US Internal Revenue Service: p535--2003

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Transcript of US Internal Revenue Service: p535--2003

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Publication 535ContentsCat. No. 15065Z

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Departmentof the

Important Changes for 2003 . . . . . . . . . 2BusinessTreasury

Internal Important Changes for 2004 . . . . . . . . . 2Revenue Expenses

Important Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Service

1. Deducting BusinessExpenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2For use in preparing

2. Employees’ Pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2003 Returns3. Retirement Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4. Rent Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5. Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6. Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

7. Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

8. Costs You Can Deduct orCapitalize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

9. Amortization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

10. Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

11. Business Bad Debts . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

12. Electric and Clean-FuelVehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

13. Other Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

14. How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

IntroductionThis publication discusses common businessexpenses and explains what is and is not de-ductible. The general rules for deducting busi-ness expenses are discussed in the openingchapter. The chapters that follow cover specificexpenses and list other publications and formsyou may need.

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pages that would otherwise be blank. You canhelp bring these children home by looking at theImportant ChangesImportant Changes photographs and calling 1–800–THE–LOST

(1–800–843–5678) if you recognize a child.for 2004for 2003Standard mileage rate. The standard mile-The following items highlight some changes inage rate for the cost of operating your car, van,the tax law for 2003.pickup, or panel truck in 2004 is 37.5 cents amile for all business miles. See chapter 13.Elective deferrals. The limit on elective defer-

rals increases to $12,000 for tax years begin- 1.Meal expense deduction subject to “hours ofning in 2003 and then increases $1,000 each tax service” limits. In 2004, this deduction in-

year thereafter until it reaches $15,000 in 2006. creases to 70% of the reimbursed meals yourThese new limits will apply for participants in employees consume while they are subject toSARSEPs, 401(k) plans (excluding SIMPLE the Department of Transportation’s “hours of Deducting

service” limits. See chapter 13.plans), and deferred compensation plans of

state or local governments and tax-exempt or- Businessganizations. The $15,000 figure is subject to

cost-of-living increases after 2006.Important Reminders Expenses

Catch-up contributions. A plan can permit

participants who are age 50 or over at the end ofQualified environmental cleanup (remedia-

the calendar year to also make catch-up contri-tion) costs. The deduction for qualified envi- Introductionbutions. The catch-up contribution limit for 2003 ronmental cleanup (remediation) costs has

is $2,000. This limit increases by $1,000 each been extended to include costs you pay or incur This chapter covers the general rules for deduct-year thereafter until it reaches $5,000 in 2006. before 2004. After December 31, 2003, these ing business expenses. Business expenses areThe limit is subject to cost-of-living increases costs must be capitalized. See chapter 8. the costs of carrying on a trade or business.after 2006. The catch-up contribution a partici-

These expenses are usually deductible if theMarginal production of oil and gas. Thepant can make for a year cannot exceed the business is operated to make a profit.suspension of the taxable income limit on per-

lesser of the following amounts. centage depletion from the marginal productionTopicsof oil and natural gas has been extended to tax

• The catch-up contribution limit. This chapter discusses:years beginning before 2004. For more informa-tion on marginal production, see section 613A(c)• The excess of the participant’s compensa-

• What you can deductof the Internal Revenue Code.tion over the elective deferrals that are not

catch-up contributions. • How much you can deductAlternative minimum tax. Individuals, corpo-rations, estates, and trusts who claim depletionSee chapter 3. • When to deductdeductions may be liable for alternative mini-

• Not-for-profit activitiesSIMPLE plan salary reduction contributions. mum tax.The limit on salary reduction contributions to a For more information on alternative mini-SIMPLE plan increases to $8,000 beginning in mum tax, see the following sources. Useful Items2003 and then increases $1,000 each tax year You may want to see:

If you are: See:thereafter until it reaches $10,000 in 2005. The

$10,000 figure is subject to adjustment after PublicationAn individual The instruct ions for Form2005 for cost-of-living increases. 6251, Alternative Minimum 

❏ 334 Tax Guide for Small BusinessTax—Individuals.Catch-up contributions. A SIMPLE plan❏ 463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Carcan permit participants who are age 50 or over A corporation Form 4626, Alternative 

ExpensesMinimum Tax— at the end of the calendar year to make catch-upCorporations. ❏ 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Incomecontributions. The catch-up contribution limit for

2003 is $1,000. This limit increases by $500 An estate or trust Form 1041, U.S. Income  ❏ 529 Miscellaneous Deductionseach year thereafter until it reaches $2,500 in Tax Return for Estates 

❏ 536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) forand Trusts, and its2006. The limit is subject to cost-of-living in-Individuals, Estates, and Trustsinstructions.creases after 2006. The catch-up contributions a

❏ 538 Accounting Periods and Methodsparticipant can make for a year cannot exceedSee chapter 10.the lesser of the following amounts.

❏ 542 Corporations

Maximum clean-fuel vehicle deduction.❏ 547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts• The catch-up contribution limit.

The maximum clean-fuel vehicle deduction and❏

587 Business Use of Your Home• The excess of the participant’s compensa- qualified electric vehicle credit were scheduled (Including Use by Daycareto be 25% lower for 2002 and both were sched-tion over the salary reduction contributionsProviders)uled to be phased out completely by 2005. Thethat are not catch-up contributions.

full deduction and credit are now allowed for❏ 925 Passive Activity and At-Risk RulesSee chapter 3. qualified property placed in service in 2002 and❏ 936 Home Mortgage Interest2003. The phaseout of the deduction and theHealth insurance deduction for the self-em-

Deductioncredit will begin in 2004, and no deduction orployed. Beginning in 2003, the self-employed

credit will be allowed for property placed in serv-❏ 946 How To Depreciate Propertyhealth insurance deduction percentage in- ice after 2006. See chapter 12.

creases to 100%. See chapter 7.Form (and Instructions)Photographs of missing children. The Inter-

Standard mileage rate. The standard mile- nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the❏ Sch A (Form 1040) Itemized Deductionsage rate for the cost of operating your car, van, National Center for Missing and Exploited Chil-

pickup, or panel truck in 2003 is 36 cents a mile ❏ 5213 Election To Postponedren. Photographs of missing children selectedfor all business miles. See chapter 13. by the Center may appear in this publication on Determination as To Whether the

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Presumption Applies That an Business AssetsCapital ExpensesActivity Is Engaged in for Profit

The cost of any asset you use in your businessYou must capitalize, rather than deduct, someis a capital expense. There are many differentSee chapter 14 for information about getting costs. These costs are a part of your investmentkinds of business assets, such as land, build-publications and forms. in your business and are called “capital ex-ings, machinery, furniture, trucks, patents, andpenses.” There are, in general, three types offranchise rights. You must capitalize the full costcosts you capitalize.of the asset, including freight and installationcharges.1) Going into business.What Can I Deduct?

If you produce certain property for use in2) Business assets. your trade or business, capitalize the production

To be deductible, a business expense must becosts under the uniform capitalization rules. See3) Improvements.both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary ex-

section 1.263A– 2 of the regulations for informa-pense is one that is common and accepted in tion on those rules.your trade or business. A necessary expense is Recovery. Although you generally cannotone that is helpful and appropriate for your trade

take a current deduction for a capital expense,or business. An expense does not have to be

you may be able to take deductions for the Improvementsindispensable to be considered necessary.

amount you spend through depreciation, amorti-It is important to separate business ex- The costs of making improvements to a busi-zation, or depletion. These allow you to deduct

penses from the following expenses. ness asset are capital expenses if the improve-part of your cost each year over a number ofments add to the value of the asset, appreciablyyears. In this way you are able to “recover” your• The expenses used to figure the cost of lengthen the time you can use it, or adapt it to acapital expense. See Amortization (chapter 9)goods sold. different use. You can deduct repairs that keepand Depletion  (chapter 10) in this publication.your property in a normal efficient operating con-• Capital expenses. For information on depreciation, see Publicationdition as a business expense.

946.• Personal expenses. Improvements include new electric wiring, anew roof, a new floor, new plumbing, bricking upwindows to strengthen a wall, and lighting im-If you have an expense that is partly for  Going Into and partly personal, separate 

the personal part from the business  The costs of getting started in business, before


Restoration plan. Capitalize the cost of re-part. you actually begin business operations, are cap-conditioning, improving, or altering your prop-

ital expenses. These costs may include ex-erty as part of a general restoration plan to make

penses for advertising, travel, or wages forCost of Goods Sold it suitable for your business. This applies even iftraining employees.

some of the work would by itself be classified asIf your business manufactures products or repairs.purchases them for resale, some of your ex- If you go into business. When you go intopenses may be included in figuring cost of goods business, treat all costs you had to get your Replacements. You cannot deduct the cost ofsold. You deduct cost of goods sold from your business started as capital expenses. a replacement that stops deterioration and addsgross receipts to figure your gross profit for the to the life of your property. Capitalize that costUsually you recover costs for a particularyear. If you use an expense to figure the cost of and depreciate it.asset through depreciation. Generally, you can-goods sold, you cannot deduct it again as a Treat as repairs amounts paid to replacenot recover other costs until you sell the busi-business expense. parts of a machine that only keep it in a normalness or otherwise go out of business. However,

operating condition. However, if your equipmentThe following are types of expenses that go you can choose to amortize certain costs forhas a major overhaul, capitalize and depreciateinto figuring cost of goods sold. setting up your business. See Going Into Busi- 

the expense.ness in chapter 9 for more information on busi-• The cost of products or raw materials, in-ness start-up costs.cluding the cost of having them shipped to

you. Capital or Deductible ExpensesIf you do not go into business. If you are an

• The cost of storing the products you sell. individual and your attempt to go into business is To help you distinguish between capital andnot successful, the expenses you had in trying to• Direct labor costs (including contributions deductible expenses, several different items areestablish yourself in business fall into two cate-to pension or annuity plans) for workers discussed below.gories.who produce the products.

Business motor vehicles. You usually capi-• Factory overhead expenses. 1) The costs you had before making a deci- talize the cost of a motor vehicle you buy to use

sion to acquire or begin a specific busi- in your business. You can recover its costUnder the uniform capitalization rules, you through annual deductions for depreciation.ness. These costs are personal and

must capitalize the direct costs and part of the There are dollar limits on the depreciationnondeductible. They include any costs in-indirect costs for production or resale activities. you can claim each year on passenger automo-curred during a general search for, or pre-Indirect costs include rent, interest, taxes, stor- biles used in your business. See Publicationliminary investigation of, a business orage, purchasing, processing, repackaging, han- 463.investment possibility.

dling, and administrative costs. This rule does Repairs you make to your business vehicle2) The costs you had in your attempt to ac-not apply to personal property you acquire for are deductible expenses. However, amountsquire or begin a specific business. Theseresale if your average annual gross receipts (or you pay to recondition and overhaul a businesscosts are capital expenses and you canthose of your predecessor) for the preceding 3 vehicle are capital expenses.deduct them as a capital years are not more than $10 million.

Roads and driveways. The costs of buildingFor more information, see the following If you are a corporation and your attempt toa private road on your business property and thesources. go into a new trade or business is not success-cost of replacing a gravel driveway with a con-

ful, you may be able to deduct all investigatory• Cost of goods sold—chapter 6 of Publica- crete one are capital expenses you may be able

costs as a loss.tion 334. to depreciate. The cost of maintaining a privateThe costs of any assets acquired during your road on your business property is a deductible• Inventories—Publication 538. unsuccessful attempt to go into business are a expense.

part of your basis in the assets. You cannot take• Uniform capitalization rules—sectiona deduction for these costs. You will recover the263A of the Internal Revenue Code and Tools. Unless the uniform capitalization rulescosts of these assets when you dispose of them.the related regulations. apply, amounts spent for tools used in your

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business are deductible expenses if the tools Alternatively, if you use your home exclusively services. It is not what you would have paid inhave a life expectancy of less than 1 year. and regularly for your business, but your home cash.

office does not qualify as your principal place of Similarly, if you pay a business expense inMachinery parts. Unless the uniform capitali- business based on the previous rules, you de- goods or other property, you can deduct only thezation rules apply, the cost of replacing termine your principal place of business based amount the property costs you. If these costs areshort-lived parts of a machine to keep it in good on the following factors. included in the cost of goods sold, do not deductworking condition and not add to its life is a them as a business expense.

• The relative importance of the activitiesdeductible expense.performed at each location. Limits on losses. If your deductions for an

Heating equipment. The cost of changinginvestment or business activity are more than• If the relative importance factor does notfrom one heating system to another is a capitalthe income it brings in, you have a net loss.determine your principal place of busi-expense.There may be limits on how much, if any, of theness, you also can consider the time spent

loss you can use to offset income from otherat each location.Personal Expenses sources.

For more information, see Publication 587. Not-for-profit limits. If you do not carry onGenerally, you cannot deduct personal, living, oryour business activity with the intention of mak-family expenses. However, if you have an ex-

Business use of your car. If you use your car ing a profit, you cannot use a loss from it to offsetpense for something that is used partly for busi-in your business, you can deduct car expenses. other income. See Not-for-Profit Activities, later.ness and partly for personal purposes, divideIf you use your car for both business and per-

the total cost between the business and per- At-risk limits. Generally, a deductible losssonal purposes, you must divide your expensessonal parts. You can deduct as a business ex- from a trade or business or other income-pro-based on mileage. Only your expenses for thepense only the business part. ducing activity is limited to the investment youmiles you drove the car for business are deducti-

For example, if you borrow money and use have “at risk” in the activity. You are “at risk” inble as business expenses.70% of it for business and the other 30% for a any activity for the following items.You can deduct actual car expenses, whichfamily vacation, generally you can deduct as a

include depreciation (or lease payments), gasbusiness expense only 70% of the interest you 1) The money and adjusted basis of property

and oil, tires, repairs, tune-ups, insurance, andpay on the loan. The remaining 30% is personal you contribute to the activity.

registration fees. Instead of figuring the busi-interest that is not deductible. See chapter 5 for

ness part of these actual expenses, you may be 2) Amounts you borrow for use in the activityinformation on deducting interest and the alloca-

able to use the standard mileage rate to figure if:tion rules. your deduction. For 2003, the standard mileagea) You are personally liable for repay-rate is 36 cents a mile for all business milesBusiness use of your home. If you use part

ment, ordriven.of your home for business, you may be able toIf you are self-employed, you can also de-deduct expenses for the business use of your b) You pledge property (other than prop-

duct the business part of interest on your carhome. These expenses may include mortgage erty used in the activity) as security forloan, state and local personal property tax on theinterest, insurance, utilities, repairs, and depre- the, parking fees, and tolls, whether or not youciation.claim the standard mileage rate. You can useTo qualify to claim expenses for the business For more information, see Publication 925.the nonbusiness part of the personal propertyuse of your home, you must meet the following

Passive activities. Generally, you are in atax to determine your deduction for taxes ontests.passive activity if you have a trade or businessSchedule A (Form 1040) if you itemize youractivity in which you do not materially participate1) The business part of your home must be deductions.during the year, or a rental activity. In general,used exclusively and regularly for your For more information on car expenses anddeductions for losses from passive activitiestrade or business. the rules for using the standard mileage rate,only offset your income from passive activities.see Publication 463.2) The business part of your home must be You cannot use any excess deductions to offset

one of the following. your other income. In addition, passive activitycredits can only offset the tax on net passivea) Your principal place of business.income. Any excess loss or credits are carriedHow Muchb) A place where you meet or deal with over to later years. For more information, see

patients, clients, or customers in the Publication 925.Can I Deduct?normal course of your trade or busi-Net operating loss. If your deductions areness.

You cannot deduct more for a business expense more than your income for the year, you mayc) A separate structure (not attached to than the amount you actually spend. There is have a “net operating loss.” You can use a net

your home) you use in connection with usually no other limit on how much you can operating loss to lower your taxes in other years.your trade or business. deduct if the amount is reasonable. However, if See Publication 536 for more information. See

your deductions are large enough to produce a Publication 542 for information about net operat-You generally do not have to meet the exclu- net business loss for the year, the tax loss may ing losses of corporations.

sive use test for the part of your home that you be limited.regularly use in either of the following ways.

Recovery of amount deducted. If you re-• For the storage of inventory or product

cover part of an expense in the same tax year for When Can Isamples. which you would have claimed a deduction, re-• As a daycare facility. duce your expense deduction by the amount of Deduct an Expense?

the recovery. If you have a recovery in a laterYour home office qualifies as your principal year, include the recovered amount in income. When you deduct an expense depends on your

place of business if you meet the following re- However, if part of the deduction for the expense accounting method. An accounting method is aquirements. did not reduce your tax, you do not have to set of rules used to determine when and how

include all the recovery in income. Exclude the income and expenses are reported. The two• You use the office exclusively and regu-

part that did not reduce your tax. basic methods are the cash method and anlarly for administrative or management ac-For more information on recoveries and the accrual method.tivities of your trade or business.

tax benefit rule, see Publication 525. For more information on accounting meth-• You have no other fixed location where ods, see Publication 538.

Payments in kind. If you provide services toyou conduct substantial administrative orpay a business expense, the amount you canmanagement activities of your trade or Cash method. Under the cash method of ac-deduct is the amount you spend to provide thebusiness. counting, you generally deduct business ex-

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penses in the tax year you actually paid them, method of accounting, you must pay the ex- can rely on this presumption in every case, un-even if you incurred them in an earlier year. pense before you can deduct it. The deduction less the IRS shows it is not valid.

by an accrual method payer is allowed when theUsing the presumption later. If you are start-Accrual method. Under an accrual method of

corresponding amount is includible in income bying an activity and do not have 3 (or 2) yearsaccounting, you generally deduct business ex-

the related cash method payee. See Related showing a profit, you may want to elect to havepenses when both of the following apply.

Persons in Publication 538.the presumption made after you have the 5 (or

1) The all-events test has been met. The test 7) years of experience allowed by the met when: You can choose to do this by filing Form 

5213. Filing this form postpones any determina-a) All events have occurred that fix the Not-for-Profit Activities tion that your activity is not carried on for profit

fact of liability, anduntil 5 (or 7) years have passed since you

If you do not carry on your business or invest- started the activity.b) The liability can be determined withment activity to make a profit, there is a limit on The benefit gained by making this choice isreasonable accuracy.the deductions you can take. You cannot use a that the IRS will not immediately questionloss from the activity to offset other income. whether your activity is engaged in for profit.2) Economic performance has occurred.Activities you do as a hobby, or mainly for sport Accordingly, it will not restrict your deductions.or recreation, come under this limit. So does an Rather, you will gain time to earn a profit in 3 (orEconomic performance. You generallyinvestment activity intended only to produce tax 2) out of the first 5 (or 7) years you carry on thecannot deduct or capitalize a business expenselosses for the investors. activity. If you show 3 (or 2) years of profit at theuntil economic performance occurs. If your ex-

The limit on not-for-profit losses applies to end of this period, your deductions are not lim-pense is for property or services provided to you,individuals, partnerships, estates, trusts, and S ited under these rules. If you do not have 3 (or 2)or for your use of property, economic perform-corporations. It does not apply to corporations years of profit, the limit can be applied retroac-ance occurs as the property or services areother than S corporations. tively to any year in the 5-year (or 7-year) periodprovided, or the property is used. If your ex-

In determining whether you are carrying on with a loss.pense is for property or services you provide toan activity for profit, all the facts are taken into Filing Form 5213 automatically extends theothers, economic performance occurs as youaccount. No one factor alone is decisive. Among period of limitations on any year in the 5-year (orprovide the property or services.the factors to consider are whether: 7-year) period to 2 years after the due date of

Example. Your tax year is the calendar the return for the last year of the period. The

1) You carry on the activity in a businesslikeyear. In December 2003, the Field Plumbing period is extended only for deductions of themanner,Company did some repair work at your place of activity and any related deductions that might be

2) The time and effort you put into the activitybusiness and sent you a bill for $150. You paid it affected.indicate you intend to make it profitable,by check in January 2004. If you use an accrual

You must file Form 5213 within 3 years method of accounting, deduct the $150 on your 3) You depend on income from the activity for after the due date of your return for the tax return for 2003 because all events occurred your livelihood, year in which you first carried on the 


to fix the fact of liability, the liability can beactivity, or, if earlier, within 60 days after receiv- 4) Your losses are due to circumstances be-determined, and economic performance oc-ing written notice from the Internal Revenue yond your control (or are normal in thecurred in that year. If you use the cash method ofService proposing to disallow deductions attrib- start-up phase of your type of business),accounting, you can deduct the expense on yourutable to the activity.

2004 return. 5) You change your methods of operation inan attempt to improve profitability,Prepayment. You generally cannot deduct Limit on

expenses in advance, even if you pay them in 6) You, or your advisors, have the knowledge Deductions and Lossesadvance. This rule applies to both the cash and needed to carry on the activity as a suc-accrual methods. It applies to prepaid interest, cessful business, If your activity is not carried on for profit, take

prepaid insurance premiums, and any other ex- deductions only in the following order, only to the7) You were successful in making a profit inpense paid far enough in advance to, in effect,extent stated in the three categories, and, if yousimilar activities in the past,create an asset with a useful life extending sub-are an individual, only if you itemize them on

stantially beyond the end of the current tax year. 8) The activity makes a profit in some years, Schedule A (Form 1040).and how much profit it makes, and

Example. In 2003, you sign a 10-year lease Category 1. Deductions you can take for per-9) You can expect to make a future profitand immediately pay your rent for the first 3 sonal as well as for business activities are al-

from the appreciation of the assets used inyears. Even though you paid the rent for 2003, lowed in full. For individuals, all nonbusinessthe activity.2004, and 2005, you can deduct only the rent for deductions, such as those for home mortgage

2003 on your current tax return. You can deduct interest, taxes, and casualty losses, belong inon your 2004 and 2005 tax returns the rent for Presumption of profit. An activity is pre- this category. Deduct them on the appropriatethose years. sumed carried on for profit if it produced a profit lines of Schedule A (Form 1040). You can de-

in at least 3 of the last 5 tax years, including the duct a casualty loss on property you own forContested liability. Under the cash method,

current year. Activities that consist primarily of personal use only to the extent it is more thanyou can deduct a contested liability only in the

breeding, training, showing, or racing horses are $100 and all these losses are more than 10% ofyear you pay the liability. Under an accrual

presumed carried on for profit if they produced a your adjusted gross income. See Publicationmethod, you can deduct contested liabilities,

profit in at least 2 of the last 7 tax years, includ- 547 for more information on casualty losses. Forsuch as taxes (except foreign or U.S. posses- ing the current year. The activity must be sub- the limits that apply to mortgage interest, seesion income, war profits, and excess profits

stantially the same for each year within this Publication 936.taxes), in the tax year you pay the liability (or

period. You have a profit when the gross incometransfer money or other property to satisfy the Category 2. Deductions that do not result in

from an activity is more than the deductions forobligation) or in the tax year you settle the con- an adjustment to the basis of property are al-

it.test. However, to take the deduction in the year lowed next, but only to the extent your gross

If a taxpayer dies before the end of theof payment or transfer, you must meet certain income from the activity is more than the deduc-

5-year (or 7-year) period, the period ends on theconditions. See Contested Liability  in Publica- tions you take (or could take) under the first

date of the taxpayer’s death.tion 538 for more information. category. Most business deductions, such as

If your business or investment activitythose for advertising, insurance premiums, in-

Related person. Under an accrual method of passes this 3- (or 2-) years-of-profit test, pre-terest, utilities, wages, etc., belong in this cate-

accounting, you generally deduct expenses sume it is carried on for profit. This means thegory.

when you incur them, even if you have not paid limits discussed here will not apply. You canthem. However, if you and the person you owe take all your business deductions from the activ- Category 3. Business deductions that de-are related and the person uses the cash ity, even for the years that you have a loss. You crease the basis of property are allowed last, but

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only to the extent the gross income from the Topics• The degree of organizational and eco-

activity is more than deductions you take (or This chapter discusses:nomic interrelationship of various under-

could take) under the first two categories. Thetakings.

• Tests for deducting paydeductions for depreciation, amortization, and• The business purpose that is (or might be)the part of a casualty loss an individual could not

• Kinds of paydeduct in category (1) belong in this category. served by carrying on the various under-Where more than one asset is involved, divide takings separately or together in a busi-

Useful Itemsdepreciation and these other deductions propor- ness or investment setting.You may want to see:tionally among those assets.

• The similarity of various undertakings.Individuals must claim the amounts in 

Publicationcategories (2) and  (3) as miscellane-  The IRS will generally accept your characteri-ous deductions on Schedule A (Form  zation of several undertakings as one activity, or ❏

15 Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide


1 0 4 0 ) . T h e y a r e s u b j e c t t o t h e   more than one activity, if supported by facts and❏ 15–A Employer’s Supplemental Tax2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limit. See Publi-  circumstances.

Guidecation 529 for information on this limit.If you are carrying on two or more dif- 

❏ 15–B Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringeferent activities, keep the deductions 

BenefitsExample. Ida is engaged in a not-for-profit and income from each one separate.TIP

activity. The income and expenses of the activity Figure separately whether each is a See chapter 14 for information about gettingare as follows. not-for-profit activity. Then figure the limit on 

publications and forms.deductions and losses separately for each activ- 

Gross income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200ity that is not for profit.

Minus expenses:Real estate taxes . . . . . . . . $700

Tests forHome mortgage interest . . . . 900Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Deducting PayUtilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 200

To be deductible, your employees’ pay must beDepreciation on an automobile 600 2. an ordinary and necessary expense and youDepreciation on a machine . . 200 3,700must pay or incur it in the tax year. These andother requirements that apply to all businessLoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500expenses are explained in chapter 1.

In addition, the pay must meet both the fol-Ida must limit her deductions to $3,200, the Employees’ Paylowing tests.gross income she earned from the activity. The

limit is reached in category (3), as follows.• Test 1. The pay must be reasonable.

Limit on deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 • Test 2. The pay must be for services Introductionperformed.Category 1: Taxes and interest $1,600 You can generally deduct the pay you give your

Category 2: Insurance, utilities, If these tests are met, the form or method ofemployees for the services they perform for yourand maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 2,900 figuring the pay does not affect its The pay may be in cash, property, or

For example, bonuses and commissions basedAvailable for Category 3 . . . . . . . . . $ 300 services. It may include wages, salaries, vaca-on sales or earnings and paid under an agree-tion allowances, bonuses, commissions, andment made before the services were performedThe $300 for depreciation is divided between fringe benefits. This chapter provides informa-are generally deductible.the automobile and machine as follows. tion about deductions allowed for various kinds

of pay.Employee-shareholder salaries. If a corpo-$600 depreciation for the

x $300= $225 For information about determining who is an ration pays an employee who is also a share-$800 automobileemployee and about employment taxes on your holder a salary that is unreasonably highemployees’ pay, see Publication 15, Circular E, considering the services actually performed, the

$200 depreciation for the Employer’s Tax Guide, Publication 15–A,x $300= $75 excessive part of the salary may be treated as a$800 machine

Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide, and Publi- constructive distribution of earnings to thecation 15–B, Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe  employee-shareholder. For more information onThe basis of each asset is reduced accord-Benefits. For information about deducting em- corporate distributions to shareholders, seeingly.

Publication 542, Corporations.ployment taxes paid on your employees’ pay,The $1,600 for category (1) is deductible insee chapter 6.full on the appropriate lines for taxes and interest

Test 1—Reasonableon Schedule A (Form 1040). Ida deducts the You can claim the following employ- remaining $1,600 (the total of categories (2) and ment credits if you hire individuals who 

Determine the reasonableness of pay by the(3)) as other miscellaneous deductions on meet certain requirements.TIP

facts. Generally, reasonable pay is the amountSchedule A (Form 1040) subject to the• Empowerment zone and renewal commu-  that like enterprises ordinarily would pay for the2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limit.

nity employment credit. services under similar circumstances.You must be able to prove the pay is reason-

Partnerships and S corporations. If a part- • Indian employment Base this test on the circumstances that

nership or S corporation carries on a• New York Liberty Zone business em-  exist when you contract for the services, not

not-for-profit activity, these limits apply at thethose existing when the reasonableness isployee credit.

partnership or S corporation level. They are re-questioned. If the pay is excessive, you can

flected in the individual shareholder’s or • Welfare-to-work credit.deduct only the part that is reasonable.

partner’s distributive shares.• Work opportunity credit.

Factors to consider. To determine if pay isHowever, you must reduce your deduction for More than one activity. If you have several reasonable, consider the following items andemployee wages by the amount of any employ- undertakings, each may be a separate activity or any other pertinent facts.ment credits you claim. For more information several undertakings may be one activity. The

• The duties performed by the employee.about these credits, see Publication 954, Taxfollowing are the most significant facts and cir-

cumstances in making this determination. Incentives for Distressed Communities. • The volume of business handled.

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• The character and amount of responsibil- Safety achievement award. An award will Education Expensesnot qualify as a safety achievement award ifity.either of the following applies. If you pay or reimburse education expenses for

• The complexities of your employee, you can deduct the payments.

1) It is given to a manager, administrator,• The amount of time required. Deduct the payments on the “employee benefitclerical employee, or other professional programs” line of your tax return or business

• The general cost of living in the locality.employee. schedule if they are part of a qualified educa-

• The ability and achievements of the indi- tional assistance program. For information on2) During the tax year, more than 10% ofvidual employee performing the service. educational assistance programs, see Educa- your employees, excluding those listed in

tional Assistance  in section 2 of Publication(1), have already received a safety• The pay compared with the gross and net15–B.achievement award (other than one of veryincome of the business, as well as with

small value).distributions to shareholders if the busi-

Fringe Benefitsness is a corporation.Deduction limit. Your deduction for the

• Your policy regarding pay for all your em- A fringe benefit is a form of pay provided to anycost of employee achievement awards given toployees. person for the performance of services by thatany one employee during the tax year is limited

person. The following are examples of fringeto the following amounts.• The history of pay for each employee.benefits.

• $400 for awards that are not qualified plan• Benefits under employee benefit pro-Individual pay. You must base the test of awards.

grams.whether an individual’s pay is reasonable on• $1,600 for all awards, whether or not qual-

each individual’s pay and the service performed, • Meals and lodging.ified plan awards.

not on the total amount paid to all officers or all• Use of a car.

employees. For example, even if the total Deduct achievement awards as a nonwage• Flights on airplanes.amount you pay to your officers is reasonable, business expense on your return or business

you cannot deduct the part of an individual schedule.• Discounts on property or services.

officer’s pay that is not reasonable based on theA qualified plan award is an achievement

• Memberships in country clubs or other so-items listed above.award given as part of an established written

cial clubs.plan or program that does not favor highly com-Test 2—For Services • Tickets to entertainment or sportingpensated employees as to eligibility or benefits.

events.Performed A highly compensated employee for 2003 isan employee who meets either of the following

You must be able to prove the payment was You can generally deduct the cost of fringetests.made for services actually performed. benefits you provide on your tax return or busi-

ness schedule in whatever category the cost1) The employee was a 5% owner at anyfalls. For example, if you allow an employee totime during the year or the preceding year.use a car or other property you lease, deduct the

2) The employee received more than cost of the lease as a rent or lease expense. IfKinds of Pay $90,000 in pay for the preceding year. you own the property, include your deduction forits cost or other basis as a section 179 deductionYou can choose to ignore test (2) if the em-Some of the ways you may provide pay to youror a depreciation deduction.ployee was not also in the top 20% of employeesemployees are discussed next.

ranked by pay for the preceding year. You may not owe employment taxes An award is not a qualified plan award if the on the value of the fringe benefits you Awards

average cost of all the employee achievement provide to an employee. See Publica- 


You can generally deduct amounts you pay to awards given during the tax year (that would be tion 15– B.your employees as awards, whether paid in qualified plan awards except for this limit) iscash or property. (For awards paid in property, more than $400. To figure this average cost, do Employee benefit programs. Employee ben-see Property, later.) If you give property to an not take into account awards of very small value. efit programs include the following.employee as an employee achievement award,

You may not owe employment taxes  • Accident and health plans.your deduction may be limited.on the value of achievement awards 

• Adoption provide to an employee. See Publi- TIP

Achievement awards. An achievement cation 15–B. • Cafeteria plans.award is an item of tangible personal property

• Dependent care assistance.that meets all the following requirements.Bonuses

• Educational assistance.• It is given to an employee for length ofservice or safety achievement. You can generally deduct a bonus paid to an • Group-term life insurance coverage.

employee if you intended the bonus as addi-• It is awarded as part of a meaningful pres- • Welfare benefit funds.tional pay for services, not as a gift, and the were actually performed. However, the

You can generally deduct amounts you spend• It is awarded under conditions and circum- total bonuses, salaries, and other pay must beon employee benefit programs on the “em-stances that do not create a significant reasonable for the services performed. If theployee benefit programs” line of your tax returnlikelihood of disguised pay. bonus is paid in property, see Property, later.or business schedule. However, you may de-duct certain costs on other lines. For example, ifLength-of-service award. An award will Gifts of nominal value. If, to promote em-you provide dependent care by operating a de-not qualify as a length-of-service award if either ployee goodwill, you distribute turkeys, hams, orpendent care facility for your employees, deductof the following applies. other merchandise of nominal value to your em-your costs in whatever categories they fall (de-

ployees at holidays, you can deduct the cost of• The employee receives the award during preciation, utilities, salaries, etc.).

these items as a nonwage business expense.his or her first 5 years of employment.

Your deduction for de minimis gifts of food or Group-term life insurance coverage. Youdrink are not subject to the 50% deduction limit• The employee received another cannot deduct the cost of group-term life insur-that generally applies to meals. For more infor-length-of-service award (other than one of ance coverage if you are directly or indirectly themation on this deduction limit, see Meals and very small value) during the same year or beneficiary of the policy. See Nondeductible lodging, any of the prior 4 years. Premiums in chapter 7.

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Welfare benefit funds. A welfare benefit • Meals you furnish on an oil or gas platform meal and entertainment expenses is usually lim-fund is a funded plan (or a funded arrangement or drilling rig located offshore or in Alaska. ited to 50% of the payment.having the effect of a plan) that provides welfare This includes meals you furnish at a sup- If you make the payment under an account- benefits to your employees, independent con- port camp that is near and integral to an able plan, deduct it in the category of the ex-tractors, or their beneficiaries. Welfare benefits oil or gas drilling rig located in Alaska. pense paid. For example, if you pay anare any benefits other than deferred compensa- employee for travel expenses incurred on yourtion or transfers of restricted property. behalf, deduct this payment as a travel expense

Loans or Advances on your tax return or business schedule. See theYour deduction for contributions to a welfareinstructions for the form you file for informationbenefit fund is limited to the fund’s qualified cost

You generally can deduct as wages a loan oron which lines to use.for the tax year. If your contributions to the fund

advance you make to an employee that you doare more than its qualified cost, you can carry If you make the payment under a nonac- 

not expect the employee to repay if it is forthe excess over to the next tax year. countable plan, deduct it as wages on your tax

personal services actually performed. The totalreturn or business schedule.Generally, the fund’s qualified cost is the must be reasonable when you add the loan or

See Travel, Meals, and Entertainment  intotal of the following amounts, reduced by theadvance to the employee’s other pay. However,

chapter 13 for more information about deductingafter-tax income of the fund.if the employee performs no services, treat the

reimbursements and an explanation of account-amount you advanced to the employee as a• The cost you would have been able to

able and nonaccountable, which you cannot deduct unless it be-deduct using the cash method of account-comes a bad debt. For information on the deduc-ing if you had paid for the benefits directly.

Sick Paytion for bad debts, see chapter 11.• The contributions added to a reserve ac-

count that are needed to fund claims in- Below-market interest rate loans. On cer- You can deduct amounts you pay to your em-curred but not paid as of the end of the tain loans you make to an employee or share- ployees for sickness and injury, includingyear for supplemental unemployment ben- holder, you are treated as having received lump-sum amounts, as wages. However, yourefits, severance pay, or disability, medical, interest income and as having paid compensa- deduction is limited to amounts not compen-or life insurance benefits. tion or dividends equal to that interest. See sated by insurance or other means.

Below-Market Loans in chapter 5 for more infor-For more information, see sections 419(c) and mation. Vacation Pay

419A of the Internal Revenue Code and the

related regulations. Vacation pay is an amount you pay to an em-Property ployee while the employee is on vacation. ItMeals and lodging. You can usually deduct If you transfer property (including your includes an amount you pay an employee forthe cost of furnishing meals and lodging to your company’s stock) to an employee as payment unused vacation leave. Vacation pay does notemployees. However, you can generally deduct for services, you can generally deduct it as include any sick pay or holiday pay.only 50% of the cost of furnishing meals. wages. The amount you can deduct is its fair You can deduct vacation pay only in your tax

Deduct the cost on your tax return or busi- market value on the date of the transfer minus year in which the employee actually receives it.ness schedule in whatever category the ex- any amount the employee paid for the property. This rule applies regardless of whether you usepense falls. For example, if you operate a You can claim the deduction only for the tax the cash method or an accrual method of ac-restaurant, deduct the cost of the meals you year in which your employee includes the counting.furnish to your employees as part of the cost of property’s value in income. Your employee isgoods sold. If you operate a nursing home, deemed to have included the value in income ifmotel, or rental property, deduct the cost of you report it on Form W–2 in a timely manner.furnishing lodging to an employee as expenses You treat the deductible amount as receivedfor utilities, linen service, salaries, depreciation, in exchange for the property, and you must rec-etc. ognize any gain or loss realized on the transfer.

3.Your gain or loss is the difference between theDeduction limit on meals. You can gener-fair market value of the property and its adjustedally deduct only 50% of the cost of furnishingbasis on the date of transfer.meals to your employees. However, you can

deduct the full cost of the following meals. A corporation recognizes no gain or  Retirementloss when it pays for services with its 

• Meals whose value you include in anown stock.CAUTION

!employee’s wages. For more information, Planssee section 2 in Publication 15–B. These rules also apply to property trans-

ferred to an independent contractor, generally• Meals that qualify as a de minimis fringe

reported on Form 1099–MISC.benefit as discussed in section 2 of Publi- Important Changescation 15– B. This generally includes Restricted property. If the property youmeals you furnish to employees at your transfer for services is subject to restrictions that for 2003place of business if more than half of affect its value, you generally cannot deduct itthese employees are provided the meals and do not report gain or loss until it is substan- Elective deferrals. The limit on elective defer-for your convenience. tially vested in the recipient. However, if the rals increases to $12,000 for tax years begin-

recipient pays for the property, you must report

ning in 2003 and then increases $1,000 each tax•

Meals you furnish to your employees at any gain at the time of the transfer up to the year thereafter until it reaches $15,000 in 2006.the work site when you operate a restau-amount paid. These new limits will apply for participants inrant or catering service.

“Substantially vested” means the property is SARSEPs, 401(k) plans (excluding SIMPLE• Meals you furnish to your employees as not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. The plans), and deferred compensation plans of

part of the expense of providing recrea- recipient is not likely to have to give up his or her state or local governments and tax-exempt or-tional or social activities, such as a com- rights in the property in the future. ganizations. The $15,000 figure is subject topany picnic.

cost-of-living increases after 2006.Reimbursements• Meals you are required by federal law to Catch-up contributions. A plan can permit

furnish to crew members of certain com- participants who are age 50 or over at the end offor Business Expensesmercial vessels (or would be required to the calendar year to also make catch-up contri-furnish if the vessels were operated at You can generally deduct the amount you pay or butions. The catch-up contribution limit for 2003sea). This does not include meals you fur- reimburse employees for business expenses is $2,000. This limit increases by $1,000 eachnish on vessels primarily providing luxury they incur for you for items such as travel and year thereafter until it reaches $5,000 in 2006.water transportation. entertainment. However, your deduction f or The limit is subject to cost-of-living increases

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after 2006. The catch-up contribution a partici- • Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) pensation over $200,000 when you figure yourpant can make for a year cannot exceed the contribution limit for that employee.lesser of the following amounts.

Useful Items More than one plan. If you also contribute to a• The catch-up contribution limit. You may want to see: defined contribution retirement plan (defined

later), annual additions to all a participant’s ac-• The excess of the participant’s compensa-

Publication counts are limited to the lesser of $40,000 ortion over the elective deferrals that are not100% of the participant’s compensation. Whencatch-up contributions.

❏ 560 Retirement Plans for Small you figure this limit, you must add your contribu-Business (SEP, SIMPLE, and tions to all defined contribution plans. A SEP is

SIMPLE plan salary reduction contributions. Qualified Plans) considered a defined contribution plan for thisThe limit on salary reduction contributions to a

limit.❏ 590 Individual Retirement ArrangementsSIMPLE plan increases to $8,000 beginning in

(IRAs)2003 and then increases $1,000 each tax year Contributions for yourself. The annual limitsthereafter until it reaches $10,000 in 2005. The on your contributions to a common-law

Form (and Instructions)$10,000 figure is subject to adjustment after employee’s SEP-IRA also apply to contributions2005 for cost-of-living increases. you make to your own SEP-IRA.❏ W–2 Wage and Tax Statement

Catch-up contributions. A SIMPLE plan❏ 5304–SIMPLE Savings Incentive Matchcan permit participants who are age 50 or over Deduction LimitPlan for Employees of Smallat the end of the calendar year to make catch-up

Employers (SIMPLE)—Not for Usecontributions. The catch-up contribution limit for The most you can deduct for employer contribu-With a Designated Financial2003 is $1,000. This limit increases by $500 tions (other than elective deferrals) for aInstitutioneach year thereafter until it reaches $2,500 in common-law employee is 25% of the compen-

2006. The limit is subject to cost-of-living in- sation (limited to $200,000 per participant) paid❏ 5305–SIMPLE Savings Incentive Matchcreases after 2006. The catch-up contributions a to him or her during the year from the businessPlan for Employees of Smallparticipant can make for a year cannot exceed that has the plan, not to exceed $40,000 perEmployers (SIMPLE)—for Usethe lesser of the following amounts. participant.With a Designated Financial

Institution• The catch-up contribution limit. Deduction of contributions for yourself.

When figuring the deduction for employer contri-• The excess of the participant’s compensa- See chapter 14 for information about gettingbutions made to your own SEP-IRA, compensa-tion over the salary reduction contributions publications and forms.tion is your net earnings from self-employmentthat are not catch-up contributions.minus the following amounts.

1) The deduction for one-half of your self-em-Simplified Employee ployment tax.

Introduction 2) The deduction for contributions to yourPension (SEP)own SEP-IRA.This chapter discusses retirement plans you can

set up and maintain for yourself and your em- A simplified employee pension (SEP) is a written The deduction for contributions to your ownployees. Retirement plans are savings plans plan that allows you to make deductible contri- SEP-IRA and your net earnings depend on eachthat offer you tax advantages to set aside money butions toward your own and your employees’ other. For this reason, you determine the deduc-for your own and your employees’ retirement. retirement without getting involved in more com- tion for contributions to your own SEP-IRA indi-

In general, a sole proprietor or a partner is plex retirement plans. A corporation also can rectly by reducing the contribution rate called fortreated as an employee for retirement plan pur- have a SEP and make deductible contributions in your plan. Use Worksheet 3– A, shown underposes. toward its employees’ retirement. However, cer-

Qualified Plan, later, to figure the rate.SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans offer you tain advantages available to qualified plans,and your employees a tax favored way to save SEP and defined contribution plan. If yousuch as the special tax treatment that may applyfor retirement. You can deduct contributions you also contributed to a qualified defined contribu-to lump-sum distributions, do not apply to SEPs.make to the plan for your employees. If you are a tion plan, you must reduce the 25% deductionUnder a SEP, you make the contributions tosole proprietor, you can deduct contributions limit for that plan by the allowable deduction fora traditional individual retirement arrangementyou make to the plan for yourself. You can also contributions to the SEP-IRAs of those partici-(called a SEP-IRA) set up for each eligible em-deduct trustees’ fees if contributions to the plan pating in both the SEP plan and the not cover them. Earnings on the contributions contribution plan.SEP-IRAs are set up for, at a minimum, eachare generally tax free until you or your employ- eligible employee. A SEP-IRA may have to be SEP and another qualified plan. If you alsoees receive distributions from the plan. set up for a leased employee, but need not be contributed to any other type of qualified plan,Under certain plans, employees can have set up for an excludable employee. For more treat the SEP as a separate profit-sharing (de-you contribute limited amounts of their information, see Publication 560. fined contribution) plan when applying the over-before-tax pay to a plan. These amounts (and

all 25% deduction limit described in sectionthe earnings on them) are generally tax free until Form 5305–SEP. You may be able to use404(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.your employees receive distributions from the Form 5305–SEP, Simplified Employee Pen- 

plan.If your SEP contribution is more than sion—Individual Retirement Accounts Contri- In general, individuals who are employed or the deduction limit (nondeductible con- bution Agreement, in setting up your SEP.

self-employed can also set up and contribute to tribution), you can carry over and de- TIP

individual retirement arrangements (IRAs). duct the difference in later years. However, the Contribution Limitscontribution carryover, when combined with the 

Topics contribution for the later year, is subject to the Contributions you make for 2003 to adeduction limit for that year.This chapter discusses: common-law employee’s SEP-IRA are limited to

the lesser of $40,000 or 25% of the employee’sEmployee contributions. Employees can• Simplified employee pension (SEP) plans compensation. Compensation generally doesalso make contributions of up to $3,000 (ornot include your contributions to the SEP, but

• SIMPLE (Savings incentive match plan for$4,000 if they are 50 or older) for 2003 to theirdoes include certain elective deferrals unlessemployees) retirement plansSEP-IRAs independent of the employer’s SEPyou choose not to include them.

• Qualified plans (also called H.R. 10 plans contributions. However, the employee’s deduc-or Keogh plans when covering self-em- Annual compensation limit. You generally tion for IRA contributions may be reduced orployed individuals) cannot consider the part of an employee’s com- eliminated because the employee is covered by

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an employer retirement plan (the SEP plan). Catch-up contributions are not subject to theSee Publication 590 for details. limit discussed under Limit on elective deferrals , SIMPLE


Salary Reduction Retirement PlansDeduction limit and elective deferrals.Simplified Employee

A Savings Incentive Match Plan for EmployeesCompensation, as discussed earlier, under De- Pension (SARSEP) (SIMPLE plan) is a written arrangement thatduction Limit, includes elective deferrals. Elec-provides you and your employees with a simpli-tive deferrals are no longer subject to this

An employer is no longer allowed to set  fied way to make contributions to provide retire-deduction limit. However, the combined deduc-up a SARSEP. However, participants  ment income. Under a SIMPLE plan, employees

tion for a participant’s elective deferrals, andin a SARSEP set up before 1997 (in-  can choose to make salary reduction contribu-CAUTION

!other SEP contributions, cannot exceedcluding employees hired after 1996) can con-  tions to the plan rather than receiving these

$40,000.tinue to have their employer contribute part of  amounts as part of their regular pay. In addition,their pay to the plan. you will contribute matching or nonelective con-

tributions.Employment taxes. Elective deferrals thatA SARSEP is a SEP set up before 1997 thatmeet the ADP test are not subject to income tax SIMPLE plans can only be maintained on aincluded a salary reduction arrangement. Underin the year of deferral, but they are included in calendar-year basis.the arrangement, employees can choose towages for social security, Medicare, and federalhave you contribute part of their pay to their A SIMPLE plan can be set up in either of theunemployment (FUTA) tax.SEP-IRAs rather than receive it in cash. This following ways.

contribution is called an elective deferral be-• Using SIMPLE IRAs (SIMPLE IRA plan).cause employees choose (elect) to set aside the Reporting SEP Contributions

money and the tax on the money is deferred until • As part of a 401(k) plan (SIMPLE 401(k)on Form W–2it is distributed. plan).

Your contributions to an employee’s SEP-IRAThis choice is available only if all the follow- See Publication 560 for information on SIMPLEare excluded from the employee’s income. Doing requirements are met. 401(k) plans.not include these contributions in your

• The SARSEP was set up before 1997. employee’s wages on Form W–2 for income, Many financial institutions will help you 

social security, or Medicare tax purposes. How- set up a SIMPLE plan.• At least 50% of the eligible employeesever, your SEP contributions under a salary re-

choose the salary reduction arrangement.TIP

duction arrangement are included in your• You had 25 or fewer eligible employees employee’s wages for social security and Medi-

(or employees who would have been eligi- care tax purposes only.ble if you had maintained a SEP) at any SIMPLE IRA Plantime during the preceding year. Example. Jim’s salary reduction arrange-

A SIMPLE IRA plan is a retirement plan thatment calls for 10% of his salary to be contributed• Each eligible highly compensated uses SIMPLE IRAs for each eligible his employer as an elective deferral to Jim’s

employee’s deferral percentage each year Under a SIMPLE IRA plan, a SIMPLE IRA mustSEP-IRA. Jim’s salary for the year is $30,000is no more than 125% of the average be set up for each eligible employee. For the(before reduction for the deferral). The employerdeferral percentage (ADP) of all nonhighly definition of an eligible employee, see Who Can did not choose to treat deferrals as compensa-compensated employees eligible to partici- Participate in a SIMPLE IRA Plan?, next.tion under the arrangement. To figure the defer-pate (the ADP test). See Publication 560

ral, the employer multiplies Jim’s salary offor the definition of a highly compensated

$30,000 by 9.0909%, the reduced rate Who Can Set Upemployee and information on how to figureequivalent of 10%, to get the deferral of

a SIMPLE IRA Plan?the deferral percentage. $2,727.27. (This method is the same one you,as a self-employed person, use to figure the You can set up a SIMPLE IRA plan if you meet

Limit on elective deferrals. In general, the contributions you make on your own behalf. See both the following income an employee can defer under a Worksheet 3– A, under Qualified Plan, later.)

• You meet the employee limit.SARSEP and certain other elective deferral ar- On Jim’s Form W– 2, his employer showsrangements for 2003 is limited to the lesser of

• You do not maintain another qualified plantotal wages of $27,272.73 ($30,000 −

$12,000 or 25% of the employee’s compensa- unless the other plan is for collective bar-$2,727.27), social security wages of $30,000,tion (as defined in Publication 560). This limit gaining employees.and Medicare wages of $30,000. Jim reportsapplies only to amounts that reduce the $27,272.73 as wages on his individual incomeemployee’s pay, not to any contributions from tax return. Employee limit. You can set up a SIMPLEemployer funds.

IRA plan only if you had 100 or fewer employeesIf his employer does not make the choicewho received $5,000 or more in compensationexplained above, Jim’s deferral would be $3,000

Catch-up contributions. A SEP can permit from you for the preceding year. Under this rule,($30,000 x 10%). In this case, the employerparticipants who are age 50 or older at the end you must take into account all employees em-uses the rate called for under the arrangementof the calendar year to make catch-up contribu- ployed at any time during the calendar year(not the reduced rate) to figure the deferral and

tions. The catch-up contribution limit for 2003 is regardless of whether they are eligible to partici-the ADP test. On Jim’s Form W– 2, the employerpate. Employees include self-employed individ-$2,000 ($3,000 for 2004). Elective deferrals are shows total wages of $27,000 ($30,000 −

uals who received earned income and leasednot treated as catch-up contributions for 2003 $3,000), social security wages of $30,000, andemployees.until they exceed the limit discussed earlier Medicare wages of $30,000. Jim reports

under Limit on elective deferrals, the SARSEP Once you set up a SIMPLE IRA plan, you$27,000 as wages on his return.ADP test (see Publication 560), or the plan limit must continue to meet the 100-employee limit

In either case, the maximum deductible con-(if any). However, the catch-up contribution a each year you maintain the plan.

tribution would be $6,000 ($30,000 x 20%).participant can make for a year cannot exceed

Grace period for employers who cease to the lesser of the following amounts. meet the 100-employee limit. If you maintain

More information. For more information onthe SIMPLE IRA plan for at least 1 year and you

• The catch-up contribution limit. employer withholding requirements, see Publi-cease to meet the 100-employee limit in a later

cation 15.• The excess of the participant’s compensa- year, you will be treated as meeting it for the 2

tion over the elective deferrals that are not For more information on SEPs, see Publica- calendar years immediately following the calen-catch-up contributions. tion 560. dar year for which you last met it.

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A different rule applies if you do not meet the section 403(b) annuity contract. If you are not affect the amount an individual can contrib-100-employee limit because of an acquisition, self-employed, compensation is your net earn- ute to a Roth IRA.disposition, or similar transaction. Under this ings from self-employment (line 4 of Short

Deadline for setting up a SIMPLE IRA. Arule, the SIMPLE IRA plan will be treated as Schedule SE (Form 1040)) before subtracting

SIMPLE IRA must be set up for an employeemeeting the 100-employee limit for the year of any contributions made to the SIMPLE IRA plan

before the first date by which a contribution isthe transaction and the 2 following years if both for yourself.

required to be deposited into the employee’sthe following conditions are satisfied.

IRA. See Time limits for contributing funds , later,• Coverage under the plan has not signifi- under Contribution Limits.How To Set Up a SIMPLE IRA Plan

cantly changed during the grace period.

You can use Form 5304–SIMPLE  or Form • The SIMPLE IRA plan would have contin- Notification Requirement5305–SIMPLE to set up a SIMPLE IRA plan.ued to qualify after the transaction if you

Each form is a model savings incentive matchhad remained a separate employer. If you adopt a SIMPLE IRA plan, you must notifyplan for employees (SIMPLE) plan document.

each employee of the following informationWhich form you use depends on whether you

before the beginning of the election period.The grace period for acquisitions, dis-  select a financial institution or your employeespositions, and similar transactions also  select the institution that will receive the contri- • The employee’s opportunity to make orapplies if, because of these types of  butions.


!change a salary reduction choice under a

transactions, you do not meet the rules ex-  Use Form 5304–SIMPLE if you allow each SIMPLE IRA plan.plained under Other qualified plan, next, or Who plan participant to select the financial institution

• Your choice to make either reducedCan Participate in a SIMPLE IRA Plan?, later. for receiving his or her SIMPLE IRA plan contri-matching contributions or nonelective con-butions. Use Form 5305– SIMPLE if you require

Other qualified plan. The SIMPLE IRA plan tributions (discussed later).that all contributions under the SIMPLE IRA plangenerally must be the only retirement plan to be deposited initially at a designated financial • A summary description and the location ofwhich you make contributions, or benefits ac- institution. the plan. The financial institution shouldcrue, for service in any year beginning with the The SIMPLE IRA plan is adopted when you provide you with this information.year the SIMPLE IRA plan becomes effective. (and the designated financial institution, if any)

• Written notice that his or her balance canhave completed all appropriate boxes andException. If you maintain a qualified planbe transferred without cost or penalty ifblanks on the form and you have signed it. Keep

for collective bargaining employees, you are you use a designated financial institution.the original form. Do not file it with the IRS.permitted to maintain a SIMPLE IRA plan forother employees. Other uses of the forms. If you set up a

Election period. The election period is gener-SIMPLE IRA plan using Form 5304–SIMPLE orally the 60-day period immediately precedingForm 5305–SIMPLE, you can use the form to

Who Can Participate January 1 of a calendar year (November 2 tosatisfy other requirements, including the follow-in a SIMPLE IRA Plan? December 31 of the preceding calendar year).ing.

However, the dates of this period are modified if• Meeting employer notification require- you set up a SIMPLE IRA plan in mid-year (forEligible employee. Any employee who re-

ments for the SIMPLE IRA plan. Page 3 of example, on July 1) or if the 60-day period fallsceived at least $5,000 in compensation duringForm 5304–SIMPLE and Page 3 of Form before the first day an employee becomes eligi-any 2 years preceding the current calendar year5305–SIMPLE contain a Model Notifica- and is reasonably expected to receive at least ble to participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan.tion to Eligible Employees that provides$5,000 during the current calendar year is eligi- A SIMPLE IRA plan can provide longer peri-the necessary information to the em-ble to participate. The term employee includes ods for permitting employees to enter into salaryployee.a self-employed individual who received earned reduction agreements or to modify prior agree-

income. • Maintaining the SIMPLE IRA plan records ments. For example, a SIMPLE IRA plan can

You can use less restrictive eligibility require- and proving you set up a SIMPLE IRA provide a 90-day election period instead of thements (but not more restrictive ones) by elimi- plan for employees. 60-day period. Similarly, in addition to thenating or reducing the prior year compensation 60-day period, a SIMPLE IRA plan can providerequirements, the current year compensation quarterly election periods during the 30 daysDeadline for setting up a SIMPLE IRA plan.requirements, or both. For example, you can before each calendar quarter, other than the firstYou can set up a SIMPLE IRA plan effective onallow participation for employees who received quarter of each year.any date from January 1 thru October 1 of aat least $3,000 in compensation during any pre-

year, provided you did not previously maintain aceding calendar year. However, you cannot im-

SIMPLE IRA plan. This requirement does notpose any other conditions on participating in a Contribution Limitsapply if you are a new employer that comes intoSIMPLE IRA plan.

existence after October 1 of the year the Contributions are made up of salary reductionSIMPLE IRA plan is set up and you set up aExcludable employees. The following em- contributions and employer contributions. You,SIMPLE IRA plan as soon as administrativelyployees do not need to be covered under a as the employer, must make either matchingfeasible after your business comes into exis-SIMPLE IRA plan. contributions or nonelective contributions, dis-tence. If you previously maintained a SIMPLE cussed later. No other contributions can be• Employees who are covered by a unionIRA plan, you can set up a SIMPLE IRA plan made to the SIMPLE IRA plan. These contribu-agreement and whose retirement benefitseffective only on January 1 of a year. A SIMPLE tions, which you can deduct, must be made

were bargained for in good faith by the IRA plan cannot have an effective date that is timely. See Time limits for contributing funds,employees’ union and you.before the date you actually adopt the plan. later.

• Nonresident alien employees who haveSetting up a SIMPLE IRA. SIMPLE IRAs are

received no U.S. source wages, salaries, Salary reduction contributions. The amountthe individual retirement accounts or annuitiesor other personal services compensation the employee chooses to have you contribute tointo which the contributions are deposited. Afrom you. a SIMPLE IRA on his or her behalf cannot beSIMPLE IRA must be set up for each eligible

more than $8,000 for 2003 ($9,000 for 2004).employee. Forms 5305–S, SIMPLE Individual These contributions must be expressed as aCompensation. Compensation for employ- Retirement Trust Account, and 5305–SA,percentage of the employee’s compensation un-ees is the total wages required to be reported on SIMPLE Individual Retirement Custodial Ac- less you permit the employee to express themForm W–2. Compensation also includes the count, are model trust and custodial accountas a specific dollar amount. You cannot placesalary reduction contributions made under this documents the participant and the trustee (orrestrictions on the contribution amount (such asplan, compensation deferred under a section custodian) can use for this purpose.limiting the contribution percentage), except to457 plan, and the employees’ elective deferrals A SIMPLE IRA cannot be designated as acomply with the $8,000 limit.under a section 401(k) plan, a SARSEP, or a Roth IRA. Contributions to a SIMPLE IRA will

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If an employee is a participant in any other contribute 10% of her salary. You make a 2% Tax Treatment of Contributionsemployer plan during the year and has elective nonelective contribution. Both of you are under

You can deduct your contributions and your em-salary reductions or deferred compensation age 50. The total contributions you can make forployees can exclude these contributions fromunder those plans, the salary reduction contribu- her are $4,320, figured as follows.their gross income. SIMPLE IRA contributionstions under a SIMPLE IRA plan also are electiveare not subject to federal income tax withhold-deferrals that count toward the overall $12,000 Salary reduction contributionsing. However, salary reduction contributions areannual limit on exclusion of salary reductions ($36,000 × .10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,600subject to social security, Medicare, and federaland other elective deferrals. 2% nonelective contributionsunemployment (FUTA) taxes. Matching and($36,000 × .02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720

Catch-up contributions. A SIMPLE plan nonelective contributions are not subject toTotal contributions . . . . . . . . . . . $4,320can permit participants who are age 50 or older these the end of the calendar year to make catch-up

Reporting on Form W–2. Do not includeExample 2. Using the same facts as in Ex- contributions. The catch-up contribution limit for

SIMPLE IRA contributions in the “Wages, tips,ample 1, above, the maximum contribution you2003 is $1,000. This limit increases by $500other compensation” box of Form W–2. How-can make for Jane if she earned $75,000 iseach year thereafter until it reaches $2,500 inever, salary reduction contributions must be in-2006. The limit is subject to cost-of-living in- $9,500, figured as follows.cluded in the boxes for social security wagescreases after 2006. The catch-up contributions aand Medicare wages. Also include the properSalary reduction contributionsparticipant can make for a year cannot exceedcode in Box 12. For more information, see the(maximum amount) . . . . . . . . . . $8,000the lesser of the following amounts.instructions for Forms W– 2 and W–3.2% nonelective contributions

• The catch-up contribution limit. ($75,000 × .02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500Total contributions . . . . . . . . . . $9,500• The excess of the participant’s compensa-

Distributions (Withdrawals)tion over the elective deferrals that are notcatch-up contributions.

Distributions from a SIMPLE IRA are subject toTime limits for contributing funds. YouIRA rules and generally are includible in incomemust make the salary reduction contributions to

Employer matching contributions. You for the year received. Tax-free rollovers can bethe SIMPLE IRA within 30 days after the end ofgenerally are required to match each made from one SIMPLE IRA into another

the month in which the amounts would other-employee’s salary reduction contributions (other SIMPLE IRA. A rollover from a SIMPLE IRA to a

wise have been payable to the employee in

than catch-up contributions) on a dollar-for-dol- non-SIMPLE IRA can be made tax free onlycash. You must make matching contributions orlar basis up to 3% of the employee’s compensa- after a 2-year participation in the SIMPLE IRAnonelective contributions by the due date (in-tion. This requirement does not apply if you plan.cluding extensions) for filing your federal incomemake nonelective contributions as discussed Early withdrawals generally are subject to atax return for the year.later. 10% additional tax. However, the additional tax

is increased to 25% if funds are withdrawn withinExample. In 2003, your employee, John 2 years of beginning participation.

When To Deduct ContributionsRose, earned $25,000 and chose to defer 5% ofMore information. See Publication 590 for in-his salary. You make a 3% matching contribu-

You can deduct SIMPLE IRA contributions in the formation about IRA rules, including those ontion. The total contribution you can make fortax year with or within which the calendar year the tax treatment of distributions, rollovers, re-John is $2,000, figured as follows.for which contributions were made ends. You quired distributions, and income tax withholding.can deduct contributions for a particular tax yearSalary reduction contributions

($25,000 × .05) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250 if they are made for that tax year and are madeEmployer matching contribution More Information onby the due date (including extensions) of your($25,000 × .03) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 SIMPLE IRA Plansfederal income tax return for that year.Total contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000

If you need more help to set up and maintain aExample 1. Your tax year is the fiscal yearSIMPLE IRA plan, see the following IRS noticeLower percentage. If you choose a match- ending June 30. Contributions under a SIMPLEand revenue contribution less than 3%, the percentage IRA plan for the calendar year 2003 (including

must be at least 1%. You must notify the em- contributions made in 2003 before July 1, 2003) Notice 98–4. This notice contains questionsployees of the lower match within a reasonableare deductible in the tax year ending June 30, and answers about the implementation and op-period of time before the 60-day election period2004. eration of SIMPLE IRA plans, including the elec-(discussed earlier) for the calendar year. You

tion and notice requirements for these plans.cannot choose a percentage less than 3% forExample 2. You are a sole proprietor whose Notice 98 –4 is in Cumulative Bulletin 1998– 1.more than 2 years during the 5-year period that

tax year is the calendar year. Contributionsends with (and includes) the year for which the Revenue Procedure 97–29. This revenueunder a SIMPLE IRA plan for the calendar yearchoice is effective. procedure provides guidance to drafters of pro-2003 (including contributions made in 2004 by

totype SIMPLE IRAs on obtaining opinion let-Nonelective contributions. Instead of April 15, 2004) are deductible in the 2003 taxters. Revenue Procedure 97–29 is inmatching contributions, you can choose to make year.Cumulative Bulletin 1997–1.nonelective contributions of 2% of compensa-

tion on behalf of each eligible employee who has

at least $5,000 of compensation (or some lower Where To Deduct Contributionsamount of compensation that you select) fromDeduct contributions you make for your Qualified Planyou for the year. If you make this choice, you

must make nonelective contributions whether or common-law employees on your tax return. ForA qualified retirement plan is a written plan younot the employee chooses to make salary re- example, sole proprietors deduct them oncan set up for the exclusive benefit of your em-duction contributions. Only $200,000 of the Schedule C (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Formployees and their beneficiaries. It is sometimesemployee’s compensation can be taken into ac- 1040), partnerships deduct them on Form 1065,called a Keogh or H.R. 10 plan.count to figure the contribution limit. and corporations deduct them on Form 1120,

You, or you and your employees, can makeIf you choose this 2% contribution formula, Form 1120–A, or Form 1120S.contributions to the plan. If your plan meets theyou must notify the employees within a reasona-

Sole proprietors and partners deduct contri- qualification requirements, you generally canble period of time before the 60-day electionbutions for themselves on line 30 of Form 1040. deduct your contributions to the plan. For moreperiod (discussed earlier) for the calendar year.(If you are a partner, contributions for yourself information, see Publication 560.are shown on the Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) youExample 1. In 2003, your employee, Jane Your employees generally are not taxed onreceive from the partnership).Wood, earned $36,000 and chose to have you your contributions or increases in the plan’s as-

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sets until they are distributed. However, certain you will need continuing professional help to Defined benefit plans. An actuary must fig-loans made from qualified plans are treated as administer a defined benefit plan. ure the deduction for contributions to a definedtaxable distributions. For more information, see benefit plan because it is based on actuarialPublication 575. assumptions and computations.Setting Up a PlanQualification requirements. To be a quali- Deduction of contributions for yourself. To

You must adopt a written plan. The plan can befied plan, the plan must meet many require- take a deduction for contributions you make to aan IRS-approved master or prototype plan of-ments. They include requirements that plan for yourself, you must have net earningsfered by a sponsoring organization. Or it can bedetermine the following. from the trade or business for which the planan individually designed plan. was set up.

• Who must be covered by the plan.Master or prototype plans. The following

Limit on deduction. If the qualified plan is a• How contributions to the plan are to be sponsoring organizations generally can provide profit-sharing plan, your deduction for yourself is

invested. IRS-approved master or prototype to the lesser of $40,000 or 20% (25%

• How contributions to the plan and benefits reduced as discussed later) of your net earn-• Trade or professional organizations.under the plan are to be determined. ings.

• Banks (including savings and loan as-• How much of an employee’s interest in the Net earnings. Your net earnings must besociations and federally insured credit un-

plan must be guaranteed (vested). from self-employment in a trade or business inions).which your personal services are a material

For more information, see Publication 560. • Insurance companies.income-producing factor. Your net earnings donot include items excluded from income (or de-• Mutual funds.More than one job. If you are self-employedductions related to that income), other than for-

and also work for someone else, you can partici- Adoption of a master or prototype plan does noteign earned income and foreign housing cost

pate in retirement plans for both jobs. Generally, mean your plan is automatically qualified. It stillamounts.

your participation in a retirement plan for one job must meet all the qualification requirementsYour net earnings are your business gross

does not affect your participation in a plan for the stated in the law.income minus the allowable business deduc-

other job. However, if you have an IRA, you maytions from that business. Allowable business

not be allowed to deduct part or all of your IRA Individually designed plan. If you prefer, youdeductions include contributions to SEP and

contributions. See Publication 590. can set up an individually designed plan to meetqualified plans for common-law employees and

specific needs. Although advance IRS approval the deduction for one-half of your self-employ-is not required, you can apply for approval byKinds of Qualified Plans ment tax.paying a fee and requesting a determination

Net earnings include a partner’s distributiveThere are two basic kinds of qualified retirement letter. You may need professional help with this.

share of partnership income or loss (other thanplans: defined contribution plans and defined Revenue Procedure 2003-6 in Internal Revenue

separately stated items such as capital gainsbenefit plans. Bulletin 2003-1 may help you decide whether to

and losses) and any guaranteed payments. Ifapply for approval.

you are a limited partner, net earnings includeonly guaranteed payments for services ren-Defined Contribution Plan Deduction Limits dered to or for the partnership. For more infor-mation, see Partnership Income or Loss underThis plan provides for a separate account for The deduction limit for contributions to a quali- Figuring Earnings Subject to Self-Employment each person covered by the plan. Benefits are fied plan depends on the kind of plan you have. Tax in Publication 533.based only on amounts contributed to or allo-

Net earnings do not include income passedIn figuring the deduction for contribu- cated to each account.through to shareholders of S corporations.tions to these plans, you cannot take There are two types of defined contribution

into account any contributions or bene- plans: profit-sharing and money purchase pen- CAUTION

!Adjustments. You must reduce your net

fits that are more than the limits discussed under sion.

earnings by the deduction for one-half of yourLimits on Contributions and Benefits in Publica-  self-employment tax. Also, net earnings must beProfit-sharing plan. This plan lets your em- tion 560. However, your deduction can be as reduced by the deduction for contributions youployees or their beneficiaries share in the profits much as the plan’s unfunded current liability.make for yourself. This reduction is made indi-of your business. The plan must have a definiterectly, as explained next.formula for allocating the contribution among the Defined contribution plans. The deduction

participating employees and for distributing the for contributions to a defined contribution plan Net earnings reduced by adjusting contri- accumulated funds in the plan. (profit sharing plan or money purchase pension bution rate. You must reduce net earnings by

plan) cannot be more than 25% of the compen- your deduction for contributions for yourself. TheMoney purchase pension plan. Under thissation paid (or accrued) during the year to the deduction and the net earnings depend on eachplan, contributions are fixed and are not basedeligible employees participating in the plan. You other. You make the adjustment indirectly byon your business profits. For example, if the planmust reduce this limit in figuring the deduction reducing the contribution rate called for in therequires contributions of 10% of each participat-for contributions you make for your own ac- plan and using the reduced rate to figure youring employee’s compensation, regardless ofcount. See Deduction of contributions for your-  maximum deduction for contributions for your-whether you have a profit, the plan is a moneyself, later. self.purchase pension plan.

When figuring the deduction limit, the follow-Annual compensation limit. You generallying rules apply.

cannot take into account more than $200,000 of

Defined Benefit Plan • Elective deferrals (discussed in Publica- your compensation in figuring your contributiontion 560) are not subject to the limit. to a defined contribution plan.

This is any plan that is not a defined contribution• Compensation includes elective deferrals.plan. In general, contributions to a qualified de-

fined benefit plan are based on what is needed• The maximum compensation that can be

to provide definitely determinable benefits to taken into account for each employee isplan participants. Your contributions to the plan $200,000.are based on actuarial assumptions. Generally,

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Worksheet 3–A. Rate Worksheet forWorksheet 3–B. Deduction Worksheet for Self-EmployedSelf-Employed —

Step 1 IllustratedEnter your net profit from line 31, Schedule C (Form 1040); line 3, ScheduleC-EZ (Form 1040); line 36, Schedule F (Form 1040); or line 15a*, Schedule K-1 1) Plan contribution rate as a(Form 1065) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . decimal (for example, 101 / 2% =*General partners should reduce this amount by the same additional expenses .105) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.085subtracted from line 15a to determine the amount on line 1 or 2 of Schedule SE

2) Rate in line 1 plus 1 (for example,Step 2

.105 + 1 = 1.105) . . . . . . . . . . . 1.085Enter your deduction for self-employment tax from line 28, Form 1040 . . . . . . .

3) Self-employed rate as a decimalStep 3

rounded to at least 3 decimalNet earnings from self-employment. Subtract step 2 from step 1 . . . . . . . . . . .

places (line 1 ÷ line 2) . . . . . . . . 0.078Step 4

Enter your rate from the Worksheet 3–A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Step 5 When to make contributions. To take a de-

Multiply step 3 by step 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . duction for contributions for a particular year,Step 6 you must make the contributions not later than

Multiply $200,000 by your plan contribution rate (not the reduced rate) . . . . . . . the due date (generally April 15 for calendarStep 7 year taxpayers), plus extensions, of your tax

Enter the smaller of step 5 or step 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . return for that year.Step 8

More information. See Publication 560 forContribution dollar limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000more information on retirement plans for small• If you made any elective deferrals, go to step owners, including the self-employed.• Otherwise, skip steps 9 through 18 and enter the smaller

of step 7 or step 8 on step 19. Publication 560 also discusses the reportingStep 9 forms that must be filed for these plans.

Enter your allowable elective deferrals made during 2003. Do not enter morethan $12,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 10Subtract step 9 from step 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Individual RetirementStep 11Subtract step 9 from step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrangement (IRA)

Step 12Enter one-half of step 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

An individual retirement arrangement (IRA) is aStep 13

personal savings plan that allows you to setEnter the smallest of step 7, 10, or 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

aside money for your retirement. You may beStep 14

able to deduct your contributions, depending onSubtract step 13 from step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the type of IRA and your circumstances. Gener-Step 15

ally, amounts in an IRA, including earnings andEnter the smaller of step 9 or step 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .gains, are not taxed until they are distributed. In

• If you made catch-up contributions, go to step 16.certain cases, your earnings and gains may not

• Otherwise, skip steps 16 through 18 and go to step taxed at all if they are distributed according toStep 16the rules. For more information on IRAs, seeSubtract step 15 from step 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Publication 590.Step 17

Enter your catch-up contributions, if any. Do not enter more than $2,000 . . . . . .

Step 18Enter the smaller of step 16 or step 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Step 19

Add steps 13, 15, and 18. This is your maximum deductible contribution . . . .Next: Enter your deduction on line 30, Form 1040.

After you have figured your self-employedFiguring Your Deductionrate, you can figure your maximum deduction forcontributions for yourself by completing Work- Use the following worksheet to find the reducedsheet 3–B .contribution rate for yourself. Make no reduction

An Example of how to complete the work-to the contribution rate for any common-law em-sheets follows.ployees.

Worksheet 3–A. Rate Worksheet for ExampleSelf-Employed

You are a sole proprietor with no employees.1) Plan contribution rate as a The terms of your plan provide that you contrib-decimal (for example, 101 / 2% = ute 81 / 2% (.085) of your compensation (defined.105) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . earlier) to your plan. Your net profit from line 31,

2) Rate in line 1 plus 1 (for example, Schedule C (Form 1040) is $200,000. You have.105 + 1 = 1.105) . . . . . . . . . . . no elective deferrals or catch-up contributions.

3) Self-employed rate as a decimal Your self-employment tax deduction on line 28rounded to at least 3 decimal of Form 1040 is $8,072. You figure your self-em-places (line 1 ÷ line 2) . . . . . . . . ployed rate and maximum deduction for em-

ployer contributions you made for yourself asshown in illustrated Worksheet 3–A and Work- sheet 3–B .

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Worksheet 3–B. Deduction Worksheet for Self-Employed — IllustratedRent

Step 1Enter your net profit from line 31, Schedule C (Form 1040); line 3, Schedule Rent is any amount you pay for the use ofC-EZ (Form 1040); line 36, Schedule F (Form 1040); or line 15a*, Schedule K-1

property you do not own. In general, you can(Form 1065) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000deduct rent as an expense only if the rent is for*General partners should reduce this amount by the same additional expensesproperty you use in your trade or business. If yousubtracted from line 15a to determine the amount on line 1 or 2 of Schedule SEhave or will receive equity in or title to the prop-Step 2erty, the rent is not deductible.Enter your deduction for self-employment tax from l ine 28, Form 1040 . . . . . . . 8,072

Step 3Unreasonable rent. You cannot take a rental

Net earnings from self-employment. Subtract step 2 from step 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 191,928deduction for unreasonable rent. Ordinarily, the

Step 4

issue of reasonableness arises only if you andEnter your rate from Worksheet 3–A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.078 the lessor are related. Rent paid to a relatedStep 5person is reasonable if it is the same amountMultiply step 3 by step 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,970you would pay to a stranger for use of the sameStep 6property. Rent is not unreasonable just becauseMultiply $200,000 by your plan contribution rate (not the reduced rate) . . . . . . . 17,000it is figured as a percentage of gross sales. ForStep 7examples of related persons, see Related Per- Enter the smaller of step 5 or step 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,970sons in chapter 12.Step 8

Contribution dollar limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000Rent on your home. If you rent your home

• If you made any elective deferrals, go to step 9.and use part of it as your place of business, you

• Otherwise, skip steps 9 through 18 and enter the smallermay be able to deduct the rent you pay for thatof step 7 or step 8 on step 19.part. You must meet the requirements for busi-Step 9ness use of your home. For more information,Enter your allowable elective deferrals made during 2003. Do not enter moresee Business use of your home in chapter 1.than $12,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 10Rent paid in advance. Generally, rent paid inSubtract step 9 from step 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

your trade or business is deductible in the yearStep 11paid or accrued. If you pay rent in advance, youSubtract step 9 from step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .can deduct only the amount that applies to yourStep 12use of the rented property during the tax year.Enter one-half of step 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .You can deduct the rest of your payment onlyStep 13over the period to which it applies.Enter the smallest of step 7, 10, or 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 14Example 1. You leased a building for 5Subtract step 13 from step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

years beginning July 1. Your rent is $12,000 perStep 15year. You paid the first year’s rent ($12,000) onEnter the smaller of step 9 or step 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June 30. You can deduct only $6,000 ( 6 / 12 ו If you made catch-up contributions, go to step 16.$12,000) for the rent that applies to the first year.• Otherwise, skip steps 16 through 18 and go to step 19.

Step 16Subtract step 15 from step 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example 2. Last January you leased prop-

Step 17 erty for 3 years for $6,000 a year. You paid theEnter your catch-up contributions, if any. Do not enter more than $2,000 . . . . . . full $18,000 (3 × $6,000) during the first year of

Step 18 the lease. Each year you can deduct onlyEnter the smaller of step 16 or step 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000, the part of the rent that applies to thatStep 19 year.

Add steps 13, 15, and 18. This is your maximum deductible contribution . . . . $14,970Canceling a lease. You generally can deductNext: Enter your deduction on line 30, Form rent an amount you pay to cancel a businesslease.

. sion about capitalizing (including in the cost ofLease or purchase. There may be instances

property) certain rent expenses at the end of thein which you must determine whether your pay-

chapter.ments are for rent or for the purchase of theproperty. You must first determine whether your

Topicsagreement is a lease or a conditional sales con-

This chapter discusses:tract. Payments made under a conditional salescontract are not deductible as rent expense.4. • The definition of rent

Conditional sales contract. Whether an• Taxes on leased property

agreement is a conditional sales contract de-pends on the intent of the parties. Determine• The cost of getting a leaseRent Expense intent based on the provisions of the agreement• Improvements by the lessee

and the facts and circumstances that exist whenyou make the agreement. No single test, or• Capitalizing rent expensesspecial combination of tests, always applies.IntroductionHowever, in general, an agreement may be con-

See chapter 14 for information about gettingThis chapter discusses the tax treatment of rent sidered a conditional sales contract rather than

publications and forms.or lease payments you make for property you a lease if any of the following is true.use in your business but do not own. It also

• The agreement applies part of each pay-discusses how to treat other kinds of payments

ment toward an equity interest you will re-you make that are related to your use of this These include payments you make fortaxes on the property, improvements to the • You get title to the property after you makeproperty, and getting a lease. There is a discus- a stated amount of required payments.

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Leveraged leases of limited-use property.• The amount you must pay to use the prop- The liability and amount of taxes are deter-The IRS will not issue advance rulings on lever-erty for a short time is a large part of the mined by state or local law and the lease agree-aged leases of so-called limited-use property.amount you would pay to get title to the ment. Economic performance occurs as you useLimited-use property is property not expected toproperty. the either useful to or usable by a lessor at the

• You pay much more than the current fairend of the lease term except for continued leas- Example 1. Oak Corporation is a calendar

rental value of the or transfer to a lessee. See Revenue Proce- year taxpayer that uses an accrual method ofdure 2001– 28 for examples of limited-use accounting. Oak leases land for use in its busi-• You have an option to buy the property atproperty and property that is not limited-use ness. Under state law, owners of real propertya nominal price compared to the value ofproperty. become liable (incur a lien on the property) forthe property when you may exercise the

real estate taxes for the year on January 1 ofoption. Determine this value when youthat year. However, they do not have to paymake the agreement. Leases over $250,000. Special rules are pro-

these taxes until July 1 of the next year (18vided for certain leases of tangible property. The• You have an option to buy the property at months later) when tax bills are issued. Underrules apply if the lease calls for total payments ofa nominal price compared to the total

the terms of the lease, Oak becomes liable formore than $250,000 and any of the followingamount you have to pay under the agree-

the real estate taxes in the later year when theapply.ment.

tax bills are issued. If the lease ends before the• Rents increase during the lease. tax bill for a year is issued, Oak is not liable for• The agreement designates part of the pay-

the taxes for that year.ments as interest, or that part is easy to • Rents decrease during the lease.recognize as interest. Oak cannot deduct the real estate taxes as

• Rents are deferred (rent is payable after rent until the tax bill is issued. This is when Oak’sthe end of the calendar year following theLeveraged leases. Leveraged lease trans- liability under the lease becomes fixed.calendar year in which the use occurs andactions may not be considered leases. Lever-the rent is allocated).aged leases generally involve three parties: a Example 2. The facts are the same as in

lessor, a lessee, and a lender to the lessor. Example 1 except that, according to the terms of• Rents are prepaid (rent is payable beforeUsually the lease term covers a large part of the the lease, Oak becomes liable for the real estatethe end of the calendar year preceding theuseful life of the leased property, and the taxes when the owner of the property becomescalendar year in which the use occurs andlessee’s payments to the lessor are enough to liable for them. As a result, Oak will deduct thethe rent is allocated).

cover the lessor’s payments to the lender. real estate taxes as rent on its tax return for theThese rules do not apply if your lease specifies earlier year. This is the year in which Oak’sIf you plan to take part in what appears to beequal amounts of rent for each month in the liability under the lease becomes fixed.a leveraged lease, you may want to get anlease term and all rent payments are due in the

advance ruling. Revenue Procedure 2001– 28calendar year to which the rent relates (or in the

in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2001–19 containspreceding or following calendar year).

the guidelines the IRS will use to determine if aGenerally, if the special rules apply, you mustleveraged lease is a lease for federal income tax Cost of

use an accrual method of accounting (and timepurposes. Revenue Procedure 2001–29 in theGetting a Leasevalue of money principles) for your rental ex-same Internal Revenue Bulletin provides the

penses, regardless of your overall method ofinformation required to be furnished in a requestYou may either enter into a new lease with theaccounting. In addition, in certain cases in whichfor an advance ruling on a leveraged leaselessor of the property or get an existing leasethe IRS has determined that a lease was de-transaction.from another lessee. Very often when you get ansigned to achieve tax avoidance, you must takeIn general, Revenue Procedure 2001–28existing lease from another lessee, you mustrent and stated or imputed interest into accountprovides that, for advance ruling purposes only,pay the previous lessee money to get the lease,under a constant rental accrual method in whichthe IRS will consider the lessor in a leveragedbesides having to pay the rent on the lease.the rent is treated as accruing ratably over thelease transaction to be the owner of the property

entire lease term. For details, see the regula- If you get an existing lease on property orand the transaction to be a valid lease if all the tions under section 467 of the Internal Revenue equipment for your business, you generallyfactors in the revenue procedure are met, in-Code. must amortize any amount you pay to get thatcluding the following.

lease over the remaining term of the lease. For• The lessor must maintain a minimum un- example, if you pay $10,000 to get a lease and

conditional “at risk” equity investment in there are 10 years remaining on the lease withthe property (at least 20% of the cost of no option to renew, you can deduct $1,000 eachTaxes onthe property) during the entire lease term. year.

The cost of getting an existing lease of tangi-Leased Property• The lessee may not have a contractual

ble property is not subject to the amortizationright to buy the property from the lessor atrules for section 197 intangibles discussed inIf you lease business property, you can deductless than fair market value when the rightchapter additional rent any taxes you have to pay tois exercised.

or for the lessor. When you can deduct these• The lessee may not invest in the property, Option to renew. The term of the lease fortaxes as additional rent depends on your ac-

except as provided by Revenue Procedure amortization includes all renewal options pluscounting method.2001–28. any other period for which you and the lessor

reasonably expect the lease to be renewed.Cash method. If you use the cash method of• The lessee may not lend any money to the However, this applies only if less than 75% ofaccounting, you can deduct the taxes as addi-lessor to buy the property or guarantee thethe cost of getting the lease is for the termtional rent only for the tax year in which you payloan used by the lessor to buy the prop-remaining on the purchase date (not includingthem.erty.any period for which you may choose to renew,

• The lessor must show that it expects to extend, or continue the lease). Allocate theAccrual method. If you use an accrualreceive a profit apart from the tax deduc- lease cost to the original term and any optionmethod of accounting, you can deduct taxes astions, allowances, credits, and other tax term based on the facts and circumstances. Inadditional rent for the tax year in which you canattributes. some cases, it may be appropriate to make thedetermine all the following.

allocation using a present value computation.The IRS may charge you a user fee for issuing • That you have a liability for taxes on the For more informat ion, see sect ion

a tax ruling. For more information, see Revenue leased property. 1.178–1(b)(5) of the regulations.Procedure 2004– 1, in Internal Revenue Bulletin

• How much the liability is.No. 2004– 1, or Publication 1375, which is a Example 1. You paid $10,000 to get a leasereprint of Revenue Procedure 2004–1. • That economic performance occurred. with 20 years remaining on it and two options to

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renew for 5 years each. Of this cost, you paid Assignment of a lease. If a long-term lessee$7,000 for the original lease and $3,000 for the who makes permanent improvements to landrenewal options. Because $7,000 is less than later assigns all lease rights to you for money 5.75% of the total $10,000 cost of the lease (or and you pay the rent required by the lease, the$7,500), you must amortize the $10,000 over 30 amount you pay for the assignment is a capitalyears. That is the remaining life of your present investment. If the rental value of the leased landlease plus the periods for renewal. increased since the lease began, part of your Interestcapital investment is for that increase in the

Example 2. The facts are the same as in rental value. The rest is for your investment inExample 1, except that you paid $8,000 for the the permanent improvements.original lease and $2,000 for the renewal op- The part that is for the increased rental value Introductiontions. You can amortize the entire $10,000 over of the land is a cost of getting a lease, and you

This chapter discusses the tax treatment of busi-the 20-year remaining life of the original lease. amortize it over the remaining term of the lease. ness interest expense. Business interest ex-The $8,000 cost of getting the original lease was You can depreciate the part that is for yourpense is an amount charged for the use ofnot less than 75% of the total cost of the lease investment in the improvements over the recov-money you borrowed for business activities.(or $7,500). ery period of the property as discussed earlier,

without regard to the lease term.Cost of a modification agreement. You may Topicshave to pay an additional “rent” amount over part

This chapter discusses:of the lease period to change certain provisionsin your lease. You must capitalize these pay- Capitalizing • Allocation of interestments and amortize them over the remainingperiod of the lease. You cannot deduct the pay- • Interest you can deductRent Expensesments as additional rent, even if they are de-

• Interest you cannot deductscribed as rent in the agreement. Under the uniform capitalization rules, you have

• Capitalization of interestto capitalize the direct costs and part of theExample. You are a calendar year taxpayer indirect costs for production or resale activities. • When to deduct interest

and sign a 20-year lease to rent part of a building Indirect costs include amounts incurred forstarting on January 1. However, before you oc- • Below-market loans

renting or leasing equipment, facilities, or land.cupy it, you decide that you really need less Generally, you are subject to the uniformspace. The lessor agrees to reduce your rent capitalization rules if you do any of the following Useful Itemsfrom $7,000 to $6,000 per year and to release in the course of a trade or business or an activity You may want to see:the excess space from the original lease. In carried on for, you agree to pay an additional rent

Publication• Produce real or tangible personal propertyamount of $3,000, payable in 60 monthly install-for use in the business or activity.ments of $50 each.

❏ 537 Installment SalesYou must capitalize the $3,000 and amortize

• Produce real or tangible personal propertyit over the 20-year term of the lease. Your amor- ❏ 538 Accounting Periods and Methodsfor sale to customers.tization deduction each year will be $150

❏ 550 Investment Income and Expenses• Acquire property for resale. However, this($3,000 ÷ 20). You cannot deduct the $600 (12 ×

rule does not apply to personal property ❏ 936 Home Mortgage Interest$50) that you will pay during each of the first 5acquired for resale if your average annual Deductionyears as rent.gross receipts for the 3 previous tax years

Commissions, bonuses, and fees. Commis- were not more than $10 million. Form (and Instructions)sions, bonuses, fees, and other amounts you

pay to get a lease on property you use in your ❏ Sch A (Form 1040) ItemizedExample 1. You rent construction equip-business are capital costs. You must amortize Deductionsment to build a storage facility. You must capital-these costs over the term of the lease.

❏ Sch E (Form 1040) Supplementalize as part of the cost of the building the rent youIncome and Losspaid for the equipment. You recover your cost byLoss on merchandise and fixtures. If you

claiming a deduction for depreciation on thesell at a loss merchandise and fixtures that you ❏ Sch K– 1 (Form 1065) Partner’s Sharebuilding.bought solely to get a lease, the loss is a cost of of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.

getting the lease. You must capitalize the loss❏ Sch K– 1 (Form 1120S) Shareholder’sExample 2. You rent space in a facility toand amortize it over the remaining term of the

Share of Income, Credits,conduct your business of manufacturing, etc.You must include the rent you paid to occupy the

facility in the cost of the tools you produce.❏ 1098 Mortgage Interest Statement

More information. For more information, see❏ 3115 Application for Change inImprovements the regulations under section 263A of the Inter-

Accounting Methodnal Revenue Lessee ❏ 4952 Investment Interest Expense

DeductionIf you add buildings or make other permanent❏ 8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitationsimprovements to leased property, depreciate

the cost of the improvements using the modifiedSee chapter 14 for information about gettingaccelerated cost recovery system (MACRS).

publications and forms.Depreciate the property over its appropriate re-covery period. You cannot amortize the costover the remaining term of the lease.

If you do not keep the improvements whenyou end the lease, figure your gain or loss based Allocation of Intereston your adjusted basis in the improvements atthat time. The rules for deducting interest vary, depending

For more information, see the discussion of on whether the loan proceeds are used for busi-MACRS in Publication 946, How To Depreciate  ness, personal, investment, or passive activi-Property. ties. If you use the proceeds of a loan for more

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than one type of expense, you must make an Connie uses $20,000 from the checking account ceeds are deposited in an account, you can treatallocation to determine the interest for each use for a passive activity expenditure. On Septem- any payment (up to the amount of the proceeds)of the loan’s proceeds. ber 1, Connie uses an additional $40,000 from made from any account you own, or from cash,

Allocate your interest expense to the follow- the account for personal purposes. as made from those proceeds. This applies toing categories. any payment made within 30 days  before orUnder the interest allocation rules, the entire

$100,000 loan is treated as property held for after the proceeds are received in cash or de-• Trade or business interest

investment for the period from January 4 posited in your account.• Passive activity interest through March 31. From April 1 through August If the loan proceeds are deposited in an

31, Connie must treat $20,000 of the loan as account, you can apply this rule even i f the rules• Investment interest

used in the passive activity and $80,000 of the stated earlier under Order of funds spent would• Portfolio interest loan as property held for investment. From Sep- otherwise require you to treat the proceeds as

tember 1 through December 31, she must treat used for other purposes. If you apply this rule to• Personal interest

$40,000 of the loan as used for personal pur- any payments, disregard those payments (andIn general, you allocate interest on a loan the poses, $20,000 as used in the passive activity, the proceeds from which they are made) whensame way you allocate the loan proceeds. You and $40,000 as property held for investment. applying the rules stated under Order of funds allocate loan proceeds by tracing disburse- spent.Order of funds spent. Generally, you treatments to specific uses. If you received the loan proceeds in cash,loan proceeds deposited in an account as used

you can treat the payment as made on the date(spent) before either of the following amounts.The easiest way to trace disburse-  you received the cash instead of the date youments to specific uses is to keep the  • Any unborrowed amounts held in the actually made the payment.proceeds of a particular loan separate  same account.


from any other funds. Example. Frank gets a loan of $1,000 on• Any amounts deposited after these loanAugust 4 and receives the proceeds in cash.proceeds.Secured loan. The allocation of loan pro-Frank deposits $1,500 in an account on August

ceeds and the related interest is not generally18 and on August 28 writes a check on the

affected by the use of property that secures the Example. On January 9, Edith opened a account for a passive activity expense. Also,loan. checking account, depositing $500 of the pro- Frank deposits his paycheck, deposits other

ceeds of Loan A and $1,000 of unborrowed loan proceeds, and pays his bills during theExample. You secure a loan with propertyfunds. The following table shows the transac- same period. Regardless of these other transac-used in your business. You use the loan pro- tions in her account during the tax year. tions, Frank can treat $1,000 of the deposit heceeds to buy an automobile for personal use.

made on August 18 as being paid on August 4You must allocate interest expense on the loan Date Transactionfrom the loan proceeds. In addition, Frank canto personal use (purchase of the automobile)

January 9 $500 proceeds of Loan A treat the passive activity expense he paid oneven though the loan is secured by businessand August 28 as made from the $1,000 loan pro-property.$1,000 unborrowed funds ceeds treated as deposited in the account.depositedIf the property that secures the loan is 

Optional method for determining date of your home, you generally do not allo-  January 13 $500 proceeds of Loan B reallocation. You can use the followingcate the loan proceeds or the related TIP

deposited method to determine the date loan proceeds areinterest. The interest is usually deductible as reallocated to another use. You can treat allFebruary 18 $800 used for personalqualified home mortgage interest, regardless of payments from loan proceeds in the accountpurposeshow the loan proceeds are used. For more infor- during any month as taking place on the later ofmation, see Publication 936. February 27 $700 used for passivethe following dates.activity

Allocation period. The period for which a• The first day of that month.June 19 $1,000 proceeds of Loan C

loan is allocated to a particular use begins on the deposited• The date the loan proceeds are depositeddate the proceeds are used and ends on the

in the account.earlier of the following dates. November 20 $800 used for aninvestment

However, you can use this optional method only• The date the loan is repaid.December 18 $600 used for personal if you treat all payments from the account during

• The date the loan is reallocated to another purposes the same calendar month in the same way.use.

Edith treats the $800 used for personal pur- Interest on a separate account. If youposes as made from the $500 proceeds of Loan have an account that contains only loan pro-

Proceeds not disbursed to borrower. EvenA and $300 of the proceeds of Loan B. She ceeds and interest earned on the account, you

if the lender disburses the loan proceeds to atreats the $700 used for a passive activity as can treat any payment from that account as

third party, the allocation of the loan is still basedmade from the remaining $200 proceeds of being made first from the interest. When the

on your use of the funds. This applies whetherLoan B and $500 of unborrowed funds. She interest earned is used up, any remaining pay-

you pay for property, services, or anything elsetreats the $800 used for an investment as made ments are from loan proceeds.

by incurring a loan, or you take property subjectentirely from the proceeds of Loan C. She treats

to a debt.the $600 used for personal purposes as made Example. You borrowed $20,000 and used

from the remaining $200 proceeds of Loan C the proceeds of this loan to open a new savingsProceeds deposited in borrower’s account. and $400 of unborrowed funds. account. When the account had earned interestTreat loan proceeds deposited in an account asof $867, you withdrew $20,000 for personal pur-For the periods during which loan proceedsproperty held for investment. It does not matterposes. You can treat the withdrawal as comingare held in the account, Edith treats them aswhether the account pays interest. Any interestfirst from the interest earned on the account,property held for pay on the loan is investment interest ex-$867, and then from the loan proceeds, $19,133pense. If you withdraw the proceeds of the loan,

Payments from checking accounts. Gen-($20,000 − $867). All the interest charged on theyou must reallocate the loan based on the use of

erally, you treat a payment from a checking orloan from the time it was deposited in the ac-the funds.

similar account as made at the time the check iscount until the time of the withdrawal is invest-

written if you mail or deliver it to the payee withinment interest expense. The interest charged onExample. Connie, a calendar-year tax-

a reasonable period after you write it. You canthe part of the proceeds used for personal pur-payer, borrows $100,000 on January 4 and im-

treat checks written on the same day as writtenposes ($19,133) from the time you withdrew itmediately uses the proceeds to open a checking

in any order.until you either repay it or reallocate it to anotheraccount. No other amounts are deposited in theuse is personal interest expense. The interestaccount during the year and no part of the loan Amounts paid within 30 days. If you re-charged on the loan proceeds you left in theprincipal is repaid during the year. On April 1, ceive loan proceeds in cash or if the loan pro-

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account ($867) continues to be investment inter- to the extent the entity receives any proceeds of tween the other expenditures and any loan pro-est expense until you either repay it or reallocate the purchase. ceeds already allocated to them. For anyit to another use. distributed loan proceeds that are more than the

Example. You buy an interest in a partner- amount allocated to the other expenditures, theLoan repayment. When you repay any part of ship for $20,000 using borrowed funds. The rules in the previous paragraph apply.a loan allocated to more than one use, treat it as partnership’s only assets include machinery

How to report. If the entity does not use thebeing repaid in the following order. used in its business valued at $60,000 andoptional allocation method, it reports the interest

stocks valued at $15,000. You allocate the loanexpense on the loan proceeds on the line on1) Personal use.

proceeds based on the value of the assets.Schedule K–1 (Form 1065 or Form 1120S) for

Therefore, you allocate $16,000 of the loan pro-2) Investments and passive activities (other“Other deductions.” The expense is identified on

ceeds ($60,000/$75,000 × $20,000) and the in-than those included in (3)).an attached schedule as “Interest expense allo-

terest expense on that part to trade or businesscated to debt-financed distributions.” The part-3) Passive activities in connection with a

use. You allocate the remaining $4,000 ner or shareholder claims the interest expenserental real estate activity in which you ac- ($15,000/$75,000× $20,000) and the interest ondepending on how the distribution was used.tively participate.

that part to investment use.If the entity uses the optional allocation

4) Former passive activities.Reallocation. If you allocate the loan pro- method, it reports the interest expense on the

ceeds among the assets, you must make a real-5) Trade or business use and expenses for loan proceeds allocated to other expenditureslocation if the assets or the use of the assetscertain low-income housing projects. on the appropriate line or lines of Schedule K–1.change. For example, if the entity chooses to allocate the

loan proceeds and related interest to a rentalLine of credit (continuous borrowings). How to report. Individuals should reportactivity expenditure, the entity takes the interestThe following rules apply if you have a line of their share of deductible partnership or S corpo-into account in figuring the net rental income orcredit or similar arrangement. ration interest expense on either Schedule A orloss reported on Schedule K– 1.

Schedule E of Form 1040, depending on the1) Treat all borrowed funds on which interest

type of asset (or expenditure if the allocation is More information. For more information onaccrues at the same fixed or variable ratebased on the tracing of loan proceeds) to which allocating and reporting these interest ex-as a single loan.the interest expense is allocated. penses, see Notice 88–37 in Cumulative Bulle-

For interest allocated to trade or business2) Treat borrowed funds or parts of borrowed tin 1988–1. Also see Notice 89–35 in

assets (or expenditures), report the interest infunds on which interest accrues at different Cumulative Bulletin 1989–1.Part II, Schedule E (Form 1040). On a separatefixed or variable rates as different loans.line, put “business interest” and the name of theTreat these loans as repaid in the orderpartnership or S corporation in column (a) andshown on the loan agreement.the amount in column (h). Interest You

For interest allocated to passive activity use,Loan refinancing. Allocate the replacemententer the interest on Form 8582 as a deduction Can Deductloan to the same uses to which the repaid loanfrom the passive activity of the partnership or Swas allocated. Make the allocation only to thecorporation. Show any deductible amount in You can generally deduct as a business ex-extent you use the proceeds of the new loan toPart II, Schedule E (Form 1040). On a separate pense all interest you pay or accrue during therepay any part of the original loan.line, put “passive interest” and the name of the tax year on debts related to your trade or busi-entity in column (a) and the amount in column ness. Interest relates to your trade or business ifPartnerships(f). you use the proceeds of the loan for a trade or

and S Corporations For interest allocated to investment use, business expense. It does not matter what typeenter the interest on Form 4952. Carry any of property secures the loan. You can deduct

The following rules apply to the allocation of deductible amount allocated to royalties to Part interest on a debt only if you meet all the follow-interest expense in connection with debt-fi-

II, Schedule E (Form 1040). On a separate line ing requirements.nanced acquisitions of interests in partnerships enter “investment interest” and the name of theand S corporations. These rules also apply to • You are legally liable for that debt.partnership or S corporation in column (a) andthe allocation of interest expense in connection the amount in column (h). Carry the balance of • Both you and the lender intend that thewith debt-financed distributions from partner- the deductible amount to line 13, Schedule A debt be repaid.ships and S corporations. (Form 1040).

• You and the lender have a trueAny interest allocated to proceeds used forThese rules do not apply if the partner- debtor-creditor relationship.personal purposes is generally not deductible.ship or S corporation is formed or used 

for the principal purpose of avoiding CAUTION

!Debt-financed distribution. A debt-financed

Partial liability. If you are liable for part of athe interest allocation rules.distribution occurs when a partnership or S cor-

business debt, you can deduct only your shareporation borrows funds and allocates those

of the total interest paid or accrued.Debt-financed acquisition. A debt-financedfunds to distributions made to partners or share-

acquisition is the use of loan proceeds to buy anholders. The distributed loan proceeds and re-

Example. You and your brother borrowinterest in, or to make a contribution to the capi-lated interest expense must be reported to the

money. You are liable for 50% of the note. Youtal of, a partnership or S or shareholders separately. This is be-

use your half of the loan in your business, andYou must allocate the loan proceeds and thecause the loan proceeds and the interest ex-

you make one-half of the loan payments. Yourelated interest expense among all the assets of pense must be allocated depending on how the can deduct your half of the total interest pay-the entity. You can use any reasonable method.partner or shareholder uses the proceeds.

ments as a business deduction.If you buy an interest in a partnership or SThis treatment of debt-financed distributions

corporation (other than by way of a contributionfollows the general allocation rules discussed Mortgage. Generally, mortgage interest paid

to capital), reasonable methods include a proearlier. For example, if a shareholder uses dis- or accrued on real estate you own legally or

rata allocation based on the fair market value,tributed loan proceeds to invest in a passive equitably is deductible. However, rather than

book value, or adjusted basis of the assets,activity, that shareholder’s portion of the S deducting the interest currently, you may have

reduced by any debts allocated to the assets.corporation’s interest expense on the loan pro- to add it to the cost basis of the property as

If you contribute to the capital of a partner-ceeds is allocated to a passive activity use. explained later under Capitalization of Interest.

ship or S corporation, reasonable methods ordi-narily include allocating the debt among all the Optional allocation method. The partner- Statement. If you paid $600 or more ofassets or tracing the loan proceeds to the ship or S corporation can choose to allocate the mortgage interest (including certain points) dur-entity’s expenditures. distributed loan proceeds to other expenditures ing the year on any one mortgage, you generally

Treat the purchase of an interest in a partner- it makes during the tax year of the distribution. will receive a Form 1098 or a similar statement.ship or S corporation as a contribution to capital This allocation is limited to the difference be- You will receive the statement if you pay interest

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to a person (including a financial institution or a year, beginning January 1, 2004. The $1,500 points reduce the issue price of the loan andcooperative housing corporation) in the course OID on the loan is de minimis because it is less result in original issue discount, deductible asof that person’s trade or business. A govern- than $2,500 ($100,000 × .0025 × 10). You explained in the preceding discussion.mental unit is a person for purposes of furnishing choose to deduct the OID on a straight-line basis

Partial payments on a nontax debt. If youthe statement. over the term of the loan. Beginning in 2003, youmake partial payments on a debt (other than aIf you receive a refund of interest you over- can deduct $150 each year for 10 years.debt owed the IRS), the payments are applied,paid in an earlier year, this amount will be re-

Constant-yield method. If the OID is not de in general, first to interest and any remainder toported in box 3 of Form 1098. You cannotminimis, you must use the constant-yield principal. You can deduct only the interest. Thisdeduct this amount. For information on how tomethod to figure how much you can deduct each rule does not apply when it can be inferred thatreport this refund, see Refunds of interest lateryear. You figure your deduction for the first year the borrower and lender understood that a differ-in this chapter.using the following steps. ent allocation of the payments would be made.

Expenses paid to obtain a mortgage.

Installment purchase. If you make an install-1) Determine the issue price of the loan.Certain expenses you pay to obtain a mortgagement purchase of business property, the con-Generally, this equals the proceeds of thecannot be deducted as interest. These ex-tract between you and the seller generallyloan. If you paid points on the loan (aspenses, which include mortgage commissions,provides for the payment of interest. If no inter-discussed later), the issue price generallyabstract fees, and recording fees, are capitalest or a low rate of interest is charged under theis the difference between the proceedsexpenses. If the property mortgaged is businesscontract, a portion of the stated principal amountand the points.or income-producing property, you can amortizepayable under the contract may be recharacter-the costs over the life of the mortgage. 2) Multiply the result in (1) by the yield toized as interest (unstated interest). The amount

maturity.Prepayment penalty. If you pay off your recharacterized as interest reduces your basismortgage early and pay the lender a penalty for in the property and increases your interest ex-3) Subtract any qualified stated interest pay-doing this, you can deduct the penalty as inter- pense. For more information on installmentments from the result in (2). This is theest. sales and unstated interest, see PublicationOID you can deduct in the first year.

537.Interest on employment tax deficiency. In- To figure your deduction in any subsequentterest charged on employment taxes assessed year, follow the above steps, except determineon your business is deductible. the adjusted issue price in step (1). To get the

adjusted issue price, add to the issue price anyOriginal issue discount (OID). OID is a form Interest YouOID previously deducted. Then follow steps (2)of interest. A loan (mortgage or other debt) gen-

and (3) above.erally has OID when its proceeds are less than Cannot DeductThe yield to maturity is generally shown inits principal amount. The OID is the difference

the literature you receive from your lender. If youbetween the stated redemption price at maturity Certain interest payments cannot be not have this information, consult your lenderand the issue price of the loan. In addition, certain other expenses that mayor tax advisor. In general, the yield to maturity isA loan’s stated redemption price at matur-  seem to be interest are not, and you cannotthe discount rate that, when used in computingity  is the sum of all amounts (principal and deduct them as interest.the present value of all principal and interestinterest) payable on it other than qualified stated You cannot currently deduct interest thatpayments, produces an amount equal to theinterest. Qualified stated interest is stated in- must be capitalized, and you generally cannotprincipal amount of the loan.terest that is unconditionally payable in cash or deduct personal interest.

property (other than another loan of the issuer)Example. The facts are the same as in the Interest paid with funds borrowed from origi-at least annually over the term of the loan at a

previous example, except that you deduct the nal lender. If you use the cash method ofsingle fixed rate.OID on a constant yield basis over the term of accounting, you cannot deduct interest you payYou generally deduct OID over the term ofthe loan. The yield to maturity on your loan is with funds borrowed from the original lenderthe loan. Figure the amount to deduct each year10.2467%, compounded annually. For 2003, through a second loan, an advance, or any other

using the constant-yield method , unless the you can deduct $93 [($98,500 × .102467) − arrangement similar to a loan. You can deductOID on the loan is de minimis.$10,000]. For 2004, you can deduct $103 the interest expense once you start making pay-

De minimis OID. The OID is de minimis if it [($98,593 × .102467) − $10,000]. ments on the new less than one-fourth of 1% (.0025) of the When you make a payment on the new loan,

Loan or mortgage ends. If your loan orstated redemption price of the loan at maturity you first apply the payment to interest and thenmortgage ends, you may be able to deduct anymultiplied by the number of full years from the to the principal. All amounts you apply to theremaining OID in the tax year in which the loandate of original issue to maturity (the term of the interest on the first loan are deductible, alongor mortgage ends. A loan or mortgage may endloan). with any interest you pay on the second loan,due to a refinancing, prepayment, foreclosure,If the OID is de minimis, you can choose one subject to any limits that apply.or similar event.of the following ways to figure the amount you

Capitalized interest. You cannot currentlycan deduct each year. If you refinance with the original lender,deduct interest you are required to capitalizeyou generally cannot deduct the re- 

• On a constant-yield basis over the term of under the uniform capitalization rules. See Capi- maining OID in the year in which the CAUTION

!the loan. talization of Interest, later. In addition, if you buyrefinancing occurs, but you may be able to de- 

property and pay interest owed by the seller (for• On a straight-line basis over the term of duct it over the term of the new mortgage or example, by assuming the debt and any interestthe loan. loan. See Interest paid with funds borrowed fromaccrued on the property), you cannot deduct theoriginal lender under  Interest You Cannot De-

• In proportion to stated interest payments. interest. Add this interest to the basis of theduct,• In its entirety at maturity of the loan.

Points. The term “points” is often used to de- Commitment fees or standby charges.You make this choice by deducting the OID in ascribe some of the charges paid by a borrower Fees you incur to have business funds availablemanner consistent with the method chosen onwhen the borrower takes out a loan or a mort- on a standby basis, but not for the actual use ofyour timely filed tax return for the tax year ingage. These charges are also called loan origi- the funds, are not deductible as interest pay-which the loan is issued.nation fees, maximum loan charges, or premium ments. You may be able to deduct them ascharges. If any of these charges (points) areExample. On January 1, 2003, you took out business expenses.solely for the use of money, they are interest.a $100,000 discounted loan and received If the funds are for inventory or certain prop-

$98,500 in proceeds. The loan will mature on Because points are prepaid interest, you erty used in your business, the fees are indirectJanuary 1, 2013 (a 10-year term), and the cannot deduct the full amount in the year paid. costs and you generally must capitalize them$100,000 principal is payable on that date. Inter- (For an exception for points paid on your home under the uniform capitalization rules. See Capi- est of $10,000 is payable on January 1 of each mortgage, see Publication 936.) Instead, the talization of Interest, later.

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Interest on income tax. Interest charged on a promissory note you gave as payment be-• Real property.

income tax assessed on your individual income cause it is a promise to pay and not an actual• Tangible personal property with a class lifetax return is not a business deduction even payment.

of 20 years or more.though the tax due is related to income fromPrepaid interest. You generally cannot de-

your trade or business. Treat this interest as a• Tangible personal property with an esti- duct any interest paid before the year it is due.

business deduction only in figuring a net operat-mated production period of more than 2 Interest paid in advance can be deducted only in

ing loss deduction.years. the tax year in which it is due.

Penalties. Penalties on underpaid deficien-• Tangible personal property with an esti- Discounted loan. If interest or a discount is

cies and underpaid estimated tax are not inter-mated production period of more than 1 subtracted from your loan proceeds, it is not a

est. You cannot deduct them. Generally, youyear if the estimated cost of production is payment of interest and you cannot deduct it

cannot deduct any fines or penalties.more than $1 million. when you get the loan. For more information,

see Original issue discount (OID) under Interest Interest on loans with respect to life insur-You Can Deduct, earlier.ance policies. You generally cannot deduct Property you produce. You produce property

interest on a debt incurred with respect to any if you construct, build, install, manufacture, de- Refunds of interest. If you pay interest andlife insurance, annuity, or endowment contract velop, improve, create, raise, or grow it. Treat then receive a refund in the same tax year of anythat covers any individual unless that individual property produced for you under a contract as part of the interest, reduce your interest deduc-is a key person. produced by you up to the amount you pay or tion by the refund. If you receive the refund in a

incur for the property. later tax year, include the refund in your incomeIf the policy or contract covers a key person,to the extent the deduction for the interest re-you can deduct the interest on up to $50,000 of Carrying charges. Carrying charges includeduced your tax.debt for that person. However, the deduction for taxes you pay to carry or develop real estate or

any month cannot be more than the interest to carry, transport, or install personal property.Accrual method. Under an accrual method,figured using Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield You can choose to capitalize carrying chargesyou can deduct only interest that has accruedAverage-Monthly Average Corporates (Moody’s not subject to the uniform capitalization rules ifduring the tax year.rate) for that month. they are otherwise deductible. For more infor-

Prepaid interest. You generally cannot de-mation, see chapter 8.Who is a key person?  A key person is anduct any interest paid before it is due. Instead,officer or 20% owner. However, the number of

Capitalized interest. Treat capitalized inter-

deduct it in the year in which it is due.individuals you can treat as key persons is lim- est as a cost of the property produced. Youited to the greater of the following. Discounted loan. If interest or a discount isrecover your interest when you sell or use thesubtracted from your loan proceeds, it is not aproperty. If the property is inventory, recover• Five individuals.payment of interest and you cannot deduct itcapitalized interest through cost of goods sold. If

• The lesser of 5% of the total officers and when you get the loan. For more information,the property is used in your trade or business,employees of the company or 20 individu- see Original issue discount (OID) under Interest recover capitalized interest through an adjust-als. You Can Deduct, earlier.ment to basis, depreciation, amortization, or

other method. Tax deficiency. If you contest a federal in-Exceptions for pre-June 1997, contracts.come tax deficiency, interest does not accruePartnerships and S corporations. The inter-You can generally deduct the interest if the con-until the tax year the final determination of liabil-est capitalization rules are applied first at thetract was issued before June 9, 1997, and theity is made. If you do not contest the deficiency,partnership or S corporation level. The rules arecovered individual is someone other than anthen the interest accrues in the year the tax wasthen applied at the partners’ or shareholders’employee, officer, or someone financially inter-asserted and agreed to by you.level to the extent the partnership or S corpora-ested in your business. If the contract was pur-

tion has insufficient debt to support the produc- However, if you contest but pay the pro-chased before June 21, 1986, you can generallytion or construction costs. posed tax deficiency and interest, and you dodeduct the interest no matter who is covered by

If you are a partner or a shareholder, you not designate the payment as a cash bond, thenthe contract. may have to capitalize interest you incur during the interest is deductible in the year paid.Interest allocated to unborrowed policy  the tax year for the production costs of the part-

Related person. If you use an accrualcash value. Corporations and partnerships nership or S corporation. You may also have tomethod, you cannot deduct interest owed to agenerally cannot deduct any interest expense capitalize interest incurred by the partnership orrelated person who uses the cash method untilallocable to unborrowed cash values of life in- S corporation for your own production costs. Topayment is made and the interest is includible insurance, annuity, or endowment contracts. This properly capitalize interest under these rules,the gross income of that person. The relation-rule applies to contracts issued after June 8, you must be given the required information in anship is determined as of the end of the tax year1997, that cover someone other than an officer, attachment to the Schedule K-1 you receivefor which the interest would otherwise be de-director, employee, or 20% owner. For more from the partnership or S corporation.ductible. If a deduction is denied under this rule,information, see section 264(f) of the Internal

Additional information. The procedures for the rule will continue to apply even if your rela-Revenue Code.applying the uniform capitalization rules are be- tionship with the person ceases to exist beforeyond the scope of this publication. For more the interest is includible in the gross income ofinformation, see sections 1.263A–8 through that person. See Related Persons in Publication1.263A– 15 of the regulations and Notice 538.Capitalization88– 99. Notice 88– 99 is in Cumulative Bulletin

1988–2.of InterestUnder the uniform capitalization rules, you gen- Below-Market Loanserally must capitalize interest on debt equal to

When Toyour expenditures to produce real property or If you receive a below-market gift or demandcertain tangible personal property. The property loan and use the proceeds in your trade orDeduct Interestmust be produced by you for use in your trade or business, you may be able to deduct the forgonebusiness or for sale to customers. You cannot interest. See Treatment of gift and demand 

If the uniform capitalization rules, discussedcapitalize interest related to property that you loans later in this discussion.under Capitalization of Interest, earlier, do notacquire in any other manner. A below-market loan is a loan on which noapply to you, deduct interest as follows.

Interest you paid or incurred during the pro- interest is charged or on which interest isduction period must be capitalized if the property Cash method. Under the cash method, you charged at a rate below the applicable federalproduced is designated property. Designated can generally deduct only the interest you actu- rate. A gift or demand loan that is a below-mar-property is any of the following. ally paid during the tax year. You cannot deduct ket loan generally is considered an arm’s-length

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transaction in which you, the borrower, are con- and borrower total $100,000 or less. If the b) The amount of the items.sidered as having received both the following. borrower’s net investment income is $1,000 or

c) The cost of complying with theless, it is treated as zero. This limit does not

below-market loan provisions if they• A loan in exchange for a note that requiresapply to a loan if the avoidance of any federal tax

the payment of interest at the applicable were to one of the main purposes of the interest ar-

federal rate.rangement. d) Any reasons, other than taxes, for

• An additional payment in an amount equal structuring the transaction as aTreatment of term loans. If you receive ato the forgone interest. below-market loan.below-market term loan other than a gift or de-

The additional payment is treated as a gift, divi- mand loan, you are treated as receiving an addi-dend, contribution to capital, payment of com- tional cash payment (as a dividend, etc.) on thepensation, or other payment, depending on the Exception for certain loans to a qualifieddate the loan is made. This payment is equal tosubstance of the transaction. continuing care facility. The below-market

the loan amount minus the present value, at the interest rules do not apply to a loan made to aapplicable federal rate, of all payments dueFor any period, forgone interest  is:qualified continuing care facility under a continu-under the loan. The same amount is treated asing care contract if the lender (or lender’s1) The interest that would be payable for that original issue discount on the loan. See Original 

period if interest accrued on the loan at the spouse) is age 65 or older by the end of theissue discount (OID) under Interest You Can applicable federal rate and was payable calendar year. For 2003, this exception appliesDeduct , earlier.annually on December 31, only to the part of the total outstanding loans

Exceptions for loans of $10,000 or less. Theminus from the lender (or lender’s spouse) that doesrules for below-market loans do not apply to any not exceed $151,000.2) Any interest actually payable on the loanday on which the total outstanding loans be-

for the period. A qualified continuing care facility  is onetween the borrower and lender is $10,000 or

or more facilities that are designed to provideless. This exception applies only to the follow-

Applicable federal rates are published  services under continuing care contracts the IRS each month in the Internal  where substantially all the residents have en-Revenue Bulletin. Internal Revenue  tered into continuing care contracts. In addition,


1) Gift loans between individuals if the loan isBulletins are available on the IRS web site at  substantially all the facilities used to providenot directly used to buy or You can also contact an IRS of-  services required under the continuing care con-income-producing assets.fice to get these rates. tract must be owned or operated by the loan

2) Compensation-related loans orborrower.

corporation-shareholder loans if the avoid-Loans subject to the rules. The rules forA continuing care contract is a written con-ance of any federal tax is not a principalbelow-market loans apply to the following.

tract between an individual and a qualified con-purpose of the interest arrangement.tinuing care facility that meets all the following1) Gift loans (below-market loans where the This exception does not apply to a term loan conditions.forgone interest is in the nature of a gift). described in (2) above that was previously sub-

 ject to the below-market loan rules. Those rules2) Compensation-related loans (below-mar- 1) The individual and/or the individual’swill continue to apply even if the outstandingket loans between an employer and an

spouse must be entitled to use the facilitybalance is reduced to $10,000 or less.employee or between an independent con-

for the rest of their life or lives.tractor and a person for whom the contrac-

Exceptions for loans without significant tax 2) The residential use must begin in a sepa-tor provides services).effect. The following loans are specifically ex- rate, independent living unit provided by

3) Corporation-shareholder loans. empted from the rules for below-market loans the continuing care facility and continuebecause their interest arrangements do not4) Tax avoidance loans (below-market loans until the individual (or individual’s spouse)have a significant effect on the federal tax liabil-where the avoidance of federal tax is one is incapable of living independently. Theity of the borrower or the lender.of the main purposes of the interest ar- facility must provide various “personal

rangement). care” services to the resident such as1) Loans made available by lenders to the

maintenance of the residential unit, meals,5) Loans to qualified continuing care facilities general public on the same terms and con-and daily aid and supervision relating tounder a continuing care contract (made af- ditions that are consistent with the lender’sroutine medical needs.ter October 11, 1985). customary business practices.

3) The facility must be obligated to provideExcept as noted in (5) above, these rules 2) Loans subsidized by a federal, state, orlong-term nursing care if the resident is noapply to demand loans (loans payable in full at municipal government that are made avail-longer capable of living independently.any time upon the lender’s demand) outstanding able under a program of general applica-

after June 6, 1984, and to term loans (loans that tion to the public. 4) The contract must require the facility toare not demand loans) made after that date. provide the “personal services” and3) Certain employee-relocation loans.

“long-term nursing care” without substan-Treatment of gift and demand loans. If you 4) Certain loans to or from a foreign person, tial additional cost to the individual.receive a below-market gift loan or demand unless the interest income would be effec-loan, you are treated as receiving an additional tively connected with the conduct of a U.S.payment (as a gift, dividend, etc.) equal to the trade or business and not exempt from

Sale or exchange of property. Different rulesforgone interest on the loan. You are then U.S. tax under an income tax treaty. generally apply to a loan connected with the saletreated as transferring this amount back to the

or exchange of property. If the loan does not5) Any other loan if the taxpayer can showlender as interest. These transfers are consid-provide adequate stated interest, part of thethat the interest arrangement has no sig-ered to occur annually, generally on Decemberprincipal payment may be considered interest.nificant effect on the federal tax liability of31. If you use the loan proceeds in your trade orHowever, there are exceptions that may requirethe lender or the borrower. Whether anbusiness, you can deduct the forgone interest

interest arrangement has a significant ef- you to apply the below-market interest rate ruleseach year as a business interest expense. Thefect on the federal tax liability of the lender to these loans. See Unstated Interest and Origi- lender must report it as interest income.or the borrower will be determined by all nal Issue Discount (OID) in Publication 537.

Limit on forgone interest for gift loans of  the facts and circumstances. Consider all$100,000 or less. For gift loans between indi- the following factors.

More information. For more information onviduals, forgone interest treated as transferredbelow-market loans, see section 7872 of theback to the lender is limited to the borrower’s net a) Whether items of income and deductionInternal Revenue Code and section 1.7872–5Tinvestment income for the year. This limit ap- generated by the loan offset eachof the regulations.plies if the outstanding loans between the lender other.

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taxes that is earlier than the date it originally and public parking facilities. You should in-required. However, if you use an accrual crease the basis of your property by the amountmethod, and can deduct the tax before you pay of the assessment.6. it, use the original accrual date for the year of You can deduct taxes for these local benefitschange and all future years to determine when only if the taxes are for maintenance, repairs, oryou can deduct the tax. interest charges related to those benefits. If part 

of the tax is for maintenance, repairs, or interest,TaxesExample. Your state imposes a tax on per- you must be able to show how much of the tax is

sonal property used in a trade or business con- for these expenses to claim a deduction for thatducted in the state. This tax is assessed and part of the tax.

Introduction becomes a lien as of July 1 (accrual date). In2003, the state changed the assessment and Example. X City, to improve downtownYou can deduct various federal, state, local, and

lien dates from July 1, 2004, to December 31, commercial business, converted a downtownforeign taxes directly attributable to your trade or 2003, for property tax year 2004. Use the origi- business area street into an enclosed pedes-business as business expenses.nal accrual date (July 1, 2004) to determine trian mall. The city assessed the full cost of

You cannot deduct federal income  when you can deduct the tax. You must also use construction, financed with 10-year bonds,taxes, estate and gift taxes, or state  the July 1 accrual date for all future years to against the affected properties. The city is pay-inheritance, legacy, and succession  determine when you can deduct the tax. ing the principal and interest with the annualCAUTION

!taxes. payments made by the property owners.

Uniform capitalization rules. Uniform capi-The assessments for construction costs are

talization rules apply to certain taxpayers whonot deductible as taxes or as business ex-Topics

produce real property or tangible personal prop-penses, but are depreciable capital expenses.This chapter discusses:

erty for use in a trade or business or for sale toThe part of the payments used to pay the inter-

customers. They also apply to taxpayers whoest charges on the bonds is deductible as taxes.• When to deduct taxes

acquire property for resale. Under these rules,you either include certain costs in inventory or• Real estate taxes Charges for services. Water bills, sewerage,capitalize certain expenses related to the prop- and other service charges assessed against• Income taxeserty, such as taxes. For more information, see your business property are not real estate taxes,

• Employment taxes Publication 551.but are deductible as business expenses.

• Other taxes Carrying charges. Carrying charges includePurchase or sale of real estate. If real estate

taxes you pay to carry or develop real estate oris sold, the real estate taxes must be divided

to carry, transport, or install personal property.Useful Items between the buyer and the seller.You can choose to capitalize carrying chargesYou may want to see: The buyer and seller must divide the realnot subject to the uniform capitalization rules if

estate taxes according to the number of days inthey are otherwise deductible. For more infor-Publication the real property tax year (the period to whichmation, see chapter 8.

the tax imposed relates) that each owned the❏ 15 Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide

property. Treat the seller as paying the taxes upRefunds of taxes. If you receive a refund forto but not including the date of sale. Treat the❏ 378 Fuel Tax Credits and Refunds any taxes you deducted in an earlier year, in-buyer as paying the taxes beginning with theclude the refund in income to the extent the

❏ 533 Self-Employment Taxdate of sale. You can usually find this informa-deduction reduced your federal income tax in

❏ 538 Accounting Periods and Methods tion on the settlement statement you received atthe earlier year. For more information, see Re- closing.covery of amount deducted in chapter 1.

❏ 551 Basis of AssetsIf you (the seller) cannot deduct taxes until

You must include in income any inter- they are paid because you use the cash methodForm (and Instructions) est you receive on tax refunds. and the buyer of your property is personallyTIP

liable for the tax, you are considered to have❏ Sch A (Form 1040) Itemized Deductionspaid your part of the tax at the time of the sale.

❏ Sch SE (Form 1040) Self-Employment This lets you deduct the part of the tax up to (butTax not including) the date of sale even though you

did not pay it. You must also include the amount❏ 3115 Application for Change inof that tax in the selling price of the property.Accounting Method Real Estate Taxes

If you (the seller) use an accrual method andhave not chosen to ratably accrue real estateSee chapter 14 for information about getting Deductible real estate taxes are any state, local,taxes, you are considered to have accrued yourpublications and forms. or foreign taxes on real estate levied for thepart of the tax on the date you sell the property.general public welfare. The taxing authority

must base the taxes on the assessed value ofExample. Al Green, a calendar year accrualthe real estate and charge them uniformly

method taxpayer, owns real estate in X County.against all property under its jurisdiction. De-When ToHe has not chosen to ratably accrue propertyductible real estate taxes generally do not in-

taxes. November 30 of each year is the assess-Deduct Taxes clude taxes charged for local benefits and ment and lien date for the current real propertyimprovements that increase the value of thetax year, which is the calendar year. He sold theGenerally, you can only deduct taxes in the year property. See Taxes for local benefits, on June 30, 2003. Under his account-you pay them. This applies whether you use the If you use an accrual method, you generallying method he would not be able to claim acash method or an accrual method of account- cannot accrue real estate taxes until you paydeduction for the taxes because the sale oc-ing. them to the government authority. You can,curred before November 30. He is treated asUnder an accrual method, you can deduct a however, choose to ratably accrue the taxeshaving accrued his part of the tax, 180 / 365 (Janu-tax before you pay it if you meet the exception during the year. See Choosing to ratably accrue,ary 1–June 29), on June 30 and he can deduct itfor recurring items discussed under Economic  later.for 2003.Performance in Publication 538. You can also

Taxes for local benefits. Generally, you can-choose to ratably accrue real estate taxes asnot deduct taxes charged for local benefits and Choosing to ratably accrue. If you use andiscussed later under Real Estate Taxes.improvements that tend to increase the value of accrual method, you can choose to accrue real

Limit on accrual of taxes. A taxing jurisdic- your property. These include assessments for estate tax related to a definite period ratablytion can require the use of a date for accruing streets, sidewalks, water mains, sewer lines, over that period.

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Example. John Smith is a calendar year Accrual of contested income taxes. If you necessary expenses of carrying on your trade ortaxpayer who uses an accrual method. His real use an accrual method, can deduct taxes before business. However, see Fuel taxes, taxes for the real property tax year, July 1, you pay them, and contest a state or local in-

Franchise taxes. You can deduct corporate2003, to June 30, 2004, are $1,200. July 1 is the come tax liability, a special rule applies. Under

franchise taxes as a business expense.assessment and lien date. this special rule, you must accrue and deduct

any contested amount in the tax year in which Fuel taxes. Taxes on gasoline, diesel fuel,If John chooses to ratably accrue the taxes,the liability is finally determined. and other motor fuels that you use in your busi-$600 will accrue in 2003 ($1,200 ×

6 / 12, JulyFiling a tax return is not considered con- ness are usually included as part of the cost of1–December 31) and the balance will accrue in

testing a liability. If you do not make an objective the fuel. Do not deduct these taxes as a sepa-2004.act of protest or show some affirmative evidence rate item.

Separate choices. You can choose to rata- of denial of the liability, you can deduct any You may be entitled to a credit or refund forbly accrue the taxes for each separate trade or additional state or local income taxes found to federal excise tax you paid on fuels used forbusiness and for nonbusiness activities if you

be due for a prior year in the year for which they certain purposes. For more information, seeaccount for them separately. Once you choose were originally imposed. You cannot deduct Publication ratably accrue real estate taxes, you must use them in the year in which the liability is finally

Occupational taxes. You can deduct as athat method unless you get permission from the expense an occupational tax chargedIRS to change. See Changing, a flat rate by a locality for the privilege ofForeign income taxes. Generally, you canMaking the choice. If you choose to ratablyworking or conducting a business in the locality.take either a deduction or a credit for incomeaccrue the taxes for the first year in which you

taxes imposed on you by a foreign country or a Personal property tax. You can deduct anyincur real estate taxes, attach a statement toU.S. possession. However, an individual cannot tax imposed by a state or local government onyour income tax return for that year. The state-take a deduction or credit for foreign income personal property used in your trade or busi-ment should show all the following items.taxes paid on income that is exempt from U.S. ness.

• The trades or businesses to which the tax under the foreign earned income exclusionSales tax. Treat any sales tax you pay on achoice applies and the accounting method or the foreign housing exclusion. For informationservice or on the purchase or use of property asor methods used. on these exclusions, see Publication 54, Tax part of the cost of the service or property. If theGuide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens 

• The period to which the taxes relate. service or the cost or use of the property is aAbroad. For information on the foreign tax credit,deductible business expense, you can deduct• The computation of the real estate tax de-

see Publication 514, Foreign Tax Credit for Indi-  the tax as part of that service or cost. If theduction for that first year. is merchandise bought for resale, thesales tax is part of the cost of the merchandise. IfGenerally, you must file your return by the duethe property is depreciable, add the sales tax todate (including extensions). However, if youthe basis for depreciation. For more informationtimely filed your return for the year without Employment Taxeson basis, see Publication 551.choosing to ratably accrue, you can still make

the choice by filing an amended return within 6 If you have employees, you must withhold vari- Do not deduct state and local sales months after the due date of the return (exclud- ous taxes from your employees’ pay. Most em- taxes imposed on the buyer that you ing extensions). Attach the statement to the ployers must withhold their employees’ share of must collect and pay over to the state CAUTION

!amended return and write “Filed pursuant to social security and Medicare taxes along with or local government. Do not include these taxes section 301.9100– 2” on the statement. File the state and federal income taxes. You may also in gross receipts or sales.amended return at the same address you filed need to pay certain employment taxes from yourthe original return. Self-employment tax. You can deductown funds. These include your share of social

one-half of your self-employment tax as a busi-If you choose to ratably accrue for a year security and Medicare taxes as an employer,ness expense in figuring your adjusted grossafter the first year in which you incur real estate along with unemployment taxes.

income. This deduction only affects your incometaxes, file Form 3115. Generally, you must file You should treat the taxes you withhold from tax. It does not affect your net earnings fromthis form during the tax year for which the choice your employees’ pay as wages on your tax re-self-employment or your self-employment to be effective. For more information, see the turn. You can deduct the employment taxes you

To deduct the tax, enter on Form 1040, lineinstructions for Form 3115. must pay from your own funds as taxes.28, the amount shown on the Deduction for 

Changing. To change your choice to rata-one-half of self-employment tax line of ScheduleExample. You pay your employee $18,000bly accrue real estate taxes, file Form 3115SE (Form 1040).a year. However, after you withhold variousduring the tax year for which the change is

For more information on self-employmenttaxes, your employee receives $14,500., see Publication 533.also pay an additional $1,500 in employment

taxes. You should deduct the full $18,000 aswages. You can deduct the $1,500 you pay fromyour own funds as taxes.Income Taxes For more information on employment taxes,see Publication 15.

This section discusses federal, state, local, andforeign income taxes. 7.Unemployment fund taxes. As an employer,

you may have to make payments to a stateFederal income taxes. You cannot deduct unemployment compensation fund or to a statefederal income taxes. disability benefit fund. Deduct these payments Insurance

as taxes.State and local income taxes. A corporationor partnership can deduct state and local in-come taxes imposed on the corporation or part- Important Changenership as business expenses. An individual Other Taxes for 2003can deduct state and local income taxes only asan itemized deduction on Schedule A (Form The following are other taxes you can deduct if1040). Self-employed health insurance incur them in the ordinary course of your

However, an individual can deduct a state Beginning in 2003, the self-employed health in-trade or on gross income (as distinguished from net surance deduction percentage increases toincome) directly attributable to a trade or busi- Excise taxes. You can deduct as a business 100%. See Self-Employed Health Insurance ness as a business expense. expense all excise taxes that are ordinary and Deduction.

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6) Workers’ compensation insurance set by can include only the smaller of the followingstate law that covers any claims for bodily amounts.Introductioninjuries or job-related diseases suffered by

You generally can deduct the ordinary and nec- 1) The amount paid for that person.employees in your business, regardless ofessary cost of insurance as a business expense fault. 2) The amount shown below. (Use theif it is for your trade, business, or profession.

person’s age at the end of the year.)a) If a partnership pays workers’ compen-However, you may have to capitalize certainsation premiums for its partners, it gen-insurance costs under the uniform capitalization a) Age 40 or younger– $250erally can deduct them as guaranteedrules. For more information, see Capitalized 

b) Age 41 to 50–$470payments to partners.Premiums, later.c) Age 51 to 60–$940b) If an S corporation pays workers’ com-

Topics pensation premiums for its 2% d) Age 61 to 70– $2,510shareholder-employees, it generallyThis chapter discusses:

e) Age 71 or older– $3,130can deduct them, but must also includethem in the shareholder’s wages.• Deductible premiums

Qualified long-term care insurance con- • Nondeductible premiums 7) Contributions to a state unemployment in- tract. A qualified long-term care insurance

surance fund are deductible as taxes if• Capitalized premiums contract is an insurance contract that only pro-they are considered taxes under state law. vides coverage of qualified long-term care serv-

• When to deduct premiumsices. The contract must meet all the following8) Overhead insurance that pays for businessrequirements.overhead expenses you have during long

Useful Items periods of disability caused by your injury• It must be guaranteed renewable.You may want to see: or sickness.• It must provide that refunds, other than

9) Car and other vehicle insurance that cov-Publication refunds on the death of the insured or

ers vehicles used in your business for lia-complete surrender or cancellation of the

bility, damages, and other losses. If you❏ 15–B Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe contract, and dividends under the contractoperate a vehicle partly for personal use,Benefits may be used only to reduce future premi-deduct only the part of the insurance pre- ums or increase future benefits.❏ 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income mium that applies to the business use ofthe vehicle. If you use the standard mile- • It must not provide for a cash surrender❏ 538 Accounting Periods and Methodsage rate to figure your car expenses, you value or other money that can be paid,

❏ 547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts cannot deduct any car insurance premi- assigned, pledged, or borrowed.ums.

• It generally must not pay or reimburse ex-Form (and Instructions)10) Life insurance covering your officers and penses incurred for services or items that

❏ 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return employees if you are not directly or indi- would be reimbursed under Medicare, ex-rectly a beneficiary under the contract. cept where Medicare is a secondary payer

See chapter 14 for information about getting or the contract makes per diem or other11) Business interruption insurance that pays

publications and forms. periodic payments without regard to ex-for lost profits if your business is shut

penses.down due to a fire or other cause.

Qualified long-term care services. Quali-fied long-term care services are:Deductible Premiums Self-Employed Health

Insurance Deduction • Necessary diagnostic, preventive, thera-You generally can deduct premiums you pay forpeutic, curing, treating, mitigating, and re-

the following kinds of insurance related to your You may be able to deduct 100% of the amount habilitative services, andtrade or business. paid for medical and dental insurance and quali-

• Maintenance or personal care services.fied long-term care insurance for you, your1) Fire, theft, flood, or similar insurance. spouse, and your dependents if you are one of The services must be required by a chronically ill

the following.2) Credit insurance that covers losses from individual and prescribed by a licensed healthbusiness bad debts. care practitioner.• A self-employed individual with a net profit

reported on Schedule C, C–EZ, or F.3) Group hospitalization and medical insur- Chronically ill individual. A chronically illindividual is a person who has been certified asance for employees, including long-term • A partner with net earnings from self-em-one of the insurance. ployment reported on line 15a of Schedule

K–1 (Form 1065).• An individual who has been unable, due toa) If a partnership pays accident and

loss of functional capacity for at least 90• A shareholder owning more than 2% ofhealth insurance premiums for its part-days, to perform at least two activities ofthe outstanding stock of an S corporationners, it generally can deduct them asdaily living without substantial assistancewith wages from the corporation reportedguaranteed payments to partners.from another individual. Activities of dailyon Form W–2.

b) If an S corporation pays accident and living are eating, toileting, transferringThe insurance plan must be established underhealth insurance premiums for its 2% (general mobility), bathing, dressing, andyour business. You may be allowed this deduc-shareholder-employees, it generally continence.tion whether you paid the premiums yourself orcan deduct them, but must also include

• An individual who requires substantial su-your partnership or S corporation paid them andthem in the shareholder’s wages sub-pervision to be protected from threats toyou included the premium amounts in your ject to federal income tax and safety due to severe cognitivegross income. Take the deduction on line 29 ofSee Publication 15– B.impairment.Form 1040.

4) Liability insurance. The certification must have been made by aQualified long-term care insurance. You

licensed health care practitioner within the previ-5) Malpractice insurance that covers your can include premiums paid on a qualifiedous 12 months.

personal liability for professional negli- long-term care insurance contract for you, yourgence resulting in injury or damage to pa- spouse, or your dependents when figuring your Benefits received. For information on ex-tients or clients. deduction. But, for each person covered, you cluding benefits you receive from a long-term

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If you are claiming the health coverage taxWorksheet 7–A. Self-Employed Health Insurance Deductioncredit, complete Form 8885 before you figureWorksheet (Keep for your records.)this deduction.

1. Enter total payments made during the year for health insurance Health coverage tax credit. You may becoverage established under your business for you, your spouse, and able to take this credit only  if you were anyour dependents. (Do not include payments for any month you were eligible trade adjustment assistance (TAA) re-eligible to participate in a health plan subsidized by your or your cipient, alternative TAA recipient, or Pensionspouse’s employer or any amount you claim on line 4 of Form 8885.

Benefit Guaranty Corporation pension recipient.Also, do not include payments for qualified long-term care insurance.) 1.

Use Form 8885, Health Coverage Tax Credit, to2. For coverage under a qualified long-term care insurance contract,

figure the amount, if any, of your health insur-enter for each person covered the smaller of the following amounts.ance credit.a) Total payments made for that person during the year.

b) The amount shown below. (Use the person’s age at the end of More than one health plan and business.the year.) If you have more than one health plan during the

$250—if that person is age 40 or younger year and each plan is established under a differ-$470—if age 41 to 50 ent business, you must use separate work-$940—if age 51 to 60 sheets (Worksheet 7–A) to figure each plan’s

$2,510—if age 61 to 70 net earnings limit. Include the premium you paid$3,130—if age 71 or older under each plan on line 1 or line 2 of that sepa-

(Do not include payments for any month you were eligible to rate worksheet and your net profit (or wages)participate in a long-term care insurance plan subsidized by your from that business on line 4 (or line 11). For aor your spouse’s employer.) If more than one person is covered, plan that provides long-term care insurance, thefigure separately the amount to enter for each person. Then enter total of the amounts entered for each person onthe total of those amounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

line 2 of all worksheets cannot be more than the3. Add the total of lines 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.

appropriate limit shown on line 2 for that person.4. Enter your net profit and any other earned income* from the trade or

business under which the insurance plan is established. (If thebusiness is an S corporation, skip to line 11.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.

5. Enter the total of all net profits from: line 31, Schedule C (Form 1040); Nondeductibleline 3, Schedule C–EZ (Form 1040); line 36, Schedule F (Form1040); or line 15a, Schedule K–1 (Form 1065); plus any other income

Premiumsallocable to the profitable businesses. See the instructions forSchedule SE (Form 1040). (Do not include any net losses shown on

You cannot deduct premiums on the followingthese schedules.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.

kinds of insurance.6. Divide line 4 by line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7. Multiply Form 1040, line 28, by the percentage on line 6 . . . . . . . . . 7.

1) Self-insurance reserve funds. You can-8. Subtract line 7 from line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.not deduct amounts credited to a reserve9. Enter the amount, if any, from Form 1040, line 30, attributable to theset up for self-insurance. This applies evensame trade or business in which the insurance plan is established . . . 9.if you cannot get business insurance cov-10. Subtract line 9 from line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.erage for certain business risks. However,11. Enter your wages from an S corporation in which you are a

more-than-2% shareholder and in which the insurance plan is your actual losses may be deductible. Seeestablished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Publication 547.

12. Enter the amount from Form 2555, line 43, attributable to the amount2) Loss of earnings. You cannot deduct pre-

entered on line 4 or 11 above, or the amount from Form 2555– EZ, miums for a policy that pays for lost earn-line 18, attributable to the amount entered on line 11 above . . . . . . . 12.ings due to sickness or disability.13. Subtract line 12 from line 10 or 11, whichever applies . . . . . . . . . . . 13.However, see the discussion on overhead14. Compare the amounts on lines 3 and 13 above. Enter the smaller ofinsurance, item (8), under Deductible Pre- the two amounts here and on Form 1040, line 29. (Do not include miums, earlier.this amount when figuring a medical expense deduction on

Schedule A (Form 1040).) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 3) Certain life insurance and annuities.

* Earned income includes net earnings and gains from the sale, transfer, or licensing of property youa) For contracts issued before June 9,created. It does not include capital gain income.

1997, you cannot deduct the premiumson a life insurance policy covering you,an employee, or any person with a fi-

care contract from gross income, see Publica- Effect on self-employment tax. Do not sub- nancial interest in your business if yoution 525. tract the health insurance deduction when figur- are directly or indirectly a beneficiary of

ing net earnings for your self-employment tax. the policy. You are included amongOther coverage. You cannot take the deduc-possible beneficiaries of the policy if thetion for any month you were eligible to partici-

policy owner is obligated to repay apate in any employer (including your spouse’s) How to figure the deduction. Generally, you loan from you using the proceeds of thesubsidized health plan at any time during that can use the worksheet in the Form 1040 instruc-policy. A person has a financial interestmonth. This rule is applied separately to plans tions to figure your deduction. However, if any ofin your business if the person is anthat provide long-term care insurance and plans the following apply, you must use the worksheetowner or part owner of the business orthat do not provide long-term care insurance.

in this chapter.has lent money to the business.However, any medical insurance payments not

deductible on line 29 of Form 1040 can be in-• You had more than one source of income b) For contracts issued after June 8,

cluded as medical expenses on Schedule A subject to self-employment tax. 1997, you generally cannot deduct the(Form 1040) if you i temize deductions.

premiums on any life insurance policy,• You file Form 2555 or Form 2555–EZ (re-

endowment contract, or annuity con-Effect on itemized deductions. Subtract the lating to foreign earned income).tract if you are directly or indirectly ahealth insurance deduction from your medical

• You are using amounts paid for qualified beneficiary. The disallowance appliesinsurance when figuring medical expenses onlong-term care insurance to figure the de- without regard to whom the policy cov-Schedule A (Form 1040) if you itemize deduc-duction.tions. ers.

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c) Partners. If, as a partner in a partner- costs must be capitalized. For more informationship, you take out an insurance policy see Environmental Cleanup Costs , later.When To Deducton your own life and name your part-ners as beneficiaries to induce them to Premiumsretain their investments in the partner-

You can usually deduct insurance premiums inship, you are considered a beneficiary. Introductionthe tax year to which they apply.You cannot deduct the insurance pre-

This chapter discusses two ways of treating cer-miums.Cash method. If you use the cash method of tain costs—deduction or capitalization.accounting, you generally deduct insurance pre- You generally deduct a cost as a current4) Insurance to secure a loan. If you takemiums in the tax year you actually paid them, business expense by subtracting it from yourout a policy on your life or on the life ofeven if you incurred them in an earlier year. income in either the year you incur it or the yearanother person with a financial interest in

However, see Prepayment, later. you pay it.your business to get or protect a businessloan, you cannot deduct the premiums as If you capitalize a cost, you may be able toAccrual method. If you use an accrual

method of accounting, you cannot deduct insur-a business expense. Nor can you deduct recover it over a period of years through periodicance premiums before the tax year in which youthe premiums as interest on business deductions for amortization, depletion, or depre-incur a liability for them. In addition, you cannotloans or as an expense of financing loans. ciation. When you capitalize a cost, you add it todeduct insurance premiums before the tax yearIn the event of death, the proceeds of the the basis of property to which it which you actually pay them (unless the ex-policy are not taxed as income even if they A partnership, corporation, estate, or trustception for recurring items applies). For moreare used to liquidate the debt. makes the choice to deduct or capitalize theinformation about accrual methods of account- costs discussed in this chapter except for explo-ing, see chapter 1. For information about the

ration costs for mineral deposits. Each individualexception for recurring items, see Publication

partner, shareholder, or beneficiary chooses538.

whether to deduct or capitalize explorationCapitalized Premiumscosts.Prepayment. You cannot deduct expenses in

advance, even if you pay them in advance. ThisYou may be subject to the alternative Under the uniform capitalization rules, you must

rule applies to any expense paid far enough inminimum tax (AMT) if you deduct any capitalize the direct costs and part of the indirect

advance to, in effect, create an asset with a of the expenses discussed in this chap- costs for certain production or resale activities. CAUTION

!useful life extending substantially beyond the

ter, other than carrying charges and the costs of Include these costs in the basis of property you end of the current tax year.removing architectural barriers and retired as- produce or acquire for resale, rather than claim- Expenses such as insurance are them as a current deduction. You recover the allocable to a period of time. You can deduct

For more information on the alternative mini- costs through depreciation, amortization, or cost insurance expenses for the year to which theymum tax, see the instructions for one of the of goods sold when you use, sell, or otherwise are allocable.following forms.dispose of the property.

Example. In 2003, you signed a 3-year in-Indirect costs include premiums for insur- • Form 6251, Alternative Minimum Tax—In-surance contract. Even though you paid the pre-ance on your plant or facility, machinery, equip- dividuals.miums for 2003, 2004, and 2005 when youment, materials, property produced, or property

• Form 4626, Alternative Minimum Tax—signed the contract, you can only deduct theacquired for resale.Corporations.premium for 2003 on your 2003 tax return. You

can deduct in 2004 and 2005 the premium allo-Uniform capitalization rules. You may be cable to those years. Topicssubject to the uniform capitalization rules if you

This chapter discusses:Dividends received. If you receive dividendsdo any of the following, unless the property is

from business insurance and you deducted theproduced for your use other than in a business• Carrying chargespremiums in prior years, at least part of theor an activity carried on for profit.

dividends generally are income. For more infor- • Research and experimental costsmation, see Recovery of amount deducted  in1) Produce real property or tangible personal

• Intangible drilling costschapter For this purpose, tangible per-• Exploration costssonal property includes a film, sound re-

cording, video tape, book, or similar• Development costs

property.• Circulation costs

2) Acquire property for resale.• Environmental cleanup costs

However, these rules do not apply to the follow- 8.• Retired asset removal costsing property.

• Barrier removal costs1) Personal property you acquire for resale ifyour average annual gross receipts are Costs You$10 million or less for the 3 prior tax years. Useful Items

You may want to see:2) Property you produce if you meet either of Can Deductthe following conditions.

Publicationa) Your indirect costs of producing the or Capitalize

❏ 544 Sales and Other Dispositions ofproperty are $200,000 or less.Assets

b) You use the cash method of accountingand do not account for inventories. Form (and Instructions)Important Reminder

❏ 3468 Investment CreditQualified environmental cleanup (remedia-

More information. For more information on ❏ 8826 Disabled Access Credittion) costs. The deduction for qualified envi-these rules, see Uniform Capitalization Rules in ronmental cleanup (remediation) costs has

See chapter 14 for information about gettingPublication 538 and the regulations under Inter- been extended to include costs you pay or incurpublications and forms.nal Revenue Code section 263A. before 2004. After December 31, 2003, these

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IF you . . . THEN . . .

Carrying Charges choose to deduct research and deduct all research and experimental costs in theexperimental costs as a current first year you pay or incur the costs and all later

Carrying charges include the taxes and interest business expense pay to carry or develop real property or to

do not deduct research and if you meet the requirements, amortize them over atcarry, transport, or install personal property.experimental costs as a current least 60 months, starting with the month you firstCertain carrying charges must be capitalizedbusiness expense receive an economic benefit from the research. Seeunder the uniform capitalization rules. (For infor-

Research and Experimental Costs in chapter 9.mation on capitalization of interest, see chapter5.) You can choose to capitalize carryingcharges not subject to the uniform capitalization

perfecting a patent application, are research andrules, but only if they are otherwise deductible.

experimental costs. However, costs paid or in-You can choose to capitalize carrying Intangiblecurred to obtain another’s  patent are not re-charges separately for each project you havesearch and experimental costs. For more Drilling Costsand for each type of carrying charge. For unim-information on the treatment of costs paid orproved and unproductive real property, yourincurred to obtain another’s patent, see Section  The costs of developing oil, gas, or geothermal choice is good for only 1 year. You must decide197 Intangibles in chapter 9. wells  are ordinarily capital expenditures. Youwhether to capitalize carrying charges each year

can usually recover them through depreciationthe property remains unimproved and unpro- Product. The term “product” includes any ofor depletion. However, you can choose to de-ductive. For other real property, your choice to the following items.duct intangible drilling costs (IDCs) as a currentcapitalize carrying charges remains in effect un-

• Formula. business expense. These are certain drilling andtil construction or development is completed.development costs for wells in the United StatesFor personal property, your choice is effective • which you hold an operating or working inter-until the date you install or first use it, whichever

• Patent. est. You can deduct only costs for drilling oris later.preparing a well for the production of oil, gas, or• Pilot model.

How to make the choice. To make the choice geothermal steam or hot water.• capitalize a carrying charge, write a statement You can choose to deduct only the costs of

saying which charges you choose to capitalize. items with no salvage value. These include• Technique.Attach it to your original tax return for the year wages, fuel, repairs, hauling, and supplies re-

• Property similar to the items listed above.the choice is to be effective. However, if you lated to drilling wells and preparing them fortimely filed your return for the year without mak- production. Your cost for any drilling or develop-It also includes products used by you in youring the choice, you can still make the choice by ment work done by contractors under any formtrade or business or held for sale, lease, orfiling an amended return within 6 months of the of contract is also an IDC. However, seelicense.due date of the return (excluding extensions). Amounts paid to contractor that must be capital- 

Costs not included. Research and experi-Attach the statement to the amended return and ized, next.mental costs do not include expenses for any ofwrite “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100– 2” on You can also choose to deduct the cost ofthe following activities.the statement. File the amended return at the drilling exploratory bore holes to determine the

same address you filed the original return. • Advertising or promotions. location and delineation of offshore hydrocarbondeposits if the shaft is capable of conducting

• Consumer surveys.hydrocarbons to the surface on completion. It

• Efficiency surveys. does not matter whether there is any intent toResearch and produce hydrocarbons.

• Management studies.If you do not choose to deduct your IDCs as

Experimental Costs • Quality control testing. a current business expense, you can choose todeduct them over the 60-month period begin-

• Research in connection with literary, his-The costs of research and experimentation are ning with the month they were paid or incurred.torical, or similar projects.generally capital expenses. However, you canchoose to deduct these costs as a current busi- • The acquisition of another’s patent, model, Amounts paid to contractor that must beness expense. Your choice to deduct these production, or process. capitalized. Amounts paid to a contractorcosts is binding for the year it is made and for all must be capitalized if they are either:later years unless you get IRS approval to make

When and how to choose. You make the • Amounts properly allocable to the cost ofa change.choice to deduct research and experimental depreciable property, orIf you meet certain requirements, you maycosts by deducting them on your tax return forchoose to defer and amortize research and ex-

• Amounts paid only out of production orthe year in which you first pay or incur researchperimental costs. For information on choosing to proceeds from production if theseand experimental costs. If you do not make thedefer and amortize these costs, see Research  amounts are depletable income to the re-choice to deduct research and experimentaland Experimental Costs in chapter 9. cipient.costs in the first year in which you pay or incurthe costs, you can deduct the costs in a laterResearch and experimental costs defined.year only with approval from the IRS. How to make the choice. You choose to de-

Research and experimental costs are reasona- duct IDCs as a current business expense byble costs you incur in your trade or business for Research credit. If you pay or incur qualifiedtaking the deduction on your income tax returnactivities intended to provide information that research expenses, you may be able to take thefor the first tax year you have eligible costs. Nowould eliminate uncertainty about the develop- research credit. For more information about theformal statement is required. If you file Schedulement or improvement of a product. Uncertainty research credit, see the instructions to FormC (Form 1040), enter these costs under “Otherexists if the information available to you does not 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities .expenses.”establish how to develop or improve a product or

the appropriate design of a product. Whether For oil and gas wells, your choice is bindingcosts qualify as research and experimental for the year it is made and for all later years. Forcosts depends on the nature of the activity to geothermal wells, your choice can be revokedwhich the costs relate rather than on the nature by the filing of an amended return on which youof the product or improvement being developed do not take the deduction. You can file theor the level of technological advancement. amended return for the year up to the normal

The costs of obtaining a patent, including time of expiration for filing a claim for credit orattorneys’ fees paid or incurred in making and refund, generally, within 3 years after the date

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you filed the original return or within 2 years after is treated as additional depreciation and is sub-the date you paid the tax, whichever is later.  ject to recapture as ordinary income on a dispo- Development Costs

sition of the property. See Section 1250 Energy credit for costs of geothermal wells.Property under Depreciation Recapture in chap- You can deduct costs paid or incurred during theIf you capitalize the drilling and developmentter 3 of Publication 544. tax year for developing a mine or any othercosts of geothermal wells that you place in serv-

natural deposit (other than an oil or gas well)These rules also apply to the deduction ofice during the tax year, you may be able to claimlocated in the United States. These costs mustdevelopment costs by corporations. See Devel- a business energy credit. See the instructionsbe paid or incurred after the discovery of ores orfor Form 3468 for more information. opment Costs, later.minerals in commercially marketable quantities.

Nonproductive well. If you capitalize your Development costs include those incurred forRecapture of exploration expenses. WhenIDCs, you have another option if the well is you by a contractor. Also, development costsyour mine reaches the producing stage, younonproductive. You can deduct the IDCs of the include depreciation on improvements used inmust recapture any exploration costs you chose

nonproductive well as an ordinary loss. You the development of ores or minerals. They doto deduct. Use either of the following methods.must indicate and clearly state your choice on not include costs for the acquisition or improve-your tax return for the year the well is completed. ment of depreciable property.Method 1—Include the deducted costs inOnce made, the choice for oil and gas wells is Instead of deducting development costs in

gross income for the tax year the mine reachesbinding for all later years. You can revoke your the year paid or incurred, you can choose tothe producing stage. Your choice must bechoice for a geothermal well by filing an treat them as deferred expenses and deductclearly indicated on the return. Increase youramended return that does not claim the loss. them ratably as the units of produced ores oradjusted basis in the mine by the amount in- minerals benefited by the expenses are sold.Costs incurred outside the United States.cluded in income. Generally, you must choose This choice applies each tax year to expensesYou cannot deduct as a current business ex-this recapture method by the due date (includ- paid or incurred in that year. Once made, thepense all the IDCs paid or incurred for an oil,ing extensions) of your return. However, if you choice is binding for the year and cannot begas, or geothermal well located outside thetimely filed your return for the year without revoked for any reason.United States. However, you can choose to in-making the choice, you can still make theclude the costs in the adjusted basis of the well How to make the choice. The choice to de-choice by filing an amended return within 6to figure depletion or depreciation. If you do not duct development costs ratably as the ores ormonths of the due date of the return (excludingmake this choice, you can deduct the costs over minerals are sold must be made for each mineextensions). Make the choice on yourthe 10-year period beginning with the tax year in

or other natural deposit by a clear indication onamended return and write “Filed pursuant towhich you paid or incurred them. These rules do your return or by a statement filed with the IRSsection 301.9100–2” on the form where younot apply to a nonproductive well. office where you file your return. Generally, youare including the income. File the amended must make the choice by the due date of thereturn at the same address you filed the origi- return (including extensions). However, if younal return. timely filed your return for the year without mak-

Exploration Costs ing the choice, you can still make the choice byMethod 2—Do not claim any depletion deduc-filing an amended return within 6 months of thetion for the tax year the mine reaches the pro-

The costs of determining the existence, location, due date of the return (excluding extensions).ducing stage and any later tax years until theextent, or quality of any mineral deposit are Clearly indicate the choice on your amendeddepletion you would have deducted equals theordinarily capital expenditures if the costs lead return and write “Filed pursuant to sectionexploration costs you the development of a mine. You recover these 301.9100–2.” File the amended return at thecosts through depletion as the mineral is re- same address you filed the original return.You also must recapture deducted explora-moved from the ground. However, you can

tion costs if you receive a bonus or royalty from Foreign development costs. The rules dis-choose to deduct domestic exploration costsmine property before it reaches the producing cussed earlier for foreign exploration costs applypaid or incurred before the development stagestage. Do not claim any depletion deduction for to foreign development costs.began (except those for oil, gas, and geothermal

the tax year you receive the bonus or royalty andwells). Reduced corporate deductions for develop-any later tax years, until the depletion you would

ment costs. The rules discussed earlier forHow to make the choice. You choose to de-have deducted equals the exploration costs you reduced corporate deductions for explorationduct exploration costs by taking the deductiondeducted. costs also apply to corporate deductions for de-on your income tax return, or on an amended

Generally, if you dispose of the mine before velopment costs.income tax return, for the first tax year for whichyou have fully recaptured the exploration costsyou wish to deduct the costs paid or incurredyou deducted, recapture the balance by treatingduring the tax year. Your return must adequatelyall or part of your gain as ordinary income.describe and identify each property or mine, and

Under these circumstances, you generallyclearly state how much is being deducted for Circulation Costseach one. The choice applies to the tax year you treat as ordinary income all of your gain if it is

A publisher can deduct as a current businessmake this choice and all later tax years. less than your adjusted exploration costs withexpense the costs of establishing, maintaining,respect to the mine. If your gain is more thanPartnerships. Each partner, not the part-or increasing the circulation of a newspaper,your adjusted exploration costs, treat as ordi-nership, chooses whether to capitalize or to de-magazine, or other periodical. For example, anary income only a part of your gain, up to theduct that partner’s share of exploration costs.publisher can deduct the cost of hiring extraamount of your adjusted exploration costs.

Reduced corporate deductions for explora- employees for a limited time to get new sub-tion costs. A corporation (other than an S scriptions through telephone calls. CirculationForeign exploration costs. If you pay or incur

corporation) can deduct only 70% of its domes- costs are deductible even if they normally wouldexploration costs for a mine or other natural

tic exploration costs. It must capitalize the re- be capitalized.deposit located outside the United States, you

maining 30% of costs and amortize them over This rule does not apply to the followingcannot deduct all the costs in the current year.

the 60-month period starting with the month the costs that must be capitalized.You can choose to include the costs (other thanexploration costs are paid or incurred. A corpo-

• The purchase of land or depreciable prop-for an oil, gas, or geothermal well) in the ad-ration may also elect to capitalize and amortizeerty. justed basis of the mineral property to figure costmining exploration costs over a 10– year period.

depletion. (Cost depletion is discussed in chap-For more information on this method of amorti- • The acquisition of circulation through theter 10.) If you do not make this choice, you mustzation, see section 59(e) of the Internal Reve- purchase of any part of the business ofdeduct the costs over the 10-year period begin-nue Code. another publisher of a newspaper, maga-ning with the tax year in which you pay or incurThe 30% the corporation capitalizes cannot zine, or other periodical, including thethem. These rules also apply to foreign develop-be added to its basis in the property to figure purchase of another publisher’s list of sub-ment costs.cost depletion. However, the amount amortized scribers.

Chapter 8 Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize Page 29

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Other treatment of circulation costs. If you otherwise allocated to the qualified contami-do not want to deduct circulation costs as a nated site shall be treated as a qualified environ- Barrier Removal Costscurrent business expense, you can choose one mental cleanup cost.of the following ways to recover these costs. The cost of an improvement to a business assetWhen and how to choose. You choose to

is normally a capital expense. However, you can• Capitalize all circulation costs that are deduct environmental cleanup costs by takingchoose to deduct the costs of making a facility orproperly chargeable to a capital account. the deduction on the income tax return (filed bypublic transportation vehicle more accessible tothe due date including extensions) for the tax-

• Amortize circulation costs over the 3-year and usable by those who are disabled or year in which the costs are paid or incurred.period beginning with the tax year they You must own or lease the facility or vehicle forThe costs are deducted differently depending onwere paid or incurred. use in connection with your trade or business.the type of business entity involved.A facility is all or any part of buildings, struc-

Individuals. Deduct the environmentalHow to make the choice. You choose to capi- tures, equipment, roads, walks, parking lots, orcleanup costs on the “Other Expenses” line oftalize circulation costs by attaching a statement similar real or personal property. A public trans-Schedule C, E, or F (Form 1040). If the scheduleto your return for the first tax year the choice portation vehicle is a vehicle, such as a bus orrequires you to separately identify each expenseapplies. Your choice is binding for the year it is railroad car, that provides transportation serviceincluded in “Other Expenses” write “Section 198made and for all later years, unless you get IRS to the public (including service for your custom-Election” on the line next to the environmentalapproval to revoke it. ers, even if you are not in the business of provid-cleanup costs. ing transportation services).

All other entities. All other taxpayers (in- You cannot deduct any costs that you paid orcluding S corporations, partnerships, and trusts) incurred to completely renovate or build a facility

Environmental Cleanup deduct the environmental cleanup costs on the or public transportation vehicle or to replace“Other Deductions” line of the appropriate fed- depreciable property in the normal course of

Costs eral income tax return. On a schedule attached the return that separately identifies each ex-

Environmental cleanup (remediation) costs are pense included in “Other Deductions” write Deduction limit. The most you can deduct asgenerally capital expenditures. However, you “Section 198 Election” on the line next to the a cost of removing barriers to the disabled andcan choose to deduct these costs as a current amount for environmental cleanup costs. the elderly for any tax year is $15,000. However,business expense if certain requirements (dis- you can add any costs over this limit to the basis

More than one environmental cleanup cussed later) are met. This special tax treatment of the property and depreciate these excesscost. If, for any taxable year, you pay or incuris generally available for qualified environmental costs.more than one environmental cleanup cost, youcleanup costs you pay or incur before January 1,can choose to deduct one or more of such ex-2004.

Partners and partnerships. The $15,000penditures for that year. You can choose toQualified environmental cleanup costs. limit applies to a partnership and also to eachdeduct one expenditure and choose to capitalizeQualified environmental cleanup costs are gen- partner in the partnership. A partner can allocateanother expenditure (whether or not they are oferally costs you pay or incur to abate or control the $15,000 limit in any manner among thethe same type or paid or incurred with respect tohazardous substances at a qualified contami- partner’s individually incurred costs and thethe same qualified contaminated site). A choicenated site. partner’s distributive share of partnership deduct an expenditure for one year has no

If the partner cannot deduct the entire share ofeffect on other years. You must make a separateHazardous substance. Hazardous sub-partnership costs, the partnership can add anychoice for each year in which you intend tostances are defined in section 101(14) of thecosts not deducted to the basis of the improveddeduct qualified environmental cleanup costs.Comprehensive Environmental Response,property.

Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 and Recapture. This deduction may have to be A partnership must be able to show that anycertain substances are designated as hazard- recaptured as ordinary income under section amount added to basis was not deducted by theous in section 102 of the Act. Substances are 1245 when you sell or otherwise dispose of thepartner and that it was over a partner’s $15,000not hazardous if a removal or remedial action is property that would have received an addition to limit (as determined by the partner). If the part-prohibited under sections 104 and 104(a)(3) of basis if you had not chosen to deduct the expen- nership cannot show this, it is presumed that thethe Act. diture. For more information on recapturing the partner was able to deduct the distributive share

deduction, see Depreciation and amortization Qualified contaminated site. A qualified of the partnership’s costs in full.under Gain Treated as Ordinary Income in Pub-contaminated site is any area that meets both oflication 544.the following requirements. Example. John Duke’s distributive share of

ABC partnership’s deductible expenses for theCosts to clean up land. For more information1) You hold it for use in a trade or business, removal of architectural barriers was $14,000.on costs you can deduct for the environmentalfor the production of income, or as inven- John had $12,000 of similar expenses in his solecleanup of land, see Environmental cleanup tory. proprietorship. He chose to deduct $7,000 ofcosts in chapter 13.them. John allocated the remaining $8,000 of2) There has been a release, threat of re-the $15,000 limit to his share of ABC’s ex-More information. For more informationlease, or disposal of any hazardous sub-penses. John can add the excess $5,000 of hisabout the environmental cleanup cost deduc-stance at or on the site.own expenses to the basis of the property usedtion, see section 198 of the Internal Revenue

You must get a statement from the designated in his business. Also, if ABC can show that JohnCode.state environmental agency that the site meets

could not deduct $6,000 ($14,000 – $8,000) ofrequirement (2). his share of the partnership’s expenses becauseA site is not eligible if it is on, or proposed for, of how John applied the limit, ABC can add

the national priorities list under section $6,000 to the basis of its property.Retired Asset Removal105(a)(8)(B) of the Comprehensive Environ-mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Costs Qualification standards. You can deductAct of 1980. To find out if a site is on the national

your costs as a current expense only if the bar-priorities list, contact the U.S. Environmental

If you retire and remove a depreciable asset in rier removal meets one or more of the followingProtection Agency.

connection with the installation or production of specific standards for improved access for theExpenditures for depreciable property. a replacement asset, you can deduct the costs disabled or the elderly.

You cannot deduct the cost of acquiring depre- of removing the retired asset. However, if youGrading. The ground must be graded to the

ciable property used in connection with the replace a component (part) of a depreciablelevel of a normal entrance to make the facility

abatement or control of hazardous substances asset, capitalize the removal costs if the re-accessible to people with physical disabilities.

at a qualified contaminated site. However, the placement is an improvement and deduct thepart of the depreciation for such property that is costs if the replacement is a repair. Walks.

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5) A ramp must have level platforms no far- e) Has a toilet with a seat 19 to 20 inches1) A public walk must be at least 48 inches ther than 30 feet apart and at any turn. from the finished floor.

wide and cannot slope more than 5%. A6) A curb ramp with a nonslip surface mustfairly long walk of maximum or near maxi- 3) A toilet room must have, in addition to or

be provided at an intersection. The curbmum steepness must have level areas at instead of the toilet stall described in (2), atramp must not be less than 4 feet wideregular intervals. A walk or driveway must least one toilet stall that:and must not rise more than 1 inch in eachhave a nonslip surface.foot of length. The two surfaces must a) Is at least 66 inches wide,

2) A walk must have a continuing common blend smoothly.b) Is at least 60 inches deep,surface and must not have steps or sud-

den changes in level. Entrances. A building must have at least c) Has a door, if any, that is at least 32one main entrance that a person in a wheelchair inches wide and swings out,3) Where a walk crosses another walk, acan use. The entrance must be on a level acces-driveway, or a parking lot, they must blend

d) Has a handrail on one side, 33 inchessible to an a common level. However, this does nothigh and parallel to the floor, 11 / 2 inches

require the removal of curbs that are a Doors and doorways. in outside diameter, 11 / 2 inches awaysafety feature for those with disabilities,

from the wall, and fastened securely at1) A door must have a clear opening of atespecially blindness.

the ends and center, andleast 32 inches and must be operable by a

4) A sloping walk must have a level platformsingle effort. e) Has a toilet with a seat 19 to 20 inches

at the top and at the bottom. If a doorfrom the finished floor with a centerline

2) The floor on the inside and outside of aswings out onto the platform toward the18 inches from the side wall on which

doorway must be level for at least 5 feetwalk, the platform must be at least 5 feetthe handrail is located.

from the door in the direction the doordeep and 5 feet wide. If a door does notswings and must extend at least 1 footswing onto the platform or toward the walk,

4) A toilet room must have sinks with narrowpast the opening side of the doorway.the platform must be at least 3 feet deep

aprons. Drain pipes and hot water pipesand 5 feet wide. A platform must extend at

3) There must not be any sharp slopes or under a sink must be covered or insulated.least 1 foot past the opening side of any

sudden changes in level at a doorway. The5) A mirror and a shelf above a sink must notdoorway.

threshold must be flush with the floor. Thebe higher than 40 inches above the floor,

door closer must be selected, placed, andParking lots. measured from the top of the shelf and theset so as not to impair the use of the door

bottom of the persons with disabilities.1) At least one accessible parking space

6) A toilet room for men must haveclose to a facility must be set aside andStairs. wall-mounted urinals with the opening ofmarked for use by persons with disabili-

the basin 15 to 19 inches from the finishedties.1) Stairsteps must have round nosing of be- floor or floor-mounted urinals that are level

2) A parking space must be open on one side tween 1 and 11 / 2 inch radius. with the main allow room for a person in a wheelchair

2) Stairs must have a handrail 32 inches 7) Towel racks, towel dispensers, and otheror on braces or crutches to get in and outhigh, measured from the tread at the face dispensers and disposal units must not beof a car onto a level surface suitable forof the riser. mounted higher than 40 inches from thewheeling and walking.

floor.3) Stairs must have at least one handrail that3) A parking space marked for use by per-

extends at least 18 inches past the topsons with disabilities, when placed be- Water fountains.step and the bottom step. But this does nottween two regular diagonal or head-on

mean that a handrail extension that is itselfparking spaces, must be at least 12 feet 1) A water fountain and a cooler must have

a hazard is required.wide.

up-front spouts and controls.4) Each step must not be more than 7 inches4) A parking space must be located so that a 2) A water fountain and a cooler must be

high.person in a wheelchair or on braces or hand-operated or hand-and-foot-operated.crutches does not have to wheel or walk

Floors. 3) A water fountain mounted on the side of abehind parked cars.

floor-mounted cooler must not be more1) Floors must have a nonslip surface. than 30 inches above the floor.Ramps.2) Floors on each story of a building must be 4) A wall-mounted, hand-operated water

1) A ramp must not rise more than 1 inch in on the same level or must be connected cooler must be mounted with the basin 36each foot of length. by a ramp of the type discussed previ- inches from the floor.

ously.2) A ramp must have at least one handrail 5) A water fountain must not be fully re-

that is 32 inches high, measured from the cessed and must not be set into an alcoveToilet rooms.surface of the ramp. The handrail must be unless the alcove is at least 36 inchessmooth and must extend at least 1 foot 1) A toilet room must have enough space for wide.past the top and bottom of the ramp. How- persons in wheelchairs to move around.ever, this does mean that a handrail exten- Public telephones.

2) A toilet room must have at least one toiletsion that is itself a hazard is required.stall that: 1) A public telephone must be placed so that

3) A ramp must have a nonslip surface.a person in a wheelchair can reach the dial

a) Is at least 36 inches wide,4) A ramp must have a level platform at the and the headset.

top and at the bottom. If a door swings out b) Is at least 56 inches deep,2) A public telephone must be equipped for a

onto the platform or toward the ramp, thec) Has a door, if any, that is at least 32 person who is hearing impaired and it

platform must be at least 5 feet deep and 5inches wide and swings out, must be identified as such with instructions

feet wide. If a door does not swing ontofor its use.

the platform or toward the ramp, the plat- d) Has handrails on each side that are 33form must be at least 3 feet deep and 5 inches high and paral lel to the floor, 11 / 2 3) Coin slots of public telephones must notfeet wide. A platform must extend at least inches in outside diameter, 11 / 2 inches be more than 48 inches from the floor.1 foot past the opening side of any door- away from the wall, and fastened se-way. curely at the ends and center, and Elevators.

Chapter 8 Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize Page 31

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7) A stepwell next to the driver must have,1) An elevator must be accessible to, and when the door is open, at least 2 foot-can-

usable by, persons with disabilities and the dles of light measured on the step tread.elderly on the levels they use to enter the Other stepwells must have, at all times, atbuilding and all levels and areas normally least 2 foot-candles of light measured onused. the step tread.

2) Cab size must measure at least 54 by 68 8) The doorways of the bus must haveinches to allow for turning a wheelchair. outside lighting that provides at least 1

foot-candle of light on the street surface for3) Door clear opening width must be at leasta distance of 3 feet from the bottom step32 inches.edge. This lighting must be below window

4) All controls needed must be within 48 to level and must be shielded to protect the

54 inches from the cab floor. These con- eyes of entering and exiting passengers.trols must be usable by a person with a

9) The fare box must be located as far for-visual impairment and must be identifiableward as practical and must not block trafficby the vestibule.

Controls. Switches and controls for light,Rapid and light rail vehicles.heat, ventilation, windows, draperies, fire

Rail facilities.alarms, and all similar controls needed or used

1) Passenger doorways on the vehicle sidesoften must be placed within the reach of a per- 1) A rail facility must have a fare control areamust have clear openings at least 32 in-son in a wheelchair. These switches and con- with at least one entrance with a clear ches wide.trols must not be higher than 48 inches from the

opening at least 36 inches wide.floor. 2) Audible or visual warning signals must be

2) A boarding platform edge bordering a provided to alert passengers who have aIdentification.drop-off or other dangerous condition must disability or are elderly of closing marked with a strip of floor material1) Raised letters or numbers must be used to

3) Handrails and stanchions must permit safedifferent in color and texture from the restidentify rooms and offices. These identifi-

boarding, moving around, sitting andof the floor surface. The gap between thecation marks must be placed on the wall to standing assistance, and getting off byboarding platform and vehicle doorwaythe right or left of the door at a height of 54persons who have a disability or are eld-to 66 inches above the finished floor. must be as small as possible.erly. On a level-entry vehicle, handrails,

2) A door that might prove dangerous if a stanchions, and seats must be located toBuses.visually impaired person used it, such as a allow a wheelchair user to enter the vehi-door leading to a loading platform, boiler cle and position the wheelchair in a loca-1) A bus must have a mechanism such as aroom, stage, or fire escape, must be identi- tion that does not block the movement oflift or ramp to enter the bus and enoughfiable by touch. other passengers. On a vehicle with stepsclearance to let a wheelchair user reach a

that must be used in boarding, handrailssecure location.Warning signals. and stanchions must be provided in the

2) The bus must have a wheelchair-securing entrance so that persons who have a disa-1) An audible warning signal must be accom- device. However, this does not mean that bility or are elderly can grasp them from

panied by a simultaneous visual signal for a wheelchair-securing device that is itself a outside the vehicle and use them whilethe benefit of hearing impaired persons.

boarding.barrier or hazard is required.2) A visual warning signal must be accompa-

4) Floors must have nonslip surfaces. Step3) The vertical distance from a curb or from

nied by a simultaneous audible signal for edges on a light rail vehicle must have astreet level to the first front doorstep mustthe benefit of visually impaired of bright contrasting color running thenot be more than 8 inches. Each frontfull width of the step.doorstep after the first step up from theHazards. Hanging signs, ceiling lights, and

curb or street level must also not be more 5) A stepwell next to the driver must have,similar objects and fixtures must be at least 7than 8 inches high. The steps at the front when the door is open, at least 2 foot-can-feet above the floor.and rear doors must be at least 12 inches dles of light measured on the step tread.

International accessibility symbol. The deep. Other stepwells must have, at all times, atinternational accessibility symbol must be dis-

least 2 foot-candles of light measured on4) The bus must have clearly legible signsplayed on routes to a wheelchair-accessible en-the step tread.that indicate that seats in the front of thetrance to a facility, at the entrance itself, and at

bus are priority seats for persons who 6) Doorways on a light rail vehicle must havewheelchair-accessible entrances to public trans-have a disability or are elderly. The signs outside lighting that provides at least 1portation vehicles. This symbol is the outlinemust encourage other passengers to make foot-candle of light on the street surface fordrawing of a person in a wheelchair and is

a distance of 3 feet from the bottom stepthese seats available to those having prior-shown in the following illustration.edge. This lighting must be below windowity who wish to use them.level and must be shielded to protect the

5) Handrails and stanchions must be pro- eyes of entering and exiting passengers.vided in the entrance to the bus so thatpassengers who have a disability or are Other barrier removals. To be deductible,elderly can grasp them from outside the expenses of removing any barrier not coveredbus and use them while boarding and pay- by the above standards must meet all three ofing the fare. This system must include a the following tests.rail across the front of the bus interior thatpassengers can lean against while paying 1) The removed barrier must be a substantialfares. Overhead handrails must be contin- barrier to access or use of a facility oruous except for a gap at the rear doorway. public transportation vehicle by persons

who have a disability or are elderly.6) Floors and steps must have nonslip sur-faces. Step edges must have a band of 2) The removed barrier must have been abright contrasting color running the full barrier for at least one major group of per-width of the step. sons who have a disability or are elderly

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(such as people who are blind, deaf, or • Amortizing costs of section 197 intangibles expenses. Capital expenses are part of yourwheelchair users). basis in the business. Generally, you recover

• Amortizing reforestation costscosts for particular assets through depreciation

3) The barrier must be removed without cre-• Amortizing costs of pollution control facili- deductions. However, you generally cannot re-

ating any new barrier that significantly im-ties cover other costs until you sell the business or

pairs access to or use of the facility orotherwise go out of business. See Capital Ex- 

• Amortizing costs of research and experi-vehicle by a major group of persons whopenses in chapter 1 for a discussion of how to

mentationhave a disability or are elderly.treat these costs if you do not go into business.

You can choose to amortize certain costs forHow to make the choice. If you choose to setting up your business over a period of 60Useful Itemsdeduct your costs for removing barriers to the months or more. The cost must qualify as one ofYou may want to see:disabled or the elderly, claim the deduction on the following.

your income tax return (partnership return for Publication • A business start-up cost.partnerships) for the tax year the expenses were❏ 544 Sales and Other Dispositions ofpaid or incurred. Identify the deduction as a • An organizational cost for a corporation.

Assetsseparate item. The choice applies to all the qual-• An organizational cost for a partnership.ifying costs you have during the year, up to the

❏ 550 Investment Income and Expenses$15,000 limit. If you make this choice, you must

❏ 946 How To Depreciate Propertymaintain adequate records to support your de- Business Start-Up Costsduction.

Form (and Instructions)For your choice to be valid, you generally Start-up costs are costs for creating an activemust file your return by its due date, including trade or business or investigating the creation or

❏ 3468 Investment Creditextensions. However, if you timely filed your acquisition of an active trade or business.return for the year without making the choice, ❏ 4562 Depreciation and Amortization Start-up costs include any amounts paid or in-you can still make the choice by filing an curred in connection with any activity engaged in

❏ 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax—amended return within 6 months of the due date for profit and for the production of income in

Individualsof the return (excluding extensions). Clearly indi- anticipation of the activity becoming an activecate the choice on your amended return and trade or business.

See chapter 14 for information about getting

write “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100–2.” publications and forms. Qualifying costs. A start-up cost is amortiz-File the amended return at the same addressable if it meets both the following filed the original return. Your choice is irrev-

ocable after the due date, including extensions, • It is a cost you could deduct if you paid orof your return. incurred it to operate an existing activeHow To Deduct

trade or business (in the same field as theDisabled access credit. If you make your one you entered into).Amortizationbusiness accessible to persons with disabilities

• It is a cost you pay or incur before the dayand your business is an eligible small business,The purpose of this section is to explain how you your active trade or business may be able to claim the disabled accessdeduct If you choose to claim the credit, you must

Start-up costs include costs for the followingreduce the amount you deduct or capitalize by Form 4562. You deduct amortization that be- items.the amount of the credit. gins during the current year by completing PartFor more information about the disabled ac- • An analysis or survey of potential markets,VI of Form 4562 and attaching it to your current

cess credit, see Form 8826. products, labor supply, transportation facil-year’s return.ities, etc.For a later year, with respect to an item you

elect to amortize, you do not report your deduc- • Advertisements for the opening of thetion for amortization on Form 4562 unless you business.begin to amortize a different amortizable item in

• Salaries and wages for employees whothat later year. In that case, you must list on theare being trained and their instructors.Form 4562 not only the item you are beginning9. to amortize in the later year, but any items you

• Travel and other necessary costs for se-had previously begun to amortize and are still curing prospective distributors, suppliers,amortizing. For example, if you began amortiz- or a lease in 2002, and a second lease in 2003,Amortization

• Salaries and fees for executives and con-you would show the second lease on line 42 ofsultants, or for similar professional serv-Form 4562, and the first on line 43. If you had notices.added the second lease in 2003, you would

follow the instructions in Other forms to use,Introductionnext. Nonqualifying costs. Start-up costs do notAmortization is a method of recovering (deduct-

include deductible interest, taxes, or researching) certain capital costs over a fixed period of Other forms to use. If you do not have toand experimental costs. See Research and Ex- time. It is similar to the straight line method of report amortization on Form 4562 for years afterperimental Costs, later.depreciation. the year the amortization begins, claim amorti-

The various amortizable costs covered in zation directly on the “Other expenses” line of Purchasing an active trade or business.this chapter are included in the list below. How- Schedule C or F (Form 1040) or the “Other Amortizable start-up costs for purchasing an ac-ever, this chapter does not discuss amortization deductions” line of Form 1065, 1120, 1120-A, or tive trade or business include only investigativeof bond premium . For information, see chapter 1120-S. However, if you are amortizing refores- costs incurred in the course of a general search3 of Publication 550. tation costs, see Where to report under Refores-  for or preliminary investigation of the business.

tation Costs, later. These are the costs that help you decideTopics whether to purchase a new business and whichThis chapter discusses: active business to purchase. Costs you incur in

an attempt to purchase a specific business are• How to deduct amortization Going Into Business capital expenses that you cannot amortize.

• Amortizing costs of going into businessWhen you go into business, treat all costs you Example. In June, you hired an accounting

• Amortizing costs of getting a lease incur to get your business started as capital firm and a law firm to assist you in the potential

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purchase of XYZ. They researched XYZ’s indus- Costs of Organizing How To Amortizetry and analyzed the financial projections of a Partnership

You deduct start-up and organizational costs inXYZ. In September, the law firm prepared andequal amounts over a period of 60 months orsubmitted a letter of intent to XYZ. The letter The costs of organizing a partnership are themore. You can choose a period for start-up costsstated that a binding commitment would result direct costs of creating the partnership.that is different from the period you choose foronly after a purchase agreement was signed.organizational costs, as long as both are not lessThe law firm and accounting firm continued to

Qualifying costs. You can amortize an orga- than 60 months. Once you choose an amortiza-provide services including a review of XYZ’snizational cost only if it meets all the following tion period, you cannot change it.books and records and the preparation of a

To figure your deduction, divide your totaltests.purchase agreement. In October, you signed astart-up or organizational costs by the months in

purchase agreement with XYZ.• It is for the creation of the partnership and the amortization period. The result is the amount

The costs to investigate the business beforenot for starting or operating the partner- you can deduct for each month.submitting the letter of intent to XYZ are amortiz- ship trade or business.

able investigative costs. The costs for services Cash method partnership. A partnership us-• It is chargeable to a capital account.after that time relate to the attempt to purchase ing the cash method of accounting cannot de-

duct an organizational cost it has not paid by thethe business and must be capitalized. • It could be amortized over the life of theend of the tax year. However, any cost the part-partnership if the partnership had a fixednership could have deducted as an organiza-Disposition of business. If you completely life.tional cost in an earlier tax year (if it had beendispose of your business before the end of the

• It is incurred by the due date of the part- paid that year) can be deducted in the tax year ofamortization period, you can deduct any remain-nership return (excluding extensions) for deferred start-up costs. However, you canthe first tax year in which the partnershipdeduct these deferred start-up costs only to the When to begin amortization. The amortiza-is in business. However, if the partnershipextent they qualify as a loss from a business. tion period starts with the month you begin busi-uses the cash method of accounting and

ness operations.pays the cost after the end of its first taxCosts of Organizingyear, see Cash method partnership under

a Corporation How To Amortize, later. How To Make the Choice• It is for a type of item normally expected toThe costs of organizing a corporation are the

To choose to amortize start-up or organizationalbenefit the partnership throughout its en-direct costs of creating the corporation.costs, you must attach Form 4562 and an ac-tire life.companying statement (explained later) to your

Qualifying costs. You can amortize an orga-return for the first tax year you are in business. IfOrganizational costs include the followingnizational cost only if it meets all the followingyou have both start-up and organizational costs,

fees.tests.attach a separate statement to your return foreach type of cost.• It is for the creation of the corporation. • Legal fees for services incident to the or-

Generally, you must file the return by the dueganization of the partnership, such as ne-• It is chargeable to a capital account. date (including any extensions). However, if yougotiation and preparation of the

timely filed your return for the year without mak-• It could be amortized over the life of the partnership the choice, you can still make the choice bycorporation if the corporation had a fixed

• Accounting fees for services incident to filing an amended return within 6 months of thelife.due date of the return (excluding extensions).the organization of the partnership.

• It is incurred before the end of the first tax For more information, see the instructions for• Filing fees.year in which the corporation is in busi- Part VI of Form 4562.

ness. A corporation using the cash Once you make the choice to amortizemethod of accounting can amortize orga- Nonqualifying costs. The following costs start-up or organizational costs, you cannot re-nizational costs incurred within the first tax voke it.cannot be amortized.year, even if it does not pay them in that

Corporations and partnerships. If your busi-• The cost of acquiring assets for the part-year.ness is organized as a corporation or partner-nership or transferring assets to the part-ship, only your corporation or partnership cannership.The following are examples of organizationalchoose to amortize its start-up or organizationalcosts.

• The cost of admitting or removing part- costs. A shareholder or partner cannot makeners, other than at the time the partnership• The cost of temporary directors. this choice. You, as shareholder or partner, can-is first organized. not amortize any costs you incur in setting up

• The cost of organizational meetings.your corporation or partnership. The corporation

• The cost of making a contract concerning• State incorporation fees. or partnership can amortize these costs.the operation of the partnership trade or

business (including a contract between a• The cost of accounting services for setting You, as an individual, can choose to partner and the partnership). amortize costs you incur to investigate up the corporation.

an interest in an existing partnership.TIP

The costs for issuing and marketing inter-•

The cost of legal services (such as draft- These costs qualify as business start-up costs if ests in the partnership (such as broker-ing the charter, bylaws, terms of the origi-you acquire the partnership interest.

age, registration, and legal fees andnal stock certificates, and minutes ofprinting costs). These “syndication fees”organizational meetings). Start-up costs. If you choose to amortize yourare capital expenses that cannot be de- start-up costs, complete Part VI of Form 4562preciated or amortized. and prepare a separate statement that containsNonqualifying costs. The following costs are

the following information.not organizational costs. They are capital ex-Liquidation of partnership. If a partnership ispenses that you cannot amortize.

• A description of the business to which theliquidated before the end of the amortization start-up costs relate.

• Costs for issuing and selling stock or se- period, the unamortized amount of qualifyingcurities, such as commissions, profes- • A description of each start-up cost in-organizational costs can be deducted in thesional fees, and printing costs. curred.partnership’s final tax year. However, these

costs can be deducted only to the extent they• Costs associated with the transfer of as- • The month your active business began (orsets to the corporation. qualify as a loss from a business. was acquired).

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• The number of months in your amortiza- For more information on the costs of getting 5) A patent, copyright, formula, process, de-sign, pattern, know-how, format, or similartion period (not less than 60). a lease, see Cost of Getting a Lease  initem.chapter 4.

Filing the statement early. You can6) A customer-based intangible.

choose to amortize your start-up costs by filing7) A supplier-based intangible.the statement with a return for any tax year

before the year your active business begins. If Section 197 Intangibles 8) Any item similar to items (3) through (7).you file the statement early, the choice becomes

9) A license, permit, or other right granted byeffective in the month of the tax year your active You must generally amortize over 15 years thea governmental unit or agency (includingbusiness begins. capitalized costs of “section 197 intangibles” youissuances and renewals).

acquired after August 10, 1993. You must amor-Revised statement. You can file a revised10) A covenant not to compete entered into intize these costs if you hold the section 197

statement to include any start-up costs not in- connection with the acquisition of an inter-intangibles in connection with your trade or busi-cluded in your original statement. However, youest in a trade or business.ness or in an activity engaged in for the produc-cannot include on the revised statement any

tion of income.cost you previously treated on your return as a 11) A franchise, trademark, or trade name (in-cluding renewals).cost other than a start-up cost. You can file the You may not be able to amortize sec- 

revised statement with a return filed after the tion 197 intangibles acquired in a trans-  12) A contract for the use of, or a term interestreturn on which you chose to amortize your action that did not result in a significant CAUTION

!in, any item in this list.

start-up costs. change in ownership or use. See Anti-ChurningRules, later. You cannot amortize any of the in- 

Organizational costs. If you choose to amor- tangibles listed in items (1) through (8)Your amortization deduction each year is thetize your corporation’s or partnership’s organi- that you created (rather than acquired)applicable part of the intangible’s adjusted basis CAUTION

!zational costs, complete Part VI of Form 4562 unless you created them in connection with the (for purposes of determining gain), figured byand prepare a separate statement that contains acquisition of assets constituting a trade or busi- amortizing it ratably over 15 years (180 months).the following information. ness or a substantial part of a trade or business.The 15-year period begins with the later of:

• A description of each cost.• The month the intangible is acquired, or Goodwill. This is the value of a trade or busi-

• The amount of each cost. ness based on expected continued customer• The month the trade or business or activitypatronage due to its name, reputation, or anyengaged in for the production of income• The date each cost was incurred.other factor.begins.

• The month your corporation or partnershipGoing concern value. This is the additionalYou cannot deduct amortization for the monthbegan active business (or acquired thevalue of a trade or business that attaches toyou dispose of the because the property is an integral part

If you pay or incur an amount that increases• The number of months in your amortiza- of an ongoing business activity. It includes valuethe basis of an amortizable section 197 intangi-tion period (not less than 60). based on the ability of a business to continue toble after the 15-year period begins, amortize it function and generate income even though

Partnerships. The statement prepared for over the remainder of the 15-year period begin- there is a change in ownership (but does nota cash basis partnership must also indicate the ning with the month the basis increase occurs. include any other section 197 intangible). It alsoamount paid before the end of the year for each You are not allowed any other depreciation includes value based on the immediate use orcost. or amortization deduction for an amortizable availability of an acquired trade or business,

section 197 intangible. such as the use of earnings during any period inYou do not need to separately list any which the business would not otherwise bepartnership organizational cost that is available or operational.Cost attributable to other property. Theless than $10. Instead, you can list the 


rules for section 197 intangibles do not apply tototal amount of these costs with the dates the Workforce in place, etc. This includes theany amount that is included in determining thefirst and last costs were incurred.composition of a workforce (for example, its ex-cost of property that is not a section 197 intangi-After a partnership makes the choice to perience, education, or training). It also includesble. For example, if the cost of computeramortize organizational costs, it can file an the terms and conditions of employment,

software is not separately stated from the cost ofamended return to include additional organiza- whether contractual or otherwise, and any otherhardware or other tangible property and youtional costs not included in the partnership’s value placed on employees or any of their attrib-consistently treat it as part of the cost of theoriginal return and statement. utes.hardware or other tangible property, these rules

For example, you must amortize the part ofdo not apply. Similarly, none of the cost of ac- the purchase price of a business that is for thequiring real property held for the production of existence of a highly skilled workforce. Also, yourental income is considered the cost of goodwill, must amortize the cost of acquiring an existingGetting a Leasegoing concern value, or any other section 197 employment contract or relationship with em-intangible. ployees or consultants.If you get a lease for business property, you

recover the cost by amortizing it over the term of

Business books and records, etc. This in-Section 197the lease. The term of the lease for amortization cludes the intangible value of technical manuals,purposes generally includes all renewal options Intangibles Definedtraining manuals or programs, data files, and(and any other period for which you and theaccounting or inventory control systems. It alsoThe following assets are section 197 in-lessor reasonably expect the lease to be re-includes the cost of customer lists, subscriptiontangibles.newed). However, renewal periods are not in-lists, insurance expirations, patient or client files,

cluded if 75% or more of the cost of getting theand lists of newspaper, magazine, radio, and1) is for the term of the lease remaining ontelevision advertisers.

the acquisition date (not including any period for 2) Going concern value.which you may choose to renew, extend, or Patents, copyrights, etc. This includes pack-3) Workforce in place.continue the lease). age design, computer software, and any interest

4) Business books and records, operatingEnter your deduction in Part VI of Form 4562 in a film, sound recording, videotape, book, orsystems, or any other information base,if you are deducting amortization that begins other similar property, except as discussed laterincluding lists or other information con-during the current year, or on the appropriate under Assets That Are Not Section 197 In- cerning current or prospective customers.line of your tax return. tangibles.

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Contract for the use of, or a term interest in, aCustomer-based intangible. This is the com- Computer software. Section 197 intangiblesposition of market, market share, and any other section 197 intangible. Section 197 in- do not include the following types of computervalue resulting from the future provision of software.tangibles include any right under a license, con-goods or services because of relationships with tract, or other arrangement providing for the use

1) Software that meets all the following re-customers in the ordinary course of business. of any section 197 intangible. It also includesquirements.For example, you must amortize the part of the any term interest in any section 197 intangible,

purchase price of a business that is for the whether the interest is outright or in trust. a) It is (or has been) readily available forexistence of the following intangibles.purchase by the general public.

• A customer base. Assets That Are Notb) It is subject to a nonexclusive license.

Section 197 Intangibles• A circulation base.c) It has not been substantially modified.

• An undeveloped market or market growth. The following assets are not section 197 in- This requirement is considered met ifthe cost of all modifications is not moretangibles.

• Insurance in force.than the greater of 25% of the price of

• A mortgage servicing contract. 1) Any interest in a corporation, partnership, the publicly available unmodifiedtrust, or estate. software or $2,000.

• An investment management contract.

2) Any interest under an existing futures con-• Any other relationship with customers in- 2) Software that is not acquired in connection

tract, foreign currency contract, notionalvolving the future provision of goods or with the acquisition of a trade or businessprincipal contract, interest rate swap, orservices. or a substantial part of a trade or business.similar financial contract.

Accounts receivable or other similar rights to Computer software defined. Computer3) Any interest in land.income for goods or services provided to cus- software includes all programs designed to

4) Most computer software. (See Computer tomers before the acquisition of a trade or busi- cause a computer to perform a desired, later.)ness are not section 197 intangibles. It also includes any database or similar item that

is in the public domain and is incidental to the5) Any of the following assets not acquired inSupplier-based intangible. This is the value operation of qualifying software.connection with the acquisition of a traderesulting from the future acquisition of goods or

or business or a substantial part of a tradeservices used or sold by the business because Rights of fixed duration or amount. Sectionor business.of business relationships with suppliers. 197 intangibles do not include any right under a

For example, you must amortize the part of a) An interest in a film, sound recording, contract or from a governmental agency if thethe purchase price of a business that is for the right is acquired in the ordinary course of a tradevideo tape, book, or similar property.existence of the following intangibles. or business (or in an activity engaged in for the

b) A right to receive tangible property orproduction of income) but not as part of a• A favorable relationship with distributors services under a contract or from apurchase of a trade or business and either:(such as favorable shelf or display space governmental agency.

at a retail outlet).• Has a fixed life of less than 15 years, orc) An interest in a patent or copyright.

• A favorable credit rating.• Is of a fixed amount that, except for thed) Certain rights that have a fixed duration

• A favorable supply contract. rules for section 197 intangibles, would beor amount. (See Rights of fixed dura- 

recovered under a method similar to thetion or amount, later.)

unit-of-production method of cost recov-Government-granted license, permit, etc.ery.This is any right granted by a governmental unit 6) An interest under either of the following.

or an agency or instrumentality of a governmen- However, this does not apply to the following

a) An existing lease or sublease of tangi-tal unit. For example, you must amortize the intangibles.ble property.capitalized costs of acquiring (including issuing• Goodwill.or renewing) a liquor license, a taxicab medal- b) A debt that was in existence when the

lion or license, or a television or radio broadcast- • Going concern value.interest was license.

• A covenant not to compete.7) A professional sports franchise or any item

Covenant not to compete. Section 197 in- • A franchise, trademark, or trade name.acquired in connection with the franchise.tangibles include a covenant not to compete (or

• A customer-related information base,similar arrangement) entered into in connection 8) A right to service residential mortgages un-customer-based intangible, or similar item.with the acquisition of an interest in a trade or less the right is acquired in connection with

business, or a substantial portion of a trade or the acquisition of a trade or business or abusiness. An interest in a trade or business substantial part of a trade or business. Anti-Churning Rulesincludes an interest in a partnership or a corpo-

9) Certain transaction costs incurred by par-ration engaged in a trade or business. Anti-churning rules prevent you from amortizingties to a corporate organization or reorgan-An arrangement that requires the former most section 197 intangibles if the transaction inization in which any part of a gain or loss isowner to perform services (or to provide prop- which you acquired them did not result in anot recognized.

erty or the use of property) is not similar to a significant change in ownership or use. Thesecovenant not to compete to the extent the rules apply to goodwill and going concern value,Intangible property that is not amortizableamount paid under the arrangement represents and to any other section 197 intangible that isunder the rules for section 197 intangibles canreasonable compensation for those services or not otherwise depreciable or depreciated if it meets certain requirements.for that property or its use. You generally must use the straight line method Under the anti-churning rules, you cannot

over its useful life. For certain intangibles, the use 15-year amortization for the intangible if anyFranchise, trademark, or trade name. A

of the following conditions apply.depreciation period is specified in the law andfranchise, trademark, or trade name is a section

regulations. For example, the depreciation pe-197 intangible. You must amortize its purchase1) You or a related person (defined later)riod for computer software that is not a sectionor renewal costs, other than certain contingent

held or used the intangible at any time197 intangible is 36 months.payments that you can deduct currently. Forfrom July 25, 1991, through August 10,For more information on depreciating intan-information on currently deductible contingent1993.gible property, see Intangible Property  underpayments, see Franchise, trademark, trade 

Can You Use MACRS To Depreciate Your Prop- name  under Miscellaneous Expenses  in 2) You acquired the intangible from a personchapter 13. erty? in chapter 1 of Publication 946. who held it at any time during the period in

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(1) and, as part of the transaction, the user value of the outstanding stock of the cor- • That person chose to recognize gain ondid not change. poration and more than 20% of the capital the disposition of the intangible and pay

or profits interest in the partnership. income tax on the gain at the highest tax3) You granted the right to use the intangible

rate. See chapter 2 in Publication 544 forto a person (or a person related to that • Two S corporations, and an S corporation

information on making this choice.person) who held or used it at any time and a regular corporation, if the same per-during the period in (1). This applies only if sons own more than 20% of the value of

If this exception applies, the anti-churningthe transaction in which you granted the the outstanding stock of each corporation.

rules apply only to the amount of your adjustedright and the transaction in which you ac-

• Two partnerships if the same persons basis in the intangible that is more than the gainquired the intangible are part of a series of

own, directly or indirectly, more than 20% recognized by the transferor.related transactions. See Related person ,

of the capital or profits interests in bothlater, for information about the kinds of Notification. If the person you acquired the

partnerships.persons that are related. intangible from chooses to recognize gain under

• A partnership and a person who owns, the rules for this exception, that person mustdirectly or indirectly, more than 20% of the notify you in writing by the due date of the returnExceptions. The anti-churning rules do notcapital or profits interests in the partner- on which the choice is made.apply in the following situations.ship.

• You acquired the intangible from a dece-Anti-abuse rule. You cannot amortize any

• Two persons who are engaged in tradesdent and its basis was stepped up to itssection 197 intangible acquired in a transactionor businesses under common control (asfair market value.for which the principal purpose was either of thedescribed in section 41(f)(1) of the Internalfollowing.• The intangible was amortizable as a sec- Revenue Code).

tion 197 intangible by the seller or trans-• To avoid the requirement that the intangi-feror you acquired it from. This exception When to determine relationship. Persons ble be acquired after August 10, 1993.does not apply if the transaction in which are treated as related if the relationship existed

you acquired the intangible and the trans- • To avoid any of the anti-churning the following time.action in which the seller or transferor ac-

• In the case of a single transaction, imme-quired it are part of a series of relatedMore information. For more informationdiately before or immediately after thetransactions.about the anti-churning rules, including addi-transaction in which the intangible was ac-

• The gain-recognition exception, discussed tional rules for partnerships, see sectionquired.later, applies. 1.197–2(h) of the regulations.

• In the case of a series of related transac-tions (or a series of transactions that com- Incorrect Amount ofRelated person. For purposes of the prise a qualified stock purchase under

anti-churning rules, the following are related per- Amortization Deductedsection 338(d)(3) of the Internal Revenuesons. Code), immediately before the earliest

If you did not deduct the correct amortization fortransaction or immediately after the last• An individual and his or her brothers, sis-a section 197 intangible in any year, you may betransaction.ters, half-brothers, half-sisters, spouse,able to make a correction for that year by filing

ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.),an amended return. See Amended Return, later.Ownership of stock. In determiningand lineal descendants (children, grand-If you are not allowed to make the correction onwhether an individual directly or indirectly ownschildren, etc.).an amended return, you can change your ac-any of the outstanding stock of a corporation, thecounting method to claim the correct amortiza-• A corporation and an individual who owns, following rules apply.tion. See Changing Your Accounting Method,directly or indirectly, more than 20% of the

Rule 1. Stock directly or indirectly owned by later.value of the corporation’s outstandingor for a corporation, partnership, estate, or truststock.

is considered owned proportionately by or for its Basis adjustment. If you could have de-• Two corporations that are members of the shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries. ducted amortization but you did not take thesame controlled group as defined in sec-

deduction, you must reduce the basis of theRule 2. An individual is considered to owntion 1563(a) of the Internal Revenuesection 197 intangible by the amortization youthe stock directly or indirectly owned by or for hisCode, except that “more than 20%” is sub-were entitled to deduct. If you deducted moreor her family. Family includes only brothers andstituted for “at least 80%” in that definitionamortization than you should have, you mustsisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, spouse,and the determination is made without re-reduce your basis by the correct amortizationancestors, and lineal descendants.gard to subsections (a)(4) and (e)(3)(C) ofplus any of the excess for which you received asection 1563. (For an exception, see sec- Rule 3. An individual owning (other than by tax benefit.tion 1.197–2(h)(6)(iv) of the regulations.) applying Rule 2) any stock in a corporation is

considered to own the stock directly or indirectly• A trust fiduciary and a corporation if moreowned by or for his or her partner.than 20% of the value of the corporation’s Amended Return

outstanding stock is owned, directly or in- Rule 4. For purposes of applying Rule 1, 2,If you did not deduct the correct amortization,directly, by or for the trust or grantor of the or 3, treat stock constructively owned by a per-you can file an amended return to make any oftrust. son under Rule 1 as actually owned by thatthe following corrections.

person. Do not treat stock constructively owned•

The grantor and fiduciary, and the fiduci- by an individual under Rule 2 or 3 as owned by • Correction of a mathematical error madeary and beneficiary, of any trust.the individual for reapplying Rule 2 or 3 to make in any year.

• The fiduciaries of two different trusts, and another person the constructive owner of the• Correction of a posting error made in anythe fiduciaries and beneficiaries of two dif- stock.

year.ferent trusts, if the same person is theGain-recognition exception. This exceptiongrantor of both trusts.

• Correction of the amortization deductionto the anti-churning rules applies if the person

for a section 197 intangible for which you• The executor and beneficiary of an acquired the intangible from (the transferor)

have not adopted a method of accounting.• A tax-exempt educational or charitable or- meets both the following requirements.

ganization and a person who directly orYou have adopted a method of accounting for• That person would not be related to you

indirectly controls the organization (ora section 197 intangible if you did not deduct the(as described under Related person, ear-

whose family members control it).correct amortization for the intangible on two or lier) if the 20% test for ownership of stockmore consecutively filed tax returns for reasons• A corporation and a partnership if the and partnership interests were replaced byother than a mathematical or posting error. Yousame persons own more than 20% of the a 50% test.

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cannot file amended returns to correct the did not make the change because the zation period of the exchanged or convertedamount of amortization. intangible. Amortize over a new 15-year periodForm 3115 was withdrawn, not perfected,

the part of your adjusted basis in the acquireddenied, or not granted.When to file. If an amended return is allowed, intangible that is more than your adjusted basisyou must file it by the later of the following dates. in the exchanged or converted intangible.See the other exceptions listed in section 4.02

and section 2.01(2)(c) of the Appendix of Reve-• 3 years from the date you filed your origi-Example. You own a section 197 intangiblenue Procedure 2002– 9. See also the modifica-nal return for the year in which you did not

you have amortized for 4 full years. It has ations made to section 4.02 by Revenuededuct the correct amount. (A return filedremaining unamortized basis of $30,000. YouProcedure 2002– 19 in Internal Revenue Bulle-early is considered filed on the due date.)exchange the asset plus $10,000 for a like-kindtin No. 2002–13 and Revenue Procedure

• 2 years from the time you paid your tax for section 197 intangible. The nonrecognition pro-2002–54 in Internal Revenue Bulletin No.that year. visions of like-kind exchanges apply. You amor-2002–35.

tize $30,000 of the $40,000 adjusted basis of theacquired intangible over the 11 years remainingChanging Your Disposition ofin the original 15-year amortization period for theAccounting Method Section 197 Intangibles transferred asset. You amortize the other$10,000 of adjusted basis over a new 15-yearIf you cannot correct your amortization deduc- A section 197 intangible is treated as deprecia-period.tions for a section 197 intangible by filing ble property used in your trade or business. If

amended returns, you can claim the correct you held the intangible for more than 1 year, anyamount only by changing your method of ac- gain on its disposition, up to the amount of allow-counting for the intangible. You will then be able able amortization, is ordinary income (sectionto take into account any unclaimed or excess Reforestation Costs1245 gain). Any remaining gain, or any loss, is aamortization from years before the year of section 1231 gain or loss. If you held the intangi-change. You can choose to amortize a limited amount ofble 1 year or less, any gain or loss on its disposi-

reforestation costs for qualified timber propertytion is an ordinary gain or loss. For moreApproval required. You must get IRS ap- over a period of 84 months. Reforestation costsinformation on ordinary or capital gain or loss onproval to change your method of accounting. are the direct costs of planting or seeding forbusiness property, see chapter 3 in PublicationFile Form 3115, Application for Change in Ac-  forestation or reforestation.544.

counting Method, to request a change to a per- The choice to amortize reforestation costsmissible method of accounting for amortization.incurred by a partnership, S corporation, or es-Nondeductible loss. You cannot deduct anyRevenue Procedure 97–27, which is in Internaltate must be made by the partnership, corpora-loss on the disposition or worthlessness of aRevenue Bulletin 1997–21, gives general in-tion, or estate. A partner, shareholder, orsection 197 intangible that you acquired in thestructions for getting approval. You do not needbeneficiary cannot make that choice.same transaction (or series of related transac-IRS approval to correct any mathematical or

tions) as other section 197 intangibles you still A trust cannot choose to amortize re- posting error. See Amended Return, earlier.have. Instead, increase the adjusted basis of forestation costs and cannot deduct its each remaining amortizable section 197 intangi-Automatic approval. You may be able to get share of any amortizable reforestation CAUTION

!ble by a proportionate part of the nondeductibleautomatic approval from the IRS to change your costs of a partnership, S corporation, or estate.loss. Figure the increase by multiplying the non-method of accounting for a section 197 intangi-deductible loss on the disposition of the intangi-ble if you meet both the following conditions. Qualifying costs. Qualifying costs includeble by the following fraction.

only those costs you must capitalize and include• You did not deduct amortization or youin the adjusted basis of the property. They in-• The numerator is the adjusted basis ofdeducted the incorrect amount of amorti-clude costs for the following items.each remaining intangible on the date ofzation for the intangible in at least the 2

the disposition.years immediately preceding the year of• Site preparation.

change. • The denominator is the total adjusted ba-• Seeds or seedlings.

ses of all remaining amortizable section• You owned the intangible at the beginning• Labor.197 intangibles on the date of the disposi-of the year of change.

tion.• Tools.

File Form 3115 to request a change to a• Depreciation on equipment used in plant-permissible method of accounting for amortiza-

Covenant not to compete. A covenant not toing and seeding.tion. Revenue Procedure 2002–9 and section

compete, or similar arrangement, is not consid-2.01 of its Appendix, which is in Internal Reve-

ered disposed of or worthless before you dis- Costs you can deduct currently are not qualify-nue Bulletin No. 2002–3, have instructions for

pose of your entire interest in the trade or ing costs.getting automatic approval and list exceptions to

business for which you entered into the cove-If the government reimburses you for refores-the automatic approval procedures.

nant.tation costs under a cost-sharing program, you

Exceptions. You generally cannot use thecan amortize these costs only if you include theNonrecognition transfers. If you acquire aautomatic approval procedure in any of the fol-reimbursement in your income.section 197 intangible in a nonrecognition trans-lowing situations.

fer, you are treated as the transferor with respectQualified timber property. Qualified timber• You (your federal income tax return) are to the part of your adjusted basis in the intangi-property is property that contains trees in signifi-under examination. ble that is not more than the transferor’s ad-cant commercial quantities. It can be a woodlot

  justed basis. You amortize this part of the• You are before a federal court or an ap- or other site that you own or lease. The propertyadjusted basis over the intangible’s remainingpeals office for any income tax issue and qualifies only if it meets all the following require-amortization period in the hands of the trans-the method of accounting to be changed is ments.feror. Nonrecognition transfers include transfersan issue under consideration by the fed-to a corporation, partnership contributions anderal court or appeals office. • It is located in the United States.distributions, like-kind exchanges, and involun-

• You changed the same method of ac- • It is held for the growing and cutting oftary conversions.counting (with or without obtaining IRS ap- timber you will either use in, or sell for use

In a like-kind exchange or involuntary con-proval) during the last 5 years (including in, the commercial production of timber

version of a section 197 intangible, you mustthe year of change). products.

continue to amortize the part of your adjustedbasis in the acquired intangible that is not more• You filed a Form 3115 to change the same • It consists of at least one acre planted withthan your adjusted basis in the exchanged ormethod of accounting during the last 5 tree seedlings in the manner normallyconverted intangible over the remaining amorti-years (including the year of change), but used in forestation or reforestation.

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Qualified timber property does not include for costs incurred in any tax year is $1,428.57 You cannot report your amortization deductionproperty on which you have planted shelter belts ($10,000 ÷ 7), or $714.29 ($5,000 ÷ 7) if married on Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040).or ornamental trees, such as Christmas trees. filing separately. The maximum deduction in the

Partner or shareholder. If you are a part-first and last tax year of the 84-month amortiza-

ner in a partnership or a shareholder in an SAmortization period. The 84-month amorti- tion period is one half of the maximum annualcorporation, see the instructions for Schedulezation period starts on the first day of the first deduction, or $714.29 ($357.15 if married filingK-1 (Form 1065 or Form 1120S) for informationmonth of the second half of the tax year you separately).on where to report any allocated amortization forincur the costs (July 1 for a calendar year tax-qualifying reforestation costs. However, if youLife tenant and remainderman. If one per-payer), regardless of the month you actually

son holds the property for life with the remainder have qualifying reforestation costs from otherincur the costs. You can claim amortization de-going to another person, the life tenant is entitledductions for no more than 6 months of the first sources, your total deduction may be the full amortization (up to the annual limit) forand last (eighth) tax years of the period. See Annual limit, earlier.

qualifying reforestation costs incurred by the life Estate. If the estate does not file Scheduletenant. Any remainder interest in the property isExample. Last year (a full 12-month taxC or F for the activity in which the qualifyingignored for amortization purposes.year), John Jones incurred qualifying reforesta-reforestation costs were incurred, include thetion costs of $8,400. His monthly amortizationamortization deduction on line 15a of FormRecapture. If you dispose of qualified timberdeduction ($100) is figured by dividing $8,400 by

property within 10 years after the tax year you 1041.84 months. Since it was the first year of theincur qualifying reforestation expenses, report84-month period, he can deduct only $600any gain as ordinary income up to the amortiza- Revoking the choice. You must get IRS ap-($100 × 6 months).tion you took. See chapter 3 of Publication 544 proval to revoke your choice to amortize qualify-for more information.Annual limit. Each year, you can choose to ing reforestation costs. Your application to

amortize up to $10,000 ($5,000 if you are mar- revoke the choice must include your name, ad-Investment credit. Amortizable reforestationried filing separately) of qualifying costs you pay dress, the years for which your choice was incosts qualify for the investment credit, whetheror incur during the tax year. You cannot carry effect, and your reason for revoking it. You, oror not they are amortized. See the instructionsover or carry back qualifying costs over the an- your duly authorized representative, must signfor Form 3468 for information on the investmentnual limit. The annual limit applies to qualifying the application and file it at least 90 days beforecredit.costs for all your qualified timber property.

the due date (without extensions) for filing yourIf your qualifying costs are more than

income tax return for the first tax year for whichHow to make the choice. To choose to amor-$10,000 for more than one piece of qualifiedtize qualifying reforestation costs, enter your de- your choice is to end.

timber property, you can divide the annual limitduction in Part VI of Form 4562 and attach a

among any of the properties in any manner youstatement that contains the following informa-


Send the application to:Example. You incurred $10,000 of qualify- • A description of the costs and the dates

ing costs on each of four qualified timber proper- you incurred them. Commissioner of Internal Revenueties last year. You can allocate $2,500 to each Washington, DC 20224

• A description of the type of timber beingproperty, $5,000 to two properties, or the entiregrown and the purpose for which it is$10,000 to any one property, or you can dividegrown.the $10,000 among some or all of the properties

in any other manner. Attach a separate statement for each property Pollutionfor which you amortize reforestation costs.Partnerships and S corporations. A part-nership or S corporation can choose to amortize Generally, you must make the choice on a Control Facilitiesup to $10,000 of qualifying reforestation costs timely filed return (including extensions) for the

each tax year. A partner’s or shareholder’s tax year in which you incurred the costs. How- You can choose to amortize over 60 months theshare of these amortizable costs is figured ever, if you timely filed your return for the year cost of a certified pollution control facility.under the general rules for allocating items of without making the choice, you can still makeincome, loss, deductions, etc., of a partnership the choice by filing an amended return within 6 Certified pollution control facility. A certi-or S corporation. months of the due date of the return (excluding fied pollution control facility is a new identifiable

The partner or shareholder is also subject to extensions). Attach Form 4562 and the state- treatment facility used in connection with a plantthe annual limit of $10,000 ($5,000 if married ment to the amended return and write “Filed

or other property in operation before 1976, tofiling separately) on qualifying costs. This limit pursuant to section 301.9100– 2” on Form 4562.

reduce or control water or atmospheric pollutionapplies to all the partner’s or shareholder’s qual- File the amended return at the same address

or contamination. The facility must do so byifying costs, regardless of their source. you filed the original return.removing, changing, disposing, storing, orpreventing the creation or emission of pollu-Where to report. The following chart showsExample. You are single and a partner intants, contaminants, wastes, or heat. The facilitywhere to report your amortization deduction fortwo partnerships, both of which incurred qualify-must be certified by state and federal certifyingqualifying reforestation costs after you enter iting reforestation costs of more than $10,000 forauthorities.on Form 4562.the year. Each partnership chose to amortize

these costs up to the $10,000 annual limit. Your The facility must not significantly increaseIf you file . . . The deduction goes on . . .

share of that $10,000 is $6,000 for one partner- the output or capacity, extend the useful life, orSchedule Cship and $8,000 for the other. Although your reduce the total operating costs of the plant or(Form 1040) Line 27qualifying costs total $14,000, the amount you other property. Also, it must not significantly

can amortize is limited to $10,000. change the nature of the manufacturing or pro-Schedule Fduction process or facility.(Form 1040) Line 34Estates. Estates can choose to amortize up

to $10,000 of qualifying reforestation costs each The federal certifying authority will not certifyForm 1120 Line 26

tax year. These amortizable costs are divided your property to the extent it appears you willbetween the estate and the income beneficiary Form 1120-A Line 22 recover (over the property’s useful life) all or partbased on the income of the estate allocable to of its cost from the profit based on its operation

Form 1120S Schedules K and K-1each. The amortizable cost allocated to the ben- (such as through sales of recovered wastes).eficiary is subject to the beneficiary’s annual The federal certifying authority will describe theForm 1065 Schedules K and K-1limit. nature of the potential cost recovery. You must

None of the Line 33 of Form 1040then reduce the amortizable basis of the facilityMaximum annual amortization deduction. above (identify as “RFST”)by this potential recovery.The maximum annual amortization deduction

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You can claim a special depreciation  amended return at the same address you filedallowance on a certified pollution con-  the original return. Who Cantrol facility that is qualified property 


Your choice is binding for the year it is madeeven if you elect to amortize its cost. You must  Claim Depletion?and for all later years unless you get IRS ap-reduce its cost (amortizable basis) by the 

proval to change to a different method.amount of any special allowance you claim. Full  If you have an economic interest in mineral prop-discussion of the special depreciation allowance  erty or standing timber, you can take a deductionand what property qualifies for it is in Chapter 3  for depletion. More than one person can have anMore information. For more information onof Publication 946. economic interest in the same mineral deposit oramortizing research and development costs,

timber.see section 174 of the Internal Revenue CodeNew identifiable treatment facility. A newYou have an economic interest if both theidentifiable treatment facility is tangible depre- and the related regulations.

following apply.

ciable property that is identifiable as a treatmentfacility. It does not include a building and its• You have acquired by investment any in-

structural components unless the building is ex- terest in mineral deposits or standing tim-clusively a treatment facility. ber.

• You have a legal right to income from theBasis reduction for corporations. A corpo-extraction of the mineral or cutting of theration must reduce the amortizable basis of a 10.timber to which you must look for a returnpollution control facility by 20% before figuringof your capital investment.the amortization deduction.

A contractual relationship that allows you anMore information. For more information on

economic or monetary advantage from productsthe amortization of pollution control facilities, Depletion of the mineral deposit or standing timber is not,see section 169 of the Internal Revenue Code

in itself, an economic interest. A production pay-and the related regulations.

ment carved out of, or retained on the sale of,mineral property is not an economic interest.Important Reminder

Research and Alternative minimum tax. Individuals, corpo-

rations, estates, and trusts who claim depletion Mineral PropertyExperimental Costsdeductions may be liable for alternative mini-

mum tax. The term “mineral property” means each sepa-You can amortize your research and experimen-rate interest you own in each mineral deposit intal costs, deduct them as current business ex- For more information on alternative mini-each separate tract or parcel of land. You canpenses, or write them off over a 10-year period. mum tax, see the following sources.treat two or more separate interests as oneIf you choose to amortize these costs, deductproperty or as separate properties. See sectionthem in equal amounts over 60 months or more. If you are: See:614 of the Internal Revenue Code and the re-The amortization period begins the month you

An individual The instruct ions for Form lated regulations for rules on how to treat sepa-first receive an economic benefit from the ex-6251, Alternative Minimum  rate mineral interests.penditures. For a definition of “research andTax—Individuals. Mineral property includes oil and gas wells,experimental costs” and information on deduct-

mines, and other natural deposits (including ge-ing them as current business expenses, see A corporation Form 4626, Alternative othermal deposits).chapter 8. Minimum Tax— 

Corporations. There are two ways of figuring depletion on

Optional write-off method. Rather than mineral property.An estate or trust Form 1041, U.S. Income amortize these costs or deduct them as a cur-

Tax Return for Estates  • Cost expense, you have the option of deductingand Trusts, and its(writing off) research and experimental costs • Percentage depletion.instructions.

ratably over a 10-year period beginning with theGenerally, you must use the method that givestax year in which you incurred the the larger deduction. However, unless youFor more information on the optional write-offare an independent producer or royalty owner,method, see Internal Revenue Code sectionyou generally cannot use percentage depletion59(e).for oil and gas wells. See Oil and Gas Wells,Introductionlater.Costs you can amortize. You can amortize

Depletion is the using up of natural resources bycosts chargeable to a capital account if you meetmining, quarrying, drilling, or felling. The deple-both the following requirements. Cost Depletiontion deduction allows an owner or operator to

• You paid or incurred the costs in your To figure cost depletion you must first determineaccount for the reduction of a product’strade or business. the following.reserves.

• You are not deducting the costs currently. • The property’s basis for depletion.There are two ways of figuring depletion:

cost depletion and percentage depletion. For• The total recoverable units of mineral in

How to make the choice. To choose to amor- mineral property, you generally must use the the property’s natural deposit.tize research and experimental costs, enter your method that gives you the larger deduction; for

• The number of units of mineral sold duringdeduction in Part VI of Form 4562 and attach it standing timber, you must use cost depletion.the tax your income tax return. Generally, you must

file the return by the due date (including exten- Topicssions). However, if you timely filed your return Basis for depletion. To figure the property’sfor the year without making the choice, you can This chapter discusses: basis for depletion, subtract all the followingstill make the choice by filing an amended return from the property’s adjusted basis.

• Who can claim depletion?within 6 months of the due date of the return(excluding extensions). Attach Form 4562 to the 1) Amounts recoverable through:• Mineral propertyamended return and write “Filed pursuant to

• Timbersection 301.9100–2” on Form 4562. File the a) Depreciation deductions,

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b) Deferred expenses (including deferred connection with mineral property, reducePercentage Depletionany allowable deduction for mining ex-exploration and development costs),penses by the part of any gain you mustTo figure percentage depletion, you multiply aandreport as ordinary income that is allocablecertain percentage, specified for each mineral,

c) Deductions other than the mineral property. See sectionby your gross income from the property during1.613–5(b)(1) of the regulations for infor-the tax year.

2) The residual value of land and improve-mation on how to figure the ordinary gainThe rates to be used and other conditions

ments at the end of operations.and qualifications for oil and gas wells are dis- allocable to the property.cussed later under Independent Producers and 3) The cost or value of land acquired for pur-Royalty Owners and under Natural Gas Wells.poses other than mineral production. For tax years beginning after 1997 and Rates and other rules for percentage depletion

before 2004, percentage depletion on of other specific minerals are found later inAdjusted basis. The adjusted basis of your

the marginal production of oil or natural TIP

Mines and Geothermal is your original cost or other basis, plus gas is not limited to taxable income from the certain additions and improvements, and minus property figured without the depletion deduction.Gross income. When figuring your percent-certain deductions such as depletion allowed or

age depletion, subtract from your gross incomeallowable and casualty losses. Your adjusted from the property the following amounts. Oil and Gas Wellsbasis can never be less than zero. See Publica-

• Any rents or royalties you paid or incurredtion 551, Basis of Assets, for more informationYou cannot claim percentage depletion for an oilfor the property.on adjusted basis.or gas well unless at least one of the following

• The part of any bonus you paid for a lease applies.Total recoverable units. The total recover- on the property allocable to the product

• You are either an independent producer orable units is the sum of the following. sold (or that otherwise gives rise to grossa royalty owner.income) for the tax year.

• The number of units of mineral remaining• The well produces natural gas that is ei-A bonus payment includes amounts you paid asat the end of the year (including units re-

ther sold under a fixed contract or pro-a lessee to satisfy a production payment re-covered but not sold).duced from geopressured brine.tained by the lessor.

• The number of units of mineral sold duringUse the following fraction to figure the part of

the tax year (determined under your If you are an independent producer or royaltythe bonus you must subtract.method of accounting, as explained next). owner, see Independent Producers and Royalty Owners , next.

No. of units sold in the tax yearYou must estimate or determine recoverable Bonus For information on the depletion deductionRecoverable units from the ×units (tons, pounds, ounces, barrels, thousands Payments for wells that produce natural gas that is eitherpropertyof cubic feet, or other measure) of mineral prod- sold under a fixed contract or produced from

For oil and gas wells and geothermal depos-ucts using the current industry method and the geopressured brine, see Natural Gas Wells,its, gross income from the property is definedmost accurate and reliable information you can later.later under Oil and Gas Wells . For property otherobtain.than a geothermal deposit or an oil and gas well,gross income from the property is defined laterNumber of units sold. You determine the Independent Producers andunder Mines and Geothermal Deposits .number of units sold during the tax year based Royalty Owners

on your method of accounting. Use the following Taxable income limit. The percentage deple-If you are an independent producer or royaltytable to make this determination. tion deduction cannot be more than 50% (100%owner, you figure percentage depletion using a

for oil and gas property) of your taxable incomerate of 15% of the gross income from the prop-IF you use THEN the units sold

from the property figured without the depletion

erty based on your average daily production of... during the year are ... deduction. domestic crude oil or domestic natural gas up toTaxable income from the property meansThe cash The units sold for which your depletable oil or natural gas quantity. How-

gross income from the property minus all allowa-method of you receive paymentever, certain refiners, as explained next, and

accounting during the tax year ble deductions (excluding any deduction for de-certain retailers and transferees of proven oil

(regardless of the year of pletion) attributable to mining processes,and gas properties, as explained later, cannotsale). including mining transportation. These deducti-claim percentage depletion. For information on

ble items include the following.An accrual The uni ts sold based on figuring the deduction, see Figuring percentage method of your inventories. • Operating expenses. depletion, later.accounting

• Certain selling expenses.Refiners who cannot claim percentage de-

• Administrative and financial overhead. pletion. You cannot claim percentage deple-The number of units sold during the tax yeartion if you or a related person refine crude oil anddoes not include any for which depletion deduc-

• and the related person refined more thantions were allowed or allowable in earlier years.

• Intangible drilling and development costs. 50,000 barrels on any day during the tax year.

Figuring the cost depletion deduction. • Exploration and development expendi- Related person. You and another person

Once you have figured your property’s basis for tures. are related persons if either of you holds a signif-depletion, the total recoverable units, and the icant ownership interest in the other person or ifnumber of units sold during the tax year, you can The following rules apply when figuring your a third person holds a significant ownership in-figure your cost depletion deduction by taking taxable income from the property for purposes terest in both of you.the following steps. of the taxable income limit. For example, a corporation, partnership, es-

tate, or trust and anyone who holds a significant• Do not deduct any net operating loss de-Step Action Resultownership interest in it are related persons. Aduction from the gross income from thepartnership and a trust are related persons if one1 Divide your property’s Rate per property.person holds a significant ownership interest inbasis for depletion by unit.

• Corporations do not deduct charitable con- each of recoverable units.tributions from the gross income from the

For purposes of the related person rules,2 Multiply the rate per Cost property.

significant ownership interest means direct orunit by units sold depletionindirect ownership of 5% or more in any one of• If, during the year, you dispose of an itemduring the tax year. deduction.the following.of section 1245 property that was used in

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• The retailer does not buy oil or natural gas Paul determined his percentage participation• The value of the outstanding stock of a

from your customers or persons related to to be 11% by dividing $22,000 (the income hecorporation.

your customers. received) by $200,000 (the gross revenue from• The interest in the profits or capital of a the property). Paul determined his share of the

• There are no arrangements for the retailerpartnership. oil production to be 1,100 barrels (10,000 bar-

to acquire oil or natural gas you producedrels × 11%).

• The beneficial interests in an estate or for resale or made available for purchasetrust. by the retailer.

Depletable oil or natural gas quantity. Gen-• Neither you nor the retailer knows of or erally, your depletable oil quantity is 1,000 bar-Any interest owned by or for a corporation,

controls the final disposition of the oil or rels. Your depletable natural gas quantity ispartnership, trust, or estate is considered to benatural gas you sold or the original source 6,000 cubic feet multiplied by the number ofowned directly both by itself and proportionatelyof the petroleum products the retailer ac- barrels of your depletable oil quantity that youby its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries.

quired for resale. choose to apply. If you claim depletion on bothRetailers who cannot claim percentage de- oil and natural gas, you must reduce your de-pletion. You cannot claim percentage deple- pletable oil quantity (1,000 barrels) by the num-Transferees who cannot claim percentagetion if both the following apply. ber of barrels you use to figure your depletabledepletion. You cannot claim percentage de-

natural gas quantity. If you have production frompletion if you received your interest in a proven1) You sell oil or natural gas or their by-prod- marginal wells, see section 613A(c)(6) of theoil or gas property by transfer after 1974 anducts directly or through a related person in Internal Revenue Code to figure your depletablebefore October 12, 1990. For a definition of theany of the following situations. oil or natural gas quantity.term “transfer,” see section 1.613A–7(n) of theregulations. For a definition of the term “interesta) Through a retail outlet operated by you

Example. You have both oil and natural gasin proven oil or gas property,” see sectionor a related person.production. To figure your depletable natural1.613A–7(p) of the regulations.

b) To any person who is required under gas quantity, you choose to apply 360 barrels ofan agreement with you or a related per- your 1000-barrel depletable oil quantity. YourFiguring percentage depletion. Generally,son to use a trademark, trade name, or depletable natural gas quantity is 2.16 millionas an independent producer or royalty owner,service mark or name owned by you or cubic feet of gas (360 × 6000). You must reduceyou figure your percentage depletion by comput-a related person in marketing or distrib- your depletable oil quantity to 640 barrels (1000ing your average daily production of domestic oil

uting oil, natural gas, or their by-prod- − 360).or gas and comparing it to your depletable oil oructs. gas quantity. If your average daily production Business entities and family members.

does not exceed your depletable oil or gas quan-c) To any person given authority under an You must allocate the depletable oil or gastity, you figure your percentage depletion byagreement with you or a related person quantity among the following related persons inmultiplying the gross income from the oil or gasto occupy any retail outlet owned, proportion to each entity’s or family member’sproperty (defined later) by 15%. If your averageleased, or controlled by you or a related production of domestic oil or gas for the year.daily production of domestic oil or gas exceedsperson.

• Corporations, trusts, and estates if 50% oryour depletable oil or gas quantity, you mustmore of the beneficial interest is owned bymake an allocation as explained later under Av- 2) The combined gross receipts from salesthe same or related persons (consideringerage daily production exceeds depletable (not counting resales) of oil, natural gas, oronly persons that own at least 5% of thequantities.their by-products by all retail outlets takenbeneficial interest).In addition, there is a limit on the percentageinto account in (1) are more than $5 million

depletion deduction. See Taxable income limit,for the tax year. • You and your spouse and minor children.later.

For the purpose of determining if this rule For purposes of this allocation, a related personapplies, do not count the following. is anyone mentioned under Related persons inAverage daily production. Figure your aver-

chapter 12 except that item (1) in that discussionage daily production by dividing your total do-• Bulk sales (sales in very large quantities)includes only an individual, his or her spouse,mestic production for the tax year by the numberof oil or natural gas to commercial or in-and minor children.of days in your tax year.dustrial users.

Controlled group of corporations. Mem-Partial interest. If you have a partial inter-• Bulk sales of aviation fuels to the Depart-bers of the same controlled group of corpora-est in the production from a property, figure yourment of Defense.tions are treated as one taxpayer when figuringshare of the production by multiplying total pro-

• Sales of oil or natural gas or their by-prod- the depletable oil or natural gas quantity. Theyduction from the property by your percentage ofucts outside the United States if none of share the depletable quantity. Under this rule, ainterest in the revenues from the property.your domestic production or that of a re- controlled group of corporations is defined inYou have a partial interest in the productionlated person is exported during the tax section 1563(a) of the Internal Revenue Code,from a property if you have a net profits interestyear or the prior tax year. except that the stock ownership requirement inin the property. To figure the share of production

that definition is “more than 50%” rather than “atfor your net profits interest, you must first deter-Related person. To determine if you and least 80%.”mine your percentage participation (as mea-

another person are related persons, see Re- sured by the net profits) in the gross revenue

lated person under Refiners who cannot claim  Gross income from the property. For pur-from the property. To figure this percentage, youpercentage depletion , earlier. poses of percentage depletion, gross income

divide the income you receive for your net profits from the property (in the case of oil and gasSales through a related person. You are interest by the gross revenue from the property.wells) is the amount you receive from the sale ofconsidered to be selling through a related per- Then multiply the total production from the prop-the oil or gas in the immediate vicinity of the well.son if any sale by the related person produces erty by your percentage participation to figureIf you do not sell the oil or gas on the property,gross income from which you may benefit be- your share of the production.but manufacture or convert it into a refined prod-cause of your direct or indirect ownership inter-uct before sale or transport it before sale, theExample. John Oak owns oil property inest in the person.gross income from the property is the represen-which Paul Elm owns a 20% net profits interest.You are not considered to be selling throughtative market or field price (RMFP) of the oil orDuring the year, the property produced 10,000a related person who is a retailer if all the follow-gas, before conversion or transportation.barrels of oil, which John sold for $200, apply.

John had expenses of $90,000 attributable to If you sold gas after you removed it from the• You do not have a significant ownership

the property. The property generated a net profit premises for a price that is lower than the RMFP,interest in the retailer.

of $110,000 ($200,000 − $90,000). Paul re- determine gross income from the property forceived income of $22,000 ($110,000 × .20) for percentage depletion purposes without regard• You sell your production to persons whohis net profits interest. to the RMFP.are not related to either you or the retailer.

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Gross income from the property does not partnership or S corporation makes the alloca- • Retailers who cannot claim percentageinclude lease bonuses, advance royalties, or tion as of the date it acquires the oil or gas depletion (discussed under Independent other amounts payable without regard to pro- property. Producers and Royalty Owners, earlier).duction from the property. Each partner’s share of the adjusted basis of

• Any partner whose average daily produc-the oil or gas property generally is figured ac-Average daily production exceeds deplet- tion of domestic crude oil and natural gascording to that partner’s interest in partnershipable quantities. If your average daily produc- is more than 500 barrels during the taxcapital. However, in some cases, it is figuredtion for the year is more than your depletable oil year in which the partnership tax yearaccording to the partner’s interest in partnershipor natural gas quantity, figure your allowance for ends. Average daily production is dis-income.depletion for each domestic oil or natural gas cussed earlier.

The partnership or S corporation adjusts theproperty as follows.partner’s or shareholder’s share of the adjusted

1) Figure your average daily production of oil basis of the oil and gas property for any capital Natural Gas Wellsor natural gas for the year. expenditures made for the property and for any

You can use percentage depletion for a well thatchange in partnership or S corporation interests.2) Figure your depletable oil or natural gasproduces natural gas either sold under a fixed

quantity for the year. Each partner or shareholder must sep- contract or produced from geopressured brine.arately keep records of his or her share3) Figure depletion for all oil or natural gasof the adjusted basis in each oil andRECORDS

produced from the property using a per-Natural gas sold under a fixed contract.gas property of the partnership or S corporation.centage depletion rate of 15%.Natural gas sold under a fixed contract qualifiesThe partner or shareholder must reduce his or

4) Multiply the result figured in (3) by a frac- for a percentage depletion rate of 22%. This isher adjusted basis by the depletion allowed ortion, the numerator of which is the result domestic natural gas sold by the producer underallowable on the property each year. The part-figured in (2) and the denominator of which a contract that does not provide for a price in-ner or shareholder must use that reduced ad-is the result figured in (1). This is your crease to reflect any increase in the seller’s tax justed basis to figure cost depletion or his or herdepletion allowance for that property for gain or loss if the partnership or S corporation liability because of the repeal of percentage de-the year. disposes of the property. pletion for gas. The contract must have been in

effect from February 1, 1975, until the date ofTaxable income limit. If you are an indepen- sale of the gas. Price increases after February 1,Reporting the deduction. Information that

dent producer or royalty owner of oil and gas, 1975, are presumed to take the increase in taxyou, as a partner or shareholder, use to figureyour deduction for percentage depletion is lim- liability into account unless demonstrated other-your depletion deduction on oil and gas proper-ited to the smaller of the following. wise by clear and convincing evidence.ties is reported by the partnership or S corpora-

tion on line 25 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) or• Your taxable income from the property fig-on line 23 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S). De-ured without the deduction for depletion. Natural gas from geopressured brine. Qual-duct oil and gas depletion for your partnership orFor a definition of taxable income from the

ified natural gas from geopressured brine is eli-S corporation interest on line 20 of Schedule Eproperty, see Taxable income limit , earlier,

gible for a percentage depletion rate of 10%.(Form 1040). The depletion deducted on Sched-under Mineral Property.

This is natural gas that is both the following.ule E is included in figuring income or loss from

• 65% of your taxable income from allrental real estate or royalty properties. The in-

• Produced from a well you began to drillsources, figured without the depletion al-structions for Schedule E explain where to re-

after September 1978 and before 1984.lowance, any net operating loss carryback,port this income or loss and whether you need to

and any capital loss carryback.• Determined in accordance with sectionfile either of the following forms.

503 of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978You can carry over to the following year any• Form 6198, At-Risk Limitations. to be produced from geopressured brine.amount you cannot deduct because of the

65%-of-taxable-income limit. Add it to your de- • Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss Limita- 

pletion allowance (before applying any limits) for tions. Mines andthe following year.

Geothermal DepositsTemporary suspension of taxable income  Electing large partnerships must figure de-limit for marginal production. For tax years pletion allowance. An electing large partner- Certain mines, wells, and other natural deposits,beginning after 1997 and before 2004, percent- ship, rather than each partner, generally must including geothermal deposits, qualify for per-age depletion on the marginal production of oil figure the depletion allowance. The partnership

centage depletion.or natural gas is not limited to taxable income figures the depletion allowance without takingfrom the property figured without the depletion into account the 65 percent-of-taxable-incomededuction. For information on marginal produc- Mines and other natural deposits. For a nat-limit and the depletable oil or natural gas quan-tion, see section 613A(c)(6) of the Internal Rev- tity. Also, the adjusted basis of a partner’s inter- ural deposit, the percentage of your gross in-enue Code. est in the partnership is not affected by the come from the property that you can deduct as

depletion allowance. depletion depends on the type of deposit.

An electing large partnership is one that The following is a list of the percentage de-Partnerships and S Corporations meets both the following requirements. pletion rates for the more common minerals.

Generally, each partner or shareholder, and not • The partnership had 100 or more partners

DEPOSITS RATEthe partnership or S corporation, figures the de- in the preceding year.pletion allowance separately. (However, see

Sulphur, uranium, and, if from• The partnership chooses to be an electingElecting large partnerships must figure deple- deposits in the United States,large partnership.tion allowance, later.) Each partner or share-asbestos, lead ore, zinc ore, nickel

holder must decide whether to use cost orore, and mica . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22%Disqualified persons. An electing largepercentage depletion. If a partner or shareholder

partnership does not figure the depletion allow- Gold, silver, copper, iron ore, anduses percentage depletion, he or she must ap-ance of its partners that are disqualified per- certain oil shale, if from deposits inply the 65%-of-taxable-income limit using his orsons. Disqualified persons must figure it the United States . . . . . . . . . . . 15%her taxable income from all sources.themselves, as explained earlier.

Borax, granite, limestone, marble,Partner’s or shareholder’s adjusted basis. All the following are disqualified persons. mollusk shells, potash, slate,The partnership or S corporation must allocatesoapstone, and carbon dioxide

• Refiners who cannot claim percentage de-to each partner or shareholder his or her shareproduced from a well . . . . . . . . 14%

pletion (discussed under Independent Pro- of the adjusted basis of each oil or gas propertyCoal, lignite, and sodium chloride 10%ducers and Royalty Owners, earlier).held by the partnership or S corporation. The

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portation is considered mining and included in which is the bonus and the denominator of whichClay and shale used or sold for

the computation of gross income from mining. is the total bonus and royalties expected to beuse in making sewer pipe or bricksreceived. To figure cost depletion on advancedor used or sold for use as sintered If you wish to include transportation ofroyalties, use the computation explained earlieror burned l ightweight aggregates 71 / 2% more than 50 miles in the computationunder Cost Depletion, treating the number of

of gross income from mining, file anClay used or sold for use in units for which the advanced royalty is receivedapplication in duplicate with the IRS. Include onmaking drainage and roofing tile, as the number of units sold.the application the facts concerning the physicalflower pots, and kindred products,and other requirements which prevented the Figuring percentage depletion. In theand gravel, sand, and stone (other

than stone used or sold for use by construct ion and operation of the plant within 50 case of mines, wells, and other natural depositsa mine owner or operator as miles of the point of extraction. Send this appli- other than gas, oil, or geothermal property, youdimension or ornamental stone) 5% cation to: may use the percentage rates discussed earlier.

Any bonus or advanced royalty payments are

You can find a complete list of minerals and Internal Revenue Service generally part of the gross income from the prop-their percentage depletion rates in section Washington, DC 20224 erty to which the rates are applied in making the613(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Attention: Associate Chief Counsel, Pass- calculation. However, in the case of indepen-

throughs and Special Industries dent producers and royalty owners of oil and gasCorporate deduction for iron ore and, bonuses and advance royalty pay-The percentage depletion deduction of a corpo-

Disposal of coal or iron ore. You cannot take ments are not a part of gross income.ration for iron ore and coal (including lignite) is

a depletion deduction for coal (including lignite)Terminating the lease. If you receive a bo-reduced by 20% of: or iron ore mined in the United States if both the

nus on a lease that expires, terminates, or isfollowing apply.• The percentage depletion deduction for abandoned before you derive any income from

• You disposed of it after holding it for morethe tax year (figured without regard to this the extraction of mineral, include in income forthan 1 year. the year of expiration, termination, or abandon-reduction), minus

ment, the depletion deduction you took. Also• You disposed of it under a contract under• The adjusted basis of the property at the

increase your adjusted basis in the property towhich you retain an economic interest inclose of the tax year (figured without the restore the depletion deduction you previouslythe coal or iron ore.depletion deduction for the tax year). subtracted.

Treat any gain on the disposition as a capital For advanced royalties, include in income forgain. the year of lease termination, the depletionGross income from the property. For prop-claimed on minerals for which the advancederty other than a geothermal deposit or an oil or Disposal to related person. This rule doesroyalties were paid if the minerals were not pro-gas well, gross income from the property means not apply if you dispose of the coal or iron ore toduced before termination. Increase your ad-one of the following persons.the gross income from mining. Mining includes

 justed basis in the property by the amount youall the following.

• A related person (as listed in chapter 12). include in income.

• Extracting ores or minerals from the • A person owned or controlled by the sameDelay rentals. These are payments for defer-

interests that own or control you.ground.ring development of the property. Since delay

• Applying certain treatment processes. rentals are ordinary rent, they are ordinary in-Geothermal deposits. Geothermal deposits come that is not subject to depletion. These

• Transporting ores or minerals (generally,located in the United States or its possessions rentals can be avoided by either abandoning the

not more than 50 miles) from the point of qualify for a percentage depletion rate of 15%. A lease, beginning development operations, orextraction to the plants or mills in which geothermal deposit is a geothermal reservoir of obtaining production.the treatment processes are applied. natural heat stored in rocks or in a watery liquid

or vapor. For percentage depletion purposes, aExcise tax. Gross income from mining in- geothermal deposit is not considered a gas well.

cludes the separately stated excise tax received Figure gross income from the property for a Timberby a mine operator from the sale of coal to geothermal steam well in the same way as for oil

and gas wells. See Gross income from the prop- compensate the operator for the excise tax the You can figure timber depletion only by the costerty, earlier, under Oil and Gas Wells. Percent-mine operator must pay to finance black lung method. Percentage depletion does not apply toage depletion on a geothermal deposit cannotbenefits. timber. Base your depletion on your cost or otherbe more than 50% of your taxable income from basis in the timber. Your cost does not include

Extraction. Extracting ores or minerals the property. the cost of land or any amounts recoverablefrom the ground includes extraction by mine

through depreciation.owners or operators of ores or minerals from the Lessor’s Gross Income Depletion takes place when you cut standingwaste or residue of prior mining. This does not timber. You can figure your depletion deductionapply to extraction from waste or residue of prior A lessor’s gross income from the property that when the quantity of cut timber is first accurately

qualifies for percentage depletion usually is themining by the purchaser of the waste or residue measured in the process of of the royalties received from the lease.or the purchaser of the rights to extract ores orHowever, for oil, gas, or geothermal property, Figuring cost depletion. To figure your costminerals from the waste or residue.gross income does not include lease bonuses,

depletion allowance, you multiply the number ofTreatment processes. The processes in- advanced royalties, or other amounts payable timber units cut by your depletion unit.cluded as mining depend on the ore or mineral without regard to production from the property.

Timber units. When you acquire timbermined. To qualify as mining, the treatmentproperty, you must make an estimate of theBonuses and advanced royalties. Bonusesprocesses must be applied by the mine owner orquantity of marketable timber that exists on theand advanced royalties are payments a lesseeoperator. For a listing of treatment processesproperty. You measure the timber using boardmakes before production to a lessor for the grant

considered as mining, see section 613(c)(4) offeet, log scale, cords, or other units. If you laterof rights in a lease or for minerals, gas, or oil to

the Internal Revenue Code and the related regu- determine that you have more or less units ofbe extracted from leased property. If you are thelations. timber, you must adjust the original estimate.lessor, your income from bonuses and ad-

vanced royalties received is subject to an allow- The term “timber property” means your eco-Transportation of more than 50 miles. Ifance for depletion. nomic interest in standing timber in each tract orthe IRS finds that the ore or mineral must be

block representing a separate timber account.transported more than 50 miles to plants or mills Figuring cost depletion. To figure cost de-to be treated because of physical and other pletion on a bonus, multiply your adjusted basis Depletion unit. You figure your depletionrequirements, the additional authorized trans- in the property by a fraction, the numerator of unit each year by taking the following steps.

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A debt is closely related to your trade or busi-1) Determine your cost or adjusted basis of ness if your primary motive for incurring the debt

the timber on hand at the beginning of the is business related.year. Adjusted basis is defined under Cost  11. The bad debts of a corporation are alwaysDepletion in the discussion on Mineral  business bad debts.Property.

Credit sales. Business bad debts are mainly2) Add to the amount determined in (1) thethe result of credit sales to customers. Goodscost of any timber units acquired during Businessand services customers have not paid for arethe year and any additions to capital.recorded in your books as either accounts re-

3) Figure the number of timber units to take ceivable or notes receivable. If you are unable toBad Debtsinto account by adding the number of tim- collect any part of these receivables, the uncol-ber units acquired during the year to the

lectible part is a business bad debt.number of timber units on hand in the ac- Accounts or notes receivable valued at faircount at the beginning of the year and then Introduction market value when received are deductible onlyadding (or subtracting) any correction to at that value, even though the fair market value

If someone owes you money you cannot collect,the estimate of the number of timber units may be less than face value. If you bought anyou have a bad debt. There are two kinds of badremaining in the account. account receivable for less than its face value,debts—business and nonbusiness. This chap-

the amount you can deduct if it becomes worth-4) Divide the result of (2) by the result of (3). ter covers business bad debts.less is the amount you paid for it.This is your depletion unit.

Generally, a business bad debt is one thatYou can take a bad debt deduction comes from operating your trade or business.only if the amount owed you was previ- Example. You bought a timber tract for You can deduct business bad debts on yourously included in gross income. This CAUTION

!$160,000 and the land was worth as much as business tax return.

applies to amounts owed you from all sources of the timber. Your basis for the timber is $80,000.All other bad debts are nonbusiness bad taxable income, including sales, services, rents,Based on an estimated one million board feet

debts and are deductible only as short-term cap- and interest.(1,000 MBF) of standing timber, you figure yourital losses on Schedule D (Form 1040). For more

depletion unit to be $80 per MBF ($80,000 ÷Accrual method. If you use an accrualinformation on nonbusiness bad debts, see Pub-

1,000). If you cut 500 MBF of timber, your deple-method of accounting, you generally report in-lication 550.tion allowance would be $40,000 (500 MBF ×come as you earn it. You can only take a bad

$80).debt deduction for an uncollectible receivable ifTopicsyou have previously included the uncollectibleWhen to claim depletion. Claim your deple- This chapter discusses:amount in income.tion allowance as a deduction in the year of sale

I f you qual i fy , you can use theor other disposition of the products cut from the • Definition of business bad debtnonaccrual-experience method of accountingtimber, unless you choose to treat the cutting of

• When a debt becomes worthless discussed later. Under this method, you do nottimber as a sale or exchange. Include allowablehave to accrue income that, based on your ex-depletion for timber products not sold during the • How to treat business bad debtsperience, you do not expect to year the timber is cut as a cost item in the

• Recovery of a business bad debtclosing inventory of timber products for the year. Cash method. If you use the cash methodThe inventory is your basis for determining gain • Where to deduct business bad debts of accounting, you generally report incomeor loss in the tax year you sell the timber prod- when you receive payment. You cannot take aucts. bad debt deduction for amounts owed to you

Useful Itemsbecause you never included those amounts in

Example. Assume the same facts as in the You may want to see: income. For example, a cash basis architect

previous example except that you sold only half cannot take a bad debt deduction if a client doesof the timber products in the cutting year. You Publication not pay the bill because the architect’s fee waswould deduct $20,000 of the $40,000 depletion not previously included in income.

❏ 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Incomethat year. You would add the remaining $20,000depletion to your closing inventory of timber Debts from a former business. If you sell❏ 536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) forproducts. your business but keep its receivables, theseIndividuals, Estates, and Trusts

debts are business debts since they arose out ofChoosing to treat the cutting of timber as a ❏ 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of your trade or business. If one of these debtssale or exchange. You can choose, under Assets later becomes worthless, the loss is still a busi-certain circumstances, to treat the cutting of ness bad debt. These debts would also be busi-❏ 550 Investment Income and Expensestimber held for more than 1 year as a sale or ness debts if sold to the new owner of theexchange. You must make the choice on your ❏ 556 Examination of Returns, Appeal business.income tax return for the tax year to which it Rights, and Claims for Refund If you sell your business to one person andapplies. If you make this choice, subtract the sell your receivables to someone else, the activi-adjusted basis for depletion from the fair market See chapter 14 for information about getting ties of the new holder of the debts determinevalue of the timber on the first day of the tax year publications and forms. whether they are business or nonbusiness debts

in which you cut it to figure the gain or loss on the for that person. A loss from the debts is a busi-cutting. You generally report the gain as ness bad debt to the new holder if that personlong-term capital gain. The fair market value acquired the debts in his or her trade or businessthen becomes your basis for figuring your ordi- or if the debts were closely related to the newBusiness Bad Debtnary gain or loss on the sale or other disposition holder’s trade or business when they becameof the products cut from the timber. For more worthless. Otherwise, a loss from these debts isDefinedinformation, see Timber in chapter 2 of Publica- a nonbusiness bad debt.tion 544, Sales and Other Dispositions of As- 

A business bad debt is a loss from the worth- Debt acquired from a decedent. The char-sets.lessness of a debt that was either: acter of a loss from debts of a business acquired

Form T. Attach Form T (Timber), Forest Activi-  from a decedent is determined in the same way• Created or acquired in your trade or busi-

ties Schedule, to your income tax return if you as debts sold by a business. If you are in a tradeness, or

are claiming a deduction for timber depletion or or business, a loss from the debts is a business• Closely related to your trade or businesschoosing to treat the cutting of timber as a sale bad debt if the debts were closely related to your

or exchange. when it became partly or totally worthless. trade or business when they became worthless.

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Otherwise, a loss from these debts is a nonbusi- Business loan guarantee. If you guarantee a It is not necessary to go to court if you candebt that becomes worthless, the debt can qual-ness bad debt. show that a judgment from the court would beify as a business bad debt if all the following uncollectible. You must only show that you have

Example 1. In 2002, Arnie died leaving his requirements are met. taken reasonable steps to collect the, including the accounts receivable, to Bankruptcy of your debtor is generally good evi-

• You made the guarantee in the course ofhis son Carl. Certain receivables become worth- dence of the worthlessness of at least a part of

your trade or business.less in 2003. Carl can deduct the loss as a an unsecured and unpreferred debt.

• You have a legal duty to pay the bad debt because the debt was closelyProperty received for debt. If you receiverelated to his business when it became worth-

• You made the guarantee before the debtproperty in partial settlement of a debt, reduceless.

became worthless. You meet this require-the debt by the fair market value of the property

ment if you reasonably expected youExample 2. In 2002, Charlie died leaving received. You can deduct the remaining debt as

would not have to pay the debt without full

his business to his son George, but leaving the a bad debt if and when it becomes worthless.reimbursement from the issuer.receivables to his daughter Diane. The receiv- If you later sell the property, any gain on the

• You receive reasonable consideration forables become worthless in 2003. Diane is not sale is due to the appreciation of the property. Itmaking the guarantee. You meet this re-engaged in any trade or business during 2002 or is not a recovery of a bad debt. For informationquirement if you made the guarantee in2003. Therefore, Diane’s loss is a nonbusiness on the sale of an asset, see Publication 544.accord with normal business practice orbad debt even though the original debt wasfor a good faith business purpose.incurred in a business. Example. Patti owed Margaret $5,000. In

partial satisfaction of the debt, Patti gave Mar-Liquidation. If you liquidate your business

garet property worth $2,000. Margaret deductedExample. Jane Zayne owns the Zayneand some of your accounts receivable becomethe remaining $3,000 as a bad debt but did notDress Company. She guaranteed payment of aworthless, they are business bad debts.get a tax benefit from the deduction as she had$20,000 note for Elegant Fashions, a dress out-no taxable income. Margaret later sold the prop-let. Elegant Fashions is one of Zayne’s largestTypes of Business Bad erty for a $1,000 gain. Even though Margaret didclients. Elegant Fashions later filed for bank-

Debts not get a tax benefit from the earlier bad debtruptcy and defaulted on the loan. Ms. Zaynededuction, she must include the $1,000 gain inmade full payment to the bank. She can take a

The following are situations that may result in a her income. It is not a recovery of her bad bad debt deduction, since her guaran-

business bad debt. tee was made in the course of her trade orbusiness for a good faith business purpose. SheLoans to clients and suppliers. If you makewas motivated by the desire to retain one of hera loan to a client, supplier, employee, or distribu-better clients and keep a sales outlet. How To Treattor for a business reason and it becomes worth-

less, you have a business bad debt. Employee. Any guarantee you make to pro-There are two ways to treat business bad debts.

tect or improve your job is closely related to yourExample. John Smith, an advertising agent, trade or business as an employee. • The specific charge-off method.

made loans to certain clients to keep their busi-Deductible in the year paid. If you make a • The nonaccrual-experience method.ness. One of these clients went bankrupt and

payment on a loan you guaranteed, you cancould not repay him. Since the main reason for Generally, you must use the specific charge-offdeduct it in the year paid, unless you have rightsmaking the loan was business related, the debt method. However, you can use theagainst the borrower.was a business debt and John can take a busi- nonaccrual-experience method if you meet theness bad debt deduction. Rights against a borrower. When you requirements discussed later under

make payment on a loan you guaranteed, you Nonaccrual-Experience Method .Debts of political parties. If a political party may have the right to take the place of the(or other organization that accepts contributions

lender. The debt is then owed to you. If you have Specific Charge-Off Methodor spends money to influence elections) owes this right, or some other right to demand pay-you money and the debt becomes worthless, ment from the borrower, you cannot take a bad If you use the specific charge-off method, youyou can take a bad debt deduction only if you debt deduction until these rights become partly can deduct specific business bad debts thatuse an accrual method of accounting and meet or totally worthless. become either partly or totally worthless duringall the following tests. the tax year.

Joint debtor. If two or more debtors jointlyowe you money, your inability to collect from one1) The debt arose from the sale of goods or Partly worthless debts. You can deduct spe-does not enable you to deduct a proportionateservices in the ordinary course of your cific bad debts that become partly uncollectible.amount as a bad or business. Your tax deduction is limited to the amount you

charge off on your books during the year. You do2) More than 30% of your receivables ac- Bankruptcy claim. If a person who owes younot have to charge off and deduct your partlycrued in the year of the sale were from money becomes bankrupt, the amount you canworthless debts annually. You can delay thesales to political parties. deduct as a bad debt is the amount owed to youcharge off until a later year. You cannot, how-minus the amount you receive from distribution3) You made substantial continuing efforts to ever, deduct any part of a debt after the year itof the bankrupt person’s assets.collect on the debt. becomes totally worthless.

Sale of mortgaged property. If mortgaged or Significantly modified debt. An exceptionpledged property is sold for less than the debt,Loan or capital contribution. You cannot to the charge-off rule exists for debt which hasthe unpaid, uncollectible balance of the debt is atake a bad debt deduction for a loan you made to been significantly modified and on which thebad debt.a corporation if, based on the facts and circum- holder recognized gain. For more information,

stances, the loan is actually a contribution to see section 1.166-(3)(a)(3) of the

Deduction disallowed. You can generallyDebts of an insolvent partner. If your busi- take a partial bad debt deduction only in the yearWhen Debt Isness partnership breaks up and one of your you make the charge-off on your books. If, underformer partners is insolvent and cannot pay any audit, the IRS does not allow your deduction andWorthlessof the partnership’s debts, you may have to pay the debt becomes partly worthless in a later taxmore than your share. If you pay any part of the year, you can deduct the amount you charge offYou do not have to wait until a debt is due toinsolvent partner’s share of the debts, you can in that year plus the disallowed amountdetermine whether it is worthless. A debt be-take a bad debt deduction for the amount you charged-off in the earlier year. The charge off incomes worthless when there is no longer anypay. the earlier year, unless reversed on your books,chance the amount owed will be paid.

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fulfills the charge-off requirement for the later consulting, engineering, health, law, or the “Other income” on the appropriate businessyear. performing arts, or form or schedule.

See Recoveries in Publication 525 for more• You meet the $5 million gross receipts testTotally worthless debts. If a debt becomesinformation.for all prior years.totally worthless, you can deduct the entire

amount, except any amount deducted in an ear- Net operating loss (NOL) carryover. If alier tax year when the debt was only partly worth- Service related income. You can use the bad debt deduction increases an NOL carryoverless. nonaccrual-experience method only for that has not expired before the beginning of the

You do not have to make an actual amounts earned by performing services. You tax year in which the recovery takes place, youcharge-off on your books to claim a bad debt cannot use this method for amounts owed to you treat the deduction as having reduced your tax.deduction for a totally worthless debt. However, from activities such as lending money, selling A bad debt deduction that contributes to a netyou may want to do so. If you do not and the IRS goods, or acquiring receivables or other rights to operating loss helps lower taxes in the year to

later rules the debt is only partly worthless, you receive payment. which you carry the net operating loss.will not be allowed a deduction for the debt inMore information. See Publication 536 forthat tax year. A deduction of a partly worthless Gross receipts test. You meet the gross re-

more information about net operating losses.bad debt is limited to the amount actually ceipts test if your average annual gross receiptscharged off. for the 3 prior tax years does not exceed

$5,000,000.Filing a claim for refund. If you did not deducta bad debt on your original return for the year it Where To DeductInterest or penalty charged. Generally, youbecame worthless, you can file a claim for a

cannot use the nonaccrual-experience methodcredit or refund. If the bad debt was totally worth-Use the following table to find where to deductfor amounts due on which you charge interest orless, you must file the claim by the later of theyour business bad debts.a late payment penalty. However, do not treat afollowing dates.

discount offered for early payment as the charg-• 7 years from the date your original return Table 11–2. Where To Deduct aing of interest or a penalty if both the following

was due (not including extensions). Bad Debtapply.

• 2 years from the date you paid the tax.• You otherwise accrue the full amount due IF you file as THEN deduct your bad

a... debt gross income at the time you provideIf the claim is for a partly worthless bad debt,the services.

you must file the claim by the later of the follow- Sole proprietor Line 27 of Schedule C(Form 1040)ing dates. • You treat the discount allowed for early

payment as an adjustment to gross in-• 3 years from the date you filed your origi- Farmer Line 34 of Schedule F

come in the year of payment.(Form 1040)nal return.

• 2 years from the date you paid the tax. Corporation Line 15 of Form 1120Methods available. You can use any of the

or Form 1120–AYou may have longer to file the claim if you were following nonaccrual-experience methods.physically or mentally unable to handle your S corporation Line 10 of Form 1120S

• 6-year moving average affairs for a time. For details and morePartnership Line 12 of Form 1065information about filing a claim, see Publication • Actual experience method.

556.• Modified Black Motor method.

Use one of the following forms to file a claim.• Modified 6-year moving average method.

Table 11–1. Forms Used To File a•

Alternative nonaccrual-experienceClaim method.

Apply the nonaccrual-experience method sepa-IF you filed asrately to each account receivable. 12.a... THEN file...

You generally cannot change from oneSole proprietorForm 1040X method to another without IRS approval. Youor farmer

may be able to obtain automatic consent toCorporation Form 1120X Electric andchange your method of accounting. See section

1.448–2T(g) of the regulations for more infor-S corporation Form 1120Smation on obtaining consent to change to a(check box F(5)) Clean-Fuelnonaccrual-experience method or to change

Partnership Form 1065 from one method to another.(check box G(5)) VehiclesFor more in format ion about the

nonaccrual-experience method, including the $5million gross receipts test, see section 448(d)(5)

Nonaccrual-Experience of the Internal Revenue Code and section Important Reminder1.448–2T of the regulations.Method

Maximum clean-fuel vehicle deduction.If you use an accrual method of accounting andqualify under the rules explained in this section, The maximum clean-fuel vehicle deduction andyou can use the nonaccrual-experience method qualified electric vehicle credit were scheduledRecoveryfor bad debts. Under this method, you do not to be 25% lower for 2002 and both were sched-accrue service related income you expect to be uled to be phased out completely by 2005. TheIf you deduct a bad debt on your tax return anduncollectible. full deduction and credit are now allowed forlater recover (collect) all or part of it, you may

You generally can use the nonaccrual-expe- qualified property placed in service in 2002 andhave to include all or part of the recovery inrience method for accounts receivables for serv- 2003. The phaseout of the deduction and thegross income. The amount you include is limitedices you performed only if:

credit will begin in 2004, and no deduction orto the amount you actually deducted. However,you can exclude the amount deducted that did credit will be allowed for property placed in serv-• The services are provided in the fields ofnot reduce your tax. Report the recovery asaccounting, actuarial science, architecture, ice after 2006. See chapter 12.

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Nonqualifying property. This is property Qualified property. Your property must meetused in the following ways. the following requirements to qualify for the de-Introduction

duction.1) Predominantly outside the United States.You are allowed a limited deduction for the cost

of clean-fuel vehicle property and clean-fuel ve- 1) It must be acquired for your own use and2) Predominantly to furnish lodging or in con-hicle refueling property you place in service dur- not for resale.nection with the furnishing of the tax year. Also, you are allowed a tax

2) Its original use must begin with you.3) By certain tax-exempt of 10% of the cost of any qualified electricvehicle you place in service during the tax year. 3) Either—4) By governmental units or foreign persons

or entities.You can take the electric vehicle credit  a) The motor vehicle of which it is a partor the deduction for clean-fuel vehicle  must satisfy any federal or state emis-property regardless of whether you use 


sions standards that apply to each fuelthe vehicle in a trade or business. However, you  by which the vehicle is designed to becan take a deduction for clean-fuel vehicle re-  propelled, orDeductions forfueling property only if you use the property in 

b) It must satisfy any federal and stateyour trade or business. Clean-Fuel Vehicle emissions certification, testing, andwarranty requirements that apply.

Topics and Refueling PropertyThis chapter discusses:

4) It cannot be nonqualifying property, de-You are allowed a limited deduction for the cost fined earlier.

• The deduction for clean-fuel vehicle prop- of clean-fuel vehicle property and clean-fuel ve-erty hicle refueling property. These deductions are

allowed only in the tax year you place the prop- Deduction limit. The maximum deduction• The deduction for clean-fuel vehicle refuel-

erty in service. you can claim for qualified clean-fuel vehicleing propertyYou cannot claim these deductions for the property with respect to any motor vehicle is one

• Recapture of the deductions part of the property’s cost you claim as a section of the following.179 deduction. For information on the section

• The electric vehicle credit1) $50,000 for a truck or van with a gross179 deduction, see Publication 946.

vehicle weight rating over 26,000 pounds• Recapture of the creditor for a bus with a seating capacity of atDeduction for Clean-Fuelleast 20 adults (excluding the driver).

Useful Items Vehicle Property2) $5,000 for a truck or van with a gross vehi-You may want to see:

The deduction for this property may be claimed cle weight rating over 10,000 pounds butregardless of whether the property is used in a not more than 26,000 pounds.Publicationtrade or business.

3) $2,000 for a vehicle not included in (1) or❏ 463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car

(2).Clean-fuel vehicle property. Clean-fuel vehi-Expensescle property is either of the following kinds of

❏ 544 Sales and Other Dispositions ofproperty. Deduction for Clean-FuelAssets

Vehicle Refueling Property1) A motor vehicle (defined earlier) produced❏ 946 How To Depreciate Propertyby an original equipment manufacturer and

Your property must meet the following require-designed to be propelled by a clean-burn-Form (and Instructions)ments to qualify for this fuel. The only part of a vehicle’s basis

that qualifies for the deduction is the part❏ 8834 Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit1) It must be depreciable property.

attributable to:See chapter 14 for information about getting 2) Its original use must begin with you.

a) A clean-fuel engine that can use apublications and forms.3) It cannot be nonqualifying property, de-clean-burning fuel,

fined earlier.b) The property used to store or deliver

the fuel to the engine, orClean-fuel vehicle refueling property.Definitions

c) The property used to exhaust gases Clean-fuel vehicle refueling property is anyfrom the combustion of the fuel. property (other than a building or its structuralThe following definitions apply throughout this

components) used to do either of the following.chapter.2) Any property installed on a motor vehicle

(including installation costs) to enable it toClean-burning fuels. The following are 1) Store or dispense a clean-burning fuel (de-be propelled by a clean-burning fuel if:clean-burning fuels. fined earlier) into the fuel tank of a motor

vehicle propelled by the fuel, but only if thea) The property is an engine (or modifica-1) Natural gas. storage or dispensing is at the point where

tion of an engine) that can use a the fuel is delivered into the tank.2) Liquefied natural gas. clean-burning fuel, or2) Recharge motor vehicles propelled by3) Liquefied petroleum gas. b) The property is used to store or deliver

electricity, but only if the property is lo-that fuel to the engine or to exhaust4) Hydrogen. cated at the point where the vehicles aregases from the combustion of that fuel.

recharged.5) Electricity.

For vehicles that may be propelled by both a6) Any other fuel that is at least 85% alcohol Recharging property. This property in-clean-burning fuel and any other fuel, your de-(any kind) or ether. cludes any equipment used to provide electricityduction is generally the additional cost of permit-

to the battery of a motor vehicle propelled byting the use of the clean-burning fuel.

Motor vehicle. A motor vehicle is any vehicle electricity. It includes low-voltage rechargingthat has four or more wheels and is manufac- Clean-fuel vehicle property does not  equipment, high-voltage (quick) charging equip-tured primarily for use on public streets, roads, include an electric vehicle that qualifies  ment, and ancillary connection equipment suchand highways. It does not include a vehicle oper- for the electric vehicle credit, dis-  as inductive charging equipment. It does notCAUTION

!ated exclusively on a rail or rails. cussed later. include property used to generate electricity,

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such as solar panels or windmills, and does not To determine whether an individual directly 2) It ceases to be a qualified clean-fuel vehi-include the battery used in the vehicle. or indirectly owns any of the outstanding stock of cle property (for example, by failing to

a corporation, see Ownership of stock  under meet emissions standards).Deduction limit. The maximum deduction Related Persons in Publication 538.

3) It becomes nonqualifying property, definedyou can claim for clean-fuel vehicle placed in service at one location is How To Claim$100,000. To figure your maximum deduction

the Deductionsfor any tax year, subtract from $100,000 the totalSales or other dispositions. If you sell or

you (or any related person  or predecessor)otherwise dispose of the vehicle within 3 yearsHow you claim the deductions for clean-fuelclaimed for clean-fuel vehicle refueling propertyafter the date you placed it in service and knowvehicle property and clean-fuel vehicle refuelingplaced in service at that location for all earlieror have reason to know that it will be changed inproperty depends on the use of the property andyears.any of the ways described above, you are sub-the kind of income tax return you file.

If the deduction limit applies, you must   ject to the recapture rules. In other dispositionsDeduction for nonbusiness clean-fuel vehi-specify on your tax return the property  (including a disposition by reason of an accidentcle property by individuals. Individuals can(and the portion of the property’s cost) or other casualty), the recapture rules do notCAUTION

!claim the deduction for clean-fuel vehicle prop-you are using as a basis for the deduction. apply.erty used for nonbusiness purposes by including If the vehicle was subject to depreciation, the

Related persons. For this purpose, the fol- the deduction in the total on line 33 of Form deduction (minus any recapture) is consideredlowing are considered related persons. 1040. Also, enter the amount of your deduction

depreciation when figuring the part of any gainand “Clean-Fuel” on the dotted line next to line

from the disposition that is ordinary income. See1) An individual and his or her brothers and 33. If you use the vehicle partly for business, seePublication 544 for more information on disposi-sisters, half-brothers, half-sisters, spouse, the next two discussions.tions of depreciable property.ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.),

Deduction for business clean-fuel vehicleand lineal descendants (children, grand-Recapture amount. Figure your recaptureproperty by employees. Employees who usechildren, etc.).amount by multiplying the deduction by the fol-clean-fuel vehicle property for business, or

2) An individual and a corporation if the indi-lowing percentage.partly for business and partly for nonbusiness

vidual owns, directly or indirectly, morepurposes, should include the entire deduction in

than 50% in value of the outstanding stock • 100% if the recapture date is within thethe total on line 33 of Form 1040. Also, enter the

of the corporation. first full year after the date the vehicle wasamount of your deduction and “Clean-Fuel” onplaced in service.the dotted line next to line 33.3) Two corporations that are members of the

same controlled group as defined in sec- • 662 / 3% if the recapture date is within theSole proprietors. Sole proprietors must claimtion 267(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. second full year after the date the vehicledeductions for clean-fuel vehicle property and

was placed in service.4) A grantor and a fiduciary of any trust. clean-fuel vehicle refueling property used for• 331 / 3% if the recapture date is within thebusiness on the Other expenses  line of either5) Fiduciaries of two separate trusts if the

third full year after the date the vehicleSchedule C (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Formsame person is a grantor of both trusts.1040). If clean-fuel vehicle property is used was placed in service.

6) A fiduciary and a beneficiary of the same partly for nonbusiness purposes, claim the non-trust. Recapture date. The recapture date is gen-business part of the deduction as explained ear-

lier under Deduction for nonbusiness clean-fuel  erally the date of the event that causes the7) A fiduciary and a beneficiary of two sepa-vehicle property by individuals. recapture. However, the recapture date for anrate trusts if the same person is a grantor

event described in item (3), earlier, is the firstof both trusts. Partnerships. Partnerships claim the deduc- day of the recapture year in which the eventtions for clean-fuel vehicle property and8) A fiduciary of a trust and a corporation if occurs.

clean-fuel vehicle refueling property on line 20 ofthe trust or a grantor of the trust owns, Form 1065.directly or indirectly, more than 50% in How to report. How you report the recapturevalue of the outstanding stock of the cor- amount for clean-fuel vehicle property as in-S corporations. S corporations claim the de-poration. come depends on how you claimed the deduc-ductions for clean-fuel vehicle property and

tion for that property.9) A person and a tax-exempt educational or clean-fuel vehicle refueling property on line 19 ofcharitable organization that is controlled di- Form 1120S. D e d u c t e d b y i n d i v i d u a l s a s  rectly or indirectly by that person or by nonbusiness-use property. Include theC corporations. C corporations claim the de-members of the family of that person. amount on line 21 of Form 1040.ductions for clean-fuel vehicle property and

10) A corporation and a partnership if the clean-fuel vehicle refueling property on line 26 of Deducted by employees as business-use same persons own more than 50% in Form 1120 (line 22 of Form 1120–A). property. Include the amount on line 21 ofvalue of the outstanding stock of the cor- Form 1040.poration and more than 50% of the capital Recapture of Deducted by sole proprietors as or profits interest in the partnership.

the Deductions business-use property. Include the amount11) Two S corporations or an S corporation on the Other income  line of either Schedule C

and a regular corporation if the same per- If the property ceases to qualify, you may have (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Form 1040).sons own more than 50% in value of the to recapture the deduction. You recapture the

Partnerships and corporations (including outstanding stock of each corporation. deduction by including it, or part of it, in yourS corporations). Include the amount on theincome.

12) A partnership and a person if the person, Other income line of the form you file.directly or indirectly owns, more than 50%of the capital or profits interests in the part- Clean-Fuel Vehicle Propertynership. Clean-Fuel Vehicle

Refueling PropertyYou must recapture the deduction for clean-fuel13) Two partnerships if the same personsvehicle property if the property ceases to qualifyown, directly or indirectly, more than 50%

You must recapture the deduction for clean-fuelwithin 3 years after the date you placed it inof the capital or profits interest in both part-vehicle refueling property if the property ceasesservice. The property will cease to qualify if it qualify at any time before the end of its depre-changed in any of the following ways.ciation recovery period. The property will cease14) An executor of an estate and a beneficiaryto qualify if it is changed in any of the followingof the estate unless the sale or exchange 1) It is modified so that it can no longer in satisfaction of a pecuniary bequest. propelled by a clean-burning fuel.

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vehicle in service, it ceases to qualify for theQualified Electric Vehicle1) It ceases to be a clean-fuel vehicle refuel- electric vehicle credit. You recapture the credit

ing property (for example, by being con- by adding it, or part of it, to your income tax forA vehicle is a qualified electric vehicle if it meetsverted to store and dispense gasoline). the year in which the recapture event occurs.all the following requirements.

The vehicle will cease to qualify if it is2) It is no longer used 50% or more in your1) It is a motor vehicle (defined earlier) pow- changed in either of the following or business.

ered primarily by an electric motor drawing3) It becomes nonqualifying property, defined 1) It is modified so that it is no longer prima-current from rechargeable batteries, fuel

earlier. rily powered by electricity.cells, or other portable sources of electricalcurrent.

2) It becomes nonqualifying property, definedSales or other dispositions. If you sell or earlier.2) You were the first person to use it.otherwise dispose of the property before the end

3) You acquired it for your own use and notof its recovery period and know or have reason Sales or other dispositions. If you sell orfor know that it will be changed in any of the ways otherwise dispose of the vehicle within 3 yearsdescribed above, you are subject to the recap- 4) It has never been used as a nonelectric after the date you placed it in service and knowture rules. In other dispositions (including a dis- vehicle. or have reason to know that it will be changed inposition by reason of an accident or other either of the ways described above, you are

5) It is not nonqualifying property, definedcasualty), the recapture rules do not apply. subject to the recapture rules. In other disposi-earlier.The deduction (minus any recapture tions (including a disposition by reason of an

amount) is considered depreciation when figur- accident or other casualty), the recapture rulesing the part of any gain from the disposition that do not apply.Amount of the Creditis ordinary income. See Publication 544 for If the vehicle was subject to depreciation, themore information on dispositions of depreciable credit (minus any recapture amount) is consid-The credit is generally 10% of the cost of eachproperty. ered depreciation when figuring the part of anyqualified electric vehicle you place in service

gain from the disposition that is ordinary income.during the year. If your vehicle is a depreciableRecapture amount. Figure your recaptureSee Publication 544 for more information onbusiness asset, you must reduce the cost of theamount by multiplying the deduction youdispositions of depreciable property.vehicle by any section 179 deduction beforeclaimed by the following fraction.

figuring the 10% credit. If you need information

Recapture amount. Figure your recaptureon the section 179 deduction, see Publication amount by multiplying the credit by the followingTotal Recovery 946.percentage.recovery years before

 _ period for the the recapture Credit limits. The credit is limited to $4,000

• 100% if the recapture date is within theproperty year for each vehicle. The total credit is limited to the first full year after the date the vehicle was

excess of your regular tax liability, reduced by placed in service.Total recovery period for the property certain credits, over your tentative minimum tax.

• 662 / 3% if the recapture date is within theTo figure the credit limit, complete Form 8834second full year after the date the vehicleand attach it to your tax return.How to report. How you report the recapturewas placed in service.amount for clean-fuel vehicle refueling property

depends on how you claimed the deduction for How To • 331 / 3% if the recapture date is within thethat property. third full year after the date the vehicleClaim the Credit

was placed in service.Sole proprietors. Include the amount onYou must complete and attach Form 8834  tothe Other income  line of either Schedule Cyour tax return to claim the electric vehicle Recapture date. The recapture date is gen-(Form 1040) or Schedule F (Form 1040).credit. Enter your credit on your tax return as erally the date of the event that causes the

Partnerships and corporations (including  discussed next. recapture. However, the recapture date for anS corporations). Include the amount on the event described in item (2), earlier, is the firstIndividuals. Individuals claim the credit by en-Other income line of the form you file. day of the recapture year in which the eventtering the amount from line 20 of Form 8834 on occurs.line 52 of Form 1040. Check box “c” and specifyBasis Adjustments

How to report. Report the recapture amountForm follows.You must reduce the basis of your clean-fuel

Partnerships. Partnerships enter the amountvehicle property or clean-fuel vehicle refueling Individuals. Include the amount on line 60from line 20 of Form 8834 on line 13 of Scheduleproperty by the deduction claimed. If, in a later of Form 1040. Write “QEVCR” on the dotted lineK (Form 1065). The partnership then allocatesyear, you must recapture part or all of the deduc- next to line 60.the credit to the partners on line 13 of Scheduletion, increase the basis of the property by the

K–1 (Form 1065). See the instructions for Form Partnerships. Include on line 25 of Sched-amount recaptured. If the property is deprecia-1065. ule K–1 (Form 1065) the information a partnerble property, you can recover this additional

needs to figure the recapture of the credit.basis over the property’s remaining recovery S corporations. S corporations enter theperiod beginning with the tax year of recapture. amount from line 20 of Form 8834 on line 13 of S corporations. Include on line 23 of

Schedule K (Form 1120S). The S corporation Schedule K–1 (Form 1120S) the information aIf you were using the percentage tables 

then allocates the credit to the shareholders on shareholder needs to figure the recapture of theto figure your depreciation on the prop- line 13 of Schedule K–1 (Form 1120S). See the credit.erty, you will not be able to continue to CAUTION!instructions for Form so. See Publication 946 for information on  C corporations. Include the amount on line

figuring your depreciation without the tables. C corporations. C corporations claim the 10 of Schedule J (Form 1120), or line 5 of Part Icredit by entering the amount from line 20 of (Form 1120– A). Check the box for “Other” andForm 8834 in the total for line 6c of Schedule J attach the required schedule. See the instruc-(Form 1120), checking the “Other” box and en- tions for Form 1120.tering “8834” in the space provided. See theElectric Vehicle Creditinstructions for Form 1120. Basis Adjustments

You can choose to claim a tax credit for a quali-fied electric vehicle you place in service during If you claim a tax credit for a qualified electricRecapture of the Creditthe year. You can make this choice regardless of vehicle you place in service during the year, youwhether the property is used in a trade or busi- The electric vehicle credit is subject to recapture must reduce your basis in that vehicle by theness. if, within 3 years after the date you place the lesser of:

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Table 13–1. Reporting Reimbursements1) $4,000, or

If the type of reimbursement (or other2) 10% of the cost of the vehicle.expense allowance) arrangement is under: Then the employer reports on Form W-2:

This basis reduction rule applies even if theAn accountable plan with:credit allowed is less than that amount.

If you must recapture part or all of the credit, Actual expense reimbursement:  No amount.increase the basis of your vehicle by the amount Adequate accounting made and excessrecaptured. If the qualified electric vehicle is returneddepreciable property, you can recover the addi-

Actual expense reimbursement:  The excess amount as wages in box 1.tional basis over the vehicle’s remaining recov-Adequate accounting and return of excessery period beginning with the tax year ofboth required but excess not returned

recapture.Per diem or mileage allowance up to the  No amount.If you were using the percentage tables federal rate: to figure your depreciation on the vehi- Adequate accounting made and excesscle, you will not be able to continue to CAUTION


do so. See Publication 946 for information on figuring your depreciation without the tables. Per diem or mileage allowance up to the  The excess amount as wages in box 1. The

federal rate:  amount up to the federal rate is reported onlyAdequate accounting and return of excess in box 12— it is not reported in box 1.both required but excess not returned

Per diem or mileage allowance exceeds the  The excess amount as wages in box 1. Thefederal rate:  amount up to the federal rate is reported onlyAdequate accounting made up to the federal in box 12— it is not reported in box 1.13. rate only and excess not returned

A nonaccountable plan with:

Either adequate accounting or return of The entire amount as wages in box 1.Other Expenses excess, or both, not required by plan

No reimbursement plan The entire amount as wages in box 1.

Important Change• Bribes and kickbacks See chapter 14 for information about gettingfor 2003

publications and forms.• Charitable contributions

Standard mileage rate. The standard mile-• Education expenses

age rate for the cost of operating your car, van,• Franchises, trademarks, and trade namespickup, or panel truck in 2003 is 36 cents a mile Travel, Meals,for all business miles. For more information, see• Lobbying expenses

Car and truck expenses , under Miscellaneous  and Entertainment• Penalties and finesExpenses .

• Repayments (claim of right) To be deductible, expenses incurred for travel,meals, and entertainment must be ordinary and

Other miscellaneous expenses necessary expenses of carrying on your trade orImportant Changes business. Generally, you also must show thatUseful Items entertainment expenses (including meals) arefor 2004You may want to see: directly related to, or associated with, the con-

duct of your trade or business.Standard mileage rate. The standard mile- Publication The following discussion explains how youage rate for the cost of operating your car, van, deduct any reimbursements or allowances you

❏ 15–B Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringepickup, or panel truck in 2004 is 37.5 cents a make for these expenses incurred by your em-Benefitsmile for all business miles.

ployees. If you are self-employed and incurthese expenses yourself, see Publication 463❏ 463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and CarMeal expense deduction subject to “hours of

Expenses for information on how you can deduct them.service” limits. In 2004, this deduction in-creases to 70% of the reimbursed meals your ❏ 529 Miscellaneous Deductions

Reimbursementsemployees consume while they are subject to❏ 542 Corporationsthe Department of Transportation’s “hours of

How you deduct a reimbursement or allowanceservice” limits. For more information, see Meal  ❏ 946 How To Depreciate Propertyarrangement (including per diem allowances,

expenses when subject to “hours of service”  ❏ 1542 Per Diem Rates discussed later) for travel, meals, and entertain-limits , later.ment expenses incurred by your employees de-

Form (and Instructions) pends on whether you have an accountable planor a nonaccountable plan. A reimbursement or 

❏ Sch A (Form 1040) Itemized Deductionsallowance arrangement is a system by whichIntroductionyou pay advances, reimbursements, and❏ Sch C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss from

This chapter covers expenses you as a busi- charges for your employees’ business expensesBusinessness owner may have that are not explained in and they substantiate their expenses to you so

❏ 1099–MISC Miscellaneous Incomeearlier chapters of this publication. you can substantiate your deduction of the ad-vance, reimbursement, or charge. If you make a❏ 6069 Return of Excise Tax on Excess

Topics single payment to your employees and it in-Contributions to Black Lung Benefitcludes both wages and an expense reimburse-Trust Under Section 4953 andThis chapter discusses:ment, you must specify the amount of theComputation of Section 192reimbursement.• Travel, meals, and entertainment Deduction

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If you reimburse these expenses under an 2) Your employees adequately account for FAVR allowance, see Revenue Proceduretheir expenses within 60 days after the ex- 2002-61 in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2002-39.accountable plan, deduct them as travel, meal,penses were paid or incurred. You can read Revenue Procedure 2002-61 atand entertainment expenses. If you reimburse

many public libraries or online at expenses under a nonaccountable plan,3) Your employees return any excess reim-

you must report the reimbursements as wagesbursement within 120 days after the ex- Per diem allowance. If your employee actu-on Form W–2, Wage and Tax Statement, andpense was paid or incurred. ally substantiates to you the other elements (dis-deduct them as wages. See Table 13–1.

cussed earlier) of the expenses reimbursed4) You give a periodic statement (at leastusing the per diem allowance, how you reportquarterly) to your employees that asksand deduct the allowance depends on whetherthem to either return or adequately ac-Accountable Plansthe allowance is for lodging and meal expensescount for outstanding advances and they

To be an accountable plan, your reimbursement or for meal expenses only and whether the al-comply within 120 days of the statement.

or allowance arrangement must require your lowance is more than the federal rate.employees to meet all the following require-How to deduct. You can take a deduction for Regular federal per diem rate. The regularments. travel, meals, and entertainment expenses if federal per diem rate is the highest amount theyou reimburse your employees for these ex- federal government will pay to its employees for1) They must have paid or incurred deducti-penses under an accountable plan. The amount lodging, meal, and incidental expenses (or mealble expenses while performing services asyou deduct for meals and entertainment, how- and incidental expenses only) while they areyour employees.ever, may be subject to a 50% limit, discussed traveling away from home in a particular area.

2) They must adequately account to you for later. If you are a sole proprietor, deduct the The rates are different for different locations.these expenses within a reasonable period reimbursement on line 24 of Schedule C (Form Publication 1542 lists the rates in the continentalof time. 1040). If you file a corporation income tax return, United States.

include the reimbursement in the amount3) They must return any excess reimburse- Internet access. Per diem rates are avail-claimed on the Other decutions  line of Form

ment or allowance within a reasonable pe- able on the Internet. If you have a computer and1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, orriod of time. a modem, you can access per diem rates atForm 1120–A, U.S. Corporation Short-Form In- arrangement under which you advance come Tax Return. If you file any other incomemoney to employees is treated as meeting (3) tax return, such as a partnership or S corpora- Standard meal allowance. The federal 

above only if the following requirements are also tion return, deduct the reimbursement on the rate for meal and incidental expense (M & IE) ismet. appropriate line of the return as provided in the the standard meal allowance. You may pay an

instructions for that return. allowance for meal and incidental expenses only• The advance is reasonably calculated not

if, for example, you reimburse actual lodgingto exceed the amount of anticipated ex-

expenses or do not reimburse lodging expensespenses. Per Diem and Car Allowances because there are none.

• You make the advance within a reasona-High-low method. This is a simplifiedYou may reimburse your employees under anble period of time.

method of computing the federal per diem rateaccountable plan based on travel days, miles, orfor lodging and meal expenses for travelingsome other fixed allowance. In these cases,If any expenses reimbursed under this ar-within the continental United States. It elimi-your employee is considered to have accountedrangement are not substantiated, or are an ex-nates the need to keep a current list of the perto you for the amount of the expense that does

cess reimbursement that is not returned within adiem rate in effect for each city in the continentalnot exceed the rates established by the federal

reasonable period of time by an employee, youUnited States.government. Your employee must actually sub-

cannot treat these expenses as reimbursedstantiate to you the other elements of the ex- Under the high-low method, the per diemunder an accountable plan. Instead, treat thepense, such as time, place, and business amount for travel during 2003 is $204 ($45 for Mreimbursed expenses as paid under a nonac-

purpose. & IE) for certain high-cost locations. All othercountable plan, discussed later. areas have a per diem amount of $125 ($35 forFederal rate. The federal rate can be figured M & IE). The high-cost locations eligible for theAdequate accounting. Your employees must using any one of the following methods. $204 per diem amount under the high-lowadequately account to you for their expenses.

method are listed in Publication 1542.They must give you documentary evidence of 1) For per diem amounts:their travel, mileage, and other employee busi-

Reporting per diem and car allowances.a) The regular federal per diem rate.ness expenses. This evidence should includeThe following paragraphs explain how to report

items such as receipts, along with either a state- b) The standard meal allowance. per diem and car allowances. The manner inment of expenses, an account book, a diary, or a

which you report them depends on how thec) The high-low rate.similar record in which the employee enteredallowance compares to the federal rate.

each expense at or near the time the expense2) For car expenses:was incurred. Allowance LESS than or EQUAL to the fed- 

eral rate. If your allowance for the employee isa) The standard mileage rate.Excess reimbursement or allowance. An less than or equal to the appropriate federal rate,

excess reimbursement or allowance is any b) A fixed and variable rate (FAVR). that allowance is not included as part of theamount you pay to an employee that is more employee’s pay in box 1 of the employee’s Form

than the business-related expenses for which W–2. Deduct the allowance as travel expensesCar allowance. Your employee is consideredthe employee adequately accounted. The em- (including meals that may be subject to the 50%to have accounted to you for car expenses thatployee must return any excess reimbursement limit, discussed later). See How to deduct underdo not exceed the standard mileage rate. Foror other expense allowance to you within a rea- Accountable Plans, earlier.2003, the standard mileage rate is 36 cents personable period of time.

Allowance MORE than the federal rate. Ifmile for each business mile.your employee’s allowance is more than theYou can choose to reimburse your employ-Reasonable period of time. A reasonableappropriate federal rate, you must report theees using a fixed and variable rate (FAVR) al-period of time depends on the facts and circum-allowance as two separate items.lowance. This is an allowance that includes astances. Generally, actions that take place

combination of payments covering fixed and va- You include the allowance amount up to thewithin the times specified in the following list willriable costs, such as a cents-per-mile rate to federal rate in box 12 (code L) of the employee’sbe treated as taking place within a reasonablecover your employees’ variable operating costs Form W– 2. Deduct it as travel expenses (asperiod of time.(such as gas, oil, etc.) plus a flat amount to cover explained above). This part of the allowance is

1) You give an advance within 30 days of the your employees’ fixed costs (such as deprecia- treated as reimbursed under an accountabletime the employee has the expense. tion, insurance, etc.). For information on using a plan.

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You include the amount that is more than the reimbursed meals your employees consume Nonaccountable Plansfederal rate in box 1 (and in boxes 3 and 5 if they while away from their tax home on business

A nonaccountable plan is an arrangement thatapply) of the employee’s Form W–2. Deduct it during or incident to any period subject to thedoes not meet the requirements for an account-as wages subject to income tax withholding, Department of Transportation’s hours of serviceable plan. All amounts paid, or treated as paid,social security, Medicare, and federal unem- limits.under a nonaccountable plan are reported asployment taxes. This part of the allowance is Individuals subject to the Department ofwages on Form W– 2. The payments are subjecttreated as reimbursed under a nonaccountable Transportation’s hours of service limits includeto income tax withholding, social security, Medi-plan as explained later under Nonaccountable  the, and federal unemployment taxes. You canPlans.deduct the reimbursement as compensation or• Certain air transportation workers (such aswages only to the extent it meets the deductibil-pilots, crew, dispatchers, mechanics, andity tests for employees’ pay in chapter 2. DeductMeals and Entertainment control tower operators) who are under

the allowable amount as compensation orFederal Aviation Administration regula-Under an accountable plan, you can generally wages on the appropriate line of your income taxtions.deduct only 50% of any otherwise deductible return, as provided in its instructions.

• Interstate truck operators and bus driversbusiness-related meal and entertainment ex-who are under Department of Transporta-penses you reimburse your employees. The de-tion regulations.duction limit applies even if you reimburse them Other Reimbursed Expenses

for 100% of the expenses.• Certain railroad employees (such as engi-

You may provide meals and entertainment toneers, conductors, train crews, dispatch-Application of the 50% limit. The 50% de- individuals who are not your employees. Theseers, and control operations personnel)duction limit applies to reimbursements you expenses may or may not be subject to the 50%who are under Federal Railroad Adminis-make to your employees for expenses they incur limit, depending on the circumstances.tration regulations.for meals while traveling away from home on

business and for entertaining business custom- Nonemployee. If you provide a person who is• Certain merchant mariners who are under

ers at your place of business, a restaurant, or not your employee with meals, goods, services,Coast Guard regulations.another location. It applies to expenses incurred or the use of a facility, and the item you provideat a business convention or reception, business is considered entertainment, you can deduct the

De minimis (minimal) fringe benefit. Themeeting, or business luncheon at a club. The expense only to the extent it is included in the

50% limit does not apply to an expense for fooddeduction limit may also apply to meals you gross income of the recipient as compensationor beverage that is excluded from the grossfurnish on your premises to your employees for services or as a prize or award. If you areincome of an employee because it is a de(discussed in chapter 2). required to include these expenses on an infor-minimis fringe benefit. See Publication 15– B for mation return (Form 1099–MISC), you cannot

Related expenses. Taxes and tips relatingadditional information on de minimis fringe ben- claim a deduction for them unless you file the

to a meal or entertainment activity you reim-efits. necessary information return. For more informa-

burse to your employee under an accountabletion about when to file Form 1099–MISC, see

plan are included in the amount subject to thethe General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098,Company cafeteria or executive dining

50% limit. Reimbursements you make for ex-5498, and W– 2G. These expenses are not sub-room. You can deduct the cost of food andpenses, such as cover charges for admission to

 ject to the 50% limit.beverages you provide primarily to your employ-a nightclub, rent paid for a room to hold a dinnerees on your business premises. This includesor cocktail party, or the amount you pay for Director, stockholder, or employee meet-the cost of maintaining the facilities for providingparking at a sports arena, are all subject to the ings. You can deduct entertainment expensesthe food and beverages. These expenses are50% limit. However, the cost of transportation to directly related to business meetings of yoursubject to the 50% limit unless they qualify as deand from an otherwise allowable business meal employees, partners, stockholders, agents, orminimis fringe benefits, discussed in Publicationor a business-related entertainment activity is directors. You can provide some minor social15–B, or unless they are compensation to yournot subject to the 50% limit.

activities, but the main purpose of the meetingemployees and you treat them as provided must be your company’s business. These ex-Amount subject to 50% limit. If you provide under a nonaccountable plan, as discussed penses are subject to the 50% limit.your employees with a per diem allowance (dis- later.cussed earlier) only for meal and incidental ex-

Trade association meetings. You can de-penses, the amount treated as an expense for

Employee activities. You can deduct the ex- duct expenses directly related to and necessaryfood and beverages is the lesser of the follow-

for attending business meetings or conventionspense of providing recreational, social, or similaring.

of certain exempt organizations. These organi-activities (including the use of a facility) for yourzations include business leagues, chambers of• The per diem allowance. employees. The benefit must be primarily forcommerce, real estate boards, and trade andyour employees who are not highly compen-

• The federal rate for M & IE.professional associations. Meal and entertain-sated employees.ment expenses are subject to the 50% limit.For this purpose, a highly compensated em-If you provide your employees with a per diem

ployee is an employee who meets either of theallowance that covers lodging, meals, and inci- Sale of meals or entertainment. You can de-following expenses, you must treat an amount duct the cost of providing meals, entertainment,

equal to the federal M & IE rate for the area of goods and services, or use of facilities you sell to1) Owned a 10% or more interest in the busi-travel as an expense for food and beverages. If the public. For example, if you run a nightclub,

ness during the year or the precedingthe per diem allowance you provide is less than your expense for the entertainment you furnishyear. An employee is treated as owningthe federal per diem rate for the area of travel, to your customers, such as a floor show, is a

any interest owned by his or her brother,you can treat 40% of the per diem allowance as business expense. These expenses are notsister, spouse, ancestors, and lineal de-the amount for food and beverages. subject to the 50% limit.scendants.

Drilling rigs. The 50% limit does not apply toAdvertising to promote goodwill. You can2) Received more than $90,000 in pay for thethe food or beverages an employer provides ondeduct the cost of providing meals, entertain-preceding year. You may choose to in-an oil or gas platform or drilling rig located off-ment, or recreational facilities to the generalclude only employees who were also in theshore or in Alaska. This exception also appliespublic as a means of advertising or promotingtop 20% of employees when ranked byto food and beverages provided by an employergoodwill in the community. For example, the

pay for the preceding a support camp that is near and integral to anexpense of sponsoring a television or radio

oil or gas platform or drilling rig located in These expenses are not subject to the 50% show is deductible. You can also deduct theAlaska. limit. For example, the expenses for food, bever- expense of distributing free food and beverages

ages, and entertainment for a company-wideMeal expenses when subject to “hours of to the general public. These expenses are notservice” limits. You can deduct 65% of the picnic are not subject to the 50% limit. subject to the 50% limit.

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Charitable sports event. The 50% limit does ment is a foreign government, the Under certain conditions, you can use thenot apply to the expenses covered by a package standard mileage rate instead of deducting thepayments are not deductible if they aredeal that includes a ticket to a charitable sports actual expenses for your vehicle. The standardunlawful under the Foreign Corrupt Prac-event if the event meets certain conditions. See mileage rate for the cost of operating your car,tices Act of 1977.Entertainment tickets in chapter 2 of Publication van, pickup, or panel truck in 2003 is 36 cents a

2) Payments directly or indirectly to a person463 for a list of the conditions a charitable sports mile for all business miles. For more information

in violation of any federal or state law (butevent must meet. on how to figure your deduction, see Publication

only if that state law is generally enforced)463.

that provides for a criminal penalty or forthe loss of a license or privilege to engage Charitable contributions. Cash payments toin a trade or business. charitable, religious, educational, scientific, orMiscellaneous

similar organizations may be deductible as busi-Meaning of “generally enforced.”  A state ness expenses if the payments are not charita-

Expenses law is considered generally enforced unless it is ble contributions or gifts. If the payments arenever enforced or enforced only for infamous charitable contributions or gifts, you cannot de-In addition to travel, meal, and entertainmentpersons or persons whose violations are ex- duct them as business expenses. However, cor-expenses, there are other expenses you cantraordinarily flagrant. For example, a state law is porations (other than S corporations) can deductdeduct. This section briefly covers some ofgenerally enforced unless proper reporting of a charitable contributions on their income tax re-these expenses (listed in alphabetical order).violation of the law results in enforcement only turns. See Charitable Contributions  in Publica-under unusual circumstances. tion 542 for more information. Sole proprietors,Advertising expenses. You generally can

partners in a partnership, or shareholders in andeduct reasonable advertising expenses if they Kickbacks. A kickback includes a paymentS corporation may be able to deduct charitablerelate to your business activities. Generally, you for referring a client, patient, or customer. Thecontributions made by their business on Sched-cannot deduct the cost of advertising to influ- common kickback situation occurs when moneyule A (Form 1040).ence legislation. See Lobbying expenses, later. or property is given to someone as payment for

You can usually deduct as a business ex- influencing a third party to purchase from, useExample. You paid $15 to a local church forpense the cost of institutional or goodwill adver- the services of, or otherwise deal with the per-

a half-page ad in a program for a concert it istising to keep your name before the public if it son who pays the kickback. In many cases, thesponsoring. The purpose of the ad was to en-relates to business you reasonably expect to person whose business is being sought or en-courage readers to buy your products. Sincegain in the future. For example, the cost of ad-

 joyed by the person who pays the kickback does your payment is not a contribution, you cannotvertising that encourages people to contribute to not know of the payment.deduct it as such. However, you can deduct it asthe Red Cross, to buy U.S. Savings Bonds, or toan advertising expense.participate in similar causes is usually deducti- Example 1. Mr. Green, an insurance bro-

ble. ker, pays part of the insurance commissions he Inventory. If you contribute inventory (prop-earns to car dealers who refer insurance cus- erty you sell in the course of your business), theForeign expenses. You cannot deduct thetomers to him. The car dealers are not licensed amount you can claim as a contribution deduc-costs of advertising on foreign radio and televi-to sell insurance. Mr. Green cannot deduct tion is the smaller of its fair market value on thesion (including cable) where the advertising isthese payments if they are in violation of any day you contributed it or its basis. The basis ofprimarily for a market in the United States. How-federal or state law as explained previously in donated inventory is any cost incurred for theever, this rule only applies to advertising ex-(2) under Bribes and kickbacks. inventory in an earlier year that you would other-penses in countries that deny a deduction for

wise include in your opening inventory for theadvertising on a United States broadcast prima-Example 2. The Yard Corporation is in the year of the contribution. You must remove therily for that country’s market.

business of repairing ships. It returns 10% of the amount of your contribution deduction from yourAnticipated liabilities. Anticipated liabilities repair bills as kickbacks to the captains and chief opening inventory. It is not part of the cost ofor reserves for anticipated liabilities are not de- officers of vessels it repairs. It considers kick- goods sold.

ductible. For example, assume you sold 1-year backs necessary to get business. The owners of If the cost of donated property is not includedTV service contracts this year totaling $50,000. the ships do not know of these payments. in your opening inventory, the property’s basis isFrom experience, you know you will have ex- In the state where the corporation operates, zero and you cannot claim a charitable contribu-penses of about $15,000 in the coming year for it is unlawful to attempt to influence the actions tion deduction. Treat the property’s cost as youthese contracts. You cannot deduct any of the of any employee, private agent, or fiduciary in would ordinarily treat it under your method of$15,000 this year by charging expenses to a relation to the principal’s or employer’s affairs by accounting. For example, include the purchasereserve or liability account. You can deduct your giving or offering anything of value without the price of inventory bought and donated in theexpenses only when you actually pay or accrue knowledge and consent of the principal or em- same year in the cost of goods sold for that year.them, depending on your accounting method. ployer. The state generally enforces the law. A corporation (other than an S corporation)

The kickbacks paid by the Yard Corporation are can deduct its basis in the property plus one-halfBlack lung benefit trust contributions. If

not deductible. of the gain that would have been realized if theyou, as a coal mine operator, make a contribu-

property had been sold at its fair market value ontion to a qualified black lung benefit trust, you Medicare or Medicaid. Kickbacks, bribes,

the date of contribution. But the deduction can-may be able to deduct your contribution. To and rebates paid in Medicare or Medicaid pro-

not be more than twice the property’s basis. Fordeduct it, you must make your contribution dur- grams are not deductible.

more information on the charitable contributioning the tax year or pay it to the trust by the due

Form 1099–MISC. If you pay kickbacks of property by a corporation, see sectiondate for filing your federal income tax return

during your tax year, whether or not they are 170(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.(including extensions). You must make the con- deductible on your income tax return, you maytribution in cash or in property the trust is permit-

Example 1. You own an auto repair shophave to report them on an information return,ted to hold.

and in 2003 you donated auto parts to your localForm 1099–MISC. For more information aboutFigure your allowable deduction for contribu-

school for its auto repair class. The fair marketwhen to file Form 1099–MISC, see the General tions to a black lung benefit trust on Schedule A

value of the parts at the time of the contributionInstructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and of Form 6069.

was $600 and you had included $400 for theW– in your opening inventory for 2003. YourBribes and kickbacks. You cannot deduct

Car and truck expenses. You can deduct the charitable contribution is $400. You reduce yourbribes, kickbacks, or similar payments if they arecosts of operating a car, truck, or other vehicle in opening inventory by the $400 for the donatedeither of the following.your business. These costs include gas, oil, re- property.pairs, license tags, insurance, and depreciation.1) Payments directly or indirectly to an officialOnly the expenses for business use are deducti-or employee of any government or an Example 2. Assume the same facts as Ex-ble. Traveling between your home and youragency or instrumentality of any govern- ample 1, except you purchased the auto parts inplace of business is usually not business use.ment in violation of the law. If the govern- 2003 for $400 (not part of the opening inven-

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tory). The $400 is included as part of the cost of Donations to business organizations. You1) Contingent on productivity, use, or disposi-goods sold for 2003 but not in figuring the basis can deduct donations to business organizations

tion of the item,of the property. Your charitable contribution is as business expenses if all the following condi-$0. tions are met. 2) Payable at least annually for the entire

term of the transfer agreement, and• The donation relates directly to your tradeClub dues and membership fees. Generally,or cannot deduct amounts you pay or incur for 3) Substantially equal in amount (or payable

membership in any club organized for business, under a fixed formula).• You reasonably expect a financial return inpleasure, recreation, or any other social pur- line with your donation. When determining the term of the transferpose. This includes country clubs, golf and ath-

agreement, include all renewal options and any• The donation is not a nondeductible lobby-letic clubs, hotel clubs, sporting clubs, airlineother period for which you and the transferrering expense as discussed later under Lob- clubs, and clubs operated to provide mealsreasonably expect the agreement to be re-bying expenses.under circumstances generally considered to benewed.conducive to business discussions.

A franchise includes an agreement that givesFor example, a donation you make to a com-Exception. None of the following organiza- one of the parties to the agreement the right tomittee organized by the Chamber of Commerce

tions will be treated as a club organized for distribute, sell, or provide goods, services, orto bring a national convention to your city maybusiness, pleasure, recreation, or other social facilities within a specified deductible.purpose unless one of the main purposes is to

Property acquired after August 10, 1993 conduct entertainment activities for members or Education expenses. You can deduct the or- (or after July 25, 1991, if elected). Anytheir guests or to provide members or their dinary and necessary expenses you pay for the amounts you pay or incur that are not describedguests with access to entertainment facilities. education and training of your employees. For in (1) through (3) must be charged to a capitalmore information, see Education Expenses  in• Boards of trade. account. These are section 197 intangibles andchapter 2. are amortized over 15 years. See chapter 9 for

• Business leagues. You can also deduct your own education more information on amortization.expenses (including certain related travel) re-• Chambers of commerce. You can elect to apply this treatment to anylated to your trade or business. You must be

franchise, trademark, or trade name acquired• Civic or public service organizations. able to show the education maintains or im-after July 25, 1991. This election is binding and

proves skills required in your trade or business,• Professional organizations such as bar as-

cannot be revoked without approval of the IRS.or it is required by your employer, or by law orsociations and medical associations.Property acquired before August 11, 1993.regulations, for keeping your pay, status, or job.

• Real estate boards. For a transfer not treated as a sale or exchangeYou cannot deduct education expenses youof a capital asset, you can deduct a lump-sumincur to meet the minimum requirements of your• Trade associations.payment of an agreed upon principal amountpresent trade or business, or those that qualifyratably over the shorter of the for a new trade or business. This is true

Damages recovered. Special rules apply to even if the education maintains or improves• 10 years.compensation you receive for damages sus- skills presently required in your business. For

tained as a result of patent infringement, breach more information on education expenses, see • The period of the transfer agreement.of contract or fiduciary duty, or antitrust viola- Publication 970.tions. You must include this compensation in For a transfer not treated as a sale or ex-your income. However, you may be able to take Example 1. Dr. Carter, who is a psychiatrist, change of a capital asset, you can deduct, in thea special deduction. The deduction applies begins a program of study at an accredited psy- year made, a payment that is one of a series ofonly to amounts recovered for actual injury, not choanalytic institute to qualify as a psychoana- approximately equal payments payable over ei-any additional amount. The deduction is the lyst. She can deduct the cost of the program ther of the following.smaller of the following. because the study maintains or improves skills

The period of the transfer agreement.required in her profession and does not qualify• The amount you received or accrued forher for a new one. • A period of more than 10 years, regard-damages in the tax year reduced by the

less of the period of the agreement.amount you paid or incurred in the year toExample 2. Herb Jones owns a repair shoprecover that amount.

for electronic equipment. The bulk of the busi-The above business deductions do not • Your losses from the injury you have not ness is television repairs, but occasionally heapply to transfers after October 2,deducted. fixes tape decks and disc players. To keep up1989, and before August 11, 1993, if CAUTION

!with the latest technical changes, he takes a

the principal sum is over $100,000.special course to learn how to repair disc play-Demolition expenses or losses. You cannotCharge any payment not deductible becauseers. Since the course maintains and improvesdeduct any amount paid or incurred to demolish

of these rules to a capital account. However, youskills required in his trade, he can deduct itsa structure or any loss for the undepreciatedcan deduct the payments charged to a capitalcost.basis of a demolished structure. Add theseaccount over the life of the asset if you canamounts to the basis of the land where the

Environmental cleanup costs. You can de- determine the useful life of the asset. Otherwise,demolished structure was located.duct certain costs to clean up land and to treat you can choose to amortize the payment over a

Depreciation. If property you buy to use in groundwater you contaminated with hazardous 25-year period beginning with the tax year the

your business has a useful life that extends waste from your business operations. You can transfer occurs.substantially beyond the year it is placed in serv- deduct the costs you incur to restore your landContracts entered into before October 3,

ice, you generally cannot deduct the entire cost and groundwater to the same physical condition1989. For contracts to buy a franchise, trade-

as a business expense in the year you buy it. that existed prior to contamination. You cannotmark, or trade name entered into before October

You must spread the cost over more than one deduct costs for the construction of groundwater3, 1989, you can deduct payments contingent

tax year and deduct part of it each year. This treatment facilities. You must capitalize thoseon productivity, use, or disposition. The rules

method of deducting the cost of business prop- costs and you can recover them through depre-discussed earlier for annual and substantially

erty is called depreciation. ciation. For more information, see Environmen- equal payments do not apply.

However, you may be able to elect to deduct tal cleanup costs , in chapter 8.a limited amount of the cost of certain deprecia- Disposition of franchise, trademark, or ble property in the year you place it in service in Franchise, trademark, trade name. If you trade name. If you transfer, sell, or otherwiseyour business. This deduction is known as the buy a franchise, trademark, or trade name, you dispose of a franchise, trademark, or tradesection 179 deduction . can deduct the amount you pay or incur as a name, you must recapture as ordinary income

For information on depreciation and the sec- business expense only if your payments are part (up to any gain realized) the payments you de-tion 179 deduction, see Publication 946. of a series of payments that are: ducted as any of the following.

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that part of your tax return relating to your busi- a) Is serving in a position in Level I of the• A lump-sum or serial payment of a princi-

ness as a sole proprietor. The remaining cost Executive Schedule under section 5312pal amount not treated as a sale or ex-

may be deductible on Schedule A (Form 1040) if of tit le 5, United States Code,change of a capital asset.

you itemize deductions.b) Has been designated by the President

• An amortized payment deducted over 25 You can also take a business deduction for as having Cabinet-level status, oryears. the amount you pay or incur in resolving as-

c) Is an immediate deputy of an individualserted tax deficiencies for your business as a• The amortization claimed on section 197

listed in item (a) or (b).sole proprietor.intangibles.

Licenses and regulatory fees. Licenses andFor more information about dispositions of Exceptions to denial of deduction. Theregulatory fees for your trade or business paidfranchises, trademarks, and trade names, see general denial of the deduction does not apply toeach year to state or local governments gener-chapter 2 in Publication 544. the following.

ally are deductible. Some licenses and fees may• Expenses of appearing before, or commu-Impairment-related expenses. If you are dis- have to be amortized. See chapter 9 for more

nicating with, any local council or similarabled, you can deduct expenses necessary for information.governing body concerning its legislationyou to be able to work (impairment-related ex-(local legislation) if the legislation is of di-penses) as a business expense, rather than as a Lobbying expenses. Generally, you cannotrect interest to you or to you and an organ-medical expense. deduct lobbying expenses. Lobbying expensesization of which you are a member. AnYou are disabled if you have either of the include amounts paid or incurred for any of theIndian tribal government is treated as afollowing. following activities.local council or similar governing body.

• A physical or mental disability (for exam-• Influencing legislation.

• Any in-house expenses for influencing leg-ple, blindness or deafness) that function-• Participating in or intervening in any politi- islation and communicating directly with aally limits your being employed.

cal campaign for, or against, any candi- covered executive branch official if those• A physical or mental impairment that sub- date for public office. expenses for the tax year do not exceed

stantially limits one or more of your major $2,000 (excluding overhead expenses).• Attempting to influence the general public,life activities.

or segments of the public, about elections, • Expenses incurred by taxpayers engaged

legislative matters, or referendums. in the trade or business of lobbying (pro-You can deduct the expense as a business fessional lobbyists) on behalf of anotherexpense if all the following apply.• Communicating directly with covered ex-

person (but does apply to payments by theecutive branch officials (defined later) in• Your work clearly requires the expense for other person to the lobbyist for lobbyingany attempt to influence the official actionsyou to satisfactorily perform the work. activities).or positions of those officials.

• The goods or services purchased are• Researching, preparing, planning, or coor-clearly not needed or used, other than in- Moving machinery. Generally, the cost of

dinating any of the preceding activities.cidentally, in your personal activities. moving your machinery from one city to anotheris a deductible expense. So is the cost of moving• Their treatment is not specifically provided Your expenses for influencing legislation andmachinery from one plant to another, or fromfor under other tax law provisions. communicating directly with a covered execu-one part of your plant to another. You can de-

tive branch official include a portion of your laborduct the cost of installing the machinery in the

costs and general and administrative costs ofExample. You are blind. You must use a new location. However, you must capitalize theyour business. For information on making thisreader to do your work, both at and away from costs of installing or moving newly purchasedallocation, see section 1.162-28 of the regula-your place of work. The reader’s services are machinery.tions.only for your work. You can deduct your ex-

You cannot take a charitable or businesspenses for the reader as a business expense. Outplacement services. You can deduct theexpense deduction for amounts paid to an or- costs of outplacement services you provide toInterview expense allowances. Reimburse- ganization if both the following apply. your employees to help them find new employ-ments you make to job candidates for transpor-

ment, such as career counseling, resume assis-• The organization conducts lobbying activi-tation or other expenses related to interviews for

tance, skills assessment, etc.ties on matters of direct financial interestpossible employment are not wages. You canThe costs of outplacement services mayto your business.deduct the reimbursements as a business ex-

cover more than one deduction category. Forpense. However, expenses for food, beverages,• A principal purpose of your contribution is example, deduct as a utilities expense the costand entertainment are subject to the 50% limit to avoid the rules discussed earlier that of telephone calls made under this service anddiscussed earlier under Meals and Entertain-  prohibit a business deduction for lobbying deduct as rental expense the cost of rentingment. expenses. machinery and equipment for this service.

For information on whether the value of out-Legal and professional fees. Legal and pro-If a tax-exempt organization, other than a sec- placement services is includable in your employ-fessional fees, such as fees charged by ac-

tion 501(c)(3) organization, provides you with a ees’ income, see Publication 15–B.countants, that are ordinary and necessarynotice on the part of dues that is allocable toexpenses directly related to operating your busi-nondeductible lobbying and political expenses, Penalties and fines. Penalties you pay forness are deductible as business expenses.

you cannot deduct that part of the dues. late performance or nonperformance of a con-However, you usually cannot deduct legal feestract are generally deductible. For instance, ifyou pay to acquire business assets. Add them to Covered executive branch official. Foryou contracted to construct a building by a cer-the basis of the property. purposes of this discussion, a covered executivetain date and had to pay an amount for each dayIf the fees include payments for work of a branch official is any of the following.the building was not finished after that date, youpersonal nature (such as making a will), youcan deduct the amounts paid or incurred.take a business deduction only for the part of the 1) The President.

On the other hand, you cannot deduct penal-fee related to your business. The personal por-2) The Vice President.

ties or fines you pay to any government agencytion of legal fees for producing or collecting tax-or instrumentality because of a violation of anyable income, doing or keeping your job, or for tax 3) Any officer or employee of the Whitelaw. These fines or penalties include the follow-advice may be deductible on Schedule A (Form House Office of the Executive Office of theing amounts.1040) if you itemize deductions. See Publication President and the two most senior level

529. officers of each of the other agencies in• Paid because of a conviction for a crime or

the Executive Office.Tax preparation fees. You can deduct as a after a plea of guilty or no contest in a

trade or business expense the cost of preparing 4) Any individual who: criminal proceeding.

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• Paid as a penalty imposed by federal, talize the cost of removing a component of a Method 2. Figure your tax for 2003 claimingstate, or local law in a civil action, includ- depreciable asset if the replacement adds to the a credit for the prepaid amount. Follow theseing certain additions to tax and additional value or usefulness of the asset or significantly steps.amounts and assessable penalties im- increases its useful life.

1) Figure your tax for 2003 without deduct-posed by the Internal Revenue the repaid amount.Repairs. The cost of repairing or improving

• Paid in settlement of actual or possible property used in your trade or business is either 2) Refigure your tax from the earlier yearliability for a fine or penalty, whether civil a deductible or capital expense. You can deduct without including in income the amountor criminal. repairs that keep your property in a normal effi- you repaid in 2003.cient operating condition, but that do not add to• Forfeited as collateral posted for a pro-

3) Subtract the tax in (2) from the tax shownits value or usefulness or appreciably lengthenceeding that could result in a fine or pen-on your return for the earlier year. This isits life. If the repairs add to the value or useful-alty.

the credit.ness of your property or significantly increase itslife, you must capitalize them. Although you can-Examples of nondeductible penalties and 4) Subtract the answer in (3) from the tax fornot deduct capital expenses as current ex-fines include the following. 2003 figured without the deduction (steppenses, you can usually deduct them over a 1).• Fines for violating city housing codes. period of time as depreciation.

If Method 1 results in less tax, deduct theThe cost of repairs includes the costs of• Fines paid by truckers for violating stateamount repaid as discussed earlier under Type labor, supplies, and certain other items. Youmaximum highway weight laws.of deduction.cannot deduct the value of your own labor.

• Fines for violating air quality laws. If Method 2 results in less tax, claim theExamples of repairs include the on line 67 of Form 1040, and write “I.R.C.• Civil penalties for violating federal laws re-

• Patching and repairing floors. 1341” next to line 67.garding mining safety standards and dis-charges into navigable waters. • Repainting the inside and outside of a

Example. For 2002, you filed a return andbuilding.reported your income on the cash method. InA fine or penalty does not include any of the

• Repairing roofs and gutters. 2003, you repaid $5,000 included in your 2002following.gross income under a claim of right. Your filing

• Mending leaks.• Legal fees and related expenses to defend

status in 2003 and 2002 is single. Your incomeyourself in a prosecution or civil action for and tax for both years are as follows:You cannot deduct the cost of repairs youa violation of the law imposing the fine or

added to the cost of goods sold as a separatecivil penalty. 2002 2002business expense.

With Income Without Income• Court costs or stenographic and printing

TaxableRepayments. If you had to repay an amountcharges.Income $15,000 $10,000

you included in your income in an earlier year,• Compensatory damages paid to a govern- you may be able to deduct the amount repaid for Tax $ 1,954 $ 1,204

ment. the year in which you repaid it. Or, if the amount2003 2003you repaid is more than $3,000, you may be able

Nonconformance penalty. You can deduct Without Deduction With Deductionto take a credit against your tax for the year ina nonconformance penalty assessed by the En- Taxablewhich you repaid it.vironmental Protection Agency for failing to Income $49,950 $44,950

Type of deduction. The type of deductionmeet certain emission standards.Tax $9,304 $ 8,054you are allowed in the year of repayment de-

pends on the type of income you included in thePolitical contributions. You cannot deduct Your tax under Method 1 is $8,054. Your taxearlier year. For instance, if you repay ancontributions or gifts to political parties or candi- under Method 2 is $8,554, figured as follows:amount you previously reported as a capitaldates as business expenses. In addition, yougain, deduct the repayment as a capital loss oncannot deduct expenses you pay or incur to take Tax previously determined for 2002 $ 1,954Schedule D (Form 1040). If you reported it aspart in any political campaign of a candidate for Less: Tax as refigured . . . . . . . . . . − 1,204self-employment income, deduct it as a busi-public office. Decrease in 2002 tax $ 750ness deduction on Schedule C or Schedule Regular tax l iabili ty for 2003 . . . . . . . $9,304

Indirect political contributions. You can-C– EZ (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Form 1040). Less: Decrease in 2002 tax . . . . . . . − 750

not deduct indirect political contributions andRefigured tax for 2003 $ 8,554If you reported the amount as wages, unem-

costs of taking part in political activities as busi-ployment compensation, or other nonbusiness

Because you pay less tax under Method 1, youness expenses. Examples of nondeductible ex-ordinary income, enter it on line 22 of Schedule

should take a deduction for the repayment inpenses include the following.A (Form 1040). However, if the repayment is

2003.over $3,000 and Method 1 (discussed later) ap-• Advertising in a convention program of a

Repayment does not apply. This discus-plies, deduct it on line 27 of Schedule A (Formpolitical party, or in any other publication ifsion does not apply to the following.1040).any of the proceeds from the publication

are for, or intended for, the use of a politi-Repayment—$3,000 or less. If the • Deductions for bad debts.

cal party or candidate.amount you repaid was $3,000 or less, deduct it

• Deductions from sales to customers, such

from your income in the year you repaid it.•

Admission to a dinner or program (includ- as returns and allowances, and similaring, but not limited to, galas, dances, filmRepayment—over $3,000. If the amount items.

presentations, parties, and sportingyou repaid was more than $3,000, you can de-

• Deductions for legal and other expensesevents) if any of the proceeds from theduct the repayment, as described earlier. How-

of contesting the repayment.function are for, or intended for, the use ofever, you can instead choose to take a tax credit

a political party or candidate.for the year of repayment if you included the

Year of deduction (or credit). If you useincome under a claim of right. This means that• Admission to an inaugural ball, gala,

the cash method of accounting, you can take theat the time you included the income, it appearedparade, concert, or similar event if identi-

deduction (or credit, if applicable) for the taxthat you had an unrestricted right to it. If youfied with a political party or candidate.

year in which you actually make the repayment.qualify for this choice, figure your tax under both

If you use any other accounting method, you canmethods and use the method that results in less

Removal costs. You can deduct the cost of deduct the repayment or claim a credit for it onlytax.

retiring and removing a depreciable asset in for the tax year in which it is a proper deductionconnection with the installation or production of Method 1. Figure your tax for 2003 claiming under your accounting method. For example, ifa replacement asset. However, you must capi- a deduction for the repaid amount. you use an accrual method, you are entitled to

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the deduction or credit in the tax year in which not change the tax law or make a technical tax ber for the form you need. The items you requestthe obligation for the repayment accrues. will be faxed to you.decision, they can clear up problems that re-

sulted from previous contacts and ensure that For help with transmission problems, callSubscriptions. You can deduct as a business 703–487–4608.your case is given a complete and impartialexpense subscriptions to professional, techni-

Long-distance charges may, and trade journals that deal with your busi-

To contact your Taxpayer Advocate:ness field. Phone. Many services are available byphone.• Call the Taxpayer Advocate toll free atSupplies and materials. Unless you have de-

1–877–777–4778.ducted the cost in any earlier year, you generallycan deduct the cost of materials and supplies • Ordering forms, instructions, and publica- • Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer Advocateactually consumed and used during the tax year. tions. Call 1–800–829–3676 to orderoffice in your area.

If you keep incidental materials and supplies current-year forms, instructions, and publi-

• Call 1–800–829–4059 if you are aon hand, you can deduct the cost of the inciden- cations and prior-year forms and instruc-TTY/TDD user.tal materials and supplies you bought during the tions. You should receive your order within

tax year if all the following requirements are met. 10 days.• Visit the web site at

• You do not keep a record of when they are • Asking tax questions. Call the IRS withused. your tax questions at 1–800–829–1040.

For more information, see Publication 1546,• You do not take an inventory of the • Solving problems. You can getThe Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS.

amount on hand at the beginning and end face-to-face help solving tax problemsof the tax year. every business day in IRS Taxpayer As-Free tax services. To find out what services

sistance Centers. An employee can ex-are available, get Publication 910, Guide to Free • This method does not distort your income.plain IRS letters, request adjustments toTax Services. It contains a list of free tax publi-your account, or help you set up a pay-

cations and an index of tax topics. It also de-You can also deduct the cost of books, profes-ment plan. Call your local Taxpayer Assis-

scribes other free tax information services,sional instruments, equipment, etc., if you nor-tance Center for an appointment. To find

mally use them up within a year. However, if the including tax education and assistance pro-the number, go to or look in

usefulness of these items extends substantially grams and a list of TeleTax topics.the phone book under “United States Gov-

beyond the year they are placed in service, youernment, Internal Revenue Service.”Internet. You can access the IRS web-generally must recover their costs through de-

site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, atpreciation. See Depreciation, earlier. • TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access to:to TTY/TDD equipment, call

Utilities. Your business expenses for heat, 1–800–829–4059 to ask tax or account• E-file. Access commercial tax preparationlights, power, and telephone service are deduct- questions or to order forms and publica-and e-file services available for free to eli-ible. However, any part due to personal use is tions.gible taxpayers.not deductible.

• TeleTax topics. Call 1–800–829–4477 to• Check the amount of advance child taxTelephone. You cannot deduct the cost of listen to pre-recorded messages coveringcredit payments you received in 2003.

basic local telephone service (including any various tax topics.• Check the status of your 2003 refund.taxes) for the first telephone line you have in

• Refund information. If you would like toyour home, even though you have an office in Click on “Where’s My Refund.” Be sure tocheck the status of your 2003 refund, callyour home. However, charges for business wait at least 6 weeks from the date you1–800–829–4477 for automated refundlong-distance phone calls on that line, as well as filed your return (3 weeks if you filed elec-information and follow the recorded in-the cost of a second line into your home used tronically) and have your 2003 tax returnstructions or call 1–800–829–1954. Beexclusively for business, are deductible busi- available because you will need to knowsure to wait at least 6 weeks from the date

ness expenses. your filing status and the exact whole dol- you filed your return (3 weeks if you filedlar amount of your refund.electronically) and have your 2003 tax re-

• Download forms, instructions, and publica- turn available because you will need totions. know your filing status and the exact

whole dollar amount of your refund.• Order IRS products online.

• See answers to frequently asked tax ques-14.Evaluating the quality of our telephone serv- tions.ices. To ensure that IRS representatives give

• Search publications online by topic or accurate, courteous, and professional answers,keyword. we use several methods to evaluate the qualityHow To Get Tax

of our telephone services. One method is for a• Figure your withholding allowances using

second IRS representative to sometimes listenour Form W-4 calculator.Help in on or record telephone calls. Another is to ask• Send us comments or request help by some callers to complete a short survey at the

email. end of the call.You can get help with unresolved tax issues,

order free publications and forms, ask tax ques- • Sign up to receive local and national taxtions, and get more information from the IRS in Walk-in. Many products and servicesnews by email.several ways. By selecting the method that is are available on a walk-in basis.

• Get information on starting and operatingbest for you, you will have quick and easy ac-a small business.cess to tax help.

• Products. You can walk in to many postContacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If you offices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick upYou can also reach us using File Transferhave attempted to deal with an IRS problem certain forms, instructions, and publica-Protocol at, you should contact your Tax- tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery

Fax. You can get over 100 of the mostpayer Advocate. stores, copy centers, city and county gov-requested forms and instructions 24The Taxpayer Advocate independently rep- ernment offices, credit unions, and officehours a day, 7 days a week, by fax.resents your interests and concerns within the supply stores have a collection of products

Just call 703–368–9694 from your fax ma-IRS by protecting your rights and resolving available to print from a CD-ROM or pho-chine. Follow the directions from the prompts.problems that have not been fixed through nor- tocopy from reproducible proofs. Also,When you order forms, enter the catalog num-mal channels. While Taxpayer Advocates can- some IRS offices and libraries have the

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Internal Revenue Code, regulations, Inter- • Central part of U.S.: fee) or call 1–877–233–6767 toll free to buynal Revenue Bulletins, and Cumulative Central Area Distribution Center the CD-ROM for $22 (plus a $5 handling fee).Bulletins available for research purposes. P.O. Box 8903 The first release is available in early January

Bloomington, IL 61702–8903 and the final release is available in late Febru-• Services. You can walk in to your local

ary.Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi- • Eastern part of U.S. and foreignness day to ask tax questions or get help addresses: CD-ROM for small businesses. IRSwith a tax problem. An employee can ex- Eastern Area Distribution Center Publication 3207, Small Business Re- plain IRS letters, request adjustments to P.O. Box 85074 source Guide, is a must for every smallyour account, or help you set up a pay- Richmond, VA 23261–5074 business owner or any taxpayer about to start ament plan. You can set up an appointment business. This handy, interactive CD containsby calling your local Center and, at the CD-ROM for tax products. You can all the business tax forms, instructions and pub-prompt, leaving a message requesting

order IRS Publication 1796, Federal  lications needed to successfully manage a busi-Everyday Tax Solutions help. A represen- Tax Products on CD-ROM, and obtain: ness. In addition, the CD provides antative will call you back within 2 business abundance of other helpful information, such as

• Current-year forms, instructions, and pub-days to schedule an in-person appoint- how to prepare a business plan, finding financ-lications.ment at your convenience. To find the ing for your business, and much more. The de-

number, go to or look in the • Prior-year forms and instructions. sign of the CD makes finding information easyphone book under “United States Govern- and quick and incorporates file formats and

• Frequently requested tax forms that mayment, Internal Revenue Service.” browsers that can be run on virtually anybe filled in electronically, printed out for

desktop or laptop computer.submission, and saved for recordkeeping.

Mail. You can send your order for It is available in early April. You can get a• Internal Revenue Bulletins.forms, instructions, and publications to free copy by calling 1–800–829–3676 or by

the Distribution Center nearest to you visiting the website at the CD-ROM from National Technical In-and receive a response within 10 workdays after

formation Service (NTIS) on the Internet atyour request is received. Use the address for $22 (no handlingapplies to your part of the country.

• Western part of U.S.:

Western Area Distribution CenterRancho Cordova, CA 95743–0001

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To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.Index See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.

Car and truck Dues, membership . . . . . . . 55A Hexpenses . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 54Accountable plan . . . . . . . . 52 Health insurance,

Carrying charges . . . . . . . . 28 deduction forAchievement awards . . . . . . 7 Eself-employed . . . . . . . . . 25Charitable:Advertising . . . . . . . . . . 53, 54 Economic interest . . . . . . . 40

Contributions . . . . . . . . . . 54 Heating equipment . . . . . . . . 4Amortization: Economic performance . . . . 5Sports event . . . . . . . . . . 54 Help (See Tax help)Anti-abuse rule . . . . . . . . . 37 Education expenses . . . . . 7, 55

Circulation costs,Anti-churning rules . . . . . . 36 Hobby losses, not forElderly, improvementsnewspapers andCorporate organization profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30periodicals . . . . . . . . . . . 29costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Home, business use . . . . . . . 4Election:Clean-fuelDispositions of section 197

SIMPLE IRA period . . . . . . 11property . . . . . . . . 48, 49, 50intangibles . . . . . . . . . . 38IElectric vehicle credit . . . . . 50Experimental costs . . . . . . 40 Cleanup costs,Impairment-relatedEmployee benefitGoing into business environmental . . . . . . 30, 55

expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 56programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Club dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Improvements:Employees’ pay . . . . . . . . . . 6How to amortize . . . . . . . . 34 Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

By lessee . . . . . . . . . . . . 17How to deduct . . . . . . . . . 33 Employment taxes . . . . . . . 24Commitment fees . . . . . . . . 20For disabled and elderly . . . 30Incorrect amount Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . 51Compensation . . . . . . . . . . 11 To business assets . . . . . . . 3deducted . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Entertainment tickets . . . . . 54Computer software . . . . . . 36 Income taxes . . . . . . . . . . . 24Partnership organization Environmental cleanupConstant-yield method, Incorrect amount ofcosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 55OID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 amortization deducted . . . 37Pollution control facilities . . 39

Environmental remediationContested liability . . . . . . . . 5Reforestation costs . . . . . . 38 Individual retirementcosts (See EnvironmentalContributions:Related person . . . . . . . . 37 arrangements (IRAs) . . . . 14

cleanup costs)Charitable . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Research costs . . . . . . . . 40 Insurance:Excise taxes . . . . . . . . . . . 24Political . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Section 197 intangibles Capitalized premiums . . . . 27Experimentationdefined . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Copyrights . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Deductible premiums . . . . 25

costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 40Start-up costs . . . . . . . . . 33 Cost depletion . . . . . . . . . . 40 NondeductibleExploration costs . . . . . . . . 29Anticipated liabil ities . . . . . 54 premiums . . . . . . . . . . . 26Cost of getting lease . . . 16, 35

Self-employedAssessments, local . . . . . . 23 Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . 3individuals . . . . . . . . . . 25Assistance (See Tax help) FCovenant not to

Intangible drilling costs . . . 28At-risk limits . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 compete . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Fees:Intangibles, amortization . . 35Commitment . . . . . . . . . . 20Attorney fees . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Credit, electric vehicle . . . . 50

Legal and professional . . . 56 Interest:Awards:Loan origination . . . . . . . . 20 Allocation of . . . . . . . . . . . 17Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . 7

D Regulatory . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Below-market . . . . . . . . . . 21Length-of-service . . . . . . . . 7De minimis OID . . . . . . . . . 20 Tax return preparation . . . . 56 Business expense for . . . . 17Safety achievement . . . . . . 7

Capitalized . . . . . . . . . 20, 21Debt-financed: Fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Carrying charge . . . . . . . . 28Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Forgone interest . . . . . . . . 22

B Deductible . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Distributions . . . . . . . . . . 19 Form:Forgone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Bad debts (See Business bad Definitions: 1098 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Life insurance policies . . . . 21debts) Achievement award . . . . . . 7 3115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Not deductible . . . . . . . . . 20Black lung payments . . . . . 54 Business bad debt . . . . . . 45 4562 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 34Refunds of . . . . . . . . . . . 21Clean-burning fuel . . . . . . 48Bonuses: 4952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19When to deduct . . . . . . . . 21Clean-fuel vehicleEmployee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Interview expenses . . . . . . 56property . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Royalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5304 –SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . 11Clean-fuel vehicle refueling IRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145305–S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Bribes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

property . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5305–SA . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Brownfields (See EnvironmentalMotor vehicle . . . . . . . . . . 48 5305–SEP . . . . . . . . . . . . 9cleanup costs) KNecessary expense . . . . . . 3 5305 –SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . 11Business: Keogh plan (See QualifiedNonqualifying property . . . . 48 8582 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 retirement plan)Ordinary expense . . . . . . . . 3 8826 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Books and records . . . . . . 35 Key person . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Qualified electric vehicle . . 50 8834 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Meal expenses . . . . . . . . . 53

Kickbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Section 197 intangibles . . . 35 8885 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Use of car . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 54Demolition expenses . . . . . 55 T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Use of home . . . . . . . . . . . 4

W–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Depletion: LBusiness bad debts:Mineral property . . . . . . . . 40 Franchise . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 55 Leases:Defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Oil and gas wells . . . . . . . 41 Franchise taxes . . . . . . . . . 24 Canceling . . . . . . . . . . . . 15How to treat . . . . . . . . . . . 46Percentage table . . . . . . . 43 Cost of getting . . . . . . . 16, 35Free tax services . . . . . . . . 58Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Improvements by lessee . . 17Types of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Fringe benefits . . . . . . . . . . 7Who can claim . . . . . . . . . 40 Leveraged . . . . . . . . . . . . 16When worthless . . . . . . . . 46 Fuel taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Mineral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Where to deduct . . . . . . . . 47Development costs, Oil and gas . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Gminers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Sales distinguished . . . . . . 15C Gas wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Taxes on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Disabled, improvementsCampaign contribution . . . . 57 Geothermal wells . . . . . . 28, 43for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Legal and professionalCapital expenses . . . . . . . . . 3 Gifts, nominal value . . . . . . . 7 fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Drilling and developmentCapitalization of interest . . . 21 costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Going into business . . . . . 3, 33 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 56

Car allowance . . . . . . . . . . 52 Driveways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Line of credit . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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Loans: Oil and gas wells: Exploration expenses . . . . 29 Sick pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Below-market interest Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Timber property . . . . . . . . 39 SIMPLE plans . . . . . . . . 11, 12

rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Drilling costs . . . . . . . . . . 28 Recovery of amount Standard meal allowance . . 52Discounted . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . 43 deducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Standard mileage rate . . . . 52Origination fees . . . . . . . . 20 S corporations . . . . . . . . . 43 Reforestation costs . . . . . . 38 Standby charges . . . . . . . . 20To employees . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ordinary expense . . . . . . . . 3 Regulatory fees . . . . . . . . . 56 Start-up costs . . . . . . . . . . 33

Lobbying expenses . . . . . . 56 Organization costs: Reimbursements . . . . . . . . 51 Subscriptions . . . . . . . . 55, 58Lodging and meals . . . . . . . 8 Corporate . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Accountable plan . . . . . . . 52 Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . 34Long-term care Mileage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Supplies and materials . . . . 58

insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Original issue discount . . . 20 Nonaccountable plan . . . . 53Losses: Outplacement services . . . . 56 Per diem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

TAt-risk limits . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Qualifying requirements . . . 52

Tax help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Related persons:PNet operating . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tax preparation fees . . . . . 56Anti-churning rules . . . . . . 37

Passive activities . . . . . . . . . 4Not-for-profit rules . . . . . . . . 5 Clean-fuel vehicle Taxes:

Payments in kind . . . . . . . . . 4Passive activities . . . . . . . . 4 deduction . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Carrying charge . . . . . . . . 28Penalties: Coal or iron ore . . . . . . . . 44 Employment . . . . . . . . . . 24

Deductible . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Payments to . . . . . . . . . 5, 21 Excise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24M Nondeductible . . . . . . . . . 56 Refiners . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Franchise . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Machinery parts . . . . . . . . . . 4 Prepayment . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Unreasonable rent . . . . . . 15 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Materials and supplies . . . . 58 Per diem and car allowances: Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Removal:Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 High-low rate . . . . . . . . . . 52 Leased property . . . . . . . . 16Barrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Meals and entertainment . . 53 Regular rate . . . . . . . . . . 52 Personal property . . . . . . . 24Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Reporting a llowance . . . . . 52Meals and lodging . . . . . . . . 8 Real estate . . . . . . . . . . . 23Retired asset . . . . . . . . . . 30Standard mealMedical expenses . . . . . . . 56 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Rent expense,

allowance . . . . . . . . . . . 52Mining: Unemployment fund . . . . . 24capitalizing . . . . . . . . . . . 17Standard mileage rate . . . . 52Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Taxpayer Advocate . . . . . . 58Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Percentage depletion . . . . . 41Development costs . . . . . . 29 Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Repayments (claim ofPersonal expenses . . . . . . . . 4Exploration costs . . . . . . . 29 Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 44right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Personal property tax . . . . . 24Money purchase pension Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Replacements . . . . . . . . . . . 3plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Trademark, tradeResearch costs . . . . . . . 28, 40More information (See Tax help) Political contributions . . . . 57 name . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 55Retirement plans:Mortgage: Pollution control Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Defined benefit . . . . . . . . . 13

Cost of acquiring . . . . . . . 20 facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Defined contribution . . . . . 13 TTY/TDD information . . . . . 58Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Prepaid expense: IRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Moving expenses, Extends useful life . . . . . . 27 Money purchase . . . . . . . . 13 Umachinery . . . . . . . . . . . 56 General rule . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Profit-sharing . . . . . . . . . . 13Unemployment fundInterest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Qualified . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Salary reductionNUnpaid expenses, relatedPrepayment penalty . . . . . . 20 arrangement . . . . . . . . . 10Natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

person . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 21Profit-sharing plans . . . . . . 13 SEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Necessary expense . . . . . . . 3Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Publications (See Tax help)

Net operating loss . . . . . . . . 4Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Nonaccountable plan . . . . . 53

VQNonqualifyingVacation pay . . . . . . . . . . . . 8SQualified retirement plan . . 12intangibles . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Salaries and wages . . . . . . . 6Not-for-profit activities . . . . . 5Sales taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 WNotification requirement: RSelf-employed health Wages and salaries . . . . . . . 6SIMPLE IRA . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rate Worksheet for

insurance deduction . . . . 25 Welfare benefit funds . . . . . . 8Self-Employed . . . . . . . . 14Self-employment tax . . . . . 24Real estate taxes . . . . . . . . 23O ■Self-insurance, reserveRecapture:Office in home . . . . . . . . . . . 4

for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Clean-fuel deductions . . . . 49SEP plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Electric vehicle credit . . . . 50

Page 61

8/14/2019 US Internal Revenue Service: p535--2003 62/62

Tax Publications for Business Taxpayers

General Guides

Commonly Used Tax Forms

Spanish Language Publications

Your Rights as a TaxpayerYour Federal Income Tax (For


Farmer’s Tax Guide

Tax Guide for Small Business (ForIndividuals Who Use Schedule C orC-EZ)

Tax Calendars for 2004Highlights of 2003 Tax Changes

Guide to Free Tax Services

Circular E, Employer’s Tax GuideEmployer’s Supplemental Tax Guide

Circular A, Agricultural Employer’s TaxGuide

Circular SS, Federal Tax Guide ForEmployers in the U.S. Virgin Islands,Guam, American Samoa, and theCommonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands

Household Employer’s Tax Guide

Circular PR Guía Contributiva FederalPara Patronos Puertorriqueños

Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and CarExpenses

Tax Withholding and Estimated TaxExcise Taxes for 2004Withholding of Tax on Nonresident

 Aliens and Foreign EntitiesSocial Security and Other Information

for Members of the Clergy andReligious Workers

Residential Rental PropertySelf-Employment TaxDepreciating Property Placed in

Service Before 1987Business ExpensesNet Operating Losses (NOLs) for

Individuals, Estates, and TrustsInstallment Sales

 Accounting Periods and Methods

CorporationsSales and Other Dispositions of AssetsBasis of AssetsExamination of Returns, Appeal Rights,

and Claims for RefundRetirement Plans for Small Business

(SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans)Determining the Value of Donated

PropertyStarting a Business and Keeping


The IRS Collection Process

Information on the United States-Canada Income Tax Treaty

Bankruptcy Tax GuideDirect SellersPassive Activity and At-Risk Rules

How To Depreciate Property

Reporting Cash Payments of Over$10,000

The Taxpayer Advocate Service of theIRS

Derechos del ContribuyenteCómo Preparar la Declaración de

Impuesto Federal

English-Spanish Glossary of Wordsand Phrases Used in PublicationsIssued by the Internal RevenueService

Tax on Unrelated Business Income ofExempt Organizations

Wage and Tax Statement

Itemized Deductions & Interest andOrdinary Dividends*

Profit or Loss From Business*Net Profit From Business*Capital Gains and Losses*

Supplemental Income and Loss*Profit or Loss From Farming*

Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled*

Estimated Tax for Individuals*Self-Employment Tax*

 Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*

Capital Gains and LossesPartner’s Share of Income,

U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation

Employee Business Expenses*Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses*

Power of Attorney and Declaration ofRepresentative*

Child and Dependent Care Expenses*

General Business Credit

 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To FileU.S. Individual Income Tax Return*

Moving Expenses*

 Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (IncludingIRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts*

Installment Sale Income*Noncash Charitable Contributions*

Tax Highlights for CommercialFishermen









Nondeductible IRAs*Passive Activity Loss Limitations*







































Comprendiendo el Proceso de Cobro594SP


Sch A & B

Sch C

Sch C-EZ

Sch D

Sch E

Sch F

Sch H Household Employment Taxes*

Sch R

Sch SE



Sch D

Sch K-1


1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income













Specialized Publications

Fuel Tax Credits and Refunds

Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate*W-4

Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment(FUTA) Tax Return*



U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*1040

Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment(FUTA) Tax Return*

Business Use of Your Home (IncludingUse by Daycare Providers)587

U.S. Tax Treaties

Practice Before the IRS and Power of Attorney

Tax Incentives for DistressedCommunities

Employer’s Guides

Certification for Reduced Tax Rates inTax Treaty Countries



Capital Gains and Losses and Built-In Gains

Shareholder’s Share of Income, Credits,Deductions, etc.

Sch D

Sch K-1

Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals,Estates, and Trusts*


Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Receivedin a Trade or Business*


Depreciation and Amortization*4562

Sales of Business Property*4797

Informe de Pagos en Efectivo enExceso de $10,000 (Recibidos enuna Ocupación o Negocio)


See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get publications, including bycomputer, phone, and mail.

See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get forms, including by computer, fax, phone,and mail. Items with an asterisk are available by fax. For these orders only, use the catalog numberwhen ordering.

Form Number and TitleCatalogNumber









Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return941

11359Sch J Farm Income Averaging* 25513














Form Number and Title

Continuation Sheet for Schedule D*Sch D-1 10424

Employer’s Tax Guide to FringeBenefits
