Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline - Web viewDefine Education Outcomes the word...

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Guideline:Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineTransition to Work supports young people to improve their work readiness skills and assists them into employment (including apprenticeships or traineeships) or education.

Providers engage and work with Employers to understand their needs and ensure Participants are equipped to meet those needs.

By supporting Participants and working with Employers, Transition to Work Providers can achieve a range of Outcome types.

Version: 3.1 Published on: 2 November 2017

Effective from: 4 December 2017

Changes from the previous version (Version 3.0)Policy changes: NilWording changes:Page 7 – Clarifying two consecutive DHS fortnights required.Page 8 – Pre-existing employment clarification. Define Education Outcomes the word completion changed to attainment for consistency and clarity. Page 10 – Periods of leave, institution policies much be considered. PaTH Internship and Transition to Work Outcome information moved to page 14.Page 12 –Set Hybrid Outcomes Start Date, clarification that Education and Employment must occur in the same time period but do not need to be recorded in ESS at the same time (session).Page 14 – PaTH Internships and Transition to Work Outcomes moved to own section. Clarifying information around PaTH Internships and Transition to Work Outcomes, including overlapping claims.Page 16 - Claim Outcomes within the allocated time period updated to give advice regarding Archived Outcome Search screen.Page 17 - Manage Outcomes after the 12 month Participant Service Period wording to clarify ‘Tracking towards an Outcome’. Information added clarifying Outcomes and Exits at 12 Months of Service. Page 18 – Manage PaTH Internships after 12 Months Table 3 removed because it is in Deed, Annexure B1, Table 1. Minor wording changes. Page 21 - Participants on income support DHS data clarified.Page 23 - Added a section on ‘Lodging an Outcome when the TtW Provider is also a VTEC Provider’.

Document Change History:A full document history is available at the Provider Portal.

Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Related documents and references

Activity Management Guideline Participant Requirements Guideline Payment and Outcome Performance

Target Guideline Performance Framework Guideline Participant Service Period, Suspensions

and Exits Guideline Providing Services to Participants and

Employers and identifying Complementary and Excluded Services Guideline

Wage Subsidy Guideline Transfer Guideline Learning Centre jobsearch website Conditions of Use Managing PaTH Internships Guideline Seasonal Work Incentives Trial Guideline ESS Web online support help files (under

‘Transition to Work’ (TtW)):Activity Management:- Activity Contact List- Add Activity (Education)- Activity Details- Add Activity- TtW Activities, Commencing and

Resulting Activity Placements

Transition to Work Payments:- Payment, Adding a Claim for a Pay

Slip Verified Outcome Payments for a non-income support participant

- Adding a Claim for an Education Outcome based Attainment

- Adding a Claim for an Education Outcome based participation

- Payments, Lodging Outcome Claims from Site Payments

- DHS Cancellation Reasons that ‘End’ an Outcome

- Using the Outcome Claim Tracker to Lodge an Outcome Claim

- Adding a claim for a Discrepancy Payslip Verified Outcome payment for DHS income support participants

Employer and Vacancy:- Search for Employer- Creating and Managing Vacancies- Create and Manage Employer

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline


Summary of Transition to Work Outcomes 5

Impact of a Participant’s characteristics on an Outcome 5Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix 6

Define 12 Week Employment Outcomes 7

Understand how the Employment Outcome Start Date is set 7

Impact of Pre-Existing Employment on 12 Week Employment Outcomes 8How Pre-existing employment impacts an Employment Outcome Start Date 8

Define Education Outcomes 8Delivery of online education 9Monitoring Participants 9

Participation 9Periods of leave 10

Impact of Pre-Existing Education on Education Participation Outcomes 10

Attainment 10

Set the Education Outcome Start Date 10

Define Hybrid Outcomes 11

Use of Pre-existing Employment towards a Hybrid Outcome 11

Use of Pre-existing Education towards a Hybrid Outcome 11

Apprenticeships and Traineeships 12

Set the Hybrid Outcome Start Date 12

Define Sustainability Outcomes (Employment & Hybrid) 13Breaks in Sustainability Outcomes 13

PaTH Internships and Transition to Work Outcomes 14

PaTH Internship and Transition to Work Outcome overlapping claims 14

Define an Outcome Period 15Table 2 – Outcome Period 15

Manage and claim Outcomes 15

Claim Outcomes within the allocated time period 16

Manage Outcomes if a Participant transfers between Transition to Work Providers 16

Manage Outcomes after the 12 month Participant Service Period 16

Row 17


Tracking at 12 months of their Transition to Work Service Period 17


At or after 12 months of their Transition to Work Service Period 17

6 17

QSHW Outcome 17

The Participant has ceased employment in Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work. 17Manage PaTH Internships after 12 Months 18

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineSource an Employment Vacancy 18

Lodge an Employment Vacancy 18Check Minimum Wage 19

Place a Participant into an Employment Vacancy 19Placement for Pre-existing Employment 20Participants returning from a break 20

Track for an Employment Outcome 20

Lodge an Employment Outcome or Sustainability Outcome (Employment) claim 21

Verification of Outcomes 21Participants on income support (DHS data based claim) 21Participants on income support (discrepancy) 22Participants not on income support 22

Lodging an Outcome when the Transition to Work Provider is also a VTEC Provider 23

Create a Participant’s Education Activity Placement 23Record course details on the Education Activity Placement 23Information required to ensure an Education Outcome tracks 23

Lodge an Education Outcome claim 24

Lodge a 12 Week Hybrid or Hybrid Sustainability Outcome claim 24

Documentary Evidence – Outcome Claims 25

Documentary Evidence – Employment Outcomes 25Participants in employment 25Unsubsidised Self-employed Participants 26

Declaration of earnings and hours to DHS 26

Documentary Evidence for Education Outcomes 27Participation Outcomes 27Attainment Outcomes 27

Documentary Evidence for Hybrid Outcomes 28

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Summary of Transition to Work OutcomesProviders can claim a range of Outcomes when assisting Participants to become work ready or move into employment. These include:

12 Week Employment Outcomes Education Outcomes 12 Week Hybrid Outcomes Sustainability Outcomes for Employment and Hybrid Outcomes.

Outcomes will also be available where Employment is with, or Education or training is delivered by, a Related Entity of the Transition to Work Provider.

Providers are able to claim an Internship payment for eligible Transition to Work participants under PaTH Internships and a Provider Seasonal Work Incentive payment for each eligible Participant placed into Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work. However, Providers who claim these payments must align with the requirements of the relevant guidelines. For example, for Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work, Providers cannot claim the employment undertaken for the Trial as part of an Outcome. It is only once the existing Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work Vacancy is updated to reflect ongoing employment that this can contribute towards an Outcome. See Managing PaTH Internships Guideline and the Seasonal Work Incentives Trial Guideline for more information.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1 - Table 1)

Impact of a Participant’s characteristics on an OutcomeA Participant’s income status and Mutual Obligation requirements will influence the requirements they need to meet in order for a Provider to achieve an Outcome (refer to Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix).

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Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix P




Allowee/non allowee

Participant characteristics

12 Week Employment Outcomeor Sustainability Outcome (Employment)

Education Outcome: participation(26 weeks)

Education Outcome: attainment

12 Week Hybrid Outcome orSustainability Outcome (Hybrid)

Receiving income support payment

Work which reduces income support payment by 60%Work in pre-existing Employment which reduces income support payment by 100%

Study full-time while the course is running

AchieveYear 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 25 hours on average per week

Receiving income support payment

With part time Mutual Obligations requirements of 30 hours each fortnight

Work an average of 10 hours per weekWork in pre-existing Employment for at least an average of 15 hours per week

Study an average of 15 hours per week while the course is running

Achieve:Year 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 15 hours on average per week

Receiving income support payment

Partial Capacity to Work

Work 70% of the minimum number of hours per week but not less than an average of 8 hours per weekWork in pre-existing Employment for 100% of the minimum number of hours per week but not less than an average of 8 hours per week

Study 100% of the minimum number of hours per week while the course is running

Achieve:Year 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 100% of the minimum number of hours per week

Receiving income support payment

Receiving Parenting Payment (Partnered or Single) without Mutual Obligation Requirements and chooses to work reduced hours

Work an average of 10 hours per week

Work in pre-existing Employment for at least an average of 15 hours per week

Study an average of 10 hours per week while the course is running

Achieve:Year 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 10 hours on average per week

Receiving income support payment

Receiving a Carer Payment and chooses to work reduced hours

Work an average of 10 hours per week

Work in pre-existing Employment for at least an average of 15 hours per week

Study an average of 10 hours per week while the course is running

Achieve:Year 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 10 hours on average per week

Not receiving income support payment

Work an average of 15 hours per weekWork in pre-existing Employment for an average of 20 hours per week

Study full-time while the course is running

Achieve:Year 12Certificate III or higher

Study and work 25 hours on average per week

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Define 12 Week Employment Outcomes12 Week Employment Outcomes can be achieved once Participants have been in 12 cumulative weeks of:

Employment Unsubsidised (i.e. not on income support) Self-Employment, or an apprenticeship or traineeship (unless a Provider decides to claim the apprenticeship or

traineeship as a Hybrid Outcome).

To count toward a cumulative 12 Week Employment Outcome, a participant must meet the relevant criteria, as outlined in Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix, for at least two consecutive Department of Human Services (DHS) fortnights, regardless of a Participant’s characteristics and requirements (e.g. income support status).

Employment Outcomes can comprise multiple job placements with different Employers. A Participant can consolidate multiple jobs to accrue sufficient hours or earnings to achieve the Employment Outcome. As such, a 12-Week Employment Outcome can take longer than 12 weeks to achieve. (See Manage Outcomes after the 12 month Participant Service Period).

However, Providers cannot claim an Employment Outcome earlier than six DHS Fortnights (12 weeks).

For example: an Employment Outcome cannot be claimed until all six DHS fortnights have passed even if a Participant (on income support) has four DHS Fortnights in a row of a 90% rate reduction and, therefore, has a high enough rate reduction to meet the Employment Outcome early regardless of the rate reduction for the following two fortnights.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Understand how the Employment Outcome Start Date is setThe Department’s IT Systems will set the Employment Outcome Start Date to be the first day of the income support Participant’s first full DHS Fortnight on or after the job placement start date is set to ‘Placement Confirmed’. See Diagram A.

Diagram A: 12 Week Employment Outcome Start Date for Participants in receipt of income support

For Participants who are not on income support the Employment Outcome Start Date is the job placement start date recorded by the Provider in the Department’s IT Systems.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineNote: multiple job placements, will contribute to the one Employment Outcome. The first of these job placements will set the Employment Outcome Start Date. Subsequent jobs will then contribute to this tracking Employment Outcome.

Impact of Pre-Existing Employment on 12 Week Employment OutcomesPre-existing Employment is Employment that started prior to a Participant’s Commencement in the Transition to Work service.

Participants with pre-existing Employment are already marginally attached to the labour force. The requirements to achieve an Employment Outcome are, therefore, higher for this group of Participants.

Pre-existing employment can contribute to an outcome, if the Participant meets the requirements outlined in Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, clause 104.2 Annexure B1, Table 1)

How Pre-existing employment impacts an Employment Outcome Start Date For pre-existing Employment Outcomes, the Participant’s characteristics will influence the Outcome Start Date. For:

Participants on income support, the Outcome Start Date is the first day of the DHS Fortnight for which their income support payment reduces to nil.

Participants on income support who are not Full-Time Activity Tested (i.e. Principal Carer Parents and those with a Partial Capacity to Work), the job placement start date and the Outcome Start Date is the first day they increase their participation to the required number of hours (as per the Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix) .

Participants not in receipt of income support payments, the job placement start date must be entered as the day of the increase to 20 hours per week. The Outcome Start Date will reflect this date.

Define Education OutcomesEducation Outcomes include:

26 consecutive weeks full time participation in, or attainment of:- a Certificate III course or higher (this includes a Diploma, Advanced Diploma,

Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree. It does not, for example, include university bridging or preparation courses), or

- secondary education leading to Year 12 (participation outcomes can be claimed for, for example, Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12, but attainment may only be claimed for completing Year 12), or

26 consecutive weeks full-time participation in the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program or Adult Migrant Education Program (AMEP). Note, SEE and AMEP can only track towards a Participation Outcome not an Attainment Outcome.

Providers can claim an Education Participation Outcome or an Education Attainment Outcome if Participants satisfy their respective requirements.

Participants cannot achieve both a participation and an attainment Outcome for the same course. Providers must only claim one.

Similarly, Participants cannot achieve two Education Participation Outcomes for the same course.

For example: a Provider cannot claim a second Education Participation Outcome within the same Period of Unemployment if the Participant continued to study at school and moved into

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineYear 12 after having completed 26 weeks in Year 11 at school and where the Provider had already claimed an Education Participation Outcome.

However, Providers can claim multiple Education Outcomes where a Participant participates in different courses.

For example: the Provider could claim an Education Participation Outcome if the Participant participates in SEE for 26 weeks. The Provider could also claim a second Education Participation Outcome (if the requirements are met) if the Participant went on to study a Certificate III as this is a different course of study.

Note: Participating in an Education Activity which is not full time will not track towards an Outcome. However, it can contribute towards a Participant’s 25 hours per week requirement. It could also meet the requirement of a Hybrid Outcome (see Define Hybrid Outcomes).

Delivery of online educationThe Department prefers Providers use face-to-face learning given the characteristics of Transition to Work Participants. However, a Provider can track and achieve Education Outcomes for Participants doing online education.

Monitoring ParticipantsProviders must regularly monitor the Participant’s engagement in the Education. This may involve contacting the relevant educational institution to ensure the Participant is fully engaged in the course.

ParticipationFor an Education Outcome based on participation, Participants must participate in one of the following education courses full-time for 26 consecutive weeks:

Secondary Education leading to Year 12 (this includes participation at school, for example Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12)

a Certificate III or higher course (this includes a Diploma or Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree; it does not, for example, include time spent in university bridging or preparation courses)

the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program or the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

This must be done in accordance with the participation requirements outlined in Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix.

The education or training institution delivering the course determines the full time status of a course for the purposes of tracking towards an Education Outcome.

A Provider must satisfy the Documentary Evidence requirements for the Education Participation Outcomes. See Documentary Evidence – Documentary Evidence for Education Outcomes.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Periods of leaveEducational institutions will have individual policies about how much leave students can take before their absence starts to impact their enrolment and progression.

Providers must consider the individual institutions’ policies regarding acceptable levels of leave when determining whether the 26 Week Period of participation has been reached. The 26 Week Period includes scheduled breaks in study as calculated by the training institution (i.e. term or semester breaks).

Impact of Pre-Existing Education on Education Participation OutcomesPre-existing Education is education that started prior to a Participant’s Commencement in the Transition to Work service. A Participant’s pre-existing part-time Education must increase to full time before a Provider can track towards, and claim, an Education Participation Outcome.

The Outcome must also meet all requirements detailed under Define Education Outcomes – Participation and the Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix.

The Outcome Start Date for pre-Existing Education is the first day of participation in full-time Education.

See Create a Participant’s Education Activity Placement for details on how to enter a pre-existing Education Activity.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, clause 104.3, Annexure B1, Table 1)

AttainmentAn Education Outcome based on attainment must be the Participant’s successful completion of Year 12 or a Certificate III or higher course. Attainment means the completion of a qualification.

The Participant does not have to undertake a full-time course for a Provider to claim an Education Outcome based on attainment.

There is no specified or minimum length in which a Participant can attain a Certificate III or higher course qualification.

It is important Providers help the Participant to test the market for Employment once they have gained a Certificate III. The Department does not support ‘training for trainings sake’ so a Participant must not be unnecessarily or repeatedly cycled through training.

A Provider must satisfy the Documentary Evidence requirements for the Education Participation Outcomes. See Documentary Evidence – Documentary Evidence for Education Outcomes.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Set the Education Outcome Start DateThe Education Outcome Start Date is based on the Participant’s Education Activity placement start date in the course.

The Provider must re-enter the Education Activity placement if a Participant in an Education course changes from part time to full time, or vice-versa, after the Education Activity placement has been confirmed. This requires the Provider to enter an Actual End Date for the first Education Activity placement and then enter a new Education Activity placement.

A Provider can backdate an actual Activity placement start date up to 28 days for an Education Activity placement including where a Participant may have exited. However, the Activity placement start date must always fall within the Participant’s Transition to Work Service Period.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineNote: a Participant’s Education Outcome Start Date in SEE can occur before they are Commenced in Transition to Work but this date must be after their referral to Transition to Work.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Define Hybrid OutcomesA Hybrid Outcome is achieved where a Participant participates for 12 consecutive weeks in a combination of Education and Employment at the same time.

The 12 consecutive weeks:

must fulfil the minimum requirements as listed in Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix can be any ratio of education or employment as long as the placements run concurrently.

For example: this could be 1 hour a week on average of employment and 24 hours a week on average of education (to make up the 25 hours), or vice-versa.

The Employment component is calculated as an average over the period.

The Education component must be a Certificate III or higher course, secondary education leading to Year 12, the SEE program, or AMEP and can include scheduled breaks outlined by the education institution.

The Education and Employment components must be undertaken by the Participant at the same time to commence tracking the Hybrid Outcome.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Use of Pre-existing Employment towards a Hybrid OutcomePre-existing Employment can be combined with Education to track towards a Hybrid Outcome.

A Hybrid Outcome will start to track if a Participant’s Education Activity placement is confirmed in an Education course and the Participant already has a pre-existing job placement recorded in the Department’s IT Systems. The Hybrid Outcome will track even if the pre-existing job placement has insufficient rate reduction to achieve an Employment Outcome in its own right.

Pre-existing Employment cannot be combined with pre-existing Education to track towards a Hybrid Outcome.

Use of Pre-existing Education towards a Hybrid OutcomePre-existing Education can be combined with Employment to track towards a Hybrid Outcome.

Where a Participant undertaking part-time pre-existing Education later commences Employment that overlaps with the Education Activity, the Provider must end the first (part-time) Education Activity placement, and add a second part-time Education Activity placement

Even though the placement is part-time, the answer to the question “Course approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance (student) and may result in an Education Outcome?” can be recorded as ‘Yes’ to enable the Hybrid Outcome to track.

Pre-existing Education cannot be combined with pre-existing Employment to track towards a Hybrid Outcome.

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Apprenticeships and Traineeships Apprenticeships and traineeships may be tracked as Hybrid Outcomes where the:

Provider considers participation in the apprenticeship or traineeship will not, in conjunction with any other jobs, satisfy the requirements of an Employment Outcome

education component of the apprenticeship or traineeship is, or will be, at or above the level of a Certificate III.

The Provider should decide whether the apprenticeship or traineeship will be tracked as a Hybrid Outcome or an Employment Outcome within 28 days of the Participant commencing the apprenticeship or traineeship. This will allow the Provider sufficient time to back-date the Education Activity placement if required.

The Provider should enter the job placement and Education Activity placement into the Department’s IT Systems so that they start at the same time the Participant commences the apprenticeship or traineeship.

The Employment component of an apprenticeship must be entered as per a normal job placement for an Employment Outcome (see Lodge an Employment Vacancy and Place a Participant into an Employment Vacancy).

The Education component of the apprenticeship/traineeship must be entered as indicated in Create a Participant’s Education Activity Placement. See Record course details on the Education Activity Placement for specific details that must be entered into the Education Activity placement.

Note: the Education Activity placement can be entered as starting at the commencement of the apprenticeship even if the education component actually starts much later: this only applies to Hybrid Outcomes for apprenticeships and traineeships. An apprenticeship or traineeship entered as a Hybrid Outcome must meet the Participant requirements for a Hybrid Outcome, as outlined in Table 1 – Outcome Matrix. The hours spent completing the apprenticeship, (the Education and Employment components combined), must meet these requirements. Relevant Documentary Evidence must be provided for the Employment and/or the Education components or the apprenticeship or traineeship, depending on which of these the Participant completes within the Outcome period. See Documentary Evidence - Outcome Claims, for appropriate forms of Documentary Evidence, and Documentary Evidence - Outcome Claims, Hybrid Outcomes for details on claiming an apprenticeship/traineeship as a Hybrid.

Set the Hybrid Outcome Start DateA Hybrid Outcome starts to track for a Participant when:

a combination of Education and Employment occurs in the same time period, for the required combined hours per week as listed in Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix

the answer to the Education Activity placement question “Course approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance (student) and may result in an Education Outcome?” is set to ‘Yes’.

The Transition to Work Outcome Tracker on the Department’s IT Systems (Payments>Available Payments>TTW Outcome Tracker) enables a Provider to view and track Hybrid Outcomes and lodge a claim when available.

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Define Sustainability Outcomes (Employment & Hybrid)There are two types of Sustainability Outcomes for Transition to Work:

1. Employment Sustainability Outcome

2. Hybrid Sustainability Outcome.

Sustainability Outcomes commence immediately after a Provider has claimed a 12 Week Employment or Hybrid Outcome and must continue for an additional 14 consecutive weeks (seven DHS fortnights) for the required hours. A 12 Week Employment Outcome can lead to a Hybrid Sustainability Outcome and a 12 week Hybrid Outcome can lead to a Sustainability Outcome (Employment) see Table 2 - Outcome Periods.

Participant requirements over the 14 weeks vary depending on each Participant’s characteristics. See Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix.

For Sustainability Outcomes, the Outcome Start Date is the first day following the completion of a 12 Week Employment Outcome or 12 Week Hybrid Outcome.

Note: the requirements are calculated as an average over the 14 weeks. This allows for minor breaks in Employment, for example, in the event a Participant was sick for a period of time.

In other respects, Sustainability Outcomes operate similarly to 12-Week Outcomes:

the course types allowed for Hybrid Sustainability Outcomes are the same as for 12-Week Hybrid Outcomes (see Define Hybrid Outcomes)

job placements for Employment Sustainability Outcomes track as per the 12 Week Employment Outcomes (see Track for an Employment Outcome)

where Documentary Evidence is required, the same types of Documentary Evidence must be uploaded for Sustainability Outcomes as for the respective 12 week Outcomes (see Documentary Evidence – Outcome Claims). However, the Documentary Evidence must demonstrate that the specific requirements of the Sustainability Outcomes (see Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix) have been met over 14 consecutive weeks.

A Provider must satisfy the Documentary Evidence requirements for the Employment Sustainability or Hybrid Sustainability Outcomes. See Documentary Evidence - Outcome Claims and Lodge an Employment Outcome claim and Lodge an Education Outcome claim.

Breaks in Sustainability OutcomesAn unpaid mandatory break may occur for a Sustainability Outcome in exceptional circumstances.

For example, an unpaid Christmas shutdown mandated by the Employer or a declared natural disaster may cause a break in the Employment Sustainability Outcome or the employment element of the Hybrid Sustainability Outcome.

This break may prevent the Participant from achieving an Employment Sustainability Outcome or a Hybrid Sustainability Outcome through no fault of the Participant or Provider.

Providers should contact their Contract Manager about submitting a Special Claim where a mandatory break such as this occurs and the break alone will prevent the claiming of the Sustainability Outcome. They must provide adequate Documentary Evidence.

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Documentary Evidence: For mandatory breaks, the Provider must provide Documentary Evidence additional to that required by their Outcome claim. They must also upload a signed and dated written statement or email from the Employer which confirms:

the break in employment including the reason for the break and that the break is mandated or an expectation by the Employer or in the industry

the duration of the break including start and end dates the Participant is employed in the same position following the break.

PaTH Internships and Transition to Work OutcomesA Transition to Work Participant may undertake a PaTH Internship. Providers may track toward and claim a PaTH Internship Outcome where requirements are met. For further details on PaTH Internships and claiming PaTH Internship Outcomes, please see the Managing PaTH Internships Guideline.

Where a PaTH Internship results in a job with the host business, or another employer, a new job placement should be recorded as a Transition to Work Placement and may track towards a Transition to Work Employment or Hybrid Outcome. Providers must not use the time spent in a PaTH Internship placement to contribute toward a Transition to Work Employment Outcome.

System step: To enable this to occur, Providers must first convert the Participant’s PaTH Internship referral to a full job placement. Please see the Managing PaTH Internships Guideline and Managing PaTH Internships IT supporting document for full details on how to do this. This will then track on the Transition to Work Outcome Tracker.

Where a PaTH Internship is converted into a job placement and starts tracking towards a new Employment or Hybrid Outcome, the normal rules relating to that Outcome apply.

(Deed references: Annexure B1, Table 1)

PaTH Internship and Transition to Work Outcome overlapping claimsA Participant can participate in both a PaTH Internship and Transition to Work Placement at the same time. Both may track toward an Outcome. If the Participant meets the requirements of the PaTH Internship Outcome and the Transition to Work Outcome the Provider may claim both Outcomes, even though these Outcome periods overlap. This is different from all other Outcome claims.

(Deed references: Annexure B1, Table 1)

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Define an Outcome Period Table 2 below describes how different time periods are used to achieve the various Outcomes available under Transition to Work.

Table 2 – Outcome Period Outcome Type Time period The Outcome available to claim

will be dependent on whether income support payment data is available.

Outcome Type Time period

12 Week Employment Outcome

12 cumulative weeks(can comprise multiple periods of at least four weeks or two DHS fortnights)

Sustainability Outcome (Employment)

14 consecutive weeks immediately following the 12-Week Outcome.

12 Week Hybrid Outcome

12 consecutive weeks Sustainability Outcome (Hybrid)

14 consecutive weeks immediately following the 12-Week Outcome.

Education Outcome - participation

26 consecutive weeks

Education Outcome - attainment

On completion of a qualification

(Deed clause reference: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Manage and claim OutcomesProviders cannot claim Outcome Payments for Employment Outcomes, Education Outcomes or Hybrid Outcomes when the Outcome periods overlap. For details regarding PaTH Internship Outcomes see PaTH Internship and Transition to Work overlapping claims.

The Outcome Start Date for the overlapping Outcomes will move to the claimed Outcome end date plus one day if a Participant is tracking towards multiple Outcomes and the Provider claims any one of the Outcomes.

For example: the Employment Outcome Start Date will be moved by the Department’s IT System to the Education Outcome end date plus one day if a Provider claims an Education Outcome that is overlapping with an Employment Outcome. The earnings that occurred prior to the updated Employment Outcome Start Date will not count towards the updated Employment Outcome. This includes earnings or hours accumulated during, or before, the Education Outcome period (i.e. before or after the Education Outcome Start Date but before the new Employment Outcome Start Date).

Providers should consider carefully which overlapping Outcome they claim. See Diagram A.

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Sustainability Outcomes are treated slightly differently. They must continue to track for the 14 consecutive weeks immediately following completion of a 12 week Employment or a 12 Week Hybrid Outcome regardless of any other overlapping Outcome claims. This means that, if another Outcome is claimed that overlaps with the Sustainability Outcome, the Sustainability Outcome start date will not be moved like the 12-week outcome shown in Diagram A but will, instead, become unclaimable.

(Deed references:, Clauses 104.1 and 107.5, Annexure A1, Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Claim Outcomes within the allocated time periodTransition to Work Providers have until 30 June 2021 (i.e. 12 months after the end of the Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020) to claim Outcomes. This is to allow for times when Providers have difficulties obtaining Documentary Evidence despite their best efforts. However, best practice is to claim Outcomes within 56 days as delayed claims may adversely impact performance reporting.

At 56 days after the ‘Available to Claim’ date has passed the Outcome will be archived from the Outcome Tracker and can be found on the Archived Outcome Search screen (Payments>Available Payments>Archived Outcomes Search).

(Deed references: Chapter B4, clause 107, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Manage Outcomes if a Participant transfers between Transition to Work Providers

If a Participant on a Provider’s caseload is tracking towards an Outcome and the Participant transfers to another Transition to Work Provider during the Outcome Period, the original Provider may claim the related Outcome or Sustainability Outcome as long as all relevant requirements of this guideline are met.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, clause 107, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Manage Outcomes after the 12 month Participant Service PeriodProviders must Exit a Participant if the Participant is not tracking towards an Outcome after 12 months of service.

‘Tracking towards an Outcome’ means:

at a minimum, a Participant is participating in Employment or Education on the last day of their 12 months of service

there are sufficient hours that meet the requirements outlined in Table 1 - Outcome Matrix

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline in the case of 12 Week Employment Outcomes the Participant is likely to achieve an

Outcome within 12 weeks.

12 Week Employment Outcomes will not continue to be tracked beyond the 12 weeks that follow the 12 months of service.

A Participant’s Employment or Education must be continuous after the 12 months of servicing. The Participant must be immediately Exited by the Transition to Work Provider if there are any fortnights where there are no hours worked.

This excludes Sustainability Outcomes because these are calculated over a 14 week period using an average of Employment hours. This means a Sustainability Outcome may consist of a break of a fortnight or more and still meet their average hours or rate reduction.

Income Support data is sent from DHS for a maximum of 420 days from a job placement. For example, if a Participant started a job on their first day in the Transition to Work service, the window to achieve an Outcome is a maximum of 420 days. The 420 days starts from the first job placement — not the Participant’s Commencement date. This will not impact Sustainability Outcomes which can be achieved within a 14 week period from the day following the completion of a 12 Week Employment Outcome or 12 Week Hybrid Outcome.

Group 1 and Group 3 Participants who are tracking toward an Outcome after 12 months of service, must be exited in line with the Transition to Work Deed (clause 88.3) and the details outlined below in Table 3.

Table 3 – Provider Exits for Participants Tracking towards an Outcome at 12 months of service


Tracking at 12 months of their Transition to Work Service



At or after 12 months of their Transition to Work Service Period

1 12 Week Employment Outcome The Participant achieves both the:(a) 12 Week Employment Outcome; and(b) a related Sustainability Outcome.

2 12 Week Hybrid Outcome The Participant achieves both the:(a) 12 Week Hybrid Outcome; and(b) a related Sustainability Outcome.

3 Sustainability Outcome (Employment or Hybrid)

The Participant achieves the Sustainability Outcome.

4 PaTH Internship Outcome The Participant:(a) Completes the PaTH Internship to achieve the PaTH Internship Outcome:

(i) obtains Employment with the relevant Activity Host Organisation or another employer, that commences on the next scheduled work day following the end of the PaTH Internship Period; and

(ii) achieves the related 12 Week Employment Outcome and a related Sustainability Outcome;(b) achieves the PaTH Internship Outcome by Participating for at least two weeks and then obtains employment with the relevant Activity Host Organisation; or another Employer, prior to the end of the PaTH Internship Period. The Participant can then track toward and/or achieve the related 12 Week Employment Outcome and a related Sustainability Outcome; or(c) achieves the PaTH Internship Outcome by participating in the PaTH Internship for at least 4 weeks and then in agreement with the Provider and the relevant Activity Host Organisation ends the relevant PaTH Internship prior to the end of the PaTH Internship Period.

5 Education Outcome The Participant achieves the Education Outcome.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineRow A - OUTCOME TYPE

Tracking at 12 months of their Transition to Work Service



At or after 12 months of their Transition to Work Service Period

6 QSHW Outcome The Participant has ceased employment in Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work.

Refer to the Participant Service Period, Suspensions and Exits Guideline and the Eligibility, Referral, Commencement and Caseload Guideline for more information.(Deed references: Clause 88.3, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Manage PaTH Internships after 12 Months Providers are not required to Exit a Participant at the 12 month point if the Participant is in a PaTH Internship.

If a PaTH Internship results in a job with the host business or another employer, the Provider can convert the Participant’s PaTH Internship referral to a full job placement even though this Placement starts outside the 12 month service period. The job placement must occur the next scheduled work day after the end of the Internship and must record the correct end reason in the Department’s IT system.

Providers must not use the time spent in a PaTH Internship placement towards the Transition to Work Employment Outcome.

The Participant must be exited immediately if there is a fortnight where no hours are worked.

System step: In this instance, Providers will need to submit a Manual Special Claim including relevant Documentary Evidence for the 12 week Employment Outcome and subsequent Sustainability Outcome. This is because the Department’s IT system will not allow a standard 12-week Employment Outcome to track beyond the 12 weeks that follow the 12 months of service.

Once the 12 week Employment Outcome is complete the Provider must exit the Participant from Transition to Work, unless they continue on to a Sustainability Outcome. In this case they must be exited after the achievement of the Sustainability Outcome.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, 107, Chapter B1.5, clause 88.3, Annexure B1, Table 1, clause 88)

Source an Employment VacancyProviders must source and lodge a Vacancy before they can begin to track towards an Employment Outcome.

System step: Providers must lodge all Vacancies in the Department’s IT Systems. This includes:

apprenticeships traineeships self-employment pre-existing employment (including those found by a Participant and self-employment).

Providers must ensure that each Vacancy is complete, up-to-date and compliant with the JobSearch Conditions of Use.

Providers must ensure the Vacancy is not a position excluded under clause 104.4 of the Deed.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Lodge an Employment Vacancy System step: A Provider must enter a range of information including a job description, Employer

details, hours, salary and whether the job was sourced by the Provider or Participant when entering a Vacancy into the Department’s IT Systems. The Provider should select a Vacancy type from the following options: Apprenticeship Pre-existing Employment Normal position Graduate Seasonal Traineeship Self-Employment Qualifying Seasonal Horticultural Work.

Providers should be aware that Outcome requirements may differ according to the type of Vacancy selected.

System step: To track a pre-existing Employment Outcome a Provider must enter a Vacancy and select ‘pre-existing employment’. See Impact of Pre-Existing Employment on 12 Week Employment Outcomes and Place a Participant into a Vacancy - Placements for Pre-existing Employment.

Note: Vacancies entered as apprenticeships or traineeships will contribute towards an Employment Outcome. If being claimed as a Hybrid Outcome, rather than an Employment Outcome, they will need to be combined with an Education Activity placement (see Define Hybrid Outcomes - Apprenticeships and Traineeships).

(Deed reference: Clauses 85, 107)

Check Minimum Wage System step: Where a Provider has sourced a Vacancy they must, at the time they lodge the

Vacancy in the Department’s IT Systems, make sure the relevant minimum wage is satisfied.

The minimum wage may be set out in the Modern Award that relates to the Vacancy. The National Minimum Wage will apply if a Modern Award is not in place. Providers will check this at the Vacancy lodgement stage. They will not be expected to check minimum wages again when they claim an associated Outcome Payment.

Providers are not required to check the applicable minimum wage where a Participant has sourced a Vacancy.

Providers are required to give all Participants information relating to the National Minimum Wage and the Fair Work Ombudsman. This information must include:

details of the latest National Minimum Wage rates where to access information about the Pay and Conditions Tool

( ) and any changes to the National Minimum Wage rates, and

the contact details of the Fair Work Ombudsman.

A fact sheet for Participants is available on the Provider Portal. The Fair Work Ombudsman’s minimum wage fact sheet is at: .

(Deed reference: Clauses 85, 104.4A)

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Place a Participant into an Employment Vacancy System step: The Provider must refer a Participant to the Vacancy, also known as a ‘job

placement’, once the Vacancy is created.

System step: The Provider must record the job placement start date in the Department’s IT Systems if a Participant is successful in gaining Employment.

System step: The job placement start date must be recorded within 56 days of the Participant commencing in Employment or in Unsubsidised self-employment, apprenticeship or traineeship. Note: job placements can only be backdated up to 56 days.

Once there is a confirmed job placement against a Vacancy, the only fields of the Vacancy that can be updated are: position limit, how to apply and contact details.

All job placements must have a placement start date that falls within the Participant’s Service Period in Transition to Work.

(Deed reference: Clauses 85, 104, 107, Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Placement for Pre-existing EmploymentIf a Participant has pre-existing employment the Provider must lodge this as a job placement prior to lodging any other subsequent job placements.

The job placement start date for Participants in pre-existing employment is different to standard job placements. The job placement start date cannot occur prior to the Participant’s Commencement in Transition to Work. It will also vary depending on the following Participant characteristics:

System step: For Full-Time Activity Tested Participants on income support, Providers must record the pre-existing job placement start date as the Transition to Work Commencement Date. The Provider must note the actual start date of the employment in the comments screen in the Department’s IT Systems.

System step: For Participants receiving income support but not Full-Time Activity Tested (i.e. Principal Carer Parents and those with a Partial Capacity to Work), Providers must use the day the Participant’s hours increased as per Table 1 - Outcomes Matrix as the job placement start date in the Department’s IT Systems.

System step: For Participants not in receipt of income support payments, Providers must use the day the Participant’s hours increase to 20 hours per week as the job placement start date in the Department’s IT Systems.

Participants returning from a break If a Participant on an income support payment returns to an Employer after a break (either during a 12 week period or a 26 week period), a new Vacancy and job placement is not needed if the employment conditions and role are the same.

Track for an Employment OutcomeAn Employment Outcome will begin to track once a Provider has recorded a Vacancy in the Department’s IT Systems, placed the Participant against it in a job placement and recorded the job placement start date.

The Department’s IT Systems:

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline takes an Outcome ‘Snapshot’ from the first confirmed job placement for the Participant.

This Outcome Snapshot is then used for all subsequent Employment Outcomes for that Participant while in Transition to Work including any Employment Sustainability Outcomes

will capture the Participant’s declared DHS data (earnings or hours) if the Participant is on income support. The Department’s IT Systems use this information to check for blocks of four weeks or more to contribute to the 12 Week Employment Outcome. If the Participant is not on income support, then the Provider will need to monitor the Participant’s hours to ensure they meet the required average hours per fortnight in blocks of four weeks or more

tracks the first job placement. The earnings and hours of all jobs will contribute towards the first job placement. For Participants not on income support, the Employment Outcome also tracks from the first job placement. However, the Provider will need to manually calculate the average earnings or hours to determine the Participant’s progress towards completing the Employment Outcome.

Outcomes will track on the Transition to Work Outcome Tracker in the Department’s IT Systems (Payments>Available Payments>TTW Outcome Tracker).

(Deed reference: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Lodge an Employment Outcome or Sustainability Outcome (Employment) claim

The Outcome Tracker on the Department’s IT Systems enables a Provider to view and track Employment Outcomes (including Sustainability Outcomes) and lodge a claim when it becomes available.

Note: An Outcome will be archived from the Outcome Tracker 56 days after the ‘Available to Claim’ date has passed. The Outcome can be found on the Archived Outcome Search screen.

System step: Outcomes will track on the Transition to Work Outcome Tracker (Payments>Available Payments>TTW Outcome Tracker). If a Providers fails to claim an Outcome within the 56 day time period they must claim the archived Outcome via the ‘Archived Outcome Search’ screen (Payments>Available Payments>Archived Outcomes Search). Providers will be required to enter the relevant Participant’s Job Seeker ID. This will show the unclaimed Outcome and allow it to be claimed.

Note: the Department’s IT Systems will prevent Providers from claiming an Employment Outcome Payment if the Participant stops receiving income support payments for a reason unrelated to their participation in Employment. For example, ‘unapproved overseas absence’ or ‘Depart Overseas Permanently’.

Verification of OutcomesThere are two ways that Outcomes can be verified – by information from DHS or by Documentary Evidence (Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payment). The process will be different if the Participant is:

on income support and the Department’s IT System is receiving correct DHS data on income support and there is a discrepancy between DHS data displayed in the

Department’s IT System and what the Participant actually received from the employer(s), or not on income support.

See Documentary Evidence – Outcome Claims for various Documentary Evidence requirements.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, clause 107.4, Annexure B1, Table 1, Annexure A1)

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineParticipants on income support (DHS data based claim)

For Participants on income support, Employment Outcomes are verified by the Department’s IT Systems using the earnings or hours declared to DHS by Participants each fortnight. The Outcome will become available for the Provider to claim in ESS once DHS data has verified that the appropriate rate reductions have occurred to meet the Outcome requirements and if all other Outcome requirements are also met.

Providers do not need to hold Documentary Evidence for Employment Outcomes where the Department’s IT Systems are able to use DHS data to verify that an Employment Outcome is payable.

Participants on income support (discrepancy)Where a Provider considers that the information returning from DHS does not reflect the actual income received or hours worked by the Participant, the Provider may lodge a discrepancy in the Department’s IT System. Once a discrepancy is lodged, the Provider will then need to lodge the claim for the Employment Outcome as a Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payment.

Providers are encouraged to wait four weeks after the Outcome Period to give the Participant the opportunity to declare their Employment earnings/hours to DHS which may enable an Employment Outcome to be calculated automatically by the Department’s IT Systems.

To avoid potential discrepancies in the IT system, Providers should remind Participants to declare their Employment earning/hours to DHS. See Declaration of earnings and hours to DHS.

System step: A Provider is required to enter earnings or hours in a way that aligns with the DHS fortnight. To do this, a Provider will need to:

calculate the daily income rate or hours worked per day by dividing by the number of calendar days covered by the pay slip, and/or

identify and apply the number of calendar days in the Pay Slip that fall within the corresponding DHS Fortnight.

Diagram C: Pay slips for DHS Fortnights

Example: A Participant’s pay fortnight does not align with the DHS fortnight.

Each Pay Slip covers a calendar fortnight, but does not align with the DHS fortnight. The second week of pay slip 1 aligns with the first week of the DHS fortnight, and the first week of pay slip 2 aligns with the second week of the DHS fortnight. In pay slip for pay fortnight 1 the Participant earned $1,400. $1,400/14 days = $100/day. In the pay slip for pay fortnight 2 they earned $700. $700/14 days = $50/day. The entry for the DHS fortnight would be 7 x $100 + 7 x $50 = $1050. Both pay slips must be uploaded into the Department’s IT Systems.

System step: After the discrepancy has been added to the Department’s IT Systems, the Provider must upload Pay Slips, for the period of their discrepancy, as Documentary Evidence (also known as a Pay Slip Verified Outcomes).

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineParticipants not on income support

Providers must submit a Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payment to claim an Employment Outcome for Participants who are not on income support or are in Unsubsidised Self-Employment. This must only be done if all other participation requirements, as outlined in Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix are met.

System step: A Provider is required to record, in the Department’s IT Systems, the total number of hours the Participant has worked over the relevant Employment Outcome Period.

System step: Prior to submitting the Pay Slip Verified Outcome claim Documentary Evidence must be uploaded onto the Department’s IT System.

The Department’s IT Systems will check that the hours entered meet the Deed requirements for an Employment Outcome and will allow the claim to be lodged for payment.

(Deed references: Chapter B4, Annexure B1, Table 1)

Lodging an Outcome when the Transition to Work Provider is also a VTEC Provider

If a Provider has contracts for both Transition to Work and Vocational Training and Education Centres Provider (VTEC) and the Provider wishes claim a Transition to Work Outcome, then it must not claim the VTEC Outcome payment. Likewise, if the Provider claims a VTEC Outcome payment, then it cannot also claim a paid Transition to Work Outcome. A Transition to Work Provider can, however, seek approval from the Department of Employment to lodge a non-paid (ie. zero-dollar) Transition to Work Outcome payment. This will ensure the Transition to Work organisation’s performance is appropriately recognised within the Transition to Work performance framework.

System step: A Provider must lodge the non-paid (ie. zero-dollar) Transition to Work Outcome payment as a Special Claim via the Department’s IT System.

Create a Participant’s Education Activity PlacementProviders must record all Education Activities and all Education Activity placements for a Participant in the Department’s IT Systems.

Record course details on the Education Activity Placement System step: A Provider must enter the course details into the Activity Placement Details screen

in the Department’s IT Systems within 28 calendar days of the Participant commencing the course. The record must include:

activity name of the course, and course or unit code. level – certificate or degree. if the course is Austudy, Abstudy, or Youth Allowance approved. weekly hours of class contact or full-time study as defined by the training institution. Whether the Participant is attending full-time or part-time (including the Participant’s

Education Activity placement start date). details of the training institution and the name of the contact person. if the training placement was arranged by the Provider or the Participant.

System Step: When entering an Education Activity placement associated with an Apprenticeship or Traineeship the Provider must identify, in the comments section:

that the Education Activity placement is for an apprenticeship or traineeship, the Vacancy ID of the corresponding apprenticeship job placement;

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline the anticipated start date of the Education component (Certificate III or above) of the

apprenticeship, where this differs from the Education Activity placement start date.

Information required to ensure an Education Outcome tracksTo track to an Education Outcome, the Education Activity needs to meet the requirements of an Education Outcome and the participation requirements, as outlined in Table 1 – Outcomes Matrix.

System step: When adding the Education Activity placement the Provider should record ‘Yes’ against the question - ‘Course Approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance student and may result in an Education Outcome?’ if the course meets this criteria. If this is not set as ‘Yes’ the Education Outcome will not track.

Recording ‘Yes’ to this question indicates the Participant is participating in an approved course at an approved institution that meets the requirements for a Transition to Work Education Outcome as defined in the Transition to Work Deed.

System step: In the case of a SEE placement, a Provider should only record ‘Yes’ once the SEE placement is confirmed.

System step: If a Participant is continuing to undertake pre-existing education, but is not completing sufficient hours to attract an Education Outcome, the Provider should enter:

the Activity placement into the ‘Activity Placement Details’ screen in the Department’s IT Systems.

Indicate ‘No’ to the question ‘Course Approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance student and may result in an Education Outcome?’

the Activity placement start date should be entered as the Participant’s Transition to Work Commencement date.

Entering these details will allow the Education to count towards the Participant’s 25 hours per week requirement, but it will not count towards an Education Outcome. However, it could meet the requirements to contribute to a Hybrid Outcome (see Define Hybrid Outcomes).

System step: Once the pre-existing Education increases to full-time, the Provider must update the first (part-time) Education Activity placement with an end date, and add a second Education Activity placement for full-time. The Provider should then record ‘Yes’ to the question “Course approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance (student) and may result in an Education Outcome?”

System step: Once the course has finished, or if the Participant has stopped attending, the Provider must enter an actual Activity placement end date and Exit reason for the Education Activity placement. Refer to the Activity Management Guideline for more information.

(Deed references: Clause 104)

Lodge an Education Outcome claimThe Transition to Work Outcome Tracker on the Department’s IT Systems enables a Provider to view and track Education Outcomes and lodge a claim when it becomes available.

System step: Outcomes are claimable via the Transition to Work Outcome Tracker (Payments>Available Payments>TTW Outcome Tracker). The Provider is required to upload Documentary Evidence in the Department’s IT System at the time of lodgement. This Documentary Evidence must demonstrate the total number of hours the Participant has participated in Education over the relevant 26 Week Period. See Documentary Evidence for Education Outcomes.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

Lodge a 12 Week Hybrid or Hybrid Sustainability Outcome claim

Hybrid and Hybrid Sustainability Outcomes will appear on the Transition to Work Outcome Tracker on the Department’s IT Systems. This will enable Providers to view and track Hybrid Outcomes and lodge a claim when it becomes available.

System step: The Provider is required to upload Documentary Evidence in the Department’s IT System at the time of lodgement. This Documentary Evidence must demonstrate the combined number of hours the Participant has participated in Education and worked over the relevant 12 Week Period (for a 12-week Hybrid Outcome) or 14 Week Period (for a Hybrid Sustainability Outcome).

See Documentary Evidence – Employment, Hybrid and Sustainability Outcomes.

Documentary Evidence – Outcome ClaimsDocumentary Evidence requirements vary based on Outcome type, Participant characteristics and whether the Outcome is a result of pre-existing employment.

Outcome claims will be monitored by the Department on an ongoing basis.

Documentary Evidence – Employment Outcomes The Provider must upload all Documentary Evidence to support their Outcome claim into the Department’s IT Systems at the time of the claim.

Note: the information supplied in this section also applies to Sustainability Outcomes.

Participants in employmentThis also includes those Participants undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship as an Employment Outcome.

This excludes unsubsidised self-employed Participants (see Unsubsidised Self-employed Participants).

Documentary Evidence: The Documentary Evidence must be a pay slip or Employer payroll summary which includes the following information:

Employer’s and Participant’s name Employer’s Australian Business Number (ABN) (if applicable) Payment Period date of payment gross and net pay if the Participant is paid an hourly rate

- the ordinary hourly rate- the number of hours worked at that rate- the total dollar amount of pay at that rate.

Note: if using an Employer payroll summary the Provider must attach an email from an Employer confirming the hours worked per Payment Period if the Participant does not receive a pay slip with an hourly wage identified because they undertake piece-work (i.e. the Participant is paid per item of work).

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineThe Provider must obtain an email from the Employer confirming the hours worked if any of the above pieces of information (listed under Documentary Evidence) are not able to be provided by the Employer on the pay slip/Employer payroll summary.

See Participants on Income Support (Discrepancy).

Where discrepancies are entered for Participants on income support, the Provider is only required to provide pay slips or Employer payroll summary report/s for the period of time/fortnight in the Outcome period that cannot be verified by DHS data.

See Declaration of earnings and hours to DHS.

Pay slip

A pay slip is a record generated by an Employer which satisfies the requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work Regulations 2009 of the Employer’s payment to a Participant in relation to the performance of work.

Employer payroll summary

The Employer payroll summary report must be a print-out of the Participant’s official payment history generated by the Participant’s Employer, not a spreadsheet/tracking tool implemented or prepared by the Provider.

Unsubsidised Self-employed Participants Documentary Evidence: The Vacancy recorded on the Department’s IT Systems for Participants

who are not on income support and are undertaking self-employment, must identify that the Participant’s Employment is Self-Employment. This must be supported by dated Documentary Evidence from the Participant in one or more of the following forms:

sales records, contracts with clients or contracts of employment and a statement from a Certified Practising Accountant or Chartered Accountant (for example, a Profit and Loss Statement) relating to the Participant’s business for 12 or 26 Week Period

signed and dated statement of earnings from an accountant and/or registered bookkeeper for the 12 or 26 Week Period, or

a copy of records from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for the 12 or 26 Week Period verifying the Participant has an income as self-employed.

The records or statements provided should show the Participant has an income which proves the Participant’s business has generated sufficient personal income (net of business expenses, including tax). This records or statements should also confirm the National Minimum Wage rate has been achieved when combined with evidence that the Participant has worked the required hours each week/fortnight to achieve sufficient hours (such as a record of the Participant’s appointments or diary entries).

More than one form of written evidence may be used provided, collectively, the written evidence contains all of the above information.

Proof of business establishment alone is not sufficient evidence to support an Outcome Payment.

Note: Providers do not need to hold Documentary Evidence for self-employed Participants who are on income support, where the Department’s IT Systems are able to use DHS data to verify that an Employment Outcome is payable.

(Deed reference: Clause 107)

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes GuidelineDeclaration of earnings and hours to DHS

DHS data will automatically inform the Department’s IT Systems of a Participant’s earnings or hours worked for Participants on Income Support and tracking towards an Employment Outcome. If the DHS data does not reflect the Participant’s earnings or hours worked, it may be because the Participant is not declaring or is under-declaring their earnings or hours to DHS.

If a Provider becomes aware of this, they should discuss the discrepancy with the Participant reminding them of their obligations and encourage them to correctly declare any Employment hours or earnings. The Provider could also support the Participant to call or visit DHS.

The Provider can lodge a ‘discrepancy’ in the Department’s IT Systems where they have evidence the information returning from DHS is incorrect due to non-declaration or under-declaration. Refer to the ESS Web Help file: Adding a claim for a Discrepancy Payslip Verified Outcome payment for DHS income support participants.

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If the Provider is not lodging a Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payment claim and becomes aware that a Participant is not declaring or is under declaring their work hours or earnings to DHS, the Provider must inform DHS either:

through the DHS Reporting Fraud form, or

by calling the Australian Government Services Fraud Tip-off Line on 131 524.

(Deed reference: Chapter B4)

Documentary Evidence for Education OutcomesParticipation Outcomes

Documentary Evidence: The evidence of participating in Education must be:

a certificate of attainment or academic transcript issued by the education institution, or a signed and dated statement or email from the education institution.

The statement or email must include:

confirmation the Participant participated in Education for 26 weeks after the commencement date

the course is full-time study as defined by the education institution and reflects any hours specified in the Participant’s Job Plan

the study periods (i.e. term, trimester or semester) and the start and end dates.

Documentary Evidence: In the instance of distance learning/ online or self-paced components, Documentary Evidence must include evidence of modules completed, progress of a year level completed, unit of a Certificate III, or a statement from a supporting education provider. These must be completed as a full-time load as defined by the educational institution providing the learning material.

Part-time participation in an Education Activity can count towards a Participant’s 25-hours-per-week requirement or Hybrid Outcome, but will not count towards an Education Participation Outcome.

Attainment Outcomes Documentary Evidence: Evidence of completing a year 12 or a Certificate III or above must be an

electronic or a hard copy of the qualification. It must show:

the qualification achieved the Participant’s name details of the institution or Registered Training Organisation (including national provider

number) that issued the qualification the date of the qualification the course code or unit code identified on

Note: Documentary Evidence for Education Attainment Outcomes cannot be a statement of attainment. These are documents which detail units of competency a Participant has completed from a course but do not demonstrate that the entire course has been completed and a qualification achieved.

Documentary Evidence for Hybrid OutcomesFor a Hybrid Outcome, Documentary Evidence must prove the Participant has met the required hours through a combination of Education and Employment. For the 12 week Hybrid Period this will require:

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline a signed and dated written statement or email from the education institution confirming the

Participant’s contact hours per week and the dates of the course, and pay slips or Employer payroll summary/ies indicating the hours worked (for details on what

constitutes an appropriate Pay Slip see Participants in Employment in this section).

Note: Hybrid Outcomes require manual calculation of hours to determine whether the Outcome has been achieved, regardless of whether the Participant is on income support or not.

Note: in the case of an apprenticeship or traineeship tracking as a Hybrid Outcome, Providers must upload Documentary evidence relevant to the completed Employment and/or Education components.

For example, if the Participant did not commence the Education component of the apprenticeship/traineeship within the Hybrid Outcome period, the Provider is only required to upload Documentary Evidence for the Employment component.

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Transition to Work guideline Vacancies and Outcomes Guideline

All capitalised terms in this guideline have the same meaning as in the Transition to Work Deed 2016–2020 (the Deed).

This Guideline is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of Employment Services Providers’ obligations. It must be read in conjunction with the Deed and any relevant Guidelines or reference material issued by Department of Employment under or in connection with the Deed.

This guideline refers to ‘job placement’ and ‘Education Activity placement’ separately, to differentiate them and reflect what they are called in ESS Web. However, in the Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 these are collectively referred to as ‘Participant Placement’.

‘job placements’ are also sometimes known as ‘vacancy referrals’ in ESS Web.

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