Use EPA for NFV & Test with OPNVF* Yardstick*

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Transcript of Use EPA for NFV & Test with OPNVF* Yardstick*

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Use EPA for NFV & Test with OPNVF* Yardstick* Jim Chamings, Intel DRD/Datacenter Scale Engineering

Out of the Box Network Developers Meetup, 9/20/2017


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Today’s Agenda

•  Introductions, Mine and Yours

•  Technology Preview: OpenStack* EPA, OPNFV*, Yardstick*, NSB

•  Demonstrations

•  Building Yardstick

•  Yardstick ping

•  Reconfigure for EPA

•  Yardstick ping test repeat

•  Summary / Q&A



Let’s Get to Know One Another


•  Sr. Software Engineer, 21+ years with Intel

•  Not at all new to Cloud, but quite new to NFV


Technology preview OpenStack* EPA, OPNFV*, & Yardstick*


OpenStack* Enhanced Platform Awareness (EPA)

•  What is it? It’s a whole raft of code that’s been contributed (primarily to Nova*) to enable cloud operators to direct workloads to specific compute node capabilities.

•  Some of the capabilities exposed through EPA:

•  CPU features

•  PCI passthrough •  Non-uniform Memory Access (NUMA) awareness

•  Open vSwitch* (OVS*)-DPDK •  Many others


Open Platform for Network Function Virtualization*

•  What Is It? A Linux Foundation* project aimed at creating reference platforms for NFV by providing common integration, deployment, and testing frameworks.

•  (What it’s not...)

•  Currently the runnable portion is a set of four possible OpenStack* (or Kubernetes*) distributions, called ‘Installers’.

•  We’ll be using one called ‘Apex*’ today.

•  It’s also a set of test frameworks, of which Yardstick* is one.

•  Release code names: Brahamaputra, Colorado, Danube, Euphrates


OPNFV* Yardstick*

•  What Is It? A test framework, sample test cases, and test stimuli aimed at allowing operators to verify infrastructure compliance when running VNF applications.

•  Most test cases are ‘decomposed’ into the basics that VNFs depend on: network throughput/latency tests, storage performance tests, CPUs, and so on.

•  You’ll see familiar tools like ping, iperf, and netstat, as well as more complicated test suites (and VNFs as well).

•  Yardstick can work against any heat-enabled OpenStack* Cloud (not just OPNFV).

•  Yardstick tests can also be written to work against preconfigured nodes—no cloud required (current Network Services Benchmark is like this).


Network Services Benchmarking

•  NSB is a plugin for Yardstick*.

•  "GOAL: Extend Yardstick to perform real-world VNFs and NFVi characterization and benchmarking with repeatable and deterministic methods.” –

•  As of this writing, the test cases that have been added to NSB work with predefined bare metal nodes.

•  OpenStack* / Heat support is planned for the near-ish future.

•  NSB development offers the promise that this demo’s title conveys.


The demo environment




Building OPNFV-Apex

•  There are four possible OPNFV* installers: Compass*, Apex*, Fuel*, and Juju OPNFV Infrastructure Deployer(JOID)*.

•  Apex offers a functional all-in-one virtual deployment that utilizes nested KVM, which is why I chose it for this session.

•  Currently deploys OpenStack* Newton release (10/2016).

•  Instructions link: •



Building OPNFV-Apex (cont’d.)

•  All installers of OPNFV* offer ‘scenarios’. The scenarios are named in a specific format:

•  {virtual infrastructure manager}-{SDN}-{NFV technology}-{HA/No HA}

•  Examples:

•  os-odl_l2-fdio-ha = Openstack, OpenDayLight w/Layer-2 support, include support, use High Availability deployment.

•  os-nosdn-kvm-noha = Openstack, no SDN support, use KVM, no High Availability (single controller).

•  This is the scenario used in the demo environment.


Building Yardstick*

•  Running a Docker* container is the easiest way, by far!

•  Configure it with --privileged so that report tools (InfluxDB*, Grafana*) can be generated automatically.

•  Configure to pass through OpenStack* credentials.

•  Environment setup will build Cirros*, Ubuntu*, and Yardstick test images, and upload them into the test cloud.


Yardstick* Simple Ping

•  Located in /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick/samples/ping.yaml

•  Simple test scenario, generates heat template with two VMs, sets up a ping between them.

•  The ‘runner’ is the part of the framework that actually executes the test.

•  Generates data which can be transformed into an HTML report (or fed to dashboard application).


Reconfigure for EPA

•  The demo was configured with two identical compute node VMs. I altered one of them to use OVS* with DPDK instead of the base deployment of OVS.

•  In doing so, and by connecting the ‘server’ up to OpenStack* in the proper fashion, I enabled the capability to schedule to it using EPA code.

•  Specifically, the use of the ‘hw:mem_page_size=2MB’extra key, applied to a new flavor for launching VMs, ensures that VMs are launched with the huge pages they need to access vhostuser interfaces on the DPDK-enabled host.

•  The actual details of doing this reconfiguration work are a bit beyond the scope of this presentation and demo.


Reconfigure for EPA – Flavor Detail


Repeat Yardstick* Ping Test

•  Reconfigure the .yaml file that defines the test to use the new flavor instead of the old.

•  Redirects test VMs to the new compute host.

•  In my test environment, this resulted in a drop from 1-2ms to sub-1ms latency.

•  Note that interfaces are being created as ‘dpdkvhostuser’ on the enabled host, and how traffic is being directed via the EPA code.

Summary / Q&A


Summary: OpenStack* EPA testing with Yardstick*

•  Testing out OPNFV* and Yardstick is relatively simple in a virtualized environment, and worth a spin to see if it’s useful for NFV operators and developers.

•  Yardstick can also be deployed against existing orchestrators and nodes, to test live environments.

•  Test cases are growing rapidly, and soon basic VNFs will be easy to use as well.

•  Network Services Benchmarking will offer a comprehensive VNF benchmarking framework in time. It’s worth getting familiar with it now.