UNO Survey I - Romanesque...Romanesque and Gothic sites in western Europe, including pilgrimage...

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Transcript of UNO Survey I - Romanesque...Romanesque and Gothic sites in western Europe, including pilgrimage...


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by Susie Severson

JAM Docent Training SURVEY OF WESTERN ART HISTORY I Romanesque Art - Terminology

feudalismrelicreliquarypilgrimage sitemartyriaSantiago de Compostelatranseptaltarchoirradiating chapelambulatorybarrel vaulttransverse ribcluster pierengaged half-columns


Romanesque and Gothic sites in western Europe, including pilgrimage sites to Santiago de Compostela

Reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy, Conques

Romanesque, late 10th -11th century.

Gold with gemstones over a wooden core


Sainte-Foy, Conques, Auvergne, France

Romanesque, c. 1050-1120

Plan of Sainte-Foy, Conques

Romanesque, c. 1050-1120


Tribune and nave vaults, Sainte-Foy, Conques

Romanesque, c. 1050-1120


West entrance wall, Conques, c. 1050-1120

West portal with tympanum, Sainte-Foy, Conques

c. 1130


South porch of Saint-Pierre, Moissac

c. 1115-1135

Tympanum of the south porch, Saint-Pierre, Moissac, c. 1115-1135

Saint Paul, trumeau of Sainte-Pierre, Moissac


Cloister pier with a relief of Abbot Durand, Saint-Pierre, Moissac, 1047-1072

Christ in Majesty, from the Stavelot Bible



The Stavelot Triptych, Mosan, c. 1156-1158, gold, cloissoné, enamel


Initial T from the sacramentary of Saint-Saveurde Figeac

11th century

Gislebertus, capital depicting the Flight into Egypt,

Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy France

c. 1130

Gislebertus, Last Judgment, typanum of the west portal, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy, c. 1120-1135


View of the baptistery, cathedral, and campanile, Pisa

Italian Romanesque, 1053-1272

Campanile or “Leaning Tower”, Pisa

Detail of Viking ships from the Bayeux “Tapestry.” MARE is Latin for “sea.”


Detail of a battle scene showing Bishop Odo brandishing a mace from the Bayeux “Tapestry”

c. 1070-1080

Detail of craftsmen from the Bayeux “Tapestry.”


Apse of the chapel of Castel Appiano, Italy

Romanesque mural painting, c. 1200

Mary and Christ with Two Angels, apse of the chapel of Castel Appiano, Italy

Romanesque mural painting, c. 1200

Barluenga, a town near the city of Bierge, in the northern province of Huesca, in the region of Aragon, Spain.