Village of Queen Charlotte AGENDA

Post on 17-May-2022

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Transcript of Village of Queen Charlotte AGENDA


Village of Queen Charlotte AGENDA

_______________________________________________ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Regular meeting of the

Village of Queen Charlotte will be held on Wednesday April 7, 2021 at 7:30 pm at the Village of Queen Charlotte Office

1. Meeting called to Order:

2. Agenda Additions and/or Deletions:

3. Approval of the Agenda:

4. Adoption of the Minutes:4.1 Village of Queen Charlotte Council Minutes March 15, 2021

5. Business Arising from the Minutes:

6. Proclamations:

7. Delegates and Petitions:7.1 Mascon/Telus - Andrew Hofmann, Mgr. Operations

8. Input from the Public Regarding the Approved Agenda Items:

9. Correspondence:For Information:a.9.1 City of Port Moody – Re: Helping Cities Lead Campaign

a.9.2 All-Islands Protocol Table – Re: Draft minutes of February 24,2021 meeting

a.9.3 North Coast Regional District – Re: Board Highlights March 19,2021

For Action: b.9.1 Haida Gwaii Community Futures – Re: Letter of support for

application to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Training on Haida Gwaii.

b.9.2 Lin Armstrong, Martin Manor – Re: Letter of support forapplication to Northern Health Resilient Communities Grant for the replacement of the greenhouse at Martin Manor.


10. Reports of the Committee, COTW and Commissions:From Committee of the Whole March 1, 2021

R2021/10/04 MOVED by Councillor Pineault, Seconded by Councillor Young that the Committee of the Whole recommend to Council that there is a 0% increase for 2021 municipal tax collected.

CARRIED 11. Bylaws:

11.1 Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021, a bylawto establish Officer Positions and prescribe the Powers, Duties & Responsibilities of such Officers, including the Delegation of Authority for adoption.

12. Unfinished Business:

13. New Business:13.1 Allison Sinkins, Chief Financial Officer – Re: Budget Decisions –

2021 – 2025 Draft Provisional Operating Budget RECOMMENDATIONS: The following four recommendations will ensure that the operations and planned capital projects for 2021-2025 will be achievable: 1. Increase Property Taxes by 0%.2. Transfer $88,233 from general surplus for the operating

budget.3. Use 2021 Kagan Bay Lease Revenue for the operating

budget.4. $51,380 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve will be

used in the 2021 operating budget.5. Confirm the Capital Plan for 2021-2025 from the Capital

Budget Overview included in the Strategic Planning sessionMarch 29, 2021.

13.2 Allison Sinkins, Chief Financial Officer – Re: Upgrading Municipal Network Firewall & Cybercrime insurance policy RECOMMENDATIONS: That Council allocate up to $6,100 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve to upgrade the current Sonicwall Firewall with a Meraki device; and That Council allocate $905 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant for a cybercrime insurance policy.


13.3 That Council appoint Allison Sinkins, Chief Financial Officer and Sandra Brown, Deputy Clerk as authorized business representatives for the Village of Queen Charlotte’s Collabria credit card accounts.

14. Notice of Motion:

15. Reports of Mayor, Council Members and Staff:

16. Inquiries from the Public:

17. Adjournment:

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Village of Queen Charlotte March 15, 2021

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Village of Queen Charlotte held on Monday March 15, 2021 at the

Queen Charlotte Village Office, Queen Charlotte, B.C _____________________________________________________

Prior to Adoption Present: Council: Mayor K. Olsen (via zoom webinar)

Councillor J. Embree (via zoom webinar) Councillor A. Pearson (via zoom webinar) Councillor L. Pineault (via zoom webinar) Councillor S. Young (via zoom webinar)

Staff S. Brown, Deputy Clerk (via zoom webinar)J. Bulbrook, Development Clerk (via zoom webinar)M. Kellie, Operations Manager (via zoom webinar)C. Beaumont, Comms/Finance Clerk (Hosting zoom webinar)

Public: 3

1. Meeting called to Order:Mayor Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm and recognized that the Council meetingis taking place on the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. For this meeting MayorOlsen is on the traditional territory of Haida Nation and the Musqueam Squamish andTsleil-waututh Nation.

2. Agenda Additions and/or Deletions:

3. Approval of the Agenda:R2021/12/02 MOVED by Councillor Pearson, Seconded by Councillor Young to adopt the agenda

as circulated. CARRIED

4. Adoption of the Minutes:4.1

R2021/12/03 MOVED by Councillor Pineault, Seconded by Councillor Embree to adopt Village of Queen Charlotte Council Minutes of March 1, 2021 as circulated.


5. Business Arising from the Minutes:

6. Proclamations:

7. Delegates and Petitions:

8. Input from the Public Regarding the Approved Agenda Items:

9. Correspondence:For Information:a.9.1

R2021/12/04 MOVED by Councillor Embree, Seconded by Councillor Pineault that the GwaiiTel Society- Re: Annual Report 2019-2020, be received.



Page 2 of 3

10. Reports of Committee, COTW, and Commissions:

11. Bylaws:11.1

R2021/12/05 MOVED by Councillor Embree, Seconded by Councillor Pineault to give 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading of the Village of Queen Charlotte Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021, a bylaw to establish Officer Positions and prescribe the Powers, Duties & Responsibilities of such Officers, including the Delegation Authority.

CARRIED 12. Unfinished Business:

13. New Business:13.1

R2021/12/06 MOVED by Councillor Pineault, Seconded by Councillor Pearson that Council designate the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) as the Deputy Corporate Officer and the Deputy Approving Officer.


14. Notice of Motion:

15. Reports of Mayor, Council Members and Staff:Mayor Olsen:March 2 Participated in the I3 Youth Roundtable Summit Re: Youth talent retention

in the North. March 3 Attended to office business. March 4 Attended to office business. March 4 Attended Swiilawiid Renewable Energy Forum. March 8 Participated in the Charge North meeting representing the NCRD.

Attended to office business. Spoke with Nikka Collison and Thomas Bursile Re: iPads for Elders, referred them to Fran Fowler (QC Seniors Centre).

March 9 Spoke with Linnaea Fyles Re: organizing zoom meeting for South Graham Island Gwaii Trust Advisory Committee meeting with Clyde Greenough. Attended to office business.

March 10 Attended to office business. March 11 Met with staff Re: upcoming strategic planning. March 14 Participated in the South Graham Island Gwaii Trust Advisory Committee

meeting update.

Councillor Embree: Attended meeting with Councillor Pearson, Ms. Kellie and Ms. Brown Re: Village of Queen Charlotte Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021.

External Boards or Orgs: Vancouver Island Regional Library: Received correspondence from the Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) indicating that they would not be reviewing Queen Charlotte’s tax levy. Received a letter from Rosemary Bonanno, Executive Director of VIRL, Re: disability access funding revoked. Received email from David Carson Re: VIRL program “Scratch Coding Contest for Young Women,” circulated to staff.


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Councillor Pearson: March 3 Attended meeting with Councillor Embree, Ms. Kellie and Ms. Brown Re:

Village of Queen Charlotte Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021.

March 14 Attended South Graham Island Gwaii Trust Advisory Committee meeting with Clyde Greenough and Shelly Sansome.

Offered her assistance to any females in the community who are interested in learning about scratch coding.

Councillor Pineault submitted the following report: March 4 MIEDS Zoom with Taylor Bachrach Re: Northern Living Allowance March 4 Meeting with Staff and Councillor Young regarding Officers Bylaw March 4 Swiilawiid Zoom Meeting re: Energy! March 6 Outreach to the community about Vaccinations and how to book March 14 Watched the SG Trust slideshow (missed the Zoom) Staff did an awesome job Friday night with our massive snowfall.

Councillor Young: March 4 Attended meeting with Councillor Pineault, Ms. Kellie and Ms. Brown Re:

Village of Queen Charlotte Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021.

March 14 Attended Gwaii Trust South Graham Island meeting Re: Athlii Gwaii Legacy Funds.

Interim Operations Manager: Mary Kellie Report submitted and included in original package

16. Inquiries from the Public:

17. Adjournment:R2021/12/07 MOVED by Councillor Pineault to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm. Next Meeting Wednesday April 7, 2021

______________________ __________________________ Mayor K. Olsen, Chair S. Brown, Recording

“Certified Correct by the Corporate Officer”

Corporate Officer (Interim)


March 29, 2021 Sent via Email

To British Columbia Municipalities,

RE: Helping Cities Lead Campaign

On March 2, 2021 Port Moody City Council passed the attached resolution.

I am writing to you today on behalf of Port Moody City Council, requesting your endorsement for the Help Cities Lead Campaign. Endorsing the Help Cities Lead Campaign is an opportunity to support an advocacy campaign related to building greenhouse gas emissions reductions in British Columbia. Supporting this campaign will result in completing an action related to advocacy under the Buildings focus area in the 2020 Climate Action Plan.

The Help Cities Lead campaign presents a suite of climate policy initiatives that support emissions reductions from new and existing buildings in British Columbia. I have included a copy of the Council report dated January 25, 2021 from the Community Development Department – Policy Planning Division regarding Endorsement of Advocacy Campaign Help Cities Lead to provide further information on this topic.

Taking on climate change and making a difference will take the dedication and commitment of all levels of government and the support of BC municipalities.

We hope that you will join our City in endorsing the Help Cities Lead campaign, showing support for a very important legislative change to expand climate action powers in order to meet very important targets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in British Columbia.


Mayor Rob Vagramov City of Port Moody

Attachment: 1. Resolution from the City of Port Moody – Helping Cities Lead Campaign




All-Islands Protocol Table 7:00 PM, FEBRUARY 24 2021, ZOOM MEETING

Meeting invitation via Email

Draft Minutes


Council of the Haida Nation Gaagwiis Jason Alsop - President Ginn wadluu un uula isdaa ayaagang Trevor Russ - Vice President GidadGuudsliiyas Kim Goetzinger - Incident Commander Desi Collinson - Community Liaison

Skidegate Band Council William Yovanovich – Chief Councillor

Old Massett Village Council Donald “Duffy” Edgars- Chief Councillor

Village of Queen Charlotte Kris Olsen - Mayor Sean Young- Councillor

Village of Masset Barry Pages – Mayor Terry Carty - Councillor

Trevor Jarvis - CAO/EOC Director Alan Smith- incoming CAO

Village of Port Clements Doug Daugert – Mayor

North Coast Regional District (NCRD) Evan Putterill - Area E Director Johanne Young - Area D Director Barry Pages – Chair

Daniel Fish - CAO/EOC Director

Guests Daniel Baker – Manager, Skeena District, MoTI Brian Lomas –Area Manager, Skeena District, MoTI



1. Call to order 7:06pm

2. Nomination of Chair

− Kris Olsen nominates Barry Pages to chair, Barry accepts the nomination.

3. Opening prayer

4. Opening remarks

5. Approval of agenda

− Addition of 8.2.2 BC Parks announcement of resident reservations and addition of 8.3 GwaiiTel

− Motion from Evan Putterill seconded by Gaagwiis to approve agenda as amended. None

opposed. Carried.

6. Adoption of minutes from February 24 2021 meeting

− Motion from Kris Olsen seconded by Evan Putterill to approve the minutes as circulated. None

opposed. Carried.

7. Review of action items from previous meetings

− Letter on islands-wide internet connectivity ready for council review and approval.

− Gwaii Trust request for funding reallocation submitted to the Board for review.

8. Discussions:

8.1 Dan Baker and Brian Lomas from MoTI on Haida Gwaii erosion issues

− Summary & update of MoTI work:

− Active erosion control, annual work through O’Brien Road & Bridge, armouring and

rip rap work.

− Concerns raised by Protocol Table:

− Recent landslides, especially in the QC/Skidegate area that might cut off road access

& falling rocks, erosion near Masset hospital, bank erosion in Sandspit, buildup of

material on the sides of highway 16 & thanks for recent improvements.

− Dan and Brian will investigate these issues, and will provide information on the plan

of work for the year to come when it is available.



8.2 COVID-19 Update

− 8.2.1 Elevated COVID-19 transmission on Haida Gwaii and increased case numbers in the

Northern Health region. Discussion of Haida Gwaii case data and joint communications.

− 8.2.2 BC Parks policy of taking reservations from BC residents was announced

− Email from BC Parks for information

− 8.3 GwaiiTel

− Update of February 20 2021 AGM and members meeting.

9. Review of action items for following meeting(s)

10. Next meeting(s)

− 17 March 2021 7pm

11. Closing remarks

12. Adjournment 8:45pm


North Coast Regional District Board Highlights

March 2021


Board Highlights

March 19, 2021

Board Business:

1. The Board received a delegation from the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems regarding

the British Columbia Organic Extension Project which aims to advance regenerative

agriculture and promote sustainable food systems.

2. The Board received a letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities approving

the NCRD’s application to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Evacuation

Route Planning for the Tlell Evacuation Route Planning Project.

3. The Board resolved to provide a letter in support of the Federal 998 Crisis Line to the local

Member of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly, Federal Minister of Health, and

Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications.

4. The following bylaws were adopted:

1. Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 672, 2021; and

2. Queen Charlotte Aerial Line and Transformer Replacement Security Issuing Bylaw

No. 673, 2021.

5. Second reading was provided for NCRD Administration Building Reserve Fund

Establishment Bylaw 671, 2021.

6. The Board resolved to support the signing of the joint letter from the Haida Gwaii Protocol

Table to Minister Beare entitled ‘Fiber Optic Connectivity on Haida Gwaii’.

For complete details of NCRD Board meetings, the Agenda and Minutes are

posted online at



From: Sandra BrownTo: "Armstrongs ("Cc: Mary Kellie; Kris OlsenSubject: RE: From the website:Date: March 30, 2021 10:47:00 AM

Good morning Lin

I can add your request for a letter of support for your application to Northern Health to replace the greenhouse atMartin Manor to the VQC Council agenda.The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 7 due to the Easter long weekend.


Sandra BrownDeputy ClerkVillage of Queen Charlotte250 559 4765 ext. 221

-----Original Message-----From: Armstrongs <>Sent: March 29, 2021 2:17 PMTo: Mary Kellie <>Subject: From the website:

Good afternoon Mary,I am writing to ask for a letter of support for a grant to replace our greenhouse at Martin Manor. The greenhousesuccumbed to the violent winds over the winter and is beyond repair.The grant is through Northern Health and the focus is food sustainability and how the pandemic has impacted ourability to socialize.The greenhouse was integral last year to growing fresh, pesticide-free veggies for the residents of the Manor. Thisyear we have four more new neighbors who have an interest in maintaining our supply of fresh vegetables.We would be getting fresh air, exercise and fresh food. We would also be able to form relationships with ourneighbors in Cedar Place, next door. The pandemic has restricted our ability to be neighborly. If you are unable to respond to this request, could you forward it to the person who could do so?I require the letter as soon as possible. I have already received a letter of support from our community nurse.I look forward to receiving a response to this request.Thank you,Lin

Sent from my iPad




Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw

A bylaw to establish Officer Positions and prescribe the Powers, Duties & Responsibilities of such Officers, including the Delegation of Authority

WHEREAS the Village of Queen Charlotte must by bylaw, under Section 146 of the Community Charter, establish Officer’s positions having responsibility under Sections 148 and 149 of the Community Charter,

AND WHEREAS the Village of Queen Charlotte may, by bylaw, confer on an officer the position the chief administrative responsibility for the Village under Section 147 of the Community Charter,

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Village of Queen Charlotte, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:

1. Citation/Title

1.1 This Bylaw may be cited as the “Village of Queen Charlotte Officers and Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 136-2021”.

2. Definitions

2.1. In this bylaw:

a) “Council” means the Council of the Village of Queen Charlotte;b) “Village” means the Village of Queen Charlotte;c) “Officer” means a person holding an office established under this Bylaw.

3. Officers3.1. The following Officer’s positions are established:

a) Chief Administrative Officerb) Corporate Officerc) Chief Financial Officer

3.2 The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) are as set out in Schedule A attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.



3.3 The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Officer (CO) are as set out in Schedule B attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

3.4 The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) are as set out in Schedule C attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

The Village of Queen Charlotte Bylaw No. 77-2014, A bylaw to provide for the appointment of Officers and to Prescribe Powers, Duties & Responsibilities of Such Officers, including the Delegation of Authority is repealed.

READ A FIRST TIME the 15th day of March, 2021.

READ A SECOND TIME 15th day of March, 2021.

READ A THIRD TIME the 15th day of March, 2021.

ADOPTED ON THE _________ day of __________, 2021.

_______________________ Mayor Kris Olsen

______________________ Corporate Officer




Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

1 General Administration Under the general direction of the Mayor and subject to the Village’s bylaws, policies, programs and other directions of council the Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for:

a. Effective utilization of the Village’s human, financial and physical resources• Report to Council on plans to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the

organization and on the status of the implementation of changes• Provide direction to Department Heads and to co-ordinate their activities so

as to incur the most effective utilization of municipal resources• Ensure that officers and employees are delegated adequate authority to carry

out their responsibilities and ensure that appropriate limitations on theirauthority are clearly understood

• Encourage and approve staff training, attendance at seminars, conferences,etc., in accordance with council policy and the Financial Plan to fosterproductivity, professionalism and high morale

• Is responsible for the hiring, managing and terminating of all the employeesof the Village; and

• will recommend suspension or termination of an officer, to Council if theCAO deems such action appropriate; the suspension or termination withcause recommendation must be upheld by a simple majority vote ofCouncil; termination without cause must be upheld by a 2/3 vote ofCouncil; the officer must be informed of their right to receive a hearing byCouncil prior to any confirmation

• Report to Council on the addition, suspension, separation, promotion,demotion, transfer, or retirement of any officer or employee of themunicipality

• Approve financial and operating transactions, as outlined in Village policy,including the Procurement Policy

• Review or prepare applications and submissions for grants available to theVillage in concert with the Chief Financial Officer

• Manage and initiate contract negotiations on behalf of the municipality, andmake recommendations to Council for approval, and engage appropriateprofessional advice and support as necessary and within established budgets

• Ensures all health and safety regulations are reflected in the workplace• Decide on all matters of administrative detail for which no specific provision

has been made in the law or by council policy, and reporting to Council alldecisions that should be authorized by appropriate policies

• Appoint on a temporary basis an “Acting CAO” and upon approval of theMayor and Council for extended assignments outside vacation and workshopcoverage.



b. Ensuring that Council’s Initiatives and policies are executed and implemented in atimely manner

• Ensure that all resolutions passed by Council are implemented and to reportthereon to the Mayor and Council

• Ensure that all municipal bylaws, policies and procedures are properlyadministered

• Compile, prepare, document, review and make recommendations inconjunction with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on the capital andoperating budgets of the Village and to modify them in accordance withspecific guidelines as directed by Council

• Prepare reports to Council and maintain such records and information asmay be necessary to perform this function.

2 Legal Advice and Proceedings a. Advising Council on the development of bylaws, policies and the design of

programs and other matters• Be available to the Mayor and Council for the purpose of answering

enquiries and providing information and reports, as required• Provide advice and assistance to Council in developing municipal policy and

to recommend policy as appropriate to ensure the effective operation oradministration of the municipality

• Assist Council to develop a Strategic Plan and other plans and to implementand monitor implementation of such plans while ensuring that theorganization and departments are aligned to best produce positive results

• Assist the Mayor with preparations for Council meetings and any othercorporate matters coming within his/her jurisdiction and assist members ofCouncil in preparing documents required for the fulfillment of theirfunctions

• Provide for a smooth, timely flow of information and advice to Mayor andCouncil on emerging issues or on matters

• Obtain legal advice and authorize the Village’s solicitors to defend orconduct action or proceeding in a court of law or before a tribunal, arbitrator,board, or any person, for or on behalf of the municipality.

3 Council Working with community groups and the public and with other governments to ensure that Council’s bylaws, policies and programs are communicated and that such groups have fair and equitable access to Council

• Represent the municipality before the public and to work with the public asrequired, for the purpose of answering enquiries and discussing complaintswith respect to municipal operations

• Supervise replies to public enquiries by municipal administration and allcorrespondence originating from municipal administration and to deal with



all correspondence which does not directly concern some other department or office

• Communicate effectively with council, employees of the Village and withthe general public and to ensure that the decisions and directions of councilare implemented in a timely manner

• Plan, undertake and oversee effective public consultation processes withthe community

• Markets and promotes the Councils strategic priorities and enhances thecommunities image and visibility.

• Attending Council and Committee Meetings and Undertaking otheractivities that the Mayor or Council may from time to time assign

• Acting as the Emergency Operations Director during emergency eventsand/or evacuations.




Powers, Duties and Functions of the Corporate Officer (CO)

1 Statutory (Corporate Administration)

a. ensuring that accurate minutes of the meetings of the council and councilcommittees are prepared and that the minutes, bylaws and other records ofthe business of the council and council committees are maintained and keptsafe;

b. ensuring that access is provided to records of the council and councilcommittees, as required by law or authorized by the council;

c. administering oaths and taking affirmations, affidavits and declarationsrequired to be taken under this Act or any other Act relating to municipalities;

d. certifying copies of bylaws and other documents, as required or requested;

e. accepting, on behalf of the council or municipality, notices and documentsthat are required or permitted to be given to, served on, filed with orotherwise provided to the council or municipality;

f. keeping the corporate seal, if any, and having it affixed to documents asrequired.




Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

1 Statutory (Financial Officer)

a. receiving all money paid to the municipality;

b. ensuring the keeping of all funds and securities of the municipality;

c. investing municipal funds, until required, in authorized investments;

d. expending municipal money in the manner authorized by council;

e. ensuring the accurate records and full accounts of the financial affairs of themunicipality are prepared, maintained and kept safe;

f. exercising control and supervision over all other financial affairs of themunicipality.

2 General Administration

a. responsible for Financial administration of the municipality;

b. responsible for compiling and supplying information on the financial affairsof the municipality required by the inspector of municipalities;

3 Legal Advice and Proceedings

a. supervise the obtaining of insurance as deemed necessary;

b. supervise the provision of insurance matters;

c. prepare and arrange for filing of any documentation necessary, under theFinancial Disclosure Act or otherwise.

4 Council

a. prepare budgets and financial plans of Village of Queen Charlotte and anyother department or organizations of the Village; and

b. liaise with the Village of Queen Charlotte’s auditor in connection with thefinancial audit.










Page 1


DATE: April 7, 2021

AUTHOR: Allison Sinkins - Chief Financial Officer

SUBJECT: Budget Decisions 2021 - 2025 Draft Operating Budget

RECOMMENDATION: The following recommendation came forward from the March 1, 2021 Committee of the Whole Five-year Financial Plan Presentation:

1. A 0% increase for 2021 municipal tax collected.

In order to balance the 2021 operating budget with a 0% tax increase the following steps are required:

2. The anticipated Kagan Bay lease revenue of $17,600 is to be included in the operatingbudget to offset 2021 operating expenses.

3. Transfer $88,233 from general surplus to balance the 2021 operating budget.

In addition, it is requested that Council:

4. Confirm the Capital Plan for 2021-2025.

BACKGROUND: On March 1, 2021, Council held a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the Draft Operating Budget for 2021. With direction from the budget committee, the Chief Financial Officer presented three options for increasing property taxes for 2021: 2%, 3% or 4% increase in municipal tax collected.

Property Tax


Municipal Property

Taxes Collected

Municipal Tax on a

Residential Property per


Decreased Cost from 2020-2021 on a

Residential Property Per


Municipal Tax on a Business Property per


Increased Cost from 2020-2021 on a Business

Property per $200,000

2% $226,478 $348.00 $16.08 $443.68 $20.00 3% $228,698 $351.42 $12.66 $448.04 $24.36 4% $230,918 $354.00 $10.00 $452.20 $28.52


Village of Queen Charlotte – 2021 Draft Provisional Operating Budget Page 2

At the C.O.W. meeting Council recommended a 0% increase to property tax which would be accomplished by using Kagan Bay Lease revenue to balance the 2021 operating budget and drawing $88,233 from the general surplus.

Property Tax


Municipal Property

Taxes Collected

Municipal Tax on a

Residential Property per


Decreased Cost from 2020-2021 on a

Residential Property Per


Municipal Tax on a Business Property per


Increased Cost from 2020-2021 on a Business

Property per $200,000

0% $222,037 $342.00 $22.08 $435.10 $11.42

$51,380 in revenue from the COVID-19 Restart Grant will be used in the operating budget to offset administrative and legislative expenses that were delayed due to COVID-19, youth centre restart expenses resulting from COVID-19, and improving virtual communications/ service to residents safely during COVID-19.

Anticipated Operating Revenues (with 0% increase to property tax):

Source Amount Percentage Grants $526,070 29% User Fees $446,772 24% Property Taxes $260,572 14% Frontage $225,200 12% Surplus transferred to 2021 $88,233 5% Administration Expense Recovery $70,000 4% COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve Funds $51,380 3% Investment Earnings $50,000 3% Payments in Lieu $48,295 3% Sales of Services (includes lease revenue) $39,534 2% Recreation Parcel Tax $22,600 1% Other Revenue (interest & penalties, donations, fundraising) $16,550 1%


Anticipated Operating Expenditures:

Department Expenditure Budgets Amount Administration $546,930 Water $343,720 Waste Management $156,240 Sewer $121,472 Roads $92,750 Legislative Services $85,899


Village of Queen Charlotte – 2021 Draft Provisional Operating Budget Page 3

Public Works – Shop $62,905 Economic Development $62,595 Fire Department $51,749 Parks $48,227 Youth Centre $45,368 Other General Government $44,980 Library $38,535 Insurance $35,313 Vehicles $26,500 Recreation $26,000 Other Development $20,000 Street Lighting - Utilities $12,500 Emergency Services $9,079 Buildings $9,050 Spirit Square $1,950 Cemetery $1,844 Planning $1,600


Considerations of 2021 budget:

Business class tax rate remains low for 2021 around 2.3, a generous reduction from 2019 pre-COVID rate of 6.04.

Residential property assessments increased and business property assessments decreased in 2021.

The 2021 operating budget will not be transferring any funds to reserve meaning there will be no funds set aside for replacing aging capital infrastructure.

The COVID-19 Restart grant will be used for operations in 2021 to improve virtual communications, reopen centres and move forward operational expenses that were cut from the 2020 budget.

Operating expenses for 2021 onward will continually increase based on the cost of living alone, making it more challenging to balance the budget. Council will be faced with a difficult decision to cut operating expenses or significantly increase municipal tax collected.

Unusual one-time items in 2021 operating budget include hiring of a new CAO and covering operating expenses for the old and new firehall – administration and fire department operating expenses should likely decrease in 2022.


Village of Queen Charlotte – 2021 Draft Provisional Operating Budget Page 4

Planned Capital Projects: The following Capital Project priorities for 2021, which will be funded from grants and/or reserves and/or surplus.

2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS – To be funded from grants and/or reserves and/or budget

2020 approved projects carried forward (to be completed in 2021): Department Project Est. Budget Funder

Roads Culvert replacement, Wharf Street Improvements

$1,012,552 TNIP

Protective Services

Fire Hall Phase #6: Construction

$285,567 NCPG

Protective Services

SCBA Equipment $35,556 Gwaii Trust/VFDPS

Sewer Feasibility Update Phase II- Service Level Agreement

$25,696 Gas Tax

Protective Services

Wildfire Protection Plan $2,700 CRI-UBCM

Council approved 2021 projects with grant funding secured: Department Project Est. Budget Funder

Protective Services

Coastal Flooding Risk Assessment

$142,113 UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund

Administration Virtual Communication Upgrade

New Firehall & Municipal Office

$40,000 COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve

Public Works Public Works Improvements - Truck

$30,000 Gwaii Trust Vibrant

Protective Services

Firefighting Improvements - Radios

$25,000 Gwaii Trust Vibrant

Parks Trail Strategy $11,150 Rural Dividend Fund $10,000

Protective Services

Fire Inspection Program $10,596 Gwaii Trust 50% VQC 50%

Administration Electric Car Charge Stations $10,000 Charge North BC Grant UBCM Gas Tax

Protective Services

Grand Opening Painting $258 Gwaii Trust Arts Grant


Village of Queen Charlotte – 2021 Draft Provisional Operating Budget Page 5

Council approved 2021 projects without grant funding secured: Department Project Est. Budget Funder

Water/ Sewer WTP and Sewer System Upgrades

$240,000 Pending- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program $175,992 TBD $64,008

Protective Services

Tsunami Siren Poles for East and West end of Queen Charlotte

$138,620 Pending Gwaii Trust Major Contributions 50% TBD remaining 50%- NCPG?

Protective Services

Fire Hall Generator $36,273 Pending CEPF (UBCM) 25,000 Pending CHCI 11,273

Protective Services

Evacuation Route Planning $33,288 TBD

Cemetery Cemetery gate, kiosk and columbarium

$30,750 NCPG?

Administration Telephone System Upgrades $17,000 $13,000 allocated from COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve

2021 projects still pending Council approval and grant funding Department Project Est. Budget Funder

Water/Sewer Secondary Water Intake Study $358,273 TBD - report on April 19 Administration Firewall upgrade $6,100 COVID-19 Restart Grant

Reserve – report on April 7

2021 projects to be addressed through operational plan Department Project Est. Budget Funder

Parks Concrete surface upgrade & Roof installation for multi-use tennis court


Roads Rainbow crosswalk $4,500? TBD Updated quote needed (regular $700)

Roads Haida Street Names $9,000? TBD- actual quote needed


Department Project Est Budget Funder (2022) Roads Seawalk Extension $1,065,214 TBD (2022) Roads Bicycle Network- Phase 2 –

Commuter Path $248,990 TBD


Village of Queen Charlotte – 2021 Draft Provisional Operating Budget Page 6

(2022) Protective Services

Emergency Cache $50,000 TBD

(2022) Buildings Asset Management - Facilities $30,000 TBD (2022) Utilities Well #1 & #3 Decommissions $24,000 TBD (2022) Administration

Business and Resident Attraction Strategy

$20,000 TBD

(2022) Parks Community Accessibility Plan $10,000 TBD (2022) Parks 1st Street Stairs $10,000 TBD (2022) Water/Sewer

Joint Sewer Public Consultations

$5,000 C2C funding?

(2023) Protective Services

Fire Truck $250,000 TBD

(2023) Parks Knotweed Eradication $25,000 TBD Parks Boat Launch – Stiff Leg TBD TBD

RECOMMENDATIONS: The following four recommendations will ensure that the operations and planned capital projects for 2021-2025 will be achievable:

1. Increase Property Taxes by 0%.

2. Transfer $88,233 from general surplus for the operating budget.

3. Use 2021 Kagan Bay Lease Revenue for the operating budget.

4. $51,380 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve will be used in the 2021 operatingbudget.

5. Confirm the Capital Plan for 2021-2025 from the Capital Budget Overview included inthe Strategic Planning session March 29, 2021.


Allison Sinkins, Chief Financial Officer


Page 1


DATE: April 7, 2021

AUTHOR: Allison Sinkins, CFO

SUBJECT: Upgrading Municipal Network Firewall & Cybercrime Insurance Policy


To allocate up to $6,100 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve to upgrade the current Sonicwall Firewall with a Meraki device.

To allocate $905 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve for a cybercrime insurance policy.


COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve balance is approximately $310,000.


At the advice of our IT Service Provider, we are requesting to replace our current Sonicwall Firewall with a Meraki Device.

The Meraki Device will provide our IT provider with increased insight within our network which will help with troubleshooting ongoing issues with our municipal software.

Replacing the current firewall with a Meraki device will allow our IT provider to prioritize bandwidth for specific applications such as Zoom which ties in with improving virtual communications.


Quote Meraki MX84 Security Appliance $1,904.00 Meraki Advanced Security License 3 year $3,500.59 Labour $150.00 PST $511.60 TOTAL $6,066.19


Village of Queen Charlotte –Upgrading Firewall and Cybercrime Insurance Policy Page 2

Cybercrime Insurance

At the advice of Municipal Insurance Association of BC, we have included cybercrime insurance coverage in the 2021 operating budget. The pandemic has increased our municipality’s virtual communications, electronic invoicing and payments and this policy will help to mitigate these risks.

Cybercrime policy coverage includes:

Security and Privacy Liability Multimedia and Intellectual Property Liability Technology Services Network Interruption and Recovery Physical Damage, Physical Loss Event Support Expenses Privacy Regulatory Defense and Penalties Network Extortion Electronic Theft, Computer Fraud and Telecommunications Fraud Social Engineering Fraud Reputational Damage


To allocate up to $6,100 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve to upgrade the current Sonicwall Firewall with a Meraki device.

To allocate $905 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant Reserve for a cybercrime insurance policy


_______________________ Allison Sinkins, Chief Financial Officer


AUTHOR: Mary Kellie, Operations Manager SUBJECT: Report to Council DATE: April 7, 2021


• Garbage collection from bins• Spread wood chips around garden areas• Replace dock support beams at boat launch• Pressure wash boat launch in prep for dock install

Roads: • PW staff on rotating morning shift• Sand/salt roads as required

Sewer: • Regular sewer system maintenance

Water: • Regular water system maintenance• Service Fire hydrants

Mapping: Emergency Mapping update is complete. DRA (Digital Road Atlas) files have been submitted to the province. Development Clerk continues to confer with the Province in trying to find alternate methods to identify homes located on un-named alleys. Solutions have been found for homes with alternate access identified on mapping, including updating addresses in our municipal software with owners consent (i.e., Oceanview Drive lots that access from Forestry Hill-3rd avenue). The Development Clerk continues to update and is working towards complete mapping for all house numbers for the Village.

Bylaw Review: The Development Clerk and Deputy Clerk are jointly in the process of reviewing existing Village bylaws. Report and recommendations will be forthcoming.

Property Tax Notices: staff is preparing for issue of property tax notices. Taxes notices are being issued with a 0% increase for 2021.

2. EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPARATION:Fire Hall:The engineers were onsite and completed their inspection for deficiencies. Several deficiencieswere noted that require bringing in an electrician and mechanical crew. This means thecompletion date is now April 20th for hand over of keys.Mechanical items:

• Mechanical crew to arrive April 12-15• HVAC unit at new location needs fire damper installed• 2 motorized dampers are required• Insulation on piping needs to be finished correctly

Electrical items: • Electrical crew to arrive April 18th, Tom is trying to get them here earlier• Fire alarm system verification



• Vehicle exhaust system needs re-wiring as it wasn’t installed correctly- Tom will work toget this cost recovered from prior invoicing

3. SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:Strategic Planning sessions have begun Operational Plan is being developed by staff for bringingforward to Council for approval at the next Strategic Planning session.

4. ENERGY AND CLIMATE ACTION:Development is working with BC Hydro to develop a plan for the change over and installation ofLED street lights. This involves, identifying lights by location on map. Change over will be takingplace in the near future.

5. PUBLIC SPACES AND RECREATION:Report from Youth Centre (Julia Weder)An Easter update:

I've ordered a whole bunch of eggs, bunnies, pens, bags, and bubbles for the Easterparade/trailer on Sunday which we're planning with Dana Brady / Jackie Decembrini / MissyMcDonald and other helpers. There'll be a shelter built for the trailer to protect from rain, andDana will drive the trailer through every street in QC and Skidegate. Not finalized yet wherewe'll be decorating and launching off from yet, but the plan is to decorate/prep Saturdaymorning and do the parade on Sunday.

Haida Child & Family Services Society and I will be putting the packages together this week andwrapping up a few more plans. If you know someone who might want to be a back-up Easterbunny, let me know! (the costume's pretty clunky and I might need to take shifts with someoneto avoid collapsing - I've got one friend as a back-up so far).

We're keeping the Easter plan relatively under wraps until Thursday or Friday, so it's a bit of asurprise for people. The Easter bunny identity will be kept secret.

Other updates:

The Spring Plant Camp went really well, we had 24 participants, 8 of which are on our QCYC list.Kids were invited to watch short instructional videos and do the camp activities in theirbackyards, with materials (plant presses, hand-lenses, etc.) delivered to their door.

We have responses from 35 families on our Survey Monkey for QCYC registration, woohoo! I'mtabulating all that in an excel sheet this week and will send it over once it's ready. It'll havephone numbers, addresses, emails, and youth ages for each family, and I'll use that to build anemail list to keep parents informed on programming.

I've ordered some art supplies for care packages (diamond dotz) and will make another orderthis week for another piece of the package, so that we can do a delivery sometime in April forour new QCYC list.

6. FAIR, HONEST AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE:Vaccination for the Northern Health region is ahead of schedule in general. Mass vaccination hasbegun on Haida Gwaii and is rolling out smoothly. Most of the Village staff is now vaccinatedwith the rest scheduled for April 6.



There is some identified vaccination resistance on Haida Gwaii and the Village office continues to share Northern Health information aimed at calming fears. UCC (Unified Central Command) Fishing lodges are starting to make permit applications. Old Masset states that they will not support these applications. Air Canada scheduled to resume Sandspit service on June 22, 2021.

7. STAFFING AND OPERATIONS:The Deputy Clerk has submitted her application for designation as Commissioner of Affidavits.CAO recruitment is in progress.Advertising for our Janitorial Contract and for a deep cleaning contract for the new fire hall arein place.Our IT contractor has moved our Website to our server which will now give us the ability tochange/redesign our website.The Auditors were on site in the week of March 22. Preliminary impressions are that all wentwell and that the Auditors were pleased with the information provided to them.
