Uw madison-academic program

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Transcript of Uw madison-academic program


DISTINCTIVE CURRICULAMónica UrigüenEducational Administration 880

Professor: Clifton Conrad

Spring, 2001

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UW-Madison: History since 1849

“It is impossible to develop excellence in the professional schools without excellence in the

liberal arts.”David Ward, 1999

Liberal Arts origin – Seven artes liberales that originated with the

Egyptians and Greeks: three language arts—grammar, rhetoric, logic; and four mathematical arts—arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy.

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UW-Madison first Departments The original

character of the university provided for the erection of four departments: 1. Science, Literature,

and the Liberal Arts

2. Law (1867)

3. Medicine (1855)

4. Theory and Practice of Elementary Instruction

UW-Madison Medicine (1855) Normal Instruction (1856) Agriculture (1856) Law (1857) Engineering (1857) Physics and Astronomy (1857) Normal Department (1863)

– 119 women out of 162– In 1865, six women graduated

In 1863-64 were 180 women out f a total enrollment of 361

The first degree was conferred in 1858

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UW-Madison first Professors

Professor Sterling gave all the instruction to the preparatory (1850)– Earned only $500 during his first year

The first tutor, Obadiah M. Conover (Ancient Languages and Literatures)

S.P. Lathrop of Beloit (Chemistry) John P. Fuchs (Modern Languages) Daniel Read (Mental Philosophy, Logic, English

Literature, and Rhetoric Butler (Classic Literature) Ezra S. Carr, M.D. Succeed Professor Lathrop

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Classical Courses 1858-59First Term Instructor Second Term Instructor

Freshman Algebra

Solid Geometry



History of US






Plane Geometry

Mensuration, Surveying, Navigation


Homer– Iliad

English Language






Sophomore Analytical Geometry








Differential Calculus

Integral Calculus









Junior Mechanical Philosophy

General Physics

Tacitus—Germania and Agricola

Demosthenes—De Corona


English Literature

Mental Philosophy








Spherical Trigonometry


General Physics



Mental Philosophy









Senior Chemical Philosophy

Inorganic Chemistry


International Law

Civil Polity

History of Philosophy

Christian Evidences








Organic Chemistry



Constitutional Law

Political Economy

History of Civilization







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Current Degree Credits, General Education, Interdisciplinary courses Total Degree Credits

– Bachelor´s degree, a minimum of 120 credits. General Education Requirements

– Communication, 3 to 5/6 credits– Quantitative Reasoning, 3 to 6 credits– Natural Science, 4 to 6 credits– Humanities/Literature/Arts, 6 credits– Social Studies, 3 credits– Ethic Studies, 3 credits

Interdisciplinary courses– Multidisciplinary interaction in education and research– Students obtain credits from other departments that cross lists the

courses– Gain knowledge applicable to several areas of the major field of


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UW-Madison: Liberal Arts Over the 150 years L&A have provided the core of

instruction and research L&S traditional teaches 95 percent of all freshman-

sophomore credits and awards about 55 percent of the masters and 50 percent of all undergraduate degrees.

UW-Madison as any other public university: – Commitment to general education derived from New

England liberal arts college.– Rooted in the land grant tradition.– Commitment to research based upon German universities.

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UW-Madison first Presidents and Chancellors Chancellor Lathrop President Twombly President John Bascom President Chamberlin (Agricultural extension) President Van Hise and the Wisconsin Idea (The

University Extension and direct utilitarian service to the state)

President Birge – 1910, First Vocational Courses:

• Journalism and Library Sciences• Chemistry• Training Teachers

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The Wisconsin Idea

The objective in the 20th century has been to make university resources more available to Wisconsin citizen; the 21st century will see an increase in organizational interaction and the growth of resources and technology.

...University faculty and staff and their partners in external organizations will make up the “outreach leaders” of tomorrow.

Alan B. Knox and Joe CorryThe Wisconsin Idea for the 21st Century

Visionary Leadership. The commitment to university outreach, which dates back to the land grant tradition of the 1800s, is still supported by national, state, and local public policy. The Wisconsin Idea in the 21st century depends in two key factors: – the effectiveness of leadership demonstrated by outreach

proponents,– political leadership that combines university, private, and state

agencies efforts.

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The Wisconsin Idea At the core of the Wisconsin Idea is the concept

of partnership, “extension” and “public service”– 1860, lecture service for teachers– 1885, farmer institutes– 1888, mechanic institutes– 1915, 22 directors of university extension from

around the country met in Madison to found the National University Continuing Education Association

– After World War II, 2,000 students were served at over 30 locations. Correspondence study grew to over 400 courses enrolling 10,000 students

– 1954, WHA-TV began broadcasting (educational radio service)

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Reputation of UW-Madison

Access, affordability, and the quality of its teaching, research, and outreach.

Recruit, develop, and retain the best faculty, staff, and students.

Undergraduate and Graduate education. Excel in research. Commitment to public service.

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Reputation of UW-Madison

Equity and diversity. Integrated academic planning and

budgeting. Assessment and accountability. Campus community. External relations.

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UW-MadisonMission, Vision, Priorities

MissionTo create, integrate, transfer and apply knowledge




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Maintaining the research


Reconceptualizing undergraduate


Joining the global community

Updating the Wisconsin Idea

Priorities Systems

Maximizing the human resources

Rethinking the


Ecouraging collaboration

Using technology


Renewing the campus physical


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Academic Departments

The academic departments within the College of Letters and Science are grouped into three main areas of study traditionally found in the Liberal Arts.

1. Humanities - Dean Jane Tylus 2. Natural Sciences - Dean Herb Wang 3. Social Studies - Dean Mary Anne


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UW- Academic Organization

Departments– Professional schools– Other Instructional Programs – Area Studies Programs

Undergraduate degrees – Undergraduate Certificate Programs– L&S Special Resources

Masters and doctorate degrees Foreign languages

– Study abroad – Honors– General education

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Professional Schoolsare part of the College of L&S

School of Journalism and Mass Communications

School of Library & Information Studies School of Music School of Social Work

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Skills from L&A education

The skills that students should attain from a liberal education include:

1. competency in communication;

2. competency in using the modes of thought characteristic of the major areas of knowledge;

3. knowledge of our basic cultural heritage; and

4. a thorough understanding of at least one subject area.

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Innovations Chadbourn Residential

College– Programs based in residence

halls– Improvement in the honors

program Cross College Advising The International Institute

and the World Affair and the Global Economy (WAGE)

The Teaching Academy Instructional technology in


Campus Master Plan– The Biotechnology

Building is a new model

– Healthstar, interdisciplinary clinical research-learning center

University-Industry Relations / University Research Park

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Research FindingsMethodology: I applied a 10 question survey to 28 UW-Madison current students. Six of the questions were open, and the other four were open-ended. 22 out of 28 were undergraduates, and the other six were graduated. Undergraduate majors varied as follow: 2 in Marketing, 2 in Natural Sciences, 3 in medical sciences, 2 in literature, 1 in philosophy, 2 in journalism, 2 in history and geography, 1 in Chemical Engineering, 2 in business and economics, 1 in rural sociology 2 in English, 1 in education, 1 undecided. The six graduated were:, 1 in German, 1 Architect, 1 in Education, 2 in Spanish Literature, and 1 in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics.

Purposes: Among the aims of the survey were to argument the accomplishment of the UW-Madison distinctive curriculum viewed through its mission and vision. Then, I wanted to know if this university is being centered around “teaching and learning communities.” Finally, I wanted to discern students view of UW-Madison promoting cross-departmental and cross-college connections while preparing for growth in academic field that extend beyond traditional areas of study, as well as their sense of global education.

Findings: Remarkably interesting is to find that all students agreed that UW-Madison provides multiple learning opportunities and they are being educated for a productive life as well; 27 agreed that UW-Madison is promoting ways of engaging in global education; 24 agreed that the university is encouraging students intellectual innovation. One of the undergraduates says that: “the education at UW-Madison should be more challenging at the undergrad level. The general education and major requirements should work together to challenge our intellect and teach us to critically think.”

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Research Findings Table # 1

Question Yes No Comments

1. Does UW-Madison provide you with multiple learning opportunities and contexts?

28 Seminars and conferences 2 Cultural events 7 Doit courses 7 Studies abroad 4

2. Do you think that UW-Madison promotes learning interactions between students and professors

14 10

4 NA

Seven of them mentioned that interactions are mainly with TAs

3. Has the Cross-College Advising Service been helpful to you?

8 5

15 NA

Register for classesAnswer questionsGood deal of one-on-one instruction

4. Do you think that the education at UW-Madison instructs you for citizenship?

22 2

4 somewhat

You learn to interact with many kind of peopleIt encourage me to get involved in the communityPeople do not always become better citizen hereThe liberal nature of Madison promotes active citizenship if you choose

5. Are you being educated for a productive life at UW-Madison?

27 1 NA

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Question Yes No Comments

6. What Courses do you receive as part of general education?

6 NA Foreign languages 20English 5Literature 5Social sciences 14History 6Breath requirements 3Ethics 3Math 8

7. Do you freely choose your elective courses?

18 1

3 somewhat

6 NA

8. Do you agree that UW-Madison promotes interdisciplinary cross-departmental and cross-college connections?

22 6

9. Do you feel that UW-Madison is encouraging your intellectual innovation

24 4

10. Is UW-Madison promoting ways of engaging global education?

26 2 Studies abroad opportunities 8Visiting professors 3International and cultural events 3Travel opportunities 2History and Spanish classes 2Professors from other countries 2Broadcast 1

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Conclusion This study has provided me with more knowledge about academic programs

in general and the curricula at UW-Madison in particular. Also, I learned why this university has a distinctive curriculum because it is clear that UW-Madison has a curriculum based on a combination of multiple organizing principles; it is a system made up of various elements with interactionships. In addition, UW-Madison promotes community interactions due to its Wisconsin Idea – University Extension. In fact, it is promoting a learning environment, learning experience, and learning community system. Students agree that UW-Madison encourages them intellectual innovations. The curricula is moving toward experimental learning opportunities, including work-learning and service learning programs, cross-cultural experiences, individual growth experiences, and global understanding. Curricula is developed in breath and depth. Changes can be seen from the fist Liberal Education Curricula to the current one; nonetheless, courses maintain the theoretical, practical, and productive ideas based on what Aristotle promoted. All in all, UW-Madison keeps a good balance among structural, political, cultural, and nonfoundational curriclum design.

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Bibliography Grant Haworth, J. & Conrad, C. (1997). Emblems of quality in higher education: developing

and sustaining high-quality programs. USA: Allyn and Bacon. Conrad, C. The undergraduate curriculum: The curriculum as an instructional system Conrad, C. & Grant Haworth, J. (1995). Revisioning curriculum in higher education. ASHE

readers series. Pyre, J.F.A. (1920). Wisconsin: American College and University Series. New York: Oxford

University Press. UW-Madison, Graduate School Catalog: 2000-2002 UW-Madison, Undergraduate Catalog: 1999-2001 State of Wisconsin: Blue Book (1995-1996) Surveys applied to current undergraduate and graduate students at UW-Madison. March 2001. Interview to Professor Judith Croxdale at the Botanic Department. Professor Croxdale is a

member of Academic Programs at UW-Madison. February 2001. Interview to Professor Donlad Hanna, former Chancellor of UW-Madison University

Extension. February 2001. Ward, David (1999). Proud traditions and future challenges: The University of Wisconsin-

Madison celebrates 150 years Priorities: The Chancellor message: http://www.news.wisc.edu/chancellor/vision99/#1 The Strategic Planning Process: http://www.news.wisc.edu/chancellor/vision99/#2