Vitamin B 3 or niacin or niacinamide By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture...

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Vitamin B 3 or niacin or niacinamide By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture...

Sources of Vitamin B3 or Niacin or Niacinamide

A Report ByMr Allah Dad Khan


. Niacin helps to break down fats, helping to manage the body's cholesterol and encourage proper metabolism health. It is especially important for pregnant women to take in high doses of vitamin B3 to ensure proper development for her child. Deficiencies of niacin can cause pandemic deficiency disease which can cause deficiencies of a variety of other vitamins including vitamin A, C, D or thiamin. Those that suffer from alcoholism or use maize as a staple crop tend to develop a niacin deficiency. A niacin deficiency can cause intolerance to cold, dementia, dermatitis, amnesia, delirium, diarrhea, inflammation of the tong or mouth, or death in extreme cases. However, taking in excessive amounts of niacin can cause dry skin, skin flushing, rashes and itching.

Food Sources.

 Niacin can be found in many fruits and vegetables including leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocadoes, asparagus and dates. Nuts, legumes and whole grain products are also high in niacin. Mushrooms, brewer's yeast, fortified energy drinks, eggs, chicken, halibut, tuna, salmon, kidney, heart and liver meats are all contain high doses of niacin


The reason most Americans don’t have a problem getting enough niacin is that chicken is the most widely consumed meat, and contains plenty of niacin. A serving of chicken gets you roughly halfway to what you need for the day, which means if you have chicken at one meal and another meat source on this list for the other meal, you should be totally covered. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (7.8 milligrams), 172 calories.


While bacon generally gets a bad rap for being so high in fat, calories, and cholesterol, it is also relatively high in niacin. As long as you keep your portion sizes in check you can enjoy bacon. Consider going with turkey bacon, as turkey also makes the list and will provide you with a nice dose of niacin as well, while reducing the bad stuff bacon is known for. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (11 milligrams), 476 calories.


Good news if you already consume tuna on a regular basis, it’s high in niacin compared to many other foods. It’s also a good source of omega-3s as well as protein. There are concerns about the mercury content, so you may not want to rely on tuna for your daily niacin consumption, but it’s nice to have once in awhile. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (5.8milligrams), 184 calories.


Pick your mushroom and chances are it will go a long way in helping with your niacin needs. The interesting thing about mushrooms is that each type brings its own benefits to the table. Some kinds, like portabella, are known for their texture and heartiness. Others, like shiitake, are getting press for their anti-cancer benefits. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (5 milligrams), 38 calories.


Broccoli is a superstar food that can do pretty much anything. While it doesn’t contain whopping amounts of niacin, it will contribute to the cumulative total for the day, and provides so many other benefits that it’s almost silly not to eat it on a very regular basis. You’ll be getting extra protein, fiber, and a host of vitamins and minerals with each serving. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (0.64 milligrams), 34 calories.


Different cuts of veal will have different amounts of niacin in them, but rest assured knowing that whichever cut you pick it will be high in niacin. You may even end up with two thirds of your daily niacin recommendation met with one serving of veal. While it’s not likely to become a regular part of your menu, it will help out when you do eat it.Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (9.42 milligrams), 172 calories.


It’s nice that turkey is high in niacin because it’s readily available and is one of the most popular sandwich fillers in the country. Just be sure to go with roasted turkey breast so you avoid nitrates and added sodium that comes in deli meats. Turkey almost covers your daily requirement in one shot. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (11.75 milligrams), 104 calories.

Organ Meats

Organ meats might score you some grimaces from your family when you serve it up, but the nutritional content makes it hard to overlook them as a viable food source. They are off the charts in several vitamins and minerals, and niacin is one of them. No matter which organ you go with, or which animal, chances are it will top the niacin charts at over 10 milligrams per 100 gram serving. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (most are over 10 milligrams), calories vary.


Asparagus is a great vegetable to include on your plate, and can play a part in the bigger niacin picture. It serves as the perfect supplement to other foods higher in niacin. Try serving it next to a main dish containing chicken or beef and it will help round out the nutritional profile and add a bit more niacin to the equation. It’s best not to rely on any one food for your vitamin needs, and eat a balanced diet to make sure you’re getting everything. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (1 milligram), 20 calories.


If you love peanuts then you won’t have any trouble getting your niacin needs met. They contain a great deal of niacin, giving you nearly a full day’s supply of it in a 100 gram serving. Peanut butter puts up the same numbers as long as you’re going with a brand that lists peanuts as the only ingredient. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (12 milligrams), 318 calories.


Here’s one virtue of coffee, it contains all the niacin you’ll need for the day. Before you give the green light to your daily cup of java, consider that the low calorie count only refers to black coffee, and the caffeine it contains can be problematic for the body. It also has a dehydrating effect on the body.Serving Size (cup), Niacin (39.73 milligrams), 1 calorie.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are not the biggest source of niacin on our list, but they deserve honorable mention because they will help when adding up your niacin for the day. They are also very versatile, being able to stand in as a side dish, or be included in a main dish, or used in a chili or soup. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (2 milligrams), 127 calories.

Wild Game

If you shy away from wild game when you see it in the supermarket, you may want to be brave and give it a try. Depending on which animal you eat, it is going to provide plenty of nutrition, and be on par with the niacin content of conventional meats like chicken, beef, or pork. It’s also going to be free of antibiotics and chemicals that are used on today’s livestock. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (most are over 10 milligrams), calories vary.


Tahini is another word for sesame butter, which is made from sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are a great source of protein and other important nutrients, including niacin. You’ll want to keep your portion sizes in check because tahini can up your calorie count quickly, putting you over your recommended caloric intake for the day. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (6.7 milligrams), 595 calories.


Today’s cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals, and niacin is one of them. Many brands seem to have gone too far in their effort to ramp up the nutrition, since adult men and women only need about 15 milligrams per day, and there are lots of cereals that provide far more than that. Consider getting your niacin from more natural sources than these. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (30-58 milligrams), calories vary.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers add plenty of color to your plate, and they clock in on the niacin scale, even if it is on the lower side. Many vegetables don’t contain a lot of niacin, but in this instance these rank high for a vegetable. This means that they serve to contribute to your overall niacin intake for the day, and since they go so well with so many dishes, it’s easy to incorporate them into your diet. Serving Size (100 grams), Niacin (1 milligram), 20 calories.