U.s. history pacing guide 2011

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Detailed yearly plan for U. S. History 11th grade

Transcript of U.s. history pacing guide 2011

U.S. HISTORY Pacing Guide 1st 4 ½ Weeks WEEK 1Course Learning

Expectations CLEs(State Standards)

Checks for Understanding

Student Performance Indicators SPIs

Resources(Textbook, Videos,

Speakers, Etc.)



Standard 4.0: >Understand the effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the United States politics.

>Understand the political issues and problems that affected the U. S. during the last ½ of the 19th century.Standard 5.0:>Investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

Standard 6.0>Appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the U. S. Investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners.


1. Explain the effect the Civil War had on industry in the South.2. Why was Lincoln in favor of a more lenient punishment for the south?3. Explain the differences in Lincoln’s 10% plan and Wade-Davis’s proposal for readmitting the South to the Union.4. How were political cartoons used to promote and gain support for ideas and changes?5. Explain the significance of the 13th ,14th, and 15th amendment.6. Identify Black Codes and describe their effect on the newly freed slaves.7. Explain the significance of the Freedmen’s Bureau to the Reconstruction process.8. What affect did Andrew Johnson have on Lincoln’s Reconstruction plans?9. Explain where and why the Ku Klux Klan was created.10. In what ways did the KKK hinder progress for the newly freed slaves?

>6.2 Identify major agricultural post- Civil War American geographic areas on a map.

>6.3 Identify major urban areas of the U.S. on a map (i.e., Northeast, upper Midwest, Atlantic Coast, California).

>6.6 Read and Interpret a primary source document reflecting the dynamics of the Gilded Age American society

>His Faith Never Wavered video (L)

>song “Strangefruit” by Billie Holiday (S)

>excerpts from book Jubilee (S)

>clips from video 1 of Reconstruction DVD set (S)

>excerpts from Glory education edition (L)

>Frederick Douglass Biography video (L)

>Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem “Sympathy” (S)

>clips from last portion of movie, Gone With the Wind (W)

>Roots Episode 6 clip (W)

>The American President Episode 2 (W)

>Rebuilding the American Nation video (L)


Weekly Assessment


__Processed Food During Civil War__Textile Manufacturing During Civil War__Freedmen’s Bureau__13th Amendment__Inflation__Devastation of the South__Reconstruction Plans__Lincoln Assassination__Labor Patterns__Johnson Impeachment__14th Amendment__15th Amendment__Redeemers__Southern Governments__Compromise of 1877__New South__Jim Crow__Black Codes__Sharecroppers__KKK__Post-Civil War Agriculture Map__Major Urban Areas Map__Society in Gilded Age Primary Source Documents


Standard 1.0>Understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.>Understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected the U. S. culture.

Standard 2.0Investigate how the modernization of agriculture and capitalist industrial development affected the economy of the United States.

Standard 5.0:>Investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

Standard 6.0>Appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the U. S. Investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners.


1. Explain the importance of steel in the Second Industrial Revolution. 2. Explain the significance of Henry Bessemer’s Bessemer Process.3. Which cities were major centers for steel production?4. What effect did the transcontinental RR have on trade and travel?5. Identify the inventors that are responsible for the airbrake, refrigerated freight cars, passenger elevators, the telegraph machine, the Remington typewriter, and the telephone?6. How did typing pools affect women?7. What type of things did women begin to want once they were allowed to work in the public sphere?8. What resources were in high demand by the railroad industry?9. What led to the growth of textile manufacturing in the Northern U.S. during the Civil War?10. Identify agricultural regions on a map.

>6.1 Identify how the effects of 19th century warfare promoted the growth of industrialism (i.e., railroads, iron versus steel industry, textiles, coal, rubber, processed foods).

>6.7 Recognize the technological and industrial advancements in mining, farming, or ranching.

>6.8 Match innovators to their industrial and technological contributions (i.e., Vanderbilt, Westinghouse, Carnegie, Pullman, Hershey, DuPont, Bell, Edison, Rockefeller, Swift, and Armour).

Thomas A. Edison: Father of Invention biography DVD (W)

Andrew Carnegie and the Age of Steel documentary DVD (L)

workbooks (W)

>political cartoons/ advertisements that use racial stereotypes to support the idea of Social Darwinism (S)

>ads/political cartoons from recent presidential election that suggest Marxism/ Socialism (S)

>Andrew Carnegie and the Age of Steel DVD (L)

>Milton Hershey: The Chocolate King Biography DVD (L)

>Henry Ford Biography DVD (L)

Weekly Assessment


__Bessemer Process__Major Cities for Steel Production__Andrew Carnegie__Elijah McCoy__Transcontinental Railroad__Resources for railroads__Phillip Armour__Alexander Graham Bell__Samuel F.B. Morse__Gustavus Swift__Barbed Wire__ Steel Plow__John Deere__DuPont__Thomas Edison__Milton Hershey__Immigration Patterns__Gospel of Wealth__Sojourner Truth __Capitalism v. Socialism__Laissez Faire Government__Karl Marx__Marxism and Socialism Political Cartoons__Herbert Spencer__Social Darwinism__Social Darwinism Political Cartoons__John D. Rockefeller__Cornelius Vanderbilt__George Westinghouse__George Pullman__Mass Marketing__Economic Disparity

Standard 1.0>Understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.>Understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected the U. S. culture.

Standard 2.0Investigate how the modernization of agriculture and capitalist industrial development affected the economy of the United States

Standard 5.0:>Investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

Standard 6.0>Appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the U. S. Investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners


1. How does capitalism differ from socialism?2. Would supporters of a laissez-faire government be in favor of “big” government? Why? Or Why not?3. Explain the difference between Karl Marx’s theory on wealth and Herbert Spencer’s.4. How was the theory of Social Darwinism applied to minorities and the poor?5. Interpret Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth.6. Explain the difference between vertical and horizontal integration. 7. Identify the factors that contributed to Carnegie and Rockefeller becoming the icons that they were.8. What effect did the inventions of Vanderbilt, Westinghouse, and Pullman have on travel/trade?9. How did mass marketing affect trade?10. Interpret photographs of manufacturing in tenements by Jacob Riis.11. Examine what led to the growing income gap during the Gilded Age.

>6.6 Read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the dynamics of the Gilded Age of American society (Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth, “Ain’t I a Woman,” Jane Addams’ Hull House Accounts, Jacob Riis)

>6.9 Recognize the economic disparity among farmers, wage earners, immigrants, or racial groups when compared to industrial capitalists.


Standard 1.0>Understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.>Understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected the U. S. culture.

Standard 5.0:>Investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

Standard 6.0>Appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the U. S. Investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners.


1. Explain the major differences between the old and new immigrants.2. Name the major reasons that immigrants chose to come to the United States.3. Describe the immigrants’ journey to the U. S.4. List and describe the types of inspection that the immigrants had to pass in order to remain in the U. S.5. Define nativism. Explain why the nativists resented the immigrants.6. Explain why there was a need for unions. Name the 2 types of unions. Name some of the issues within the labor movement.7. Explain what tenement housing was.8. What was the purpose of Jane Addams’ Hull House? What type of services were provided at the Hull House?9. Explain the relationship between immigrants and political bosses. Why was Boss Tweed so unpopular?

>6.4 Identify patterns of immigration and the causal factors that led to immigration to the U.S. (i.e., crop famines, European social and political unrest, religious freedom).

>6.5 Distinguish the differences in assimilation of “old” vs. “new” immigration (i.e., languages, settlement patterns, education, employment, housing, Nativist reaction, religion, geographic origin).

>6.6 Read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the dynamics of the Gilded Age of American society (Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise,” Carnegie’s “Gospel of Wealth, “ Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman,” Jane Addams’ Hull House Accounts, Jacob Riis photographs and/or writings, a sweatshop worker’s

>political cartoons (S)

>workbooks (W)

>excerpts from Jane Addams’ Tenement Housing readings (S)

>Jacob Riis photos (S)

>virtual tour of the 97 Orchard Street Tenement Housing (S)

>pictures of leisure activities from Coney Island book (S)

>video Wobblies (L)

>political cartoons about Boss Tweed (S)

>handouts comparing the Populist Movement to the Wizard of Oz (S)

>The Century: America’s Time Vol. 1: “The Beginning: Seeds of Change” (L) (W)

Far and Away movie

Weekly Assessment


__Old v. New Immigrants__Reasons Immigrants Came to U.S.__Immigrant Journey__Ellis Island and Angel Island__Nativism__ Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise”__Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman?”__Labor Movement Issues__Tenements__Jane Addams Hull House Accounts__Andrew Carnegie’s “Gospel of Wealth”__Jacob Riis photographs and writings__Boss Tweed__National Board of Review__YMCA__NCAA__Sherman Anti-Trust Act__Populist Movement__Grant’s Black Friday__Credit Mobilier__Graft__Gilded Age political Cartoon__Whiskey Ring

10. Be able to recognize the definition for graft.11.Explain why the National Board of Review was created.11. Explain why the Victorians were against consumerism and leisure activities?12. Explain why there was a need for the YMCA and the NCAA.13. Why was the Sherman Anti trust Act ineffective?14. Explain the significance of the Grange.15. Explain why the Populist movement was significant.16. What economic factors made the populist party popular with the people?17. List Grant’s Administration Scandals.18. Interpret Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth.19. Describe the scandal involving Credit Mobilier.20. Describe the scandal called the Whiskey Ring.

personal story).

>6.9 Recognize the economic disparity among farmers, wage earners, immigrants, or racial groups when compared to industrial capitalists

>6.10 Interpret a political cartoon which portrays the controversial aspects of the Gilded Age (e.g., Populist reaction to politician and/or tycoons, railroad development, westward expansion, Dawes Act, urban developments).

>6.11Analyze the impact of different forms of corruption and its consequences in American politics during the later half of the Age.(i.e., Grant's Black Friday, Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring Ring, Tammany Hall,  Boss System, Garfield's assassination, Civil Service Reform, Granger laws, Interstate Commerce Act).

clip (W)

The American President Episode 7 (Ulysses S. Grant)


Standard 1.0>Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century.Standard 4.0>Understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s- 1930s.Standard 5.0>Understand the role of the United States in world affairs.

Imperialism and Progressivism

1. Explain the significance of U. S. imperialism.2.Compare/contrast the theory of Anglo-Saxonism with Manifest Destiny.3. What was the reasoning behind the U. S.’s decision to force Japan to becoming a trading partner?4. Explain how the U. S. acquired Hawaii as a territory.5. Identify Jose Marti, William Randolph Hearst, and Joseph Pulitzer.6. Define and give examples of yellow journalism.7. Why was Spain blamed for the explosion of the USS Maine?8. What was the significance of the Platt Amendment?9. Why were many Filipinos distrustful of the U. S. government after the Spanish- American War?10. Explain the significance of the Open Door Policy.11. Explain the factors that led to the Boxer Rebellion.12. Explain the significance of dollar diplomacy.13. Why did the United States

>7.1 Identify causes of American imperialism (i. e., raw materials, nationalism, missionaries, militarism, Monroe Doctrine).

>7.2 Identify consequences of American imperialism (i. e., Spanish American War, expanding trade, extractive economies, Panama Canal, the idea of superior Anglo-Saxon culture, yellow journalism, military occupation)

>The American Vision: Modern Times textbook

>Theodore Roosevelt: Roughrider to Rushmore documentary DVD (W)

>Joseph Pulitzer biography video (L)

>The Panama Canal documentary video (L)

>Teddy Roosevelt: An American Lion DVD series (L)

>The Age of Theodore Roosevelt video (L)

>The American President Episode 9 (Theodore Roosevelt) (W)

Weekly Assessment

4 ½ Week Assessment


__Imperialism__Anglo-Saxonism and Manifest Destiny__U.S.-Japan Trade__Hawaii__Jose Marti__William Randolph Hearst__Joseph Pulitzer__Yellow Journalism__U.S.S. Maine__Platt Amendment__Spanish-American War__Military Occupation__Open Door Policy__Boxer Rebellion__Dollar Diplomacy__Panama Canal__Theodore Roosevelt __Muckrakers__Ida Tarbell__Upton Sinclair__The Jungle__Suffrage Movement__Initiative, Referendum, and Recall__Anti-Trust Supreme Court Decisions__Foreign Relations and Collapse of U.S. Economy__health and safety codes__organized crime__Al Capone__Hepburn Act__Meat Inspection Act

Standard 1.0>Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century. >Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century.

decide to build a canal through Panama? How did Roosevelt assist Panama in becoming independent?14. Describe the term, “militarism.”

Progressive Movement

1. Identify significant activists in the Progressive movement.2. Explain the significance of muckraking journalists.3. Explain the significance of the Woman Suffrage Movement.4. Identify the significant activists from the Suffrage Movement.5. Explain why there was a need for child labor laws as well as health and safety codes.6. Explain how prohibition led to an increase in organized crime.7. Explain the significance of the Hepburn Act, the Meat Inspection Act, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Children’s Bureau.8. Explain the effect Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle had on meat inspection.9. Explain how Roosevelt used his position to influence conservation.10. Why was there a need for

>7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage, Regulation of food and drug, Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust Supreme Court decisions, Muckrakers).

>7.5 Recognize the new trends, ideas, and innovations of the 1920's popular culture (i.e., radio, automobile, phonograph, Prohibition, birth control, organized crime, sports). Recognize the role of Tennessee in the women's suffrage movement. (i.e., "the perfect 36", Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Governor Albert

>excerpts from The Jungle (S)

>The Jungle (L)

>Al Capone biography DVD (L)

>excerpts from the Atlanta Compromise (S)

>Ain’t I A Woman handouts (S)

>advertisements for medicine (many include cocaine and heroin as key ingredients) and other consumer products (S)

>pictures from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (S)

>Progressive Era Resume

__Pure Food and Drug Act__Scopes Trial__flappers__W.E.B. DuBois__Booker T. Washington__Marcus Garvey

End of 1st Mini Quarter

Wilson’s reform acts?11. Why was there a need for the NAACP?12. Interpret Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise.13. Compare and contrast the views of Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, and W.E.B. DuBois.14. Describe the significance of the Scopes Trial as an illustration of the cultural conflict in the 1920s.15. Describe a flapper and how they challenged traditional attitudes.16. Define initiative, referendum, and recall as they relate to removing public officials from office.17. Read and interpret passages from Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes.18. Why did members of the Lost Generation leave the United States?19. What were important political aims of the Progressive Movement?


7.7 Read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the social dynamics of the 1920's. (e.g. Harlem Renaissance, Lost Generation, Upton Sinclair).

>7.8 Compare and contrast the philosophies of DuBois, Washington and Garvey.

>movie Iron-Jawed Angels (L)

>excerpts from video A Crusade for Justice (Ida B. Wells) (S)

>lynch laws (handout) (S)

>racial etiquette handout (S)

>handout on origin of NASCAR (S)

>video: Murder at the Fair: The Assassination of President William Mc Kinley (S)

>“I, Too” poem by Langston Hughes

>The American President series (W)

>The Progressive Era video (L)

4 ½ Week Assessment

U.S. HISTORY Pacing Guide Second 4 ½ Weeks Week 1Course Learning

Expectations CLEs(State Standards)

Checks for Understanding

Student Performance Indicators SPIs

Resources(Textbook, Videos,

Speakers, Etc.)


Standard 1.0>Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century. >Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century. >Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.Standard 4.0 >Understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement. >Understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s- 1930s. Standard 5.0>Understand the role of the United States in world affairs. Standard6.0 >Understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.

World War I

1. Explain the significance of militarism, alliances, nationalism, and imperialism as it relates to World War I.2. Explain the significance of Franz Ferdinand’s assassination.3. Explain the significance of the sinking of the Lusitania.4. Explain how the Sussex Pledge and the Zimmermann telegram led to the U. S.’s involvement in WWI.5. Why did Americans chose to support Britain over Germany?7. Explain the significance of the Wartime Agencies.8. How was propaganda used to gain support for this war?9. Why was there a need for the draft?10. How did WWI bring women out of the private sphere?11. What new forms of technology were introduced by

>7.4 Identify the causes of American involvement in World War I (i.e., security concerns, economic benefits, Wilsonian diplomacy, propaganda).

>Sergeant York documentary (L)

>Sergeant York movie clips (L)

>pictures of trench warfare (S)

>video: Lusitania (S)

>clips from movie Fly Boys (L)

>Woodrow Wilson: Idealism and American Democracy video (L)

>The American President Episode 6 video (Woodrow Wilson) (W)

>The Century: America’s Time “1914-1919: Shell Shock” video (L) (W)

>America Over There: The United States in

Weekly Assessment


__militarism__WWI Alliances__imperialism__Franz Ferdinand Assassination Impact__Lusitania Sinking__unrestricted submarine warfare__Sussex Pledge__Zimmerman Telegram__Wartime Agencies__Propaganda__Women’s Role in WWI__WWI Technology__Sergeant Alvin York__Racial Tension__WWI’s Affect on U.S. Economy__Versailles Treaty__League of Nations__Woodrow Wilson__Red Scare

the Allied powers in WWI?12. What effect did the Treaty of Versailles have on Germany?13. Why was the League of Nations unsuccessful?14. What effect did the war have on the U. S. economy?15. Why was there so much racial tension at the end of WWI?16. Explain the significance of the Red Scare.

World War I video (L)

Standard 1.0>Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century. >Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century. >Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.Standard 4.0 >Understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement. >Understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s- 1930s. Standard 5.0>Understand the role of the United States in world affairs. Standard6.0 >Understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.

Roaring ‘20s

1. Explain the theories of isolationism and interventionism.2. Explain the effect mass production had on the American economy.3. Explain why Henry Ford’s Model T experienced the success that it did.4. Explain the effect credit had on the consumer culture.5. List the factors that contributed to the resurgence of nativism.6. How did indoor plumbing affect people’s lives?7. How did electricity impact U.S. factories?8. Identify the arguments and theories that led to the Scopes Trial.9. Explain the significance of the Harlem Renaissance.10. What was Tennessee’s impact on women’s suffrage?11. Describe how organized crime grew during the prohibition era.12. Explain the significance of radio on the popular culture.13. What was the purpose of prohibition?14. What was the significance

>6.12 Assess the effect of late 19th century technological innovation on the daily lives of American people (i.e., electricity, indoor plumbing, communication, transportation).

>7.5 Recognize the new trends, ideas, and innovations of the 1920's popular culture (i.e., radio, automobile, phonograph, Prohibition, birth control, organized crime, sports). Recognize the role of Tennessee in the women's suffrage movement. (i.e., "the perfect 36", Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Governor Albert Roberts).

>7.7 Read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the social dynamics of the 1920s. (e.g. Harlem Renaissance, Lost Generation, Upton Sinclair).

>7.9 Analyze the American isolationist position versus interventionist arguments.

>audio of various Jazz artists (S)

>excerpts from Flivver King (S)

>excerpts from video Scopes: The Battle Over America’s Soul (S)

>pictures of Model-T (S)

>Henry Ford biography video (L)

>The Reckless Years: 1919-1929 video (L)

>The Jazz Age DVD (L)

>History of the 20th Century: 1920-1929 video (L)

>The Century: America’s Time “1920-1929: Boom to Bust” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

WEEK 2Weekly Assessment


__isolationism__interventionism__mass production__Hispanic Immigration__Scopes Trial__Harlem Renaissance__Stock Market Crash__Causes of Great Depression__electricity for factories__indoor plumbing__communication__transportation__radio__Henry Ford__Prohibition__Lost Generation__birth control__sports__Babe Ruth__18th Amendment__organized crime__Al Capone__Anne Dallas Dudley__Governor Albert Roberts__Harry Burn__ “Perfect 36”__ jazz

of spectator sports on society?


Standard 1.0>Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century. >Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century. >Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.Standard 4.0 >Understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement. >Understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s- 1930s. Standard 5.0>Understand the role of the United States in world affairs. Standard6.0 >Understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.


1. Explain how credit along with the ability to buy on margin helped contribute to the stock market crash.2. Explain the significance of bank runs during the Great Depression.3. Explain how overproduction led to massive layoffs during the Great Depression.4. Why did many people blame Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression?5. What environmental changes affect agriculture?6. Why did religious revivalism occur during the Great Depression?7. Outline the causes of the Great Depression.8. Create a cause and effect graphic organizer of the economic cycle during the Great Depression.

>7.6 Determine the possible factors that led to the economic collapse of 1929 (i.e., overproduction of agriculture and industry, expansion of credit, financial speculation, agricultural failures, tariff barriers, laissez-faire).

>8.2 Recognize the negative patterns of an economic cycle (i.e., increase of unemployment, decrease of price level, excess inventory, decrease of production, repossession, increase of business failure, and bankruptcy).

>8.4 Identify the changes in social and cultural life caused by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl (i.e., Hoovervilles, Bonus Army, migrations, worldwide economic depression, Democrat victory in 1932, widespread poverty, unemployment, religious revivalism).

>Jacob Riis photos (S)

>Inherit the Wind movie (L)

>Grapes of Wrath movie (L)

>Life in the Thirties video (L)

>The Century: America’s Time “1929-1936: Stormy Weather” video (L) (W)

Weekly Assessment


__overproduction__unequal wealth distribution__speculation__bank failures__decrease in production__unemployment increase__repossess__no relief for needy__ Herbert Hoover__Economic Cycle__ laissez-faire__Dust Bowl__Hoovervilles__Bonus Army__Election of 1932__religious revivalism__speculation quote

Standard 1.0>Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.Standard 2.0: >Understand the economic climate in the United States during the Depression Era. Standard 4.0>Recognize the effects of the Great Depression on the United States political and judicial system. Standard 5.0>Investigate the causes, effects and attempts to deal with the Great Depression. Standard 6.0 >Understand the changes in American life as a result of the Great Depression.

NEW DEAL1. List and describe the different types of agencies and initiatives that FDR used to try and pull the country out of the depression.

2. Interpret a New Deal political cartoon.

3. What were the contributions of Cordell Hull?

4. How did the establishment of Camp/Fort Campbell affect Tennessee during World War II?

5. How did the TVA impact the Tennessee Valley?

>8.6 Identify New Deal Programs/Initiatives (i.e. Social Security, WPA, TVA, Indian Reorganization Act, FDIC, CCC, Wagner/Fair Labor Standards' Act).

>8.11 Interpret a political cartoon involving the New Deal.

>8.9 Recognize the effect of the New Deal and World War II on Tennessee (i.e, the creation of Fort Campbell the Clarksville Base, Tennessee Valley Authority, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Oak Ridge).

WEEK 4Weekly Assessment

4 ½ Week Assessment


__Hundred Days__ “fireside chats”__ Social Security Act__ SEC__ AAA__ NRA__ WPA__ TVA__ Indian Reorganization Act__ FDIC__ CCC__Wagner/Fair Labor Standards Act__ New Deal cartoon__ Camp/Fort Campbell__ Cordell Hull__ Oak Ridge__ Court\-Packing Plan__ Huey Long

End of MiniQuarter MIDTERM EXAM

Pacing Guide Third 4 ½ weeks WEEK 1

Course Learning Expectations CLEs

(State Standards)

Checks for Understanding

Student Performance

Indicators SPIs


(Textbook, Videos, Speakers, Etc.)



Era 8

Standard Number 1.0: Culture Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society. Understand the effects of World War II upon American society. Standard Number 2.0: Economics Understand the economic climate in the United States during the Depression Era. Understand how World War II affected the American economy. Standard Number 3.0: Geography Identify the countries affected by the totalitarian states and their acts of aggression and expansion considering geographic location. Identify the various theaters of war during World War II. Standard Number 4.0:


1. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles indirectly led to WWII.2. Explain how Hitler’s quest for world domination led to the U. S.’s involvement in WWII.3. Explain the legal issues that prevented the Jews from being able to escape the Holocaust.4. Explain the significance of fascism to Italy.5. Explain the significance of the 7 year plan in Russia.6. Explain the effect the Great Depression had on Japan’s economy.

>8.1 Identify the causes of World War II (i.e., Treaty of Versailles, fascism, failure of the League of Nations, Japanese imperialism, economic worldwide difficulties).

>8.3 Recognize the definitions of totalitarianism, fascism, communism, nationalism, and anti-Semitism.

>8.5 Interpret a timeline of major events from World War II.

>8.7 Recognize World War II alliances

>8.8 Analyze how World War II affected

>virtual tour of Auschwitz

>The Boy in the Striped Pajamas DVD

>Schindler’s List DVD

>photos & PowerPoint presentation from Mr. Erwin (includes actual footage of U. S. troops going into liberate the concentration camps)

>clips from the Tuskegee Airmen

>The Century: America’s Time “1936-1941: Over the Edge” video (L) (W)

>The Century: America’s Time “1941-1945: Civilians at War” video (L) (W)

Weekly Assessment


__ Benito Mussolini__ fascism__ socialism__ communism__ totalitarianism__ nationalism__ anti-Semitism__ Joseph Stalin__ Adolf Hitler__ Axis Powers__ Allies__ blitzkrieg__ Maginot Line__ Winston Churchill__ Franklin D. Roosevelt__ Nuremberg Laws__ Kristallnacht__ concentration camps__ extermination camps__ Lend-Lease Act__ Atlantic Charter__ Japanese imperialism__ Pearl Harbor attack__ War Production Board__ Tuskegee Airmen__ Douglas MacArthur__ “Rosie the Riveter”__ Office of Price Administration

Governance and Civics Recognize the effects of the Great Depression on the United States political and judicial system. Recognize the effects of political policies on civil liberties during World War II. Standard Number 5.0: History Investigate the causes, effects and attempts to deal with the Great Depression. Understand the changing dynamics of American life during World War II.

7. Explain the factors that led to Japan’s decision to bomb Pearl Harbor.8. Explain the significance of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.9. Explain the significance of the wartime agencies.10. List and describe consumer items that were made popular because of the war.11. Explain the effect of WWII on the U. S. economy.12. Explain the war’s significance to minorities and women.13. Explain the significance of Oak Ridge.14. Explain the importance of Albert Einstein to America’s victory over Japan.15. What led to the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan?16. What were the roles of women during World War II?17. Identify World

the American economy (i.e., women in the workforce, movement to urban centers, minority employment, post war G.I. Bill, rationing, childcare).

>8.10 Evaluate the impact of the Manhattan Project. (i.e., the creation of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, nuclear proliferation, espionage, ethical debate, medical experimentation, Nagasaki, Hiroshima).

>The Century: America’s Time “1941-1945: Homefront” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

>Harry S Truman: Man of Decision video (L)

>Truman: A Self Portrait video (L)

>Hiroshima: The Decision to Drop the Bomb video (L)

__ rationing__ victory gardens__ D-Day__ Battle of the Bulge__ V-E Day__ Harry S Truman__ Manhattan Project__ Oak Ridge__ V-J Day__ Truman’s atomic bomb announcement__ Nuremberg Trials__Cordell Hull__United Nations

War II alliances.18. Interpret a timeline of World War II.19. Define totalitarianism, fascism, communism, nationalism, and anti-Semitism.

Standard 1.0>Investigate the impact of the GI Bill of Rights on American society. Standard 2.0>Understand how demobilization and conversion to a peacetime economy affected the United States. Understand how sustained growth led to an affluent society.Standard 3.0>Identify countries dominated and threatened by communism after World War II. >Identify the major areas of the world in which the United States was involved after 1945. Standard 5.0>Understand the causes, course, and effects of the Cold War. >Investigate and understand the active theaters of conflict during the Cold War.


1. Explain the significance of the Yalta Conference.

2. Explain how Truman’s appointment to the presidency increased tension between the U. S. and the Soviets.

3. Explain the significance of the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine.

4. Explain the factors that led to the Korean War.

5. On what position did Kennedy and Goldwater agree?

6. Compare and contrast Kennedy and Eisenhower’s foreign policy strategy.

>9.1 Recognize differences among the victorious Allied Powers after World War II (i.e., capitalist, communist, military structure, individual differences).

>9.3 Locate and label countries, using a map, dominated or threatened by Communism.

>9.6 Recognize domestic impact of the Cold War on American society (i.e., McCarthyism, fear, conformity, counterculture, generation gap, highway system, consumerism).

>9.9 Recognize the altered American approach to foreign policy (i.e., Bay of Pigs, Brinkmanship,

>The Century: America’s Time “1946-1952: Best Years” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

>The Korean War video (L)

>McCarthy Reconsidered video (L)

WEEK 2Weekly Assessment


__ Yalta Conference__ Soviet Union’s totalitarianism__ East Germany and West Germany__ Potsdam Conference__ Iron Curtain__ Berlin airlift__ Long Telegram__ containment__ Truman Doctrine__ Marshall Plan__ NATO__ Red Scare__ HUAC__ Rosenberg’s__ McCarthyism__ brinkmanship__ CIA__ Dwight D. Eisenhower__ map of communist countries__ 38th Parallel__ Inchon Landing__ Eisenhower’s farewell speech__ Kennedy’s inaugural address__ Goldwater’s 1964 nomination speech

7. Identify communist countries on a map.

8. Describe the foreign policy goals of the Soviet Union.

Cuban Missile Crisis, peaceful coexistence).

>9.11 Read and interpret Cold War documents (e.g., Truman’s announcement of the dropping atomic bombs, the contrast between Eisenhower’s farewell speech and Kennedy’s speech at Kennedy’s inaugural, Goldwater’s 1964 party nomination acceptance speech, Johnson’s Gulf of Tonkin declaration).

Standard 6.0>Understand how the "baby boom," suburbanization, desegregation, and other social movements affected American society. >Understand how Cold War conformity conflicted with individual rights and self-expression. >Investigate how technological change transformed American society and created popular culture.

Standard 1.0 >Investigate the effects of desegregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the turbulent 1960s upon American society.

Standard 4.0>Understand the causes, course, and impact of the Civil Rights Movement. >Investigate Supreme Court decisions that affected the United States from 1945 to the early 1970s.

1950s & 1960s

1. Explain the significance of Sputnik.2. Explain the concept of conformity.3. List and describe the affluence that most Americans enjoyed throughout the 1950s.4. Explain why Rock ‘n’ Roll was feared by adults and embraced by teenagers.5. Explain the factors that led to the Civil Rights Movements in Mississippi and Alabama.6. Explain the significance of sit-ins.7.Compare/Contrast the views of MLK and Malcolm X.8. Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.9. Explain the factors

>9.2 Distinguish social inequalities in America in the post-World War II ere (i.e., racial segregation, generation conflict, gender equity, ethnic identification).

>9.4 Recognize the impact of technological and cultural changes on American society (i.e., Space Race, Hollywood, communication networks, mass media, medical advances, interstate highway system).

>9.6 Recognize domestic impact of the Cold War on American society (i.e., McCarthyism, fear, conformity, counterculture, generation gap, highway system, consumerism).

>9.7 Determine the effects of the Supreme Court's decisions on

>The Untold Story of Emmett Till DVD (L)

>Freedom Summer DVD (S)

>movie: Ali (S)

>clips from movie X (S)

>Malcolm X Biography video (L)

>video The Children’s March

>Eyes on the Prize video series (L)

>Milestones of the Civil Rights Movement DVD (L)

>A History of the Civil Rights Movement DVD (L)

>King: Montgomery to Memphis video (L)

>Mighty Times: The

WEEK 3Weekly Assessment


__ conformity__ GI Bill__ Truman’s 1947 armed forces integration order__ Federal Highway Act__ Levittown__ baby boom__ Jonas Salk__ rock ‘n’ roll__ Elvis Presley__ Grand Ole Opry__ WSM__ Nashville music publishing__ Memphis Sun Studio__ Stax Records__ fallout shelters__ television__ Sputnik__ space race__ Bay of Pigs__ Cuban Missile Crisis__ peaceful coexistence__ Kennedy Assassination__ sit-ins__ SNCC__ SCLC__ Martin Luther King, Jr.__ Rosa Parks__ Malcolm X__ Civil Rights Act of 1964__ Plessy v Ferguson

that led to the Watts Riots/Black Panther Movement.10. What was the long-term influence of housing developments, such as Levittown, on American culture?11. How did Sun Studio and Stax Records impact the music industry?12. How did the Grand Ole Opry impact the country music industry?13. What was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion?14. Outline the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis.15. Interpret King’s “I have a dream” speech.16. What was the significance of the Equal Pay Act of 1963?17. What Supreme Court decisions impacted civil rights?18. Describe the impact of McCarthyism?19. What was the

Civil Rights (i.e., Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board, Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright).

>9.8 Identify significant events in the struggle for Civil Rights (i.e. integration of Clinton High School in Clinton, Tennessee, the Clinton 12 and Governor Clement’s actions, Little Rock Central High, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Freedom Riders’ route, Birmingham bombings, Nashville lunch counters, Martin Luther King's March on Washington speech, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, Escobedo v. Illinois, Great Society).

>9.9 Recognize the altered American approach to foreign policy (i.e., Bay of Pigs, Brinkmanship, Cuban Missile Crisis, peaceful coexistence).

>9.10 Match leading

Legacy of Rose Parks video (L)

>United States History: Civil Rights video (L)

>movie: Pleasantville (W)

>Blast From the Past movie clip

>History of Rock ‘n’ Roll series (W)

>The Century: America’s Time (W)

>The American President series (W)

>Dwight D. Eisenhower: Soldier and Statesman video (L)

>The Fabulous ‘60s: An Overview video (L)

> The Kennedys video (L)

>John F. Kennedy Biography video (L)

>The Assassination of JFK video (L)

__ Brown v Board of Education__ Miranda v Arizona__ Gideon v Wainwright__ Little Rock Nine__ Clinton High School integration__ Gov. Frank Clement__ Freedom Riders__ Little Rock Nine__ March on Washington__ Equal Pay Act of 1963__ Civil Rights Act of 1968__ Escobedo v Illinois__ Great Society__ Stom Thurmond__ “Bull” Conner__ George Wallace__ Diane Nash__ Albert Gore, Sr.__ Betty Friedan__ Stokely Carmichael__ Black Panthers__ Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

significance of the U.S. Interstate Highway System?20. What was the impact of television on the American culture?21. What was the significance of Truman’s integration order in 1947?

figures of the Civil Rights era with their respective groups and goals (i.e., Strom Thurmond, Eugene “ Bull” Conner, George Wallace, Diane Nash, Betty Friedan, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Albert Gore, Sr).

>9.12 Identify the changes in the music industry brought about by Tennessee’s influence (i.e., Grand Ole Opry, WSM, Nashville music publishing, Memphis Sun Studio, Stax Records, Elvis Presley).

>9.13 Evaluate socio-economic impact of the post-World War II Baby Boomer generation (i.e., media, entertainment, sports, suburbia, education, and counterculture).

>The Fabulous 50s: The Fun and the Fell of America’s Dream Decade video (L)

>The Century: America’s Time “1953-1960: Happy Daze” video (L) (W)

>The Century: America’s Time “1960-1964: Poisoned Dreams” video (L) (W)

>Atomic Café movie clip (W)

>20th Century With Mike Wallace: Conflict in Cuba (Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis) video (L)

>The American President series (W)

>Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring DVD (L)

Standard 3.0>Identify countries dominated and threatened by communism after World War II. >Identify the major areas of the world in which the United States was involved after 1945. Standard 5.0>Understand the causes, course, and effects of the Cold War. >Investigate and understand the active theaters of conflict during the Cold War.

End of Mini Quarter


1. Explain why there was a need for the U. S. to go to war in Vietnam.

2. Explain the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

3. Why was the Berlin Airlift necessary?

>9.5 Identify areas associated with American containment policies (i.e., Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, East and West Germany).

>10.3 Use a timeline to identify America's interest and participation in Southeast Asia since World War II.

>The Century: America’s Time “1965-1970: Unpinned” video (L) (W)

>The American President series

>Lyndon B. Johnson: Triumph & Tragedy Biography video (L)

>Vietnam: Air Power in Action video (L)

>United States History: Origins to 2000 (The Vietnam War) video (L)

>The Vietnam War video (L)

>Vietnam’s Unseen War National Geographic video (L)

>The Fall of Saigon video (L)

WEEK 4Weekly Assessment

4 ½ Week Assessment


__ Ho Chi Minh__ domino theory__ Geneva Accords__ 17th Parallel__ Ngo Dinh Diem__ Gulf of Tonkin Resolution__ napalm__ Agent Orange__ Ho Chi Minh trail__ William Westmoreland__ doves and hawks__ Tet Offensive__ Henry Kissinger__ Vietnamization__ My Lai massacre__ Kent State__ Pentagon Papers__ Saigon evacuation__ Vietnam timeline

4 ½ Week Assessment

Pacing Guide Fourth 4 ½ weeks WEEK 1

Course Learning Expectations CLEs

(State Standards)

Checks for Understanding

Student Performance

Indicators SPIs


(Textbook, Videos, Speakers, Etc.)



1970s1. Explain the concept of New Federalism.

2. Explain the significance of Salt I, Henry Kissenger, Sam J. Ervin, and John Dean.

3. Explain the events that led to Nixon’s resignation.

4. What were the arguments for and against the Equal Pay Act of 1963?

>10.2 Recognize the roles of the key figures of Watergate (i.e., administration, investigators, media).

>The Century: America’s Time “1971-1975: Approaching The Apocalypse” video (L) (W)

>The Century: America’s Time “1976-1980: Starting Over” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

>All the President’s Men movie (L)

Weekly Assessment


__ Port Huron Statement__ Free Speech Movement__ counterculture__ “hippies”__ Woodstock__ Feminism__ Betty Friedan__ Equal Pay Act of 1963__ NOW__ Gloria Steinem__ Equal Rights Amendment__ Title IX__ Roe v Wade__ United Farm Workers__ Cesar Chavez__ détente__ SALT I__ Watergate__ White House taping system__ Sam J. Ervin__ John Dean__ plumbers__ CREEP__ Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein__ OPEC__ Camp David Accords__ Rachel Carson__ Love Canal__ Three Mile Island

Standard 4.0: >Investigate the impact of political turmoil on American attitudes toward governance since 1968. >Identify the impact of constitutional change, various civil rights movements, feminism, and the Reagan Revolution.

1980s1. Explain the ideologies associated with liberalism and conservatism.

2. Explain the significance of Billy Graham and other televangelists.

3. Explain the affect the Reagan years had on the U. S. economy.

4. Explain the significance of the Reagan Doctrine.

>10.1 Match innovators or entrepreneurs in the "new economy" (i.e., Sam Walton, Michael Dell, Ray Kroc, Lee Iococca, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos).

>United States History Origins to 2000: U.S. Politics, 1980-2000 video (L)

>The Century: America’s Time “1981-1989: A New World” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

>Ray Kroc Biography video (L)

>Bill Gates Biography video (L)

WEEK 2Weekly Assessment


__ liberals and conservatives__ Billy Graham__ “televangelists”__ “Moral Majority”__ Reaganomics__ Iran-Contra scandal__ “mutual assured destruction”__ Mikhail Gorbachev__ yuppies__ Sam Walton__ Ray Kroc__ Lee Iococca__ Donald Trump__ Bill Gates__ Jeff Bezos__ Steve Jobs__ Michael Dell__ Challenger__ AARP__ perestroika__ glasnost__ military spending

Standard 4.0: >Investigate the impact of political turmoil on American attitudes toward governance since 1968. >Identify the impact of constitutional change, various civil rights movements, feminism, and the Reagan Revolution.


1. Why did the United States think stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction was linked to the war on terror?

2. What were the advantages and disadvantages of NAFTA?

3. Compare and contrast the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton presidential administrations.

4. How would a supporter and opponent of the WTO argue their points?

>10.4 Compare and contrast the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations with the Clinton administration and the nature of their respective political opposition (i.e., economic, domestic, budgets, foreign policy, ethics, and generational values).

>9.14 Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of increased global trade and competition on the U.S. economy

>10.5 Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of increased global trade and competition on the U.S. economy (i.e. NAFTA treaty, import quotas, free trade agreements)

>Ronald Reagan: His Life and Legacy DVD (L)

>George Bush: A Sense of Duty Biography video (L)

>Bill Clinton: In the Running Biography video (L)

>Bill Clinton: Hope, Charisma & Controversy DVD (L)

>George W. Bush Biography video (L)

>United States History Origins to 2000: U.S. Politics, 1980-2000 video (L)

>War in Iraq: The Road to Baghdad CNN video (L)

>The Century: America’s Time “The ‘90s and Beyond: Then and Now” video (L) (W)

>The American President series (W)

WEEK 3Weekly Assessment


__ Saddam Hussein__ Bill Clinton’s budget surplus__ George H.W. Bush__ Internet__ health care reform__ Hillary Clinton__ AmericaCorps__ NAFTA__ World Trade Organization (WTO)__ immigration reform__ Al Gore__ George W. Bush__ Osama bin Laden__ al-Qaeda__ September 11th attacks__ weapons of mass destruction__ Guantanamo Bay



>game buzzer system (W)>Millionaire PowerPoint (W)>teacher-made practice assessment (W)>Coach books>End of Course Practice Test (W)



End of MiniQuarter

End of Semester