiah B, oyster opener or John, laborer or John E., compositor; all O’Connor]2297 Daniel H Weaver, mother; Newport2528 Edwin O’Cady, parents; Artic RI2084 James Murray, parent;s Westerly

April 1st 18792625 Catharine McKenna; theft2626 William Donelly; Pawtucket

On trial:2514 Cornelius Hoar, parents; Tiverton2518 Frank H. Child, parents; Newport

April 15th 18792627 William Bacher; theft

On trial:2408 Wm Hughes, parents; Westerly2481 Everett Dawley, father; Willimantic, CT

May 6th 18792628 Emily Wixon; vag [14, b. 1865, MA]2629 Michael Gillon; mal mis2630 Jenny Lacy; theft

On trial:2567 Valarie Garcean, mother; Canada2557 Lewis Clitsey, mother; Ea Providence2044 Chas Cassidy, father; Hope St [not listed]2412 Susan Parker, sister; Sampron Ave [not listed]2444 Roland Hazard, brother; 118 Vinton St [John B, teamster]2276 John Clark, mother; So Kingstown

May 20 18792631 Peter McHugh; theft; Lincoln2632 John Shaugnessey; theft2633 James Mc Hugh; theft; Lincoln

On trial:2220 Theo. D Leach, father; Woonsocket2197 James A Bennett, grandmother Mrs. Cole; Ea Providence2616 Joseph TW Johnson, parents; Flurling Long Island

June 3rd 18792634 Harriet Abrams; vag

2635 William H. Parsons; ass2636 William Conners; vag2637 John Conners; vag2638 Walter Cook; theft2639 John Hornbee; theft

On trial:2626 Wm Donnelly, parents; Pawtucket2543 James Millett, parents; 15 Lertes St [not listed]2547 Thos Malarkey, parents; Polk St [none listed]

June 17th 18792640 Nathan Coffee; Cranston; disorderly [7, B, b. 1872, RI]2641 Angenette M. Fish [Fisk]; Smithfield; theft2642 Edward McGinn [8, b. 1871, RI]

On trial:2533 Christie Cavanaugh, parents; Woonsocket

July 1 18792643 Martha A. Williams; vag [11, B, b. 1868, RI]2644 Abraham Henson; vag [12, B, b. 1867, MD]2645 John Barry; vag [18, b. 1861, RI]2646 George [H.] Ceasar; theft [17, B, b. 1862, NY]2647 Francis G. Pierce; theft [17, b. 1862, RI]

July 15th 18792648 Walter H. Graham; theft [9, b. 1870, MA]2649 Thomas Buckley, Jr.; theft [9, b. 1870, MA]2650 John Dayler; [16, b. 1863 RI]

On trial:2604 Patk McGrail, parents; Woonsocket2575 Leroy V Gammons, parents; Ea Providence2524 Frank Karner, parents; Eddy St [none listed]2326 Malvina Thomas, mother; Delancy St NYC2507 Wm Riley, parents; Newport

Aug 5th 18792651 Sarah Kelly; 2652 Wyman [H] Streeter; theft [11, b. 1868, RI2653 Margaret Drury; theft [16, b. 1863, RI]

On trial:2450 Stephen E Harvey, father; 44 Dodge St [not listed]2505 Martin Murphy, parents; Newport2506 John Tehan, parents; Newport2508 Patrick Harris, mother; Newport

2000 John Flaherty, parents; Pawtucket2494 James E Friery, brother, Burrillville

Aug 19th 18792654 Annie Coleman; vag [13, b. 1866, RI]2655 Francis Murry/Murray; embezz [15, b. 1864, RI]2656 Catharine Regan; vag

On trial:2532 John Fanning, parents; Woonsocket2542 Thos Gordon, parents; Woonwocket2554 Nathan Volker, parents; Plain St [none listed]2555 Jacob Volker, parents; Plain St [none listed]2551 Wm Johnson Jr, parents; Newport [too many]

Sept. 2nd 1879[none]

On trial:2301 Peter Carter, mother; Ea Attleboro, MA2519 Benjamin Franklin, parents; 5 Tyler Court CT

Sept. 16th 18792657 George E. Locke; [8, b. 1871, RI]2658 Feebrien Rivers [11, b. 1868, Canada]

On trial:1988 Patk Early, parents; Montreal2544 John Titus, parents; Ea Providence2368 Owen Goff, sister; Pawtucket2549 John Roderick, mother; Newport2620 James Reagan, parents; Tiverton [14, b. 1865, RI]

Oct. 7th 18792659 Edward [E] Borkin; theft [12, b. 1867, RI]2660 Arthur Hawkins; theft [11, b. 1868, RI]2661 James Boyle; theft [9, b. 1870, RI]2662 James Dorsey; theft [17, b. 1862, RI]2663 Nathan Fisher; vag; Lincoln2664 Daniel Murry; theft [17, b. 1862, MA]2665 James E. Murdock; theft [15, b. 1864, Nova Scotia]

On trial:2558 Thos McMahon, parents; City2580 David Sheehan, father; Westerly2562 Patk Brady, parents; Woonsocket2565 Sylvester Rice, parents; Woonsocket

Oct. 21 18792666 Annie T[Theressa] Newcomb; theft [13, b. 1866, RI]2667 Margaret Ferguson; theft [10, b. 1869, Scotland]2668 Lizzie Rand alias Wren; vag [16, b. 1863, RI]2669 Mary Luther; vag2670 Cornelius Kelliher; vag [12, b. 1867, RI]/18752671 William E. Adams; vag [11, B, b. 1868, NJ]2672 John Quinn; vag [14, b. 1865, CT]2673 Edith Chace/Chase; Pawtucket; vag

On trial:2629 Michael Gillon, parents; Charles St [Frank, teamster or James, bookkeeper or John, stonedealer]2553 John Wright, parents; Charles St [Thomas L, blacksmith]

Nov 4 18792674 Thomas Gormley; vag [10, b. 1869, RI]2675 Phillip Miller; larc [11, b. 1868, RI]2676 Frank Rittman/Rittmann; larc [12, b. 1866, RI]2677 John Hebditch; larc [11, b. 1868, Engl]2678 John W. Disley; larc [15, b. 1864, RI]2679 George Barr; larc [16, b. 1865, RI]2680 John Morrissey; Pawtucket; larc

On trial:2529 Louis Schock, parents; Blackstone St. [Charles E, varnisher or Lewis W, baker]Nov. 18th 18792681 Enias Schofield; Lincoln; larc2682 John Madden; larc

Dec. 2nd 18792683 Winnie Scanlon; theft [14, b. 1865, RI]2684 John Burns; theft Cumberland [7, b. 1872, MA]2685 George F. Dittmar; mal mis [15, b. 1864, MA]

On trial:2339 John George, step-father Mr. Williams; 8 A St [none listed]2305 James Callahan, parents; No Attleboro Mass

Dec. 16th 18792686 James Mulcahey; vag [14, b. 1865, RI]2687 John McDermott; theft [9, b. 1870, RI]2688 Frank O’Neil; mal mis [12, b. 1867, RI]2689 Charles Griffin; mal mis [10, b. 1869, RI]2690 Ignatius Henson; theft [11, B, b. 1868 MD]

On trial:2525 Geo Wilcox, Aunt Mrs. Gross; Ea Providence

2263 Thos McCabe, mother; Bishop St [none listed]2430 James O’Gara, parents; to work in Builder’s foundry2483 John Pendergast, parents; Newport

Jan. 6 1880

On books 185 40 225In house 156 37 193

New: #2691 Robert Thompson [13, RI, b. 1867] Pawt; theft; min#2692 James H. Woods [12, RI b. 1868] Bristol; vag; 2 yrs#2693 James E. Lewin [18, b. 1862, RI] Prov; theft; min#2694 Thomas McGill [15, b. 1865, Ohio] “ 2yrs

On trial:2521 Wm O’Brien, parents; Acorn St [John, shoemaker at 8 Acorn St]2300 Frank Roderick, mother; Newport

Jan. 20 1880

On books 181 39 220In house 158 37 195

New:#2695 George Lake [B, 15, b. 1865] Prov; theft; min#2696 Robert [W.] Irons [B, 16; b. 1864] “#2697 William Winston [B, 14, VA] “

On trial:2464 James O’Neil, parents; Pawtucket

Feb 3 1880

On books 177 38 215In house 162 36 198

New:#2698 Sidney Richards Prov; theft; 3 yrs#2699 Eugene Jacobi “ ; 2 yrs#2700 William H. Knowles 14 “#2701 William Folsom “ ; min

On trial:2609 Owen Rowley, parents; 130 Plain St [John, laborer]2290 Sarah A Joynes, father; Bristol

Feb. 17 1880

On books 179 38 217In house 162 38 198

New:#2702 George Bracken Prov; theft; 2 yrs#2703 Richard J. Rourke [?O’Rourke] “

March 2 1880

On books 179 38 217In house 157 35 192

New:[none]On trial:2595 Joshua Noka, parents; Charlestown2615 Geo Montgomery, parents; 63 Vernon St [William, jeweler]2617 James W Winsor, parents; 72 Bellevue [not listed]2607 Thos Sweeney, mother; 9 Winter St [not listed]2484 Rebecca Potter, mother; 138 Richmond St [Phillip W, reed maker]2612 John Cummings, parents; 102 Plane St [John, laborer or Michael, laborer or William, laborer]2522 Edwin C Smith, parents; Richmond

March 16 1880

On books 183 38 221In house 157 35 192

New:#2704 Michael Wilson Prov; vag; 2 yrs#2705 Thomas Aylsworth Prov. Theft; min#2706 James McVeay Scituate; assault; min

On trial:2590 Wm McCormick, sister; to be employed in Hills MA Shop2594 Timothy Gilroy, mother; Newport

April 6 1880

On books 188 37 225In house 154 35 189

New:#2707 Peter McCormick Pawt; dri; off horse; min#2708 Stephen M. Root Newport; burg & lar.; min#2709 Abraham L. Nicherson “#2710 Charles V. Nickerson “

#2711 John Mulcahey Lincoln; theft; min#2712 William Caddick Cumberland; theft min#2713 Olney Burke Prov; theft; await trial#2714 Edward White Prov; vag; 2 yrs

On trial:2585 Geo Gore, [b. 1868, B]Bernard St [Aaron, butcher]2586 John Conners, parents; Staples St [Patrick Connors, laborer]2578 Walter Lane, parents 5 Carrington Ave [Leonard E, brakeman]2601 Thos McNamara, mother; Weeden St [Mrs. Thomas]2613 James Keegan, parents; So Water St [Edward, laborer]

April 20 1880

On books 188 37 225In house 145 35 180

New:#2715 Andrew Regan Pawt; theft; min

On trial:2121 Wm Ritchie, father; Cranston at Pocasset station2587 Geo McNulty, Uncle John; 71 Acorn St [mason or fireman]2185 Alvah H Rogers, mother; Central Falls2624 Frank County, parents; 44 Oliver Place [none listed]2531 John Reddington, mother; 308 Westminster St [Mrs. Elizabeth]2191 Thos Maguire, parents; Crary St [TP, fisher]

May 4 1880

On books 180 36 216In house 143 35 178

New:#2716 August Deidrick Burrillville; setting fire; await trial#2717 Thomas Reynolds Prov. Larceny; 2 yrs#2718 Alonzo Berry “ ; await trial

On trial:2657 Edw Lucke, parents; Hospital St [none listed]2631 Peter McHugh, parents; Olneyville2633 James McHugh, parents; Olneyville2652 Wyman Sheeter, parents; Eddy St [none listed]

May 18 1880

On books 180 36 216In house 140 35 175

New:#2719 Matthew C. O’Neil Prov; driving of horse; 2 yrs [14, b. 1866]#2720 Francis McGrain Prov; theft; 2 yrs

On trial:2568 Edmund G Cady, parents; Allendale2426 Ethelbert S. Brown, parents; 34 Colfax St [Andrew W, sawyer]2217 Edw Gormley, father; Langley St [none listed]2288 Wm J Kingsley, mother; 26 Back St [none listed]

June 1 1880

On books 183 37 220In house 144 36 220[sic, 180]

New:#2721 George M. Sisson, Westerly; mal. Mis; minority [13, b. 1867]#2722 Otis W. Sisson [Setting fires, destroying poultry, breaking up setting turkeys, &c:

Journal 1875-1880; 5 b. 1875] “#2723 Peter Doonan, Jr Cumberland; vag; 2 yrs#2724 Horace H. Bosworth Pawt; theft; min#2725 Mary Gordon Woonsocket; theft; min

June 15 1880

On books 184 37 221In house 145 36 181

New: [none]

On trial:2157 Fredk Moran, mother; Olneyville

Last number is 2725, Mary Gordon received May 25 1880. Last Journal entry [Journal 1875-1880, Providence City Archives] June 17th 1880.

Superintendent is M. L. Eldridge

[end Vol 7]