Using Flexbox Today (Frontend United 2016)

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Transcript of Using Flexbox Today (Frontend United 2016)

Flexbox Zoe Mickley Gillenwater @zomigi Frontend United

May 2016



I work for

Psst…you can too:

My portfolio site from 2000

My portfolio site from 2000







grid multi-column exclusions


regions flexbox





Deciding when to use and not use flexbox


What browsers do I need to support?

Don’t ask yourself this—it’s irrelevant here (IMO)

Flexbox has 94% coverage worldwide

We support IE 7-9 at Booking, but still use flexbox as progressive enhancement.

Flexbox is not a grid Not meant for or great at whole page layout Flex items only care about space in their

own row/column They don’t care about lining up in the other


Demo by Rachel Andrew:

Flexbox is best for: UI components Simple whole page layouts (not grid-based) Enhancing a complex layout’s alignment,

spacing, etc. (not controlling placement)

Do I need my content to dictate sizing and placement,

or do I need to control these?

Content determines boxes’ size and


(Mega-useful when content is unknown and variable, or readability is

a top priority.)

Structure determines content’s size and


(P.S. Flexbox can do this too, if you want. It’s just the reverse that doesn’t

work so well.)

Flexbox Grids

Does flexbox offer me anything I can’t already get

from an existing layout method?

New things flexbox offers Content-driven, unit-less sizes Content-driven, media-query-less layout changes Mixed-unit layouts Equal-height columns Vertical centering and other alignments Spacing out or stretching items to fill unknown width/height Combining content wrapping and block wrapping Pinning items without overlaps Visual order different than HTML/reading order

Components flexbox can enhance and UI/UX problems it can help you solve


content-driven, unit-less sizes

How big do I make this thing?

% em/rem vw/vh

Relative units of measurement are your best guess at the

ideal, but they’re still a guess.

Flexbox gets us closer to the ideal, because it lets us design

without units.

Example: a responsive form from

My copy of that form Same floats, same percentage widths

The trouble with explicit sizing Since the select and button are sized by a percentage, not sized automatically by their content, this can happen:

Box too small for its content Box too big for its content

Use the flex property instead Tells browser starting size (including content size) and whether item can grow or shrink

width: 33.333% flex: auto

Fill up remaining space

width: 16.666% flex: none

Size to content exactly

Form fields are a pain in the butt The fields and button don’t all match each other exactly in height

Fix alignment with flexbox Turn each field wrapper into flex container so field inside will stretch to match height of line:

.flexbox .jobs-form_field-wrapper {

display: flex;

align-items: stretch; /* default */

width: auto;


Fields misaligned without flexbox Fields match height due to align-items

Smarter sizing Non-flexbox

Flexbox enhanced

Content-driven sizing on Last year’s sidebar searchbox design, with fixed-width select fields

Content-driven sizing on Non-flexbox Flexbox enhanced

Content-driven sizing on .sb-dates {

display: flex;


.sb-dates__icon {

flex: 0 0 23px;


.sb-dates__select-day {

flex: 1 0 auto;

margin: 0 6px;


.sb-dates__select-month {

flex: 1 1 auto;


flex container

main axis flex items

Defining the flex property flex-grow

how much flex item will grow relative to other items if extra space is available (proportion of extra space that it gets)


how much item will shrink relative to others if there is not enough space (proportion of overflow that gets shaved off)

flex-basis the initial starting size before free space is distributed (any standard width/height value, including auto)

Translating the flex property .sb-dates {

display: flex;


.sb-dates__icon {

flex: 0 0 23px;


.sb-dates__select-day {

flex: 1 0 auto;

margin: 0 6px;


.sb-dates__select-month {

flex: 1 1 auto;


Start out 23px wide, and don’t grow or shrink further

Start out sized to your content, then grow with 1 share of any extra space available, but don’t ever shrink

Start out sized to your content, then grow with 1 share of extra space, but if there’s an overflow shrink

Mixed-unit layout is easier with calc(), but not even it can do: calc(100% - 23px - the width of the day field in Greek)

Taking advantage of variable space Task: add a message about low availability of the room price shown: “We have only X left on our site!”

How about right here in this lovely big gap?

Taking advantage of variable space Problem: the gap is not always big enough to hold a sentence of text

Taking advantage of variable space Solution: use flexbox to place text beside price when space allows; otherwise, it can wrap below price

Progressive enhancement Non-flexbox Flexbox enhanced

Content-driven layout change 2 columns 3 columns

RWD content-driven layout change Narrow: 1 column Wide: 2 columns

RWD content-driven layout change .article-header {

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

margin-left: -20px;


.article-header-image {

flex: 1 1 320px;

padding-left: 20px;


When 320px + 20em can fit together, layout shifts to 1 row/2 columns

.article-header-text {

flex: 1 1 20em;

padding-left: 20px;


Layout change without media query 1. Let the blocks wrap and stack when needed:

.article-header {

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;

flex-wrap: wrap;


/* default */

Layout change without media query 2. Size the blocks to control their wrapping


.article-header-image {

flex: 1 1 320px;

padding-left: 20px;


.article-header-text {

flex: 1 1 20em;

padding-left: 20px;


In other words…

Not enough space for 320px + 20em, so text block wraps. Each block then stretches wider than 320px/20em to fill its line.

320px + 20em is less than 100%, so both can fit together on single line. Each then stretch equally as needed to fill 100% of the space.

Stretching to fill unknown width/height

flex: 1 1 auto

align-content: space-between

Improved wrapping in RWD layout With float or text-align With flex or justify-content

Flexbox is great for spacing and aligning stuff, especially

shifting content in RWD.

Demo: full-width nav bar All links on same line First link flush left, last link flush right Equal spaces between all links

Trying display:table-cell All links on same line First link flush left, last link flush right Equal spaces between all links

Spacing with table-layout:fixed

Starter centered nav bar, no flexbox

.list-nav {

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

list-style: none;

text-align: center;


.list-nav-item {

display: inline-block;

padding: 0 .5em;



Enhanced to full-width with flexbox .list-nav {

display: flex;

justify-content: space-between;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

list-style: none;

text-align: center; /* fallback */


.list-nav-item {

display: inline-block; /* fallback */

padding: 0 .5em; /* fallback */


Combine with inline-block

Non-flexbox fallback version

Flexbox version

This works vertically too.

Demo: full-height stacked icons




Demo: full-height stacked icons 1. Turn children .icons and .content into

side-by-side, equal-height flex items .wrapper {

display: flex;

align-items: stretch; /* default */


Only children become flex items

So these 2 children are the flex items

This is the flex container

These 3 grandchildren aren’t flex items (yet)

Demo: full-height stacked icons 2. Turn .icons into flex container with

vertically stacked children (the 3 icons):

.icons {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column; /* main axis */


Demo: full-height stacked icons 3. Equally space the 3 icons along the vertical

main axis:

.icons {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

justify-content: space-between;


Demo: full-height stacked icons

Fallback alignment options Top-aligned (float) Centered (table-cell)

Flexbox can also enhance visual ordering.

Improve the wide layout Wide: too stretched out

A more responsive enhancement

order integer to specify flow order of flex items

0 0 0 default source order 0 0

1 0 0 re-ordered 0 0

0 0 -1 re-ordered 0 0

2 1 0 re-ordered 1 0

Use order property to move logo

1. Divide nav bar into order groups: .list-nav-item_home, .list-nav-item_builder {

order: 0; /* default, and first here */ }

.logo {

order: 1; /* second */ }

.list-nav-item_party, .list-nav-item_tumblr {

order: 2; /* last */ }

Use order property to move logo

2. Split extra space on line to center logo: .logo {

order: 1;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto; }

A more responsive nav bar

Order only works on siblings To move logo to middle of list, it needs to be part of list <div class="logo"><img src="images/logo.png"></div>

<ul class="list-nav">

<li class="logo"><img src="images/logo.png"></li>

<li class="link-home"><a>home</a></li>

<li class="link-builder"><a>s'mores builder</a></li>

<li class="link-party"><a>throw a party</a></li>

<li class="link-tumblr"><a>tumblr</a></li>


Reorder for good, not evil.

Demo: moving a photo on mobile

Demo: moving a photo on mobile Desktop: HTML order (no flexbox) Mobile: reordered

Use flexbox order in mobile styles .recipe {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;


.recipe figure {

order: -1; /* before all items with default order: 0 */


.recipe figure img {

width: 100%;


Turn off flexbox in desktop styles @media screen and (min-width:800px) {

.recipe {

display: block; /* turn off flexbox */


.recipe figure {

float: right;

width: 55%;



Demo: moving a photo on mobile Flexbox enhanced Non-flexbox

Reordering on The Guardian

1 2 3

4 5 6

flex-direction: row-reverse

flex-direction: row-reverse


2 3 4 5


These examples don’t look wrong or broken without flexbox.

Flexbox just enhances their sizing

and spacing to look better.

Step-by-step process for adding flexbox to your UI components effectively

HOW 3.

Don’t freak out

Decide whether flexbox is the right tool for the job

Decide which versions of flexbox to support

standard, 2011/2012, and/or 2009

Browser support approaches to choose Use only the non-prefixed, standard syntax … plus browser-prefixed versions of

standard syntax … plus -ms- prefixed 2011/2012 syntax … plus -webkit- prefixed 2009 syntax

Let tools add browser variants for you Autoprefixer:

Sass or LESS mixins can be customized to add just the browser variants you want


Or use @supports .gallery-item {

display: inline-block;


@supports (flex-wrap: wrap) {

.gallery {

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;



But IE 10-11, which do support flexbox but don’t support @supports, won’t get these styles

Choose and add appropriate starter/fallback layout CSS

Things to consider Do I need content blocks to wrap? not table-cell

Do I want to prevent blocks from wrapping? floats, inline-block, but table-cell best

Do I need content-driven sizes? floats, but table-cell or inline-block best

Do I need vertical alignment? inline-block, table-cell

Do I need horizontal alignment? floats, table-cell, inline-block only with preset sizes

Pick your starter layout CSS

Floats table-cell inline-block

Absolute positioning

Flexbox will override: Flexbox will not override:

Just use whatever you normally would; flexbox plays nicely with most of them.

A real example of this process

Split left-right layout Task: lay out review score and price, on opposite sides of same line Needs: content-driven sizing horizontal alignment wrapping

score price or “sold out”

Adding the starter CSS .iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;


Start adding flexbox!

Decide whether entire component needs to be

block or inline-block display:flex or inline-flex

Creating the block flex container .iw_mini_details_wrapper {

display: flex;


.iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;


Flex container sits on a new row below, like a block element

Decide flow of flex items

Things to consider Lay out horizontally or vertically? flex-direction:row or


Allow boxes to wrap? flex-wrap:wrap, wrap-reverse or nowrap

Order different than source? order values; flex-direction: row-reverse or column-reverse

Allowing wrapping .iw_mini_details_wrapper {

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;


.iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;


Allows second block to wrap down if needed

Decide which items can grow to fill space,

shrink to avoid overflow, or must stay at a certain size

Tips for setting flex values Write out full flex values, rather than

using single-digit and keyword values flex: 1 1 0% instead of flex: 1 Hidden default values can lead to mistakes Avoids IE 10-11 bugs

Think about it backwards: first decide flex-basis, then -shrink, then -grow

Tips for setting flex-basis values Acts like min-width when wrapping on If flex-wrap off and flex-shrink on,

browser can go smaller than flex-basis Be careful with flex-basis:0 when

wrapping Use flex-basis:auto whenever possible

Setting flex-shrink Always have at least 1 item per line that

can shrink (or wrap, or both)

Setting flex-grow Decide what to do with extra space

Fill it up? (flex-grow: 1, 2, etc.) Leave it? (flex-grow: 0)

Setting flex values .iw_mini_details_wrapper {

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;


.iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;

flex: 0 1 auto;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;

flex: 0 1 auto;


Size to content, shrink smaller if you have to, don’t grow bigger (default value)

Decide how to align flex items

Main axis alignment

(horizontal when row, vertical when column)

Cross axis alignment

(vertical when row, horizontal when column)

(P.S. Also responsible for

equal-height columns)

justify-content align-items

Controlling alignment .iw_mini_details_wrapper {

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;

justify-content: space-between;

align-items: baseline;


.iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;


Moves first item to left, last item to right

Improved wrapping Non-flexbox Flexbox enhanced

Flexbox with float fallback .iw_mini_details_wrapper {

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;

justify-content: space-between;

align-items: baseline;


.iw_mini_review_score_wrapper {

float: left;


.iw_mini_price_wrapper {

float: right;


Flexbox properties on container override floating automatically in supporting browsers

Floating gets used by old browsers


Testing your flexbox Too Flexy bookmarklet for toggling

Modernizr flexbox classes:

If reordering, check tabbing and screen reading order to make sure it’s still logical

Fix bugs

Summing up the process 1. Decide whether to use flexbox and which browser

versions of it 2. Choose and add starter layout CSS 3. Choose and add flexbox CSS

1. Block or inline-block container 2. Flow 3. Flex to control sizing 4. Alignment

4. Test and fix bugs

Flexbox is not for the future. You can use flexbox today.


Zoe Mickley Gillenwater @zomigi