Urban essay (1)

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Urban essay (1)


Being born in a completely different environment from the generation nowadays,

he have become accustomed to learn about new culture, getting to know the new

technology and being open to new experience, he is Ar.NG CHEE HUI. He was born

in 1970, Kuching which is the capital and the most populous city in the state of

Sarawak, Malaysia. Kuching is a major food destination and the main getaway

travelers visiting Sarawak and Borneo. There are many tourist attractions in and

around Kuching and thus the city had become one of the major industrial and

commercial centers in East Malaysia.

His father was an ordinary fisherman while his mother is a housewife. Although

he come from a poor family but he was well thought by his family and thus lead him

to his humble and always willing to help other’s personalities. But in the other hand,

from his family, he hardly gained the interest that would influence his life. There were

many places he wanted to explode and many subjects he wanted to delve into and

learn about. So he decided to explore his interest during his secondary school. To be

honest, he hates study but he showed his passion so much in drawing and other

activities such as Red Crescent Society. Besides, he had also participated in a lot of

drawing competition and won a lot of price and pride.

One greatest lesson Chee Hui had learned from the secondary school teacher

that influenced him the most is never give up. It ain't about how hard you hit, is about

how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. He could still clearly remember in

one drawing competition, he nearly could not finish his drawing on time and his

teacher came and helps him to finish it up. This let him understand that it is okay to

get help from other because that's how we learned. So, this is what made him a

better person nowadays that willing to help us in this project of theory urbanism.

After he graduated from secondary school, he also get the suggestion from his

drawing teacher to study the Housing, Building and Planning course and this is

where and when architecture is introduced into his life.

The major source of Chee Hui worldview is from his parents. They raised him

right, never forcing him to do anything that he didn’t want to, and teaching him

knowledge about the world. He have made changes to what they taught him to some

extent. Some of the hobbies have come from his parents like his passion for cars,

which came from his dad and his passion for arts, which came from his mom. They

always enjoyed these things but never put them before the family or job, yet enjoyed

them. Since his interest in art developed from a very young age and has been a

long-standing passion of him, so he always keep these word beside his mouth, 'The

beauty of Architecture is the word ‘art’, we must not forget to have an artist in us

because that what make us a successful architects.'

Ar.Ng Chee Hui is passionate about art and helping people. He is pursuing

architecture as a profession because he see it as a career path where the two meet.

Alvar Aalto said, “Building art is a syntheses of life in materialized form. We should

try to bring in under the same hat not a splintered way of thinking, but all in harmony

together.” The desire to make the world a better place for people to live in has been

the greatest influence in his pursuit` of architecture as a profession. To him, being an

architect is not just about designing new buildings to fill up spaces. It is about

designing a better, more comfortable, beautiful and delightful life for the people who

will live, work or just pass by to witness its artistic construction.

Last but not least, he believed that creation is a powerful skill, and intriguing

ability evolving from our originalities and perspectives. By formulating our own

unique creations, we may endeavour to create a parallel between our imagination

and the world in which we live. Winston Churchill once emphasized the fact that “we

shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us”. He thinks that these building

personify and embody the diverse cultures that exist today, reflecting the power and

endless potential of man’s genius. Self-expression is what differentiates us as an

individual. It is his passion for Architecture that acts as a catalyst for inspiration and

therefore provides him with a prominent sense of ambition and desire. Architecture is

a potent, influential force in his life that has given him a sense of direction and

meaning. He agree with the ideology that an individual will rarely exceed his own

expectations. Architecture installs in him a belief that he can achieve and reach new

heights, therefore acting as a foundation for success and fulfilment in the future.

Modern life relies upon the innovations of engineering and architecture, and

developments in these disciplines make our lives more convenient and colourful.

Playing a role in the professional progression of these fields would allow him to have

a meaningful career through which he can contribute positively to the modelling of

the world we inhabit.

EDUCATION by Celine Tan Jean Inn 0303669

Ar. Steven Ng was born in Kuching, Sarawak – a major food destination and

the main gateway for travellers who want to visit Borneo and East Malaysia in

particular. His primary education was in a public school called SRB Chung Hua

School No. 5. He continued his secondary education in SMK Bandar Kuching No. 1

for the next six years. During Ar. Steven Ng’s secondary education, he was very

much an active student and spent a large amount of his time being involved in co-

curricular activities, joining clubs and societies. He was especially active in The Red

Crescent. He remembers attending a workshop called “The First Aid Training” once

a week on society day to learn how to react in the case of an emergency. His high

attendance and knowledge in The Red Crescent Society allowed him to become the

head section leader of the society in both primary and secondary education.

Additionally, he also took part in Matching Competitions and attended the training

frequently after class. Ar. Steven Ng recalls with a distinct nostalgia how much he

enjoyed the moments spent training under the hot sun and how it contributed

towards his active spirit in school life.

“Most of the time spent in school, I spent more time outdoors than in class”,

Ar. Steven Ng recalls. However, he confesses that whenever it came to art class, he

was always punctual and eager. Whenever he found himself free with nothing to do,

he would doodle in his note book, text books, plain paper or any blank surface that

could allow him to express his thoughts visually. Since a young age, he had always

had a great interest in the arts and design and was fully committed in pursuing his

passion. Even before he finished his studies in school, he envisioned himself

following a career path in graphic design. Eventually, the ideas and skills he learnt

through his interest in graphic design enabled him to be a better architect.

Ar. Steven Ng recalls a drawing a competition that was held within his class.

There was a time limit and he was unable to finish his drawing within the set time.

However, his art teacher, Mr. Tan Han Siang gave him extra time to finish his art

work. The teacher had put full trust in the talent and potential that Steven Ng had. It

was proven to be true as Steven Ng then went on to win the First Runner Up in that

competition. This seemingly small achievement actually played a big role in affecting

his later journey in art. He was fortunate enough to have his parents and teacher’s

full support which strengthened his will to join more art competitions and develop his

own skills.

The same teacher, Mr. Tan, was the one who encouraged Steven Ng to

consider pursuing an architectural course. He recommended USM and that its

School of Housing, Building and Planning would be good for him. Ar. Steven Ng

found out that the school’s curriculum in architecture was a combination of

professional specialism with a broad-based education that transcends disciplinary

boundaries. The degree was three years long. During the first year, all the students

were expected to take the standard core subjects which are broad-based and

multidisciplinary in nature. Aspects relevant to the field of development which

involved technical, management and administration are delivered with an integrated

approach. This provided graduates with greater opportunities to acquire a wider

range of knowledge, thus enabling them to adapt to various different conditions and

develop creative and innovative problem solving skills. Students had the opportunity

to major and specialise in different aspects of architecture such as Urban and

Regional Planning, Architecture, Building Technology, Construction Management,

Interior Design and Quantity Surveying. The further he continued with his studies,

the more passionate he became in the field. He had an intense desire to understand

how science and technology can be implemented to improve the performance of

buildings both socially and environmentally. He mentioned that Frank Lloyd Wright

was a major influence in the way he approached architecture and recalled a quote

from Wright “the architecture must be a prophet.. if he can’t see at least ten years

ahead don’t call him an architect.”

WORKING EXPERIENCES by Lee Yiang Siang 0302966

Throughout his working experience, Ar. Steven Ng has been involved working

in five different firms excluding his own firm in the present. With a deep passion for

great architecture, he was dedicated to absorb as much as he can about the

knowledge of building design and the system of a architect’s firm by shifting himself

into different firm. He had his first working experience at T.R Hamzah and Yeang

Sdn Bhd since after he was graduated . Assisting Dato' Dr. Ken Yeang in pursuing

and develop bioclimatic passive-mode design ideas and devices to low-rise and

medium-rise building types, he sees how important the green is and he learnt most

of the ecological features and how sustainability and greens improve our

environment. From Dato' Dr. Ken Yeang, he was inspired and he had a vision of

himself as a great architect alike Dr. Ken. Proceed to Gan’s architects Sdn Bhd, he

gained practical experience and abilities that cannot be learnt in the previous firm

which is more theoretical office. To achieve more and being closer to his dream, he

shift to work at another firm to gained different experience and skills.

In order to take part 3 professional examination, he went to work under AKP

architects Sdn Bhd to run project as part of the plan. In 2008, he received his AR

license. After he was an registered professional architect, he was intended to fulfill

his dream to have his own firm but he was not sure, so he went to work at AP Land

Developer to gained more usable experience and ablilty to his dream and to

understand the overall process in development from securing the land unti l handing

over to the client. In addition, he learnt how a firm function and he start involving

more in socialising with developers, architects and different clients. At this stage, he

found that in order to manage a firm well, it is necessary to be sociable and here he

gets the chance to take up the duty of a resident architect in Troika. As a resident

architect, he recalled that he had the responsibility to stay at the site most of the day

to obseve and manage the development of this mesmerizing high-rise building. He

was amazed by the specification of the detailed working drawings that how specific

or detail of the building material that are using in order to achieved the vision of the

exact design building. Apart from that, he have gained experience to resolve

technical issues and detailing matters at site, understanding the important of

construction sequence and construction planning. Throughout the process, he had

experience in managing an office and dealing with the client with various type of

needs and constraints which is indeed useful for him to step on next stage which is

opening a new firm. In 2012, he succeed his dream of opening his own firm - CHY

Architects Sdn Bhd. Since after his education until now, he had involved in many

residential building development which encouraged and inspired him to become a

residential architect.

As an architect, Ar. Steven Ng said that there is no rule that says an architect

must choose a design style and stick with it. He thinks that architectural is not about

style rather than creative interpretation of culture, local contet and client's

requirement. Also the attempt to creating building fresh that wi ll still have continuity

with, or may even need to coexist with, the system that came before. Besides, he

also spoken about architecture is to design for the future, again, credit to Frank L.

Wright about his quotes speaking about architect's vision. He also mentioned that an

architect have to take great responsiblities for the people and society that the bui lt

environment the architect create. Respond to that, we understand that he was trying

to say that the design of a building should and essential to correspond to the site

context, neighbour building and the cultural aspect.

Ar. Steven Ng, age of 42 years old, sti ll energetic and full of passion in

architecture. He, still learning and he said, "keep learning.. learn at least something

from anything because everthing is connected to architecture and architecture is

about little thing of everything. To be called as a successful architect, you have to

know everything not only able to draw."