UQFL124 William Cottrell-Dormer Collection · William Cottrell-Dormer Collection Size 10 boxes...

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Transcript of UQFL124 William Cottrell-Dormer Collection · William Cottrell-Dormer Collection Size 10 boxes...

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UQFL124 William Cottrell-Dormer Collection Size 10 boxes Contents Papers relating to the career Mr William Cottrell-Dormer as an agricultural

scientist. Includes correspondence, reports, reprints, maps, publications, photographs, 35 mm slides and rolls of negatives from his time spent in Tonga, the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock. The publications include books, papers and articles on sugar cane entomology, plant pathology, sugar technology, horticulture, rural organisation and agricultural extension. Cottrell- Dormer also authored a series of simple papers and books for native agricultural extension purposes in Papua and New Guinea.

Biography William Cottrell-Dormer was born on 27 August 1901, in Rolle, Switzerland.

His Primary Education was done in France and he completed his education in Australia, obtaining his B.Sc.Agr.(1931) and M.Sc.Agr (1936) at University of Queensland. His manuscript collection includes a very detailed Curriculum Vitae describing in detail the projects he undertook as they relate to his career in Papua New Guinea and Tonga: 1939 – 1944: Director of Agriculture, Tonga 1944 – 1945: Horticulturist, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock 1946 – 1951: Director of Agriculture, PNG 1951 – 1961: Principal Agricultural Officer (Extension) in Field, PNG

Notes Open access

Box 1 Publications • Gerritsen, Rolf. Aspects of the political evolution of rural PNG : towards a political economy.

[Canberra : Marxist Discussion Group, seminar 26/10/75], 53p

• Grow good Robusta coffee. PNG. 27p

• Grow good Robusta coffee. (Pidgin English Ed) PNG. 27p

• Programmes and policies for the economic development of Papua and New Guinea.

• [Port Moresby, 1968] 120p

• Slater, Kenneth R. A guide to the dangerous snakes of Papua. Port Moresby [1956]. 18p

• Ward, E.J. PNG : Provisional Administration Act 1945. (Second reading speech of the Hon E.J. Ward, Minister for External Territories) (Roneoed) 6p

• Vudal Agricultural College. [Port Moresby, 17p]

• Crelle, Dr A.L. Calculating tables. [Berlin : Walter De Gruyter and Co, 1926]

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• McGrath, W.A. Notes for the guidance of Administration Officers engaged in the investigation of rights to native land and purchase of native land. [Port Moresby, 1964] (Roneoed)

• Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (New York). Vol 118, Art 1 1959

• New Guinea Research Unit Bulletin (Canberra). No 1 April 1963, No 8 Dec 1965

• Uni of PNG Dept of Primary Industry History of Agriculture. Discussion Paper. Nos 7-10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 28-31, 34

• Uni of PNG Dept of Primary Industry History of Agriculture. Working Paper. Nos 15, 18, 21-27, 32, 33

Box 2 Folder 1 Marked ‘Personal file re SPC’ [South Pacific Commission]

Correspondence between SPC and Cottrell-Dormer during his period of work with SPC Agricultural Extension Surveys, covers period 1967 to 1971. Organizational information on SPC Statements of expenses incurred while working for SPC Itinerary sheets for travel while working for SPC SPC Agricultural Extension Survey 1967 and comments

Incoming correspondence from

• W L Conroy (Director, Department of Ag.Stock and Fisheries, Papua): 9 Nov 1970 and 11 Sep 1968

• H.J. Croft (Training Officer, Business, SPC) o 1971: 26 Mar, 18 Feb, 15 Feb and 20 Jan o 1970: 29 Sep, 27 May and 15 Apr o 1968: 13 Nov, 9 Sep, 28 Aug, 11 Jun, 25 Apr, 24 Apr, 27 Mar, 7 Mar and 31 Jan o 1967: 27 Oct, 12 Sep, 6 Sep and 16 Aug

• Gavin Bell (Secretary-General of SPC), 13 Sep 1968

• W Granger (Executive Officer for Economic Development SPC), 31 Jan 1968

• E J Britten (Prof of Agriculture UQ). Letter addressed to Mr A Harris (Programme Director Economics, SPC), cc Cottrell-Dormer, 2 Mar 1970

• M J Challons (Programmes Administration Office SPC), 26 Mar 1970, 29 and 23 Jul 1968

• G Lawson, 29 Sep 1969

• C G Plowman (Academic Registrar, Australian National University), 13 Oct 1969 and an undated form letter

• J Dourthe, 27 Jul 1969

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• D S Grove (Director of Lands, Surveys and Mines, TPNG), 26 and 17 Jul 1970

• D J Kelliher (Chief Commissioner, Lands Title Commission, PNG), 19 Jul 1968

• F J Jeffreys (Economics Lecturer, Administrative College PNG), Sep 1968

• J T Gunthur (Vice-Chancellor - University of PNG), 9 Sep 1968

• Jack (?), 28 May 1968 Outgoing correspondence to:

• W L Conroy (Director, Dept. of Ag. Stock and Fisheries), 16 Jan 1971

• H Croft (Training Officer, Business, SPC) o 1971: 31 Mar, 8 Mar, 25 Feb, 11 Feb, 3 Feb and 9 Jan o 1970: 5 Oct, 12 Sep, 7 Sep, 4 Sep, 23 Aug, 27 Jul, 20 Jul, 10 Jul, 16 Jun, 4 Jun, 2

Jun, 11 May and 15 Apr o 1969: 8 Jan o 1968: 22 Nov, 28 Oct, 17 Sep, 5 Sep, 17 Apr, 8 Apr and 15 Mar o 1967: 23 Oct, 11 Sep, 5 Sep, 26 Aug, 20 Aug and 1 Aug

• Derek (?), 8 Aug 1970

• Bill [W Granger], (Executive Officer, Economic Development SPC), 29 Jul and 18 Jan 1968

• M J Challons (Programme Administration Officer SPC), 6 Apr 1970, 29 and 2 Jul 1968

• H Croft (NB : At this time Acting Programme Admin Officer SPC), 15 Jan 1970

• [G Plowman (Academic Registrar, ANU)], 24 Sep 1969

• Deputy Assistant Director (Development and Marketing, DASF), [Department of Ag.Stock and Fisheries], 19 Sep 1968

• Monsieur Jean Dourthe, 22 Sep 1968

• Director, Dept of Lands, Surveys and Mines, Papua, 31 Jul 1970

• F J Jeffreys (Administrative College, PNG), 6 Sep 1968

• Dr J Gunther (Vice- Chancellor, Univ of PNG), 16 Sep 1968

• Jack [Lamrock], 6 Jun 1968

• Secretary, Dept of Territories Canberra, 24 Jun 1968

• ? L [illegible] Folder 2 Marked ‘N C DR Copy 3’ South Pacific Commission Agricultural Extension Survey 1967, typescript, (Draft Report on Territory of New Caledonia by W. Cottrell-Dormer)

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Folder 3 Marked ‘W H 3rd Copy F’ South Pacific Commission Agricultural Extension Survey 1967, typescript, (Draft Report on New Hebrides by W. Cottrell-Dormer.) Folder 4 Marked ‘MS Final Report FCR Copy 3’ South Pacific Commission Report on Agricultural Extension Survey, typescript

Box 3 Folder 1 Marked ‘French Polynesia F.P. DR 2nd Copy - French and English’ Roneoed copy, Commission du Pacifique Sud - Projet de Rapport sur la Vulgarisation Agricole en Polynesie Francaise par W Cottrell-Dormer. English edition, typescript. [Loose in front of folder:] Roneoed - Agricultural Extension and Community Development by W Cottrell-Dormer (University of Queensland, Dept of Social Studies) Folder 2 Marked ‘French and English N H DR 2nd Copy - English and French’ Roneoed copy - Commission du Pacifique Sud - Projet de Rapport sur la Vulgarisation Agricole aux Nouvelles - Hebrides par W Cottrell-Dormer. French copy is annotated throughout. English edition, typescript Typescript letter to Acting Programme Administration Officer SPC, dated 16.3.70 from W Cottrell-Dormer.

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Folder 3 Marked ‘TPNG 3rd copy’

• Letter to Mr Gordon Dick (DASF) PNG from Cottrell-Dormer, 18 Nov 1973

• Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Gordon Dick, 2 Nov 1973

• Note to Gordon Dick from Cottrell-Dormer, 9 Nov 1973

• Copy of “The Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service training for the Area Agricultural Extension Agent in Emergin Countries”. Seminar Background Discussion Notes by W Cottrell-Dormer, Oct 1973

• Letter to H J Croft (Training Officer Business) SPC from Cottrell-Dormer, 12 May 1970

• Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Croft, 6 May 1970

• Xeroxed letter to Croft from J A Brown, Executive Officer International Relations, TPNG, 20 Apr 1970

• Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Croft, 6 Jan 70

• Letter to Programme Administrative Officer and Training Officer (Business) SPC from Cottrell-Dormer, 31 Dec 1969

• Annotated typescript copy of South Pacific Commission Agricultural Extension Survey 1967. Draft report on Territory of Papua and New Guinea by Cottrell-Dormer

Folder 4 Marked ‘Fiji - carbon copy of re-type of my report’ Typescript copy of Fiji Copy No.1 from W Cottrell-Dormer, 4.3.71. Folder 5 Marked ‘BSIP Dr (3rd copy)’ Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from M.J. Challons, Programme Administration Officer, 21 Feb 1969 South Pacific Commission report, typescript with handwritten annotations Agricultural Extension Survey 1967 - Report on B.S.I.P. by W Cottrell-Dormer Folder 6 Marked ‘An San D R (3rd copy)’ South Pacific Commission Agricultural Extension Survey 1967 - Report on American Samoa by W. Cottrell-Dormer, typescript with handwritten annotations

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Folder 7 Marked ‘W S DR 3rd Copy’ Correspondence May 1969 to Sep 1969

• Letter to Secretary, Dept of External Affairs Canberra, attention K Nolan, 4 Jun 1969

• Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Nolan, 22 Aug 1969 South Pacific Commission Agricultural Extension Survey 1967 - Draft Report on Western Samoa by W Cottrell-Dormer, typescript with handwritten annotations Folder 8 Marked ‘English and French F P DR 3rd Copy French D Polynesia’ Correspondence Apr 1969 to Aug 1969 Commission du Pacifique Sud - Projet de Rapport sur la Vulgarisation, typescript Agricole en Polynesie Francaise par W. Cottrell-Dormer. Commission South Pacific - Agricultural Extension Survey 1967 - Draft Report on French Polynesia by W. Cottrell-Dormer, handwritten annotations Folder 9 Marked ‘Field Notes FP’ Organisational chart [SPC?] Articles (in French) concerning French Polynesia

Box 4 1. Folded map D.A.S.F. Sanari. 2. Folded coloured map of Abau, New Guinea. 3. Folded coloured map of Fergusson Island, New Guinea. [Brittle, poor condition -torn on folds] 4. Folded coloured map of Tufi, New Guinea. [Brittle on folds particularly] 5. Folded coloured map of Sanari, New Guinea. [Poor condition] 6. Unidentified tracing of map (folded). 7. Folded coloured map of The Territory of New Guinea administered by the Commonwealth of

Australia under mandate from the League of Nations and Papua - A Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia. [Worn on folds]

8. Folded coloured Geological Sketch Map of Eastern New Guinea. [Wearing on folds] 9. Roneoed letter to all members of staff of TPNG Dept. of Ag. Stock and Fisheries from Director,

W. Cottrell-Dormer, dated 17.12.46. 10. Typescript copy of Notes for His Honour the Administrator, dated 16.1.55.

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11. Typescript copy of District sub-committee for Advancement of Native Women to the District Commissioner, dated 21.5.58, from W. Cottrell-Dormer (Regional Agricultural Officer, Dept. of Ag. Stock and Fisheries, Samarai)

12. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from S. Saville, Dept. of Ag.Stock and Fisheries, Konedobu dated 28.9.62.

13. 14 green handwritten sheets beginning: "PALUMA has some smaller boats to help it..." 14. 1 handwritten white sheet headed: FAO Census 15. 2 handwritten green sheets entitled On Cultivation or Tillage. 16. 2 handwritten sheets on white lined paper entitled Story 30.5.61 17. 2 handwritten sheets on white paper entitled Story About Wari Island told by Edric Kaioni. 18. 1 handwritten sheet on white paper entitled Part of Kula Trading With Canoes, dated 13/6/61. 19. 2 handwritten sheets on yellow paper entitled Kula Trade, dated 10.6.61. 20. Guinea Pig Reports folder. 21. Daily reports covering period 4/11/60 to 29/11/60 and 13/3/61 to 2/8/61. 22. Kuiaro Daily Report folder contains copy of typescript letter to The District Commissioner, Milne

Bay District, Samari from H.H. Reeve, Assistant Administrator, Dept. of the Administrator, Port Moresby dated 10.11.59.

23. Handwritten letter to Bill (?) and other friends involved from [Cottrell-Dormer] 24. Letter copy typescript to Cottrell-Dormer, Regional Agricultural Officer, Dept. of Ag.Stock and

Fisheries, Samari from Rastus Roailimo, Secretary, T.A. Association dated 24.7.59, and a Report on Coffee Lesson by Mary Teresa.

25. Typescript page entitled Questions For Alice To Think About by W.C.D. 7.9.59. 26. incomplete typescript pages beginning p.2 (a) ”Maintenance and Improvement of Local Food

Supplies” signed W. Cottrell-Dormer, Director of Agriculture. 27. Typescript letter to Dr. Summervilles, Director Horticulture, Dept. of Agriculture and Stock,

Brisbane from W. Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.?.45. 28. Newspaper clipping pasted S.P.P. 14.3.61 entitled Adm. Officers May Be Too Old. 29. Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Bob McKillop dated 18.5.76, and roneoed copy of

Policy Paper on the Agricultural Extension Service in PNG attached. 30. Handwritten letter to Miss Snowden from Cottrell-Dormer dated 16.9.78. 31. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Catherine Snowden, Research Officer dated 26.9.78. 32. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Catherine Snowden dated 18.4.78. Attached:

handwritten copy of letter to Miss Snowden from Cottrell-Dormer dated 26.4.78, and typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Catherine Snowden dated 20.7.78.

33. Folder containing typescript copy of Essay on the Application of the Agricultural Extension Course To My Job Next Year by A.R. Lawson, Agricultural Extension. Also typescript of Application of Qld Diploma of Agricultural Extension Courses to Agricultural Extension in Papua and New Guinea by R.A. Boniwell dated 11.10.67.

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34. Typescript letter to Mrs. K.A. Cottrell-Dormer from L.R. Humphreys, Head of Dept. of Agriculture, Qld Uni dated 20.6.86.

35. Typescript letter to Mrs. K.A. Cottrell-Dormer from L.R. Humphreys, Head of Dept. of Agriculture, Qld Uni dated 25.6.86.

36. Typescript letter to Mr. W. Cottrell-Dormer from G.P. Keleny, Chief of Division Trade Promotion TPNG dated 25.4.74. Attached: copy of PNG Tea Reception - Sydney and Melbourne, Opening Speech by the Minister for the Interior, Mr. Joh Doe.

37. Roneoed sheet dated 9.9.43, Unconditional Surrender of Italy 38. Typescript sheet entitled Extract From Life 1/12/46. 39. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Mohd. Osman bin Hitam, Agricultural Office, Perak,

Malaya dated 12.2.51. 40. Handwritten letter from Afaisa Pinongo Allan Natachee c/- John Stubbs and Son Ltd (Papua)

dated 5.5.1951, and three poems Our Land of Countless Dark Ages, What Wealth and Knowledge, and Advance Atomic Age.

41. Typescript copy of relevant portions of letter from H.F. Higginson, Luxborough, Chigwell, Essex dated 20.7.44.

42. Typescript letter to Mr. Gordon Dick, a/Assistant Director D.A.S.F. PNG from Cottrell-Dormer dated 4.1.75.

43. Reprint by J.K. Murray entitled In Retrospect - Papua New Guinea 1945 to 1949 and Territory of Papua and New Guinea 1949 to 1952.

44. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from T. Kagawa, President of Central Commercial Co Japan, dated 20.9.62. Attached: roneoed Cecoco Circular No. 519, 1962.

45. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles, Acting Director of D.A.S.F. TPNG dated 16.10.62.

46. Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Y.T.Mao, Genetic Stocks and Rice Specialist FAO dated 22.8.62.

47. Typescript entitled William Cottrell-Dormer (M.Sc.Agr.) - Professional History. 48. Typescript - Annual Report of the Director of Agriculture, Tonga 1943. 49. Typescript copy of letter to Hon. Premier, Nuku'Alofa, Tonga from Cottrell-Dormer dated

23.12.43. 50. Typescript letter to Secretary, Dept. of External Territories, Canberra from [Cottrell-Dormer]

dated 7.8.45. (Note: letter is incomplete). 51. Permit to Enter the Territory of Papua and New Guinea for Cottrell-Dormer dated 6.12. 52. Typescript copy of letter to The District Commissioner, Milne Bay District from H.H. Reeve,

Assistant Administrator, Dept. of the Administrator, TPNG dated 10.11.59. [See item 22 in this same listing]

53. Curriculum Vitae of W. Cottrell-Dormer dated 23.8.67, typescript 54. Geology Assignment QU 1926-27 folder. Contains typescript of Notes on the Geology of South

Eastern Qld and of the Rockhampton District. [NB: Paper is badly foxed, in poor condition, brittle and contains 31 original photos.] Number system not consistent.

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Box 5 1. Certificate of Inspection - Plant Protection Service of Papua and New Guinea, dated 6.1.62. 2. Yellow duplicate copy of above. 3. Newsclipping from South Pacific Post 12/1/51 of Agricultural Projects in the Mekeo by W.

Cottrell-Dormer. 4. Roneoed copy - Talk by Director of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries Over 9PA - 5th Dec 1946,

by W. Cottrell-Dormer (annotated). 5. Roneoed copy - International Seminar on Community Development - Group I - Rural Extension

in Papua and New Guinea (annotated). 6. Reprint by W. Cottrell-Dormer, Rural Extension in Eastern Papua from The Papua and New

Guinea Agricultural Journal (Vol.14: Nos 2 and 3, 1961). 7. Typescript entitled The Village Committee Organization by W. Cottrell-Dormer (Regional

Agricultural Officer, Samarai) - an address for Wewak Agricultural Extension Conference, Sept. 1959.

8. Typescript entitled An Ideal Model to aid in the Examination of Factors influencing the Action Potential of a Change Agent in Community Work by W. Cottrell-Dormer, 2.6.75. Attached is handwritten note to Cottrell-Dormer from Les [Halliwell] dated 6.6.75.

9. Roneoed copy of above paper. 10. Annotated roneoed copy of above paper with an alternative title for publication - A Frame of

Reference for the Assessment of Performance and Needs in Rural Extension. 11. Roneoed copy of 8. 12. South Pacific Vol.8 (4) May 1955. 13. Typescript copy of Agricultural Extension and Community Development by W. Cottrell-Dormer,

annotated. 14. Cottrell-Dormer, W. Rice. London: Longmans Green, 1956. 15. As per 13 with note on t.p. "original version with revision changes indicated". 16. Roneoed copy of paper Some thoughts on Mass Education in Eastern Papua, With Special

Reference to Women and Girls, by W. Cottrell-Dormer, Regional Agricultural Officer, Samarai. 17. Roneoed copy of Rural Youth and Australia's Task in Papua and New Guinea by W. Cottrell-

Dormer, an address to Queensland Junior Farmers' Annual Conference, Cairns - April 1965 (annotated).

18. Roneoed copy of The Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service Training For the Area Agricultural Extension Agent in Emerging Countries - Seminar Background Discussion Notes by W. Cottrell-Dormer, Oct. 1973. (Annotated W.C.D. Personal copy).

19. As above - minus annotation (2 copies). 20. Roneoed copy of Agricultural Extension and Community Development by W. Cottrell-Dormer


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21. Qld. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. Division of Pathology Bulletin. No.3 (1932). Sugar-Cane Disease Studies. I) Dwarf Disease of Sugar-Cane by Arthur F. Bell. II) The Cane-Killing Weed by Arthur F. Bell & W. Cottrell-Dormer. III) Red-Stripes Disease of Sugar-Cane in Qld by W. Cottrell-Dormer.

22. Reprint by W. Cottrell-Dormer, The Centrifuge in the Plantation Laboratory from Proceedings of the Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 10th Annual Conference, Ayr - Mar 23 to 29th, 1939.

23. Reprint by W. Cottrell-Dormer, Notes and Observations of the Red Streak Associated with Qld Tap Root Disease from Queensland Agricultural Journal, May 1926. (annotations).

24. Reprint by W. Cottrell-Dormer of Report of the Fiji Disease Situation in Qld. Pt. I and II and Pt. III by E.J. Ferguson Wood from Queensland Agricultural Journal, August 1927.

25. Envelope marked ‘Horne Papers’ includes: i) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from John Horne dated 28.2.75 attached to xerox

copy PIM Jan 1975, p.73 article entitled Fiji Gives a Friendly Hand on Sugar, as well as a typescript note entitled Something To Think About by John R. Horne dated 28.2.75, referring to 2 attached xerox copies The Secular City by Harvey Cor (1967) p.8-25; Post-Courier 20.9.74, We're still short of teachers, but... ; Post-Courier 20.9.74, Their Land Goes... the road comes by Mokonda Rema.

ii) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. Horne from Cottrell-Dormer dated 1.2.75. iii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from J. Horne dated 10.1.75. iv) Handwritten letter to J. Horne from Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.3.74. v) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from J. Horne dated 6.1.74 with attachments :

Hueter, D. The Battle for Abundant Life, Lutheran Mission Wau Conference 1971, On Niuginian Thinking and The Orokaiva Problem - A Simple Explanation, 5th April 1972.

vi) Xeroxed typescript letter to District Rural Development Officer, D.A.S.F. Popondetta from J. Hornes, Research Development Officer dated 8th Jan 1971. Attachments : xerox typescript On Co-Operatives Revisited ; Some Thoughts on Wagawaga by John R. Horne 8.9.73 with attachments Corona Feb. 1951 p.64-66 [Article is incomplete]. Wagawaga - an Experiment in Oceanic Development by Cyril Belshaw ; Corona Vol.13, March 1961 p.104-107. Wagawaga © the end of an experiment by A.M. Healy ; Unidentified xerox of p.105 of ? ; Appendix IV.

vii) Typescript copy of Wagawaga Revisited - I by John R. Horne dated 7.12.74 with attached xerox newsclipping from Post-Courier March 22nd, 1974 p.16 - letter to the editor entitled Why did all the Kabisawali stores close? by Charles Lepani, Port Moresby. Xeroxed newsclipping from S.M.H. 20/7/76 p.5 entitled Russian scholarships for Aborigines. Attachments are xeroxed page 86 Schwimmer, 1969 ; Post-Courier 8.8.74 - letter to the editor entitled Rice Project is not Govt. sponsored by Chris Gardener, Christian Training Centre, Popondetta (xeroxed newsclipping) ; unidentified typescript page. Typescript sheet entitled Nothing Changes... by John R. Horne 23.8.74.

viii) Typescript sheet entitled Northern District Extension by John R. Horne dated 23.8.74. Xeroxed newsclippings, Post-Courier 21.4.72 entitled Monster was the key figure in

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the cargo cult. Xeroxed article from Catalyst Vol.3, No.3, 1973, entitled Crisis of Community Leadership - A Portrait of a Papuan Village by T.K. Moulik.

26. Hilgardia Vol.18 (17) Dec 1948. 27. Queensland. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock. Division of Plant Industry. Bulletin No. 24 : Sept.

1945. 28. Diagram of an Electric Pollinator for Tomatoes includes 7 b/w photos. 29. Incomplete typescript page entitled Memorandum: Dr Summerville from Cottrell-Dormer ;

typescript copy of memorandum of Dr. Summerville entitled Work Programmes (Truck Crops) dated 5.9.45 ; 2 typescript copies entitled Summary and Conclusions relating to Studies in Winter Non-Setting of Fruit in Tomatoes ; handwritten page entitled Extraction of Tomato Seed by the ? Method.

30. Folder marked ‘W.C.D. on Tomatoes’ contains: ix) Letter to A.C. Orman, Principal Agronomist (Vegetables) Dept. Ag. Sydney from W.

Cottrell-Dormer, Regional Ag. Officer, D.A.S.F. dated 27.5.54. x) Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.C. Orman dated 30.4.54. xi) Typescript article entitled Producing Hybrid Tomatoes by E.J. Waring and B. Gottl. xii) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] Bill from Pog [Mr. Poggendorff] dated 14.4.54. xiii) Typescript copy of letter to Dr. C.M. Rick, Dept. of Vegetable Crops, College of Ag.,

Uni. of California from Cottrell-Dormer dated 25.5.54. xiv) Typescript copy of letter to Dr. H.B. Peko, California from Cottrell-Dormer dated

25.5.54. xv) Typescript copy of letter to Pog [Mr. Poggendorff] from [Cottrell-Dormer] dated

27.5.54. xvi) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from C.M. Rick, dated 19.4.54. Attachment of

paper called Tomato Genetics Cooperative dated 26.3.52. xvii) Memo to Dr. W.A.T. Summerville from Cottrell-Dormer dated 6.12.45, attached to

roneoed copy of a report on Investigations into the causes of winter non-setting of fruit in tomatoes.

31. Farmer Training Manual (T.P.N.G.). Produced for Dept. Ag. Stock and Fisheries by Dept. of Information and Extension Services, and South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau in association.

32. The Kuiaro Book - A Story of Agricultural Training by W. Cottrell-Dormer (Pts. I, II, III) Produced by TPNG Dept. Ag. Stock and Fisheries, Pt. Moresby and South Pacific Commission Literature Bureau in association. 1962. (Personal copy of Cottrell-Dormer with inscription to his wife on t.p.)

33. As above, though in 3 separate parts. 34. Newsclipping from Courier-mail 22/5/63 entitled Big Sister Scheme for NG Villages. 35. The Village Committee Book by W. Cottrell-Dormer (Dobuan Language Ed. translated by R.V.

Grant). Papua, Methodist Mission Press.

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36. The Village Committee Book by W. Cottrell-Dormer Vunapopes, Catholic Press. (N.B. Cottrell-Dormer's personal copy with annotations.)

37. The Village Committee Book by W. Cottrell-Dormer (contains special foreword for use in Milne Bay District and Related Areas) Vunapope, Catholic Press [1962] (N.B. Cottrell-Dormer's personal copy with annotations.)

38. The Village Committee Book by W. Cottrell-Dormer (contains a message to the farming people of Eastern Papua) Rabaul, Methodist Mission Press. (N.B. Cottrell-Dormer's personal copy.)

39. Small yellow cardboard card - The Kuiaro Promise. 40. Folder marked ‘Kuiaro Book W.C.D. 24-1-11 Publications’ contains:

i) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from O.I.C. (Charles Birchmeier) Literature Bureau, SPC dated 7/3/63.

ii) Typescript copy letter to Publications Officer, D.A.S.F. Konedobu from Cottrell-Dormer dated 11.2.63.

iii) Typescript copy letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 11.2.63. iv) 2 sheets typescript copy entitled Kuiaro Book Amendment. v) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 30.6.63. vi) Typescript copy of letter to Director, D.A.S.F. Konedobu from Cottrell-Dormer dated

30.1.63. vii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles Acting Director D.A.S.F.

Konedobu, dated 22.1.63. viii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from R.G. Crocombe, N.G. Research Unit, ANU

dated 8.1.63. ix) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 16.11.62. x) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Charles Birchmeier dated 14.11.62. xi) Typescript copy of letter to Acting Director, D.A.S.R. from Cottrell-Dormer dated

12.11.62. xii) Typescript copy of letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 12.11.62. xiii) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pam Prescott dated 2/10/62. xiv) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Doreen Whitty dated 10.10.62. xv) Typescript copy of letter to Director, Literature Bureau, SPC from A.W. Charles dated

25.9.62, handwritten page of corrections to book dated 21.9.62. xvi) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pamela Prescott dated 10.9.62. xvii) Handwritten list of Kuiaro Promise Boys, and a roneoed sheet of Kuiaro Promise Day

ceremony dated 23.10.60. xviii) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from E. Kaioni dated 23.7.62. xix) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Charles Birchmeier dated 31.7.62. xx) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 5.9.62. xxi) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.8.62.

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xxii) Typescript copy of letter to Director, D.A.S.F. from Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.8.62. xxiii) Typescript copy of letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 17.8.62. xxiv) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 8.8.62. xxv) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from C. Birchmeier dated 12.7.62. xxvi) Typescript copy of letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 16.7.62. xxvii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from C. Birchmeier dated 6.6.62. xxviii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from D.W.P. Murty, Principal Chemist, D.A.S.F.

dated 23.5.62. xxix) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from D.W.P. Murty dated 30.5.62. xxx) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. V. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 5.6.62. xxxi) Typescript copy of letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.5.62. xxxii) Typescript copy of letter to C. Birchmeier from Cottrell-Dormer dated 31.5.62. xxxiii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from C. Birchmeier dated 29.5.62. xxxiv) Typescript copy of letter to D.W.P. Murty from Cottrell-Dormer dated 30.5.62,

attached annotated typescript of A Talk on Agricultural Chemistry. xxxv) Typescript copy of letter to Bruce Roberts, Director, Literature Bureau, Sydney from

Cottrell-Dormer dated 28.5.62. xxxvi) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 26.5.62. xxxvii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from J. Hosking for Director, Literature Bureau,

S.P.C. dated 9.5.62. xxxviii) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. W. Thomson, Public service Commissioner,

Konedobu from Cottrell-Dormer dated 1.5.62. xxxix) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from N. Thomson, Commissioner, Office of the

Public Service, Konedobu dated 27.4.62. xl) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 1.5.62. xli) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pamela Prescott dated 18.4.62. xlii) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. B. Roberts from Cottrell-Dormer 1.5.62. xliii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 19.4.62. xliv) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.W. Charles dated 18.4.62. xlv) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. F.C. Henderson, Director D.A.S.F. from Cottrell-

Dormer dated 13.4.62. xlvi) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. F.C. Henderson from Cottrell-Dormer dated 12.4.62. xlvii) Typescript copy of letter to Mr. N. Thomson from Cottrell-Dormer dated 12.4.62. xlviii) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer, undated. xlix) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs. Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 13.3.62. l) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pamela Prescott dated 21.2.62.

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li) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from F.C. Henderson dated 7.2.62. lii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from W. Thomson dated 29.12.61. liii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from F.C. Henderson dated 19.1.62. liv) Typescript copy of letter to Director D.A.S.F. from Cottrell-Dormer dated 25.1.62. lv) Typescript copy of letter to Director D.A.S.F. from Cottrell-Dormer dated 11.1.62. lvi) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from F.C. Henderson dated 3.1.62. lvii) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] from David Clark Funfur (?) dated 22.4.61. lviii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from L.J. Brass Advisory Board, Archibald

Expeditions of America. Museum of Natural History dated 21.9.61. lix) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Charles Schindler (undated) lx) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pamela Prescott dated 11.10.61. lxi) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Jim C (?) dated 23.10.61. lxii) Handwritten copy of letter to Mrs (?) from Cottrell-Dormer dated 2.11.61. lxiii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from W.L. Conroy, Acting, Director, D.A.S.F.

dated 20.10.61. lxiv) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from J.J.H. Szent-Ivany, Senior Entomologist

D.A.S.F. dated 19.10.61. lxv) Itinerary M.V. "Poseidon" D.A.S.F. Patrols. lxvi) 3 sheets green handwritten notes concerning places and agricultural projects in N.G. lxvii) Typescript copy of Memorandum for Chief of Division from Cottrell-Dormer dated

18.10.61. lxviii) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 12.10.61. lxix) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.S.J. Schindler, Senior Agronomist-in-

Charge, Highlands Agricultural Experiment Station, Aiyara dated 3.10.61. lxx) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from E.R. Wilson, District Agricultural Officer,

D.A.S.F. Lae dated 3.10.61. lxxi) Handwritten letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Pamela Prescott dated 1.10.61. lxxii) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 5.10.61. lxxiii) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 2.10.61. lxxiv) Typescript copy of letter to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 28.7.61. lxxv) Handwritten copy of note to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 20.9.61. lxxvi) Handwritten copy of note to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer dated 15.9.61. lxxvii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Bruce Robuts, Director: Literature Bureau,

SPC dated 17.8.61. lxxviii) Publishers subscription blurb for Realites. lxxix) Typescript Letter to Cottrell-Dormer from A.J. Schindler dated 15.8.61.

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lxxx) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from E.R. Wilson dated 15.8.61. lxxxi) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] from A. Luckie (?), Agricultural Training Centre,

Port Moresby dated 30.8.61. lxxxii) Handwritten copy of inter-office memo to Chief of ? ? Services from Cottrell-Dormer

dated 1.9.61. lxxxiii) Handwritten note re Cottrell-Dormer's accrued leave. lxxxiv) Handwritten note re travel arrangements. lxxxv) Handwritten note entitled Eric on duties of Fieldworkers 25.8.61. lxxxvi) Handwritten note 23.8.61 Eric Wilson. lxxxvii) Handwritten note Mrs Prescott 21.8.61. lxxxviii) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer) from ? Busfield (?) D.A.S.F. Popondetta, dated

10.8.61. lxxxix) Handwritten note re Kuiara Book Draft Distribution. xc) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer) from ? D.A.S.F. Lae 9.8.61. xci) Handwritten letter to Bruce from Cottrell-Dormer dated 8.8.61. xcii) Handwritten letter to Milci from Cottrell-Dormer dated 7.8.61. xciii) Handwritten inter-office memo to Chief of Division E. and M. from Cottrell-Dormer

dated 5.8.61. xciv) Typescript copy - Proposed itinerary for W. Cottrell-Dormer to obtain further material

and photographs for training manual "The Kuiaro Book". xcv) Handwritten letter to Mrs Prescott from Cottrell-Dormer (undated). xcvi) Typescript letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] from Bruce Roberts dated 10.7.61 (annotations) xcvii) Typescript copy of letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Director, Literature Bureau [S.P.C.]

(annotations) xcviii) Typescript letter to Cottrell-Dormer from Bruce Roberts 23.6.61. xcix) Typescript memorandum to Chief of the Division [P.A.S.F] from Cottrell-Dormer

6.7.61 (annotations) c) Handwritten Inter-Office memo to Principal Chemist from [Cottrell-Dormer] 26.6.61. ci) Typescript copy of Memorandum for Chief of Division (D.A.S.F.] from Cottrell-Dormer

dated 27.6.61. cii) Typescript copy of Memorandum for Chief of Division [D.A.S.F.] from Cottrell-Dormer

20.5.61. ciii) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] from Barbara Smythe dated 11.6.61. civ) Roneoed Ind draft of Juiaro Book (Coffee) dated 17.9.58, and draft of The New

Ireland Hot Air Drier ("V.A.C." No.7, 1957. Samari D.A.S.F.) (2 copies) cv) Handwritten letter to [Cottrell-Dormer] from Copeland Timothy 1.7.60. cvi) Typescript copy entitled Making a Nursey 6.4.60.

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cvii) Typescript copy of letter to Copeland Timothy from Cottrell-Dormer 20.7.60. 41. Folder marked ‘V.C.B. 1961 Revision’ contains draft of (the Village Committee Book by W.

Cottrell-Dormer) revised Jan 1961. 42. Roneoed copy of some thoughts on Mass Education in Eastern Papua. With special reference

to Women and Girls.

Box 6 Photographs from Papua New Guinea Group photographs were given a general description photographs by either content or style. Each photograph in turn, retains its individual caption. Photographs were grouped into the following genres:

1. Portrait 2. Community Life (CL), which may be further subdivided by aspect of CL involved, including

Education, Transport, Leisure, House and Home 3. Occurence, eg Floods, Exhibits, Royal Visits, Parades 4. Public buildings/Monuments/Gardens/Bridges 5. Workplace/Work Activity

Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

Photographs 1 – 9 are Lake Murray, PNG

/1 CL - House and home 28/05/48 Lake Murray Patrol Post, Western

District 17.5x12.5

/2 Portrait 25/08/48 Patrol Officer Ted Hicks, Lake Murray 17.5x12.5

/3 Portrait May '48 A Lake Murray Man 17.5x12.5

/4 CL - Transport May '48 Some Lake Murray People and Canoe 17.5x12.5

/5 CL - Transport May '48 Visitors Lake Murray including Catalina Crew. 17.5x12.5

/6 CL- Transport May '48 Visitors to Lake Murray including Catalina Crew 17.5x12.5

/7 Portrait May '48 Some Lake Murray Peddlers 17.5x12.5

/8 CL - House and home 28/05/48 Patrol Officer Ted Hicks dining room in

Lake Murray… 17.5x12.5

/9 CL - House and home 28/05/48 Patrol Officer Ted Hicks residence, Lake

Murray. 17.5x12.5

/10 Workplace c1951 Bereina Agric.Station 16.5x11.5

/11 Portrait c1952 Bill Cottrell-Dormer and some of the trainees, Meko. 16.5x11.5

/12 Work activity c1952 Trainees at Ionawaia Ag.Station (Extension) 16.5x11.5

/13 Portrait c1952 Thorala Sorensen (Agronomist) Dept. of Ag. Bereina. 16.5x11.5

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Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

/14 Work activity c1952 Young Coffee and some of the Trainees, Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/15 Work activity c1952 Young Coffee, Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/16 Work activity 1952 Sun drying copra - ceylon cut 16.5x11.5

/17 Work activity 1952 Sun drying copra - ceylon cut 16.5x11.5

/18 Workplace c1952 Plantation Building, Papua Gold Coast 16.5x11.5

/19 Public Building 1952 Dept of Agric Library Konedobu Pt Moresby...At right is office of Cottrell-Dormer when he was Director.


/20 Portrait c1952 Boys Brass Band at Vunapope Catholic Mission 16.5x11.5

/21 Portrait 1950 Gazelle Peninsula 16.5x11.5

/22 CL - House and home Oct '52

Cottrell-Dormer's new house at Inawaia. Mrs Cottrell-Dormer (nee Healey) in foreground


/23 CL - L Oct '52 Inawai - goodies for the feast to mark opening of Bill Cottrell-Dormer's new residence.


/24 CL - L [Oct'52] Rolling up for feast [Inawai] 16.5x11.5

/25 CL - L [Oct'52] Pigs for feast [Inawai] 16.5x11.5

/26 CL - L Oct '52 Pigs for feast at Doma Pangua (Dormer's place) Inawai, Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/27 CL - L Oct '52 Food for the Feast, Inawai Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/28 CL - L [Oct'52] Ready for the Feast [Inawai] 16.5x11.5

/29 CL - L Oct '52 Inawai, Mekeo area setting up the feast at Doma Pangua (Dormer's place) 16.5x11.5

/30 CL - L 10-Oct-52

Some of the dancers and feathers at the opening of Cottrell-Dormer's new residence (Doma Pangua) at Inawaia, Mekeo.


/31 Portrait 1952 Inawaia - village constable at the feast with a cap of his own invention. 16.5X11.5

/32 Portrait 1952 A medicine man from Inawabaia(?) 16.5X11.5

/33 Portrait Oct '52 Mekeo Dancers, Inawaia 16.5X11.5

/34 Portrait May '50 Roro woman with typical tattooing - near Epo, Kanuka Sub-District. 17.5X11.5

/35 Portrait May '50 Roro women (S.Papua) with typical tattoo. 17.5X11.5

/36 Portrait Feb-51 School children of Roro Village, Southern Papua 17.5X11.5

/37 View Feb-51 Stretch of rainforest along St. Josephs River (native name is Anga Bunga). 17.5X11.5

/38 CL - House and home May-48 Patrol post at Gaima, Fly River

abandoned c1951. 17.5X11.5

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Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

/39 CL - House and home May-50

Hanuabada Village from the air during rebuilding LMS Mission House on hill middle background (Rev Uhr).


/40 View May-48 Kikori Headquarters of Gulf Dist. Kikori R 17.5X11.5

/41 CL - House and home Oct-50

Eboa Village Kairuku, sub-district of Papua. Small fish wrapped in Manta leaves, cooking on hot stones.


Photographs 42 – 116 are in Mekeo Rice Project Folder. A roll of negatives is included.

/42 Work activity Mid 1950 Clearing scrub for road from Epo to Mou near the barge landing at Mou, Kairuku, sub-district of Papua.


/43 Work activity Sep-50 Bridge under construction Mou-Epo Road, Kairuku, sub-district of Papua, Oreke Creek.


/44 Work activity Jun-51

Malcolm Wright, Asst Dist Officer, Mekeo, Papua negotiating with owners for purchase of land near Inaweia for extension stn.


/45 Work activity Jun-51

Traditional fighting ground near Inawaia Village, Kairuku, sub-district Papua. People gathered to discuss with ADO Malcolm Wright, sale of portion of land for agric extension post.


/46 View May-50 Epo, Papua (Kairuku Sub-district) Airstrip and trial rice plots. 17.5X12.5

/47 Portrait Jun-51

Leon Bridgeland, Jack Lamrock (Ag.Officer), Bobby Gibbs (DFC pilot) J.K.Murray (Admin of PNG) Mekeo Rice Project


/48 Work activity May-50 Epo-Beipa Road (Cath Mission heifer) Agric Officers Jack Lamrock (left) and Leon Bridgeland.


/49 CL - Education 1950 J.K.Murray (Admin) addressing Mekeo people during visit to Epo. 17.5X12.5

/50 Work activity Feb-51 Hand-operated brick making machine (from Sth.American pattern) used in Mekeo Rice Project.


/51 Work activity Jun-50 Preparing for fire bricks Epo Kairuku, sub-district Papua. 17.5x12.5

/52 Work activity Feb-51 Admin J.K.Murray inspects finished bricks. Left is Leon Bridgeland (Ag Off) Right is Bobby Gibbs DFC Pilot.


/53 Work place Feb-51 Brick factory Epo 16.5x11.5

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Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

/54 Work activity Feb-51

Mekeo Rice Project - packhorse belonging to Catholic Mission. Left Leon Bridgeland (Ag. Officer) Right Jack Lamrock (Ag.Officer).


/55 CL - Education Feb-51 Epo - Admin Col.J.K.Murray talks to village natives and trainees. Jack Lamrock (Ag.Off.) back right.


/56 CL -Trans 1952 Prof.O.K.Spate (ANU) visiting Mekeo Rice Project. 17.5X12.5

/57 Work activity Feb-52 Larry Dwyer (Asst.Dir Dept of Ag.) on way to Mekeo Rice Project. W.Poggendorf (Dept.Ag NSW) at rear.


/58 Work activity Feb-52 W.Poggendorf (rice expert NSW Dept.Ag.) on way to Mekeo Rice Project. 17.5X12.5

/59 Work activity Aug-51 Touring mission barge (designed by Mick Vesper) in Ethel River, Mekeo. Towing boat is Elsie May.


/60 Work activity Jun-51 Prof.Bellfield (Uni Vancouver anthrop) at Eba Village, Kairuku. 17.5X12.5

/61 Work activity Sep-52 Rice breeding plot near Inauweia, Mekeo. 17.5X12.5

/62 Work activity Jun-51 Dwarf rice plants Epo 17.5X12.5

/63 Portrait/Work activity Jun-51 Roro Pitara women in the rice field near

Epo (Mekeo Rice Project). 17.5X12.5

/64 Work activity Jun-51 Mekeo Rice Project - Right John Bell (Station Manager at Epo). Larry Dwyer Asst.Director Agric.


/65 Workplace Jun-51 Lodged dry rice field Mekeo 17.5X12.5

/66 Work activity Jun-51 Bringing the Massey Harvester Epo - Mekeo Rice Project. Arthur Charles (Agron.) in white shirt.


/67 Portrait/View Jun-50 Ricefield, Mekeo 17.5X12.5

/68 Work activity late 1949 Native garden-planting Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/69 Work activity late 1949 Cleaning up the hulled rice Mekeo - An Inauaia girl. 16.5x11.5

/70 Work activity end 1949 Rice hand mill at Inauaia Village 16.5x11.5

/71 Work activity late 1949 Hand hulling - Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/72 Work activity Nov-52 Threshing, Kenaf canes, Iseku Epo area of Mekeo 16.5x11.5

/73 Work activity Nov-52 Threshing Kenaf, some of which is growing in b/ground Iseku, Epo, Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/74 CL - House and home 1952 Oriropitana Village Mekeo 16.5x11.5

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Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

/75 Workplace Jan-52 Beipa Mill shed and some of the produce ready for shipment. 16.5x11.5

/76 CL - House and home 1952 A "futuristic", unusual native house. 16.5x11.5

/77 Workplace Nov-52 Dept of Ag's Equipment shed at Beipa Extension Station, Mekeo area. 16.5x11.5

/78 CL - House and home [195?] Single officers quarters at Konedobu

known as "Belsen No.2" 16.5x11.5

/79 CL - House and home 1952 House built for Baden Wales, project

manager at Epo, Mekeo area. 16.5x11.5

/80 CL - House and home [195?] Beipa in Mekeo area. Agric Officers

house and office 16.5x11.5

/81 Workplace late 1949 Rural Progress Society's rice barn, Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/82 CL - House and home Jun-51 New staff house building 16.5x11.5

/83 CL - House and home Jun-51 New staff quarters going up 16.5x11.5

/84 Workplace Nov-52 Aipeana Village - erecting the Rural Progress Society's barn. 16.5x11.5

/85 Workplace 1952 Beipa, Mekeo: Rural Progress Society's rice mill. 16.5x11.5

/86 Work activity 1952 Aipeana Village, native building methods using local materials. 16.5x11.5

/87 Work activity 1952 Mekeo Building Methods at Aipeana - Rural Progress Society - local materials. 16.5x11.5

/88 Portrait Dec-51 Back view of dancers of Inauai 16.5x11.5

/89 Portrait Dec-51 Inauaia, Mekeo - young men dressed and painted for a dance. 16.5x11.5

/90 Portrait Dec-51 Close-up of Inauaia dancer 16.5x11.5

/91 Portrait [Dec 51] Close-up of Inauaia dancer 16.5x11.5

/92 CL - Transport 1952

Ililaga landing, Mekeo. An Aipeana canoe taking films from Extension Studio for a show in the village. A typical Mekeo canoe.


/93 Work activity Dec-52 Native helpers assisting in search for suitable dam site near Rarai Village, Mekeo.


/94 Portrait 1951 Inauaia girls set for a welcoming dance 16.5x11.5

/95 Portrait 1951

Dancers welcome Cottrell-Dormer and his wife when they arrived at Inauaia to take up appt as District Agric Officer in charge of Mekeo Rice Project


/96 Portrait [195?] Native children of Inauaia, Mekeo 16.5x11.5

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Item Category Date Caption/Subject Size (cm)

/97 Portrait 1951 Inauaia women ready for welcoming dance. 16.5x11.5

/98 Portrait [195?] Mekeo man of importance 16.5x11.5

/99 Portrait 1952 Bonaparte returns to his village after a spell of employment, Inauaia. 16.5x11.5

/100 Workplace 1952 McCarthy, Gleeson, Allan Overstone at rice barn, Ebda Village in Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/101 Work activity [195?] Bohuni Village near Pt Moresby A female ag. officer on extension work with the women.


/102 Portrait [195?] Jack Lamrock (Agric Officer) in his office at Epo Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/103 Portrait [195?] Left Greg Graham and Leon Bridgeland at Jackson's Airport, Port Moresby. 16.5x11.5

/104 CL - Education Dec-52 Ag.Officer, Jack Lamrock chats with some Rarai Village men. 16.5x11.5

/105 Work activity Dec-52 Jack Lamrock, Ag.Officer, Epo 16.5x11.5

/106 Portrait Jan-52 Jack Lamrock with Aisa, an Agric assistant at Beipa rice shed. 16.5x11.5

/107 CL - Leisure 1952 Mrs.Cottrell-Dormer on road between Beipa and Inawouni. 16.5x11.5

/108 Work activity 1952 Native trainees planting rice - Iesubaibua, Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/109 Work activity [1952] Native trainees at Iesubaibua planting rice. 16.5x11.5

/110 CL - Workplace 1952 Mother is working in the garden, Mekeo [2 small children waiting]. 16.5x11.5

/111 Portrait 1952 Children wait while mother works in garden, Mekeo. 16.5x11.5

/112 Work activity 1952 Woman preparing ground for rice planting. 16.5x11.5

/113 CL 1952 Traditional meeting ground for councils, battles and trading of the local people in Mekeo area.


/114 CL 1952 Traditional meeting ground councils, battles etc. 16.5x11.5

/115 Occurrence 1951 Dance of welcome to Mr and Mrs.Cottrell-Dormer. 16.5x11.5

/116 Portrait 1951 Young unmarried Mekeo girls 16.5x11.5

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Photographs 117 – 140 appear to be mostly publicity shots from Australian News and Information Bureau in connection with his Kuiaro Village Project

/117 Work activity [195?]

Agricultural Officer checking bud-grafted rubber with a New Guinean trainee at the Bisianumu Rubber Research Station, near Pt Moresby. Other annotn back


/118 Work activity [195?] Seed coconuts in a nursery nursery plot on Waigani plantation in Milne Bay district of Eastern Papua


/119 Work activity [195?] Trainees at Kuiaro Ag Centre near Samorai, Milne Bay District of Eastern Papua.


/120 Work activity Papuans at Milne Bay village Eastern Papua meeting Senior Agric Officer. 21.5x16.5

/121 Work activity

Papuan women at Robe, Milne Bay area, Eastern Papua weaving fibre mats in traditional Papuan designs.


/122 Work activity

Highland native (Bena Bena) checking the curing of his tobacco. Handwritten note att to front.


/123 Work activity

Pulping coffee berries at Papuan owned grove on Rogeia Isl. near Sanarai, Eastern Papua. Annot. on back.


/124 Work activity Papuan farmer, Rogeia Isl. picking his first coffee crop. 21.5x16.5

/125 Work activity Rogeia Islanders examining fibre mat woven by one of their neighbours. 21.5x16.5

/126 Work activity

Trainees at the Kuiaro Agric Centre, Samarai, selecting Anabica coffee seedlings for transfer from the nursery. Other annot. on back.


/127 Work activity

Village leaders at informal informal meeting Milne Bay District, discussing plans for extension of cash cropping. Other annotation on back.


/128 Work activity

Two mountain women in a taro and wine bean garden in a village in western highlands of New Guinea.


/129 Work activity

Two Milne Bay Papuans and a Council ag.worker inspecting a Papuan-owned coffee grove.


/130 Work activity

Papuan trainees, Kuiaro Ag School, Samarai, planting seedlings in a demonstration plot. Annotations on back.


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/131 Work activity Ripe pods on 7 yr old cocoa tree Waigani plantation in Milne Bay. 21.5x16.5

/132 Work activity Papuan farmer and wife Rogeia Isl. picking first coffee crop. 21.5x16.5

/133 Work activity Mary's hand sorting dried peanuts. Annotation on back. 21.5x16.5

/134 CL - Education

Agric.officer instructing students at the Administration Oriomo Rural School on correct method of pegging land for coco-nut planting. Annotation on back.


/135 Work activity Gardening on village plots 21.5x16.5

/136 Work activity

Cutting pods from cocoa tree on plantation at Keravat. Annotations on back.


/137 Work activity

Milne Bay villagers putting ripe coffee beans into fermenting vats for first stage of processing the crop for market.


/138 Work activity Basket weaving. (Note attached to front.) 20x11.5

/139 Work activity Rubber contour. (Note attached to front.) 20x12.5

Photographs 141 – 153 are in original Developing/Printing Folder

/140 Work activity Use of planting board. (Note attached to front.) 10.5x8.5

/141 to /150

Work activity 10 photos showing natives washing(?) and drying flax(?). 18.5x5.5

/151 Work activity Field of crops. 10.5x8

/152 CL - Transport Raft-type canoe on river 10.5x8

/153 CL - Transport Raft-type canoe on river 10.5x8

Note: Item 53 in Box 5, Geology Assignment QU 1926 to 1927 Folder. This folder contains typescript of Notes on the Geology of South Eastern Qld and of the Rockhampton District. There are 31 original photos, most of which are geological, however there are some which may be of historical interest (numbering of figures is inconsistent):

• Fig. 3 - Taylor Range, looking from Enoggera Dam. Enoggera Creek in foreground.

• Fig. 4 - Looking NW from Summit of One Tree Hill - showing young topography of D'Aguillar Range, Enoggera Dam to the left.

• Fig. 6 - The Stanley River near Mt. Brisbane.

• Fig. 10 - Looking SW from Limestone Hill, Ipswich - shows Denmark Hill, Mt Walker.

• Fig. 11 - Portion of Denmark Hill.

• Fig. 25 - Pine Mountain seen from Denmark Hill.

• Fig. 19 - Sandgate, looking north.

• Fig. 20 - Escarpment approaching shore at Sandgate.

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• Fig. 22 - Mt. Etna, Eastern Slope.

• Fig. 25 - Showing extinction of Plant Life and Denudation of hillsides at Mt Morgan.

• Fig. 29 - Two Glass House Mountain Peaks - Mt. Canowrin in the foreground. Also note: Item 28 in Box 6 - 7 B/W photos to do with Electric Pollinator for Tomatoes

Box 7 35mm slides Envelope 1: slides 1 – 400, Papua Envelope 2: slides 401 – 800, Papua and New Guinea Envelope 3: [unnumbered], Brisbane, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, United States, France Approximately 50 loose slides

Box 8 35mm slides in two containers: Container 2: approximately 280 slides, of Taipo, Boianai, Bukaua, Bermagui, Waroka, Wau, depicting landscapes, indigenous people harvesting rice, flora, fauna, sun-drying installatons and airstrips. Container 3: approximately 120 slides (b&w), depicting shade planting coffee plots, soil sampling, nursery, propagation and seeding house, Iliaga the ‘Sleeping Watchman’, storage platforms, rice hybrids, boats, landscapes and indigenous people.

Box 9 35mm slides in two envelopes: Envelope 1: Pacific Isles No. 4, 159 slides (colour) depicting Norfolk Island landscapes, flora, airstrip, convict headstones, townscapes; Noumea landscapes, Melanesian huts, St Louis Mission, Indian farmer’s home, indigenous farmer’s backyard, Suva. Envelope 2: Mekeo Agricultural Development, 216 slides depicting Kuiaro, indigenous people weaving, farming, Hagita, Samarai, Epo, rice harvesting, visiting dignitaries, flying boats, indigenous agricultural workers, bridge construction, tractor harvesting, banana plants, administration buildings, villiages, Mekeo people, fuel dump, brick making, hand presses, Inawaia rice mill.

FRYER LIBRARY Manuscript Finding Aid

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last updated: 7/08/12 © University of Queensland 25

Box 10 Folder containing

• Correspondence, 1940 to 1948

• Publications

• Biographical material, including curriculum vitae and completed questionnaire for Papua New Guinea Dictionary of Contemporary Biography

• Farewell tributes, poetry, songs and letters from indigenous people in Papua

• Report on interactions with indigenous people in Tonga and Papua

• Personal impressions Box containing rolls of 35mm film negatives