Using root words to work out meaning

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Using root words to work out meaning. Instructions. Get out your vocabulary books Turn to the back Write the title ‘ Roots Words ’ … .then write down each root, the meaning & all the examples. ‘ Ami ’ – Love (French). Amiable Amicable Amino Amity. ‘ Aqua ’ – Water (Latin). Aquarium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Using root words to work out meaning

Using root words to work out meaning

Instructions Get out your vocabulary books

Turn to the back

Write the title ‘Roots Words’

….then write down each root, the meaning & all the examples

‘Ami’ – Love (French)

Amiable Amicable Amino Amity

‘Aqua’ – Water (Latin)

Aquarium Aquatic Aqueduct

Arch – Chief, leader, ruler (Greek)

Archangel Monarch Archaic Archenemy Archduke Overarching

‘Bio’ – Life (Greek)

Biography Autobiography Biology Antibiotic Biochemical Biodiversity Biopsy

‘Cap’ – take, seize (French)

Capture Captivate Capacity Capable Capitalise

‘Chron’ – time (Greek) Chronicle Chronology Chronometer Synchronise Synchronicity

‘Chrom’ – colour (Greek) Chromatic Monochrome Polychrome Chromatography Chromium Chromosome Achromatic

‘Cred’ – believe (Latin) Credible Credulous Credibility Credit Credo Credentials

‘Demo’ – people (French)

Demography Democracy Epidemic Democrat Democratic

‘Dic’ – speak (Latin) Dictate Predict Diction Indict Dictation Dictator

‘Duc’/’Duct’ – Lead (Latin) Induce Deduce Seduction Conduct Abduct

‘Ego’ – self/I (Latin)

Egotist Egomania Egotistical Egocentric

‘Equ’ – Equal (Latin) Equal Equity Equate Equidistant Equality Equalise Equation Equator Equidistant

‘Fac’ – make/do (Latin) Manufacture Factory Benefactor Factor Factorise

‘Geo’ – Earth (Greek)

Geology Geography Geothermal Geopolitical Geocentric Geophysics George (meaning ‘farmer’)

‘Hydro’ – Water (Greek)

Hydroelectric Dehydrate Hydraulics Hydroplane Hydrotherapy Hydrofoil

‘Min’ – small (French) Minority Minuscule Minute Minim Minimalist Minimum Mini skirt Minor

‘Mot/Mob/Mov’ – Move (French) Mobile Automobile Promote Movie Movement Movable removable

‘Mut’ – Change (Latin) Mutant Mutate Mutability

‘Nov’ – New (Latin) Novel Renovate Innovation Novella Novel Novelty Novice Renovation

Nym/Onym – Word/Name (Greek) Synonym Acronym Anonymous Pseudonym Homonym Antonym

‘Pater’ – Father (Latin) Paternal Paternity Patrilineal Patriotic Patriarch

‘Path’ – feeling/suffering (Greek)

Empathy Sympathy Telepathy Apathy Pathology

‘Pel/Puls’ – Push (Latin) Pulsate Repulsive Impulse Compel Propel Propeller Repellant

‘Pend’ – hang/weigh (French) Pendulum Pendant Suspend Suspension Pending Pensive

‘Photo’ – Light (Greek) Photosensitive Photograph Photographer Photostat Photocopier Photocopy Photosynthesis Photogenic Photophobia

‘Port’ – carry (Latin) Porter Portable Transport Portage Report Portly Portfolio Passport

‘Scent/Scend’ – climb (Latin) Ascend Ascension Ascent Crescendo Descend Transcend

‘Sci’ – know (Latin) Scientific Science Conscience

‘Scrib/Script’ – write (Latin) Ascribe Manuscript Proscribe Scripture Scribble Describe subscribe

‘Sens/Sent’ – feel, be aware (Latin) Sensible Sentient Sentiment Sentimental Consent Dissent

‘Simil’ – same (Latin) Similar Assimilate Simile Fascimile (fax) Similarity Verisimilitude

‘Soph’ – wisdom, knowledge (Greek) Philosophy Sophisticated Sophomore

‘Spir’ – breathe (French) Respiration Inspire Conspire Perspiration

‘Therm’ – heat (Greek) Thermal Thermos Thermometer Thermostat Hypothermia Isotherm

‘Zoo’ – animal (Greek)

Zoo Zoological Zoologist Zoomorphic Zoophobia