Using the LMS to Enhance Onsite Learning - Academy of Art...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Using the LMS to Enhance Onsite Learning - Academy of Art...


If you teach onsite, you already know the Academy’s learning management system (LMS) as the place where you mark student attendance, find your syllabus/course outline, and submit grades. But, with a little creativity you can actually use the LMS as a tool to enhance learning and teaching.

Here are a few ways instructors are using the LMS that may spark some ideas for you.

DISCUSSION *Set up a discussion online. Maybe there are questions you want to explore, but find it difficult to hear from everyone during class. Initiate or continue a discussion outside of class, by creating a discussion topic and asking students to respond for homework. Discussion ideas:

o Post a big question from your field to spur inquiry.

o Invite students to seek clarification from you and their peers about concepts/skills they are not clear on.

o Pose a question to see what students are getting in class and clarify if needed. Example prompts: Summarize your key take-aways from the last class. Share an example of something that relates to x.

o Ask students to share inspiration or resources with the class.

o Have students post their work for feedback. Students can comment on one another’s work, or you can make “private” individual (locked) topics for each student so they can only see their own feedback from you. Ex:

Discussions can be “gradable” homework, or just optional conversations to supplement the course. Check with your director to see if there is a policy on this and post your expectations.

*To “enable” the discussion feature in the onsite course(s) you teach, ask your department director to request access from Online Education.


Post resources. Having students read, hear, or view new content you will teach before class – sometimes called “flipping the classroom” – allows students to spend class time discussing and interacting with the new material more deeply than they would if they were just encountering it for the first time. You can post course materials and media in your course “Downloads” or “Links” areas:

• Articles

• Images• Demo videos & tutorials• Podcasts or audio files• Websites for further research or inspiration

Here’s an example of how downloads and links can be used to reinforce what students are learning in class:

We’d love to hear any other ways you might be using the LMS with your on-campus students. Please let us know!


Setting up Your On-Campus Website Tutorial (Interface is outdated, but tutorial gives a good sense of how this works.)

Flipping the Classroom