US National Geothermal Data System NGDS Design and Development Team Stephen Richard (presenting)

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US National Geothermal Data System NGDS Design and Development Team Stephen Richard (presenting). 2013 ESIP Summer Meeting Chapel Hill, North Carolina, July 12,, 2013. Outline. How is it put together Approach to Data Management The Domain Steering Committee Recommended data types - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of US National Geothermal Data System NGDS Design and Development Team Stephen Richard (presenting)

PowerPoint Presentation

US National Geothermal Data SystemNGDS Design and Development TeamStephen Richard (presenting)2013 ESIP Summer MeetingChapel Hill, North Carolina, July 12,, 2013Program Name or Ancillary is it put togetherApproach to Data ManagementThe Domain Steering CommitteeRecommended data typesHow does it workContent ModelsInterchange formats Catalog2Overview

NGDS is a data system, not a databaseDiscover and access geothermal data from many different sourcesSystem is unified by:Catalog and standardized metadataData access protocols and interchange formats (its the Web for data)3A distributed data systemWeb services: the connectionsData space

Data: the World Wide Web as the data storeCatalogs: listings of available resourcesUsers4Data TypesThree sorts of information:Data information about the Earth and geothermal energy systemsMetadata Information about resources (for discovery, evaluation, access)Annotation notes added to by the community (ratings, comments, reviews, usage)

EGI Geothermal Sample Library

5OutlineHow is it put togetherApproach to Data ManagementThe Domain Steering CommitteeRecommended data typesHow Does it work: information exchangesContent ModelsInterchange formats Catalog6Formed to determine data priorities Represent user communityDomain Steering CommitteeToni Boyd: Geo-Heat Center Oregon Institute Technology: direct use data - nationalRoland Horne: Stanford University-Stanford Reservoir Engineering Conference papers and research resultsJoseph Moore: Energy & Geoscience Institute-legacy resource and research data (Chair)Lisa Shevenell: University Nevada, Reno legacy to recent resource and research dataDomain Steering Committee Solicit input from expertsContent modelsUser stories functionality and data outputSustainability future user inputPrioritize data types needed by the geothermal communityReview content models and user stories with DOE invited expertsProvide recommendations to Project Management

Data type recommendationsWell Logging GeochemistryGeophysicsLand Status and OwnershipPower Plant HistoryWell field Development CostsGeothermal system resource models

9OutlineHow is it put togetherApproach to Data ManagementThe Domain Steering CommitteeRecommended data typesHow does it workContent ModelsInterchange formats Catalog10Data Interoperability TiersTier 1: unstructured content in filesText, images, graphics filesMS Word, Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, TIFF.Tier 2: Structured data, custom formats May be accessed in files or via servicesExcel, Microsoft Access, dbf, xmlTier 3: Information Exchange:Structured data in standard schema and encodingDeliver via web service, or in file.

Tier 1Tier 2

Any Tier: Resource is described by metadata in the system catalogTier 1 File accessible on the WebTier 2 Structured, user does data integrationneed to document data formatTier 3 Structured, provider does data integrationmapped to community interchange schemeprovider has to validate formatBeing part of the systemThe CatalogServices: structured data discovery and accessData space

Data: the World Wide Web as a file systemCatalog: registry of available resourcesMetadata Content ModelTitleExtentGeographicVerticalTemporalAccess instructionsDescriptionKeywordsOriginator(s)DateResource IDAccess constraintsLanguageQualityLineageCitationDistribution contactMetadataDateContactSpecificationIdentifierOnline document: InterchangeStandard interchange format: USGIN Profile for ISO 19139 metadata (XML)

Metadata cloudNGDS aggregator: collect metadata for all NGDS resources

Metadata contributors

NGDS portal

Other portalsNGDS portal access point for geothermal communityGenerate and manage metadataRegistry of resourcesUpload capabilityDjango/NodeJS implementation

Metadata Repository Tool

Search Client

Uses CSW interface

ArcGIS CSW Client

19Display map in ArcMap

20Tier 3: Information ExchangesConventions for how information will be sent between computersDesigned for consumption by computer softwareContent Model:Defines the information contentData schemaMay be implemented with various encoding formatsEncoding formatsHTML, XML, JSON, NetCDF, TIFF, JPG

facilityType: Air-cooled binary plantWellActive Fault/Quaternary FaultAqueous ChemistryBorehole Temperature Observation FeatureDirect Use FeatureFault FeatureFluid Flux Injection and DisposalGeologic Contact FeatureGeologic Unit FeatureGeothermal AreaGeothermal Fluid ProductionGeothermal Power PlantHeat FlowHeat Pump Facility

Lithology Interval Log FeatureMetadataPhysical SamplePowell Cummings GeothermometryPower Plant ProductionRadiogenic Heat ProductionSeismic Event HypocenterThermal ConductivityThermal/Hot Spring FeatureVolcanic VentsWell Fluid ProductionWell HeaderWell Log ObservationWell Test Observations

Content Models (Tier 3)2222File downloadsimple Web link that results in a file downloadno support for understanding contentlittle or no automation is possibleWeb applicationUser-driven computer program, run in client browserform-based querying, browser-based visualizationmay offer file downloading (clip and ship, query results)Web Servicecomputer program executes requests sent via the World Wide WebInterface for machine to machine interactionExecute filtering or processing of data on server sideDelivery PlatformTier 1Tier 2Tier 3File downloadXXXWeb applicationXXWeb serviceXXTiers and delivery platformsData Delivery Platform: web servicesOGC ServicesWMS for providing a symbolized portrayal of vector dataWFS for full access to attributes and to download vector dataWCS for access to continuous raster data

-- Useful in Existing Applications 7/12/2011Arizona Geological Survey

Consistent map legendsOOOPS!Protocol Web Feature Service (WFS)Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature ServiceStandard, structured encoding of contentEach feature defines content model (xml schema)Feature service designed for data access based on features (representation of geolocated entity with attributes)WFS example-Interchange format

URIs dereference to one or more online representation of each resource. Examples: Create URI:Concatenate: the redirect host path: authority for the data provider (i.e., azgs, cadoggr, nhgs)token, specific to the dataset (i.e., bhtemp, welllog, drillstemtest)unique identifier for each record

USGIN URI redirectRegistry/repositoryField descriptions from schema annotationLinks to Excel workbook viewLinks to XSDVersionsLink to example instances

Tools Schema Repository

ConclusionsThe World Wide Web is the file system and data repositoryResources include:Structured and unstructured data in files (most of the content)Standardized structured data accessible through web services (metadata and some data)Information exchange specifications: Conventions for content model and encoding enable applications to work with multiple data sourcesUSGIN:Community for developing Geoscience Information ExchangesMetadata exchange is most importantMajority of content is unstructured documentsChallenge: what is value proposition for long tail information exchanges


Thank YouThe GeysersBegin extra slidesIntentionally blankApproach to Data ManagementUse WWW infrastructure, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) services, ISO standardsSimple interchange formatsTiers of interoperability

MetadataNGDS_DataResource+ itemName :text+ itemDescription :text [0..1]AnnotationNGDS_Resource+ itemURI :anyURI+ itemType :term+ source :longText+ relatedItem :link [0..*]+documentation1..*+subject1+annotation0..*NGDSdataItem+ otherID :text [0..*]Feature+ label :shortText+ symbol :textObservation+ featureOfInterestName :text+ featureOfInterestURI :anyURI+ procedure :longText+ observationDate :dateTimeLocation+ shape :geometrySamplingFeatureGeologicFeatureFacilityDatasetNGDS_DataResource+ itemName :text+ itemDescription :text [0..1]UnstructuredResourceFeatureOfInterest1+position1+member1..*Tier 1Tier 2,3Catalog system issuesHow to manage metadataVarious streams for importingManagement system based on conceptual modelMetadata for machines connect user to services inside of their user environmentRequires machine-actionable linksDocument and file searching should be done with standard search engines

Toni Boyd: Geo-Heat Center Oregon Institute Technology: direct use data - nationalRoland Horne: Stanford University-Stanford Reservoir Engineering Conference papers and research resultsJoseph Moore: Energy & Geoscience Institute-legacy resource and research data (Chair)Lisa Shevenell: University Nevada, Reno legacy to recent resource and research data

Domain Steering Committee MembersCatalog -- for data discoveryCollection of consistent metadata describing network resourcesTested various catalog service implementations;Current interface is ESRI GeoportalSearch interfaces

( Geothermal dataCatalog file-based resources in repositoriesSimple feature (flat file) schema27 content models More on the way http://geothermaldata.orgThe goal is simple, really.

turn this.Winona State U.

.into this NERC 2008444444Document RepositoryUSGIN Catalog Implementation7/12/2011Arizona Geological SurveyWhy a Geoportal Catalog?Allow a variety of metadata creation methods to be aggregatedAllow distributed metadata records to be aggregated: harvesting between catalogsProvide a consistent interface for searching and retrieving metadata records: CSWWhy ESRIs Geoportal Server?Geonetwork was too hardThey made it open source!Geoportal CatalogMetadata WizardExcel TemplateXML in Web-Accessible FolderAnother CatalogAnother Catalog

Wells: data requirementsLinks to related information:Log and well data to geographic locationFrom well to all related data: drilling records, daily reports, well maintenance, costs, sundry notices, regulatory filings, all logs, time lines.Technical papers to well locations3-D geometry of well boreHistory of well (drilling, completion, production, rework, repurpose, abandonment)Solution: Interchange formats for well, borehole temperature obs, well log obs, lithology interval obs, fluid production/ injection/disposal, tests; related resource links

Geothermal fluid characterizationProperty: ApproachReservoir temperatureTemperature logsFluid compositionAqueous geochemistry obsFluid production Fluid production obsFluid origin, age, mixingNo data yetDirection of fluid movementNo data yetSteam fractionAqueous geochemistry obs

J. Lovekin, GeothermEx, Inc. 2010B. Evans 2011Well TestingAqueous GeochemistryAnalytical data for geothermometry, Piper and triangular diagrams: Need time of sampling informationContent model based on Powell and Cummings (rev 2010) spreadsheetSolution: Geochemistry interchange formatsAccess to relational database with exhaustive data compilation: Tier 2 files

Cathy Janik with a miniseparator Raft River ChemistryGeophysical data typesGravity, magnetic, resistivity Continuously varying coverageData model is simple: X,Y,Z,valueData represented using numeric arrays (grids). Solution: Web Coverage Service, OpenDAP/NetCDFCommonly only accessible as an image of a data visualizationNeed to georeference these data visualizations to put in context:Solution: Web Map Services

Magnetotelluric model of Raft River (Maris and others, 2012)Magnetotelluric (MT) Surveys

Photo by P. Wannamaker49Geologic Maps Rock unit distributionLocation, orientation of contacts and faultsSolution: GeoSciML feature services and map servicesInfrastructureLand ownership: Parcel maps; under stewardship of various land agenciesPower lines, transportation, waterSolution: services from other agencies (Western Regional partnership, USGS and others)Other Data

Metadata: Strong ConventionsMinimum metadata content recommendations

Other Portals

CanGEA portal

Protocol: Web Map Service (WMS)Simple, widely used, many clientsAccess to georeferenced map imageServersMapServer, GeoServer, Deegree, ArcGIS

Data integration = agreeing on standard portrayal schemes (legends)WMS for well headers

Geologic Map

the ability of diverse systems and organizations to exchange information and use the information that has been exchangedTo me this means that when I want data:I always know how to ask for itI always know the format in which Ill receive itI always know what it means

What does Interoperability mean?

56Amalgamation of multiple definitions on Wikipedia

Know what it means because terminology is defined56