Valor Diagnóstico do Achado Endoscópico “Mucosa Nacarada...

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Dissertação de Mestrado

Valor Diagnóstico do Achado Endoscópico “Mucosa Nacarada” na Esofagite de


Autor: José Salomão JR. Orientador: Júlio C. Pereira Lima Co-orientador: Raul Mendoza Sassi.

Dissertação de Mestrado

Biblioteca Paulo Lacerda de Azevedo

Ano 2007


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AGRADECIMENTOS Tivemos o privilégio de trabalhar durante este período de mestrado com a equipe

de pós-graduação da Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre

aonde somamos verdadeiro aprendizado e conhecimento.

Agradeço ao orientador, co-orientador e todos os colaboradores pela paciência,

oportunidade, credibilidade e aprendizado.

Por fim agradeço e dedico aos pacientes que além de seus problemas de saúde

ainda se disponibilizaram a participar deste projeto de pesquisa.



1 INTRODUÇÃO........................................................................................................... 4

1.1 REFERÊNCIAS.................................................................................................... 12

2 ARTIGO CIENTÍFICO............................................................................................ 14

2.1 ABSTRACT ……………………………..........………………………………... 15

2.2 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 16

2.3 MATERIAL AND METHODS............................................................................. 17

2.3.1 Type of study and sampling.......................................................................…. 17

2.3.2 Patients............................................................................................................ 17

2.3.3 Instruments and definition of variables......................................................… 18

2.3.4 Data analysis................................................................................................... 19

2.3.5 Ethical aspects................................................................................................ 20

2.4 RESULTS……….................................................................................................. 20

2.5 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 25

2.6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................... 28

2.7 REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 29




A endoscopia digestiva alta é o procedimento de primeira escolha para o

diagnóstico de afecções do trato digestório superior. Através deste procedimento

consegue-se estabelecer uma correlação entre sintomas dos pacientes e achados

endoscópicos. Nem sempre esta correlação é bem estabelecida. Por exemplo, a esofagite

erosiva achado comum na Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) está presente

apenas na metade dos pacientes com esta afecção. A grande questão é que as

classificações endoscópicas para esofagite contemplam apenas a partir de erosões, não

incluindo pequenas alterações macroscópicas. Um achado comum durante o

procedimento endoscópico é o desaparecimento do padrão vascular e a substituição por

uma mucosa esbranquiçada próxima a transição esofagogástrica, que denominamos de

mucosa nacarada.

Em revisão da literatura os trabalhos relacionados a achados endoscópicos

mínimos de esofagite são poucos e não estabeleceram os verdadeiros valores destas

pequenas alterações. Trabalho na década de 80 valoriza este achado, mas não estabelece

a verdadeira acurácia deste teste, e os atuais estão relacionados às novas tecnologias,

como magnificação de imagem, imagem digital e imunohistoquímica.

Justificamos a realização deste trabalho, para validar o valor diagnóstico do

achado endoscópico mucosa nacarada, como critério de esofagite macroscópica.

Comparando em um grupo de pacientes com mucosa nacarada e outro sem mucosa

nacarada, a presença de alterações microscópicas ou histológicas (padrão ouro)

sugestivas de esofagite microscópica.

Várias são as classificações existentes para esofagite de refluxo, a mais

tradicional é a de Savary-Miller, desde 1977, que apresenta quatro níveis de graduação e

se baseia na extensão das erosões da mucosa, sem valorizar alterações mínimas. Na

tentativa de se aproximar da classificação ideal em 1994 um grupo financiado pela

Organização Mundial de Gastroenterologia propôs a classificação de Los Angeles, que

recebeu este nome por ter sido apresentada no Congresso Mundial, na cidade de Los

Angeles. Nesta nova classificação os termos erosão e ulceração foram substituídos por

“quebra de mucosa” como também as complicações relacionadas à DRGE, como Barret

e estenoses, que deveriam ser citadas separadamente. Nenhumas destas duas

classificações contemplam pequenas alterações endoscópicas, como mucosa nacarada.

Talvez este aspecto nos leve a números tão baixos de sensibilidade global nas


endoscopias digestivas altas para DRGE, em torno de 40 a 60%. Quando considerado a

presença de erosões as endoscopias diagnósticas apresentam especificidade de 95% para

o diagnóstico de DRGE (10).

Quando pensamos em utilizarmos a biópsia para aumentar a sensibilidade do

teste, endoscopia digestiva na DRGE, e por fim a qualquer dúvida diagnóstica

encontramos na literatura o trabalho clássico de ISMAIL-BEIJI que determina os

achados histológicos de esofagite de refluxo. Trabalho que foi realizado através da

sucção da mucosa esofágica com auxílio da manometria. Determinaram-se os critérios

histológicos utilizando como parâmetros o espessamento da camada basal em 15% em

relação à espessura do epiltélio, a extensão das papilas até 2/3 da camada epitelial e a

presença de neutrófilos na lâmina própria. Em nosso estudo ainda acrescentou-se a

congestão vascular, a presença de neutrófilos e eosinófilos na camada epitelial

(exocitose) e a presença de glicogênio. Este último controverso em relação à presença

na esofagite, mas alguns autores consideram a sua presença, embora não esteja

estabelecido (3). WEINSTEIN e cols em trabalho publicado 1975 realizaram biópsia

por sucção em pacientes assintomáticos para doença de refluxo, e questionaram os

achados de ISMAIL-BEIJI. Pois encontraram alterações histológicas em 55% dos

pacientes biopsiados a 2,5cm distais e 19% dos biopsiados acima de 2,5cm. Mesmo com

este impasse os achados de ISMAIL-BEIJI permanecem até hoje como parâmetros

histológicos de DRGE.

Em trabalho nacional publicado no livro da Sociedade Brasileira de Endoscopia

(SOBED) em 1984 o professor CELSO AFFONSO DE OLIVEIRA já valorizava o

achado endoscópico mucosa nacarada e denominava de esofagite edematosa,

considerando como primeiro estádio da esofagite de refluxo e, nesta fase, a biópsia

indispensável. Analisou 147 casos de hérnia hiatal e avaliou as alterações histológicas

em indivíduos com mucosa nacarada e mucosa normal. Encontrou 57,1% de alterações

histológicas em mucosa nacarada e 32,5% de alterações em mucosa endoscopicamente

normal. Na época não se calculou a sensibilidade, especificidade, os valores preditivos,

a acurácia e o verdadeiro p destes dois achados. Parece que não houve grande diferença

nestes dois grupos.

KIESSLICH R. et al em trabalho publicado em 2004 com o objetivo de

estabelecer alterações mínimas vistas através de endoscopia com magnificação em

pacientes sem esofagite erosiva, correlacionou grupos de pacientes com sintomas e sem

sintomas de DRGE. Concluiu que nos pacientes com sintomas sem esofagite erosiva, a


combinação de alterações mínimas à magnificação e as alterações histológicas

apresentaram uma sensibilidade de 62%, especificidade de 74%, valor preditivo positivo

67%, valor preditivo negativo de 67% com acurácia global de 68%. Apresentando um p

significativo quando comparado com grupo controle. Embora o p significativo quando

em comparação entre os grupos, a acurácia do teste deixou a desejar.

FLORA-FILHO em trabalho publicado em 2000, em pacientes com sintomas de

refluxo, com o objetivo de reavaliar a sensibilidade da pHM-24h a partir de achados

histológicos compatíveis com esofagite, segundo os critérios de ISMAIL-BEIJI,

demonstrou uma sensibilidade de 60% para o método. Neste estudo também verificou

uma sensibilidade de 65,7% para as endoscopias quando considerado a presença de


JOHNSSON F. publicou em 1987 trabalho com o objetivo de validar sintomas e

achados endoscópicos que confirmassem o diagnóstico de DRGE, comparando estes

achados com pHM 24h. Avaliou 220 pacientes, e no grupo de pacientes sem erosões

pela endoscopia (n=53), com alterações mínimas (eritema), encontrou uma sensibilidade

de 22%, especificidade 74% e valor preditivo de 43%. Quando avaliou o grupo de

pacientes com hérnia hiatal para o diagnóstico de DRGE (n=138) teve uma

sensibilidade de 75%, especificidade de 49% e valor preditivo positivo de 57%.

VIETH M. and cols em trabalho publicado em 2004 estudou pacientes com

DRGE, com erosões e sem erosões à endoscopia, com objetivo de validar os achados

histológicos descritos na literatura. Realizou biópsia em todos os pacientes na linha Z e

2cm acima da linha de transição(Z). Os critérios histológicos estudados foram

hiperplasia de camada basal, projeção de papilas, infiltrados de neutrófilos, eosinófilos,

linfócitos, ectasia e congestão capilar, acantose glicogênica, presença de células em

balão e espongiose. Concluiu que os melhores parâmetros histológicos para o

diagnóstico de DRGE são hiperplasia da camada basal e projeção de papilas. Encontrou

um p < 0,001 quando comparou estes dois resultados nos grupos com erosões e sem

erosões, acrescentando a suas conclusões que quanto mais esofagite (erosões) à

endoscopia maior a sensibilidade e especificidade da biópsia.

PATRIZIA ZENTILIN and cols publicou em 2005 no American Journal of

Gastroenterology uma reavaliação do valor diagnóstico da histologia nos pacientes com

DRGE. Analisou 135 pacientes com sintomas de refluxo e endoscopias com erosões e

sem erosões e comparou com grupo controle de vinte pacientes sem sintomas e com

endoscopias normais. Usou como critério histológico necrose/erosão, infiltração


intraepitelial de eosinófilos e neutrófilos, hiperplasia da camada basal, projeção de

papilas e dilatação dos espaços intercelulares. Encontrou alterações histológicas em 100

de 119 pacientes com DRGE (84%) e 3 de 20 do grupo controle(15%), p<0,00001. Nos

pacientes com esofagite erosiva, segundo os critérios de Los Angeles, 96% tinham

alterações histológicas e nos pacientes sem esofagite erosiva, endoscopias normais ou

minimamente alteradas, 76% tinham alterações histológicas.

DAVID ARMSTRONG em publicação na revista Yale Journal of Biology and

Medicine-2000, artigo de revisão sobre avaliação endoscópica na DRGE considera a

endoscopia como a primeira escolha na investigação, mas não é o arbitro final para o

diagnóstico. Também considera o exame altamente especifico quando a presença de

erosões, mas de baixa sensibilidade. Refere que o papel da biópsia na DRGE continua

indefinido, exceto na suspeita de Barret, e alterações mínimas a endoscopia não devem

ser consideradas até o momento.

H. WORTH BOYCE em edital publicado na Gastrointestinal Endoscopy em

2002 questiona a endoscopia diagnóstica e as classificações para esofagite de refluxo.

Em meio a comentários a respeito das classificações existentes para esofagite conclui

que a endoscopia digestiva não é o arbitro final para o diagnóstico de DRGE, podendo o

paciente apresentar sintomas relacionados ao refluxo, endoscopia normal e às vezes

histologias alteradas ou mesmo normais. Considera que alterações mínimas a

endoscopia (ausência de erosões) não devam ser consideradas, mas acredita que a

biópsias nestes casos pode ser interessante para complementação diagnóstica. Por fim

considera as novas tecnologias agregadas à endoscopia, como magnificação de imagem

e uso de corantes, novas ferramentas para melhorarem os critérios diagnósticos em


HATLEBAKK and BERSTAD publicaram em 1997 na revista Scand J

Gastroenterol um trabalho com o objetivo de determinar os achados endoscópicos que

tinham a melhor relação com a esofagite de refluxo. Para isto usaram a classificação

endoscópica de Berstad, que contempla a partir de linhas avermelhadas sem exsudato

fibrinoso(erosão) até erosões, como achado endoscópico de esofagite. Usou como

padrão ouro a pH-metria de 24hs. Encontrou como melhor parâmetro endoscópico de

esofagite endoscópica o exsudato fibrinoso brancacento e o tamanho das erosões, sendo

que nestes dois achados os pacientes apresentavam um período de refluxo a pH-metria

significativamente maior. Concluíram que apenas linhas avermelhadas, embora sem

exsudato e de qualquer tamanho, são marcadores de esofagite quando comparados a


controles normais e acreditam que a endoscopia isoladamente não reflete as alterações


RONNIE FASS em recente edital expõe algumas controvérsias em DRGE.

Nesta publicação relata que a DRGE inclui três grupos, os com DRGE sem erosões

(60%-70%), os com DRGE com erosões (20%-30%) e os com Barret (6%-10%). Refere

que os pacientes sem erosões podem ter pH-metria de 24hs normais em metade dos

casos, e também respondem pior ao tratamento com inibidores de bomba de prótons.

Este fato reforça a importância de estudos para melhorar a sensibilidade e especificidade

da endoscopia na DRGE.

Publicações de autores Japoneses, que utilizam à classificação de Los Angeles,

demonstraram que pacientes Japoneses com sintomas de DRGE, apenas 14,3% destes

apresentam endoscopias com esofagite erosiva. Consideram a classificação de Los

Angeles insuficiente para o Japão, e advoga a inclusão de alterações mínimas a

classificação de Los Angeles determinando os graus N e M. Também alguns autores

consideram as alterações histológicas clássicas, como dilatação capilar, projeção de

papilas, hiperplasia de camada basal e infiltração de células inflamatórias, pouco claras

nos pacientes com DRGE e endoscopias sem esofagite erosiva.

FUJITA M. and cols e NISHIYAMA and cols tem estudado, através de

imunohistoquímica, a expressão de proteínas do processo inflamatório em pacientes

com sintomas de DRGE e endoscopias sem erosões. Este estudo tem demonstrado que o

processo inicial é a infiltração de células inflamatórias na lámina própria, e sugerindo

que estas alterações não são observadas em critérios histológicos na fase inicial da

DRGE, onde as endoscopias são normais ou minimamente alteradas.

Os métodos diagnósticos presentes até o momento ainda apresentam acurácia

inadequados para o diagnósico de DRGE, embora a especificidade da endoscopia no

diagnóstico de esofagite de refluxo é alta (95%) quando presente a forma erosiva ela é

de baixa sensibilidade global. Acreditamos que as técnicas de magnificação de imagem

associado à histologia com imunohistoquímica vão auxiliar no diagnóstico de pequenas

alterações endoscópicas, aumentando a acurácia do teste.













1.2 REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS. 1) AMANO Y, ISHIMURA N, FUTURA K. Interobserver agreement on classifying diagnoses of nonerosive esophagitis. Endoscopy, 38: 1032-5, oct. 2006. 2) ARMSTRONG D. Endoscopic Evaluation of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease. Yale J Biol MED, 72: 93-100, 1999. 3) BOYCE HW. Endoscopic diagnosis and classification of reflux esophagitis: Are we there yet? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 56:775-778, 2002. 4) FASS RONIE. Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico: Questões e conceitos atuais. 5) FLORA-FILHO R, CÂMARA-LOPES LH, ZILBERSTEIN B. Critérios histológicos de esofagite na doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. Reavaliação da sensibilidade da pHmetria esofágica de 24hs. Arq. Gastroenterologia 37: 197-202, 2000. 6) GOLDMAN, H. Inflammatory Disorders of the Esophagus.Gastrointestinal mucosal biopsy.1996,p.11-49. 7) HATLEBAKK JG, BERSTAD A. Endoscopic Grading of Reflux Oesophagitis: What Observations Correlate with Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux? Scand J Gastroenterol 32: 760-65,1997. 8) ISMAIL-BEIGI F, HORTON PF, POPE II CE. Histological consequences of gastroesophageal reflux in man. Gastroenterology 58: 163-74, 1970. 9) JOHNSSON F et al. Symptoms and Endoscopic Finding in the Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 22: 714-718, 1987. 10) KAHRILAS JP, PANDOLFINO JE. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. In: Sleisenger F. Gastrointestinal Disease. 2004, p.599-622. 11) KIESSLICH R et al. Minimal Change Esophagitis: Prospective Comparison of Endoscopic and Histological Markers between Patients with Non-erosive Reflux Disease and Normal Controls Using Magnifying Endoscopy. Dig Dis 22: 221-227, 2004. 12) NADER F et al. Prevalência de pirose em Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Estudo de base populacional. Arquivos de Gastroenterologia. 2003. 13) OLIVEIRA CA, LIMA Jr GF. Contribuição da Endoscopia para o Diagnóstico da Hérnia Hiatal e da Esofagite de Refluxo. In: SOBED. Endoscopia Digestiva. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação SmithKline, julho de1984, p.77-95. 14) PEREIRA-LIMA J. et al. Prevalência da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico: estudo populacional em Porto Alegre, RS. GED 19: 73-78, 2000.


15) PIRES C et al. Comparação do diagnóstico endoscópico com o histopatológico em crianças portadoras de esofagite. R.Ci.méd. biol., 2:155-162, 2003. 16) TÉNAIOVÁ J et al. Incidence of hiatal hernias in the current endoscopic praxis. Cas Lek Cesk 146:74-76, 2007. 17) VIETH M et al. What Parameters Are Relevant for the Histological Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease without Barrett’s Mucosa? Dig Dis 22: 196-201,2004. 18) WEINSTEIN WM, BOGOCH ER, BOWES KL. The normal human esophageal mucosa: a histological reappraisal. Gastroenterology 68: 40-4, 1975. 19) ZENTILIN P. et al. Reassessment of the diagnostic Value of Histology in Patients with GERD, Using Multiple Biopsy Sites and na Appropriate Control Group. American Journal of gastroenterology 2299-2305, 2005.


Artigo Científico

Valor Diagnóstico do Achado Endoscópico “Mucosa Nacarada” na

Esofagite de Refluxo

Autor: José Salomão JR. Orientador: Júlio C. Pereira Lima. Co-orientador: Raul ª Mendoza Sassi. Patologista colaborador: Dr.Renan Juliano.

Trabalho realizado no Hospital Universitário da Fundação

Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG), no Serviço de

Endoscopia Digestiva da Santa Casa de Rio Grande e Serviço de

Gastroenterologia da FFFCMPA/Santa Casa de Porto Alegre.

Endereço para correspondência:



ABSTRACT Objectives: This study had as aim the validation of the nacred mucosa presence in the

endoscopy for the esophagitis diagnosis. Experimental design: A study of transversal

type was designed to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the nacred mucosa.

Place of Study: It was performed at two Digestive Endoscopy Units in the city of Rio

Grande, RS. Patient selection: All patients submitted to the digestive endoscopy during

the time period of January 2005 and July 2006 that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion

criteria. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of nacred mucosa from the 118 studied

patients were 68.1% and 37.5%, respectively. When the group with hiatal hernia was

analyzed the sensitivity was of 95.7% and specificity 0%. When studying the validity of

the double criterion (nacred mucosa plus hiatal hernia) the sensitivity was 24.2% and

specificity 63%. Conclusions: The validation of the nacred mucosa for the diagnosis of

the esophagitis is low. The presence of nacred mucosa and hiatal hernia increased the

specificity of the test.

Keywords: esophagitis, nacred mucosa, edematous esophagitis, Reflux Disease,



INTRODUCTION The normal endoscopic aspect of the distal esophagus must present the

visualization of the submucosa vessels. The nacred mucosa is characterized by a more

whitish coloration of the distal esophagus and the vanishing of the visualization of this

submucosa vasculature.

The organic complaints of the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) are

very frequent in gastroenterology units. In studies performed in the State of Rio Grande

do Sul, in the cities of Pelotas and Porto Alegre, the prevalence is of about 20% of the

population (12-14).

The upper digestive endoscopy is the first diagnostic method for this injury. The

endoscopic classification for the reflux esophagitis, by Savary-Miller and Los Angeles,

contemplate only erosive lesions, not considering the nacred mucosa as esophagitis,

resulting in a sensitivity of about 50% for this method (2).

OLIVEIRA and LIMA (13) considered the nacred mucosa as edematous

esophagitis supporting that it was an initial phase of the endoscopic esophagitis, and

biopsies were indicated. Patients with Non-Erosive Reflux Disease (NERD) that would

may have nacred mucosa are of 60 to 70% of the patients with GERD (4) and any

diagnose method presents low sensitivity in this situation. The majority of the studies

exclude esophageal minimal alterations, including the nacred mucosa.

In this way, the presence of this endoscopic alteration as a criterion of

esophagitis was not completely evaluated. This study evaluate this common alteration in

the endoscopy and has as main objective to validate the nacred mucosa as a diagnose

test for esophagitis, using the histological criteria of ISMAIL-BEIGI et al. (8) as gold

standard in the esophagitis diagnostics.



Type of study and sampling

The study was of the transversal type, adequate for the research objective and

carried out in the Digestive Endoscopy Unit of the University Hospital from Fundação

Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG) and in the Digestive Endoscopy Unit of

the Santa Casa de Rio Grande, during the period of January 2005 to July 2006.

The sampling was non-randomized since the objective was the validation of the

nacred mucosa presence in relation to esophagitis confirmed by histopathological

examination. The size of the sample was calculated using the necessary parameters for

this kind of study. It was expected a sensitivity and specificity of 90% with 10% error, a

confidence level of 95%, and a ratio of ill people without/with esophagitis of 3:7. These

numbers rendered a sample of 117 patients. To this value it was accreted 10% for

possible losses, reaching a total of 129 persons.


The patients submitted to upper digestive endoscopy were evaluated

consecutively. All of them had indications to perform upper digestive endoscopy due to

superior abdominal symptoms, as dyspepsia, pyrosis, epigastric pain and post-prandial

plenitude. Before the examination the patients filled a formulary with their personal data

(name, age, sex, and address) and examination motive. It was excluded from this study

patients that presented erosive esophagitis, esophagus ulcerations, suspect of Barrett’s

esophagus, esophagic neoplasia, gastric neoplasia, and gastric and duodenal ulcerations.


Instruments and definition of variables

In the endoscopic examination it was used a Pentax 3300 equipment, EG 2930

and Olympus Exera CV 145 GIF with Olympus and Endoflex biopsy forceps. During

the esophagoscopy the esophagogastric junction (E-G) was carefully examined for the

presence or absence of hiatal hernia. This endoscopic diagnosis was considered when

the Z-line was above 2.0 cm of the diaphragmatic clamping.

From the endoscopic viewpoint, it was defined as palisade mucosa (normal

esophagic mucosa) when it was observed the distal submucosa vasculature, in addition

to almost the transparency of it. The presence of nacred mucosa was considered when

there was the vanishing of the vasculature of the distal submucosa, and the mucosa was

whitish pearly.

From each patient it was removed four fragments – one from each quadrant of

the inferior esophagus – located about 2.5 to 5 cm above Z line. The four removed

fragments were preserved in formalin until its inclusion in paraffin blocks, after alcohol

dehydration and xylol clarification, in OMA histotechnique. The fragments were

included always in two blocks to facilitate the posterior microtomy and staining. The 5-

µm cuts were performed in Spencer 820 microtome, followed by Hematoxylin-Eosin

(HE), Giemsa and Alcian Blue staining techniques. It was selected three HE slides for

evaluation, and the Giemsa and Alcian Blue were used for eventual intestinal

metaplasia, as part of the routine study of the cases and diagnostic formulation. From

the HE slides it was selected three sections with the incidence perfectly transversal for

the epithelial thickness, basal layer and papillae height analysis (if necessary, new cuts

were performed). The other variables were also analyzed in other representative

sections, once they were representative of the total.


All slides were analyzed by the same pathologist, without the knowledge of the

endoscopic finds of the patients.

Before the observations start it was established the following parameters for the

histopathological identification:

a) Hyperplasia of basal layer: considered present when it fills 15% or more of the

scaly epithelium thickness.

b) Papillae projection: considered when these structures fill more than 50% of the

mucosa layer.

c) Granulocyte infiltration: considered when observed the presence or absence of

neutrophils and/or eosinophils in the thickness of the epithelial layer


d) Vascular congestion: considered present or absent, taking into account mainly

the papillary vessel dilatations.

e) Glycogen: considered the presence of thickness enlargement of the layer

containing glycogen in the study with HE (acanthosis).

It was considered alterations compatible with esophagitis when there was

present any one of the lesions described above.

Data analysis

The data were imputed in the program Stata 9.0 for the statistical analysis. First

it was carried out the description of the data. At this phase it was calculated the averages

and standard deviations of the continuous variables and the proportions for the case of

categorical variables. The frequencies of the nacred mucosa and of the different

histopatological categories were identified. Following, it was carried out the bivariate


analysis among the presence of the nacred mucosa and the demographical data and

histopathological finds, by using the chi-square test. In case of impossibility of using

this test it was applied the Fisher’s Exact Test. The fixed value for p was 0.05 of a two-

tailored test.

The validation study was carried out by the calculation of the test accuracy,

sensitivity, specificity, and also the predictive values (positive and negative) for the

presence of the nacred mucosa, having as gold standard the histopathological presence

of esophagitis. It was also performed calculations for any one of the histopathological


Ethical aspects

The study was submitted and approved by the Ethical Commission of the

University Hospital of the Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Process

Number 23116.6775/5.18). It was applied a term of free and clarified commitment, at

the moment in which the patients were invited to participate. Independently of the

project participation, all individuals have received the adequate treatment for their



From the 124 patients identified, six were excluded by presenting inadequate

material. So the final sample was of 118 patients.

The age distribution varied from 16 to 80 years old, with an average of 47.8

years old (SD 12.5). The sex distribution was 75 females (63.7%) and 43 males

(36.3%). The most frequent age was the category of 40-49 years old (36%).

The frequency of the nacred mucosa in the sample was 67%. The distribution of

this finding by sex or age did not show important differences (Table 1).


Table 1. Description of the sample and distribution of the nacred mucosa in relation to demographical variables (n=118). Variable N % Prevalence of

nacred mucosa p-value

Sex 0.55 Male 43 36.3 71.1 Female 75 63.7 64.6

Age 0.70 < 50 70 58.9 68.5 ≥ 50 48 41.3 64.7

Age (years) 0.69* < 30 10 8.1 60.0 30-39 18 14.5 50.0 40-49 42 36.3 77.8 50-59 34 29.0 66.7 ≥ 60 14 12.1 60.0

Regarding the histopathology of the total of the nacred mucosa examinations,

81% showed histological alterations. From the 118 patients studied, 79.7% showed

histological alterations.

Table 2 shows the frequency of the nacred mucosa according to the

histopathological category. It is observed that the most frequent finding was the

vascular congestion, present in 81 cases (68.6%), followed by the presence of papilla

(44.9%) and by the presence of neutrophils (38.1%).

The study of the association between nacred mucosa with the different

histopathological categories has shown similar prevalence, without significant

differences (Table 2).


Table 2. Distribution of the nacred mucosa in relation to histological variables (n=118).

Variable N % Prevalence of nacred mucosa


Positive histology Absent 24 21.3 62.5 0.63 Present 94 79.7 68.1 Basal 0.66

Absent 88 74.6 68.2 Present 30 25.4 63.3

Papilla 0.33 Absent 65 55.1 63.1 Present 53 44.9 71.7

Neutrophils 0.69 Absent 73 61.9 68.5 Present 45 38.1 64.4

Eosinophils 0.29 Absent 100 84.8 69.0 Present 18 15.2 55.6

Congestion 0.83 Absent 37 31.4 64.9 Present 81 68.6 67.9

Glycogen 1.00 Absent 82 69.5 67.1 Present 36 30.5 66.7

Concerning the objective of this work, the presence of the nacred mucosa as a

macroscopic indicator of esophagitis, we do not have obtained values of adequate

validity. The endoscopic findings have a sensitivity of 68.1% and the specificity of

37.5% for the esophagitis detection. The positive predictive value reached 81%, but the

negative predictive value was of only 23.1%. The accuracy of the endoscopic diagnosis

was of 61.9%. Table 3 shows these parameters related to each one of the histological

categories in separate. In general terms, it is observed a sensitivity between 55 and 70%

and a specificity that do not pass 38%. The histological category in which the nacred

mucosa had better relation was the presence of papillae projection (sensitivity = 71.7%

and specificity =36.9%).


Table 3. Coefficients of validity from the diagnosis of nacred mucosa by endoscopy with each one of the histological categories (n=118). Histology Nacred mucosa Accuracy Sens Spec VPP VPN Absent Present

Absent 28 60 39.8% 63.3%





Present 11 19 Absent 24 41 52.5% 71.7

% 36.9%




Present 15 38 Absent 23 50 44.1% 64.4

% 31.5%




Present 16 29 Absent 31 69 34.8% 55.6

% 31.0%




Present 8 10 Absent 13 24 57.6% 67.9

% 35.1%




Present 26 55 Absent 27 55 43.2% 66.7

% 32.9%




Present 12 24 Absent 9 15 61.9% 68.1

% 37.5%




Present 30 64

The sub-analysis of the studied group divided according to the situation of hiatal

hernia (Table 4) shows that among the patients that presented this condition, the

validity of the nacred mucosa have modified substantially. It has presented an

expressive increase in sensitivity, reaching values of 100% or near it, for the

histopathological categories as well as for the combined esophagitis diagnosis. The

negative predictive value followed the sensitivity increase, and the test accuracy reached



Table 4. Coefficients of validity from the diagnosis of nacred mucosa by endoscopy with each one of the histological categories among the individuals with hiatal hernia (n=30).

Nacred mucosa Accuracy

Sens Spec VPP VPN Histological examination

Absent Present Absent 1 (4%) 26

(96%) 13.3% 100.0% 3.7% 10.4% 100.0% Basal

Present 0 (0%) 3 (100%)

Absent 1 (6%) 16 (94%)

46.7% 100.0% 5.9% 44.8% 100.0% Papilla

Present 0 (0%) 13 (100%)

Absent 1 (5%) 20 (95%)

33.3% 100.0% 4.8% 31.0% 100.0% Neutrophils

Present 0 (0%) 9 (100%)

Absent 1 (3%) 28 (97%)

6.7% 100.0% 3.5% 3.5% 100.0% Eosinophils

Present 0 (0%) 1 (100%)

Absent 0 (0%) 10 (100%)

63.3% 95.0% 0.0% 65.5% 0.0% Congestion

Present 1 (5%) 19 (95%)

Absent 1 (5%) 19 (95%)

36.7% 100.0% 5.0% 34.5% 100.0% Glycogen

Present 0 (0%) 10 (100%)

Absent 0 (0%) 7 (100%)

73.3% 95.7% 0.0% 75.8% 0.0% Total

Present 1 (4%) 22 (96%)

In studying the validity of the nacred mucosa associated to the hiatal hernia, as a

criterion for the diagnosis of esophagitis (fulfilling both criteria for positive

consideration of the examination) in the 118 individuals (Table 5), it was observed an

increasing of the specificity in the histopathological categories and in general, when

comparing to the values obtained using just the criterion of the nacred mucosa for

esophagitis, described in Table 3. Among the categories studied, the positive criterion

had a high specificity for the papillae projection and for the presence of glycogen.


Table 5. Coefficients of validity from the diagnosis of the nacred mucosa by endoscopy with each one of the histological examination for the individuals with hiatal hernia associated to the nacred mucosa (n=30), compared to the other individuals (n=91).

Nacred mucosa and hiatal


Accuracy Sens Spec VPP VPN Histological examination

Absent Present Absent 60 26 54.8% 10.4% 69.8% 10.4% 69.8% Basal Present 26 3 Absent 47 16 52.2% 25.0% 74.6% 44.8% 54.7% Papilla Present 39 13 Absent 52 20 53.0% 20.9% 72.2% 31.0% 60.5% Neutrophils Present 34 9 Absent 70 28 61.7% 5.9% 71.4% 3.5% 81.4% Eosinophils Present 16 1 Absent 26 10 39.1% 24.1% 72.2% 65.5% 30.2% Congestion Present 60 19 Absent 61 19 61.7% 28.6% 76.3% 34.5% 70.9% Glycogen Present 25 10 Absent 17 7 33.9% 24.2% 63.0% 75.9% 19.8% Total Present 69 22


Although the nacred mucosa being clearly different of the palisade mucosa and

of presenting a frequency of 81% of microscopic alterations, the results found out were

not sufficient for the diagnosis of esophagitis.

In the test validation, the nacred mucosa as indicator of esophagitis had a total

accuracy of 61.9%, sensitivity of 68.1%, and specificity of 37.5%. The nacred mucosa

presented the best sensitivity when analyzed in a sub-group of patients with hiatal

hernia, reaching globally the sensitivity of 95.7% and accuracy of 73.3%. It is clearly

obvious that this is a group that already presents a higher probability of esophagitis

occurrence, which may achieve erosive esophagitis in 50 % of the cases (16).

When it was evaluated the association of hiatal hernia and nacred mucosa in the

whole sample, it was observed the general decrease in sensitivity and increase in

specificity. Both criteria used together in an endoscopy unit work, in which patients


arrive with several complaints, result in a better specificity for the diagnosis of

esophagitis, but very low sensitivity.

The study did not select patients by symptoms of gastroesophagic reflux. Maybe

this selection would show a higher association of the nacred mucosa and microscopic

esophagitis. The majority of the studies for the validation of diagnostic methods in the

GERD are carried out in patients with symptoms of this illness (5-7-9-11). The

histological criteria used were determined by ISMAIL-BEIJI et al. (8), except by the

presence of glycogen, which is not well-established its relation with esophagitis, but it

was considered in this study according to some authors (10-17). This alteration

presented the same results of the other histological findings. The histological evidence

of better result was the papillae projections, according to the findings of other studies


The diagnostic method of first choice in the GERD is the endoscopy, being

known that the sensitivity of the method is about 50%, i.e., the patients with GERD

have endoscopy without erosions in half of the cases. These patients consider

themselves as carriers of the NERD, and can attain even 60 to 70% of the GERD

patients (4). The small endoscopic alterations have not been defined (7) nor valorized in

the majority of the service units. Some Japanese authors sustain that the Los Angeles

classification should contemplate minimal alterations, but concluded that it has low

clinical value (1). KIESSLICH et al. (11), in a study with NERD using magnification

equipment and histology combination, could predict with a sensitivity of 62% and

specificity of 74% the presence of esophagitis. In the present study it was found similar

sensitivity, but the specificity was very low, maybe because the patients were not pre-

selected as GERD symptomatic. Celso Affonso de Oliveira already valorized the

finding of nacred mucosa and called it edematous esophagitis, considering it as the first


stage of the reflux esophagitis and, at this phase, suggested biopsy as indispensable.

This author, in 1984, published a work in a book of the Brazilian Society of Endoscopy

(Sociedade Brasileira de Endoscopia – SOBED) in which he analyzed 147 cases of

hiatal hernia and evaluated the histological alterations in individuals with normal

mucosa and other with nacred mucosa. He found out 57.1% of histological alterations in

patients with edematous esophagitis and 32.5% without this condition.

Also, it was analyzed 699 patients with hiatal hernia and found out 23.2% of

edematous esophagitis (8). The findings of the present study show 96.8% of nacred

mucosa in the group with hiatal hernia, and the histological alterations in this group

were present in 96% of the cases. These differences occurred due to the design of the

study, once it was planned to evaluate the validity.

WEINSTEIN et al. (18) performed biopsies in asymptomatic patients for GERD

and found out histological alterations in a significant number of cases, i.e., the

histological alterations may be present in individuals with normal endoscopy (9). Other

studies have evaluated the validation of pHmetry. One of them, looking for the analysis

of the 24 h esophagical pHmetry in patients with histologically confirmed esophagitis

resulted in 60% of sensitivity for this method (5). The low sensitivity of this test

confirms the necessity of a new valid examination for the GERD presence.

The nacred mucosa is a minimal alteration and its correlation with histology is

poorly studied and defined. There are no data that supports the nacred mucosa and

biopsy as diagnostic methods, not even well-established data regarding its sensitivity

and specificity.

We conclude that the nacred mucosa presents inadequate sensitivity and

specificity for the diagnosis of the reflux esophagitis. In the sub-group presenting hiatal

hernia the nacred mucosa may be used as a good indicator of esophagitis.


This study was the first to evaluate the validity of the nacred mucosa role in the

diagnosis of esophagitis. New technologies, such as stained image magnifications,

digitalization process and immunohistochemistry, should contribute for a better

elucidation of this mucosa alteration, as well its histological changes.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the period of this Master Degree we have the privilege of working with

the team from the Post-graduation Program of Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências

Médicas, of Porto Alegre, which we have summed up true learning and knowledge.

I would like to thank my supervisor, co-supervisor, and all persons that have

collaborated, for the patience, opportunity, credibility and learning.

Finally, I would like to thank and dedicate this work to the patients that, despite

their health problems, still were able to participate of this research project.



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