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Pinner Hill Golf Club

Men’s Competition Rules

Local Rules

Men’s and Mixed Competition Descriptions and Regulations

(listed in alphabetical order)


This document defines the rules, local rules and specific regulations for men’s and mixed competitions. It replaces a hard copy document of the same title prepared.

The intended use is for the General Manager and the Golf Activities Committee when organising competitions.

The document is MS Word and the file name is ‘Competition Rules and Regulations’ and the file is held and maintained by the general manager.

An associated document is an excel spreadsheet which is a checklist of the actions required to organise competitions. The file name is ‘Competitions Action List’.


1. Men’s Competition Rules1. Competitions are open to Full Members only, with competition handicaps unless

otherwise stated. Certain restrictions apply to 500-Club and New Associate members.

2. Club subscriptions are payable in advance on May 1st. No Member whose subscription is more than one month in arrears may compete for any club prize.

3. All Competitions will be played from the back competition tees, when open, unless the rules of a competition deem otherwise.

4. A competitor competing in an individual medal competition Must play in either a 2 ball or 3 ball. The penalty for breach of this condition is disqualification.

5. A competitor failing to pay the entrance fee, and sign the entrance book, before playing in a Stroke play competition, shall be disqualified. In Match play competitions, the entrance fee must be paid and the entrance book signed to qualify for inclusion in the draw.

6. There will be no substitution of competitors after the competition entry book has been closed.

7. Players are responsible for their correct handicap, and should notify their handicapping authority immediately of any change due to results in open competitions outside the Club, in accordance with the current standard scratch handicap scheme.

8. A Member whose handicap has been reduced at any other Club must notify his handicapping authority in writing.

9. The Handicap limit allowed in all competitions, except the Veteran's Cup, and where there are two divisions, will be 24 Division 1: - Handicaps 12 and under. Division 2: - Handicaps 13 to 28.

10. If a Member's handicap is altered during the course of a competition, the new handicap will take immediate effect.

11. The dates by which competition rounds are to be played will be strictly adhered to, and match arrangements are to be made in accordance with the rules set by the Golf Activities Committee.

12. In Stroke play competitions, it is the responsibility of the player to sign into the competition on the club computer and to enter their score on the computer on completion. Failure to do so will be treated as a disciplinary matter by the Golf Activities Committee.

13. In the event of a tie in a Stroke play competition, the winner will be determined by matching cards over the back 9, 6, 3 and finally the 18 th hole. Ties in a 36-hole competition will similarly be determined over the back 18,9,6,3 and finally the 36 th hole. Any ties, which cannot be resolved by these methods will be determined by the Golf Activities Committee. In the event of a tie in the Scratch Cup, the result will be determined by 18 holes Medal play and thereafter by sudden death. Ties in Match play competitions will be determined by sudden death, starting at the hole where the match began.

14. The Committee shall lay down the conditions under which all competitions are played, and reserve the right to reject or accept any entry. Competitors entering Board, Cup and Matchplay competitions are required (a) to have a competition handicap AND (b) to have completed at least three "Qualifying Rounds" (excluding Supplementary Scores, 9 Hole Qualifying Competitions and Away Scores) during the preceding 12 months. (Failure to have done so may disqualify the competitor at the discretion of the Committee).


2. Local Rules

1. Out of Bounds (rule 27-1)a) Beyond any wall or fence bordering the course.b) Beyond any white lines or stakes defining Out of Bounds.c) In or beyond the boundary ditches to the left of the 1st and 8th holes.

2. Water Hazards (rule 26-1)a) Water hazards are defined by yellow stakes or lines.b) All ditches on the course except those listed as lateral water hazards.c) The ponds and moats on the 4th 9th 10th and 18th

3. Lateral Water Hazards (rule 26-1)a) Lateral water hazards are defined by red stakes and lines.b) the ditches on the left of the 2nd 11th & 13th and on the right of the 5th 10th and 12thc) The ponds on the left of the 9th and 15th.

4. Immovable Obstructions (rule 24-2)a) The patio areas.b) All fixed sprinkler heads.In addition if such an obstruction on or within two club lengths of the putting green of the hole being played intervenes on the line of play the player may obtain relief.c) The bells and their stands on the 2nd and 16th.

5. Stones in Bunkers. (rule 24-1)Stones in bunkers are moveable obstructions.

6. Protection of Young Trees (rule 24-2b)Identified by stakes or artifical protection.If such a tree interferes with a players stance or the area of thier intended swing,the ball must be lifted and dropped without penalty in accordance with the rule.

7. Abnormal Ground Conditions. (rule 25)a) all areas indicated by blue lines or stakesb) A ball lying in a track made by mechanical equipment ,hoof mark or ant hill may be lifted and dropped without penalty in accordance with the rule.

8.Ground under Repair (rule 25-1)All flower beds on the course are ground under repair from which play is prohibited. If a player's ball lies in the area, or if it interferes with the player's stance or intended swing the player must take relief without penalty in accordance with the rule.

9. Practice Putting Greens. (rule 25-3)A ball coming to rest on the practice pitching or putting green must be lifted without penalty in accordance with the rule.

10.Distance Measuring Device.(rule 14-3)A player may obtain imformation from a distance measuring device providing such a device does not measure other conditions such as gradient,wind speed,temperature and the like.Penalty for breach of rule disqualification, regardless of whether such a device is actually used.

11.Breach of local Rule.a) Matchplay - Loss of hole.b) strokeplay - 2 strokes


3. Competition Descriptions and Regulations

Contents in Alphabetical Order

NameAinslie CupAlfred Griggs America Cup Andray CupBank Holiday Mixed Competition Bennett Auction ShotgunBennett CupBoxing Day CompetitionCalcutta CupCaptain’s Charity Day Captain’s Prize Captains SalverChallenge BowlCharity Day Christmas CompetitionClark BibChampionship Cup and Scratch Cup Trophy (Club Championship) Coronation Bowl Edward Cup Emma Louise Memorial CupFather and SonFestival Members Competition Frais HeddonGolden JubileeGrants ShotgunHatherleigh CupHawkins Cup Junior and Seniors Cups Kodak (KGA) OpenLotery CupLyric Trophy Match Play Finals dayMargerita Bowl & TOJO TrophyMens Seniors Open Men’s Summer Invitation Mixed Invitation MeetingNash OxlandNewton CupNew Years Day CompetitionOpen Mixed GreensomePopplewellPresidents PutterPresidents TrophyProfessionalsQueen Elizabeth BowlRAFA MedalRAFA Victory CupRoss Trophy Terry Leeper TrophyTippen TrophyVeterans CupWarrin Trophy


Ainslie Cup

Type Major First Round end date 14 may 2017

Format Mixed foursome match play knockout over 18 holes. Refereed final over 18 holes.

When Through spring and summer

How to enter Select partner and enter names onto entry sheet on lobby notice board.

How to pay Entry fee per pair in the competitions box.

Restrictions No substitutions

Handicaps ½ difference between combined handicaps of each side

Tees Yellow and Red


Alfred Griggs Trophy

Type Major (Honours Board) first round played 10 dec17

Format Matchplay fourball betterball knockout over 18 holes. Refereed final over 36 holes.

When Through winter season.

How to enter Select partner and enter names in competition book. Draw carried out by GAC

How to pay Entry fee per pair in the competitions box.


Handicaps Lowest handicap player concedes strokes to other players based on 90% of the difference between the full handicaps

Tees Yellow

Notes Players arrange own match within deadline. Ties decided by sudden death

America Cup

Type Major. (Honours Board) 29th and 30thj April 2017

FormatCaptains Discretion – normally 18-hole medal. This competition is also the Spring Meeting of the Tigers and Foxes sections. If off the Winter Tees, then the format is Stableford.


When End April

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay Match fee in the pro shop


Handicaps Maximum of 24 or as the Captain decides.

Tees White (or Yellow in Winter Tees in operation).

Notes All of the proceeds from the entries are given to the professional towards his ‘Tournament expenses’.

Andray Cup

Type Major.

Format 18 holes Matchplay - played between the winners of the Junior and Senior Cups.

When Arranged by contenders to be played before Summer Finals Day

How to enter N/A

How to pay Match fee in the pro shop



Tees White

Notes Referee not required unless requested by one or both players.

Bank Holiday Mixed Competition (AKA Spring Mixed Competition)


Format Mixed greensome. 18 holes. 6 drives to be taken by each player.

When Spring Bank Holiday afternoon

How to enter Individual or pair entry on notice board.

How to pay Entry fee (including dinner) paid in the pro shop



Handicaps Lower Handicap x 0.6 plus Higher Handicap x 0.4.

Tees Yellow and Red

Notes Husbands and wives may play together

Bennett Auction Shotgun

Type Played 12th March 2017.

Format 4 ball better ball over 18 holes. Stableford scoring.

When Spring. Shotgun start at 08.30

How to enterEnter onto list on Lobby notice board. Open to all members with competition handicaps (appropriate green fee to be paid).

How to pay £5 per player paid to the starter at check in area in the main lounge..

Restrictions Open to all members (Men/Ladies - for 5 day/500 club/associates, green fees apply)

Handicaps 90% of full handicap

Tees Yellow

Notes Prizes given on the day. The Auction for the Bennett Cup normally takes place after this competition..

Bennett Cup

Type Major (Honours Board) Early Feb Notice to be posted

Format 4 ball matchplay knockout over 18 holes. Refereed Final over 36 holes.

When Through spring and summer

How to enter Enter pairs names in the Competitions Book

How to pay £10 per pair in the competitions box. Entry fee must be paid before Bennett Auction.

Restrictions No juniors, no substitutions.


Tees White

Notes After the entry closing date and prior to the draw, a bidding auction is held for each


team in order to establish a cash prize fund. The highest bidder for any team becomes the owner and is the recipient of any prize money. The prize fund is split as follows:o 10% retained by the clubo 25% of the balance to the winnerso 20% of the balance to the runners upo 17% to the losing semi-finalistso 12% to the losing quarter-finalistso The balance is divided between losing 3rd round players

If the owner is not a player, he must offer the players up to 50% of the bid price.

Owners must pay the amount bid before the first match is played.

Boxing Day Competition


Format 4 ball betterball Stableford over 18 holes.

When Boxing day

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay £5 per person.

Restrictions No entry handicap limit

Handicaps 90% full handicap

Tees Tees of the day (yellow)

Notes Prizes in 2 divisions if the field is of sufficient size. Bar closes early.

Calcutta Cup

Type Wasn’t played 2017

Format Individual Stableford over 18 holes. Ladies and Men in the same competition.

When Around the Hindu feast of Devali

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay £5 per person.

Restrictions No entry handicap limit

Handicaps Full


Tees Yellow and red


Captains Charity Day

The Captains Charity day is organised by the festival committee and is a ‘fun’ competition.

Captains Choice

These matches are winter ‘fun’ competitions and the Captain played over the winter months and decides the format. A notice is required advising of the format. Prizes are given according to the number of entries.

Entry fee is normally £5 to be paid in the pro shop on the day.

Captains Prize

Type Major – Honours Board Played 13 and 14 May 2017

Format 36 hole medal played either on 1 day or over 2 days. There is also a an alternate 18 hole medal for those not wishing to play 36 holes.

When May

How to enter Entry sheet in the pro shop

How to pay £5 for each 18 holes

Restrictions Male, full members only.

Handicaps Full

Tees White


Tee reservations may be booked in advance on the Sunday morning for those playing 36 holes on the Sunday.

Prize allocation as decided by the committee but should include 1st and 2nd round best scores for each 18 holes. Winner is the best net score over 36 holes. Ties decided on second round countback to give winner.

Captains Salver

Type Played 2016

Format 4 ball better ball Stableford.

When Played on a Saturday afternoon

How to enter Enter on entry sheet in the lobby.


How to pay Pay in the pro shop – price includes cost of evening meal.

Restrictions Past Male Captains

Handicaps 90% full handicap

Tees Yellow

NotesFormat at discretion of the Captain. Captain to organize and draw for partners and opponents. Vice Captain may make up numbers if required Evening meal to include players partners and non competitors as invited.

Challenge Bowl

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format Singles match play knockout over 18 holes. Refereed final over 36 holes.

When Through spring and summer

How to enter Individual entry in the Competitions Book. Draw is done and published in mens changing room.

How to pay £5 per player in the competitions box before first round.


Handicaps Full handicap

Tees White

Notes Ties are decided as per rule 12 of competitions rules in club diary.

Christmas Competition


Format 18 Hole Stableford, Handicap divisions 0-12, 13-28


Ladies play their competition on a Tuesday of their choice (except Business Ladies). Juniors play on the last Sunday in November with Tee reservations. Men play on a weekend earlier in December. If the course is closed, it may be played on the next weekend available – time and weather permitting.

How to enter Entry form in the pro shop.

How to pay Entry fee paid on the day


Handicaps No entry limit. Stableford, full handicaps.


Tees Tees of the day


Clark Bib


Format 18 hole single medal. Held in conjunction with Fox/Tiger championship

When July

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay In the pro shop


Handicaps Full handicap

Tees White

Notes1 division, 3 prizes – depending on entry size. The trophy was presented by Mr R. Clark in commemoration of the appearance of Gary Clarke in all 4 rounds of the 1995 Open Championship at St Andrews.

Championship Cup and The Scratch Cup (Formerly Club Championships)

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 36 hole medal played on consecutive days. 18 hole medal run in conjunction both days. See notes regarding prizes below.

When July

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay In the pro shop


Handicaps Full

Tees White. The Pulpit tee to be used on the 13th hole and certain pin positions may be defined in agreement from the Head Green Keeper.

NotesOnly 3 balls allowed on the course until approx 3.30 pm. Tee restrictions for competition entrants. Score board required. Prizes presented by the Captain on the day. Scratch Cup - prizes are Gross 1,2 and 3 over 36 holes, best 1st round gross, best 2nd round gross. Championship Trophy - introduced in 2010, there is also a prize and honours board for the best net score over 36 holes.


Coronation Bowl

Type Major. Qualifying.

Format 18 hole medal. Can be played either Saturday or Sunday.

When May

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay In the pro sshop

Restrictions Maximum handicap 24 or as MCGU rules. No juniors.


Tees White

NotesFirst 2 will qualify for finals day organised by Middlesex County Golf Union as an inter club team match. Names of our team sent to the Sec of the County as per rules. Any entry fees paid by PHGC.

Edward Cup

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 18 hole foursome medal

When July

How to enter In the pro shop

Payment In the pro shop


Handicaps ½ combined handicap of partners

Tees White


Winners are the Club’s entry into the National Rover Competition. Was originally the first competition of the year to be played off the white tees but has moved to later in the year in more recent times.

Emma Louise Memorial Cup



Format Mixed greensome. 18 holes. 6 drives to be taken by each player.

When Easter Monday afternoon

How to enter Individual entry Lobby notice board. Partners are drawn.

How to pay Entry fee (including dinner) paid on the day in the pro shop.

Restrictions Husbands and wives may not partner each other nor play in the same 4 ball.

Handicaps Calculation = Lower Handicap x 0.6 plus Higher Handicap x 0.4.

Tees Yellow and Red


Tee times from 13.00 at 8 minute intervals off 1st tee.Draw should attempt to place husbands/wives tee times close to each other. Prize for 1, 2 and 3 (pairs) and best front and back 9. Winner also receives the Emma Louise Memorial Trophy to be held for 1 year. Prizes presented by the Captain after dinner.

Father and Son

This competition is not in the diary and has not been run for several years. The format of the competition was a Greensome – Stableford scoring. Play is off the yellow tees. Partners must be Father and Son.

Festival Members Competition

This is organised by the festival committee and is a ‘fun’ competition. Normally a Stableford played off yellow tees. No restrictions

Frais Heddon

This is a home and away sequence of matches with Grims Dyke Golf Club. The competition is organised by the current Captain and Vice Captain and is over 36 holes in one day.

The team entry and selection sheet is published on the main notice board by the Captain.

Gin Tap Salver


Format Team Stableford: teams of two men and two ladies, best man and best lady’s score to count on each hole

When Played on a Bank Holiday afternoon

How to enter Entry may be individual or as a pair. Teams are drawn.

How to pay In the pro shop. Match fee to include light meal / snack.

Restrictions None. Open to all categories of members including permitted juniors.


Handicaps Full

Tees Yellow and Red

Notes Prizes on the day after an evening meal. Teams are drawn. Locate the cup from previous year winners.

Golden Jubilee Cup

Type Major

Format 18 Hole medal. Open to Full Male Membership. Can be played either Saturday or Sunday. 2/3 balls only.

When Not in diary

How to enter Enter in the pro shop £5.00 entry

How to pay In the pro shop

Restrictions None

Handicaps Maximum 24 (M), 34 (L)

Tees White and Red


Mens Division – Cup presented by Rabbits Section, Ladies Division - Salver presented by H. C. FoxJunior Division – Trophy presented by J. T. Stamp, Five Day Members Division presented by Ken Lewendon

Grants Shotgun


Format 18 Hole Stableford, shotgun start,


How to enter Enter on sheet in the lobby

How to pay On the day to the starter

Restrictions Male full members only

Handicaps Full handicap

Tees White

Noteso Open to Males who are full members of the Club.o Enter in pairs, playing partners and start positions are drawn on previous


weekend.o Substitutes are allowed up to the start of the competition.o Competition is played on Sunday morning – start at 8.30 by shotgun or similar.o If more that one game starts from the same tee, one game tees off 5 minutes

before the Shotgun.o Entry fee must cover at least 4 prizes (Vouchers from the Pro) and a midday

meal with wine.o All profit is used to obtain something on the course reqyquired by members that

is notin the club budget.o Any overtime incurred by the steward who is required to open the club house by

7.00/7.15 to be paid from the entry fee.o Prize giving to be carried out on the same day after the meal.o In the event of a tie, Rule 12 applies.o If this fails, sudden death on the 9th hole only.o There will be many ‘special events’ holes as can be included by asking for

sponsors of holes – ie Captain or sections or any individual who wants to put up a prize (E.G. Nearest the pin, longest drive etc).

o A poster announcing the even with a list for entering the pairings should be put up at least one month before.

As a guide to the organizing committee, the entry fee for the first 4 years has been £20 per pair – this has given the prizes as:o Winner - £100, Runners up - £75, 3rd place - £50. After paying all expenses there

has been a balance of £385 in the first year to £220 in the 4th year.

Format only be changed in agreement with Mr Grant or his heirs (Gary or Warwick).

Hatherleigh Cup

Type Major

Format 18 Hole Fourball Better Ball Medal


How to enter Enter in pairs.

How to pay Pay in the Pro Shop. £5 per person


Handicaps 90% full handicap

Tees White

Notes This is the only official Fourball medal Competition

Hawkins Cup

Type Major (Honours Board)


Format Singles medal over 36 holes. There is an alternative 18 hole medal (morning) for those not wishing to play 36. To run Pro Shop Medal £5.00 Entry along side.

When May

How to enter Enter on the entry sheet in the lobby.

How to pay £10 per person in the pro shop.

Restrictions Tee restrictions – No 4 balls till 3.30 and depending on the number of entrants, both tees may be required.

Handicaps Full

Tees White

NotesTee times bookable in advance if playing 36 holes. Prize allocation :- 1,2,3 over 36 holes net, Best gross. Best 1st round and best 2nd (only 1 prize). Prizes may increase depending on number of entries. Score board of results for both rounds.

Hospital Cup

This competition has not been played for several years. The format was 18 hole single Stableford played off the white tees. Proceeeds to go to Northwood Cottage Hospital. The cupo must not be engraved.

Husbands and Wives Cup

Type Ladies section

Format 18 Hole Mixed Foursome Stableford


How to enter Enter in pairs. Tee reservations required.

How to pay In the pro shop.

Restrictions No handicap limits (men 28, Ladies 36)

Handicaps ½ combined handicap

Tees White and Red

NotesTrophy donated by Mrs. K. Hawgood and is not to be engraved. Event is organised by the Ladies Section. In the event of a tie, winners are decided as per rules 12 of mens competitions.

Junior and Senior Cups

Type Major. Qualifying.


Format 18 hole medal. 2 divisions, Senior - SCR -12, Junior 13-28Medal round is followed by best 8 in each division play singles match play knockout.

When Both medal rounds may be played on either the Saturday or Sunday.

How to enter Medal round - In the pro shop

How to pay Match fee in the pro shop.

Restrictions No handicap limit

Handicaps Seniors – Scr to 12, Juniors 13 to 28. Full handicaps

Tees White


o Two stage competition. o Best 8 scores from each division play singles match play – see below. o Winners of each division contest the Andrey Cup.o The draw procedure is as follows:

Round 1 Match play – seeded draw Match A = 1st v 8th, Match B = 2nd v 7th, Match C = 3rd v 6th Match D = 4th v 5th

Winner Match A v Winner Match D, Winner Match B v Winner Match C.o Final over 18 holes on Match play Finals day..o The winners play for Andray Cups – they decide date. Referee not required

KGA Open (Kodak Golf Association)

Organised by the Captain and Vice Captain

Lottery Cup

The winner of this cup is the player who has recorded the best scratch score in a club competition during the year. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by a count back using the best two out of three scores recorded.

Lyric Trophy

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 18 hole mixed foursomes Stableford

When June

How to enter Select partner and enter names onto entry sheet on lobby notice board.

How to pay Entry fee per pair paid in the pro shop or to organizer on the day – includes meal cost.


Handicaps ½ combined handicap of partners

Tees White and Red


Notes Reserved tees. Trophy donated by Miss Shirley Stockwin and presented after dinner by the donor on the day if present.

Match Play Finals Day

There are two finals days for knockouts – in Winter for the Alfred Griggs and Popplewell and Summer for the Senior Cup, Junior Cup, Presidents Trophy, Challenge Bowl. See the individual competition notes for each of these.

In addition to those notes, for the Summer competitions, with the agreement of the Head Green Keeper, the pulpit tee on the 13th hole and certain pin positions may be defined and used. Also, referees are required for all these matches.

If possible ladies finals may also be played on these days.

Margerita Bowl and TOJO Trophy

This is organised by the current Captain and Vice Captain.

Mens Seniors Open

Organised by the General Manager

Men’s Summer Invitation (Men’s Invitation Meeting)

Type All day event.

Format AM – 18 hole Fourball Better Ball StablefordPM – 9 hole Greensome Stableford.

When Not in the diary in 2010

How to enter Club Members invite a non PHGC player as their partner for the day.

Payment On registration with the General Manager


Handicaps AM – 3/4, PM – 3/8

Tees White

NotesPrizes presented on the day. Cost for the day decided by the committee depending on prizes required by the Captain and the cost of food. Course closed until PM matches have started. Organised by the General Manager.

Nash Oxland Trophy

The winner of this Trophy is the player who has returned the three lowest scores (net scores??) during the current year, in the club medals (not mid week medals). Ties to be decided by the next lowest medal score and so on until a result is reached.

The Trophy was presented by Derek Nash, Club Professional and also Earnest Oxland, Club Secretary.


Newton Cup

This Trophy is for all who have challenged the ‘Captain and Pro’ during the winter season – whether played or not. On a designated day, at the end of the season, the Captain and Pro play a better ball Stableford to set a target score for the other pairs. The pair beating the target by the highest number of points wins. Those not beating the target lose their entry fee, but those beating the target receive half their entry fee back after the competition has closed. All retained entry fees go to the pro who puts up the prize for the winners – awarded on the day.

Prize costs and format are at the discretion of the Captain and the Pro.

Open Mixed Greensome

This event is handled by Mr & Mrs Alan Brown, and is not open to members

Popplewell Cup

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 18 Hole foursome matchplay knockout. Played through the winter.

When Through Winter/Spring

How to enter Enter in pairs

Payment £5 per person

Restrictions Full members only.

Handicaps ½ difference between combined handicaps of each side.

Tees Winter tees

Notes 36 hole final to be refereed

Presidents Putter and Trophy

Type Major

Format 18 hole medal (Presidents Putter). Top net 8 contest matchplay knockout for the Presidents Trophy.

When 7th June

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay In the pro shop


Handicaps Full


Tees White


o Winner of Putter is the player with best Scratch score.o Ties are decided as per rule 12 – mens competition rules.o Best 8 net scores qualify for Presidents Trophy.o Seeded draw as follows:

Round 1 Match play – seeded draw Match A = 1st v 8th, Match B = 2nd v 7th, Match C = 3rd v 6th Match D = 4th v 5th

Winner Match A v Winner Match D, Winner Match B v Winner Match C.o Final over 18 holes. No referee required.

Draw for Presidents Trophy is made on completion of the Presidents Putter round.

Professionals Competition

This is organized by the Club Professional as an 18 hole competition. Format to be decided by Pro and Captain. Open to men and ladies as a separate competitions. Prizes put up by the pro. Entry fees retained by the pro. Ties are decided as per rule 12 of mens competitions.

Queen Elizabeth Bowl

Type Major

Format 18 Hole Greensome. (Lower x 0.6 + higher x 0.4)

When Late October

How to enterStart sheet in the lobby to allow players to pre-book tee times. Enter as pairs or as 4 balls. In addition, enter the start sheet in the pro shop. Players may also turn up on the day and play at a time of their choice.

Payment In the pro shop.

Restrictions No mixed pairs

Handicaps Men 24, Ladies 34 plus 2 equalisation shots to be added before greensome calculation.

Tees White and Red

Notes Ladies and Men separate competition. Played for the same bowl. Separate prizes for best Ladies and best Mens pair.

RAFA Medal

Type Major

Format 18 Hole Singles Medal


How to enter In the pro shop


Payment In the pro shop



Tees White

Notes All entry fees donated to the RAFA benevolent fund

RAF Victory Cup

Type Major

Format 18 Hole Singles Medal


How to enter In the pro shop

Payment In the pro shop


Handicaps Full

Tees White

NotesMembers of the RAF N.J.S.G.S. are invited to take part in this medal and are paired with Pinner Hill Members for the round. Ties are decided by mens competition rule 12. The Cup presented by Coastal Command.

Ross Trophy

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 18 hole mixed greensome.

When May Bank Holiday

How to enter Individual/mixed pair entry Lobby notice board. Start sheet with tee times

How to pay Entry fee per pair paid in the pro shop or to organizer on the day – includes meal cost.


Handicaps Playing handicap is Higher x 0.4 plus Lower x 0.6


Tees White and Red

Notes Trophy and Prizes awarded on the day after dinner. Tee reservations required.

Terry Leeper Trophy


Format 18 hole mixed Texas Scramble, shotgun start – 08.30

When August

How to enter Enter onto sheet in the lobby.

Payment Pay on the day to the starter.

Restrictions No self-selection of teams. They may play but may not enter the competition

Handicaps ¼ combined handicap and in addition Ladies have 3 equalization strokes to be added before combined handicap is calculated. Playing handicap is the exact handicap.

Tees Yellow and Red


Teams of 3 are drawn and may not be entered. Each team to be made up of a H/M/L handicap. The split between H/M/L is decided by the mix of entrants. Substitutes are allowed at the discretion of the committee.

Normal rules for Texas Scramble apply – key points being:o Minimum of 4 drives per player, card should be so marked.o Successive ball should be placed within 6 inches on the fairway, but must be

dropped when the chosen ball is in the rough or a hazard.o Card must be marked by player with lowest handicap who must also know the

rules of Texas Scramble.o Gross scores to be recorded for each player on men’s card and totalled and

cards to be signed by two players from each team.

Ties decided by men’s rule 12 (see diary)..

Tippen Trophy (not in diary)


Format 18 hole medal

When This is usually combined with a Club monthly medal competition

How to enter In the pro shop

How to pay In the pro shop


Restrictions Handicaps 11 to 18


Tees White

Notes Trophy presented by Bill Tippen

Veterans Cup

Type Honours Board

Format 18 hole medal

When August

How to enter In the pro shop

Payment Match fee in the pro shop £5.00 Entry

Restrictions For members over 55

Handicaps Mo handicap limit - Max handicap 28

Tees Yellow

Notes Medal prize for the winner and the best score for a 65 yo competitor if not in first 3.

Warrin Trophy

Type Major (Honours Board)

Format 18 hole stableford team event. Enter as teams of 3. Best 2 scores net count on each hole to count as the team score.

When August

How to enterAs team of 3 or as individuals and make up a team of 3. Morning tee times may be reserved on the entry sheet and managed by the starter on the day. Players may also turn up on the day and may also play at any time during the day.

Payment £5 to be paid per person in the pro shop

Restrictions No-one to receive more than 18 strokes.

Handicaps ¾

Tees White

Notes Mr Warrin provides the first team prizes on the day. The club provides other prizes


dependent on number of entrants.o A Silver Owl was donated by Mr. W. T. Warrin and is presented to the winning

team. o Mr Warrin to be consulted on any change in formato Ties to be resolved by countback..o PHGC provides the other prizes dependent on the number of entries.Mr. S. R. Warrin to be consulted for any change in format.