V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D Èb -...

Post on 17-Sep-2018

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Transcript of V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D Èb -...

V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡‡V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡‡V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡‡V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡‡V‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡‡

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y form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or

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Copyright © 2008. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable

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Copyright © 2008. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable

copyright law.

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V‡‡‡D� Èb‡‡‡‡‡‡ �

≤∞∞∏Ø∏ر∂ …d?UI�«

magdykotb 40@yahoo.com ∫v½Ëd²J�ù« b|d³�«

www.magdykotb.blogspot.com W½Ëb�

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W�U� �«œU—≈Ë q�b�

‰Ë_« qBH&«

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W�—uNL'« »U �±≥

qJAÐ W?L?łd?² « ‰U−?� v� e?O?L?² «Ë ‚u?H² « d?O¹U?F?� s� Ê« ‡±

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ÆUNO ≈ rłd²*« WGK ©pONd « dOž® 5&d « »uKÝ_UÐ


Example : Two Palestinians were shot dead by Israelisoldiers.

vK?&_« vMF?*UР«e???²? ô« V−¹ ∫ W?KL???'« Ác¼ W????L???łdð b?MŽ

5²?GK « 5Ð d?O?³?F?² «Ë »uKÝô« ‚Ëd?� …U?Ž«d?� l� W¹e?OK$ôUÐ

ÆWOÐdF «Ë W¹eOK$ô«

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W�—uNL'« »U �±¥


‚öÞ« b?FÐ 5?OMODGKH « s� 5?MŁ« Êu?OKOz«d?Ý≈ œu?Mł q²?6 ‡±

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v� WKL'« fJ?FÐ ÆÆqFH UÐ √b³ð W?OÐdF « WG?K « v� WKL'« ‡≤

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W�—uNL'« »U �±µ

—U?³?š_« s¹ËUMŽ U?�√ ÆÆ åqŽU?H UÐò √b?³ð vN?� W¹e?OK$ô« W?GK «

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ÆqŽUH UÐ √b³ð vN� W¹eOK$ô«Ë WOÐdF « v� ©headlines)


©WO�dF�« WKL'«®

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f½«d???�ò W U??Nu v?M�√ ‰u??¾???G??� tÐ Õd???& U* U??I???�Ë ÆÆ5MŁ_«


Egypt allowed 20 Palestinians to cross to Sinai from Ha-mas - controlled Gaza Strip for medical treatment, a se-curity official told AFP (Agence France Presse).

√b?³¹ W?¹e?OK$ô«Ë W??OÐd?F « W??GK « v� Ê«uMF « Ê√ V?½U?ł v ≈ ‡≥

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ÆÃöFK UOMODGK� s¹dAŽ ‰ušbÐ `LGð dB� ∫ ‰U��

e.g. "Egypt allows 20 Palestinians in for treatment."

Êu¹eHOK² « Ë√ WŽ«–ù« v� ¡U³½_« r¼√ hKK� v� ∫‰U��

U???O?MOD?GK� ≤∞ ‰u????šbÐ `L????Gð d????B???� "news headlines"Å


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W�—uNL'« »U �±∂

(allowed.... in) Note ∫ W�u�K�

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ÆWKL'« VONdð s� `{«Ë vMF*«

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∑

WO�ö�ù«Ë WOH�B�« WL�d��«

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WLKJ åv�d(«ò vMF*« ÊUN u W?&Uš ÆÆUNM� rłd²*« WOK&_«

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∏

dF?A¹® W¹e?OK$ù« Ë√ WOÐd?F « ∆—UI W?³GM UÐ åUJ?ON—ò d?¦N√ Ë√

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Two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli soldiers.


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W�—uNL'« »U �±π

W??ÝU???O??G «  U?¹u Ë√Ë tðU¹u? Ë√Ë Ád¹b??IðË —d???;« W¹ƒd U???I??�Ë

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤∞

vKŽ ©X½d?²½«®Ë Êu¹e?H?OKðË u¹œ«— åvÝ vÐ vÐò WJ³?ýË ©¡U?³½√

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Æ„«– Ë√ ·dD « «cN ÷—UF� Ë√ b¹R� n6u� v ≈ dOAð v² «

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤±

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(Editing)d¹dײ « Ë√ WžUOB UÐ ÂUL²¼ô« ‰öš s� vK&_« vMF*«

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤≤

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WMO&— WOÐdŽ WGKÐ WžUO& l� ÆÆ (Text® ©vK&_«® åv�d(«ò

rłd??²?� ‚u?HðË e??O9 ÊuJ¹ U??� —b?IÐ ÆÆ (Perfect English® Ë√

ÆÆdš¬ sŽ

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∫ ©W¹eOK$ô« Ë√ WOÐdF «® pKð Ë√ WGK « Ác¼

Example : Djibouti vðu??³?O??ł vowed to use all available

means to defend itself.

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤≥

∫ ‰uI½ WKL'« Ác¼ WLłd² ™™

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Tanslation into English

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Eritrea and Djobuti almost went to war in April 1996.¢

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(Structure of English Sentence) tGH½ WKL'« VONdð s�

ÆWIDM*« —«dI²Ý« WŽeŽe vFG UÐ U¹d²¹—« XLNð« ∫ ‰U��

Djibouti accused Eritrea of seeking to destabilise the region.

©W?O?Ðd?F UÐ ÊU??²?LK?N® å—«d?I??²?Ý« W?Že??Ž“ò W?L?KN Ê√ kŠö½ ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤¥

bMŽ fJF «Ë ÆÆ…b?Š«Ë W?LKJÐ W¹e?OK$ô« v ≈ U?L?N²?L?łdð X9

…b??Š«Ë W???LKN® W??O?Ðd??F « v ≈ W?¹e??OK$ô« s� W?KL??'« W??L???łdð


e.g. : Israel said it expects a response to its conditions(for a truce) in Gaza Strip.

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤µ


ÆWÝUzd «  UÐUK²½« v� X¹uB² UÐ «bž ÊuOJ¹d�_« ÂuI¹

W¹eOK$ô« WLłd² «

Amercians (vote) tomorrow in presidential election.

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ÆåX¹uB² UÐ

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.Foreign Desk (WOł—U)« WO³Mł_«Ë WOÐdF « d¹—UI² «Ë

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤∂

qI?²G?� rG?6 UNÐ Âö?Žô« …eN?ł√Ë n×?B « iFÐ „UM¼Ë ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �≤∑

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fJF�U+Ë WO+dF�« v�≈ W7eOK$ô« s�

v:U;&« qBH&«


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W�—uNL'« »U �≥±

©±® r$— vIO�D1 Öu/

(Reuters) US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice saidshe was confident the two sides were trying hard to re-solve their six-decade conflict.Following the visit by Rice, Israeli Prime Minister Eu-hud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abassmet on Monday to try to accelerate peace talks, whichOlmert's office said had a "very good chance" of pro-ducing results by year-end.Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat called the talks "veryserious". Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, describedthem as "quite possibly the most serious talks an Israeliside has ever had with the Palestinian side."Rice spent much of her fourth trip to the region this yeardiscussing steps to dismantle some of the hundreds ofcheckpoints, road blocks and other barriers Israel hascreated across the West Bank to prevent violence.

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥≤

Israel argues that the barriers are necessary to preventPalestinian suicide bombings. The Palestinians regardthem as a form of collective punishment that has crip-pled their economy.

WO+dF�« v�≈ WL�d��«

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥≥

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥¥

WIÐUG « …dIHK Èdš√ W¹d¹d% WLłdð „UM¼ ©≤®

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥µ

W?A?6UM?� v� ÆÆÂU?F « «c¼ ‰ö?š W?I?DMLK W?FЫd « U??N?² u?ł Ë√

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W?H?C « v� qOz«d?Ý≈ U?N?²?�U?6√ v² « oz«u?F «Ë ‚dD « e?ł«u?ŠË

WOMODGKH « © UL?−N «Ë  UOKLF « Ë√®  «dO−H?² « lM* WOÐdG «


e???ł«u????(« Ác¼ Ê« Êu????OM?ODG?KH « ©Èd?¹ Ë√® d???³????²???F¹ U????LM?OÐ



US Secretary of state WOJ¹d�_« WOł—U)« …d¹“Ë Ë√ d¹“Ë

US Department of state WOJ¹d�_« WOł—U)« …—«“Ë

r UF « ‰Ëœ rEF�Ë Êœ—_«Ë dB� v� WOł—U)« …—«“Ë

Egypt's (Jordan's) Foreign Ministry

British Foreign Office ∫ WO½UD¹d³ « WOł—U)« …—«“Ë

¡UM¦?²ÝUÐ ÆÆÈd?š_« r U?F « ‰Ëœ rEF?� Ë√ dB?� W?Oł—U?š d¹“Ë

5³� u¼ ULN UJ¹d�√

Foreign Minister of Egypt .... etc.

Resolve W¹uGð ≠ qŠ ≠ rGŠ

Decade © «uMÝ dAŽ® ÊU�e « s� bIŽ

** their six-decade conflict

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥∂

U?O U?Š qC?H*« v�ö?Žù« »uKÝ_« Ë√ W?KL?−K Öu/ o³?Ý U?�

ÆÈbOKI² « »uKÝ_« s� ôbÐ

which (or that) has been Continuous for six decadess

WK?C????H*« W????Ý—b*« Ë√ t????łu????² « l?� ‰Ë_« »uKÝ_« o?G????²¹ ™

ö?C?� ÆÆ U?LKJ « s� sJ2 œb?Ž q6√ v� vMF*« sŽ d?O?³?F?²K

WMO&—Ë WLJ×� UNKF−¹Ë WKL'« ©dBI¹® uN� p – sŽ

Serious q¦� W?LKJK b?Š«Ë vMF� vKŽ e?ONd² « Âb?Ž s� bÐô ™™

ÆÆ ådODšò U?C¹√ vMFðË ÆÆ åœUłò vMFð WIÐUG « W?FDI « v� vN�

ÆÆv?MF?*« ‚U???????G?ð« Âb???????Ž v?� ©p?ý v½œ√® p?A? « b?MŽË b?Ðô

hMK? U?I??�Ë vM?F*« —U??O?²??š« r²?¹ v²??Š ÆÆ”u?�U??I? « W?F??ł«d??�

ÆhM « l� t²Lłdð »uKD*« vK&_«

…b?‡‡?I??????F*«Ë W???????³??????Nd*« q?‡‡?‡?‡L??????'« v? ≈ t?‡‡?‡‡?³?M²? « s� b?Ðô ™™

ÆÆ Ê«cK « ≠ v² « ≠ Èc? «® W u?&u?� ¡U?L?Ý√ ÊËbÐ W?¹e?OK$ôUÐ

The relative pronouns (that - who - whom - which - etc..) ©a «

e.g. : Olmert's spokesman Mark.. , described them asquite possibly the most serious talks an Israeli side has

ever had with the Palestinian side.

∫q¦� WOH&u «  «—U³F « v ≈ t³M² « s� bÐô UC¹√ ææ

Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, etc..

U?� U³? Už v¼Ë ÆÆW?³?Nd*« WKL?−K jG?³� Öu/ oÐU?G « ‰U?¦*« ™™

rÝ« b¹b?% q¦?� ÆÆW?O?H?&Ë Ë√ W?O??Š U?C¹« W?O?Žd?� …—U?³?Ž qL?Að

Æ d*Ë√ rÝUÐ Àbײ*« W¹uN `O{uð È√ ©nO−¹— „—U�®  d*Ë√

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥∑

∫W uD� WOŠUC¹ô« …—U³F « Ác¼ ÊuJð Ê√ sJ1 ™™

e.g. : Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev who was a retired bŽUI²�

Officer of the Israeli army.. etc.

WO?×O?{uð WOŠU?C¹≈Ë WO?H&Ë U¼dO?žË qO&U?H² « Ác¼ qN ™™

u¼Ë® ‚œ« vMF0 W?O?ÝUÝ_« …—U?³?F « Ë√ WKL?'« d&UMŽ b?Š_

© d*Ë√ rÝUÐ Àbײ*« oÐUG « ‰U¦*« v�

WOÝU?Ý_« XGO Ë WOŽdH « W¹u½U?¦ «  «—U³F « …—uDš q¦9 ™™

5ÐË U?NMOÐ jKK¹ b?6 iF?³ « Ê√ ÆÆ UN? t³M² « Âb?Ž W U?Š v�

d?O³?N qJAÐ U?O?³KÝ U?ŽU³D½« vD?F¹ U� u¼Ë W?O?ÝU?Ý_« …—U³?F «

U?I?�Ë® W¹e?OK$ô« WKL?'« VO?Nd?² t?N«—œ« Èb?�Ë rłd?²*« sŽ

Æ©oÐUG « ‰U¦LK

(the, a, an® dOJM² «Ë n¹dF² «  «Ëœ√ v ≈ t³M² « s� bÐô ™™

e.g. : Rice spent much of her fourth trip discussingsteps...

©W??O???�d??(« W??L???łd??² «® W???6œ qJÐ W??L?KJ « W??L???łdð V−?¹ UM¼

W???L???łd???² « v� Àb???×?¹ b??6 U???L???N®  «u?D)« fO Ë  «u?Dš

©…b¹bŽ ‰«uŠ√ v� W¹d¹dײ «

Ex. : Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians.

Êu?OK?Oz«d?Ý≈ œuMł q²??6 ∫ ©W?O?�d??(«® W?I?O??6b « W?L??łd?² « ™™

Ê√ …d?Oš_« W?Lłd?² « vMF?L� ÆÆ ©Êu?OKOz«d?Ýù« œuM'«® fO Ë

5OMODGKH? « q²6 v� «u?N—U?ý ©UF?O?Lł Êu?OKOz«d?Ýù« œuM'«®

ÆvF6«Ë dOž d�√ u¼Ë ÆÆWŁö¦ «

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W�—uNL'« »U �≥∏

ÆÆ©«“U?−�® d?O³?F² « —d?;« rłd?²*« ÂbK?²G¹ b?6 p – l�Ë ™™

qC??�_« s� sJ Ë ÆÆU¹d¹d??% ôu?³?I??� ÊuJ¹ Ê√ sJ1 U??� u¼Ë

ÆWLłd² « v� W½U�_«Ë W6b « Èd% ÆÆ ‰«uŠ_« qN v�

ÆÆW??L??łd??²*« Ë√ rłd??²*« ’d??×¹ Ê√ v?¼Ë ÆÆW??L?N??� W?DI½ ™™

Ë√ ZN½ l³?²ð W?O?�ö?Ž≈  U?G?ÝR?�Ë  U?N?ł v� qL?F¹ s� ¡«u?Ý

l³??²ð v²? «  U??N?'« v?� Ë√ ÆÆ©W??O?�d??(« W??L??łd??² «® W??Ý—b??�

rłd???²*« ’d??×¹ Ê√ bÐô ÆÆ5?²??N??'« v?� ÆÆ©vMF*« W??L???łdð®

sŽ 5 u??¾?G?*« W?IŁ b??I??H¹ ô√ vKŽË t??²?O??6«b?B??� vKŽ U??�U9

Ætz«œ√ rOOIðË ÆÆt²Lłdð WFł«d�

v ≈ W¹e??OK$ô« s?� W?O??�d??(« W??L?łd??² « h½ v?� kŠö¹ ™™

l� W?žU?O?B « oH?²ð v²?Š ·d?B?² « iFÐ v ≈ ¡u?−K « W?OÐd?F «

∫WOÐdF « WGK « »uKÝ√

e.g. : producing results (4)

d?L?¦?ð® Ë√ v ≈ q&u?² « v ≈ vÐd??F « hM « v� U?N?²??L?łdð X9

UC¹√ sJ1Ë ÆÆåW?NUNd UÐò rG²ð åÃU²½«ò W?LKN Ê_ ÆÆZzU²½ ©sŽ

»uKÝ_« l?� oH??²¹ U2 U¼d??O??ž Ë√ åo?I??%ò W??LKN «b??K??²??Ý«


ÆÆ ©vJ¹d??�_« fOzd? «® 5Ýu?I? « 5Ð W?O?Ðd?F U?Ð  «—U?³??F « ™™

©e?????ł«u??????(«Ë ◊U?????I?M « Ác?¼® ÆÆ©n6Ë® ÆÆ© U?ŁœU?????;« Ác?¼®

b6 U?NMJ ÆÆ vBM « vMF*UÐ UIKD� qKð ô W?OŠUC¹«  U?�U{«

W??FD?I « v� ‰U??(« u?¼ U??L??N® W??O?Ðd??F « ∆—U??I? WÐuKD?� ÊuJð


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W�—uNL'« »U �≥π

WIKF�*« ◊UIM�« iF+

W7d7d���« WL�d��U+

 U?�uKF?� nO?C¹ Ë√ ·U?{√ —d?;« ≠ rłd?²*« Ê√ kŠö¹ ™™

ÆÆ sNU?�_«Ë V&UM*UÐ ÆÆö?¦?� oKF?²¹ U?L?O� ÆÆ  U?�uKF?� —d?N√Ë

Æa «

fOz— vL?Ýd? « t?³?BM�  U?I¹d?Ž VzU??& v ≈ ·U?{√ ∫ ‰U?¦?�

v�® W?OM?ODGKH « d¹d?×??² « W?LEM0  U?{ËU?H?*« Êu?¾?ý …dz«œ

vMODGK� ÷ËUH?LN  UI¹dŽ VzU& v ≈ d?Oý√ vK&_« hM «


ÆÆ ·d?B?² « w?� ≠ —d?;« ≠ rłd?²?LK lÝË√ W?¹d?Š „UM¼ ™™

©WIÐU?G « WFDI « v� UL?N® WOÐdF? « v ≈ WžUO?B « ÊuJð YO×Ð

ÆÆÈdš√ WG s� WLłd²� UN½QÐ UIKD� dFAð œUJð ôË ÆÆWMO&—

ÂU??Ž qJA?ÐË —d??;« ≠ rłd??²*« ÊS??� ÆÆ ·d??B??²? « «c¼ rž—Ë

ÆW¹eOK$ôUÐ vK&_« hM « v� œ—«u « ÂUF « vMF*UÐ Âe² «

W?LKN ÆÆW¹d¹d??×?² « W?L?łd?² « Ë√ vMF*« W?L?łd?ð v� ∫ Wþu?×K�

 d?N– ÆÆX×{Ë√ ÆÆ XMKŽ√ Ë√ sKŽ√ v? ≈ UN?²L?łdð sJ1 said

Æa « ÆÆ —Uý√ XŠd& ÆÆ

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥∞

©≤® vIO�D1 Öu/

W�eOK$ô« v�≈ WOWdF�« s� WLCd��«

»»»»ÆÆÆÆ····ÆÆÆÆ√√√√ ≠≠≠≠ VVVVOOOOÐÐÐÐ√√√√ qqqqðððð

»—U6√ s� 5OMODGK� …dAŽ WOKOz«dÝù« s�_«  «u6 XKI²Ž«

W?Ý—b??� v� 5OKOz«d??Ý≈ W?O½U?LŁ q?²?6 Èc « »U?A « ¡U??6b?&√Ë

tðd?³?²?Ž« Âu?−¼ v� ÆÆrN?OKŽ —UM? « ‚öÞ≈ b?FÐ ”b?I UÐ W?OM¹œ

ÆÂöG «WOKLF «b¹bNð å”dÐ f½«d�ò W UNË

W??OÐd??G « W?H??C « ‚ö??žUÐ W??OKOz«d??Ýù«  UDK?G « X�U??6 U?L??N

V¼Qð W U?Š v� W?OK?Oz«d?Ýù« WÞd?A « Ê√ W?×?{u?� ÆÆ WK²?;«

·«b¼√ b????{ …b¹b????ł W????OMO?DG?K�  U????L???−?¼ È√ lM* ÆÆÂU????Ž

v� Ë√ qOz«d?Ý≈ qš«œ ¡«u?Ý ÆÆ W¹d?JG?Ž Ë√ W?O½b?� W?OKOz«d?Ý≈

ÆWK²;« WOMODGKH « v{«—_«

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥±

WL�d��« q�$ U� `zUBD

vKŽ Ë√ ©sJ�« Ê«® hM? « …¡«d6 ‰ËU?Š ÆÆ Èd?š√ …d?� —dJ½ ™™

(Paragraph) UN²Lłdð q³6 …dIH « q6_«

Vocabulary∫VOÐ√ qð ™™

Tel Aviv

W???G?K UÐ ©”dÐ f?½«d???� W U???NË® —U????B???²???š«∫ AFP »Æ·Æ√ ™™

WOG½dH «

(Agence France Pressee® ∫”bI « ™™


∫ »—U6√ ≠ V¹d6 ™™

a relative - relatives ∫ÂUŽ V¼Qð W UŠ

General state of alert ∫ XIKž√ ™™

sealed off - closed

∫·«b¼√ ≠ ·b¼ ™™

a target - targets ∫W¹dJGŽ Ë√ WO½b� ™™

(adj) (civilian or military®

WK²;« WOMODGKH « v{«—_« ™™

The Palestinian occupied territories or (land)

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥≤

W7eOK$ô« v�≈ WO+dF�« s� WL�d��«

Tel Aviv - AFP:Israeli security forces arrested ten (10) Palestinians ofrelatives and friends of the youngman who shot dead (8)eight Israelis at a religious school in Jerusalem, in an at-tack (considered by AFP) as threat to peace talks.The Israeli authorities sealed off (closed) the occupiedWest Bank, saying Israeli police were on general stateof alert to prevent or (thwart) any more (or new) Pales-tinian attacks against civilian or military Israeli targets,either in Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories.

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥≥

WL�d�K� vIO�D1 Öu/

©≥® W7eOK$ô« v�≈ WO+dF�« s�

W????�u?J(« Ê√ ÆÆf�√ ¡«—“u? « fO?z— nOE?½ b????L????Š√ Æœ s?KŽ√

U?N??�UE½ d?O??O?G??² VF?A? « fK−?� vKŽ …b?¹b?ł WDš ÕdD?²?Ý

 U?A?6UM?� v ≈ ÃU?²?% WD)« Ác¼ Ê√ ·U??{√ t½√ ô≈ ÆÆrŽbK

ÆU¼—«d6≈ q³6 WIOLŽ WK�Uý

v� o?³D?*« v U????(« rŽb? « Z�U½d?Ð Ê« ÆÆ ¡«—“u « f?Oz— ‰U????6

q×¹ Ê√ sJ1 ÆÆ U�b)«Ë W6UD «Ë ¡«cG « qL?AO  UOMO²G «

Æœ `{Ë√Ë ÆÆ5łU²×?LK W¹bI½ m U³� l�b b¹b?ł ÂUE½ tK×�

W? «b??????F « o?O??????I??????% s?L??????C?ð WD?)« Ác¼ q?¦??????� Ê√ n?OE?½

VFA « qNUA?� U�U9 „—bð W�uJ(« Ê√ «bNR� ÆÆWO?ŽUL²łô«

ÆdB� œUB²6ô WO UI²½ô« …d²H « Ác¼ ‰öš

Vocabularyq¦�  U?LKJ q¹b³N U½U?OŠ√  ULKJ « rłd?²ðË ≠ ·U{√ ≠ sKŽ«

said ∫WOÐdF UÐ `{Ë√ ≠ Õd& ≠ dN–

Primier or Prime Minister ∫¡«—“u « fOz—

to submit , refer or present ∫ÂbIð Ë√ ÕdDð

the People's Assembly ∫VFA « fK−�

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥¥

Defence Department ∫UJ¹d�« v� ŸU�b « …—«“Ë

Department ∫ UJ¹d�√ v� …—«“Ë

Subsidies system ∫rŽbK ÂUE½

a subsidy ∫ …œb×� …bŠ«Ë W�bš Ë√ WFKG rŽœ Ë√ W½UŽ≈ ∫ œdH�

comprehensive (inclusive) ∫WK�Uý

before endorsing it ∫U¼—«d6« q³6

services ∫ U�bš

to replace ∫q×� q×¹

cash handouts, payments or (sums of money) ∫ W¹bI½ m U³�

social jsutice ∫WOŽUL²łô« W «bF «

a transitional period ∫WO UI²½« …d²�

�U�u�K�Ë �U8U{«

o�U@�« hM�« ×U*

Èd‡š_« r U??F « ‰Ëœ s� b¹b??F «Ë …b?×??²*«  U¹ôu « v� »«uM « fK?−?�

the House of Representatives (Lower Hosue of Parliament)

∫…bײ*«  U¹ôu « v� vMF¹ UF� ŒuOA «Ë »«uM « fK−�

the Congress

ŒuOA « fK−� uCŽ ≠ vJ¹d�_« ŒuOA « fK−�

the Senate - Senator

Al-Shura Council dB� v� È—uA « fK−�

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥µ

r UF « ‰Ëœ v� »«uM « fK−� fOz— Ë√ VFA « fK−� fOz—


the People's Assembly's Speaker

dB� v� È—uA « fK−� fOz—

Al-Shura Council's Chairman :

W�eOK$ô« v�≈ WLd��«

l³?²?� u¼ U* U?I?�Ë ÆÆ ¡«—“u « fO?z— nOE½ b?L?Š√ Æœ sKŽ√ ™™

ÊuJ¹ U?� «dO?¦N ÆÆ ©d?³)« —b?B?�® WO*U?F « ¡U³½_«  ôU?NË w�

…dI?H « ÊuJð U� U³ UžË ÆÆ ©W¹e?OK$ô« WGK UЮ …dI?H « dš¬ v�

s� d¹d%Ë WžUO& ÊuJð U�« (paragraph) d³š È√ s� v Ë_«

ÆoO6b « tBM fO Ë d³KK ¡U³½_« W UNË

WLd��« h1

The Government will submit a new plan to the People'sAssembly to change its subsidies system, the PrimeMinister Ahmed Nazif said yesterday.

…dIH�« fHM� Èd*√ WLd=

The Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif said yesterday theGovernment will submit or (refer) a new plan to .... etc.

d2)« WLd= ‰ULJ�3«

But Nazif added the plan would require or (need) to in-

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥∂

clusive or (comprehensive) and deep discussions beforeendorsing it.

∫WI�U@�« …dIHK� Èd*√ WLd=

¢But this plan would require or need inclusive or (compre-

hensive) discussions before endorsing it, Nazif added.

v� …dIH « dš¬ v� ©Àbײ*«® d³)« —bB� l{Ë kŠö¹ ™™

WO½U¦ « WLłd² «

The Prime Minister said the current or (present) subsi-dies system, applied or (which has been applied) in thesixties, to cover food, energy and services, could be re-placed by a system of paying cash handouts, (payments)

or (sums of money)

©`{Ë√® W?LKJK q¹b?³N W¹e?OK$ôUÐ said «b?K²?Ý« kŠô ™™


Nazif added that such a plan will ensure social justice,confirming or (stressing) the Government or (that theGovernment) is fully aware of the people's problems inor (during) this transtional period of Egypt's economy.

5ðd??I??H? « v� W??L??łd??²K? d??šü« qJA « «b??K??²???Ý« sJ1 ™™

¡b??³ « bMŽ ©d??³??)« —b??B?�® l?{Ë …U?Ž«d??� l� ÆÆ 5ðd??O??š_«

fO?z— oÐU??G? « ‰U??¦*« v?� u¼Ë® t??O? ≈ …—U??ýù«Ë ÆÆ `¹d???B??²? UÐ

paragraph)® …dIH « W¹UN½ v� ©nOE½ bLŠ√ Æœ ¡«—“u «

W¹eOK$ô« v� …bIF�Ë W³Nd� qLł „UM¼ Ê√ kŠô ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �¥∑

(Compound and Complex Sentence®

W?F‡‡‡‡‡ÐUð Ë√ ©Subsidiary Clause) W?O?Žd‡‡‡‡?‡‡�  «—U‡‡‡‡‡‡‡?‡‡‡³?FÐ W‡‡‡‡‡?‡‡D³ðd?�

who, that - which etc.. ∫ q¦� W u&u� ¡ULÝ√ ÊËœ (Subordinate Clause)

W¹eOK$ùUÐ WLłd²*« WFDI « v ≈ lł—«

Nazif said the current plan... etc...without (that it has been applied)

."applied.. to services" WLKN s� «¡bÐ UNKN …—U³F « ™™

W‡‡‡‡?‡‡FÐUð W?O?ŠU‡?‡‡‡‡C¹≈ W?O?H?‡‡‡‡&Ë Ë√ W?O‡‡‡?‡‡{«d?²?Ž« …—U‡‡³??Ž U‡NKN

©Subordinate Clause)

s� W??O?Ðd??F « v ≈Ë s� W??L??łd??²? « v� tðU??Ž«d??� V−?¹ U??� u¼Ë

fJF «Ë W¹eOK$ô«

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UNOK� …b7b� �UHu�K�Ë

Y&U;&« qBH&«

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ±

WL�d�K� vIO�D1 Öu/

©¥® WO+dF�« v�≈ W7eOK$ô« s�

A Marine accused of killing a pregnant colleague toldpolice he slept in fields and survived by eating fruit thathe found during a three-month manhunt that ended withhis arrest in western Mexico, authorities said. He ischarged with first- degree murder in the death of Ma-ria... , whose burned remains were found in January inthe backyard of his home.


A Marine : WOJ¹d�_« W¹d׳ « …UA� œ«d�« bŠ√

∫WOÐdF « WGK UÐ U½UOŠ√ WLK?J « sŽ dO³F² « r²¹ ULN ©eM¹—U*« Ë√®

a colleague ∫WKO�“ Ë√ qO�“

a manhunt ∫sŽ Y׳ «

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ≤

a three-month manhunt ∫dNý√ WŁöŁ Èb� vKŽ tMŽ Y׳ « ‰öš

charged ∫© U�UNð« Ë√ WLNð tOłuð -® rNð«

the backyard of his home ∫t eM* vHK)« ¡UMH «

WO8d(« WLd��«

W¹d????×????³ « …U????A????� œ«d????�√ b???Š√ Ê√ ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ  U?DKG? « XM?KŽ«

‰U6® Õd?& ÆÆ q�U(« t?²KO�“ q²?IÐ rN²*« ©eM¹—U*«® W?OJ¹d�_«

bO?6 vKŽ dL?²Ý«Ë ÆÆÆÆ ‰u?IŠ v� ÂU½ t½√ ÆÆÆ WÞd?AK ©dN– ≠

d?¦?Ž v² « W?NNU?H « ©qN√® Ë√ ‰ËUM?ð ©»® Ë√ ©‰öš s�® …U?O?(«

vN?²?½«Ë ¨d?N?ý√ WŁöŁ d??L?²?Ý« Èc « tMŽ Y?×?³ « ‰ö?š U?N??OKŽ

ÆpOGJ*« »dž v� tOKŽ i³I UÐ

©ÀœU??Š® v� v Ë_« W??ł—b « s� q²??I « W??L?Nð t? XN?łË b??6Ë

©U???Nzö???ý√® U???NðU???�— vK?Ž —u??¦???F « - v?² « åÆÆÆÆU¹—U???�ò …U???�Ë

Æt eM* vHK)« ¡UMH UÐ d¹UM¹ dNý v� W6d²;«

�U�u�K�Ë VOIF=

q¦??� ©aMarine) qŽU??H « Ê√ v ≈ t??³M?² «Ë —c??(« s� bÐô ™™

`BM½ p? c ÆÆ ©Y½R?�® W¹b?MłË√ ©d?Nc?�® Èb?Mł vMF¹ Ád??O?ž

 «dI� Ë√ WFD?I « …¡«d6Ë ÆÆWLłd² « v� ŸdG²? « ÂbŽ WOL¼QÐ

Æ…√d??�≈ Ë√ ö?ł— œu??B??I*« qŽU?H? « ÊU?N «–≈ U2 b??NQ??²K U??NM�

W???FDI? « v� ©he) «b???K????²???Ý« ‰ö???š s� b????NQ???² « s?� bÐôË

Æ(he slept) ‰U¦*« qO³Ý vKŽ WIÐUG «

Ë√ dNc*« vKŽ qO œ È√ b?& ô√ sJ1 ÆÆÊUOŠ_« iFÐ v� ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ≥

‰ö‡?š s� h?M « d????š¬ v?� p – v? ≈ q&u????²?ð U0—Ë ÆÆY?½R*«

Æ(his or her) Ë√ (he or she)

UN�«bK²Ý« sJ1 ©W�œ«d²�  ULKN® 5ÝuI « 5Ð  ULKJ « ™™

Õd?& q¦?� WL?łd?² « v� W?�b?K²?G*« W?OK&_« W?LKJK qz«b?³?N

s�® q¦???� 5Ýu???I « 5Ð  U???LKN „UM?¼ U??C¹√ ÆÆ©a? « ÆÆƉU??6®

ÆÆW u³I*« WOÐdF « WžUOB « vKŽ U&dŠ ©ÀœUŠ w�Ë® ©‰öš

v�  «—U???³??Ž Ë√  U???LKN È√ W??�U???{≈ U??³???×??²???G??� fO? —dJ½Ë

…UŽ«d?�Ë ÈuB?I « …—ËdC « W? UŠ v� ô≈ ÆÆW?O�d?(« WLłd?² «

ÆWOÐdF « WGK « v� WžUOB «Ë »uKÝ_«  UOC²I�

©vMF*« WLd=® W�d�d���« WLd��«

W¹d??×??³ « …U??A??� œ«d??�√ b??Š√ Ë√ U¹bM?ł Ê√ ÆÆ UDKG « X?MKŽ√

ÆÆÕd&® ‰U6 ÆÆq�U(« t²KO�“ q²IÐ rN²*« ©eM¹—U*«® WOJ¹d�_«

t½√ ©t?F� oO?I?ײ « Ë√ tЫu?−?²Ý« ¡UMŁ√ W?ÞdAK ©`{Ë√ ÆÆd?N–

v² « ©t?N«uH « Ë√® W?N?NUH « v?KŽ  U²?I¹Ë ‰u?I(« v� ÂUM¹ ÊU?N

ÆÆ dNý√ WŁöŁ ‰«uÞ tMŽ Y×?³ « WOKLŽ ‰öš UNOKŽ d?¦F¹ ÊUN

ÆpOGJ*« »dž v� tOKŽ i³I « - v²Š

ÆÆv Ë_« Wł—b « s� q²I «WLNð ÈbM−K  UDKG « XNłË b6Ë

UNðU?�— vKŽ —u¦?F « - v² « ÆÆÆU¹—U� t?²KO�“ …U�uÐ oKF?²¹ UL?O�

ÆrN²*« ‰eM* vHK)« ¡UMH UÐ d¹UM¹ dNý v� ©UNzöý√® Ë√

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ¥


sKŽ√ v ≈ U¹d¹d% rłd?²¹ U½UOŠ√ ‰U¦?LN ©said) ‰uI « qF� ™™

ÖU/ v� W?{U?H?²?ÝUÐ t?O ≈ …—U?ýù« r²O?Ý U?L?N Æa « ÆÆd?N– Ë√

ÆWO Uð WLłdð

s�  U?�U?{« ÆÆ©q³?6 s� UMK6 U?L?N® 5Ýu?I « 5Ð  U?LKJ « ™™

W???žU???O???B? «Ë »uKÝù« v?Ž«Ëb ©—d???;« ≠ rłd???²?*«® V½U???ł

¡UMŁ√® WK¦�√ ÆÆ©WLłd?²� UN½QÐ UNF� dFAð ô® W u?³I*« WOÐdF «

d??O??ž  U??LK?J « Ác¼ Ê√ rž— ©t??F??� oO??I??×??²? « Ë√ tЫu??−??²??Ý«

UNMJ ® ÆÆ Èe?OK$ô« hM « v� dýU³�Ë `¹d?& qJAÐ …œułu�

.(the structure of the text® hM « U¹UMŁ s� W�uNH�

Ê√ ô≈ ÆÆW???L??łd???² « v?� ÿu??×?K*« ·d???B??² « r?ž—Ë kŠô ™™

ô ©W¹d¹dײ « WL?łd² «® WMO&d « WOÐdF « WžU?OB UÐ ÂUL²¼ô«

n¹d?%Ë√ ÆÆhMK ÂUF « vMF*« Ë√ qL?−0 «e² ô« Âb?Ž vMF¹

‰u?³?I??� d?O?ž l³D UÐ «c?¼Ë ÆÆÈe?OK$ô« hMK v?K&_« vMF*«

t²?O6«bB� rłd?²*« ≠—d;« bIH¹ t?³³GÐË ÆÆUŽu?{u�Ë öJý

s� ÊuJ¹ v U² UÐË ÆÆt²?Lłdð WFł«d� v u?²¹ s�Ë tzU݃— WIŁË


YO?Š ÆÆW??O?�d??(« W?L?łd??² « vKŽ o³DM?¹ l³D UÐ o³??Ý U?� ™™

v� W?6b «Ë tM� rłd?²*« hMK vK&_« vM?F*UР«e?² ô« d³?²?F¹

Ác?N? W?³??GM UÐ .u??I?² « d??O¹U?F??� r¼√ s� ÆÆÊUJ�ô« —b??6 p –

ÆWLłd² « s� tłu² « Ë√ WÝ—b*«

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W�—uNL'« »U �µµ

WL�d�K� vIO�D1 Öu/

©µ® W7eOK$ô« v�≈ WO+dF�« s�

…bŽUI « rOEMð s� 5×KG?� Ê√ wJ¹d�_« gO'« ©‰U6® sKŽ√

‰U?L??ý gO?²?H?²? « ◊U?I½ Íb?Š« bMŽ U??O?6«d?Ž U¹bM?ł ±≤ «uK²?6

Æ¡UFЗ_« ÂuO « œ«bGÐ

‰ö????š «u???Šd????ł s¹d????š¬ U¹bM?ł ≤∞ Ê√ ÆÆ gO???'« ·U????{√Ë

 U?L−¼ Ê√ vJ?¹d�_« gO?'« rÝUÐ Àb?ײ?� ‰U?6Ë ÆÆÂu−?N «

W¹U???L??Š qł√ s?� ÊuKL??F?¹ s¹c « ¡ôR¼ b???{ W??F???O??³D « Ác???NÐ

W?OA?Šu « W?FO?³D « vKŽ d?š¬ ôU?¦� b?Fð ÆÆ‚«d?F « v� 5O½b*«

Æ‚«dF « v� …bŽUI « rOEM²

VocabularyAl Qaeda militants ∫…bŽUI « rOEMð s� Êu×KG� ™™

militants ∫ UOAOKO� Ë√ UOAOKO� œ«d�« ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ∂

a checkpoint ∫©gO²Hð WDI½® gO²H² « ◊UI½ ÈbŠ« ™™

an U.S. military spokesman:

.vJ¹d�_« gO'« rÝUÐ Àbײ� ™™

«c¼ vKŽ Ë√ ©W??O?ŽuM « Ác?NÐ Ë«® W??F?O?³D « Ác?NÐ  U??L?−¼ ™™

attacks of this nature ∫u×M «

barbarous (adj) ∫åW¹dÐd³ «ò Ë√ WOAŠu «

W�eOK$ô« WGK�« v�≈ WLd��«

The U.S. military said militants of Al-Qaeda killed 12Iraqi soldiers at a checkpoint in northern Baghdad.The military added or (said) 20 other soldiers werewounded during the attack. An U.S. spokesman said(that) attacks of this nature are considered (regarded) an-other example of (the) barbarous nature of Al-Qaeda inIraq.


d??š¬ v ≈ vJ¹d??�_« gO?'« ©‰U??6 Ë√® sKŽ√ sŽ d??O??³?F??²K ™™

Êü« ¡U?³½_«  ôUNË v?� UŽu?O?ý d¦?Nô« »uKÝô«d?³²?F¹ WKL?'«

«bK²Ý« ÊËbÐ WIÐUG « WLłd² « fH½ v� u¼ ULN dO³F² « u¼

Æ ©that®

ÆU¾ÞUš fO ©that) «bK²Ý« ™™

Ë√ WO ULA « WIDM*« v� È√® œ«bGÐ ‰ULý v� Âu−N « l6Ë ™™

v� U??L?N W¹e??OK$ô« v ≈ r?łd?²ð ©œ«b??GÐ s� v U??L?A « ¡e??'«

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ∑

W?F6«u « åÆÆÆò W?IDM� …—U?³Ž œdð U½U?O?Š« sJ WI?ÐUG « W?FDI «

north of Baghdad or (south of Baghdad)®

ÊU?N Ê«Ë ÆÆU?N?ÐuMł Ë√ œ«b?GÐ ‰U?L??ý v ≈ ©W?F?6«u «® v?MF*« UM¼

Ë√ ‰U?L?ý å«c?Nò WE�U?×?� Ë√ W?IDM?�ò ∫ p – sŽ d?O?³?F?² « r²¹

ÊËbÐ È√ ÆÆWI?O6b « W?O�d(« W?Lłd?²K W³GM U?Ю œ«bGÐ »uMł

Æ©ålIð v² «ò Ë√ WF6«u « WLKN «bK²Ý«®

©W¹d¹d??% W?žU?O??&® W?OÐd?F? UÐ sKŽ√ W?LK?N ÊuJð U?� U??³ U?ž ™™

 U??×¹d???B??² « vKŽ p? – Èd??G¹ ÆÆW¹e??O?K$ôUÐ said"¢ W??LKJ

 U??×¹d??B?²? «Ë À«b?Šú W??³??GM UÐ U??�√ ÆÆW¹œU??F « À«b??Š_«Ë

‚UHð« v ≈ q&u² « ÆÆUNH?6Ë Ë√ ÆÆ»d(« ÊöŽ«® q¦� …dOD)«

≠ sKŽ√ ≠ sKF¹ W?LKN «bK²?Ý« sJ1 ÆÆ ©rÝUŠ Ë√ rN?� ÂöÝ

declare - declared - declaration)® ∫ ÊöŽ«

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W�—uNL'« »U �µ∏

WL�d�K� vIO�D1 Öu/

©∂® WO+dF�« WGK�« v�≈

(Reuters) - Sudanese government bombed a primaryschool and a busy market place in Darfut, killing at least13 people, including seven children; two aid organisa-tions said on Monday.The Sudanese army spokesman was not immediatelyavailable to comment, but he has repeatedly deniedbombing in the area, which would be a violation of aU.N. Security Council resolution banning all offensiveflying.The aid groups said a government plane bombed a vil-lage in North Darfur. If confirmed, it would be the dead-liest bombing raid in Darfur in years. "According to information gathered by villagers, theplane hovered for a long time and then bombed repeat-edly," a joint statement from the Organisations said."The school was hit and one classroom was destroyed. Itwas in session," it added. The youngest child to die was5-year-old. It said two other children were seriously

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W�—uNL'« »U �µπ

wounded and 30 more lightly wounded. Both organisa-tions fund the primary school of 238 students.The groups said the market was also hit with six peoplereported killed and 20 shops destroyed. They said it wasunclear how many people were wounded at the marketplace. Hundreds of women usually gather there on mar-ket day.Last week, a joint U.N.-African Union peacekeepingmission confirmed rebel reports of bombing in NorthDarfur in spite of government denials.On Friday the UNAMID force commander issued astatement expressing deep concern at the "rising toll ofcivilian deaths and casualties as a result of the recentbombing of villages in Darfur."International experts estimate some 200,000 people havedied and 2.5 million been driven from their homes infive years of revolt in Darfur. Khartoum accuses theWestern media for exaggerating the conflict and puts thedeath toll at 10,000. Sudan is asking donor nations meet-ing in Norway this week for $6 billion over the nextthree years to help rebuild after decades of civil wars. A2005 peace deal ended war between north and south, butdid not cover Darfur.

Vocabulary a violation (n) ∫‚dš Ë√ „UN²½«

U.N. (UN) …bײ*« 3ú —UB²š«

l{u¹ Ê√ sJ?1 ÆÆW¹e?OK?$ôUÐ  «—U?B??²?šô« i?FÐ „UM¼ ™™

qN l?{uð Ê√ U?????C?¹√ sJ?1Ë ÆÆWD?I½ U?????N?M� ·d?????Š q?N b?????FÐ

U.N. (UN) U.S. (US) ∫ q¦� ◊UI½ ÊËbÐ UN�ËdŠ

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W�—uNL'« »U �∂∞

U??N?�«b??K??²?Ý« l?zU?A «  «—U??B??²?šô« i?FÐ U?C?¹√ „UM¼Ë ™™

U??L??N  U??LKJ « Ác¼ ·Ëd??Š b??FÐ ◊U??I½ È√ ÊËbÐ W?¹e?O?K$ôUÐ

(OPEC) - (UNESCO) etc.. ∫ q¦� bFÐ ULO� Èd²Ý

offencive ∫v�u−¼

defencive ∫vŽU�œ

an air raid - raids ∫ W¹uł  «—Už ≠ …—Už

a raid - raids:

W??Žd?G? « lÐUÞ U??N?O?KŽ VKG¹Ë ÂU??Ž qJAÐ  U??L??−¼ ≠ Âu??−¼


a news - news / a means - means:

ÆÆ ©lL?ł® qzUÝË Ë√ —U³?š√ UC¹√Ë ©œd?H�® WKO?ÝËË d³?š ÊU²?LKJ « vMFð

Æ©œdH�® WLKJ « Ê√ v ≈ dOAð v² « (a news ... ) dOJM² « …«œ√ ‚—UH «

a joint statement „d²A� ÊUOÐ

* a joint statement from (the organisations)

ÆÆd?³??)« v� U?L¼d?N– o³??Ý ÊU?²K « ÊU?²??LEM*« ∫ UM¼ œu??B?I*«

Âb??K?²??Gð U?N?½√ vMF0 the n¹d??F?² « …«œ√ UM�b??K?²??Ý« p c

tM� rłd²*« ÈeOK$ô« hM « v� tO ≈ …—Uýù« XI³Ý TA

It was in session ©WÝ«—b « ¡UMŁ√ ® WÝ«—bK W³GM UÐ

∫ÊU*d³K WGKł ©œUIF½« ¡UMŁ√® rłd²ð ∫ ö¦� VFA « fK: W³GM UÐË

a session of the Parliament

the groups: ÊU²LEM*« UNÐ œuBI*«

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W�—uNL'« »U �∂±

ÆÆ5²LEM*« WLKJР«e?² ô« WOÐdF « WGK « v ≈ WL?łd² « v� qCH¹Ë

Ê√Ë W&U?š ÆÆWLłd?² « W¹«bÐ cM� UN?�«bK²?Ý« - t½√ ”UÝ√ vKŽ

∫ q³?6 s� U½dý√ U?LN ≠ n¹d?F² « …«œQÐ W?6u³?G� (groups) WLKJ «

Ë√ ∆—U????I? « vK?Ž ”U????³????²? « Ë√ f³? È√ VM& v? ≈ p – ·b?????N¹Ë

d?O?ž 5²¹d?š√ 5?²?ŽU?L?ł „UM¼ Ê√ b?I?²?F¹Ë ÆÆb¼U??A*«Ë lL?²?G*«

ÆWLłd² « W¹«bÐ cM� ULNO ≈ —UA*« 5²LEM*«

the market place ∫‚uG « ÊUJ�

market day ∫‚uG « tO� ÂUI¹ Èc « ÂuO «

©a « ÆÆU¹dNý Ë√ UOŽu³Ý« ¡«uÝ®

∫ÂöG « kH( vI¹d�_« œU%ô«Ë …bײ*« 3_« s� WNd²A*« W¦F³ «

a joint U.N. - African Union peackeeping mission in Darfur


The commander of UNAMID

W?OI¹d?�_« W?O Ëb « W?¦F?³ « ® b?O�U½u?OK ÈdJG?F « bzU?I « vMFð

∫©—u�—«œ v� WNd²A*«

A commander of UNAMID

bzU?I « fO Ë b?O?�U½u?O «  «u?I 5¹d?JG?F « …œU?I « b?Š√ vMFð

UNKN  «uI « ÁcN bŠË_« ÂUF «

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the American President

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W?�U{« s� bÐô t½√ ©W?¹d¹d×?² « W?Lłd?² « v� W?&Uš rłd?²*«

Æd³)« W¹«bÐ v� q6_« vKŽ ÆÆfOzd « rÝ«

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑±

d¹b?'« ≠ d?Nc¹® ∫ q¦?�  UL?KN «bK?²?Ý« ÆÆU?C¹√ kŠö¹ ™™

jÐd? ©a « ÆÆd???š¬ «b???O???F???& vKŽ ÆÆ U???N???³½U???ł s� ÆÆd???Nc? UÐ

ÆW¹d¹dײ « WLłd² « v�  «dIH «

—u�—«œ rOK6√ q¦�  U�uKF� W�U{« ÆÆq³6 s� UMK6 ULN kŠö¹

UÐd????Š b????N????A?¹ Èc «® Ë√ ÆÆ©Ê«œu????G « »d????ž v?� lI?¹ Èc «®

≠ —d???;« Ë√ —d??;« ≠ r?łd??²?*« W¹ƒd U???I???�Ë ÆÆ©a « ÆÆW??O?K¼√

ÆÆU?N??O ≈ rłd?²*« ©W?G?K UЮ d¹d?I?²? « Ë√ d?³?)« W?�b??) rłd?²*«

ÆoÐUG « ÖuLM « v� WOÐdF « WGK « UM¼ v¼Ë

fH½ v� ÆÆt??³½U?ł s� ≠ d?Nc? UÐ d¹b?'« ≠ d?Nc¹®  U??LKN ™™

q¦� «b?K²Ý« ÆÆ©qB?²� ‚UO?Ý v� ÆÆÈdš√ W?Nł s� ÆÆX6u «

UN²Lłdð »ułË …—ËdC UÐ vMF¹ ô ÆÆWOÐdF « v�  ULKJ « Ác¼

Ê√ U*UÞ ÆÆU?N?²?�U?{≈ v ≈ ¡u?−K? « c?³?×¹ ôË ÆÆ W¹e?OK$ô« v ≈

„UM¼ XG?O Ë ÆÆUN?O ≈ d?OA¹ Èe?OK$ô« hMK vML?C « vMF*«

ÕU?C¹« v ≈ W¹eOK$ôUÐ vM?F*« ÃU²?Š« «–≈ ô≈ UN?²�U?{ù WłU?Š

WLłd² « s� qNË vK&_« ÈeOK$ô« hM « Ê—U6® U� bONQð Ë√

Æ©hM « «cN W¹d¹dײ « WLłd² «Ë WO�d(«


Meanwhile, Hamas claimed reponsibility for the attack.

bO?F& vKŽ® ÆÆ©WI?O6œ WO?�dŠ WL?łdð® ¡UMŁ_« Ác¼ v�Ë ™™™

©W¹d¹d% WLłdð® ©Èdš√ WNł s� ÆÆdš¬

©WO�d(« WLłd² «® ‰U¦*« WLłdð

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑≤

Âu−N « sŽ UN²O u¾G� ”ULŠ XŽœ« ¡UMŁ_« Ác¼ v�Ë

claimed : vŽœ√

W�d�d% WLd=

o�U@�« ‰U�LK�

ÆÆ©Èd?š√ WN?ł s�® Ë√ ¨©d?š¬ bO?F?& vKŽ® ÆÆ ¡UMŁ_« Ác¼ v�

ÆÂu−N « sŽ UN²O u¾G� ”ULŠ XMKŽ√

vÐdF « hM « v� claimed W¹d¹dײ « WLłd² « Ê√ kŠö½ ™™

WL?łd² « v ≈ nO?C½ UO?³G½ W6b « UM¾?ý «–≈Ë ÆÆ XMKŽ√ ∫ v¼

Æ©UN³½Uł s� XMKŽ«® W¹d¹dײ «

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WL�d�K� …b7b� ÖU/

W7eOK$ô«Ë WO+dF�« v�≈Ë s�


l�«d&« qBH&«

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑µ

©∑® vIO�D1 Öu/

W7eOK$ô« v�≈ r�d1

lOÐ v?� tÞ—u??² v½U*√ v?KŽ i³??I « W??O?½U*_«  UDKG? « XI √

Êu½U???IK? „U???N??²?½« v� ÆÆÊ«d¹≈ v? ≈ a¹—«u???B « lO?MB???² œ«u???�

U* U?I?�Ë ÆÆÊ«d?NÞ vKŽ »d?G « t?{d?H?¹ Èc « dE(«Ë v½U*_«

Æf�√ v½U*√ ‰u¾G� tÐ Õd&

t t??łË® Ë√ rNð« t?O??� t?³??²?A*« v½U*_« ÊQ?Ð ‰u?¾?G?*« ·U?{√Ë

ÆÊ«d¹≈ v ≈ …—uE×� œ«u� lOÐ ©ÂUNð«

vKŽ dE% …b?×?²*« 3_«  UÐu?IŽË v½U*_« Êu½U?I « Ê√ d?Nc¹

v� UN�«b?K²Ý« sJ1 œ«u0 Ê«d¹≈ b¹Ëeð  U?NdA « Ë√ œ«d�_«

ÆW¹dJGŽ Ë√ W¹Ëu½ ÷«dž«

sJ ÆÆ5¹—U?−?² « Ê«d?¹≈ ¡U?Nd?ý d?³?N√ s� …b?Š«Ë U?O½U*√ d?³?²?Fð

vJ …b?×?²*«  U¹ôu « s� W?H?¦J� ◊u?G?C ÷d?F?²ð U?NðU?Nd?ý

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑∂

lOMBð Ê«d¹≈ ‰ËU% Ê√ s� U�uš ÆÆÊ«dNÞ l� UNðU6öŽ lDIð

°ÆÆW¹Ëu½ W×KÝ√

hB??K?� ÈËuM « U??N??−?�U½dÐ Ê√ Ê«d¹≈ ‰u??Ið ÆÆ U??N?³½U??ł s�Ë


Vocabularyfor involving in - to involve in ∫ v� ◊—u²¹ ≠ tÞ—u²

the suspect ∫tO� t³²A*«

u¼ œu??B??I?*« Ê√ b??NR¹ the ©n¹d??F??²? « …«œ√® «b??K??²??Ý« ™™

v Ë_« …dIH « v� ©tOKŽ ÷u³I?*«® tO ≈ —UA*« hKA « tGH½

©vÐdF « hM « s�

an embargo ∫dEŠ ™™

Western sanctions ∫WOÐdž  UÐuIŽ ™™

rocket - manufacturing materials ∫a¹—«u& lOMB² œ«u� ™™

to provide with - to supply with ∫©b¹Ëe𮠇РœËe¹ ™™

a trading partner ∫È—U& p¹dý

a nuclear programme ∫ÈËu½ Z�U½dÐ

to export - exporting ∫d¹bBð ≠ —bB¹

to import - importing œ«dO²Ý« ≠ œ—u²G¹

to ban the exports of .... etc  «—œU& dE×¹

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑∑

hKA d¦N√ Ë√ UO?LÝ— U�UNð« ö¦� WÐUOM « tłu?ð® UOLÝ— rN²¹

to charge ©U�

to accuse ∫©ÂUŽ qJAЮ rN²¹

"Translation into English"

German authorities have arrested a German for involv-ing in the sale of rocket - manufacturing materials toIran, in violation of German law and Western embargoon Tehran, a German official said yesterday.The official added that the suspect German businessmanhad been charged of exporting banned goods to Iran.German law and United Nations sanctions ban individualsand companies from supplying (providing) Iran with mate-rials that could be used for nuclear or military purposes.Germany is one of the largest trading partners but itsfirms have been under intensive pressure from US to cutties with Iran, fearing Tehran may try to manufacturenuclear weapons.Iran says its nuclear programme is for peaceful and ci-vilian uses.


s� å »dG « t{dH¹ Èc «ò …—U³Ž WLłdð ∫ v Ë_« …dIH « v� kŠö¹

(Western embargo) ∫ v U² « u×M « vKŽ W¹eOK$ô« v ≈ WOÐdF «

∫ ÈbOKI² « »uKÝ_UÐ dO³F² « U¾ÞUš fO p – l�Ë

the embargo (that or which) imposed by the West. ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑∏

"that or which" ÊËbÐ imposed WLKJÐ ¡UH²Nô« sJ1 ™™

W¹e?OK$ôU?Ð ¡«u?Ý ÆÆWK¹uÞ WKL?'« ÊuJð ô√ U??Lz«œ qC?H¹ ™™

qL'« «bK²Ý« u¼ ÆÆ 5²GK? « v� ULz«œ c³;«Ë ÆÆWOÐdF « Ë√

©short sentences) …dOBI «

jI???� (for) ‡Ð ¡U????H???²???Nù« …d???O???š_« …d????I???H « v� k?Šö¹ ™™

ÆÆvÐd?F « hM « v� åh?B?K�ò W?L?KN W?L?łd?² ÆÆW¹e?OK$ôUÐ

ÆW¹eOK$ù« WKL'« dB6Ë »uKÝ_« W½U&— vKŽ U&dŠ

W??L?KN W??�U???{UÐ XL???łdð ©to be under) U??C?¹√ kŠö¹ ™™

ö¦� ÆÆqŽUH « VGŠ ÷dF²ð

(We are under) (They are under) ∫ Êu{dF²¹ Ë√ ÷dF²½

∫ UHBN ¡ULÝ_« iFР«bK²Ý« UC¹« kŠö¹ ™™

e.g. civilian uses ∫WO½b� Ë√ v½b�

a civilian WO½b� ©…√d�≈ Ë√ hKý® WO½b� Ë√ v½b�

s�Ëò© ÆÆd??Nc¹ò q¦??�  U??LKN W??L??łdð Âb??Ž U?C?¹√ kŠö¹ ™™

ÆÆU½d??ý√Ë o³?Ý U??L?N ÆÆW?¹e?OK?$ô« v ≈ W?OÐd??F « s� åU??N?³½U??ł

Æ5²GK « 5Ð »uKÝ_« ‚—UH

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W�—uNL'« »U �∑π

©∏® vIO�D1 Öu/

WO+dF�« WGK�« v�≈ r�d1

Conservatives win Iran parl't majorityTEHRAN (Reuters) - Conservatives said they achieveda clear victory in Iran's parliamentary election yesterday,but the new legislature may still represent a tougherhardship ahead of next year's presidential poll.The hardline Iranian President's reformist opponentstried to capitalise on public discontent over high infla-tion in the world's fourth-largest oil producer but manyof their leading candidates were barred from running inFriday's vote.Conservatives, who call themselves "principlists" forloyalty to the Islamic Republic's ideals, have taken 120seats in the 290-member parliament against 46 fro re-formists so far, the state "Press TV" station has reported.That figure did not include Tehran, where conservativeswere also leading, according to official media."More than 70 per cent of parliament seats belong to

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏∞

principlists," Shahabeddin Sard, projected to win a seatfor the conservatives in the capital, told Reuters. "It is agreat honour that people put their trust in us again."The Interior Ministry, which supervised the vote, hassaid a final nationwide tally might not come out until to-day.

Vocabularya conservative - conservatives:

Ë√ »«e???Š√® ÊuE�U???×???� ©hK???ý Ë√ »e???Š® k�U???×???� ™™™

Æ©a « ÆÆ UÝUOÝ Ë√ ’UKý√

Ë√ «“U−� ÊuE�U?;«® Ë√ ÊuE�U×� ∫ WIÐU?G « WFDI « v�Ë ≠


majority ∫WO³Kž√

the new legislature ∫ ©ÊU*d³ «® b¹b'« vF¹dA² « fK:« ™™™

poll ∫ Ÿ«d²6« UM¼ vMFð ≠

an opinion poll ∫ È√dK ŸöD²Ý« Èdš√ ÊUOŠ√ v� vMFð ≠

the hardline Iranian President ∫œbA²*« v½«d¹ù« fOzd « ™™

reforms - reformists ∫ÊuOŠö&« ≠  UŠö&« ™™

opponents ∫ÊuG�UM� Ë√ ÂuBš

to capitalise on ∫ ©t(UB U� U¾Oý qG²G¹® dL¦²G¹

public discontent:

©WžUOB « 5Gײ ® ≠ VCG « ≠ ¡UO²Ýô«® Ë√ ÂUF « åU{d « ÂbŽò‡

leading candidates ∫ÊuOGOz— Êu×ýd�

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏±

principlists ∫ ©√b³� »U×&√® Êu¹√b³�

this figure or tally ∫ ©WOzUBŠô«® WKB;« Ë√ r6d « «c¼

a prominent figure ∫…“—UÐ WOBKý ™™

figure ∫WOBKý UM¼ vMFð

they are leading ∫©ÊË—bB²¹® Êu�bI²¹

©V® ©qF�® ÊuI³G¹

åÊu?O?G?Oz—ò vMF0 W?H?B?N leading"¢ W?LKN «b?K?²?Ý« kŠô

q³6 s� U½dý√Ë o³Ý ULN åÊu×ýd�ò n&u

official media ∫WOLÝ— ÂöŽ« …eNł√

…eN?ł√ `³BO?Ý vMF*U� ÆÆ the)® n¹dF?² « …«œ√ UM�bK?²Ý« u

UI?�Ë ÆÆUNCF?Ð fO Ë ÆÆ …eNł_« lOL?ł È√® WOL?Ýd « ÂöŽù«

©ÈeOK$ù« hM « v� «b¹b% œuBILK

projected ∫dO³N qJAÐ l6u²*« Ë√ `łd*«

Interior Ministry ∫WOKš«b « …—«“Ë

Interior Minister ∫WOKš«b « d¹“Ë

supervise -supervised vKŽ X�dý√ Ë√ ·dý√


U?N?ð¡«d?6 b?FÐ ô≈ W?¹e?OK$ô« W??LKJ « «b??K?²?Ý« Âb??Ž s� bÐô

¡U???G¹ ô v²???Š ÆÆW¹e??O?K$« WKL???ł ‚U??O???Ý v� U???NÐU??F???O??²???Ý«Ë

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏≤

WÐU?²?J « Ë√ v ≈ W?L?łd??² « bMŽ ÆÆd?šPÐ Ë√ qJ?AÐ U?N?�«b?K??²?Ý«


the state "Press TV" station ∫W ËbK WFÐU² « åv� vð ”dÐò WD×�

WLN� W�u�K�

å v� vð ”dÐò WOÐdF « v ≈ v¼ ULN Press TV WLłdð UMEŠô

WOJ¹d�_« WO½u¹eHOK² « Ê≈ Ê≈ vÝ WD×�  dN– ∫ dš¬ ‰U¦�

Vðd «Ë  ö?:«Ë n×B « ¡U?LÝ_ W?³?GM UÐ TA « fH½ ™™™

∫W¹dJGF «

È–ò åÊU¹œ—Uł È–ò WHO×& WOÐdF UÐ ‰uI½ ∫ n×BK W³GM UÐ

å.Uðò Ë√ åp¹Ë“u??O½ò W?K−??� W?O?½UD¹d??³ « e1Uð È– åX½b?MÐb½«

È√ W¹d?B*« åX¹“U?ł ÊU?O?A?³?O?ł« È–ò W?H?O?×?& ÆÆ W?OJ¹d?�_«

ÆWOÐdF « WGK « v ≈ v¼ ULN rłd²ð

∫ WOÐdF « s� W¹eOK$ô« v ≈ WLłd²K W³GM UÐ TA « fH½ ™™™

—U?³??š_« ≠ «d¼_« ≠ ¡U?G*« ≠ W¹—u??N?L?'« W??H?O?×??&  d?N–

∫ v¼ ULN W¹eOK$ô« v ≈ rłd²ð

Al-Gomhuria - Al Messa - Al-Ahram - Al-Akhbar ... etc) said...

¡ôœ« s�  U?ÐU????K????²½ô« d????O?????Ý Î«b¹b????%®  UÐU?????K????²½ô« ™™™

W???OK?L???F « Ë√ X¹u????B???² « W???OK?L???Ž a « ÆÆ“d???� v? ≈ ÆÆ «u???&QÐ

the vote ∫ WOÐUK²½ô«

W?FDI « v�Ë® W?�_« Ë√ W Ëb « Èu?²?G?� vKŽ W?−O?²½ Ë√ WKB?×?�

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏≥

a nationwide tally ∫©qJN Ê«d¹≈ Èu²G� vKŽ ∫ œuBI*« WIÐUG «

a ©…b?Š«Ë W?L?KN v�® Èe?OK$ù« hM? « v� d?O?³?F??² « ∫ kŠö½

W??L???łdð® ©W Ëœ Èu??²???G??� vKŽ® d??O???³??Fð qÐU???I??� nationwide

©W¹d¹dײ « WLłd² «® œö³ « Ë√ Ê«d¹≈ Èu²G� vKŽ Ë√ ©WO�dŠ

Note kŠô

...ahead of next year's presidential poll :

©WKL'« dš¬ v ≈ ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ Ÿ«d²6«® vMFð poll WLKN UM¼ ™™

a public opinion poll showed yesterday. ÆÆÆÆ ™™

ÂUF « È√dK ŸöD²Ý« ∫ vMFð UM¼ (poll) WLKN

(against) ∫qÐUI� UM¼ vMFð

WO�dF�« v�≈ WO8d(« WLd��«

©«—U?B?²?½«® «d?B½ «u?I?I?Š r?L?N½« ©Ê«d¹≈ v�® ÊuE�U??×?� ‰U?6

Ê«d¹« v� © d???ł v² «® W???O½U*d???³ «  UÐU??K???²½ô« v� U???×??{«Ë

qE?¹ b???6 b¹b???'« vF¹d???A???²? « fK:« ©Ê√ ô≈® sJ? ÆÆf�√

ÂU??F « v� W?ÝU?zd «  UÐU??K?²½« q³??6 «œb??Að d?¦??N√ W??³?I??Ž q¦1


œbA?²*« v½«d¹ù« fOzdK ©ÊuOŠö?&ô«® ÂuB)« ‰ËU?Š b6Ë

U?{d « ÂbŽ W U?Š® Ë√ ÂU?F « ¡UO?²?Ýô« ©—UL?¦²?Ý« Ë√® ‰ö?G²?Ý«

W???−???²M� ©W? Ëœ® lЫ— v� l?Hðd*« rK???C???² « V?³???GÐ ©W???�U???F «

dE?Š - ©tM?J ® t?½√ ô≈ ÆÆr U?????F? « v� ©j?HM? «® Ë√ ‰Ëd????²?????³?K

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏¥

ÆWFL'« Âu¹  UÐUK²½« ÷uš s� 5OGOzd « rNO×ýd�

ÆÆ W ËbK WFÐU?² « ©WO½u¹eHOK² «® åv� vð ”dÐò W?D×�  dN–Ë

rNzôu åÊu¹√b³*«ò rNG?H½√ vKŽ ÊuIKD¹ s¹c « 5E�U;« Ê√

vKŽ «uKB?Š ÆÆW?O?�öÝù« W¹—u?N?L?−K ©U?OKF « q¦*«® Ë√ ∆œU?³*

«b??F?I??� ≤π∞ U¼œb?Ž m U??³ « ÊU*d??³ « b?ŽU??I?� s� «b??F?I??� ≤∞

«b??F?I??� ¥∂ qÐU??I??� ÆÆ©«b?F??I??� Êu??F?G?ðË ÊU?²zU??�® ©ÂU??6—_UЮ

ÆÊü« v²Š 5OŠö&ö

Ë√® r6d « «c?¼ qL??A?¹ ô ÆÆW??O??L???Ý— Âö??Ž« …e???N??ł_ U???I??�ËË

Ë√® U????C¹√ ÊuE?�U???;« Âb????I???²?¹ YO????Š ÆÆÊ«d???N?Þ ©WKB????;«

Æ© UÐUK²½ô« ÊË—bB²¹

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Ê√ ÆÆW?L?&U?F « v� 5?E�U?×?LK b?F?I0 “u?H¹ Ê√ d??O?³?N qJAÐ

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ÆÂuO «

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏µ

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Æ©v ≈ X ¬ Ë√ VOB½ s� X׳&√®

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏∂

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏∑

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W�—uNL'« »U �∏∏

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ÆhM «

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‰uD� vIO�D1 Öu/

©π® W7eOK$ô« WGK�« v�≈ WL�d�K�

f�U)« qBH&«

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W�—uNL'« »U �π±

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W�—uNL'« »U �π≤

WOzU?CH «  «uMI « Èb?Š« vKŽ —uNE « W&d?� UM X×Oð« U?LN

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W�—uNL'« »U �π≥

«—b??6 ¨U¼b?FÐË U??NÐ ÂU??6 v² « …—U¹e « q?³?6 ¨b??�u « »c?ł b??6Ë

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Æ©åv×OG*« vÞ«dI1b « »e(«ò s� …“—U³ «

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W�—uNL'« »U �π¥

Vocabularypast ∫W�dBM� ™

À«bŠô« s� dO¦J «  bNý

A great deal has been happening (or taking place) dur-

ing ... etc)

t??²??L??łd?ðË vÐd??F « hM? « 5Ð »uKÝô« w� ‚d???H « kŠô ™™


 U????LKJ?Ð W¹e????OK$ô« v? ≈ À«b???Š√ W????LK?N W???L????łdð s?J1 ™™

©events - actions ... etc..)

rłd²*« vÐdF « hM « vMF� s� …UŠu?²G� WIÐUG «  ULKJ « ™

ÆW¹eOK$ô« WGK « v ≈ tM�

ÆÆU?� W?Nł s� qÝd?*« —uAM*«® W?Ðu²J*« W?¹—U³?šô« …d?AM « ™™

a newsletter ∫©…œb×� W¹—U³š« W UÝ— Ë√ —U³š√ qIM

to employ ∫ ©ÂUŽ qJAЮ nþu¹ Ë√ 5F¹ ™™

j³?ðd????� X6R?????� ÷—U????Ž Ë√ rz«œ q?JAЮ n?þu¹ Ë√ 5?F¹ ™™

Copyright © 2008. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable

copyright law.

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W�—uNL'« »U �πµ

qÐUI0 Ë√ vŽuDð qLŽ® …œb×� ÂUN� Ë√ WLN� Ë√ WOM�“ …d²HÐ

to recruit and hire ∫©ÈœU�

∫ ÊËUFð  U6öŽ

co-operation or collaboration relations (or relationships)

vÐd???F « 5?BM « v� W???H???B???N rÝô« «b???K???²??Ý« k?Šö¹ ™™

ÆtM� rłd²*« ÈeOK$ô«Ë vK&_«

IT systems ∫ U�uKF*« WOMIð rE½ ™™

Information Technology  U�uKF*« WOMIð ™™

to respresent - a representive(s) ∫ ÊuK¦2 ≠ q¦2 ≠ q¦1 ™™

a delegate - a delegation ∫ b�Ë ≠ ©b�u� Ë√ ® b�uÐ uCŽ

publicly ∫ú*« vKŽ

tight deadlines ∫ WÞuFC� ©WOzUN½® rOKGð bOŽ«u�

qL?Ž rO?KGð Ë√ W½b¼ ÊU¹d?Ý Ë« ‚U?H?ð« c?O?HM² ® vzU??N½ b?Žu?�

a deadline ∫U�

tight (adj) ∫ ◊uGC�

long term goals ∫ ©q¹uD « Èb*« vKŽ Ë√® qł_« WK¹uÞ ·«b¼√

to air ©UO½u¹eHOKð l¹c¹® UO½u¹eHOKð Y³¹

a satellite tv channel ∫ WOzUC� WO½u¹eHOKð …UM6

to get on an Egyptian satellite television channel

W¹dB� WO½u¹eHOKð …UM6 vKŽ —uNEK

Copyright © 2008. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable

copyright law.

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W�—uNL'« »U �π∂

to launch (v) - lanuch (n) ∫ ©‚öÞ« ≠ 5ýbð® ÕU²²�« ≠ `²²H¹

the official launch ∫ vLÝd « ©‚öÞô« ≠ 5ýb² «® ÕU²²�ô«

ENAWU ∫ »dG «Ë »dF « 5Ð r¼UH²K WO½Ëd²J ô« WJ³A « ™™

Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding

the partner organisations ∫ WJ¹dA «  ULEM*« ™™

to attend - to be present ∫ dC×¹

the former Prime Minister ∫ ©o³Ý_«Ë√® oÐUG « ¡«—“Ë fOz—

the Dutch Foreign Minister ∫ ©ÈbM uN «® WOł—U)« d¹“Ë

a supporter of ∫ ‡ b½UG� ≠ rŽ«œ Ë√ b¹R� ™

a long time supporter ∫ WK¹uÞ …d²� cM� b½UG� Ë√ b¹R� ™™

a project meeting ∫ ŸËdA*« ©‰uŠ® ŸUL²ł« Ë√ ¡UI ™™

an activity - activities ∫ WDA½√ ≠ ◊UA½ ™™

preparations ∫  «œ«bF²Ý« ™™

∫ WO�öÝ≈  ULEM� ™™

Muslim - Islamist or Islamic organisations

Member of Parliament (MP) ∫ ÊU*dÐ uCŽ Ë√ ÊU*dÐ VzU½

justice - injustice ∫ W¼«e½ ÂbŽ ≠ W¼«e½ Ë√ W «bŽ

just to - injust to ÆÆ ∫t¹e½ dOž ≠ ‡ W³GM UÐ Ë√ ÊQAÐ t¹e½ ‰œUŽ

to claim or allege rŽe¹ Ë√ vŽb¹ ™™

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W�—uNL'« »U �π∑

most of violence acts ∫ nMF « ‰ULŽ√ rEF� ™™™

in the name of Islam ∫ ÂöÝù« rÝUÐ ™™

the consequence of ∫ ÃU²½

five verses of the Qur'an .dJ « ʬdI « v�  U¹¬ fLš ™™

to attract - to draw ∫ ©ÂUL²¼«® »c−¹

media attention ∫ ÂöŽù« qzUÝË ÁU³²½«Ë√ ÂUL²¼«

The Netherlands (Or Holland) ∫ «bM u¼

a major role ∫ vGOz— —Ëœ

to call as terrorists ∫ 5ÐU¼—UN r&u¹

the adherents of Islam ∫ ÂöÝù« vIM²F�

a very small number ∫ W¹UGK WKO¾{ WK6

an extremist - extremists ∫ Êu�dD²� ≠ ·dD²�

to submit a petition to ∫ v ≈ ”UL² UÐ ÂbI²¹

harmful (or passive) effects ∫ WO³KÝ Ë√ …—U{ —UŁ¬

factual information ∫ WOIOIŠ  U�uKF�

WLN� W�u�K�

a piece of information ∫ ©œdH�® W�uKF�

Information (U) W¹eOK$ù« v� lL& ô ™™

extensive (adj) ∫ …b²2 WFÝ«Ë

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W�—uNL'« »U �π∏

a network ∫ WJ³ý

to create wedges ∫ W6d� À«bŠ« Àb×¹

a people - peoples »uFý ≠ VFý


people ©lL& ô® ’UKý« Ë√ hKý vMF0

v ≈ XL??łdð ∫ vÐd?F « hM « v?� åU?NMŽ iK9ò W??LKN kŠô

of Wilders ... etc ) W¹eOK$ô«

complemented on ∫ t²KLJ²Ý« Ë√ t²9«

a belief (s) ∫ bzUIŽ Ë√ …bOIŽ

based on ∫ v ≈ «œUM²Ý«

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W�—uNL'« »U �ππ

"Translation into English"

A great deal has been happening during the past fourmonths and we hope you will read through this newslet-ter to find out all the details.We have had project meetings in Egypt and Jordan, wehave recruited and hired new staff; we have made im-portant developments in our IT systems; collaborationrelationships have been established which will helpachieve our long term goals; and there have been visitsto our Cairo office by representatives and delegationsfrom Europe.We would like to take this opportunity to publicly ex-press our gratitude for our team. They do a great job insometimes difficult circumstances, and often to verytight deadlines.Without their continued support and efforts, our workwould not be possible Most recently, we had the oppor-tunity to get on an Egyptian satellite television channel.A short programme was aired on May 5. It focused onour work.The official launch of ENAWU is due to take place inAmman, Jordan on June 5. Representatives of all theENAWU partner organisations will be present and wehope that former Dutch Prime Minister (Andreas Van

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞∞

Agt), a long time supporter of our work and prominentinternational speaker on the importance of dialogue be-tween the Arab world and the West, will be able to at-tend.During this period, we have also had ENAWU projectmeetings at Cairo University (January 22), and in Am-man (April 4).After these activities, preparations immediately fol-lowed for visit of a delegation from Dutch churches andMuslim organisations to Egypt (March 20-28) in ad-vance of the release of the Dutch "MP" Great Wildersfilm about Islam.Wilders' film is doing injustice to Muslims because itclaims that most of the violence acts carried out in thename of Islam is the consequence of just five verses inthe Qur'an.Both before and after their visit, the delegation attracteda great deal of media attention in both The Netherlandsand Egypt, and that in turn played a major role in con-vincing Dutch members of parliament that Wilders' filmwas unfair, calling as terrorists the adherents of Islamfor the deeds of very small number of extremists.We plan to submit a petition to the chairwoman of theDutch Parliament. We are confident that we have helpedto reduce the harmful effects of Wilders' film thanks tothe speed in providing factual information to a largenumber of people (through the delegation and media in-terviews) at the right moment in time (the time the filmcame out).Our participation was only possible because of our ex-tensive network in Egypt and our archive of over tenyears of Egyptian media reports.This shows how important it is to be well prepared forpeople like Wilders who want to create wedges between

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞±

peoples of different beliefs and cultures based on the ig-norance that does exist among people in the West aboutthe Islamic world and people in the Arab world aboutthe West.The success of our work in reducing the effects of Wild-ers' film were also noticed and complemented on by theDutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and prominent DutchChristian Democrat MP Kathleen Ferrier.

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞≤

d�¬ vIOD� Öu/

W�eOK$ô« v�≈ WO�dF�« s� r�d�

v� ÆÆW?OÐdF?�« WL?I�« v� W?�—UA?LK� U?OL?Ý— ÊUM³� U¹—u?Ý XŽœ

ÆÆW?OÐd??Ž ‰Ëœ l! dðu?²�« n?O?H?&??²� vF?'?L??� ÆÆd?³?²??Ž« „d?%

 b??F?³??²??Ý« U?! «–≈ ÆÆW??L?I?�« lÞU?I?ð Ê√ sJ1 U??N½√ v�≈ X;√


v�≈ …u??Žb�« rOK?'?²Ð ÆÆ U?¹—u?Ý W??O??ł—U?š d¹“Ë V?zU½ ÂU?> b??>Ë

¡«—“Ë W?²?Ý b?Š√ u¼Ë ÆÆŒuKC È“u?� v½U?M³K�« W?O?ł—U?)« d¹“Ë

ÂU?Ž d?³?L??�u½ v� W?O½UM³K?�« W?!uJ(« s! «u�U?I?²??Ý« 5{—U?F?!

ÆWOLÝd�« t!UN! iFÐ ÈœR¹ ‰«e¹ ô ÆÆ p�– l! tMJ� ÆÆ≤∞∞∂

”—U?! ≥∞Ë ≤π v!u¹ b?I?Fð Ê√ —d?I*« ÆÆWOÐd?F�« W?L?I�« t?ł«uð

W?{—U?F*« 5Ð W?O??ÝU?O?'�« W?!“_« V³?'Ð WKJ?A?! ÆÆoA?!œ v�

Æb¹bł v½UM³� fOz— —UO²š« ‰uŠ ÊUM³� v� WO³Kž_«Ë


to take part or to participate ∫ „—UA²� Ë√ W�—UALK� ™™

** You can translate as follows : (Syria invited Lebanonto the Arab Summit ... etc) to shorten the sentencebased on the meaning is clear from its structure)

a bid ∫W�ËU×! Ë√ bNł Ë√ vF'! v�

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞≥

in a move or a step ∫ …uDš Ë√ ©tłuð® „d%

to ease tension or (lessen) ∫ dðu²�« nH&²� Ë√ dðu²�« nOH&²�

an Arab Summit ∫ WOÐdŽ WL> ™™


WL> ÆÆ vÐdF�« hM�« w� UL� …œb?×! X½U� «–≈® WOÐdF�« WLI�« ™™

(the® n¹dF²�« …«œ√ «b&²Ý« sJ1 UM¼ ≠ ≤∞∞∏ ÂUŽ oA!œ

to hand over ©UOB&ý Ë√ bO�UÐ rK'¹ Ë√® rOK'²Ð ÂuI¹ ™™™

Syria's deputy foreign minister ∫ U¹—uÝ WOł—Uš d¹“Ë VzU½ ™™

WLN� W�u�K�

WHB� opposition);® rÝô« «b&²Ý« UM¼ kŠö¹

∫v!uJŠ —«d> Ë√ WLEM!

e.g. : It is a government organisation or decision

a government coalition ∫v!uJŠ ·ö²z√

a coalition government ∫ WO�ö²z√ W!uJŠ

X!b????&????²???Ý« U????NM?J� ÆÆÆ (n® rÝ« ö?‡C√ W‡?‡!uJŠ W?‡‡L?K� ™™

w� rÝU?� X!b??&?²?Ý« rŁ ÆÆv½U?¦�«Ë ‰Ë_« 5�U?¦?*« v� W?H?B?�

W?H??B?� (coalition® d?š¬ r?Ý« «b?&?²??Ý« -Ë ÆÆY�U?¦�« ‰U??¦*«

(Coaltion government (adj)

n×???B�« v� W?¹d¹d???×??²�« W???L???łd??²?�« W??Ý—b???! ¡u??{ v?KŽË

W¹d???B*« Êu¹e??H???OK²?�«Ë W??Ž«–ù«  UD×???! rEF???!Ë  ö??:«Ë

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞¥

U¹d?¹d??% v?MF*« v� Èd?¼u??ł ‚d???� „UM?¼ fO� ÆÆ©W???OÐd???F�«Ë

åv!uJŠ ·ö²z≈òË WO�ö²z≈ W!uJŠ 5Ð ©«“U−!®

v�≈ hM�UР«e?²�ô« V?−¹ ÆÆW?O?�d?(« WL?łd?²?K� W?³?'M�UÐ sJ�

ÆsJ2 bŠ vB>√

Translation into English"Syria officially invited Lebanon to the Arab summit, ina move considered as a bid to ease tension with Arabcountries that hinted they could boycott the summit,should Beirut be excluded.Syrian's deputy foreign minister handed over the invita-tion to Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh, oneof six opposition ministers who resigned from the gov-ernment in "November 2006" but he has nonethless stillbeen fulfilling some of his official duties.The Arab summit, scheduled for March 29 - 30 in Da-mascus, is facing a problem due to (or because of) thepolitical crisis between the opposition and the majorityin Lebanon over electing a new Lebanese President.

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`zUB�Ë W�—U2


”œU��« qBH�«

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W�—uNL'« »U �±∞∑

©vIOD� Öu/®

WO!dF#« v#≈ r'd�

AFP) A Chinese court yesterday sentenced Shanghai's®

disgraced Communist Party boss Chen Langyu to 18years in prison on corruption charges, his lawyer andmedia said. He is the most senior official jailed for graftin a decade.Vocabulary

disgraced ∫©`zUCH�« Ë√ W×OCH�« tIŠöð Ë√® WFL'�« TOÝ ™™

the Chinese Communist Party ∫ vMOB�« vŽuOA�« »e(« ™™™

a corruption charge(s) ∫ œU'� rNð Ë√ WLNð

graft ∫ WŽËdA! dOž qzUÝuÐ V'J�«

WO�d(« WL�d��«

5ýò b??{ U??!U??Ž ±∏ …b* s−??'�U?Ð W?O?MO??C W??LJ×??! XC??>

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