Vocab Part I

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Vocab Part I


to represent by or as if by a picture

simultaneouslyexisting or

occurring at the same time;

exactly coincident

predicamenta difficult,

perplexing, or trying situation

interminablehaving or

seeming to have no end,

wearisomely protracted

unorthodox not conforming to established

standards, unconventional

renegadea deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to


polysyllabic characterized by words of many


refuteto disprove, to

show as erroneous

flogto beat with or as if with a rod or

whip; to criticize harshly

inscrutable difficult to understand; mysterious

discountenancedto look with

disfavor on; discourage by

evidence of disapproval


skipping or laughing

saboteur one that destroys

property or normal

operations (usually in a war


raspingly irritatingly

reverberate to become driven back; to become


reproach to blame for something; a



disdain intense dislike; to treat with scorn or

contempt, to reject as


annihilate to cause to cease

to exist

repudiate to reject, to

disown, to disvow

shrewish ill-natured;

intractable (not easily governed,

managed, or directed)

orificean opening (as a vent, mouth, or hole) through

which something may pass

collate to compare critically; to

collect, compare carefully in order

to verify, and often to integrate or

arrange in order

multifarious great in variety,


kaleidoscopea succession of

changing phases or actions

denounceto pronounce,

especially publicly, to be

blameworthy or evil

implicate to bring into intimate or

incriminating connection (to


hoardnoun: supply or fund stored up

and often hidden away

verb: to keep (as one's thoughts) to


remorselessly done with having

no remorse (guilt)

venerateto honor, to


hereticone who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine

catapult noun: a device for

launching an airplane at flying

speed verb: to throw or launch by or as if

by a catapult

irrepressibleimpossible to

repress, restrain, or control

proliferate to increase in

number as if by multiplying

debauchery moral corruption

promiscuity miscellaneous mingling or selection of

persons or things; unrestricted

sexual behavior

aquiline curving like an eagle's beak

jostleto come in contact or into collision; to make one's way by

pushing and shoving; to exist in

close proximity

listlesscharacterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit

incriminate to charge with or show evidence or

proof of involvement in a

crime or fault


generations, all descendants of a


stratum a horizontal layer

balminesshaving the

qualities of balm: soothing; mild

sordidfilthy, foul

altercation a noisy heated angry dispute; also : noisy controversy

meditatively marked by or conducive to meditation;

disposed or given to meditation

innumerable too many to be

numbered; countless

cumbersome difficult to

handle, unwieldy

officiousness volunteering one's services where they are

neither asked nor needed; informal

or unofficial


unable to be procured (unable to

get and make available for promiscuous

sexual intercourse)