US Government Edition 2008 The Amendments The Preamble.

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Transcript of US Government Edition 2008 The Amendments The Preamble.

US Government Edition 2008

The Amendments

The Preamble

The Three Branches

The “Tough” Amendments

Stuff You Should Know

The “Tough” The “Tough” AmendmentsAmendments



























The Three The Three BranchesBranches

Stuff You Stuff You Should Should KnowKnow

The The PreamblePreamble

Question: Name three of the five “Basic Rights.”

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Topic 1 for $100

Answer: Speech, Press, Religion, Peaceable assembly, Petition the Government

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Topic 1 for $100

Question: Which right is granted by the Second Amendment?

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Topic 1 for $200

Answer: Weapons and Militia: The right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

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Topic 1 for $200

Question: The Fifth Amendment deals with rights afforded an accused person. The Amendment stipulates two terms. Name one of the two.

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Topic 1 for $300

Answer: People cannot be tried twice for the same crime, nor can they be forced to testify against themselves.

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Topic 1 for $300

Question: What is the third amendment?

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Topic 1 for $400

Answer: Housing Soldiers: The federal government cannot force people to house soldiers during peacetime. Congress may pass laws allowing this during wartime.

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Topic 1 for $400

Question: What is the fourth amendment?

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Topic 1 for $500

Answer: Search and Seizures: Provides for peoples privacy and safety. A police officer cannot search a person’s home or belongings without just cause.

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Topic 1 for $500

Question: Fill in the Blank:We the ___________ of the United States, in order to form a more perfect nation . . .

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Topic 2 for $100

Answer: People

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Topic 2 for $100

Question: Fill in the Blank:

. . . establish justice, insure domestic _____________,

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Topic 2 for $200

Answer: Tranquility

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Topic 2 for $200

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Topic 2 for $300

Question: Fill in the Blank:

. . . provide for the common defense, promote the general __________,

Answer: Welfare

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Topic 2 for $300

Question: Fill in the Blank:

. . . and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our __________,

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Topic 2 for $400

Answer: Posterity

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Topic 2 for $400

Question: Fill in the Blank:

. . . do ordain and __________ this Constitution for the United States of America.

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Topic 2 for $500

Answer: Establish

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Topic 2 for $500

Question: Which branch of government is established in the Article III of the Constitution?

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Topic 3 for $100

Answer: Judicial

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Topic 3 for $100

Question: Who helps the president of the US when he faces a decision?

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Topic 3 for $200

Answer: The Vice President, or a Cabinet member

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Topic 3 for $200

Question: Which court is the highest in the land?

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Topic 3 for $300

Answer: The Supreme Court

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Topic 3 for $300

Question: Which branch of the government has the authority to make laws for the nation?

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Topic 3 for $400

Answer: Legislative branch

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Topic 3 for $400

Question: What does “bicameral” mean?

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Topic 3 for $500

Answer: It is made up of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives

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Topic 3 for $500

Question: What is the seventh amendment?

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Topic 4 for $100

Answer: Jury Trial in Civil Cases: In most federal civil cases involving more than 20 dollars, a jury trial is guaranteed.

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Topic 4 for $100

Question: What is the eighth amendment?

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Topic 4 for $200

Answer: : Courts cannot treat harshly people accused of crimes or punish them in unusual or cruel ways.

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Topic 4 for $200

Question: What is the ninth amendment?

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Topic 4 for $300

Answer: Rights of the People: The federal government must respect all natural rights, whether or not they are listed in the Constitution.

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Topic 4 for $300

Question: What is the tenth amendment?

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Topic 4 for $400

Answer: Powers of States and the People: Any rights not clearly given to the federal government or denied to the states belong to the people.

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Topic 4 for $400

Question: How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?

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Topic 4 for $500

Answer: 10

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Topic 4 for $500

Question: How many states are there in the US?

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Topic 5 for $100

Answer: 50

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Topic 5 for $100

Question: Which animal is the symbol of the US?

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Topic 5 for $200

Answer: Eagle

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Topic 5 for $200

Question: In which country is the US actively engaged in war?

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Topic 5 for $300

Answer: Iraq or Afghanistan

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Topic 5 for $300

Question: Who is the current First Lady of the US?

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Topic 5 for $400

Answer: Laura Bush

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Topic 5 for $400

Question: Who is the current Governor of Georgia?

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Topic 5 for $500

Answer: Sonny Perdue

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Topic 5 for $500