Values by Neeraj Bhandari ( Surkhet.Nepal )

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Transcript of Values by Neeraj Bhandari ( Surkhet.Nepal )

VALUESLecture 4

DEFINITION It defines what is good or bad, right or wrong

They guide our behavior wherever we go

They are the primary sources of our actions

It provides standards of competence & morality

They are more central to the core of a person

NATURE/ FEATURES Socially blessed ways to achieve our needs

Contain a judgmental element as they showcase a person’s ideas as to what is right or wrong

These are emotionally charged priorities & are passionately defended

They are moralistic in nature

Are relatively permanent in nature & resistant to change

TYPES OF VALUES Theoretical: through reasoning & systematic


Economic: leads to accumulation of wealth

Aesthetic: Interest in beauty, form & artistic harmony

Social: Interest in human relationships

Political: Interest in gaining power & influencing people

Religious: Interest in unity


to be achieved Ex: comfortable

life Inner security Social


Instrumental Represent the

means to achieve the goals

Ex:Ambitious Broad minded Logical

IMPORTANCE OF VALUES Provide understanding of attitudes, motivation, and


Influence our perception of the world around us

Represent interpretations of “right” and “wrong”

Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are preferred over others



CONCEPT Refers to a stable set of opinions

Also known as frames of references

It is a cognitive element, remains inside a person

Individual’s attitude is reflected in his behavior


An attitude is the predisposition of the individual to evaluate some objects in a favourable or an unfavourable manner.

The most pervasive phenomenon is “attitude”. People at work place have attitudes about lots of topics that are related to them.

Attitudes are different from values. Values are the ideals, whereas attitudes are narrow, they are our feelings, thoughts and behavioural tendencies toward a specific object or situation.

Attitude is a predisposition to respond to a certain set of facts.

Attitudes are evaluative statements – either favourable or unfavourable concerning the objects, people or events.

Attitudes, Values, Ethics And Job Satisfaction

FUNCTIONS Determine meanings: If one has a

overall favorable attitude towards a person, one tends to judge his activities as good or superior.

Reconcile contradictions: With a proper attitude as a background, intelligent people can reconcile or rationalize contradictions with others. Ex: when a worker takes a little rest, a superior considers it as “idling”

Attitude organizes facts: events can be differently perceived by different people because of different attitudes. Meanings can be communicated to others by changing the attitudes of people

Attitude select facts: From the plethora of environmental facts, one tends to select those which are in coordination with one’s cherished beliefs.

COMPONENTSCognitive Component: Includes the beliefs that individual has

about certain person, object or situation Learned beliefs, such as, “you need to

work long hours to get ahead in this job”, lead to attitudes that have an impact on behavior in the workplace.

It is basically a mental process of evaluation

…CONTDAffective Component Refers to a person’s feelings that result

from his or her beliefs A person who believes hard work earns

promotions may feel anger or frustration when he or she works hard but is not promoted.

Blood pressure & body language reflects changes in emotions

…CONTDBehavioral Component Refers to the individual’s behavior that

occurs as a result of his feelings about persons, objects, things

An individual may complain, request a transfer, or be less productive because he feels dissatisfied with work.

The behavioral component of an attitude can be measured by observing behavior or by asking a person about behavior or intentions


Job Satisfaction- happens when a job fulfils the attainment of individual goals & dissatisfaction occurs when the job blocks such attainment. It refers to an individual’s general attitude towards his job. High level of job satisfaction leads to better performances & a positive attitude towards his job.

Job Involvement- it is the degree to which a person actively participates in the proceedings of his job. Employees with a high level of job involvement strongly identify with & really care about the kind of work they do.

Organisational Commitment- Is the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organisation & its goals & wishes to maintain membership in the organisation. High organisational commitment means identifying with one’s employing organisation.

Attitudes, Values, Ethics And Job Satisfaction


Direct Experience- attitudes can develop from a personally rewarding & punishing experience with an object. Attitudes that are not learned from direct experience are not available & therefore we do not recall them easily.

Classical Conditioning – people develop associations between various objects & the emotional reactions that accompany them

Operant Conditioning- Attitudes that are re in forced tend to be maintained.

Vicarious Learning- in which a person learns something through the observance of others

Social Learning- Opinions formed from social interactions Social learning can take place through the following

ways The Family: through imitation of parents Peer Groups: friend circle have a deep impact on

the minds of individuals Modelling: by observing others


1. Attitudes exhibit predisposition to respond. 1. Values represent judgemental ideas like what is right.

2. Attitudes refer to several beliefs relating to a specific object or situation.

2. Values represent single belief focused on objects or situations.

3. Attitudes are one’s personal experiences. 3. Values are derived from social and cultural mores.


Attitudes, Values, Ethics And Job Satisfaction


DEFINITION A positive attitude towards one’s job is

known as job satisfaction

It is basically an emotional response to a job situation

It is a result of employee’s perception of how well their job offers those things which are viewed as important

SOURCES OF JOB SATISFACTION The work itself: the extent to which the

job offers the individual with interesting tasks & opportunities for learning

Pay: the amount of financial remuneration received

Promotion opportunities: the chances of career growth

Supervision: the amount of technical help provided by superior

Coworkers: the degree to which fellow workers are technically helpful

Working conditions: clean, attractive surroundings in which work is actually carried out

IMPORTANCE Impacts mental health: Job satisfaction

helps in psychological adjustment & happy living of a person

Influences physical well being: dissatisfaction leads to stress which upsets the health of an individual

Company goodwill: people who feel positively about their work life are likely to voice favorable opinions about the company to the general public

Reduces turnover: a happy & satisfied individual can find it easy to stay with the company for a long time

IMPROVING JOB SATISFACTION Innovative jobs: people are more satisfied

with jobs which they enjoy rather than those that are dull & boring

Fair rewards: people who believe that their organization's pay systems are fair tend to be more satisfied with their jobs

Jobs that match interest: the more people find that they are able to fulfill their interests while on the job, the more they will be satisfied with the jobs

Challenging assignment: most people like jobs that are interesting to handle & challenging to confront