Voice activated device

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Voice activated device

PowerPoint Presentation


VOICE ACTIVATED DEVICEAvoice command device(VCD) is a device controlled by means of the human voice. By removing the need to use buttons,dialsandswitches, consumers can easily operate appliances with their hands full or while doing other tasks..

Two Microsoft operating systems,Windows 7andWindows Vista, provide speech recognition capabilities. Microsoft integrated voice commands into their operating systems to provide a mechanism for people who want to limit their use of the mouse and keyboard, but still want to maintain or increase their overall productivity. WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM

With Windows Vista voice control, a user may dictate documents and emails in mainstream applications, start and switch between applications, control the operating system, format documents, save documents, edit files, efficiently correct errors, and fill out forms on theWeb.WINDOWS VISTA

In addition to all the features provided in Windows Vista, Windows 7 provides a wizard for setting up the microphone and a tutorial on how to use the feature. WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM

AllMac OS Xcomputers come pre-installed with the speech recognition software. The software is user independent, and it allows for a user to, "navigate menus and enter keyboard shortcuts; speak checkbox names, radio button names, list items, and button names; and open, close, control, and switch among applications."However, the Apple website recommends a user buy a commercial product calledDictate. MAC OS X

If a user is not satisfied with the built in speech recognition software or a user does not have a built speech recognition software for their OS, then a user may experiment with a commercial product such asDragonNaturallySpeaking. DragonNaturallySpeaking can be bought for the following OS: Windows PC: XP, Vista, 7,and Mac OS(The Mac version is called Dictate.) COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS


Any mobile device running Android OS, Microsoft Windows Phone, iOS 5 or later, or Blackberry OS provides voice command capabilities. In addition to the built speech recognition software for each mobile phone's operating system, a user may download third party voice command applications from each operating system's application store:

The speech recognition software is available for all devices of android sinceAndroid 2.2(Froyo), but the settings must be set to English.Google allows for the user to change the language, and the user is prompted when he or she first uses the speech recognition feature if he or she would like their voice data to be attached to their Google account. ANDROID OS

On Windows Phone 7.5, the speech app is user independent and can be used to: call someone from your contact list, call any phone number, redial the last number, send a text message, call your voice mail, open an application, read appointments, query phone status, and search the web.



Apple added Voice Control to its family of iOS devices calledSiri. Siri is a user independent built in speech recognition feature that allows a user to issue voice commands. With the assistance of Siri a user may issue the following voice commands: send a text message, check the weather, set a reminder, find information, schedule meetings, send an email, find a contact, set an alarm, get directions, track your stocks, set a timer, and ask for examples of sample voice command queries.


Most speech recognition software on the market today only have about 50 to 60 voice commands, but Ford Sync has 10,000.However, CNET suggest that even 10,000 voice commands is not sufficient given the complexity and the variety of tasks a user may want to do while driving.Voice command for cars is different from voice command for mobile phones and for computers because a driver may use the feature to look for nearby restaurants, look for gas, driving directions, road conditions, and the location of the nearest hotel.


In the Marvel Comics universe,Jarvisis the Avengers' loyal butler. In the 'Iron Man' films,J.A.R.V.I.S.is the name of Stark's AI system that assists him in superhero-ing. It's also an acronym that stands for "Just a Rather Very Intelligent System."