Using Akka Futures

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Presented at Knoldus at its Knolx session.

Transcript of Using Akka Futures

Using Akka Futures

Meetu MaltiarPrincipal Consultant

Email: meetu@knoldus.comTwitter:@meetumaltiar

SIP 14

There were eight different Future implementations:

java.util.concurrent.Future akka.dispatch.Futurescala.actors.Future scalaz.concurrent.Promisescala.parallel.Future ...sff4s

Define ThemFuture and Promise are tied to each other. But they are different!

A Future is a read-handle to a single value that may be available in a specific time frame.

A Promise is a write-handle to a single value (write-once) that should be made available in a specific time-frame.

Akka Futures definitionA Future is a data structure

Used to retrieve of some concurrent operation

This operation is performed by an Actor or a dispatcher directly

The result can be accessed synchronously or asynchronously

Future has States

A Future has three states. Initially it does not have anything, later can be a success or a failure.

Pending => Success / Failure

Execution Context

Futures need ExecutionContext to execute callback and operations

If we have ActorSystem in implicit scope Future will use default dispatcher as ExecutionContext

Simplest Future

import akka.dispatch.Future

object SimplestFutureApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }}


The other side of Future is a Promise.

Think that the entity that creates a Future is a Requester and the one that can respond back has a Promise.

We hardly use Promise in our code, but it completes the understanding nonetheless!!

Promise Exampleobject PromiseApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") // create a promise val promise = Promise[String]() // get an associated future from that promise val future = promise.future // successfully fulfill that promise promise.success("promises are to be kept") // Extract the value from the Future println(future.value)


Composing Futures

Futures are Monadic

There are map and flatMap methods on them

We can therefore compose them monadically and do asynchronous composition!!

Composing Example

import akka.dispatch.Future

object CreatingFutureFromAFutureApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future")

// Future[String] val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

// Futures are monadic so we can transform from Future[String] to Future[Int] val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }


Sync Wait On Future

There is an Await method if we have to wait for a Future to complete.

Always avoid this. Use it as last option. Never block thats the whole point.

Sync Wait Exampleobject SyncWaitOnFuture extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") implicit val timeout = Timeout(50000 milliseconds)

val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }

// try to avoid this as much as possible val number = Await.result(anotherFuture, timeout.duration) println("String length is " + number)}

Async Wait

Future has several callbacks. They areonComplete: It will either be a Success or a Failure

onSuccess: It will be invoked only when Future is successful

onFailure: It will be invoked only when Future got a Throwable in it.

Async Wait Exampleimport akka.dispatch.Future

object AsyncWaitOnFuture extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future")

val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }

anotherFuture onSuccess { case number => println("String length is " + number) }


Using Futures

Futures allows us to do a data flow style of programming

We know, there can be a certain type of value in a Future. So, we can do asynchronous composition on that Future.

This will result (yield) a new Future. We do not block as we compose even when we do not have a value yet

Futures Example

We have an identity function that sleeps for 3 seconds

We want make a call to it three times gather their result and sum them

Normal code as expected will take nine seconds :(

With Futures we can do it in three seconds :)

Futures Example...Here is the code for identity function. Followed by creation of three futures.

// creating three futures val future1 = Future { identity(1) } val future2 = Future { identity(2) } val future3 = Future { identity(3) }

def identity(number: Int): Int = { Thread.sleep(3000) number }

Futures Example...Now composing code using flatMap and Map

// composing using map and flatMqp // not concise at all :( val oneFinalFuture = future1 flatMap { result1 => future2 flatMap { result2 => future3 map { result3 => result1 + result2 + result3 } } }

Futures Example...

Now composing code using for expressions

// for expressions are just a sugar. They are really concise :) val finalFuture = for { result1 <- future1 result2 <- future2 result3 <- future3 } yield result1 + result2 + result3

Futures Example...

Now we issue a callback to collect result

finalFuture onSuccess { case sum => println("sum is " + sum) }

Code Samples


Viktor Klang talk on Akka And Futures at javaZone