Video game rehab

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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Screenplay by Alex Hughes, Allison Morrison, and Lora Lemler.

Transcript of Video game rehab

Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Long Shot: Parking lot of

best buy

BG: Parking lot at Best Buy,

Parked Cars, extras

1 2 Long Shot: BMW sedan

turning into the parking


BG: Parking lot at Best Buy

Props: Car

1 3 Tilted down long shot:

parking lot, the car

swerves to the left, down a

row of cars, and swerve

into a parking space

SFX: Swerving car noise

BG: Parking lot at Best Buy,

Parked Cars, extras

Props: Car

SFX: Swerving car noise

1 4 Tilted up medium long

shot: Space in-between

two cars, Car door opens,

hits car next to him,

Daniel climbs out of car

and slams door shut.

BG: Parking lot at Best Buy,

Parked Cars

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Cars

1 5 Long shot: Best buy,

Daniel walks down the

parking lot to the road in

front of store

BG: Best Buy, Parking lot at

Best Buy, Parked Cars, extras

Char1: Daniel

1 6 Long shot: Best buy

doorway, Daniel goes

onto the road and walks in

front of a car, which stops

and honks.

SFX: Honk from the car

BG: Best Buy, Road in front of

best buy

Prop: Car

Char1: Daniel

SFX: Honk from the car

1 7 Long shot: Daniel, Sliding

doors open and Daniel

walks through them

BG: Best buy entrance

Char1: Daniel

2 8 Medium Long shot:

Daniel, he walks into best

buy, a Best buy greeter

holding pamphlets stands

by entrance

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Char2: Best buy Greeter

Prop: Pamphlets

2 9 Medium shot: Best buy

greeter, He holds out

pamphlet as Daniel walks


BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Best buy Greeter

Char2: Daniel

Prop: Pamphlet

2 10 Medium Long shot:

Daniel, Walks by the

greeter towards the

camera and puts up his

middle finger to greeter

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Char2: Best buy Greeter

Prop: Pamphlets

2 11 Long shot: Daniel, he

walks down the main

walkway in best buy, and

then turns into a divergent


BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

2 12 Long Shot: Daniel, he

walks down a side

walkway going away from

the camera

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

2 13 Medium Close Up:

Daniel, his left side is to

the camera as he passes

and the background is

fuzzy, and he stops and

turns his head and a Wii is


VFX: Fuzzy background

until he turns head.

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Props: Nintendo Wii, TV

VFX: Fuzzy background

2 14 Medium shot: Wii, Daniel

walks up to it and picks up

the Wii remote

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Props: Wii, Wii Remote

2 15 Medium Long shot:

Daniel, he picks up the

Wii remote and starts

swinging to play, in front

of him is the TV and

shows the game

happening on it

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Props: Wii, Wii Remote, TV

2 16 Medium shot: Back of a

kids head, watching

Daniel play from a

distance. He starts to

move towards him.

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Boy

Char2: Daniel

Props: Wii, Wii Remote, TV

2 17 Medium long shot:

Daniel, Swinging away

with his Wii remote, while

the TV itself is off screen.

In the background Kid

comes closer tell he gets

hit by Daniel’s swinging

and falls back

SFX: Hitting sound and

scream when kid gets hit

BG: Best buy store, extras,


Char1: Daniel

Char2: Boy

Props: Wii, Wii Remote, TV

SFX: Hitting sound and

scream when kid gets hit

3 18 Kids POV: Looks at

Daniel from the ground,

Daniel’s face turn pale

BG: Best buy ceiling

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Wii remote

3 19 Medium close up: Sound

block for a gavel, Gavel

hits it twice

BG: Wood wall, Judge top of a

Judge’s booth.

Props: Sound Block, Gavel

3 20 Tilted down long shot:

Daniel, sitting in the chair

in the defendant, stands up

and looks at the judge.

BG: Extras, Court room, tables,

chairs, Judge booth,

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Judge

3 21 Medium shot: Judge, he

talks Daniel

BG: Extras, Court room, Judge


Char1: Judge

3 22 Medium shot: Judge’s

back of head, continues to

talk to Daniel

BG: Extras, Court room, tables,

chairs, Judge booth

Char1: Judge

Char2: Daniel

3 23 Medium shot: Daniel, He

interrupts Judge and starts

to talk

BG: Extras, Court room, table,


Char1: Daniel

3 24 Medium shot: Judge, he

talks to Daniel

BG: Extras, Court room, Judge


Char1: Judge

3 25 Medium shot: Daniel, He

looks nervous as judge

continues to talk.

BG: Extras, Court room, table,


Char1: Daniel

3 26 Medium shot: Judge, he

talks and then bangs his

gavel twice.

BG: Extras, Court room, Judge


Char1: Judge

Props: Sound Block, Gavel

3 27 Medium shot: Daniel,

slumps down into chair,

then his head falls to the


BG: Extras, Court room, table,


Char1: Daniel

4 28 Close up: A Lunch tray,

two hands grab it by the

sides and pick it up,

zooms out to see Daniel is

holding it. He turns

around and starts looking


BG: Cafateria, a la carte table

Char1: Daniel

Prop: lunch tray, food

4 29 Daniel’s POV: Looks

around the room for a

table and then stops when

he sees one with chairs


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Prop: Lunch tray

4 30 Medium shot: Chair at the

round table, is pulled out

and sat on by Daniel. He

puts his tray on the table

and begins to eat.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Props: Chair, Lunch tray, food.

4 31 Medium Shot: Back of

Daniel’s head, Daniel eats

as the camera pans around

table from left to right to

show the characters

looking at Daniel


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

Char3: London

Char4: Laryn

Char5: Peter

4 32 Daniel’s POV: He is

looking at London, as she

talks to him.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: London

4 33 Medium shot: Daniel and

Abby, Daniel talks to

London, Abby talks back

in forth with Daniel. Abby

points to Peter, who is off


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

4 34 Daniel’s POV: He is

looking at Peter and

Laryn, Laryn is not paying

attention and Peter talks.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Peter

Char2: Laryn

4 35 Medium shot: Daniel and

Abby, Daniel is listening

to Peter, then interrupts


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

4 36 Daniel’s POV: He looks at

London, She talks to


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: London

Props: Chair, Lunch tray, food.

4 37 Long shot: Abby, who is

in the middle of Daniel

and London, Daniel looks

over at London and they

two talk back in forth with

each other for awhile

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

Char3: London

4 38 Daniel’s POV: He is

looking at London, talks

to Daniel

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: London

4 40 Medium shot: Daniel,

talks to London, then

looks over towards Laryn

who is off screen

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

4 41 Daniel’s POV: He is

looking at Laryn, seeing

him looking very carefully

all around the room and

not paying attention to the

conversation happening.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Laryn

4 42 Medium shot: Daniel and

Abby, Daniel and abby

talks back and forth with

each other, when London

interrupts their

conversation, the camera

pans over quickly to the

right to put Daniel off

screen but adding London

on. Abby says something

to London, Daniel

interrupts her and camera

quickly pans back to

Daniel and Abby. Both of

them then talk back and

forth for a little bit.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

Char3: London

4 43 Daniel’s POV: Turning to

looking at London and

Peter, Peter talks to Daniel

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Peter

Char2: London

4 44 Medium close up: Daniel,

talks to Peter

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

4 45 Medium shot: London and

Peter, London talks to


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Peter

Char2: London

4 46 Medium shot: Daniel and

Abby, Abby talks to

London, then turns and

talks to Daniel, Daniel


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

4 47 Daniel’s POV: He is

looking at Abby as she

talking is talking to him

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

4 48 Medium shot: Daniel, he

says something, and then

picks up his tray and


BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Lunch Tray

4 49 Medium long shot: The

round table, the people

sitting there looking

surprised he left.

BG: Cafeteria, tables, extras,

food, chairs

Char1: Abby

Char2: London

Char3: Laryn

Char4: Peter

5 50 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

reading a magazine.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Magazine

5 51 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

London walks through the


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: London

Prop: Magazine

5 52 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

still reading magazine as

she walks in and he says

something to London.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Magazine

5 53 Medium shot: London,

standing in front of Daniel

and she talks to him.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: London

5 54 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

he slowly brings the

magazine down from his

face and then talks to


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Prop: Magazine

5 55 Medium long shot: The

table in-between London

and Daniel, London and

Daniel talk back and forth

for a little bit, then

London sighs and starts to

walk away.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch, a table, tables,

chairs, extras. A doorway is to

the right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Char2: London

5 56 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

London walks over to

doorway, then stops and

turns to Daniel and says


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: London

5 57 Medium long shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

head not facing London

but his eyes are looking in

that direction. He and

London talk back in forth

with each other.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Char2: London

5 58 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

London turns back around

and goes through the

doorway as Laryn and

Peter walk through, Daniel


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: London

Char3: Laryn

Char4: Peter

5 59 Medium shot: Peter and

Laryn, standing in front of

Daniel, Peter starts talking

to Daniel.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

Char2: Peter

5 60 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting on the couch

listening to Peter speak,

looks around, checks his


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Prop: watch

5 61 Medium shot: Peter and

Laryn, standing in front of

Daniel, Peter is still

talking to Daniel.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

Char2: Peter

5 62 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

he interrupts Peter’s

constant talking and says


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

5 63 Medium shot: Peter and

Laryn, standing in front of

Daniel, Peter is still

talking to Daniel.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

Char2: Peter

5 64 Medium close up: Laryn,

his head is turned like he

is remembering something

very traumatic in his past.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

5 65 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting on the couch, he

interrupts Laryn talking.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

5 66 Medium close up: Laryn,

he Interrupts Daniel and

continues to talk, while he

is, it slowly starts to zoom

in on him tell it gets to a

close up shot. He sheds a

single tear at the end of his


BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

5 67 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting on the couch, looks

at Laryn weirdly and then

says something to Laryn

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

5 68 Medium close up: Laryn

turns to Daniel and talks

to him.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, tables, chairs, extras

Char1: Laryn

5 69 Medium long shot: The

table in-between where

Peter and Laryn are

standing and where Daniel

is sitting, Daniel says

something to both of

them, and Peter looks sad

and begins to run out.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch, a table, tables,

chairs, extras. A doorway is to

the right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Peter

Char3: Laryn

5 70 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

Peter runs out the doorway

and Laryn runs after him.

As they run out, Abby

comes in. She stands by

the right side on the couch

and crosses her hands.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Peter

Char3: Laryn

Char4: Abby

5 71 Medium long shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

he turns his head towards

Abby as he says

something to her.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch, A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

5 72 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

Abby talks to Daniel

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

5 73 Medium shot: Daniel

sitting down on a couch,

his head turned towards

Abby as he talks to her.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch, A doorway is to the

right of the couch.

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

5 74 Long shot: Doorway,

viewed from the floor

directly left of the couch,

Abby says something to

Daniel, and then uncrosses

her arms and leaves.

BG: a lounge, wallpaper on the

walls, couch. a doorway, extras

Char1: Daniel

Char2: Abby

Scene Shot Description Elements 6 1 LS:High Angle All actors, chairs 6 2 MS: Leader 6 3 MCU: Track inside circle Focus on Jim 6 4 FL: Jeremy 6 5 MS: Daniel 6 6 LS: pan to Door London enters 6 7 LS: Pedestal High Low angle Entire room 6 8 MCU: Leader 6 9 MS: Jeremy Actors next to him 6 10 MCU: Leader 6 11 CU: Jeremy’s Face 6 12 MCU: Leader 6 13 MCU: London Actors next to her 6 14 LS: Zoom out All actors and leader 6 15 MS: Laryn 6 16 MS: Leader 6 17 MCU: Laryn 6 18 MCU: Daniel Chair 6 19 MS: Laryn 6 20 MCU: Track to Peter 6 21 MS: Leader 6 22 MS: Peter & London 6 23 MCU: Leader 6 24 MS: Peter & London 6 25 MCU: Track to London 6 26 LS: High Angle Entire Room 6 27 MS: Leader 6 28 MS: London

6 29 LS: Half Circle 6 30 MS: Leader 6 31 MS: Abby 6 32 MS: Peter 6 33 MCU: Abby 6 34 MCU: Daniel 6 35 MCU: Abby 6 36 MS: Track inside circle Pause: Daniel, London, Peter,

Laryn 6 37 LS: High angle Entire Room 6 38 MS: Abby Zoom to CU 6 39 MCU: Track inside circle 6 40 MS: Quick Track to Leader 6 41 MCU: Abby

Scene Shot Description Elements

7 1 ES: Lunch tables in cafeteria BG: Lunch tables w/ extras,


Char1-5: Daniel,

Laryn,London, Abby, Peter

7 2

MS: Laryn speaking BG: Char1-5: Daniel,

Laryn,London, Abby, Peter;


Prop: Moutain Dew

7 3 OTS: Jim walking towards



Char1-6: Jim, Daniel,

Laryn,London, Abby, Peter;

extras; windows

Prop: Tray of food

7 4 MS: Jim sitting down next to



Char1-4: Jim, London, Abby,


Props: Lunch trays w/ food

7 5 MCU: Abby gives


BG: Char1-6: Jim, Daniel,

Laryn,London, Abby, Peter

Props: Trays w/ food

7 6 MCU: Jim speaking BG: Extras and tables

7 7 CU: Laryn stuttering BG: Windows

7 8 CU: Jim speaking BG: Extras & tables

7 9 MCU: Peter tearing up BG: Windows

Char1-2: Laryn & Daniel

7 10 CU: Jim speaking BG: Extras & tables

Props: Plate of food

7 11 WS: Peter exiting BG: Tables w/ extras, buffet,


Props: Plate w/ pattie

7 12 MCU: Abby speaking BG:

Char: Jim, Daniel, Laryn

7 13 MS: Abby exiting BG: Tables w/ extras, doors

7 14 CU: Daniel & Jim speaking BG:

Char1-2: Jim, Daniel

Tables w/ extras

Props: Plate w/ pattie

8 1 LS: London walking down

empty hall

BG: Doors, room numbers

Char1: London

8 2 POV: Jim popping out behind


BG: Dark office

Props: Desk, chair

Char: Jim

8 3 OTS: Jim talking to London BG: Dark office

Prop: Bag of drugs

8 4 CU: London speaking BG: Empty hall

Char: London

8 5 FS: Jim & London speaking.,

turning to walk away

BG:Empty hall & open


Char:2 Jim & London

8 6 FS: Daniel from around corner BG: Empty hallway

Char1: Daniel

8 7 MS: Jim, London, & Daniel


BG: Empty hall

8 8 MS: Daniel talking to London BG: Empty hall

Char3: Daniel, Lomdon, Jim

8 9 MS: Daniel & Jim talking BG: Empty hall

Char2: Jim & Daniel

8 10 FS: Daniel exiting BG: Empty hall

Char2: Jim & Daniel

9 1 FS: Buffet line BG: Extras, buffet

Char4: Abby, London. Daniel

Laryn, Lunch Lady

Props: Food & trays

9 2 MCU: Laryn interrogating

lunch lady

BG: Extras, buffet

Props: Food & trays

9 3 MS: Abby scooping food,

London watching

BG: Tables, extras, buffet

Props: Food & scoop

9 4 CU: Gound beef being


BG: Extras

Char2: Abby & London

Props: Beef, plate, scoop

9 5 CU: London watching BG: Extras, tables

Char2: Abby, London

9 6 MS: Jim approaching BG: Tables, extras

Char3: London, Jim, Abby

9 7 CU: Jim’s face BG: Extras, tables

Char1: Jim

9 8 POV: London & Abby


BG: Extras, buffet

Char2: London & Abby

9 9 MS: Jim grabbing London BG: Extras, buffet

Char3: Jim, London, Abby

9 10 CU: Jim speaking BG: Extras, buffet, tables

Char1: Jim

9 11 OTS: London speaking BG: Extras, buffet, tables

Char3: Jim, London, Abby

9 12 MS: Jim advancing BG: Buffet, extras

Char3: Jim, London, Abby

9 13 FS: London screams BG: Buffet, extras

Char4: London, Jim, Daniel,


9 14 CU: Laryn shouting BG: Extras, buffet

Char2: Laryn & Daniel

9 15 LS: Everyone gets down. Jim,

Daniel, & London still


BG: Tables, buffet, extras

Char5: Jim, London, Daniel,

Abby, Laryn

9 16 FS: Daniel pushing Jim BG: Extras, buffet

Char4: Jim, Daniel, London,


9 17 MS: Jim punching Daniel BG: Extras, buffet

Char3: Jim, Daniel, London

9 18 FS: Jim teabagging Daniel BG: Extras, buffet

Char4: Daniel, Jim. London,


9 19 POV: Jim teabagging BG: Ceiling, extras

Char1: Jim

9 20 CU: Daniel spitting blood BG: Floor

Char1: Daniel

9 21 LS: Security rushing in BG: Tables, extras

Char1: Laryn

9 22 MS: Laryn BG: Security, tables, extras

Char1: Laryn

9 23 FS: Jim getting sideswiped BG: Securtiy, tables, extras

Char5: Jim, Daniel, Laryn,

London, Abby

9 24 LS: Everyone cheering BG: Security, extras, tables,


Char6: Jim, Daniel, Laryn,

London, Abby, Peter

9 25 FS: Abby goes to kneel beside


BG: Extras, buffet, tables

Char4: Daniel, Abby, Laryn,


9 26 POV: (Daniel’s) Abby


BG: Tables, extras

Char1: Abby

9 27 POV: (Abby’s) Daniel passes


BG: Floor, blood

Char2: Daniel, Abby

10 1 LS: Half Circle The Leader’s half 10 2 MS: Daniel 10 3 MS: Leader 10 4 MCU: Daniel 10 5 MS: Abby and London 10 6 MS: Daniel 10 7 MCU: Laryn 10 8 MS: Peter and Laryn 10 9 MCU: Daniel

10 10 MCU: London 10 11 MS: Four Main Characters 10 12 MCU: Daniel 10 13 MCU: Abby 10 14 MS: Daniel 10 15 CU: Daniels Hand 10 16 Zoom out to LS High Angle