Unlocking the Elusive Potential of Social Networks

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Transcript of Unlocking the Elusive Potential of Social Networks

  • 8/9/2019 Unlocking the Elusive Potential of Social Networks


    There is much hype about social

    networks and their potential impact on

    marketing, so many companies are

    diligently establishing presences on

    Facebook, Twitter, and other plat-

    orms. Yet the true value o social net-

    works remains unclear, and while

    common wisdom suggests that they

    should be tremendous enablers

    and amplifers o word o mouth, ew

    consumer companies have unlocked

    this potential. At Liberty Interac-

    tive, which comprises many specialtye-commerce companies, we wres-

    tle daily with the question o how to

    realize the promise o social networks.

    We do have pages on Facebook and

    active eeds on Twitter, but we

    never thought those steps alone would

    make a big di erence to the per-

    ormance o our companies. More

    recently, we have adopted a new

    mind-set: we think o word o mouth

    generated on social networks as

    a distinct orm o media. This idea is

    more than a semantic detail. When

    you think o word o mouth as media,

    it becomes a orm o content, and

    businesses can apply tried-and-true

    content-management practices

    and metrics to it. In addition, word o

    mouth generated by social networks

    is a orm o marketing that must be

    earnedunlike traditional advertising,

    which can be purchased. We there-

    ore concluded that we could succeed

    only by being genuinely useul to

    the individuals who initiate or sustain

    virtual world-o-mouth conversations.

    So what does it mean to be use-

    ul in a world o virtual conversations

    enabled by social networks?

    Obviously, there are no generic solu-tions, and each company will

    need to invent and discover what

    makes sense or its unique situ-

    ation. We have, however, learned a

    ew lessons that can be encap-

    sulated in two primary insights. First,

    a powerul way or a brand to be

    useul in the virtual world is to coner

    social importance on its users.

    Second, virtual items are critical

    to stimulating social interactions

    that may in turn generate word

    o mouth.

    The power of importance

    An eective way or a brand to be

    useul in the context o social

    networks is to make people who

    originate a word-o-mouth con-

    Michael Zeisser, an

    alumnus o Mckinseys

    New York ofce, is a

    senior vice president at

    Liberty Media.

    Unlocking the elusive

    potential of social networks

    Michael Zeisser

    To realize the marketing potential of virtual activities, you have

    to make them truly useful for consumers.

  • 8/9/2019 Unlocking the Elusive Potential of Social Networks


    2Unlocking the elusive potential of social networks

    versation seem important within

    their own social environment. Recogni-tion by peers is a powerul moti-

    vator, and brands that allow users to

    gain it deliver real perceived value.

    When users publicize that recognition,

    it translates into word o mouth.

    Companies can coner this kind o

    importanceor example, by issu-

    ing achievement badges that users

    can post to their Facebook pro-fles or by deploying leader boards or

    achievement scores o all types.

    As Web sites evolve to become increas-

    ingly dynamic experiences that let

    people interact in real time, the value

    to core users o being recognized

    or their prominence in a community

    will only increase.

    Weve also learned never to under-

    estimate the value consumers place

    on opportunities to brag online

    about their achievements. Thats made

    signifcantly easier through the

    clever integration o a Web site with

    Facebook and Twitter. We see this

    phenomenon dailyor example, on

    the orums o our Bodybuilding

    .com site. When members boast oreaching their target weight or other

    goals with help rom Bodybuilding

    .com workouts, we receive authentic

    and credible word-o-mouth endorse-

    ments at almost no cost. In act,i recent behavioral research is accu-

    rate, these experiences can create

    contagions in which the behavior o

    users is mirrored by their networks

    o riends, ampliying the word-o-

    mouth eect and reecting well on

    the underlying brands.

    The allure of virtual itemsIts our strong intuition that virtual

    items play an important role in acil-

    itating virtual word o mouth. This

    belie, at its core, is based on observ-

    ing user behavior. While the notion

    o virtual goodsnonphysical objects

    used in online communities and

    gamesstill puzzles many executives,

    its quite apparent that consumers

    love them. People acquire or compete

    or virtual items obsessively on

    Foursquare, Zynga, and many other

    sites. It is estimated that virtual

    goods have become a very real $5 bil-

    lion industry worldwide.

    So why do consumers pay real money

    or online objects that dont actu-

    ally exist? Their motives reinorce ournotion that users seek online impor-

    tance: they purchase virtual goods pri-

    marily or sel-expression (such as

    As Web sites evolve to become

    increasingly dynamic experiences thatlet people interact in real time, the

    value to core users of being recognized for

    their prominence in a community

    will only increase.

  • 8/9/2019 Unlocking the Elusive Potential of Social Networks


    3 June 2010

    virtual houses or virtual gi ts) and

    or recognition (such as virtual badgesor becoming, say, the mayor o a

    bar on Foursquare). These behaviors

    are too widespread and intense to

    be ads, and marketers need to recog-

    nize them as meaningul. Brands

    should actively experiment with ways

    to use virtual goods as catalysts

    o word-o-mouth media.

    Virtual giting is becoming an impor-

    tant consumer activity among

    Facebook members. Today, much

    o this activity is ree, but Face-

    book is introducing a virtual-currency

    credit system that will allow sellers

    to get real dollars or their gits and

    other items. In the context o a

    social network, it is not a stretch to

    conceive o virtual gi ts as impor-

    tant objects, especially as their avail-

    ability can be strictly limited. Just

    think about the ervor consumers

    accord collectibles o all kinds,

    rom baseball cards to dolls to coins.

    I virtual items prove similarly desir-

    able, they are likely to be a big deal

    or consumers and marketers, as

    well as a great tool to create useulword-o-mouth media.

    Weve also ound that basic laws o

    consumer behavior still apply: con-

    sumers love a bargain, and compa-

    nies should take ull advantage

    o social networks as powerul notif-

    cation tools. Users can be alerted

    to sales or to the expiration o a pro-

    motion, but companies must be

    mindul that these eeds and tweets

    are designed as catalysts to gen-

    erate virtual word-o-mouth media.

    They are not social-media junk

    mail, but legitimate content objects

    actual pieces o media that wewant the initial recipients to distribute

    to their riends.

    One fnal recommendation: no gim-

    micks. Forget dancing monkeys,

    artifcial contests, or stupid tricks; they

    add no value and waste peoples

    time. A commitment to being useul

    in social-media activities meansa commitment to creating only high-

    quality interactions. Again, regard-

    ing word o mouth as a media prod-

    uct makes it easier to defne what

    quality means or your particular activ-

    ities. There are clearly many ways

    or brands to make themselves useul

    to consumers, so managing virtual

    word o mouth goes well beyond main-

    taining a Facebook page or a Twitter

    account. Exactly how ar remains to

    be seen, and companies should

    apply an experimental mind-set, while

    being careul not to overinvest.

    Word-o-mouth marketing through

    social networks could emerge as an

    important tool in the marketers

    arsenal. That will depend on whethermarketers can tame the unda-

    mentally unpredictable and serendip-

    itous nature o word o mouth with-

    out losing what makes it so valuable in

    the frst placeits authenticity.

    Copyright 2010

    McKinsey & Company.

    All rights reserved.

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