Uses of MS Access in Business

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Uses of MS Access in Business

Transcript of Uses of MS Access in Business

Uses of MS Access in Business

Presented to: Deepjyoti Choudhury

Presented by: Biswajit Bhattacharjee (19) Bikash Choudhury (16)

Kumar Akshay Emran Khan (40)

What Is a Access? MS Access is a relational database management

system. It is an application software that is used to create and

manage computer based database on desktop computer and or on networks.

The MS Access can be used to create simple and powerful information system solution for small and medium size organisations.

MS Access - software used for creating databases

• Quickly

• Accurately

• Using wizards and templates developed to maintain the integrity of your data

Data are just information

What Is a Access? (cont…)

• A database is a collection of related data organised in a structured manner

• A software package that is used to define, create, store, manage and manipulate the data is called database management system (DBSM).

• A relational database stores information across different tables and connect them with link.

What is an Access Database?

Collection of data objects stored with filename extension .mdb (Microsoft database)

Main Access data objects








Access basic Data Objects



Queries Forms


s Modules



Access Database Objects

• Tables contain rows called records and columns called fields.

• Queries are requests for specific information from a database.

Queries are virtual tables built on a given SQL statement


Access Database Objects (cont. …)

• Forms are parts of user interface. Forms are used to enter, edit or browse data from a database

• Reports present requested information and allow to create hard copies.

Access is a relational database

• Access allows you to form relationships between the tables; that’s why it’s called a relational database

• The simplest way to create a relationship– Look for identical field names between tables.

• Tables can be joined in three ways; one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.

Relational Database

• All data items are organized by tables.– E.g., in School DB, tables for

• Students (firstName, lastName, phone, email)

• Faculties (firstName, lastName, phone, officeNo.)

• Courses (department, crsNumber, title, credits)

• Classes (time, location, course, classNum)

• Schedule (student, class)

• Buildings(bldgName, hasElevator, hasADA)

• Rooms (roomNo, building, capacity, hasInternet)

Students Table

firstName lastName phone email

Anne Anderson 123-4568

Ben Benson 234-5678

Cathy Carson 345-6789

Dan Danson 456-7890

Erin Emmerson 567-8901

Frank Farrington 678-9012

Linking Tables



Classes Courses


Rooms Buildings

Getting Started with Microsoft Access

Double click on the Microsoft Access icon on the desktop.

Access opens with the dialog box shown here

How to open Access?

Database WindowDatabase Window

– Main database design/management window

– Displayed when creating or opening an Access database

– You can use the Objects toolbar to access the different objects that make up a database

Creating New Database Using Wizard

Create a database using the Database Wizard

• When Microsoft Access first starts up, a dialog box is automatically displayed with options to create a new database or open an existing one. If this dialog box is displayed, click Access Database Wizards, pages, and projects and then click OK. (or you can click “New Database” on the toolbar )

• On the Databases tab, double-click the icon for the kind of database you want to create.

• Specify a name and location for the database. (Save it to your file on the H: drive)

• Click Create to start defining your new database



What is table• Basic container for data, arranged as a grid of

rows and columns • Each row contains a single record• Each column represents a field within the record

Access tables• Fundamental data objects in Access

– Forms, queries and reports are all based on tables

• Table Wizard provides automated table creation• Tables can also be created manually for more

precise specification

Creating a new table in Design View

• For each field in new database, specify the following items– Field Name

• Descriptive name of field to be used in table– 64-character maximum

– Prohibited characters : period(.), accent grave(‘), square brackets([]), exclamation point(!)

– Data Type• Drop-down list displays available data types

– Number, Date/Time, Currency , Auto number, Yes/No, OLE Object, Hyperlink, Lookup Wizard

– Description• Comment describing details of field. Appears on the status bar in

Datasheet view when you click a row in the field's column

Access Data Types. Data Type Usage Size

Text Alphanumeric data Up to 255 characters

Memo Alphanumeric data—sentences and paragraphs Up to 64,000 characters

Number Numeric data 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (16 bytes for ReplicationID and Decimal)

Date/Time Dates and times 8 bytes

Currency Monetary data, stored with 4 decimal places of precision 8 bytes

AutoNumber Unique value generated by Access for each new record 4 bytes (16 bytes for ReplicationID)

Yes/No Boolean (true/false) data <1 bit/FONT>

OLE Object Pictures, graphs, or other ActiveX objects from another Windows-based application

Up to about 1 gigabyte

Hyperlink A link "address" to a document or file on the World Wide Web, on an intranet, on a local area network (LAN), or on your local computer

Up to 2048 characters

Fields properties

Field Property Purpose/Note or Example

Field size Specifies amount of storage for data in fieldNote: Test maximum field size = 255 characters

Format Predefined formats for field dataEx: Short date =11/25/97

Input Mask Formatting mask for user data inputEx:Phone number input mask = (XXX)-XXX-XXX

Default Value Specifies default value in fieldNote: Speeds up data entry.

Required Specifies that a value must be entered in field

Indexed Tells Access to create an index for this data fieldNote: Speeds up data searches based on this field

Setting a Primary Key

• What is a primary key?– Main index for table – Must be unique for each record in table

• Example: Product number, Employee number, etc.

– If no such field exist, create a new field with the data type “Auto number” and specify it as the primary key

• Access will automatically create unique numbers for this field

• Assigning a field as the primary key– Select field– Click on Primary Key button on toolbar (or use “Edit

/Primary Key”)• A key symbol will appear next to selected field

Saving the table

– Select “File/Save” or click on the close button for the Table Design View window

– Access will prompt you to enter a name for the new table • Table name can be up to 64 characters


Steps to open MS Access- File- programs- MS Access

Steps to create database- File- new- general- land database- ok- type the database name- create

COMMANDS (cont. …)

Steps for table design- Insert- table- design view- ok- type the field name- select the data type- select the

field property if required- close- title table name- ok- no

Steps for query- Select the table- insert- query- design view- ok- double click to add the field name

as required- insert the criteria as required- close- yes- type the query name- ok.

COMMANDS (cont. …)

Steps to design a form- Select the table- insert- form- design- ok- drag and drop the field names as

required- format and color as required- click on image- drag and drop the image form- select the picture- ok- format- sent to back- close- yes- type the form name- ok.

Steps for report- Select the table- insert- report- tabular/columnar report- ok.

●Using Access in your business is almost unavoidable in today's business environment.

●Its ability to compile information and reports as well as building relationships between data and using queries is considered vital and indispensable

MS Access in the Business World

• In terms of business uses databases can be created or can be imported from other applications like MS Excel

• This screen shot shows an imported Excel spreadsheet to Access

MS Access in the Business World

• With Access in your business environment you can do many things– Build database

relationships (tables)

– Build forms from existing database information

– Build queries from other databases

MS Access in the Business World

• With Access you can create a graphical interface which will tie together all the data you have in one easy to use module