Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 21

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 21

Welcome back to the Vermachtnis legacy! Last chapter we saw the last of Veronica and Ericka’s 11 children leave the house. Now they are all in college, but only three of them are staying and eligible for heir. The other eight are pictured here. They are (top, left to right) Yves, Yuliana, Yvonne, Yvette, (bottom, left to right) Yantse, Yumi, Yates, and Yew. That’s also in descending age order in case you care about such things. Now let’s meet our potential heirs! We’ll catch up with these eight at the end of the chapter.

The potentials are Yasmine, Yanichel, and Yuri, pictured above, left to right. They were chosen for two reasons: 1) They all have large, recessive eyes and 2) They all have black hair. The eyes are just because I like them, but the hair is because there is a 50% chance that a black-headed child in this generation is carrying red hair, and I thought it’d be really neat to at least have a chance at a redhead for generation 10. Yantse also has large eyes, but she has brown hair, which is why she’s not here. I didn’t want to wait for an heir poll, so I decided to narrow it down to these three and then let my sister decide. So who did she pick?

“Yay! It’s me!!”

Yep, she liked Yuri. He is, if you remember, a grilled cheese/romance sim who wants to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches. His personality is 8/2/7/6/4. I’ve done the 200 sandwiches once in this family, but never with an heir (it was a spare who completed it before, although while she was living in the main house) so I decided to make it challenging and try to complete this LTW in college.

Before we can get rolling, the kids have to get pledged. Carrie the placeholder pledged all three.

Do you remember those Goofus and Gallant comics in Highlights? I always read those at the dentist’s office. Anyway, one boy was a model citizen and the other was a budding degenerate and this was funny.

Why do I mention that? Oh, no reason really. During the pledge period, Yasmine responsibly took care of some bugs that somehow got into the house from last generation. Yuri drank juice. Six in a row, in fact. I think he may be part camel.

Yanichel and Yasmine brush up on their logic skill and their relationship.

Yuri blows bubbles. Yeah, no contrast here at all.

Finally Yuri’s time for goofing off is done and Carrie welcomes her new fellow Greek house members, which Yasmine takes as an invitation to nibble on her neck a little. Carrie is the alien daughter of a gen. 2 spare, so technically she shouldn’t be in the main house, but she was just being a placeholder, so I’m okay with it.

After moving in Yasmine, Yanichel, and Yuri, Carrie dropped out and wrapped up another loose end. Professor Blake, former fiancé of Sasha, had been sitting in the sim bin ever since their breakup over irreconcilable differences. I felt bad about him, so I changed him back to a romance sim like he was originally, and since Carrie is also a romance sim, they got along very well. They had a cute little daughter named Kristen, and now we can ignore them as they live happily ever after.

Meanwhile, Yuri needs to work on his own happily ever after. Amazingly, after several generations of trying to marry her into the legacy, Chris Phelps the occasionally modest streaker has chemistry with one of my heirs! Yuri and Chris have 3 bolts, so I think it’s a great match, and I’ve wanted Chris in the legacy since generation 3, even though only the last few generations were able to get to know her. The only problem is, at this point, Yuri was not grilled cheese yet because his aspiration was still too high. Would they still be interested in each other once he was obsessed with cheese?

Yanichel is romance/family and Yasmine is family/popularity, so they are both very interested in significant others. Yanichel meets a nice romance sim named Daniel who is fascinated by her ideas about making out. Meanwhile, Yasmine meets a family-minded professor named Enrique, and they hit it off nicely. You’ll notice I was careful to pair all three of them up with sims with recessive hair, so that if they do have the red gene, it can be expressed.

Poor Yanichel. She was stuck here for about a sim-hour, unable to drop the trash and leave, unable to go back up the stairs, unable to do anything but twitch and take halting half-steps forward and backward while the penguin and the snowman discussed their favorite book, Crime and Punishment. Luckily the wintery book club came to an end and Yanichel was able to continue her 10 neat points inspired obsession.

Yuri took forever to get a low enough aspiration to become grilled cheese, so it was actually several days into college before he fulfilled what the die decreed. Will he still have chemistry with Chris? There’s only one way to find out.

“Hey, mom, who’s that hot chick you brought over with you?”“That’s Chris, sweetie.”“But she looks totally different. What’s going on?”“Well . . .”

“We got a little impatient and we actively hated that horrible outfit she had, so Ericka and I asked Chris to move in and gave her a makeover. You know, she was my friend too, back in my college days. She said she would miss streaking at college, but she was looking forward to getting to know you better!”

“Of course, just because she was no longer the college streaker, she didn’t have to become reasonable about clothing. She picked a conservative outfit for daily wear, and then conveniently “forgot” to get dressed after her shower. Ericka was quite shocked by the whole thing. Since I knew her in college, I wasn’t so surprised any more. I think Ericka may have been a little jealous seeing me hug a naked woman, blur or no.”

“Well, I don’t know how I feel about you matchmaking, Mom, but I can’t help but feel romantic towards Chris. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go ask her on a date.”

“Yes, yes, everything is going according to plan!”

Actually, Veronica is getting ready to smustle here, but doesn’t it look like she’s plotting?

This is Yuri trying to flirt. You shy little thing, you. He’s so adorable. Chris thinks so too. She accepted his date offer and was happy to hear him flirting. Chris is a fortune sim. After Yuri’s cheesening, they still have two bolts, so as long as nothing goes wrong, she’ll be his wife one day.

“Mom! Stop supervising us!”“Just making sure everything’s going okay! You go on and take a picture now, Yuri-kins.”“Mom, don’t call me that in front of Chris.”“Okay, Yuri Yuri Bo Buri.”“MOM!”

With Veronica out of the way, Yuri gets his secondary romance aspiration on. He may be shy, but he knows how to lay it on thick and Chris is soon swooning over him.

“Mooooooooooom!”“Honestly – I just want to play pinball, honey! I’m a guest in this house, it’s not like I am actually trying to follow you around and urge you to get married soon and have lots of babies.”“Right.”

Yuri and Chris fell in love, despite Veronica interrupting constantly.

“Well, much like this toy, it’s only logical!”

Later, after Chris has left, Yuri calls his twin, Yumi.“Hey, Yumi! You’ll never guess what’s happened to me. I think I’ve found the one! I’m going to propose the next time I see her.”“Is it Chris?”“Yeah, how did you know?”“Only that mom’s been obsessing over hooking her up with you.”“She is out of control.”“She’s a family sim. I’m back in the neighborhood, so you have no idea how many ‘have grandchild’ wants she’s pestering me about.”

With the semi-arranged marriage choice out of the way, Yuri focuses on his LTW. It only takes one round of eating 5/6 of the servings of grilled cheese for him to bottom out his fitness bar. Last time, I tried to keep Penelope fit and it took too much time. Yuri will probably just stay fat until he finishes his LTW.

Yuri’s not the only one moving along on the dating front. Yasmine gets her first kiss with Prof. Enrique, and they both desire engagement soon after on the same date, so it happens very quickly.

Yanichel and Daniel are likewise moving fast, but they only got engaged because they’re romance sims and neither of them feared it at the moment. So romantic, right?

Even after Chris left, Veronica hung around the Greek house forever. That was actually a good thing, though, because she’s got 10 nice points, so she’s one of the few people who will agree to talk grilled cheese with Yuri. Yanichel also has full nice points, so she helps fulfill the want when Veronica isn’t around. Yuri constantly wants to talk about grilled cheese, and it’s an easy large-point want.

I was going to leave him fat for a while, but I forgot that I wanted to get a portrait of Yuri for the library wall. Yasmine painted it as soon as Yuri was back in shape, and then he promptly went back to eating and bottomed out his bar again.

Here’s the finished portrait, along with the three others that have lived in this particular house. These four are also remarkable for being the heirs that I’ve played since my return to simming. Although this particular house only goes back four generations, this Greek house charter has been constant since generation 3.

After woohooing Yanichel, Daniel unwisely challenges Yuri to a cheese-off, but he just can’t keep up with the champ.

“Bottomless Yuri can’t be beat!Nom that cheddar!Eat, eat, eat!! Yay!”

“Um, thanks for the cheer, I guess.”

“Go Yuri! Make that friend!Get that relationship on the mend!Siblings! Siblings! Yayyyyy siblings!”

Yuri is trying to make best friends with all 10 of his siblings, but it must be hard to hear over the constant cheering.

“Oh my god, thanks for not being one of those annoying cheerleaders. She won’t leave me alone.”“I’m actually not a cheerleader anymore. My name is Caryl and I’m married to your great-great uncle Paul. I just dress like this when I visit the house ‘cause I miss the old days.”“Huh. Small world. You going to finish that?”

“Chris! I’ve missed you so much.”“Oh, Yuri. I’ve missed you too, but your mom is driving me a little nuts at home pressuring me to visit you again.”“Well, I’m glad you did! I have something I want to ask you, but . . .”“But what?”“I’m afraid. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but my body’s changed. The cheese has taken over my slim figure. I hope you can still love me, but the only way to know is to ask. So, Chris . . .”

“Will you be my bride?”“Oh, Yuri! It’s beautiful! And so are you. You’re perfect in my eyes. Of course I’ll marry you!”

“I guess it’s a good thing I proposed to you, Chris, and not the other way around, because I’m not sure you could lift me.”

Yuri needs to focus on his grilled cheese-eating, so he starts influencing his sisters to do all his work for him. They write his paper, clean up his dishes, and keep the house nice. Pretty nice gig for an heir, huh?

Near the end of junior year, Yuri reached the zone in cuisine. He now glows all the time while he’s cooking and eating. Very amusing!

“Pick that sandwich up,Put it to your lips!You’ll never get enoughSo chew it down to bits!”

“Oh, great. Another cheer.”

A few random notes. Yanichel and Yasmine are still hanging around in the background. When they’re not helping Yuri, they mostly just hang out together. Winnipeg the womrat is still alive, but he’s actually like Winnipeg the VI because I’m bad about keeping them alive. But this version has lived for a while! Finally, Yasmine’s fiancé Enrique is really bad about randomly leaving during dates, so she gets a lot of single flowers instead of bouquets.

“Oh, another cheering person. At least it’s a change. What do you have for me today, buddy?”


“Well, that was different, all right.”

Yanichel is so neat that she comes down and cleans up after Yuri without me even telling her to. I like her.

“Gimme a G! Gimme an R! Gimme an I! Grimme an L! Gimme another L! Gimme an . . .”“Please, no. You’re not really going to spell out grilled cheese letter by letter are you? That’s a horrible cheer.”“. . . E! Gimme a D! Gimme a C! Gimme an H! Gimme an E! Gimme another E! Gimme an S! One more E! What’s that spell?!”“Annoyance.”

Apparently juicin’ it up is a cuisine activity. Huh.

Twenty hours into senior year, Yuri has completed his LTW. Hurray!

“Yuri, Yuri, he’s our man!If he can’t do it . . . oh, he already did? Dang. And I even came up with a super original cheer this time.”

Now that his LTW is complete, Yuri writes his own term paper for the first time since freshman year. He also spends a long time on the treadmill to shed those grilled cheese pounds.

Insert obligatory “in shape, but not that shape” joke here.

Yuri had some time and he was already working out, so I had him go ahead and continue until he got fit. Don’t you wish it were this easy in real life?

Life after cheese for Yuri is much more carefree. He worked so hard on his LTW that he neglected pretty much everything else. Now he rolls wants to sew projects, gets to play with the bubble blower, and paints pictures of grilled cheese, which is my favorite lifetime perk.

“Sisters and brothers,Ten in all!Gotta befriend them,So make that call! Woo!”

I thought this was just such a perfect encapsulation of their college years. Yanichel and Yasmine in the background goofing off and Yuri obsessing over grilled cheese while making friends with his siblings.

“Gimme a P! Gimme an A! Gimme . . .”“Please stop. I get it. P-A-I-N-T. Paint. Yay, paint. Can’t you do anything besides spell?”“ . . . an I! Gimme an N! Gimme a T! What’s that spell?!”“Stupid.”

Yasmine, Yanichel, and Yuri come back from their last final with 4.0s. All three ended up majoring in philosophy because they never rolled a want for a major, and Yuri probably won’t even get a job when he graduates, since all he has to do is produce an heir.

So graduation time has come, but since this will be the last graduation in this legacy, I want to throw a nice party for the three kids. It’s pretty late when they get back, though, so it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Yasmine has been working for a while on getting a placeholder. I don’t plan on playing this family again once I’m done, but I just want to leave the Greek house running for posterity or something. She befriends and moves in Talin Bui, who has been a placeholder many times before in this legacy and has been a member of the Greek house since the early days. He has a major crush on Yasmine, but she’s engaged and thinks they’re just friends. I love the side-eye she’s giving him as he checks her out in her nightie, which she refuses to change out of most of the time.

The night before the graduation party, we get another burglar!

“So . . . um, I fought the burglar. And I lost. So, um, she’s going free.”“What?! What kind of police officer are you?”“The good news is she was too stupid to actually steal anything and just stood around waiting for me to fight her, so you didn’t have any objects stolen.”“I guess that’s an upside.”

Graduation party day! Time to take one last formal photo in the library with the portraits, and then it’s time for the party. I am pleased that they all have blue collars (or whatever those things are called) because it actually looks like they all go to the same college for once.

All of their siblings, their mothers, Chris, and Carrie were invited. The party started out with a little bit of hang-loosing, because what would a Vermachtnis occasion be without hang loose? If you look carefully, you’ll notice these pictures are going on at the same time and are just on opposite sides of each other.

Yuri got to serve grilled cheese, and a bunch of siblings had a bite, which made him really happy. Chris couldn’t wait for him to serve though, so she just had a juice instead.

A huge group smustle breaks out in the front room, but Yates is just too cool for it.

Meanwhile, Yuri and Chris spend some alone time upstairs.

The three kids get to catch up with their twins. Yuri is the only one in the generation that is friends with everyone because of the wide age differences, but Yasmine and Yanichel have stayed close to their twins at least.

Whoops! When Chris was walking around in her undies after the woohoo, I had Yuri influence her to shower so she would change back into her everyday.

Only Chris doesn’t change into clothes after a shower, so we had a streaker at the party anyway. Yuri and Chris still stay out of the fray of the party, and spend some more time together in the library.

This time they’re not alone, however.

“Wow, that is really distracting.”

Sorry, Talin. Just ignore the naked woman making out with her fiancé. That can’t be too difficult, right?

Yuri fulfilled a lot of grilled cheese wants during the party. Lots of the kids ate a sandwich, which he got points for every time, and when he wasn’t with Chris, he got to talk grilled cheese with his mom.

True love will find each other. Despite three of these sims being guests, both official couples wound up together on the upper floor.

While Ericka serenades Veronica, Yuri grows up, appropriately in a cheese-colored chef’s outfit. For once the random outfit fits. The party was a raging success, and Yuri leaves for home thinking of what a great time he had in college.

Now let’s check in with the spares. We’ll spend a bit more time with Yasmine and Yanichel, and then we’ll speed through the other eight. I promise it’ll be quick with them. So read on!

Yasmine moves into a little starter house, invites Prof. Enrique over, and gets him moved in and changed.

They had a nice little ceremony out back, which they both got major points for since they’re both family sims.

Here’s a picture of the happy couple while it’s just the two of them.

That stage didn’t last long, however. Two family sims, even if they weren’t spares that I was rushing through, tend to have babies quickly and often.

Yasmine gives birth to twins, a blond little girl named Jasmine, and a red-headed boy named Jasper. I’m really pleased that at least one of the kids carried on the recessive hair colors.

Yasmine and Enrique were great and responsive parents to Jasmine and Jasper.

The kidlets soon grew into toddlers, where it became apparent that Jasper took after his mommy quite a bit, while Jasmine looked more like her daddy.

The toddlers played nicely together, and Jasmine had a habit of asking Yasmine to read, which reminded me of Yasmine asking to be read to by Hayden all the time when she was a child. It might look a bit like she’s refusing in this picture, but she’s actually just “framing” things from an art hobby fixation.

While the twins were still quite young, Yasmine discovered that she was pregnant again.

She gave birth, and this time didn’t have the decency to face the wall, which exposes the fact that I was too lazy to ever put her in maternity clothes.

Yasmine gave birth to a single baby this time, a little boy named Jeffrey.

Jeffrey also had blond hair, which pleased me mightily.

Jasper and Jasmine soon grew into kids who continued to take after one parent more than the other. Jasmine is wearing the same dress Yasmine wore as a child.

And Jeffrey grew into a toddler who also has large eyes, and is by far cuter than either of his older siblings.

Jasmine and Jasper had grown close, and at first they ignored their little brother quite a bit when they played.

They soon discovered how much fun being a big sister or brother was, and started interacting with Jeffrey.

Soon Jeffrey also grew up, and he is definitely the cutest of the three.

Now that Jeffrey could really play with Jasmine and Jasper, the three became great friends.

And that’s the end of the story for Yasmine’s happy family.

Moving on, Yanichel moved in her fiancé, Daniel, and started making out right away. Romance sims.

They got married in their backyard, and Daniel actually got points for it. You may notice that they’re wearing the same formals that Yasmine and Enrique got married in. I wanted all the kids to match when they got to Yuri’s wedding, for which the colors are green and yellow, and I was getting quite lazy by this point, so all the spares got married in the same outfits, pale green dresses for the future bridesmaids and suits with green waistcoats for the boys.

Anyway, back to Yanichel and Daniel. Don’t they make a nice couple?

It wasn’t long before they welcomed a little girl named Jaimie into the family.

Jaimie also inherited the large eyes, and although they look a little strange on her as a toddler, she grows into them pretty well.

Daniel turned out to be an excellent father who monopolized playing with Jaimie. Yanichel couldn’t help but think what a great choice she’d made for the father of her children.

Yes, children in the plural, because while Jaimie was still a wee tot, Yanichel gave birth to another baby.

This time it was a little boy named Jayden. I don’t know why but I was apparently really into J names this generation. One of the other later kids had children all with J names too. Anyway, Jayden also had black hair, so we’ll never know if Yanichel carried red hair or not, because she and Daniel are stopping here.

Jaimie grew into a child and Jayden grew into a toddler.

“Kids, watch this. It’s very important! Hang loose, Daniel!”

Finally Jayden grew into a child too.

For romance sims, Daniel and Yanichel make excellent parents. They were always very interested in interacting with their kids, and Jaimie and Jayden knew that they were very loved.

That’s where we’ll leave Yanichel.

Now on to the other spares. We’re gonna do these three slides per spare because this chapter is already really long. Yves proposed to Kaylynn Spitzig and her giant hair. They soon were wed. They make a very cute couple.

Kaylynn and Yves had two brown-haired children named Yolanda and Yardley, which were 2 Y names from my list that I didn’t use last generation. Yolanda is extraordinarily beautiful, in my opinion, but that isn’t surprising considering her parents.

The end for Yves.

Yuliana, the only single baby born in generation 9, met and married a guy named Ryan.

They had twin boys named Casper and Cory.

And that’s Yuliana’s story.

Yvette married Nicholas.

Their children were named Lacey and Liam. Lacey is another really cute kid, but Liam takes after his dad a lot.

And thus ends Yvette’s story.

Yvonne’s gentleman went by the name of Nicholas.

Together they brought Robert into the world.

The end for Yvonne.

Yantse married Jason.

They had twins named David and Delilah, who look almost nothing alike.

Yantse, her family, and her clippy dress lived happily ever after.

Yumi took the lead in proposing to Jim, and they were soon married. Incidentally, this is the same vacation sim as the one that became Jim Hues.

Jim and Yumi had identical triplets (except for hair color). Their names are Julia, Jessica, and Jane.

And that’s where we’ll leave Yumi and company.

Yew married a guy named Stuart in a cloud of butterflies.

She later gave birth to the very cute Arnold.

That’s all for Yew.

Yates married a really pretty sim named Phoebe.

And they had a really pretty daughter named Agatha. It turns out that Yasmine was the only one to pass on recessive hair, at least among the spares. We can still hope for Yuri to pull through.

So concludes Yates’ life, as well as our recap of the spares (finally!).

When we return again, Yuri will move home and start a family with Chris. We’ll see their wedding and the birth of the 10th generation heir, and then wrap this legacy up. Thanks for reading and make sure to check back for the finale! out with me at SiMania!