Visitation Entries 2007

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New Practice. Visitation Entries 2007 . New Practice. Worker/Child Home Visits Monthly Documentation 90% to Avoid Penalty Better Outcomes for Children. New Practice. Worker/Child Visits. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Visitation Entries 2007

Visitation Entries 2007 Visitation Entries 2007

Worker/Child Home Visits Monthly Documentation90% to Avoid PenaltyBetter Outcomes for Children

PSD Facts Aug 07

Worker/Child Visits

Worker/child visits are recorded in the visitation history tab within the treatment plan for each child in CYFD custody.CYFD Policy (B)

–“CYFD visit each child in CYFD custody at least monthly in the child’s placement and assess the placement for appropriateness in meeting the child’s needs and safety.”

PSD Facts Aug 07

Worker/Child Visits

Active Initial Assessment Plan or Individual Treatment PlanRecord these visits in Visitation History– Worker/child in the placement (home visit)– Parent/child visits– Sibling visits – Pre-adoptive placement visits

PSD Facts Aug 07

Worker/Child Visits

Worker/child visits are recorded in the visitation history tab within the treatment plan for each child in CYFD custody.

Double click on ACTIVE treatment plan.

Click to visitation history tab

Click Insert (top menu bar)

PSD Facts Aug 07

Screen appears blank

FACTS is NOT broken…Click Insert.

Click over to the Visitation History tab; Click the “Insert” button to begin entering the visit between worker and child.

Visitation items don’t carry forward from plan to plan in the tab …To view prior entries go to the previous Tx plan.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

Relationship field has two additional dropdowns – “Social Worker– Primary” and “Other CYFD staff”

Able to

back date visit.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

In the description field, enter “Child’s residence”.

This detail

must be completed for each

visit, each


PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

Click on the text button and choose “Visitation Detail (new entry)” to document the details of the visit

Choose the child that was visited

(same as who the tx plan is for)

Record visit detail in reference child

plan for all siblings.

See Visitation Detail for complete description of visit w/siblings.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

And click okay in the treatment plan window.

If you enter narrative (visitation detail) in each child’s plan in the case, it will show multiple times in this document.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Visitation Entries8.10.8.22 (B) CYFD Policy

“CYFD visit . . . and assess the placement for

appropriateness in meeting the child’s needs and safety.”

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

If you are entering several visits with the child, simply click the “Insert” button to record another visit.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

Open the visitation history summary to create the text document before exiting the window …after all visits have been recorded.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

The summary will combine all the visits (worker/child, parent/child, sibling visits) recorded in the visitation history tab for all siblings. This could be helpful to print if the court is requesting a list of visits.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting worker/child visits

Click “OK” when finished. Creation Date shows when entry is made in FACTS, versus date of visitation.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Finding Visitation Entries

When a new treatment plan is active, at least one entry must be created (or exist) to access visitation text from this plan.

To review prior entries or text when this message appears, go to the previous treatment plan for the child.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Program Inst Guide 07-2007-#01

Field staff is encouraged to schedule, conduct and document worker-child visitations within the first twenty days of each month. Reports will run on the 20th day of each month and will be distributed immediately to field staff to allow managers the remainder of the month to ensure children are visited and that documentation is entered.The management information report that will be used for federal reporting purpose will be run on the 5th day of the subsequent month.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Worker/Child Visit Report

SE PlacementWorker Client VisitsFrom 07/01/2007 To 07/31/2007County/Area Case Name Case ID Client Name Client # Visit Dt RelationshipDescription Cust Dt Plmt Dt Tx Plan Dt Worker Supervisor

The children/cases in this section DO NOT have a worker/child visit documented for July

Lists children with worker/child visitation recorded with in report period.

Lists blanks for children with no worker/child visitation recorded.

The report will “find” visits created within the report period, even if plan is terminated or historical.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Worker/Child Visits - Summary

July 2007 Worker/Child Visits - Summary by CountyDRAFT - Sorted alphabeticallyJuly 20, 2007

Monthly Monthly Percentage of Visit Visit NOT children with a

County Region documented documented monthly vist documentedBernalillo East Metro 14 241 5.81%Bernalillo Placement Metro 0 34 0.00%Bernalillo West Metro 10 215 4.65%Chaves SE 2 202 0.99%Cibola NW 10 51 19.61%Colfax/Union NE 3 17 17.65%Curry SE 7 79 8.86%Dona Ana SW 1 201 0.50%Eddy SE 6 81 7.41%Grant/Catron/Hidalgo SW 10 45 22.22%

PSD Facts Aug 07

Forget yesterday habits…

“I was trained to…” “I always put

visitation …” “I was never trained to…”

“My SWS says … in narrative.”

PSD Facts Aug 07

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to put visitation narrative in activity notes and the visitation history tab?– No. Don’t do duplicate work.

Isn’t the entry on each child duplicate work?– No. The ‘insert window’ (time, place, who, etc) is

required for each child. – Visitation detail (narrative) need be entered for only

one child in a sibling group, placed together. Text combines to one document from all plans.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m a case-worker, not a social worker?– If you are the primary worker on the case use ‘Social Worker,

Primary.’ – Secondary worker or out-of-county worker visit will use ‘Other

CYFD staff.”

Isn’t the visitation tab is broken?– No. (Report any new problems to FACTS support.)

Can I just enter visits under caretaker plan?– No. Visitation history can only be entered in child plans.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to enter the visits in order?– No. FACTS will sort visits by date of the event. So, if you have

several weekly visits to record, you can enter the visits in one child’s tx plan, then go to the next child’s tx plan.

Can I just say everything is appropriate?– No. A novel isn’t needed, but some indication of why you

concluded ‘everything is appropriate.’ A description of child’s behavior and interaction…consider what you would say in a verbal summary, then write it.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these requirements the same as Q.A. review?– Essentially. For this federal reporting the Primary Social

Worker and and Other CYFD staff are counted . – The focus of Q.A. is more related to over-all consistency and

quality of contact w/the child and best interest of the child. – Maybe the minimum standard is met, but what about quality? – Q.A. asks, “Are we making the right assessments, asking the

right questions, etc. for best practice/outcomes.”

PSD Facts Aug 07

Program Inst Guide 07-2007-#01

Last year, Congress passed the Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-288). P.L. 109-288 was signed into law on September 28, 2006. It amends title IV-B of the Social Security Act (the Act). The amendment allows the federal government to withhold title IV-B subpart 1 funds unless the state has provided data that shows:– The percentage of children in foster care under the respon-

sibility of the state who were visited on a monthly basis by the caseworker handling the case of the child; and

– The percentage of visits that occurred in the residence of the child.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Program Inst Guide 07-2007-#01

P.L. 109-288 requires that each state determine a baseline. The baseline year has been defined as results from the federal fiscal year ending September 30, 2007. P.L. 109-288 further requires that by the federal fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, at least 90% of the children in foster care will be visited monthly and the majority of these visits are occurring in the child’s place of residence.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Program Inst Guide 07-2007-#01

Annually, New Mexico receives approximately 1.8 million dollars in Title IV-B part 1 funds. – The funds are used to support field operations, including staff

salaries. To ensure funding, New Mexico must submit our baseline data to the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families no later than October 31, 2007.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Program Inst Guide 07-2007-#01

Congress noted in its findings that “…CFSRs also found a strong correlation between frequent caseworker visits with children and positive outcomes for these children, such as timely adherence of permanency and other indicators of child well-being.” Our Quality Assurance reviews support these findings and recognize the importance of worker visits with the child.

PSD Facts Aug 07

Documenting parent/child visits

Enter parent/child visits, sibling visits, other child specific visits here as well. Next slides show selection choices for fields. (Parent/Child visits by phone or letter should be recorded in the visitation history tab.)

PSD Facts Aug 07

“Supervised By”

Foster ParentSocial WorkerCSA (Client Service Agent)CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate)Contract Agency

RelativeTherapistOther CYFD StaffOtherNone

PSD Facts Aug 07


Both ParentsMotherFatherStep-MotherStep-FatherMother/Step-FatherFather/Step-MotherSiblingGrandparents (Maternal)Grandparents (Paternal)

Non-RelativeParent’s PartnerParent/Parent’s PartnerGod-parent(s)KinshipFictive KinExtended FamilyProspective Adoptive Parent(s)

Social Worker (Primary)Other CYFD StaffGALGuardianCaretakerParents & siblingsOther Relative

PSD Facts Aug 07


Child ResidencePhoneLetterFoster HomeParents HomeCYFD OfficeTx ProgramRelative Home

Fictive Relative HomeParkResource HomeReligious EventSchool/DaycareRestaurantOther

PSD Facts Aug 07

Frequently Asked Questions

What about Parent/Child visits that are supervised by Casa or Contract providers?– Yes. They should be recorded in the visitation history tab.– Enter the detail about supervision, time, relationship, attendees,

for each visit. When copying and pasting the report, remember, don’t paste graphics or letterhead into FACTS (to avoid memory/space issues).

– Further policy clarification will be coming regarding what documentation (for contract visits) is required in FACTS.

PSD Facts Aug 07

“Worker/Parent” Visits in Narrative

Do any visits go in Activity notes?– Yes. Worker/Parent contact goes in narrative.

Worker/Family-Face-to-Face Worker/Client- Face-to-FaceWorker/Client- TelephoneWorker/Family- Telephone

PSD Facts Aug 07

Summary: Worker/Client Visits

-Monthly in home visits-Monthly documentation

-Assess appropriateness in meeting the child’s needs and safety.

-90% to avoid penalty-Better outcomes for kids!



for help.