Vanessa Barajas EDN 303- 004. What is it? Program that provides both sound and picture to help...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Vanessa Barajas EDN 303- 004. What is it? Program that provides both sound and picture to help...

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  • Vanessa Barajas EDN 303- 004
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  • What is it? Program that provides both sound and picture to help explain what is displayed on a computer screen. This device is crucial to students who are visually impaired by giving them computer accessibility in the classroom or media center
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  • Academic Gains: Students will be able to complete activities via computer that otherwise would not be able to complete, due to not being able to see what is being displayed on the screen. Possible Barriers: Software pricing ranges from free to very expensive. This may mean that a student may be able to have access at school, but not at home.
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  • What is it? Device that can enlarge words and objects on a screen for easier viewing. This device is crucial to students who are visually impaired in a classroom by giving them the chance to read through texts that would otherwise be very difficult to see
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  • Academic Gains: Allows students with low-vision to magnify documents, pictures, maps, and books; improving schoolwork overall. Possible Barriers: Most magnification devices are very expensive and may not be available in schools or at home.
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  • What is it? Device that is used to translate screen words and formatting into readable braille. Allows students who are visually impaired in a classroom to read digital information in a tactile form
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  • Academic Gains: With this device students who are visually impaired can read their assignments to complete them effectively. Possible Barriers: These devices are very expensive and may not be available in many schools or at home.
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  • What is it? A device designed to help individuals overcome physical dexterity issues and use a computer with greater ease and control. This device allows students in the classroom with physical/developmental disabilities able to type on a keyboard and navigate online
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  • Academic Gains: With this device students with disabilities can use keyboard, complete assignments online, and other activities involving technology in school. Possible Barriers: Adaptive keyboards are expensive an may not be available at all schools, or at home.
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  • What is it? Device that helps those with Downs Syndrome, Autism, and other illnesses communicate easily. These devices allows students in a classroom to improve communication with their parents, teachers, and peers
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  • Academic Gains: With this device students are able to communicate in the classroom to others more effectively. Possible Barriers: These devices can be expensive, and multiple device purchases will be necessary as the student develops May be difficult to learn how to use
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  • What is it? Desk created for children with neurological impairments, adapting to their specific needs. Students with physical limitations in a classroom benefit from a desk specifically designed for them. This creates a better environment to learn
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  • What is it? This device serves as an audio enhancer that directly increases the sound of noise around the user. With this device students who are deaf or hard of hearing in a classroom are able to listen to the teacher giving instruction
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  • Academic Gains: With this device students will be able to improve their hearing of the teacher and their peers, overall improving communication in the classroom. Possible Barriers: These devices may need to be fitted carefully to the student and require maintenance often May be expensive
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  • What is it? These devices combine residual hearing with closer views of mouth movement to enhance understanding With these devices, deaf or hard of hearing students in a classroom, can listen and pay attention to the instructor much more easily
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  • Academic Gains: Deaf and Hard of hearing students will benefit with these devices because it takes away the strain of trying to listen to their teacher during instruction. Possible Barriers: These devices can be very expensive and may not be available in some classrooms or schools.
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  • What is it? This software device captures spoken words and translates it into readable text on a screen. With this device, students that are deaf or hard of hearing in a classroom can read the instruction as the teacher speaks it N
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  • Academic Gains: With this device deaf or hard of hearing students will be able to read instruction as the teacher gives it. This improves how a student receives instruction Possible Barriers This software may not always be correct in translating voice Background noise may affect how the software translates