Vocalcom Cloud Contact Center Telephone toolbar OpenCTI ...

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Transcript of Vocalcom Cloud Contact Center Telephone toolbar OpenCTI ...

Vocalcom Cloud Contact Center

Vocalcom property group - Controlled Distribution - All Rights Reserved

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Telephone toolbar OpenCTI Salesforce

Vocalcom -

Product Vocalcom Cloud Contact Center Document version 1.4

Version 5.0 Date June 2015

Platform Salesforce CTI Approval Product Management

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Legal Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................. 3

About this Document ................................................................................................................................... 4

audience ............................................................................................................Erreur ! Signet non défini.

Revision history .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Reference documents................................................................................................................................... 5

product Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Integration and architecture ...................................................................................... 6

Installation and configuration of the toolbar ................................................................................ 9

2.1 Installing toolbar eau ................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Toolbar Configuration ............................................................................................. 14

2.3 Configuring an agent ............................................................................................... 15

Functional Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 20

3.1 List of functionnalities ............................................................................................. 20

3.2 Detailed description functionnalities ........................................................................ 21

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Legal Disclaimer

This documentation is protected by national and international copyright laws.

The name VOCALCOM and its logo are registered trademarks of VOCALCOM S.A. S. headquartered at 25 Rue Balzac

75008 PARIS - FRANCE. The name HERMES.NET is protected by the right to use national and international trade name

and, more generally, by national and international law of software. Other names, brands and mentioned are the property

of their respective owners.

It is forbidden to reproduce in full or in part in any form whatsoever this documentation (art. L122-4 and

L122-5 C.P.I.) Without the express consent of the publisher.

The publisher shall not be held responsible for typographical errors or printing images or other signs as well as for the

consequences of misuse of this documentation.

This literature has a sole purpose of education and training of individuals. It can in no way be construed as a contract,

agreement (including sui generis), advertising space and / or promotional in any form whatsoever.

© 2014 - 2019 VOCALCOM S.A.S - All Rights Reserved

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About this Document

This documentation describes all the functional and technical specifications of the toolbar

OpenCTI Vocalcom for Salesforce. This tag has been developed by the company Almavia

Vocalcom partner.

You will find particular information:

✓ The operating principle and architecture for this toolbar

✓ The list of features of the toolbar

✓ Technical information

Our teams will be happy to offer their advice and expertise if you feel the need. Do not hesitate

to contact us. We will accompany you happy to meet your every need.

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Revision history

Doc Release Dated Description of Revision

1.0 09/03/2015 Initial version

1.1 06/15/2015 Updated following the new installer

1.3 06/05/2017 Security Review

1.4 12/17/2018 Updates as of latest install packages

Reference documents

Document Dated Description

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Vocalcom having integrated and supports the use to own title to the Salesforce CRM tool, it has

developed an integrated OpenCTI Salesforce-Vocalcom toolbar in the Salesforce interface and

associated with its Hermes.Net offer.


The integration of Salesforce Enterprise toolbar based on the combination of WS and Proxy Hermes

toolbar OpenCTI.

Proxy Hermes WS, developed by Almavia allows one side to maintain the connection with Hermes,

managing all telephone and events on the other side of the interface with the integrated toolbar to

Salesforce Enterprise (use of this Salesforce version in order to install the Apex classes).

The following features are related to the integration of Salesforce Enterprise and contact center

Hermes.Net V5:

o Telephony features offered by Salesforce CTI toolbar

o Rules for generating screen pop of selected Salesforce object

o Logging of calls in Vocalcom

1.1.1 Proxy Hermes WS integration - Hermes services

The Hermes WS proxy is a web application developed in C # version of the Framework 4.6 and runs

with an IIS server.

For communication with the Salesforce toolbar, the application uses the SignalR Framework

(documentation: http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/getting-started/introduction-to-signalr).

This framework allows for two-way communication between the client (the toolbar ) and server (Proxy

Hermes WS) using the protocol websocket (html5) if it is supported by the two parties (ie the

webserver is running a .Net version 4.5, and the browser is recent to support html5). Otherwise,

SignalR will make long-polling to meet the service.

For communication with the Hermes V5 Proxy (Vocalcom), the application opens a TCP (socket) to

establish a bidirectional communication channel and will communicate with Hermes by sending

messages defined by the Hermes Protocol (Version 5).

The Proxy Hermes WS Application is not intended to control or manage the messages it relays the

messages it receives in either the toolbar or Hermes without changes. However, to solve to some

constraints, it can manage its own messages, it's messages begin with the keyword "CUST_xxxx".

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1.1.2 Proxy Hermes WS integration - Salesforce toolbar

The toolbar uses only HTML and JavaScript. Bidirectional communication is based on the SignalR

and thereby the compatibility is related to the compatibility of the browser with SignalR.

The toolbar uses the WebSocket priority and if it can’t it will switch to longpooling.

SignalR compatibility list is as follows:


Web Browser Transport Requirements

Transport Internet Explorer Chrome

(Windows or iOS) Firefox

Safari (OSX or

iOS) Android

WebSockets 10+ current - 1 current - 1 current - 1 N / A

Server-Sent Events N / A current - 1 current - 1 current - 1 N / A

ForeverFrame 8+ N / A N / A N / A 4.1

long Polling 8+ current - 1 current - 1 current - 1 4.1

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1.1.3 schematic architecture

Description: The client connects to Salesforce and telephone toolbar

1) The customer accesses from their browser in their Salesforce account.

2) Charge the Salesforce page, the banner loads in the browser from a "Visual Page" page with

minimal elements.

3) The toolbar is charged with recovering the elements common to the Hermes Proxy server JS

websocket and establish a connection to the Hermes Proxy server WS.

4) At the opening of the websocket communication, the Hermes proxy WS opens a TCP

connection to the Hermes Proxy.

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There are 4 components to install:

1) 1 Proxy Module - WS:"ProxyHermesWS_v.x.x.x.zip"

a. This module is the heart of the system and ensures continuous communication with

Hermes V5

b. The module must be installed on an IIS server with Framework 4.6 (Windows Server


c. The server must be able to communicate directly with Hermes V5

d. The server / module must be directly accessible by toolbar s via a public https URL

with a valid certificate

e. There is no specific configuration to the proxy level because the parameters are

carried by the customer toolbar.

f. The proxy configuration file only changes the log level (Web.config)

g. Create a folder named “HermesInfo” within the ProxyHermesWS folder on the server

with FULL read/write permissions.

2) The second proxy module - JS:"ProxyHermesJS_v.x.x.x.zip"

a. This module centralizes Java Scripts files

b. It can be installed on a server other than the one being used formodule

ProxyHermesWS is desired

c. The module must be installed on an IIS server with Framework 4.6

d. The server / module must be directly accessible by toolbar s via a public https URL

with a valid certificate (no need for direct connection with Hermes V5)

3) The third proxy module - Config:"ProxyHermesConfig_v.1.0.7.zip"

a. This module lets you configure the parameters required for operation of the toolbar

b. The module must be installed on an IIS server with Framework 4.6

c. The server / module must be accessible by toolbar s via a public URL (Global or

geographic area) in https with a valid certificate

d. The ProxyConfig.xml file will specify the configuration toolbars with country code (eg

GB, US, ES ...)

• Note : o Vocalcom must make the correspondence between the country codes and URLS servers in

the file ProxyConfig.xml

o The tag with the "Local" code must always be presentIt represents the default value of the

strip settings in case the country code is not specified

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o Example ProxyConfig.xml file. In this example the public URL is set to

“YourServersPublicURLHere/Hermes_net_v5” as the Application package in installed in

the Hermes_net_V5 folder on the D drive of the V5 server hosting it. Also the Proxy

Code=”EN” section is for use on a Zendesk site on the same server and is not


4) The toolbar package "Toolbar_Vocalcom_HermesV5_Salesforce_v.x.x.x.zip"

a. This package via the link below (or a newer version if obtained) will be installed into

the customers Salesforce ORG via the SF administrator account.

b. The toolbar is therefore moved from a specific URL Salesforce will make the

declaration of the latter. The package contains the HTML toolbar resources, call

center reporting in Salesforce and attributes for configuration.

5) You must now publish the application pools for the apps on the IIS server and then restart

the default website if possible:

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installation URL for a production ORG:

This is for version 1.14


installation URL for Sandbox :


When installing the toolbar, Salesforce opens this page:

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Define the level of access to the application, select "All Users"

Click “Install”

The Toolbar is installed:

Click “Done”

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Once installation is complete, the administrator can see the CTI call center adapter in the Salesforce

Call Center page in Salesforce setup: ( in SF setup search bar type “call center” then choose Call


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The toolbar configuration is accessible from Setup> Build> Customize> Call Center> Call Centers

and access the edit page with the link "Edit"

Field descriptions

1. InternalName: toolbar name (do not change)

2. Display Name: Name of the banner displayed in Salesforce

3. CTI Adapter URL: url starting the toolbar (no change)

4. Use CTI API indicates the use of CTI API to true (do not change)

5. Softphone Height: height of the toolbar

6. SoftphoneWidth: toolbar width

7. Country Code: ID of a country code (in most examples EN__)


8. Config Url: Public URL configuration server (eg size:


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The last step is to configure a Salesforce agent so that it can connect to the panel.

Prerequisites: In Salesforce, it is necessary to assign the call center cti adapter to the SF user profile

1. To do this you must enter salesforce setup.

2. Choose Manage Users> Users

3. Find the user from the list and then click “Edit” to the left of their name

4. In the right-hand column, you should find an entry for “Call Center”. Click the icon

5. Tyep call and hit go button and then select the “Call Center Vocalcom” object

6. Click the Save button at the top of the screen to save this setting for this SF user.

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1) In Hermes :

• The agent must be created in Hermes: login, password, station

• The agent must be associated with a Hermes inbound or outbound call campaign

including “manual dial” if click to dial is to be used.

2) In Salesforce :

Creating the Hermes site “Company”

1. From the top right if you are in another view other than “Hermes Admin”, select “Hermes


2. Select the “Companies” tab

3. Click the “New” button

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4. Enter the site name you want to use and then click Save button

To create the Hermes Agent

1. Now click on the name of the site you created. In this example its called DemoV5

2. Now click on the New Agent button.

3. Enter the credentials needed for the agent

a. Agent Code – the Agent id in Hermes

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b. Country Code – The URL that was entered into the proxyhermesconfig.xml on the

Hermes server from the step above


c. User – Locate the SF user that you are assigning to this Agent by use of the icon

d. Password – the password of the Agent in Hermes

e. Click save

If all is done and the Application pool is published correctly on the Vocalcom servers

the CTI should show up in SF for the user

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The integration of Salesforce OpenCTI toolbar allow you to access all the features below:


1 Login: Login via Salesforce and station number

2 States agent

3 Incoming recognized - Display and features toolbar eau

4 Incoming NOT recognized - Display and features toolbar eau

5 Call hook - Display and features toolbar eau

6 Outgoing Call Manual (input box and DTMF keypad)

7 Outgoing call - Click to call

8 Outgoing call - Country automatic outgoing call Hermès- Prédictive- Progressive Preview-

9 Incoming recognized -> Record Tucked

10 Call waiting

11 Call forwarding on connected or transfer Supervised call

12 blind transfer

13 Getting conference

14 Agent pauses

15 Qualification for appeal

16 Qualification End Call

17 Tabs Call / Agent / Recent

18 Wrap-up button Extension

19 Communication, switching tabs in Salesforce on a page of type "admin" or "chat"

20 Excluding communication, the agent is logged on Hermes station. Change tab in Salesforce, the

agent goes on a page type "admin" or "chat".

21 Setting the admin buttons / actions (Create new lead, ..) to be displayed in toolbar during an

unacknowledged call -> by admin for all agents.

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3.2.1 Feature 1: Login

➢ The agent logs in to Salesforce (with login / password Salesforce) and to log in Hermes

must only enter the station number Hermes.

➢ The agent is automatically logged to files to which it belongs.

➢ The login / Hermes passwords are entered in Salesforce> Setup> Manage Users>

Users> User Details> login of the user or user's password

3.2.2 Feature 2: Agent State

➢ The upper part of the toolbar indicates different states.

➢ Description of states :

1) Not connected: not logged in user

2) Ready to receive a call: "Hold Reception"

3) Time: User online

4) After Call Work: The user ends a folder and is not available to handle the next call.

5) Not ready: The user is paused. Non lending conditions are configurable in Hermes to

motivate (break, lunch, ...). "

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3.2.3 Feature 3: Incoming recognized

➢ On incoming acknowledged the hook of the agent, the toolbar will offer the following


➢ Viewing :

6) Status of the agent - Online

7) State queues

8) Arrow qualification of the call

9) keypad (DTMF)

10) Call duration

11) Button call recording

12) Id / Name Campaign

13) Contact name

14) Contact phone number

➢ available buttons :

15) Call waiting

16) End the call

17) transfer call

3.2.4 Feature 4: Incoming NOT recognized

➢ On incoming unrecognized toolbar offer the following information:

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➢ Viewing :

1) Status of the agent - Online

2) State queues

3) Arrow qualification of the call

4) keypad (DTMF)

5) Call duration

6) Button call recording

7) Id / Name Campaign

8) Calling number or anonymous

➢ available buttons :

9) Create New Lead

10) Create New Contact

11) Create New Opportunity

12) Create New Case

13) Create New Account

18) Call waiting

19) End the call

20) transfer call

o Note :

▪ In Soft phone setting can be chosen to display the buttons: Only the admin will

have access to these settings (see feature below):

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3.2.5 5 Functionality: call answered

➢ Once the hook call, the toolbar will offer the following information:

➢ Viewing :

21) Status of the agent - Online

22) State queues

23) Arrow qualification of the call

24) keypad (DTMF)

25) Call duration

26) Button call recording

27) Id / Name Campaign

28) Contact name

29) Contact phone number

➢ available buttons :

30) Staging (left)

31) Ending call (right)

32) Blind Transfer (left)

33) keypad to transfer

34) Transfer consultation / supervision (right)

- This transfer button to access the conference call

3.2.6 Feature 6: outgoing call manual

➢ The agent can make an outgoing call via manual:

1) number input area via keyboard pc

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2) Area with DTMF keypad of the phone button

3.2.7 Feature 7:Outgoing call - Click to call

➢ All the Salesforce application of phone numbers can be called directly using the mouse:

o Just as the fields are defined with a type "Phone" in the Salesforce configuration:

it is the Click to Call.

➢ These fields are identified by a phone icon appears next to the phone number.

3.2.8 Feature 8:Outgoing call - Automatic Country Hermes

➢ Three types of automatic outbound call campaigns can be configured in Hermes

o preview

o predictive

o progressive

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➢ Calls campaigns are seen as incoming calls by the agent and depending on the type of

campaign-specific information will be presented to the agent.

➢ automatic outbound campaigns - Previews :

o It is proposed to the officer before accepting a call to make the call to the


▪ The customer record dates back as well as information on the toolbar

o If the agent accepts the customer is called and a current call indicator is active on

the toolbar.

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o After calling customer toolbar offers all the features previously seen (transfer,

hold, etc.)

➢ automatic outbound campaigns - Predictive :

o The call is directly stalled and the toolbar age has the above features.

➢ automatic outbound campaigns - Progressive :

o The call is directly stalled and the toolbar age has the above features.

3.2.9 Feature 9: Record reassembled in Salesforce

➢ During an incoming call, the hook of the agent, if the customer number matches the one

entered in the Salesforce database, the customer record is displayed.

3.2.10 Feature 10: Call waiting

➢ Once clicked button hold, the toolbar will offer the following information.

➢ Button hold / Resume (left):

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➢ Viewing : The blindfold is dimmed but the Call Park buttons (same as hold) and creation

of activities (unrecognized call) remain active.

3.2.11 Feature 11: supervised transfer

➢ During a connected call, the agent can perform a supervised transfer or consult transfer.

The agent communicates with another person before transferring the call. During the

consultation the client is put on hold (on hold)

➢ When the agent clicks on supervised transfer button, the toolbar will offer the following


➢ top display :

1) State of the agent / customer call with

2) Id of the calling / called

3) Contact Number 1

➢ available buttons :

4) End 1st call

5) Number selected for transfer

6) End 2nd call

7) supervised transfer

8) Getting conference

9) Switch between calls

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o Note :

▪ If the incoming call is not initially recognized, but the agent manually associate

the incoming call to a contact or account before the transfer, the context is

transferred with the call (transfer sheet).

3.2.12 Feature 12: blind transfer

➢ During a connected call, the agent can perform a blind transfer. The call is transferred

directly to the number or contact compound without communicate with it.

➢ When the agent clicks Blind Transfer button, the toolbar will offer the qualification of call

available buttons :

1) Framework to type number to call

2) blind transfer

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3.2.13 Feature 13: Getting conference

➢ During a connected call, the CTI toolbar allows three calls in conference. The principle is

to establish contact with a corresponding first (as for transfer and via the same button)

while putting the first call on hold then initiate the conference.

➢ Display after successful conference:

1) State of the agent / customer call with

2) Id of the calling / called

3) Contact Number 1

➢ available buttons :

4) Ending the first call

5) conference number dialed

6) Ending the second call

7) Transfer Call

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3.2.14 Feature 14: The agent pauses

➢ The agent for the ability to pause via the dedicated button on the top right of the


➢ A combo break patterns it is then proposed, the list is defined in Hermes.

➢ The pause button is output to the same location to pause.

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3.2.15 Feature 15: Qualification for appeal

➢ During the call, the agent can click on the green arrow on the left side of the toolbar.

The zone qualification of the call becomes available.

➢ The list of possible qualifications defined in Hermes.

3.2.16 Feature 16:Qualification late appeal

➢ At the end of the call the call qualification area is available to the agent. It is a dynamic

list based on the configuration of the campaign in Hermes.

➢ The agent is unavailable while it is in qualifying but warning sent to the supervisor if it

does not revert to available.

➢ The list of possible qualifications is defined

in Hermes.

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3.2.17 Feature 17: Tabs Call / Agent / Recent Call

➢ These tabs toolbar environment allow access to the following data:

➢ Call:

o base panel

➢ Contact:

o Agent: Gives all available agents with the same profile and the same campaign

(even competencies)

o Contacts: predefined number lists in Hermes

o Campaigns: Campaigns list

➢ Recent:

o List of recent calls made manually. Lets repeat calls by clicking on it.

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3.2.18 Feature 18:Wrap-up button Extension

➢ At the end of the call the agent enters wrap-up (outage) via the "clock" button at the top


➢ The agent may extend once this period 1 wrap-up by clicking on it.

➢ After extending the downtime is the agent to manually recover available equivalent


➢ An alert is raised to the supervisor if the agent does not make available again (Hermes


3.2.19 Feature 19:Change Communication tab

➢ Communication, switching tabs in Salesforce on a page of type "admin" or "chat":

o Maintaining communication without the visual of the toolbar.

o If the officer returns to a toolbar page, the context will always be present.

➢ Communication, switching tabs in Salesforce:

o Maintaining communication with the visual of the toolbar.

3.2.20 Feature 20: Change out communication tab

➢ Excluding communication, the agent is logged on Hermes station.

➢ Change tab in Salesforce, the agent goes on a page of type "admin" or "chat":

o The agent passes as unavailable for calls.

➢ switching tabs in Salesforce:

o The agent can receive calls.

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3.2.21 Feature 21: Setting action buttons

➢ Configuration action buttons of the administrator to display in banner during an

unrecognized call

➢ This change will be in the banner of the configuration file and will be applied to all


➢ The administrator can configure the list of buttons buttons to display from the following


1) Create New Lead

2) Create New Contact

3) Create New Opportunity

4) Create New Case

5) Create New Account