Valuation Report - British Land · The British Land Company PLC Valuation Report Page II We confirm...

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Transcript of Valuation Report - British Land · The British Land Company PLC Valuation Report Page II We confirm...

VALUATION REPORT The British Land Company PLC

Valuation Date: 31 March 2014

Table of Contents

Content Page Number

Part I – Valuation Report

Valuation Report ................................................................................................................................. I

Scope of Work & Sources of Information ............................................................................................ VI

Valuation Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... VII

Part II – Property Details Registered in England No 3536032 Registered Office St Martin’s Court 10 Paternoster Row London EC4M 7HP

CBRE Limited is regulated by the RICS and is an appointed representative of CBRE Indirect Investment Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

CBRE Limited Henrietta House Henrietta Place

London W1G 0NB

Fax +44 (0)20 7182 2001 Switchboard +44 (0)20 7182 2000

Valuation Report

Report Date 12 May 2014

Addressee The Directors The British Land Company PLC York House 45 Seymour Street London W1H 7LX

For the attention of: Nicola Thomas

The Properties As listed in the Schedule of Capital Values set out in Appendix 1.

The Properties are categorised as follows:

Freehold (£) Long Leasehold (£)

Total Value (£)

Held as Investment 1,974,062,498 1,039,511,306 3,013,573,804

Held for Development

17,930,000 - 17,930,000

In the course of Development

69,150,000 - 69,150,000

TOTAL 2,061,142,498 1,039,511,306 3,100,653,804

Instruction To value on the basis of Fair Value the Properties as at the valuation date in accordance with your instructions.

Valuation Date 31 March 2014

Capacity of Valuer External.

Purpose of Valuation Accounting.

Fair Value £3,100,653,804 (Three billion one hundred million six hundred and fifty three thousand eight hundred and four pounds) exclusive of VAT, as shown in the Schedule of Capital Values set out below.

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We confirm that the "Fair Value" reported above, for the purpose of financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards, is effectively the same as "Market Value".

We have valued the Properties individually and no account has been taken of any discount or premium that may be negotiated in the market if all or part of the portfolio was to be marketed simultaneously, either in lots or as a whole.

Our opinion of Fair Value and Market Value is based upon the Scope of Work and Valuation Assumptions attached, and has been primarily derived using comparable recent market transactions on arm’s length terms.

Shared Ownership We confirm we have valued each Property on a 100% ownership basis and have reported the apportioned value reflecting the percentage share held by the Company (or its subsidiaries). Our valuation only pertains to the total value of each property and on the assumption that each asset can be sold with full management control. For the avoidance of doubt, no representation is given as to the value of a partial interest or the financial instrument (entity) through which an investment may be held.

Our valuation does not take account of any liability to pay guarantees to any co-investors in respect of any of the Properties.

Special Assumptions The European Properties have been valued in Euros and converted to Pounds Sterling adopting a conversion rate of €1.21 to £1.00 which is in line with the conversion rate as at 31 March 2014.

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Market Conditions In respect of the assets located in Portugal:

The economic and political situation in Portugal continues to remain uncertain.

Without the benefit of stabilised market conditions, lack of liquidity in the market and no transactional evidence, it is very difficult to quantify with any certainty the impact such risks associated with the Country has on the valuation of assets. Whilst we believe the valuation provided is a reasonable assessment of the value of the assets in a more stable market, it would be very difficult to achieve a successful sale of the properties in the short term, and any such sale could potentially achieve a price lower than the figures reported. Our valuations should therefore not be relied upon without further investigation and advice being obtained. We recommend that the situation and the valuations are kept under regular review.

In respect of the assets located in Spain:

Notwithstanding the general improvement in real estate markets the lack of liquidity in the capital markets means that it may be very difficult to achieve a sale of some property assets in the short-term. We would therefore recommend that the situation and the valuations are kept under regular review and that specific marketing advice is obtained should you wish to effect a disposal.

In addition, the returned liquidity in the Spanish real estate market has been predominantly in respect of prime and core assets, with limited transactional evidence for other market sectors. In the case of the subject properties we are aware that they have been openly marketed and the offers have been received in the region of or reported valuations.

Compliance with Valuation Standards

The valuations have been prepared in accordance with The RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (2014) (“the Red Book”).

We confirm that we have sufficient current local and national knowledge of the particular property market involved, and have the skills and understanding to undertake the valuations competently.

Where the knowledge and skill requirements of the Red Book have been met in aggregate by more than one valuer within CBRE Ltd, we confirm that a list of those valuers has been retained within the working papers, together with confirmation that each named valuer complies with the requirements of the Red Book.

Assumptions The property details on which each valuation is based are as set out in this report. We have made various assumptions as to tenure, letting, town planning, and the condition and repair of buildings and sites – including ground and groundwater contamination – as set out below.

If any of the information or assumptions on which the valuation is based are subsequently found to be incorrect, the valuation figures may also be incorrect and should be reconsidered.

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Valuer The Properties have been valued by a valuer who is qualified for the purpose of the valuation in accordance with the Red Book.

Independence The total fees, including the fee for this assignment, earned by CBRE Ltd (or other companies forming part of the same group of companies within the UK) from the Addressee (or other companies forming part of the same group of companies) is less than 5.0% of the total UK revenues.

Disclosure The principal signatory of this report has continuously been the signatory of valuations for the same addressee and valuation purpose as this report since 2012. CBRE Ltd has continuously been carrying out valuation instructions for the addressee of this report for in excess of 12 years.

CBRE Ltd has carried out Valuation, Agency and Professional services on behalf of the addressee for in excess of 20 years.

Conflicts of Interest We have prepared our valuations in the knowledge of additional roles held by CBRE:

• CBRE are appointed as leasing agents and also provide lease consultancy advice regarding rent reviews and lease renewals in relation to Meadowhall.

• CBRE provide lease consultancy advice to the joint owners in respect of the Properties within the Hercules Unit Trust portfolio.

• CBRE provide lease consultancy advice to British Land in respect of Drake Circus shopping centre.

• CBRE are appointed as managing agent in respect of Vista Alegre Retail Park, Zamora (Spain) and Nassica Retail and Leisure Park (Spain).

• CBRE are appointed to advise British Land in relation to the rent reviews of the following Tesco foodstores: Beaumont Leys in Leicester, Grove Green in Maidstone and the Kingston Centre in Milton Keynes.

• CBRE from time to time is appointed to act on behalf of retailers. All valuation papers are kept confidential and further details are held within the working papers.

We have disclosed the relevant facts to you and the other clients involved, and have received confirmation that it is in order for us to carry out your valuation instruction.

We have had no other material involvement with any of the other properties, and copies of our conflicts of interest checks have been retained within the working papers.

Reliance This report is for the use only of the party to whom it is addressed for the specific purpose set out herein and no responsibility is accepted to any third party for the whole or any part of its contents.

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Publication Neither the whole nor any part of our report nor any references thereto may be included in any published document, circular or statement nor published in any way without our prior written approval of the form and context in which it will appear.

Yours faithfully

Peter Stoughton-Harris, MRICS Executive Director RICS Registered Valuer For and on behalf of CBRE Ltd

Jonathan Adams MRICS Director RICS Registered Valuer For and on behalf of CBRE Ltd

T: 020 7182 2675 T: 020 7182 2388 E: E:

Valuation & Advisory Services T: 020 7182 2000 F: 020 7182 2273 W: Project Reference: 298965

Report Version: 2014 GROUP CERT r2.dotm

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Scope of Work & Sources of Information

Sources of Information We have carried out our work based upon information supplied to us by The British Land Company PLC, as set out within this report, which we have assumed to be correct and comprehensive.

The Properties Our report contains a brief summary of the property details on which our valuation has been based.

Inspections All properties are subject to external inspection on an annual basis. A schedule of most recent inspection dates is maintained within our working papers and can be made available if required.

Areas We have not measured the Properties but have relied upon the floor areas provided.

Environmental Matters We have not undertaken, nor are we aware of the content of, any environmental audit or other environmental investigation or soil survey which may have been carried out on the Properties and which may draw attention to any contamination or the possibility of any such contamination.

We have not carried out any investigations into the past or present uses of the Properties, nor of any neighbouring land, in order to establish whether there is any potential for contamination and have therefore assumed that none exists.

Repair and Condition We have not carried out building surveys, tested services, made independent site investigations, inspected woodwork, exposed parts of the structure which were covered, unexposed or inaccessible, nor arranged for any investigations to be carried out to determine whether or not any deleterious or hazardous materials or techniques have been used, or are present, in any part of the Properties. We are unable, therefore, to give any assurance that the Properties are free from defect.

Town Planning We have not undertaken planning enquiries.

Titles, Tenures and Lettings

Details of title/tenure under which the Properties are held and of lettings to which they are subject are as supplied to us. We have not generally examined nor had access to all the deeds, leases or other documents relating thereto. Where information from deeds, leases or other documents is recorded in this report, it represents our understanding of the relevant documents. We should emphasise, however, that the interpretation of the documents of title (including relevant deeds, leases and planning consents) is the responsibility of your legal adviser.

We have not conducted credit enquiries on the financial status of any tenants. We have, however, reflected our general understanding of purchasers’ likely perceptions of the financial status of tenants.

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Valuation Assumptions

Capital Values In the case of financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), each valuation has been prepared on the basis of "Fair Value", which is defined as:

"The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date."

In the case of financial statements prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK GAAP), the valuations have been prepared on the basis of "Market Value", which is defined as:

"The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion."

We confirm that the "Fair Value" reported above, for the purpose of financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards, is effectively the same as "Market Value".

The valuation represents the figure that would appear in a hypothetical contract of sale at the valuation date. No allowances have been made for any expenses of realisation nor for taxation which might arise in the event of a disposal. Acquisition costs have not been included in our valuation.

No account has been taken of any inter-company leases or arrangements, nor of any mortgages, debentures or other charge.

No account has been taken of the availability or otherwise of capital based Government or European Community grants.

Rental Values Rental values indicated in our report are those which have been adopted by us as appropriate in assessing the capital value and are not necessarily appropriate for other purposes, nor do they necessarily accord with the definition of Market Rent.

The Property Where appropriate we have regarded the shop fronts of retail and showroom accommodation as forming an integral part of the building.

Landlord’s fixtures such as lifts, escalators, central heating and other normal service installations have been treated as an integral part of the building and are included within our valuations.

Process plant and machinery, tenants’ fixtures and specialist trade fittings have been excluded from our valuations.

All measurements, areas and ages quoted in our report are approximate.

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Environmental Matters In the absence of any information to the contrary, we have assumed that:

(a) the Properties are not contaminated and are not adversely affected by any existing or proposed environmental law;

(b) any processes which are carried out on the Properties which are regulated by environmental legislation are properly licensed by the appropriate authorities.

(c) the properties possess current Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) as required under the Government’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, and that they have an energy efficient standard of ‘E’, or better. We would draw your attention to the fact that the Energy Act 2011 is due to come into force in England and Wales no later than 1 April 2018 (although it may be earlier), and in Scotland, no earlier than April 2015. From such date, it will be unlawful for landlords to rent out a residential or business premise unless they have reached a minimum energy efficient standard – most likely, ‘E’ – or carried out the maximum package of measures funded under the ‘Green Deal’ or the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).

High voltage electrical supply equipment may exist within, or in close proximity of, the Properties. The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) has advised that there may be a risk, in specified circumstances, to the health of certain categories of people. Public perception may, therefore, affect marketability and future value of the property. Our valuation reflects our current understanding of the market and we have not made a discount to reflect the presence of this equipment.

Repair and Condition In the absence of any information to the contrary, we have assumed that:

(a) there are no abnormal ground conditions, nor archaeological remains, present which might adversely affect the current or future occupation, development or value of the Properties;

(b) the Properties are free from rot, infestation, structural or latent defect;

(c) no currently known deleterious or hazardous materials or suspect techniques have been used in the construction of, or subsequent alterations or additions to, the Properties; and

(d) the services, and any associated controls or software, are in working order and free from defect.

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We have otherwise had regard to the age and apparent general condition of the Properties. Comments made in the property details do not purport to express an opinion about, or advise upon, the condition of uninspected parts and should not be taken as making an implied representation or statement about such parts.

Title, Tenure, Planning and Lettings

Unless stated otherwise within this report, and in the absence of any information to the contrary, we have assumed that:

(a) the Properties possess a good and marketable title free from any onerous or hampering restrictions or conditions;

(b) all buildings have been erected either prior to planning control, or in accordance with planning permissions, and have the benefit of permanent planning consents or existing use rights for their current use;

(c) the Properties are not adversely affected by town planning or road proposals;

(d) all buildings comply with all statutory and local authority requirements including building, fire and health and safety regulations;

(e) only minor or inconsequential costs will be incurred if any modifications or alterations are necessary in order for occupiers of each Property to comply with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995;

(f) all rent reviews are upward only and are to be assessed by reference to full current market rents;

(g) there are no tenant’s improvements that will materially affect our opinion of the rent that would be obtained on review or renewal;

(h) tenants will meet their obligations under their leases, and are responsible for insurance, payment of business rates, and all repairs, whether directly or by means of a service charge;

(i) there are no user restrictions or other restrictive covenants in leases which would adversely affect value;

(j) where more than 50% of the floorspace of a property is in residential use, the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 (the “Act”) gives certain rights to defined residential tenants to acquire the freehold/head leasehold interest in the property. Where this is applicable, we have assumed that necessary notices have been given to the residential tenants under the provisions of the Act, and that such tenants have elected not to acquire the freehold/head leasehold interest. Disposal on the open market is therefore unrestricted;

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(k) where appropriate, permission to assign the interest being valued herein would not be withheld by the landlord where required; and

(l) vacant possession can be given of all accommodation which is unlet or is let on a service occupancy.