Vocab in Context 6

Post on 08-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Vocab in Context 6

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MAN handSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleManacleManipulateManeuverManufacture

ROOT OF THE WEEKDuring the colonial times in America, slaves were often captured in Africa, manacled and brought over on ships to provide free labor.

11. Manacle (noun) A handcuff or anything that chains or confines (verb) To chain or confine Synonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleHandcuffShackleFreeManacled prisoner

HOUDINIDuring the colonial times in America, slaves were often captured in Africa, manacled and brought over on ships to provide free labor.2. Manipulate (verb) To handle or move skillfully; to influence unfairlySynonym - SameSentenceExampleUseWieldManipulate machineryManipulate a friend

Once Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, cotton farmers were able to easily manipulate cotton into clothing and other goods.3. Agenda (noun) A list or plan of things to be doneSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleCalendarPlanStudent agendaMeeting agenda

The agenda for the student council meeting included planning the class party and selecting an appropriate movie.4. Assailant (noun) A person who attacksSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceAttackerAggressorAllyFriend

After the old woman called 911, the assailant was quickly manacled and sent to jail.

5. Serene (adj) Peaceful or calmSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExamplesTranquilPeacefulMona Lisas SmileTurbulentNoisySerene beachSerene sleep

Compared with the noisy and turbulent hallway, Mr. Kelly finds the classroom to be very serene during his prep periods. MIN small, lessSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleMinorityMinimumMinusculeMinute

ROOT OF THE WEEKCompared to how much food humans need to consume each day, insects only need to ingest a miniscule amount of calories in order to survive.

76. Minority (noun) A smaller part, number or groupSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleMajorityRacial MinorityPolitical minorityEven though humans live just about everywhere on Earth, we actually only use a very small minority of the planets terrain for living.

7. Minuscule (adj) Very small, incredibly tinySynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleMinuteMicroscopicEnormousMinuscule bacteriaMinuscule chanceCompared to how much food humans need to consume each day, insects only need to ingest a miniscule amount of calories in order to survive.

8. Befuddle (verb) To confuse or disorient someone or somethingSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExampleBaffleDumbfoundClarifyEnlightenBefuddled expression

The incomprehensible bonus question befuddled many 6th grade students.9. Induce (verb) To cause, to bring about; to persuadeSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceExamplePromptUrgeDDiscourageDissuadeTrying to induce his students into developing some great ideas for their own writing, Mr. Kelly told a story about electrocuting himself. Induce vomitingCold medicine induces sleep

10. Stamina (noun) Physical or mental endurance; the power to keep goingSynonym - SameAntonym - OppositeSentenceEnduranceResilience

ExamplePhysical stamina in sportsMental staminaA great amount of stamina is needed in order for runners to complete a marathon, which lasts 26.2 miles.