Vasco Nunez De Balboa

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Vasco Nunez De Balboa. Balboa: Father of the Pacific. In 1475 Vasco Nunez De Balboa is born. In 1510, Balboa arrives in present-day Panama In 1511, Balboa establishes the first European colony in the New World. Balboa In Panama. In 1513, Balboa claims Panama for Spain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Vasco Nunez De Balboa

Vasco Nunez De Balboa

Balboa: Father of the Pacific

In 1475 Vasco Nunez De Balboa is born.

In 1510, Balboa arrives in present-day Panama

In 1511, Balboa establishes the first European colony in the New World.

Balboa In Panama

In 1513, Balboa claims Panama for Spain

Later in 1513, Balboa climbs a peak and sees the Pacific Ocean in front of him

Later that day, he claimed the Pacific for Spain

Hard Times

• Balboa began his career as an explorer when he sailed from Spain to Columbia in 1500, hoping to find pearls and gold.

• He then had to abandon his leaky ship, on an island called Hispaniola.

• Because he owed so much money, Balboa tried to farm, and ended up failing.

• Then had to stow away on a ship to San Sebastian, then later to find out that it had been burned.

Discovery and Death

• Balboa then went on a voyage with many men, to the Isthmus of Panama. Once he had climbed a mountain, he over looked the peak and had discovered the Eastern part o the Pacific Ocean, in 1513.

• A few years later, Balboa had been charged with treason (but had actually been framed by a friend) and was publicly beheaded in 1519, in Acla.

Balboa’s Death

Balboa was executed in 1518 by Governor Davila because he was falsely accused of treason.